Am I A Blind Fan?

Am I?

  • No. You always back up your opinions and accept yours and TNA's mistakes

  • Yes. You are so blind that you'd lose to Ray Charles and Mr. Magoo in a reading contest.

  • Tu madre es la ciega.

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I remember the days when a poll like this would invariably have contained "For da Rock" as an option.
B) By most reports he showed up late and disappeared and then shit really hit the fan pretty close to the match. They probably had to make a quick decision without all the information. They probably guessed incorrectly that he was not really that bad off. They already have suffered the consequences for that decision which they did rectify at the expense of their main event as soon as they realized it. Now please explain how something extremely abnormal relates to their usual product and plans.
There was virtually NO excuse for Jeff Hardy appearing on screen during the Pay Per View telecast.

1. He was late, they should have started formulating a plan for his possible no-show.
2. When he finally appeared, they should have kept tabs on all their performers. There's NO reason for a company to not be able to find it's main event performer until 5 minutes before his match. Hell, how were he and Sting supposed to put a match together? At that point a backup plan should have been formulated
3. When they finally find him, and he's CLEARLY in no shape to compete, they should have at least scrambled to do something so as to end the show properly. Or hell, end the show early and explain to the fans why. You're better off ending early then potentially causing serious injury to someone (what if Jeff hurt Sting during the match, or if Jeff didn't fall properly once and broke his neck?).

It's not like it's too hard to change the card last minute. I recall a few years ago Nash was scheduled to wrestle in the Main Event but had to back out the day of due to an illness (I believe he had a heart issue or something). They then changed the card, had a Battle Royal to determine a #1 contender that night. Not too hard to do that. When Hardy is late, tell the people "new plan, get ready for a Battle Royal to open the show, so and so is winning it and facing Sting tonight." There ya go, 10 seconds to tell the roster, potentially get more people on the card, and you don't face the public ridicule from allowing an unfit to perform person to perform.

And I hate when I make a post like I did earlier and it doesn't get replied to. I answered your earlier question Gelgarin. Post #60.
Yeah; your answer didn't actually address the question and mostly revolved around them needing to be out of the Impact zone. How that is indicative of growth I am unsure of. Touring outside Orlando is a nice idea but one that doesn't hold up to objective analysis. I've written at length on the subject before and had little desire to do so again.

Getting out of the Impact Zone full time would be a be a pretty dumb thing for TNA to do. To give you the cliff-notes as to why, it would cost them a huge amount of money and totally conflict with their business model.
Apparently Jeff was passed out in the corner of a bathroom. I'm more interested in what the first thing he said when awakened than if he was on something.

"..Who the... Matt, stop putting fackin toilets in my durssin room... S'not funny."
Yeah; your answer didn't actually address the question and mostly revolved around them needing to be out of the Impact zone. How that is indicative of growth I am unsure of. Touring outside Orlando is a nice idea but one that doesn't hold up to objective analysis. I've written at length on the subject before and had little desire to do so again.
How is performing in front of 1000 people in 1 location every week to performing in front of MUCH larger crowds in a MUCH larger facility growth? I don't know, maybe because they company would GROW from performing in a shitty little iMPACT Zone (great for them at one point, but terrible for them now, and a burden on their product) to performing in larger venues. I didn't think physical growth would be that hard of a concept to grasp.

Getting out of the Impact Zone full time would be a be a pretty dumb thing for TNA to do. To give you the cliff-notes as to why, it would cost them a huge amount of money and totally conflict with their business model.
What I was getting at was that right now they perform in front of very small crowds in 1 location. For a "National" company like TNA likes to think they are, they sure do a shit job of actually BEING a national company. National companies actually tour the nation. TNA doesn't. They stay in the iMPACT Zone and make some live event runs. There's an old saying that goes Image is everything. TNA's image (which it gets via the TV program) is that of a small-time promotion that performs in 1 small venue. What better way to change that then to actually perform in larger VENUES. Like I said, they did that recently, by running 2 TV tapings in North Carolina. I do not know the attendance numbers, but I would be willing to bet money that they at least tripled their attendance that they would get at the iMPACT Zone, and for the first time, they actually looked physically like a group that was closer to a certain other company up North.

And it would conflict with their business model? Then their business model sure as hell isn't to grow as a company, even though that's I'm almost certain that's what they say it is. If they want to grow, they need to physically grow and perform in front of much larger crowds in different locales, that's how you grow. They have outgrown the iMPACT Zone, and to think they haven't is just wrong. They have the single greatest name in the history of professional wrestling working for them, and they are still stuck in that shithole, a year and a half after he signed with them.
How is performing in front of 1000 people in 1 location every week to performing in front of MUCH larger crowds in a MUCH larger facility growth?

Because TNA is a television show and not the Royal Shakespeare Company?

Oh, and they do tour, they just don't film their television on tour because it's a fucking stupid thing for them to do.

National companies actually tour the nation. TNA doesn't. They stay in the iMPACT Zone and make some live event runs.

Just like almost every other show on television. Over two million people watch the show every week. Why does it actually matter where they film it? The WWE tour because it makes financial sense for them to tour. TNA do not tour because it makes no financial sense for them to tour and would in fact undermine their business strategy.

And it would conflict with their business model? Then their business model sure as hell isn't to grow as a company, even though that's I'm almost certain that's what they say it is.

And yet TNA is consistently growing during a period when the audience watching professional wrestling in general is consistently shrinking.
I still don't understand this Gelgarin. Do you have access to things we don't? If not, are you just assuming that TNA is growing are do you know?
Because TNA is a television show and not the Royal Shakespeare Company?

Oh, and they do tour, they just don't film their television on tour because it's a fucking stupid thing for them to do.
So it's stupid to show the millions of potential TV viewers that their product has grown since 6 years ago?

