Angle Arrested

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Angles a hot mess. All the rumors and what not you hear about him, really makes you worry about the guy. He can wrestle like no other, but he seems to be pretty messed up personally.

Khan will most likely be the one who get's fired. Obviously Angle is the face of the company and they won't release him over some jobber female. But even though I like Angle, he shouldn't get to skate by. Oh well, at least TNA is getting some mainstream attention(the story was featured on TMZ & other media blogs).

But really I think TNA needs to get Angle help. They shouldn't just ignore it, just because Angle is the top player in the company. I mean a life should be worth more than ratings(should be). I think TNA could survive a couple of months without Angle, so he can get some help. Who know's it might freshen up Impact.

But in the end, this whole situation makes me look forward to Hardjustice even more. I'm curious to know if Angle will be involved, or if not, what will TNA do to replace him. It also put's the TNA title up in the air, and it makes someone like Morgan, a good canidate at finally winning the belt. Will AJ get Angles spot? Another mafia member maybe? I think the interest in the PPV has went up alot now.
The way I see things, I've never been a Kurt Angle fan, nor a hater. he was just another wrestler. And with the way things have been going for him lately, plus with this arrest and his DUI a little while ago, I think it might be a good time for TNA to find a new face for their company, and brush this guy off to the side, at least the upper midcard. But get the title off of him, or he'll only make the company look worse.

When your the World Champion and you miss a PPV main event because your a stalker, you deserve a punishment, and I hope he gets it, and I would say the same for anyone in this situation.
Man Kurt Angle really is a dopefiend! I guess outside of wrestling, this is his way of "Crying for help"? Kurt Angle is a good man. But human, and for damn sure not perfect.

We all make mistakes in life. So after this whole thing is in the clear behind Kurt. Angle will works towards a better life, and hopefully a home back with the WWE.
I hope the judge orders him to go to rehab because he really needs to get clean. I don't want to see him be another pro wrestling death statistic. I'm tired of hearing the news on it. Maybe it will help Kurt wise up.
In my opinion, Kurt Angle needs to be suspended indefinitely or perhaps released from his contract immediately. The man needs serious help and I really don't think that's a secret. He can only do more damage to himself and to the TNA name if he stays on the active roster right now.

In terms of TNA business, I don't think releasing him would hurt them at all. He has done nothing for the ratings, and is not enough of a draw anymore to carry that company.

I was a HUGE Kurt Angle fan until I found out what type of human being he has become when he was released from WWE. I really don't think that's who he truly is, I believe whole-heartedly that the drugs he's taking are what's making him that way. To go from decorated Olympic athlete to drugged-up stalker is just a sad statement.

I am really hoping that he can turn it around and "right the ship", so to speak.
I'll admit that I don't know much about HGH. But the arrest reports have stated he had Hygetropin. Do a google search on it and you will see it is not approved for import or sale in the United States. I can't find any sites that suggest you can get a prescription for Hygetropin. I know you can get some types of HGH with a prescription, but I have found no proof you can get a scrip for Hygetropin.

Well unlike other "HGH" drugs out there, there is no conversion necessary in Hygetropin. It is the exact amino acid as naturally found in your body.

The thing about HGH is it doesn't do anything unless you get a high enough dose. Even with a very high dosage, it's by no means a substitute for test. Results are very modest. Any supplement junkie will tell you, you'll get better results with Havok or Spawn (which are both 100% legal until next year) than you will get with HGH.

But still, it is not legal to possess HGH without a prescription. The government will not allow this stuff imported to the country and thanks to the whole doping scare in sports it probably never will be allowed in.

I'm sure this whole incident is going to be blamed on the drugs Angle was allegedly taking. Never mind the fact he's probably just a lunatic that never learned to control himself.
Why the hell is everyone saying this arrest is a BAD thing? If anything its a GREAT thing.

Guess what! Now Angle's problems are VERY VERY public. Now TNA HAS..I repeat HAS to take action. If they don't. Then I wouldn't doubt if every TNA woman has been repeatedly raped backstage. And NO I'm not being sarcastic. If Angle gets away with this who knows what REALLY goes on behind the scenes of TNA.

