Best and Worst finishers in WWE history

Since this is a WWE thread, I'll stick to WWE:

Best ever: Tombstone Piledriver, for being exciting to watch get setup, devastating, and with a unique pin.

Runners Up: Popular moves like Stunner and Sweet Chin Music.

Even though I am HBK-biased, moves like these are really dependant on execution. The finish to Shawn's match at last year's Mania was weak. It barely connected, as did Shawn's last match with Kane where he supposedly countered the clothesline off the rope, but missed entirely. On the other hand, I STILL remember that match with Shelton where he got him coming down off the springboard and my roomates and I thought Shawn had killed him!

The Stunner's problem was that it was overdone. Every week. You knew anyone that got in the ring... announcer, Vince, wrestler, whatever... was getting it. It stopped being exciting at all and they got weaker and weaker and sloppier and sloppier.

Worst: Batista Bomb and anyone else that uses a powerbomb or DDT that is not Kevin Nash, Undertaker, or Jake Roberts.

The Worm and People's Elbow were bad, but we KNEW they were joke. I did not even try to take them seriously. But simple slams like the Batista Bomb, FU, and the like that we are SUPPOSED to take seriously.... no.
best:rko,speer,f-5,pedigree,tombstone,sharpshooter,and crossface,and diving headbutt.
worst:ddt,brain chop,619(sure it looks cool but its not all that great),and boogeyslam.
Best: Undertaker's Tombstone, Kane Chokeslam and any move that is creative and not a overhyped regular move.
Worst: Mark Henry's slam thing. forgot the name but its to much of a standard move. Also, any other move that is used by most wrestlers and any move that cant really knock you out if used.
Best: the tombstone, the jackhammer, cripler cross face, the sharp shooter and the chokeslam.

worst: whatever the hell umaga's finisher is, and carlito's back cracker thing. it looks like the ran out of cool finshers to give a good wrestler like carlito
Worst: The Big Chop A.K.A The Great Khali's finisher. It's just comes off as cheap and weak imo. I mean even Umaga's thumb does damage. It's not a thumb to the skull but to the throat which can cut off your air. I know his hands are huge but it still doesn't come off as strong enough to keep you down for 3 secounds. Maybe if it made a sound effect and opened his opponents up a bit would sell better. I mean even a chop to the throat would be better. It could cut off air better than the thumb.

Best: Pedigree, it can be used on things like thumb tacks, on top of a hell in a cell, on top of a table and etc. It picks you up and slams your face into the mat with all your muscle pouncing your face. IMO, it sells as a big move and can bust a person open just by hitting mat though that never happened. It puts you in the air and depending on the force is how hard you go in the air and how hard your face will hit the mat making it up to you to make an impact.
Best: pedigree, razor's edge, diesel's powerbomb, tombstone, sharpshooter, dean melenko's finisher, crippler cross face, the lion's dem, the backcracker( just like hearing JR say it haha), Juventude guerra's splash, jackhammer by goldberg,the diamond cutter, stunner, Hugh morris's moon sault just because he was over 300 lbs.

Worst: Ultimate warrior's gorilla press, hogan's leg drop, any move by xpac, yokozuna's sit down session (always looked like he was takin a crap), the master lock, the figure 4, the mandible claw

You obviously never wrestle. I put a guy in the hospital with a figure four leg lock.. and I didn't even apply pressure...But maybe I did it wrong... How dare you say that the Figure Four is a bad move when it was the first submission, basically, to be put into the limelight? Use your brain.

Best Finisher:
Edge's Spear when He DDT's himself

Worst Finisher:
Chavo's "Frog Splash".. Honestly. Come on now.
Well since ECW is now own by Vinnie-Mac guess they count

Best: Tommy Dreamer's old "Dreamer Driver"
Nova's "Kryptonite Crunch"
Bam Bam's "Greetings from Asbury Park" (R.I.P. Big Man)

Worst: Anything done by Cena and Great Khali (whats so Great about him).
the best finishers are the Chokeslam, the pumphandle tombstone philedriver, the diamond cutter, corkscrew 630 senton, Dragon star Splash, the ankle lock, the crippler crossface, and the judo hold jigoku jime (the hell strangle) even though i've yet to see it in Pro Wrestling.
Yawn at these finishers. Vertebraker, and Death Valley Driver. Not seen in WWE, or ECW, as I guess these moves are too hardcore for them...

In WWE I guess I go with Tombstone, 3-D, and Rolling Thunder. Look cool and few people get up from these moves. Quote :raven: nevermore.
best: Kennedys old move, lionsault, old school pedigree, canadien destroyer, figure 4, crossface, doomsday device

worst: hogans leg drop, mandible claw, scissors kick (it takes too long to develope) the worm, samoan spike, 619, and that lame head chop khali does
sweet chin music,pedigree,tombstone,last ride,f-5,jackhammer,5 star frog splash,and the widows peak are the best

samoan spike,619,the worm,fu, and the sex drive are the worst
I cant read this whole thread to see if its been posted, but the wost EVER was the Bastion Booger uhh.. fall down on the guy with his fat.. rear.
The best of all time has to be Kidman's Shooting Star Press.
The worst of all time has to be Lesnar's Shooting Star Press lol. Umaga's thumb to throat.
The worst of all time has to be Hogan's leg drop and The People's Elbow (love the Rock, but c'mon). The Samoan Spike is also seriously lame.
Yawn at these finishers. Vertebraker, and Death Valley Driver. Not seen in WWE, or ECW, as I guess these moves are too hardcore for them...

In WWE I guess I go with Tombstone, 3-D, and Rolling Thunder. Look cool and few people get up from these moves. Quote :raven: nevermore.

Dude the FU is basically a death valley driver, and Bob Holly does the vertebreaker all the time.

I like Duece and Dominos' boot to the face. The sound it makes really makes it sound vicious. Old school I'd have to say the Razors Edge was always my all time favourite.
The samoan spike is really bad because its so unreal, if you got hit with a thumb in your neck it would either a) not do anything b) kill you
Best: Tombstone Piledriver, The Pedigree, Crippler Crossface, Five-Star Frog Splash and the RKO because you never see it coming.

Worst: The Samoan Spike, jobbing to a thumb? Hogan's Leg Drop, how is it that no one can kick out? and The People's Elbow, same thing as with the Leg Drop... Not really the most credible of finishers.

And Lesnar's SSP wasn't bad.. Just the one he botched.
best- the rock bottom, pedigree, stone cold stunner, tombstone, last ride, jacknife powerbomb

worst- the back cracker, samoan spike, hogan legdrop, clothesline from hell
Best Sweet chin music, I haven't seen this one (Jake the Snakes DDT), LOD clothesline, Razor Ramone(Scott Hall) Razors edge

Worst by far Hogans Leg Drop, FU

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