Just like almost every other show on television. Over two million people watch the show every week. Why does it actually matter where they film it? The WWE tour because it makes financial sense for them to tour. TNA do not tour because it makes no financial sense for them to tour and would in fact undermine their business strategy.
TNA tries to make us think that they are on par, or close to WWE. WWE tours GLOBALLY. TNA tours nowhere. How does it make sense for TNA NOT to actually show us that they have grown since 6 years ago, when having Hulk Hogan associated with them was nothing more then a Pipe Dream.

And yet TNA is consistently growing during a period when the audience watching professional wrestling in general is consistently shrinking.
sadly, you still don't grasp the concept of growth.

go there. TNA hasn't done anything to GROW. They've stayed where they've been for years, except now they have the name recognition (and performers) that can actually help you sell out buildings 3 or 4 times the size of the shitty dive they're in now.

At the very worst, TNA should NEVER hold a PPV at the Shitty iMPACT Zone. Victory Road had no right being held in that hell-hole. The occasional iMPACT, whatever, but PPVs, no, it's too small for them. They've stunted their growth long enough. They need to GROW up and get the fuck out of there, so they can show potential TV viewers that they aren't such a 2nd rate company.
I have access to nothing you don't have access to. Growth is not hard to demonstrate. They pulled their highest Thursday Night rating recently.

If you break down the ratings figures since TNA's beginning and discount the disastrous move to Monday nights they have trended consistently up. Slower than people on the internet think they should have trended up, but in my mind trending up at all when every other wrestling show on television is trending down is an indication that you're doing something right.

We know from interviews that TNA didn't used to make money, and that over the past few years it is now turning a profit. That is another indication of growth as a business. Attendance figures from live events are consistently being reported as significantly higher than they were a couple of years ago. Progress. More big name stars are calling TNA home than ever before, you can like that or not but it's another indication of progress.
They were able to float additional television broadcasts, they weren't successful, but they fact that they have the credibility to even get something on to air is a strong indication of how the company has moved from where they were a few years back.
So it's stupid to show the millions of potential TV viewers that their product has grown since 6 years ago?

People outside of the internet could give a flying fuck.

Now it's quite evident that you simply don't get the issue. You think TNA should tour and no amount of evidence about how it will cost them money, lose them talent and provide no tangible benefit is going to sway you from that belief. This is exactly why I elected to ignore your post the first time round.
Gelgarin, you do realize that viewer count is a better gauge than ratings for growth, right? Everyone always jizzes about ratings when it could mean less people were watching other shit and went out
Nah, just for future reference. I'm almost positive ratings is decided by number of people watching the show / number of households watching TV at the time / Breasts
I'd still say that gives a fair view of TNA's progress. If the entire television viewing population trends downwards then it likely has nothing to do with TNA. Not to mention that I have a decades worth a ratings information at my fingertips and almost no access to viewing numbers, so I'll stick with ratings. An interesting distinction though.
So no one talked to him before the show, during the show, or 5 minutes before he went through the curtain? That's rather stupid also then.
It was reported that they saw him arrive in casual fashion, but as the show went on, there was no sign of him and eventually found him on a bathroom corner. By then it was too late and the main event happened.

Damn, the Impact Zone must be pretty big.
Nah, just for future reference. I'm almost positive ratings is decided by number of people watching the show / number of households watching TV at the time / Breasts
Not enough women watch wrestling.
New sig for a couple of you guys so I don't have to keep reminding you why I don't watch WWE's programming anymore, or why I like TNA's:

New sig for a couple of you guys so I don't have to keep reminding you why I don't watch WWE's programming anymore, or why I like TNA's

Your list is spot on, minus Jay Lethal. You think he has no personality? I think there's a big difference between not having a personality, and not being given the opportunity to show it.
What a nicely done sig. Shame it's woefully inaccurate and full of bias.

It also loses it's punch when you realize he misspelled Bryan Danielson's name. So, clearly, he's given Danielson a fair shot obviously. :rolleyes:

Danielson has more personality and charisma than half of today's working wrestlers in any promotion in any country on the planet. So it's extra laughable. He connects with more wrestling fans on a weekly basis than TNA does in months of Impact tapings.

Excuse me, sorry, just noticed Rey Mysterio is included in his sig as well. I don't even need to explain how fucking moronic that accusation is, do I?
Right. Because Amazing Red, HERNANDEZ AND Jay Lethal are WWE guys.

That's not the point. The point is that he lists four TNA wrestlers, but fourteen WWE wrestlers. That's weird considering some of the personality (or lack thereof) in TNA.

Not only that, but putting in Bryan Danielson, Kofi Kingston (has shown personality when given the chance), Skip Sheffield (not seen enough of him to make a valid judgement) and Rey Mysterio is just inaccurate.
Your list is spot on, minus Jay Lethal. You think he has no personality? I think there's a big difference between not having a personality, and not being given the opportunity to show it.

Hate the guy. Impersonating others, he's got one. As himself? I've yet to see it, and I've been watching TNA for years.

That's not the point. The point is that he lists four TNA wrestlers, but fourteen WWE wrestlers. That's weird considering some of the personality (or lack thereof) in TNA.

Not only that, but putting in Bryan Danielson, Kofi Kingston (has shown personality when given the chance), Skip Sheffield (not seen enough of him to make a valid judgement) and Rey Mysterio is just inaccurate.

Yes, four TNA wrestlers and fourteen WWE. Who in TNA did I miss?

Maybe I should change it to define subjective as well, eh?
Yes, four TNA wrestlers and fourteen WWE. Who in TNA did I miss?



Seriously, if you looked up the antonym for personality, you would find these men's pictures underneath. If we're going to include Skip Sheffield, we might as well include these names.

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