This arrest will do for Angle what it would have done for Benoit... force some action to be taken. It might be termination and let's face it. Angle would never be able to find a job. Even McDonalds/ Burger King has standards of hiring.

Now what TNA needs to do:

1. Put the belt on Matt Morgan. Not Sting. Allow Morgan to hold the title and build a credible run/have a decent run while Sting finishes out his pro wrestling career against either Joe or Styles.

2. Khan should talk to the judge about forcing Angle into a mental ward for evaluation. Yes it is needed at this point. His mental state is clearly in question.

3. I can see WWE getting involved. As some stars in the WWE are friends with Angle I could see them reaching out to him offering him the same treatment again that they do all former talent. As pathetic as this sounds I could see Vince doing this to make himself look better.

4. Fire Kurt... Who gives a shit if he slept with Karen. Hell I'd sleep with Karen any day of the week! Can anyone blame Double J? Beautiful woman, obviously smart (she got away from Kurt)

5. TNA needs to develop a wellness policy just like WWE.
I think TNA is going to be in the spotlight tomorrow, and not just because of the PPV. It will be interesting to see if Angle drops the belt or not. Before I was unsure, but now I think the right thing to do would be to see him give it up.
Why the hell is everyone saying this arrest is a BAD thing? If anything its a GREAT thing.

Guess what! Now Angle's problems are VERY VERY public. Now TNA HAS..I repeat HAS to take action. If they don't. Then I wouldn't doubt if every TNA woman has been repeatedly raped backstage. And NO I'm not being sarcastic. If Angle gets away with this who knows what REALLY goes on behind the scenes of TNA.

Just putting this out there but you are a twat

This arrest will do for Angle what it would have done for Benoit... force some action to be taken. It might be termination and let's face it. Angle would never be able to find a job. Even McDonalds/ Burger King has standards of hiring.

See above.

Now what TNA needs to do:

1. Put the belt on Matt Morgan. Not Sting. Allow Morgan to hold the title and build a credible run/have a decent run while Sting finishes out his pro wrestling career against either Joe or Styles.

If anything they need to put the belt on Sting, it was already doubtful that Morgan would win and hopefully they'll be able to salvage it into Sting's final feud giving the rub to Morgan.

2. Khan should talk to the judge about forcing Angle into a mental ward for evaluation. Yes it is needed at this point. His mental state is clearly in question.
Having an obsession over someone you've been romantically involved with isn't grounds for commiting someone to a mental health facility, Angle has trouble letting go of the women in his life, he's not insane and he's not going to start chopping them up and hiding them in the walls of his house.

4. Fire Kurt... Who gives a shit if he slept with Karen. Hell I'd sleep with Karen any day of the week! Can anyone blame Double J? Beautiful woman, obviously smart (she got away from Kurt)
Fire Kurt because Jarrett slept with his wife? What are you on about here? And no they shouldn't fire Kurt for this unless it takes a very serious turn, so far it's still predominantly speculation until there's some concrete facts about the drugs etc. TNA has no reason to fire him. Not unless it draws a mass amount of bad publicity to the company.
I really, really hate to say it because Kurt Angle is one of my all time favorite performers but i seriously fear that he could turn into a wrestling tragedy. I obviously hope that this does not happen but i could definitely see it. He fits into the same mold as Eddie Gurrero and Chris Benoit. A great technical wrestler who always gave it his all in the ring causing severe damage to his body because of it, therefore turning to drugs. I just hope he gets clean somehow but i doubt it's going to happen.
Interesting, not that surprised though, but what is surprising is Rhaka Khan? Seriously Kurt? lol
I wonder what will happen tomorrow? Will they leave Kurt out and bring in AJ to replace him for the title against Morgan and Sting, and if AJ wins then Morgan would be like if it wasn't for you I would be champ right now and etc. and then they'd feud, or Morgan/Sting wins. Or they could have Angle wrestle, but in the process get injured and then have him leave for a bit with some dignity to the fans while he goes to rehab, or have Kurt just wrestle and lose.
This whole thing just seems very interesting and odd at the same time; it’s almost like a soap opera or something similar to one. The thing I am most surprised about is him getting caught with drugs, and illegal ones at that. I actually thought Angle was clean and didn’t need the use of any type of drugs anymore. I know his doctor gave them to him according to the report, but what for? I know he had a groin injury a couple of months ago but did it require him using drugs in order to have it heal properly? I am not sure on that because I’ve never experienced an injury like that but I would imagine it doesn’t require them. Or maybe he is having more problems with his neck and needed the drugs? It all just seems rather odd and I am not sure if Angle has gotten over his addiction. After all, it is a well known that TNA doesn’t have some type of Wellness Policy like the WWE has so maybe he just did them because he knows there is no punishment if he they are found in his system. I just don’t think I can be surprised at anything that happens to Angle anymore and it’s really disappointing because he is one of the best in the business right now and I hate having to even think of him dying because of any drug problems he might have.

