Alberto Del Rio Is The NEW WWE Champion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE

uhhh. how? Seriously dude. Do you not understand storytelling at all? Let's say punk wins cleanly, then what? O, you feel better about it, but the average fan has no reason to watch tomorrow do they?

Your condescension aside, dude, I said "I can’t help but wonder if WWE has killed CM Punk’s momentum, and the all important promise of change he ‘represents’, to capitalize on having a Mexican WWE champion for the upcoming tour of Mexico" . My post is about where this is headed, not the choice of a clean/dirty finish. But if you wanna rant about things out of context, well you have fun buddy. But I don't know who you think this 'average fan' is you're speaking for. Are they the ones buying the sold out Punk T-shirt? Or ones chanting for 'CM Punk' during Smackdown? Or at Comic Con? Yeah, you're right, no one's going to want to see Punk as undisputed champion on Raw. He's had zero mainstream exposure so his winning would just fly under the radar.

I mean, you said "despite the muddled finish". What other finish did you want? Clean, straight up, 1 on 1 wrestling doesn't sell. The only way a clean finish works is if it's the end of a feud, which this wasn't. So it's not "despite the muddled finish" it's "thankfully they had a muddled finish to keep the guy who stirs the most emotion in the picture".

You're also making a terrible amount of assumptions about what I mean by 'muddled' (and you know what they say about those who assume, but it pretty clear you've only made an ass out of yourself, so it's ok). I used muddled to refer to the quality of the match, and how unnatural and muddled it looked to have Punk GTS in the corner in order to have that finish. But lets look at that finish from the all important story telling perspective, shall we? You're telling me, that despite Triple H inserting himself into this match to ensure an undisputed champion, despite physically returning both men into the ring to avoid a double count-out, despite countlessly manoeuvring himself in the ring to make sure both mens shoulders were on the mat during a pinfall, despite a 17 year professional wrestling career, you're telling me that Triple H missing that blatant foot on the ropes is good story telling?

And I'm not even going to touch 'Clean, straight up, 1 on 1 wrestling doesn't sell' because that's a discussion all on it's own.
No I won't.
What? Come on dude, you hate the foundation of an what will look like a great angle is fine and all but you're complaining before RAW has even happened yet. That doesn't make much sense.
I really don't care about the storyline, I don't give a shit if Del Rio bought Nash, Triple H screwed Punk, whatever. It is not compelling. I wouldn't pay to watch this so I won't watch it anyway.
Screwed Punk? You could make the argument that Triple H screwed Cena too. Your letting your the Punk-fan inside you keep you away from watching RAW. I promise Punk will be gold tonight. There's no doubt in my mind something great will happen. I don't understand why someone won't give it a chance.
Del Rio is a great wrestler, sure. Besides that fact he sucks a lot.
That doesn't make much sense.
The guy isn't over, Ricardo Rodriguez is over. Okay, you can say that he got a good reaction from the crowd last night, of course, it was on LA, what did you expect?
Give it a chance for fuck's sake. Tonight, he'll be over.
I don't care about Del Rio's title reign, he will have it for 3 months until the end of Mexican Tour and that's it. Another Jack Swagger. Or another Miz.
The Miz was one of the greatest heel Champions in a while. Jack Swagger was a complete dud. Huge difference.
After all, who cares? It's just another title reign for the sake of it. I'm really tired of watching a product aimed at kids, and when the biggest surprise you can have is Del Rio cashing in on Punk then I guess I'm too old for this shit.
Guess so too. You can't enjoy a wrestling angle because a heel beat your little hero in a cheap fashion. Guess what, Punk did this twice!!
Oh, you mean like how Christian lost clean to Randy Orton at Over the Limit, and the angle died and they didn't have three more PPV matches? Yeah good point.
O yea, so Cena, who's character is a chickenshit heel just like Christians, can just bitch and moan and whine and get another title shot huh?

how dumb are you to think you can book a heel and a face the same way? Seriously dude. You must be a teenager because your comprehension skills are shit. How in fuck would you think that booking a chickenshit, cowardly heel the same way as you book the biggest goodytwo-shoes babyface of the last 25 years who is ICONIC for being the biggest goody two-shoes babyface is a good idea? What next? You think DC should start making Superman kill innocent citizens if he gets mad just because that's what works for Lex Luthors character?

Then again, you're probably one of the ******s who thinks that Christian should have been booked to get a clean win over Orton too.

