Am I A Blind Fan?

Am I?

  • No. You always back up your opinions and accept yours and TNA's mistakes

  • Yes. You are so blind that you'd lose to Ray Charles and Mr. Magoo in a reading contest.

  • Tu madre es la ciega.

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It also loses it's punch when you realize he misspelled Bryan Danielson's name. So, clearly, he's given Danielson a fair shot obviously. :rolleyes:

Danielson has more personality and charisma than half of today's working wrestlers in any promotion in any country on the planet. So it's extra laughable. He connects with more wrestling fans on a weekly basis than TNA does in months of Impact tapings.

Excuse me, sorry, just noticed Rey Mysterio is included in his sig as well. I don't even need to explain how fucking moronic that accusation is, do I?

Maybe you ought to re-read the definition there, guy, that way you really get a grasp of what you're trying to criticize again.

1. Danielson has no personality. The fact that fans connect with him does not mean he has one. Bret Hart had no personality either, and fans loved him, too. Connecting with the fans is not a prerequisite for having nor is it a defining aspect of owning a personality. They are mutually exclusive in this case.

2. Mysterio is a generic midget behind a mask. The mask is the only thing "personable" about him, and the only identifying feature about him. Without it he's lost in a sea of midgets just like him who are also capable of jumping really high and not being capable of conveying believable emotion on a microphone.
Try Gunner, Murphy, Magnus, Rob Terry, Matt Morgan. To name just a few others.

From personal experience, I find them just as bad as anybody on your list.

EDIT: Cole Miner beat me to it.
Try Gunner, Murphy, Magnus, Rob Terry, Matt Morgan. To name just a few others.

From personal experience, I find them just as bad as anybody on your list.

False and false.

At least both men can actually convey believable emotion and have identifying features that can't be removed in the dressing room after the match with a simple tug at the cloth.

Gunner & Murphy certainly belong there, but I only have so much room. Besides, I've got a image to uphold here. What do you think this is, objectivity?! Get the fuck outta here... :rofl:
False and false.

At least both men can actually convey believable emotion and have identifying features that can't be removed in the dressing room after the match with a simple tug at the cloth.

Gunner & Murphy certainly belong there, but I only have so much room. Besides, I've got a image to uphold here. What do you think this is, objectivity?! Get the fuck outta here... :rofl:

The blindest TNA mark has spoken.
Try Gunner, Murphy, Magnus, Rob Terry, Matt Morgan. To name just a few others.

From personal experience, I find them just as bad as anybody on your list.

EDIT: Cole Miner beat me to it.

Wait, I'm not finished, there's more


Because everyone fucking raves about them, but I just don't see it, I really don't. They may have been good as the Young Bucks in ROH, but they've done nothing to show any sort of personality in TNA.


I have more if you'd like. I'm barely finished
Disagree and disagree.

Kazarian has improved light years since the day that photo was taken, and the Bucks have done an admirable job in their short heel run. The only thing truly generic about them is those fuckin' white Jordans they wear in the ring instead of wrestling boots.
False and false.

At least both men can actually convey believable emotion and have identifying features that can't be removed in the dressing room after the match with a simple tug at the cloth.

Gunner & Murphy certainly belong there, but I only have so much room. Besides, I've got a image to uphold here. What do you think this is, objectivity?! Get the fuck outta here... :rofl:

I've never found anything about Magnus entertaining in the least. His personality must be an acquired taste then.

Morgan on the other hand... well he just yells. Yelling isn't an indicator of personality. To me at least.
Disagree and disagree.

Kazarian has improved light years since the day that photo was taken, and the Bucks have done an admirable job in their short heel run. The only thing truly generic about them is those fuckin' white Jordans they wear in the ring instead of wrestling boots.

Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy have less personality than Kofi. Anderson used to be decent, now he just flat out sucks.
Yes, four TNA wrestlers and fourteen WWE. Who in TNA did I miss?

Do you really want to open this can of worms? Rob Terry. Gunner. Murphy. Matt Hardy. Matt Morgan. Brother Devon (who is inexplicably still getting TV time).

Not only do these guys have no personality, they are also appearing on iMPACT! regularly. Around half of the guys from WWE in that sig, do not appear on Raw or SmackDown on a regular basis.