As far as to what I think TNA should do, if he does indeed serve some jail time and is still using drugs then I think it might be time that they release him. He has helped them a lot and has done quite a few things for the company however that is just not the type of guy you want to have your company associated with. I hope that TNA wants to have a good public image so if they do then having Kurt as the top guy after all of his happening just doesn’t help them. If they do keep Kurt then rest assure that any chances he might have had of getting the creative control he wanted probably went down by a lot. And after all of this I just don’t see the WWE being interested in him anymore.
lol this is SO fucking epic...

I can only imagine how this shit went down.

The fight that caused Khan to get the restraining order would have went something like this...


Cue Angle Slam, Angle Lock, Khan gets restraining order...

lol this is SO fucking epic...

I can only imagine how this shit went down.

The fight that caused Khan to get the restraining order would have went something like this...


Cue Angle Slam, Angle Lock, Khan gets restraining order...

Domestic abuse? Fuck yeah, let's bust out the Laugh-O-Meter. :rolleyes:/:banghead:

So Kurt's wife cheats on him with a minor owner and as the star of the company Kurt decides to make a power play over it. Things look up for Kurt as some of the minor owner's political allies start falling by the roadside and rumors surface that the minor owner has sold his stock.

...and then we're reminded that the "star of the compant" (who really isn't all that significant a draw, if he's even one at all) is a problem causer in his own right. He has abused and stalked another TNA employee, taken her phone to destroy photographic evidence (according to one report I've read), been busted with drugs, is seriously liable to do prison time for driving with a suspended license, and is rumored to have talked about "ending it."

If Dixie wants Jarrett out, that's fine. But it's more important that Angle be cut loose at this point as he's nothing but a liability now. He needs to get his fucking life in order because we have the makings of another wrestling tragedy and have for years. Have him do the honors tomorrow (since he intends to work even though he shouldn't... nothing new there) and let that be the end of him until things seriously change. He needs help.
Reading the reports that are keeping up with this, the situation gets more and more disturbing. Does anyone else see the fact that Angle may have been served with the order just hours before all of this went down? Especially when the man should have been getting ready for a major PPV and getting ready to go? I am actually quite concerned as to what would have happened had Angle caught Kahn. It's way passed time for him to go somewhere and get straight. It seems we may be coming in to a point that he's on the verge of crossing a very fine line, and that's really a very bad thing. Fans should be very concerned about this mas the warning signs are all there plain as day.
1. Put the belt on Matt Morgan. Not Sting. Allow Morgan to hold the title and build a credible run/have a decent run while Sting finishes out his pro wrestling career against either Joe or Styles.

Impossible. Matt Morgan is just arriving at the ME scene and he'll get a world title run already? He's got potential, but he isn't Lesnar or anything. Maybe he'll get a title shot and win the strap but it won't be tonight. Unless they give him the Randy Orton treatment and have him win.