Don't look at it in terms of wins and loses as "what does this do for the character" think of what happens and then apply that to how the character is percieved.

On Raw, Cena has a legit reason for not having the strap. ADR vs Mysterio sells. Punk has a reason to tear HHH a new one; and there's a wrinkle in there because HHH may or may not be guilty. Everyone's character is more interesting than if anything else happened.
Uhh, yea, HHH missing the foot on the ropes makes sense. He did a good job up until that point. His 17 year pro wrestling career has nothing to do with his officiating. Would a former baseball player make a great umpire? Probably a better one than me, but not better than a trained one. It makes sense, and the story makes sense.

Uh, yea, just saying saying makes sense doesn't make it so.

His missing of the foot on the ropes is inconsistent with his behaviour throughout the entire match, and in direct conflict with his motivation to be involved within that match in the first place. It's lazy storytelling and a convenient out. It's a plot hole, plain and simple.
Uh, yea, just saying saying makes sense doesn't make it so.

His missing of the foot on the ropes is inconsistent with his behaviour throughout the entire match, and in direct conflict with his motivation to be involved within that match in the first place. It's lazy storytelling and a convenient out. It's a plot hole, plain and simple.
Goddamn dude it does make sense and is consistent with his behavior. The commentators were talking most of the match "will Triple H make a mistake, he's not a pro reff". Was it "out of character" when the umpire blew armando galaragga's perfect game? Mistakes happen, and sometimes at the worst times. It happened in a real life, professional, high pressure sporting event at the worst time to a pro umpire. I don't think it's at all hard to believe that in kayfabeland triple H misses the foot on the rope.

How is it in direct conflict with his motivation? He made a kayfabe mistake, it happens in real life. Everyone involved in the story kept talking about Triple H making a mistake. It's lazy analysis on your part to discredit that. It's pretty stupid actually. Something that's logical and has a real life counterpart proving how factual it is that something like that happening in the context of the story isn't a plot hole. It adds to the story. If pro refs in matches will not make a mistake the whole match, then make one at the end, isn't it even more likely it could happen to Triple H?

I mean, the WHOLE REASON they were pointing out that Triple H was doing a good job up until that point was because they were worried he'd make a mistake.

Not only that, but we don't know if that was his full motivation for wanting to officiate the match, the story isn't over. Even if his motivation was for the match to be fair, him making a mistake doesn't discredit that. How does Triple H obviously trying his best and then making a mistake (which isn't out of character as I proved above) doesn't discredit his motivation for wanting to be the reff.

As for the Over the Limit thing, Christian turned into a chickenshit heel. The whole fucking point of him bitching is to turn into a chickenshit heel. The WWE isn't going to turn their top drawing babyface into a chickenshit heel.

However, since you think the ending was so fucking terrible, tell me how you would have done it. Please, enthrall me with your storytelling ability.
That's the sad reality. Ricardo Rodriguez gets 10x the heat Del Rio gets and is the main source of the booes in Del Rio's entrance. He's boring on the mic, and we have to look forward to him holding the strap for the Fall? Del Rio is NOT over with the WWE Universe at all. David Otunga draws more heat than this guy for cryin out loud.

The guy is a hell of a wrestler sure, not debating that. But his overall gimmick and lack of heat and drawing power makes me feel like this is going to be Swagger 2.0.

@Mizfit above. Anyone would have gotten a crowd reaction if they ran out with the briefcase because people knew what was coming.

Yeah he looks to be the new Swagger. When WWE see's how no one cares about him and they loose money he won't be champ long. He's another Drew. Chosen one blah blah blah never took, Superstars here we come. He's the champ because they're going to Mexico in Sept that is it! Otherwise he'd be a mid-carder. Great so we get to see Rey/Alberto 10.0. talk about a lame feud. Say what you want about the Miz, he pulled a TON of heat and had excellent mic skills. When Del Rio talks people will head to the snack area.

Seriously I agree no one saw the whole Nash thing but EVERYONE saw Del Rio cashing it. Hell in an interview he even said so basically. So unless this was a Stephanie screw job this storyline makes no sense. Pfft and the HHH confusion looked as if it was the Michaels "I just won?" look from the Montreal screw job.
i could see ADR cashing in, the same as i can see him coming out tonight as the 'true' champion.

