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Angle Arrested

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In Waylon Mercy's Hands
I read that Kurt Angle was arrested for stalking a current TNA talent. I am curious as to if this talent is his ex wife Karen Angle?

It also seems obvious that he has issues he needs to deal with and if TNA Wrestling is going to turn a blind eye because of his star status then they are asking for very negative publicity like they will receive if this story is picked up nationwide by a larger publication.

http://www.tmz.com/ picked up the story as their main story.
Apparently it was a combination of stalking someone and having "prescription" drugs in his car. I'm not sure if Karen is considered TNA talent, but if she is than it would have to be her. Whatever the situation is, it looks like Angle is going to be at the PPV tomorrow night. This is just an awful situation for Angle and TNA, I have to wonder whether or not this will affect the main event tomorrow night. I wouldn't be surprised if Kurt dropped his title because of this incident, which is certainly not his first during is time with the company.
You can pretty much forget about seeing Angle jump ship to WWE anytime soon now! I know a lot of people have been talking about that possibility given the relationship between Karen Angle and JJ. There's no way Vince would bring him back now considering the illegal drugs he had in his car. I am not saying Angle will never return to WWE, but this will definitely rule out a return for the near future.

Angle, you need to start making better decisions. I don't know who this chick is. I'm assuming it's Karen, but regardless, she's just a chick. No chick is worth going to jail over and potentially losing your livelihood. Even if this chick is 1 in a million, that means there are over 200 more of her somewhere else in the country!


I did some research on the substance Kurt Angle had in his car: Hygetropin. it is illegal in the U.S., so there is no way he had a prescription for it.
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The main page said it was HGH and he had a prescription. Still this is a very serious issue for Angle especially if it turns out that he didn't have a prescription.

The TNA Knockout is supposedly Rhaka Khan. My question is, how long has the restraining order been out and how has that been like backstage? If he really has been stalking her or whatever that must of been hell for her being backstage.
The main page said it was HGH and he had a prescription. Still this is a very serious issue for Angle especially if it turns out that he didn't have a prescription.

The TNA Knockout is supposedly Rhaka Khan. My question is, how long has the restraining order been out and how has that been like backstage? If he really has been stalking her or whatever that must of been hell for her being backstage.

I'll admit that I don't know much about HGH. But the arrest reports have stated he had Hygetropin. Do a google search on it and you will see it is not approved for import or sale in the United States. I can't find any sites that suggest you can get a prescription for Hygetropin. I know you can get some types of HGH with a prescription, but I have found no proof you can get a scrip for Hygetropin.
Well, apparently the female talent was none other than Rhaka Khan, who spotted his car at a Starbucks she was at, and called in the authorities to enforce the restraining order she had on him.

Rhaka Khan? C'mon, Kurt...you could have done better than that...

Anyway, on a serious note, hopefully this situation will not explode and blow up in the face of Kurt Angle and TNA. TNA is not in the mainstream crosshairs of the media, but I still think management should take some action. Sure, Angle has a big say in the company's backstage goings. But Dixie Carter should establish herself as a no-nonsense boss for all the talent to see. Suspend him.

This presents another quandary. TNA management has to make a tough call on whether he drops the title at the PPV, or perhaps have the match end in a controversial finish, so they can hold the title up. Then, if they want to, they have to explain storyline-wise why Angle disappears for 30 days or whatever.

This is only if Dixie decides to take any action at all. I believe they just can't let this slide...they have given him leeway before and it's just showing favoritism...
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That's the sad thing really. Kurt is an amazing talent, amazing athelete and one of the greates wrestler's ever. He was a major pick up for TNA, he's done a lot of great things for them and likely will continue to do so.

However the one bad thing about Kurt is his personal life. His addictions, his attitude. All very bad things, that finally seem to have seriously bitten him in the ass. Hopefully though, with this arrest, Kurt will get the help he needs to kick his habits and work out his demons. He's let wrestling unhealthily consume his life. It's sad really.
That's the sad thing really. Kurt is an amazing talent, amazing athelete and one of the greates wrestler's ever. He was a major pick up for TNA, he's done a lot of great things for them and likely will continue to do so.