EDIT: It would appear that others have already pointed these to you. Shame.

Maybe I should change it to define subjective as well, eh?

That won't be necessary, as it would probably be similarly inaccurate.
Disagree and disagree.

Kazarian has improved light years since the day that photo was taken, and the Bucks have done an admirable job in their short heel run. The only thing truly generic about them is those fuckin' white Jordans they wear in the ring instead of wrestling boots.

If we're gonna include John Morrrison, which don't get me wrong, we agree on that, then GenMe pretty much stays in the same boat. Nice moves, can't cut interviews to save their lives.

Kazarian, eh, everytime I see him in the ring, I can't help but think he is the Arn Anderson to AJ's Ric Flair. And as Eric Bischoff once said, you could roll Arn Anderson in shit, and he wouldn't attract flies. So yeah, not exactly a shining review for Kazarian
I swear, you can find anything on Google.*****-even-I-can-see-it-TNA-sucks.jpg?imageSize=Medium&generatorName=Stevie-Wonder
Maybe you ought to re-read the definition there, guy, that way you really get a grasp of what you're trying to criticize again.

Apparently you need to re-read the definition, what with you actually fucking highlighting the definition of personality being that one's character impresses others. Well, Danielson's character most certainly impresses, entertains, and engages others. He wouldn't be in the position he is if he didn't.

1. Danielson has no personality. The fact that fans connect with him does not mean he has one. Bret Hart had no personality either, and fans loved him, too. Connecting with the fans is not a prerequisite for having nor is it a defining aspect of owning a personality. They are mutually exclusive in this case.

Not according to the very definition in your fucking signature. Impressing and engaging other people with your personality = connecting with the fans. Danielson connects with the fans. They cheer for him. They buy his DVDs, ask for his autograph, and sell out indy shows across the country every time he wrestles. It's not like they can't see thirty seven other indy wrestlers who are just as hard-hitting and exciting in the ring either, so clearly something about Danielson as a person draws them in.

You really shouldn't argue this shit if your own signature completely contradicts your argument.

2. Mysterio is a generic midget behind a mask. The mask is the only thing "personable" about him, and the only identifying feature about him. Without it he's lost in a sea of midgets just like him who are also capable of jumping really high and not being capable of conveying believable emotion on a microphone.

By far, the stupidest fucking thing I've read on here in a very long time. Mysterio, with or without the mask, has connected to fans worldwide for nearly 20 years. In WCW there were FIVE BILLION other masked luchadors, but Rey was by FAR the most popular of them. And you want to know why? His character and spirit, his never-say-die attitude, and his respect for the fans and the business. When all the other luchadors joined Guerrero in the LWO, Rey was the only one to fight back, and the crowd egged him on every step of the way to destroy Eddie and his band of "generic midgets" as you call them. Clearly Mysterio's character connected with those fans and appealed to them. That same character has made him one of the most popular wrestlers in the WWE and in the entire HISTORY OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. So, according to YOUR definition, millions of other people find his character and personality appealing and engaging, so your argument has no legs to stand on, whatsoever.

Your shit is weak man. I've heard these tired arguments from pseudo-smarks on this board for years now, what's next, you going to a real ground-breaker and criticize John Cena next?
I've never found anything about Magnus entertaining in the least. His personality must be an acquired taste then.

Morgan on the other hand... well he just yells. Yelling isn't an indicator of personality. To me at least.

Disagree. I think Morgan has a fantastic personality as was best seen during his "We" Tag Team run just after he killed Hernandez.

Jeff Hardy and Matt Hardy have less personality than Kofi. Anderson used to be decent, now he just flat out sucks.

You need to understand the difference between having a personality and liking a gimmick, dude.

Ohhh, Magnus definitely doesn't belong on this list. I don't care for Matt Morgan, as a personality, but he has one. However, the security guards and Rob Terry are as stiff and boring as they come.

Oh, I agree. The list could go on for miles if I wanted it to. Problem is, it'd be much deeper on the WWE side simply because WWE's roster is that much larger. IMO TNA's roster is actually chock full of personality with a handful or so who lack it.