I'm not a Del Rio fan, i've never quite seen what the WWE has in him, and to me he's not over with the fans either, but this is where all that can be rectified. He'll come out tonight to massive heat from the crowd, and this is what the 'E want for him. Not gonna count my chickens just yet but I'm interested in seeing where this goes, to me now, Punk now can either claim his rematch and/or end up in a feud against Nash/HHH
I hope it was a case of Alberto paying Nash because if it was, then I love it because it actually develops his character. For a year, we knew he was a rich guy because he has all those fancy cars but we needed something extra. Paying off somebody to do his dirty work for him adds another dimension to this character which is something JBL never really did since most people believe ADR is a JBL ripoff. Hopefully, this is the case.
i could see ADR cashing in, the same as i can see him coming out tonight as the 'true' champion.

I'm not a Del Rio fan, i've never quite seen what the WWE has in him, and to me he's not over with the fans either, but this is where all that can be rectified. He'll come out tonight to massive heat from the crowd, and this is what the 'E want for him. Not gonna count my chickens just yet but I'm interested in seeing where this goes, to me now, Punk now can either claim his rematch and/or end up in a feud against Nash/HHH

That will be LAME as been there done that! They already have the "The Legend Killer" AKA Orton! Basically doing that WWE would be throwing in the towel, Cena goes back to Cena being champ, Punk gets hosed again and demoted back down to midcard. He's the ONLY thing pulling in fans right now. And we have a month long the establishment vs Punk. Wow this smells Immortals on TNA.
That will be LAME as been there done that! They already have the "The Legend Killer" AKA Orton! Basically doing that WWE would be throwing in the towel, Cena goes back to Cena being champ, Punk gets hosed again and demoted back down to midcard. He's the ONLY thing pulling in fans right now. And we have a month long the establishment vs Punk. Wow this smells Immortals on TNA.
REALLY? You actually think that? Don't overrate CM Punk's overness. Cena outpops Punk most nights unless it's a PPV (more smarks) or in a smarket (smark market).

Don't say he's the "ONLY" thing pulling in fans now. shit man most of Punk's supporters are lifelong fans. Smarks will watch a show until the day they die no matter how much they say they hate it. Cena is pulling in new, younger fans. Don't be ridiculous.

Since everyone is throwing in their two cents as far as what they think will happen. I'll say what I DON'T think it will be.

I don't think Nash did it for ADR, Vince, or HHH. I think they're doing a different direction none of you have thought of because I'm about 100% sure that any idea suggested as to what will happen from a storyline perspective on here has always been wrong. Not that your ideas are always terrible. Just that if you were to think of every possible way they go, the odds of someone actually guess right are pretty low. Plus you're all at a huge disadvantage. You only know where we've been, not where we're going. WWE probably has 3-6 months of stories at least outlined.
This should be cool, I mean, Del Rio isn't THAT bad. It's just compared to Punk that he isn't as good.
I don't think Del Rio will hold for that long, probably a transitional champ at best, but why not see what the guy can do, may surprise alot of people.
Punk needed a long reign, he needed to hold the title for another 4-5 months to cement his position in the company, who knows, he might win at NOC and hold till rumble or something.
Kevin Nash will do Punk a world of good anyway
This can all work out for the best and it depends upon where the WWE goes from here.

People weren't that wild about Christian dropping the title to Orton 2 days after winning it but, in the long run, it's been better for Christian and fans. It's been a great feud with fantastic matches that's finally put Christian where he belongs.

When it comes Alberto Del Rio, as others have said, the WWE has been planning to put the title on Del Rio in time for their tour of Mexico. They're going to film Raw & SD! in Mexico, first time for that, and it's a big deal. Del Rio is still a huge star in Mexico so having him return home as the conquering hero might just boost television ratings in Mexico and attendance at shows.

As for CM Punk, this could possibly put Punk in something of an Austin vs. McMahon scenario. CM Punk will probably accuse Triple H if putting Nash up to it. After all, on Raw last Monday, he asked Triple H if "the fix" was in. It raises questions as to what Kevin Nash's role will be, if Triple H was indeed in on it, etc. At the end of the day, this could potentially be an angle that will make Punk an even bigger star than he'd be if he was WWE Champion.

Also, the way Punk lost didn't make him look weak or lessen his credibility. He beat John Cena in their match. Cena had his foot on the rope but Punk didn't know it and Triple H didn't see it. Hey, that's not Punk's fault. It also gives Cena an out as he was screwed by Triple H's mistake and it makes you wonder what's next for him.