4. Fire Kurt... Who gives a shit if he slept with Karen. Hell I'd sleep with Karen any day of the week! Can anyone blame Double J? Beautiful woman, obviously smart (she got away from Kurt)

Uh, it's rather unprofessional for one guy to fuck the co-workers wife/ex-wife. It's unwise to have that in any setting because it leaves a bad taste in people's mouths. Yeah, JJ and Karen are allowed to have their personal lives, but it will make tensions high, and it won't have a pretty end. Given the current news with Angle in jail for stalking rhaka khan...Jarrett is better off being out of TNA.

End point of that: you jsut blurted out the first thing you said.

To the topic!

Angle isn't going to the E after this. No way, no how. Vince would find it VERY impossible to hire him. But, he might give him a hand, and help him out. If anything, it will make Vince look like a busness person that cares for his ex-workers. danm, he helped out Regal, and Ron Simmons, so it's something to be said htat he cares at least.

And no way would I see Angle in the same light after this whole thing. The guy needs help, and it's gonna come to a point where he would wind up out of a job because he couldn't keep his shit straight.
Well unlike other "HGH" drugs out there, there is no conversion necessary in Hygetropin. It is the exact amino acid as naturally found in your body.

The thing about HGH is it doesn't do anything unless you get a high enough dose. Even with a very high dosage, it's by no means a substitute for test. Results are very modest. Any supplement junkie will tell you, you'll get better results with Havok or Spawn (which are both 100% legal until next year) than you will get with HGH.

But still, it is not legal to possess HGH without a prescription. The government will not allow this stuff imported to the country and thanks to the whole doping scare in sports it probably never will be allowed in.

I'm sure this whole incident is going to be blamed on the drugs Angle was allegedly taking. Never mind the fact he's probably just a lunatic that never learned to control himself.

I swore I responded to this before I went to work today, but now I don't see a reply. Oh well, I'll repeat it.

Some types of HGH are legal with a prescription. But if this stuff is illegal to import or sell in the U.S., you're not going to get a prescription for it. You're not going to get it from a Dr.. You're probably going to get it from some shady overseas retailer good at packaging contraband, because that's what this stuff Angle had is!

Angle probably told the cop he had a prescription for it hoping the cop would just believe him and not investigate any further. Really, how often do you think cops run across stuff like that? It was worth a shot, but it didn't work.

I don't think Angle needs rehab. People abusing HGH aren't addicted junkies. They're just making really bad decisions. They might need some counseling on making better decisions. If he's on pain killers, then yes, send him to rehab.

I'll agree though, Angle needs some help. He's making a lot of bad decisions that could end up costing him everything. He's no spring chicken, so he can't afford a hiatus like Michael Vick had.
Do you remember when Kurt Angle was release from WWE and decided to go to TNA how he blasted Vince McMahon for making him work to much and not giving him time off to go to rehab and heal himself and that'S why i went to TNA. How TNA would take care of him and let him rest when he needed it but that'S not what's happening right now and it all Angle'S fault. Angle is a competitor, it's in him, he has to be the best at everything he does and he will go to any length to get what he want even if he has to lie.

Angle has a lot of enemies in high places right now and there are just waiting for one slip up on is part to completly destroy his reputation. Like him or not the guy won a gold medals at the 1996 olympics games so the guy did something that most of us won't be able to do in are lifetime but even that olympic victory might come into question if he continue the way he'S going because there is some rumors that he took a took something illegal to win is olympic medal and if he continue like this, somebody will dig up his pass and probably will find some of the skeleton in his closet and if that happens, his career and reputation is over.

I don'T know the guy but from what he get from this situation and a lot of stuff that did happen lately, the guy is a liar and TNA management should have the guts to call is bluff and have him get some help with his problem before returning to the ring. Then have him sign the type of contract that Sting but with a clause that force him to not show up at House shows and he cannot take other wrestling bookings. If TNA does care about Angle, this is probably the best way to help him because the way he'S acting now, i don'T give him 2 years before he completly goes nuts and does something terrible like Chris Benoit did.
I swore I responded to this before I went to work today, but now I don't see a reply. Oh well, I'll repeat it.