However the one bad thing about Kurt is his personal life. His addictions, his attitude. All very bad things, that finally seem to have seriously bitten him in the ass. Hopefully though, with this arrest, Kurt will get the help he needs to kick his habits and work out his demons. He's let wrestling unhealthily consume his life. It's sad really.

That description seems very similar to a certain deceased wrestler that did something terrible. I think that is why WWE let Angle go. And if TNA has any sense they'll let Kurt go or at least get him off TV until he settles his issues once and for all.
I respect Angle's abilities but this could potentially be pretty bad for TNA. Now, while TNA isn't exactly part of the mainstream in the same way that the WWE is, this story could put them there. Kurt Angle, an Olympic Gold Medalist and former WWE star, is arrested for violating a restraining order and is found with "prescription" drugs including HGH, which is a steroid derivative. Since the Benoit tragedy, the mention of a well known pro wrestler being arrested while in possession of steroids is going to be something of a hot story, at least potentially.

I'm sure TNA wanted to get noticed, though I'm quite sure this wasn't the way they'd hoped. This also puts TNA in an awkward position somewhat. Dixie Carter has almost always given Kurt whatever he's wanted within the company and maybe that's part of the problem. It's quite possible that if TNA were to place any sanctions on Angle, or at least try to, he might just tell 'em to stick it up their collective ass and the company right along with them.
I just noticed that TMZ confirmed that it was Rhaka Khan. I agree that after this incident, Angle can probably kiss his chances at WWE goodbye.

Maybe, given all of his drama, TNA should kick him to the curb, as well. It's not like TNA needs Kurt Angle, given all of their other stars they could choose to market. Angle never brought up ratings or buyrates when he joined the company, and I'm sure they won't lose anything if he leaves.

Given all the drama involved with him and his "demands" a short time ago to be given the book, I would definitely consider canning him over this. Pretty sad and bad publicity when one of your talents gets arrested for stalking someone. Now, it apparently has hit TMZ.

Carter should just get rid of both Angle and Jarrett. I'm sure a lot of the guys would respect her for that, for not tolerating this kind of crap, and putting her foot down.
If i was Dixie Carter, i would have Angle drop the title to either Sting or Matt Morgan and then suspend him until is contract is up. Also i would try to help him find the help he needs because if he continue to live the way he lives right now, he'S probably going to hand up like Chris Benoit and do something awful that would tarnish his legacy. Angle needs to get out of Pro wrestling before he self destructs that as simple as that. Let'S hope that people close to him are smart enough to realise what going on with him right now and help him found the help that he needs.

TNA does need this type of drama right now because stuff like that will probably kill them especially if they let him continue wrestling after this sunday. Like i said before, the best thing for angle and TNA is to have Angle drop the belt and then suspend him until his contract is up and maybe even take away at less a month of pay and the most important would be to try to help him found the help he needs even if it's to find a way for him to be banned from wrestling in the states.
It's fairly clear that Angle's problems are not going to clear up anytime soon and the only thing good for him is rehab. Dixie Carter should have Angle drop the belt, and either release him or suspend him until he clears a drug rehabilitation program. Simple as that.

Angle's obviously got issues. I mean, I had no idea anyone had a EPO against him. That says a lot about how scary he's became. And to be honest, I feel if this isn't stopped, then he'll end up like Benoit. And I don't want that to happen to someone I actually love to see wrestle. I wasn't too fond of Benoit in the first place, but I'm a HUGE Angle mark and don't want this to happen to him.
I just read this on a news site regarding Angle

Even if he gets cleared on everything else, driving on a license suspended as a result of DUI in the state of Pennsylvania is a 60 day mandatory prison term.

So he would be out for two months and would miss Bound for Glory if I'm not mistaken.