I would have preferred Punk walked out as WWE Champion. However, the fact that he didn't might not be a bad thing when you look at the big picture and how this MIGHT play out. Punk may have walked out a bigger star than when he went in. For me, keeping him as a legit main eventer and headliner that can beat the top guy in the company was what needed to happen the most and that's what we saw. Punk didn't leave with the title, but he didn't look weak. He technically beat his opponent and the fact that his opponent has a legit beef has to do with Triple H's mistake as a ref rather than any sort of underhanded tactic Punk used.
This should be cool, I mean, Del Rio isn't THAT bad. It's just compared to Punk that he isn't as good.
I don't think Del Rio will hold for that long, probably a transitional champ at best, but why not see what the guy can do, may surprise alot of people.
Punk needed a long reign, he needed to hold the title for another 4-5 months to cement his position in the company, who knows, he might win at NOC and hold till rumble or something.
Kevin Nash will do Punk a world of good anyway
I hate this sort of thinking. If you put the title on Morrison for 4-5 months, will it cement his place? No, being one of the most over guys on the roster and near the top for 4-5 months cements you more. Punk's character thrives on adversity and feeling like he's being held down. If he holds the title for 4-5 months, how is he being held down?

So many of the posters here put waaaaay too much stock in "clean wins" and title reign lengths. The average fan doesn't have a standings on their computer of wins and loses for wrestlers. They do pay attention to title reigns, but if you're over, that means they care about you. Which is all you need. The WWE won't bury someone who is really over because the WWE likes to make money.

Think of it like this. Pro wresting is kinda like baseball in that if you perform well, you get moved up. You don't get more over by simply being put in the main event. If you don't perform, you don't perform. If you put your worst hitter in the 3-hole, he'll get more RBI chances and will have more RBIs, but he'll still suck. Same thing here. If a guy hits well, he gets moved up to a place in the order where his production will be better used. Same thing in pro wrestling. Punk is in the 3 hole. Punk is over, so he'll still be in the main feud. He may not always have the title, but simply giving a guy a long title reign with lots of clean wins doesn't add to their credibility. Being over and in the main feud does.
You can't freak out about something like this. This did not kill Punk's momentum AT ALL. For a community of people who regards themselves as "smarter" than the average fan, you guys sure put a lot of importance on a belt, which is nothing more than a simple prop. It drives storylines. Where in the ending of SummerSlam was it obvious that Punk was being "demoted to the midcard"? Oh yeah, nowhere. Orton got cashed in on last year, and he seems to be doing just fine. Let's keep in mind that Punk BEAT Cena and Unified the two "legitimate" belts. Nash attacking him is most likely going to setup a great storyline. You think an angle between HHH, Nash, and Punk is going to be a midcard storyline? Please.

Punk's gonna be at the top for a long while. He'll have title reigns. Being cashed in on after beating Cena isn't the end of the world, AT ALL. It gives so many options of where to go from here. Everything will be fine.

The sky isn't falling. I promise. This can be very, very awesome if you give it time.
You can't freak out about something like this. This did not kill Punk's momentum AT ALL. For a community of people who regards themselves as "smarter" than the average fan, you guys sure put a lot of importance on a belt, which is nothing more than a simple prop. It drives storylines. Where in the ending of SummerSlam was it obvious that Punk was being "demoted to the midcard"? Oh yeah, nowhere. Orton got cashed in on last year, and he seems to be doing just fine. Let's keep in mind that Punk BEAT Cena and Unified the two "legitimate" belts. Nash attacking him is most likely going to setup a great storyline. You think an angle between HHH, Nash, and Punk is going to be a midcard storyline? Please.

Punk's gonna be at the top for a long while. He'll have title reigns. Being cashed in on after beating Cena isn't the end of the world, AT ALL. It gives so many options of where to go from here. Everything will be fine.

The sky isn't falling. I promise. This can be very, very awesome if you give it time.

I'm with you dude. People freak out for nothing. Which would you rather have? A character in a situation that makes it so the strengths of his character can show through and he gets more over, or he has the belt and his character basically has no reason to cut his promos everyone loves?

I honestly want someone to write a different ending for Summerslam for me and then explain what Punk does the next night.

If Punk were to win clean what the hell would he have to talk about?
If Punk were to win in a controversial manner, what would he talk about?