Some types of HGH are legal with a prescription. But if this stuff is illegal to import or sell in the U.S., you're not going to get a prescription for it. You're not going to get it from a Dr.. You're probably going to get it from some shady overseas retailer good at packaging contraband, because that's what this stuff Angle had is!

Angle probably told the cop he had a prescription for it hoping the cop would just believe him and not investigate any further. Really, how often do you think cops run across stuff like that? It was worth a shot, but it didn't work.

I don't think Angle needs rehab. People abusing HGH aren't addicted junkies. They're just making really bad decisions. They might need some counseling on making better decisions. If he's on pain killers, then yes, send him to rehab.

I'll agree though, Angle needs some help. He's making a lot of bad decisions that could end up costing him everything. He's no spring chicken, so he can't afford a hiatus like Michael Vick had.

Perhaps how I wrote it wasn't very clear. I did state you need a prescription for HGH, but I also said this HGH isn't legal in the US. Regardless, yeah, he probably got his shit from one of those shady dealers.

HGH is more hype than anything beneficial. You can't really get addicted to it when the gains you get are very modest. But then again, only a complete idiot would take HGH as a standalone? Everyone I know would stack it with test or dianabol or even winstrol.

Anyways yeah, I know that Angle has had problems with pill addictions due from injuries. It happens. But rehab isn't the answer. It really doesn't work. Especially in an athlete's case. You remove the pills and the pain still remains. What he needs is a real solution to treat the problem, not the symptoms.
Perhaps how I wrote it wasn't very clear. I did state you need a prescription for HGH, but I also said this HGH isn't legal in the US. Regardless, yeah, he probably got his shit from one of those shady dealers.

HGH is more hype than anything beneficial. You can't really get addicted to it when the gains you get are very modest. But then again, only a complete idiot would take HGH as a standalone? Everyone I know would stack it with test or dianabol or even winstrol.

Anyways yeah, I know that Angle has had problems with pill addictions due from injuries. It happens. But rehab isn't the answer. It really doesn't work. Especially in an athlete's case. You remove the pills and the pain still remains. What he needs is a real solution to treat the problem, not the symptoms.

Addiction to pain pills is something that needs to be dealt with in rehab. Yes, I am sure he has pain. Lots of people have pain. I have pain in my back that you would not believe. But I am not addicted to pain pills. I take nothing. I use stretching and other means to deal with my pain. People may start taking pain pills for legitimate reasons, but when the amount of pills consumed exceeds what is normal and safe, the main problem is longer the pain that initiated the consumption of pills, it is the addiction and excessive consumption of pills that is the main problem. Yes, the pain needs to be dealt with. But when you're abusing pain pills, it's because of an addiction, not because of the initial pain you were in. Both problems need to be addressed. I am not denying that. Addiction to pain pills may have been precipitated by a legitimate pain, but when you begin to abuse those pain medications, you have entirely another problem to deal with.
Addiction to pain pills is something that needs to be dealt with in rehab. Yes, I am sure he has pain. Lots of people have pain. I have pain in my back that you would not believe. But I am not addicted to pain pills. I take nothing. I use stretching and other means to deal with my pain. People may start taking pain pills for legitimate reasons, but when the amount of pills consumed exceeds what is normal and safe, the main problem is longer the pain that initiated the consumption of pills, it is the addiction and excessive consumption of pills that is the main problem. Yes, the pain needs to be dealt with. But when you're abusing pain pills, it's because of an addiction, not because of the initial pain you were in. Both problems need to be addressed. I am not denying that. Addiction to pain pills may have been precipitated by a legitimate pain, but when you begin to abuse those pain medications, you have entirely another problem to deal with.

I've had my fair share of spinal injuries. I know how they get caught up in the thick of things. It starts with a weak 5mg Percocet (which doesn't feel weak when you first start) but after a while it's effectiveness wears off so you take more. Before you know it, you're taking 60mg Oxys, Somas and Flexerall like they're Pez. Is it at this point addiction? Possibly it is. But for the majority of people who are abusing the drugs, they are in legit pain and tolerance has brought their addiction to new levels. And the only way they're going to get off the drugs is if they can get the pain reduced to tolerable levels.