He's definitely going to drop the title regardless, he needs rehab and seriously, I can only see things going downhill even more for him. We can only hope that something saves him. If TNA release him, WWE won't have him now, he's only going to be working independently, I just think TNA releasing him will send him further over the edge, wrestling is the only thing he truly has nowadays!
I would like to say I'm suprised by the news of Angle's arrest but, of course, I'm not. There seems to be a trend of people who are really talented in their field of work but their achilles heel is how they conduct themselves outside of it...and it appears Angle is no different. I don't think TNA would have the guts to drop him long term, he's still too much of a star to a company like that...although, it definitely makes you feel that WWE were wise to pick up on his problems a few years back and release him in hope that it would help Kurt Angle the man, not Kurt Angle the wrestler....I certainly wouldn't object to TNA doing the same in order to allow Kurt time to sort himself out, it's just a case as to if they would actually do it. Overall, this is just another episode to add to list of things that go wrong for Angle outside of wrestling but I'm not sure how much more he is going to be able to take...
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I'd like to see Angle get help, but something about him strikes me as the type that won't do that. A few things we know about him behind the scenes seem to indicate that.

1. The WWE wanted him to work a lighter schedule, take some time off to heal up and get some help with his pill popping. Now, rather than take the company up on its offer, he basically tells them to shove it to the point where the WWE actually lets the guy go. Then he goes to work for TNA, which is a company that seems to have turned a blind eye to his problems in the past and has literally allowed him to have his way in just about everything. Pretty much every demand he's made of TNA, he's gotten.

2. The Jeff Jarrett situation. Not much is certain here, I guess it's mostly just some hypethesizing. Now, whether Karen is involved with Jarrett or not I have no clue. There does seem to be something to it, however, as Angle has gotten Jarrett kicked off TNA tv. Another of those nice demands. Now, if it's true that Jarrett is involved with Karen Angle, and it's a reason for what's happened to Jarrett, then it really shows that Kurt can a pretty rotten human being. I mean, they're divorced after all. Does Angle expect his ex to just crawl up under a rock somewhere? To be honest, I think the answer to that is yes.

Kurt Angle is a very macho kind of guy I think, very head strong and is probably a tad on the unreasonable side. Many of his problems are all of his own making and it seems that with each passing week, I have less and less sympathy for the guy. I respect what he can do in the ring, but that's not an excuse for stalking a woman. The fact that Rhaka Khan got an EPO against him indicates that Angle's problems are much worse than has been publicly known.
This could end up really hurting TNA. It's never good when your world champion (especialy with a pedigree like Kurt Angle's) gets arrested before a ppv. Angle needs to take time off. If these Karen/Jarrett rumors are true, then Kurt is likely very pissed about that, now you add this arrest on top that, and he might just snap. As someone above already mentioned, Angle might be heading down the same path that Benoit did. I really don't want to see another tragedy like that.
An arrest is one thing. An arrest that makes you unreliable is another. If Kurt got arrested and was released on bond the same day then was able to make the pay-per view it wouldn't hurt the company for some time. However now he may miss a big time Main Event at a big event. That is unreliable. That can NOT be tolorated on any level. Once you become unreliable as Kurt may have become you can not have him in a position to carry your company or even in the main event. Put the championship on someone else and make Kurt earn his way back to the top. Because if he misses this match against Sting and Morgan then you can not trust him at the top.
Either way, I would strip Angle of the title. I hate to say this, but in this case, be honest with the fans. Kurt has problems and I don't care how many storylines you try and bury them under, if Kurt is having issues this deep, he does not belong in the ring as he is a danger not only to himself, but those that are around him. No matter what is happening between him and his ex and Double J, it's no good if Kurt dies because of HGH and Steroid use. It doesn't matter how mad he is or what, there is really no excuse for his behavior. The belt needs to be placed on Sting or Matt Morgan at this point as they are both reliable and have kept their noses clean. Like it or not, Kurt has done this over and over again and if he doesn't get help to get his act together, he's going to end up dead and that's the bottom line. Argue about what great athlete he is, argue about how talented he is, argue about what a wonderful guy he is, but he's a Junkie, pure and simple. Sadly, we don't need another Scott Hall in the industry. He's really damn good but who wants to work with him? Besides, if Kurt is indeed using Steroids, he's getting older to boot and the deterioration of his body is going to pick up. How long before he needs a hip replacement or get's an injury that requires a bone fusion that ends his career? If Dixie is worht her salt, she will send Kurt home because a dead Kurt doesn't help anyone. An addicted Kurt doesn't help anyone. Kurt focused and clean is what the industry needs and nothing less.
Now let us see how "corporate" Dixie really is....