Punk having the title is a bad thing, but so is having Cena with the belt (no not for those reasons ****** in the back yelling "5 MOVEZ OF TEH DOOM"). Let's say Punk isn't in the title picture for a moment because he's so pissed at HHH. Do you really think HHH is going to let a feud with him, the 2nd most over guy in the world, and his good buddy be a midcard feud? They're going to keep the title intangled with this feud and if not, it will definately be near the top. If you're a CM Punk fan, be happy that he's doing something interesting and that he's over. The WWE will never depush someone who is massively over unless they fuck up the company image. Since Punk is drug free and doesn't seem like the wife/child murdering type, I don't see any of that happening.

Like my sig says (at the moment anyways), it's ridiculous and very "markish" to put so much stock in wins and loses and title reigns.
You can't freak out about something like this. This did not kill Punk's momentum AT ALL. For a community of people who regards themselves as "smarter" than the average fan, you guys sure put a lot of importance on a belt, which is nothing more than a simple prop. It drives storylines.

Exactly we ALL know that the title is nothing, but to the average Joe is isn't 'smartened up' the title mean something why do you think they always put the title on Cena... because the kids wants their hero with the title. I like Punk and I was cheering him alone in the Bell Centre in Montreal when they did a screwjob against the Undertaker and I was watching WWECW back then just for Punk vs JoMo, so I don't need him with the title. But Cena said it best on Raw. If Cena don't get the title, no problem he is still a made star, Punk is rising and he still need to rise.

I am pissed and angry but I see what I hope will be the brighter side. Now that Punk was "screwed" out of the title and that Stephanie hired Nash or HHH did, they will have a Punk vs the systems feud that can skyrockett Punk to another level probably more than a long title reign. I just hope that if there's a Punk vs HHH match, HHH doesn't win.

And please Punk vs Austin at mania, make it happen WWE.
After a good nights sleep I'm not as shocked at the ending as I was last night. I had Punk winning but turning corporate because of last Monday and the interactions with Johnny Ace and Stephanie (which made it seem that Punk was going to get screwed for Cena,plus when Steph left Cana's locker room she had that scowl of hers kinda looked like Miz girl) but when Cena's foot was on the rope and Punk wins threw that theory out of the door. I do give Punk fans credit for their reaction, everyone saw Cena's foot on the rope even they were a little shocked at that, the pop for Punk winning wasn't big as it would have been if Cena's foot wasn't on the rope. Good job for paying attention to detail and for all 3 announcers telling the viewers at home "hey this isn't right,his foot was on the rope".

Now for the real swerve. I like it, Kevin Nash (who looks like he put WWE Ice Cream Bars out of business by himself) powerbombs Punk with velocity then Del Rio cashes and wins. At first it did seem like Russo booking but like I said I slept on it and Nash's involvement does make sense ( he will be a playable character in WWE12 ) he can fill that bodyguard role for Del Rio so let's just watch RAW and hope for a new chapter in the Cm Punk,Cena storyline because now it involves more than Cena,Punk.

But oh dear I feel Rey is going to be embarrassed (meaning he will lose bad) in his home town. But at least he'll be facing Del Rio who he has a history with and the crowd will be in classic face-heel mode and won't get booed in his home town if he was facing Punk.

So let's just watch what goes down because new questions have been asked and the plot has thickened.
After a good nights sleep I'm not as shocked at the ending as I was last night. I had Punk winning but turning corporate because of last Monday and the interactions with Johnny Ace and Stephanie (which made it seem that Punk was going to get screwed for Cena,plus when Steph left Cana's locker room she had that scowl of hers kinda looked like Miz girl) but when Cena's foot was on the rope and Punk wins threw that theory out of the door. I do give Punk fans credit for their reaction, everyone saw Cena's foot on the rope even they were a little shocked at that, the pop for Punk winning wasn't big as it would have been if Cena's foot wasn't on the rope. Good job for paying attention to detail and for all 3 announcers telling the viewers at home "hey this isn't right,his foot was on the rope".

Now for the real swerve. I like it, Kevin Nash (who looks like he put WWE Ice Cream Bars out of business by himself) powerbombs Punk with velocity then Del Rio cashes and wins. At first it did seem like Russo booking but like I said I slept on it and Nash's involvement does make sense ( he will be a playable character in WWE12 ) he can fill that bodyguard role for Del Rio so let's just watch RAW and hope for a new chapter in the Cm Punk,Cena storyline because now it involves more than Cena,Punk.