Not liking a guy ≠ him having a personality or not.
IDR I have a question. Anderson sucks now. Do you think TNA can fix it? I mean he was the hottest star 6 months ago and he wasn't boring and suckish.
Jeff and Matt Hardy are absolutely awful when it comes to public speaking, and I hate both of them. But Kofi hasn't shown enough personality to love or hate the guy.

Agreed. It's not his fault because when he has been given time, he has shone.
Apparently you need to re-read the definition, what with you actually fucking highlighting the definition of personality being that one's character impresses others. Well, Danielson's character most certainly impresses, entertains, and engages others. He wouldn't be in the position he is if he didn't.

Not according to the very definition in your fucking signature. Impressing and engaging other people with your personality = connecting with the fans. Danielson connects with the fans. They cheer for him. They buy his DVDs, ask for his autograph, and sell out indy shows across the country every time he wrestles. It's not like they can't see thirty seven other indy wrestlers who are just as hard-hitting and exciting in the ring either, so clearly something about Danielson as a person draws them in.

You really shouldn't argue this shit if your own signature completely contradicts your argument.

By far, the stupidest fucking thing I've read on here in a very long time. Mysterio, with or without the mask, has connected to fans worldwide for nearly 20 years. In WCW there were FIVE BILLION other masked luchadors, but Rey was by FAR the most popular of them. And you want to know why? His character and spirit, his never-say-die attitude, and his respect for the fans and the business. When all the other luchadors joined Guerrero in the LWO, Rey was the only one to fight back, and the crowd egged him on every step of the way to destroy Eddie and his band of "generic midgets" as you call them. Clearly Mysterio's character connected with those fans and appealed to them. That same character has made him one of the most popular wrestlers in the WWE and in the entire HISTORY OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. So, according to YOUR definition, millions of other people find his character and personality appealing and engaging, so your argument has no legs to stand on, whatsoever.

Your shit is weak man. I've heard these tired arguments from pseudo-smarks on this board for years now, what's next, you going to a real ground-breaker and criticize John Cena next?

According to IDR, if other luchadors had that gimmick they'd be as popular as Rey.
Apparently you need to re-read the definition, what with you actually fucking highlighting the definition of personality being that one's character impresses others. Well, Danielson's character most certainly impresses, entertains, and engages others. He wouldn't be in the position he is if he didn't.

Ah, righto — because no one has ever been pushed despite not actually deserving it. I forgot... :D

By far, the stupidest fucking thing I've read on here in a very long time. Mysterio, with or without the mask, has connected to fans worldwide for nearly 20 years. In WCW there were FIVE BILLION other masked luchadors, but Rey was by FAR the most popular of them. And you want to know why? His character and spirit, his never-say-die attitude, and his respect for the fans and the business. When all the other luchadors joined Guerrero in the LWO, Rey was the only one to fight back, and the crowd egged him on every step of the way to destroy Eddie and his band of "generic midgets" as you call them. Clearly Mysterio's character connected with those fans and appealed to them. That same character has made him one of the most popular wrestlers in the WWE and in the entire HISTORY OF PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. So, according to YOUR definition, millions of other people find his character and personality appealing and engaging, so your argument has no legs to stand on, whatsoever.

See above.

Millions of people find his character entertaining. His character ≠ his personality, of which he does not have.

Your shit is weak man. I've heard these tired arguments from pseudo-smarks on this board for years now, what's next, you going to a real ground-breaker and criticize John Cena next?

You're the easiest user on this forum to troll, you know that?

Watch this: I just joined a gym last week. It's called ROH. They have these weekly meetings every Sunday where some guy even tapes it! :lmao:

Obligatory xfear comes running to the aid of indie wrestlers in 3...2...1...
IDR I have a question. Anderson sucks now. Do you think TNA can fix it? I mean he was the hottest star 6 months ago and he wasn't boring and suckish.

Can't answer this question, because it's based on the principle that he sucks which is not a universal truth, but rather your opinion on the matter that I do not share, hence there is no "fixing" what isn't broken.
Not gonna lie, I have to lol at anyone that says Matt and Jeff have no personality. They may be shitty people, but that is a personality. That, and I love me some D-Von

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