If the rumors are true about TNA negotiating the release and buyout of Double J due to "moral turpitude", then she needs to be consistent and get rid of Angle for his moral turpitude.


From a legal standpoint, the one who stays can be used by the one who does leave as basis for a lawsuit showing inconsistent enforcement of procedures. And "Consistency" is a very huge thing that lawyers dealing with wrongful termination lawsuits love to exploit.

In reference to the Hygetropin, wikipedia states that

"Hygetropin is a synthetic human growth hormone produced by Hygene Biopharma Co., Ltd by recombinant DNA technology in E.coli secretion expression system.[1] Hygetropin has the same amino acid sequence with 191 residues as the native human growth hormone produced in the human body.

Hygetropin is approved for use in China. It is not approved for sale or import in the United States Since early 2007, Hygene Biopharma Co., Ltd has stated in e-mails that it does not ship Hygetropin to the United States."

Before I allow Angle to post bail, I would have a DEA agent work Angle over so hard that he would have to reveal the source in order to stop the sales and also the smuggling of Hygetropin into the US and imply that if Angle doesn't go to jail over the restraining order, that Angle would definately go down for a very long hard time in federal prison for the HGH and end up getting his muscle mass the old fashioned way...

busting rocks in Leavenworth......

as they say in corporatespeak...

Best Wishes In Your Future Endeavors....
This really is a scary situation and I to do not want to see another Chris Benoit like Tragedy in the Business. This is the main reason WWE let him go because they wanted Angle to get some help and TNA has done nothing to help him. If I were TNA tomorrow on the PPV,Vacate the Title,put AJ in the Match with Sting & Morgan then go from there. Kurt needs help and I hope he can get it before its too late.
Well from what I'm reading this drug he had is in fact illegal in the United States. But the main page says he had a prescription. Which tells me a crooked doctor gave him the drug whether he knew it was illegal or not is still up in the air. Kurt is the champion and everyone knows Dixie is a bit of a pushover. I'm a huge Angle fan and even I agree taking the belt off Angle is the best course of action. Put it on old reliable Sting. Putting it on Morgan now would take the attention off Morgans big win and put it on Angle and his problem. Suspend Angle just like you suspended Jarretteven without the drugs but because of the violation of the restraining order against him. Angle is going crazy and he needs help. Put him in a rehabilitation facility and let him clean up his act or release him. That simple.
This really is a scary situation and I to do not want to see another Chris Benoit like Tragedy in the Business. This is the main reason WWE let him go because they wanted Angle to get some help and TNA has done nothing to help him. If I were TNA tomorrow on the PPV,Vacate the Title,put AJ in the Match with Sting & Morgan then go from there. Kurt needs help and I hope he can get it before its too late.

You know, I can't believe that I didn't think of this. Even if Kurt gets out of jail, this would be the right move to make. Kurt needs to go home and get his head together. AJ, Sting, and Morgan going at it for the TNA title would possibly even be better than the match planned, especially if they pull the stops out in light of the current situation.
Well the problem isnt really about what will TNA do at hard justice, the problem is getting angle some help...ASAP. Like others have said, we dont want another benoit situation. hopefully TNA does something....i agree that Dixie should suspend Angle till his contract expires, also i dont see Angle returning to WWE because of this so Angle may just have to stay in TNA no matter the result of the Jarrett situation

But yeah, Angle better get some help and get in quickly
Does WWE still have that pay for rehab offer out? Maybe the best thing for WWE to do in this situation is hope TNA releases Angle and send him to rehab free of charge like they did with Hall, XPac, etc. Looks better on the WWE and if he does sober up then maybe he can wrestle again. But I agree the best thing right now is for Kurt to get help one way or another.
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