But oh dear I feel Rey is going to be embarrassed (meaning he will lose bad) in his home town. But at least he'll be facing Del Rio who he has a history with and the crowd will be in classic face-heel mode and won't get booed in his home town if he was facing Punk.

So let's just watch what goes down because new questions have been asked and the plot has thickened.
lol what do you mean "Nash put the ice cream bars out of business"? If you mean he ate a lot of them....wouldn't that have kept them in business? Usually a high sales volume is a good thing.

Jokes aside, I'm glad you liked it. If you think about the purpose of everything and what they needed to happen, everything was booked perfectly. Neither guy looked bad, the belt is off both guys, lots of turmoil, lots of questions.

I kind of wonder how much more stephanie will be involved. If this was a one night thing or if she'll be recurring.
It's almost laughable how short sighted we can be. WWE has just done a huge thing that benefits the company.

1. They've just created 2 main event storylines for Raw.

2. They've solidified Del Rio as a "top dog."

3. They've just put Punk onto brighter horizons.

Here's what I see happening: I think Mysterio for his hometown crowd will have a great match with Del Rio, but I think that we won't see much progress post this point, maybe an interference from Truth because he lost last night, costing Rey the match.

While this is going on, we'll see Cena talk about how he has a rematch clause because he was the champion and we'll also see Punk say the same thing.

Nash will be revealed as the anonymous GM who has been silent since Triple H took over and we'll see him restrain Punk from his rematch clause and be revealed to be in cahoots with HHH and Stephanie, leading up to Survivor Series where we see Triple H vs Punk and maybe see previous matches like Nash vs. Punk at Vengeance. Then we'll watch Punk win the Rumble and face the WWE Champion at Wrestlemania whoever that may be (ps WWE is steering away from having Cena/Rock be a championship match after their focus groups last month). And there you have it, you have built Punks anti-authority persona and ANOTHER great Wrestlemania build up.

As for Cena, I think he'll meet Del Rio at Night of Champions, maybe even Vengeance and then possibly even Survivor Series with the Rock costing him the title there. Then I think we can watch Del Rio hold it maybe even to Wrestlemania, where we see Punk get his payback for Del Rio cashing in on him. Then in December, I'm not sure who you could put Cena with, but then the Rumble and Elimination Chamber will be easy caus you can just put Cena in those matches.

There you have it, you have now built MAJOR success from what happened last night, and the Road to Wrestleamania writes itself.

Side note, the fact that we are this ticked for what WWE did last night is a great thing. Bad press is better than no press at all right? I'm happy with it though. I think it was a great move. Undertaker, Austin, HHH, Rock launched and maintained their success without a title and they were the "big deals" - man, just look at McMahon/Austin, the way McMahon restrained Austin from the title kept us tuning in: that's what we're watching now... and don't forget, Punk has a lot of creative control over his character, he wants this. If Punk is the "real deal" and he is, he won't need the title to maintain his momentum.
As a CM Punk mark, I'm pissed about this. To me, this is an easy way to get heat on ADR by having him (someone who has been getting pushed to the moon yet his crowd reaction doesn't match the push he's been receiving) beat Punk who has been getting the biggest reaction of his career thus far. People bring up the Mexican tour. Makes sense. Hope ADR drops the belt after it's over.

As far as Nash is concerned, I sure was shocked to see him. I'm willing to bet that his involvement was due to ADR paying him off. Makes sense.
This is BRILLIANT! I hated it at first, but once again, the story lines are endless. And once again, as they have all summer, WWE does not clue us in as to where this is headed next. First off, CM Punk was THE Undisputed WWE Champion. What are they doing next? He gets a rematch. Wether its on Raw or at NoC, against ADR or Rey, he gets a rematch. So he's STILL in the title picture. Does he want to be? Depending on the outcome of the Kevin Nash involvement, perhaps he'll have "bigger things" on his plate for the time being. And no, he doesn't need a "long" reign to establish himself as a credible champion. He's had TWO HUGE wins over the face of the company, of the business, John Cena. In a row. And they were clean (or as clean as last nights could be). He doesn't need more credibility then that. Especially if he goes on an epic fued with HHH.

Also we have the angle of John Cena's foot on the ropes. While he won't whine as much as Christian, they wouldn't have done that if it wasn't going to elad to SOMETHING.

And of course, ADR is going to be the champion for the Mexico tour. Get that out of the way, get the title back on Punk, and now in the matter of a year we've added 3 people who have never been WWE Champion before to the ME scene, Miz, Punk, and ADR.