I think with Angle, the drugs are only one aspect to his madness though. Sure long term opiate use takes it's toll on the mind and body, but what probably is the case is he's probably just the typical wife beater, that happens to be on pain medication and in the public eye.
I've had my fair share of spinal injuries. I know how they get caught up in the thick of things. It starts with a weak 5mg Percocet (which doesn't feel weak when you first start) but after a while it's effectiveness wears off so you take more. Before you know it, you're taking 60mg Oxys, Somas and Flexerall like they're Pez. Is it at this point addiction? Possibly it is. But for the majority of people who are abusing the drugs, they are in legit pain and tolerance has brought their addiction to new levels. And the only way they're going to get off the drugs is if they can get the pain reduced to tolerable levels.

I think with Angle, the drugs are only one aspect to his madness though. Sure long term opiate use takes it's toll on the mind and body, but what probably is the case is he's probably just the typical wife beater, that happens to be on pain medication and in the public eye.

Sorry to hear about your problems. I agree with you on how it starts and how it progresses. Initially, they are just trying to deal with the pain. But like you said, eventually the effectiveness wears off, so more is needed, but as you take more, you become dependent upon them. You're dependent not so much to make the pain go away anymore, although that is a part of it, you're dependent upon the chemistry of the drug in your body. That's why you've got two problems that need to be dealt with. One, is getting rid of the initial pain that started it all, and two is getting rid of your body's need to have that chemistry in it.

He was crying saying the accusations were false. TNA fucked up his life. Ever since he came to TNA, he had a divorce from beautiful Karen, later finds out that Jeff Jarrett of all people was screwing around with her. To top that off, after meeting Rhaka Khan, this entire incident happened.

He ended up in jail for 9 hours, and they found some growth hormone drugs in his car. What the fuck man?

Watch this 20 minute video of Kurt Angle explaining everything. It's crazy

To top that off, he had to work 3 tapings this week with this on his mind. He says this isn't his best year.

He cant go in his own house: he got some clothing, some wrestling gear, and yes, his gold medal!!!
I actually read the thing on the main page about Angle's interview on Bubba the Love Sponge, and the one thing that didn't make sense was why the hell was he letting Rhaka Khan stay with him anymore? If he really was "scared" of her and didn't even talk to her at all, why did he let her stay in his house? Why didn't he do something about it? Sure Angle is playing the sympathy character now, but something in this whole thing just doens't add up.
Angle can't be believed in anything he says. He's bat-sh*t crazy.

I think someone made mention of it here before, but I remember that when WWE released him it was because they wanted him to go to rehab and he refused. Then he shows up in TNA a month later.

Fast forward a few years. He's giving interviews saying that he wanted to go to rehab, but WWE wouldn't let him go because he was needed on the road. Finally after he said that a few times, this site finally dug into their own archives and re-posted the original stories proving that someone lied. Frankly, considering he was an asset to the company, I'm going to side with WWE on this one. They obviously felt he was endangering himself and refused to get better, so they cut their ties with him.

My belief is that his marriage fell apart because of himself. He probably abused his wife and she walked out on him. Of course I don't have anything to prove this, other than what I've seen of him on TV. He's looked quite frequently like a raging sociopath, so I wouldn't be surprised if he did something physically. As for the whole love triangle, that's certainly not a good situation. But I'm going to have more sympathy for the guy whose wife died of cancer than the guy who has made several questionable decisions over the last few years. Are Jeff Jarrett and Karen Angle wrong in what they're doing? That's a bit of a gray area. Depends on whether you consider Kurt and Karen still married and what your opinon of marriage is. Even then, it's still a personal thing, it's not like they're breaking laws (that I know of).

It's nice to see Kurt talking about everything. But let's take everything he says with a big grain of salt for the time being.
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