Also I have a feeling Punk is going to be like Randy Orton. Much more entertaining when he's trying to be champ then when he actually is (although Punk will always be entertaining, it'll just be better when he's chasing the title)
do u guys think this is a way to put the belt back on mysterio without making cm punk and cena look weak or irrelevant ???

im srry but this just isnt del rios time in my opinion. its his destiny yes but its not his time.

for the first time in a while i have no idea whats gonna happen next. i dont like del rio. excellent performer but cant talk worth a shit. his feud with mysterio however was amazing. those two put on some of the best matches of the last two years. but heavyweight champ hmmm not yet.

with raw being in san diego and with reys ongoing knee problems i really think its just wwe trying to give mysterio a better record because his days look numbered. i wouldnt be surprised if he had a big time byebye party sendoff early next year.

mysterio can carry the belt for a while, maybe a month or two while being the second big feud on raw. the first being the whatever cena/punk/nash/hhh/steph thingy wwe has planned for us.

i at least would like to see no title picture in the punk angle. the rebel against the system thing would work better if no prize was involved.
do u guys think this is a way to put the belt back on mysterio without making cm punk and cena look weak or irrelevant ???

im srry but this just isnt del rios time in my opinion. its his destiny yes but its not his time.

for the first time in a while i have no idea whats gonna happen next. i dont like del rio. excellent performer but cant talk worth a shit. his feud with mysterio however was amazing. those two put on some of the best matches of the last two years. but heavyweight champ hmmm not yet.

with raw being in san diego and with reys ongoing knee problems i really think its just wwe trying to give mysterio a better record because his days look numbered. i wouldnt be surprised if he had a big time byebye party sendoff early next year.

mysterio can carry the belt for a while, maybe a month or two while being the second big feud on raw. the first being the whatever cena/punk/nash/hhh/steph thingy wwe has planned for us.

i at least would like to see no title picture in the punk angle. the rebel against the system thing would work better if no prize was involved.
I don't think they'd have ADR lose the belt that fast. I think there will be a screwy finish so they can have a rematch in Mexico City.

the whole "better record" thing doesn't matter. Any wrestler who is smart doesn't care as much about that as what his character does. Plus it's not like Rey is going to get much more over if he wins.

I do agree with you (finally someone gets it) that Punk's character doesn't really work with the title since he's fighting the system. I mean, how good would the Matrix have been if Neo conquered the machines in the first 10 minutes? It would kill the entire point of his character.
Well, if they wanted to set up Punk/HHH, then Punk couldn't be champion. Because HHH can't logically vie for the title as the guy running the company and you can't tie up the championship in a non-title storyline.

Cena didn't make sense as champion either. If he beat Punk, it basically derails all Punk's momentum, invalidates the title, and ends the whole angle on a sour note. Or, maybe not ends up, but severely slows it down.

So in that regard, Del Rio makes sense. (Also, the reaction Rey will get in San Diego tonight will be huge. They want Del Rio to be the heel champion, so that'll help. They didn't want Punk or Cena getting less of a reaction than Rey, hometown or not.)

The problem I have with Del Rio as champion is that they haven't built him up nearly enough. Hell, Punk just beat him clean on RAW. He won the MITB, sure, but he hasn't really been involved in anything. They pushed him a while, then he want to the back burner until... oh, look at that, a tour of Mexico. And that's really what bothers me: booking not to further storylines, but to promote some tour. It's good business, but it's just such a cheap move, in my opinion.

Either way, things are set up decently. But who does Del Rio feud with over the title if Punk starts going after HHH/Nash? And Punk/Cena can't just be finished, right? So it's almost got to be a Del Rio/Punk/Cena feud for the title while Punk feuds with HHH/Nash on the periphery. Should be interesting, but the execution will be crucial.
I did not get to watch the PPV I just got done reading the results from Summer Slam but putting the belt on Del Rio is a good thing I like the fact that there giving the new stars of tomorrow a chance with the titles Cena is getting stale as a champion, granted he is the poster boy of The WWE CM Punk dropping the belt to Del Rio right after he won the match it make's good TV ADR is a complete asshole and it made perfect sense for him to win it he won the Royal Rumble he did not beat Edge at WrestleMaina XXVII he went on and won Money In The Bank, and now he won The WWE Title at Summer Slam don't get me wrong I think he plays a prick very well I am just curious how all this will play out tonight on RAW.

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