Alberto Del Rio Is The NEW WWE Champion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE

As Dragon Saga pointed out, it may not be one of those popular decisions, considering how much of a darling Punk is too all the internet smarks, but I can understand why it happened.

WWE is scheduled to do a tour in Mexico soon. With Del Rio representing Mexico as the WWE champion, you are going to create a lot more attention on buzz, especially if they are planning Del Rio vs Mysterio. That's bound to create some cash down there and from a business standpoint, its currently the smart thing to do.

I do wish Punk would have been given a longer reign and I am indifferent towards the ending but it does freshen up the title picture for awhile. Its always possible Punk will always regain the title at some point but right now what WWE did made sense, even if it's not the most popular decision. Still intrigued where Nash fits in all this as well.
Wow, where did all the hate for Del Rio come from all of a sudden ? Seemed like everyone loved him, until Punk got pushed. I like Punk a lot but WWE already ruined this storyline the minute Punk was brought back as fast as he was. Besides if Punk was to continue being champ, he would just fight Cena again and again, until Cena won. Although they have had good matches, I rather not see this match a third time, b/c it wont be getting better each time, only worse. The ending to this match really cheapened the whole thing anyway. Id like to see what Del Rio can do. He's had this a long time coming. There isnt a lot they can do with this Punk-Cena program anymore, its obvious they are leading us to an eventual HHH-Punk match anyway.
I have a few problems with this scenario. The first, and most important is that Alberto shouldn't have cashed in this soon. The track record shows that the longer a MITB contract is prolonged, the more successful the champion.

Edge and Miz are the only two MITB winners to hold their briefcase longer than three months. Miz held his title for almost six months. Edge held his for three weeks so I don't know where you're getting that from.

I loved the hell out of it. There are so many different angles that can come out of this. Is Nash with Del Rio? Was Stephanie involved? What happens with Punk and Cena? Amazing.
It's just way too predictable.. although it's good news for Punk.. but it's just way too predictable.. probably the only surprise is Kevin Nash..

and can someone shut ADR up.. he's been giving spoilers outside of WWE for far too many times.. He hints ppl he's gonna cash in at Summerslam.. I know more or less when he'll show up even..
why does everyone say that Cena will be the champ in WM28? He doesn't need the title to face Rock, and if it is for the title, Rock won't win it! It'll be predictable! Y say Punk goes to WM with the title!

Now the Nash appearance surprised me...let's see where this goes...also Del Rio as champ was a bit obvious, he needs to be shown strong in the tour on Mexico coming up! But damn it! Cena refuses to lose cleanly!!
I wasn't very surprised to see Del Rio cash in MITB, but Nash was definitely a shocker.

I'm calling it: Mr. H's wasn't responsible for this; Stephanie was. My money is on Stephanie masterminding Punk's downfall, asking Nash (who would obviously be acquainted with her, given his friendship with Hunter) to teach Punk a lesson, and encouraging Del Rio to take advantage of the opportunity. This will set up an interesting angle between HHH, Stephanie, and Nash, with the latter two claiming that they acted in Hunter's best interest. I can see Del Rio himself acting as Stephanie's handpicked golden boy champion (similar to how Vince tried to groom The Rock back in the day). With Vince out of the picture and her husband running things, Stephanie will once again make her presence known in the WWE, bringing along Nash as an enforcer and expecting Hunter to back her up. She might also be revealed as the anonymous RAW GM. That's my prediction, at least. Either way, this is definitely looking interesting.
I always like cash ins on raw or smackdown rather than at a ppv. Think about it, all that we have watched siince after money in the bank to summerslam, what was the point? All that was being pushed was the title match, and at the end of it, none of them left with the title. I feel cheated out of the match and the time i spent watching raw.
If this happened on a raw or smackdown there would be proper build to the next pay per view with the new money in the bank winners title defense.
Now congrats to del rio, he was due to win it because of the tour to mexico, but i still feel it wasnt the right thing to do
I will say one thing i hated about the ending. Now I realize once again why I hate MITB. Can WWE please try to be a little less predictable. First off does everyone have to win the title in this cheap, meaningless fashion. Why cant stars do it like RVD, where they set a date, I find that to be more effective in building hype, than a quick crap match and then some 3 week hyped grudge re-match build-up. Secondly, although I like Del Rio winning, i really dont think everyone who has mitb should actually win. Sometimes people should lose, not only to add shock value, but this can be used to intensify the l bitterness/hatred in a feud.
Del Rio is gonna drop it tomorrow night to Rey Mysterio... that's my prediction. :P

I'm glad he won, now he can lose too. He's NOT ready, these quick meaningless world title wins are a part of what I mean when I talk about how "Every time you lose, you make the title look bad."
Kevin Nash is FINE Del Rio as champion SUCKS! The guy is boring in the ring and can't cut a promo for his life. We're in for a long month or two of him for the Mexican tour as champ. What was the point of the whole Cena/Punk thing to end it a lame way. Only thing I can see is Nash was working for Stephanie and that will come out.
I will say one thing i hated about the ending. Now I realize once again why I hate MITB. Can WWE please try to be a little less predictable. First off does everyone have to win the title in this cheap, meaningless fashion. Why cant stars do it like RVD, where they set a date, I find that to be more effective in building hype, than a quick crap match and then some 3 week hyped grudge re-match build-up. Secondly, although I like Del Rio winning, i really dont think everyone who has mitb should actually win. Sometimes people should lose, not only to add shock value, but this can be used to intensify the l bitterness/hatred in a feud.

That's what Daniel Bryan is doing...

As for what happened.. man this is indeed the evolution of a truly great is all happening very quickly, but every show is must see right now...

and why not...

Nash when you think about it is not that random given his career. He has made a habit of being one of the most controversial characters in thelast 20 years. CM Punk's stuff has brought about someone like Nash who invaded WCW as basically teh WWF and called himself nWo...

He has always been this puppet master behind the scenes, and when Punk has set all of this into motion, someone like Nash couldn't help himself get involved especially with HHH one of his closest friends beocming the most powerful man in the wrestling business, why wouldn't he try and continue his legacy and get involved.

Del Rio winning the title makes perfect sense. Did the very rich Del Rio pay off Nash who loves a pay day??

Or nash ebing who is not care as long as he got his name involved in the storm surrounding CM Punk and din't care if Punk lost the title...

Or is he part of a wider conspiracy involving johnny Ace and or Stephanie??

In any case Del Rio winning the belt and taking it from the Anti-WWE Champion works perfectly to keep this title scene moving and making the story so intriguing and must see....
I gotta say Nash was a big surprise that I'm very intrigued by. There are numerous ways he can be used in a storyline aspect and I'm looking forward to which angle we're given.

The Del Rio cash-in was far from a shocker (it almost felt telegraphed with the advertised Mysterio title match on Raw in San Diego tomorrow) but the main issue I had with how it was handled. Bottom line, it was rushed. No entrance music, no Justin Roberts announcement that "Alberto Del Rio is CASHING IN his Money in the Bank contract", and one quick move and three count later Del Rio is your new WWE Champion. WWE has developed a habit of ending PPVs at about the 10:50 mark, so I have no idea why this couldn't have been dragged out a bit longer, including a 5 minute "ALBERTO DEL RIO!" yellfest from Ricardo Rodriguez.

I hope there's a solid plan in place for the next couple of months, because I have a feeling we'll be getting a patchwork Fatal Four Way Match at Night of Champions. Prove me wrong WWE, prove me wrong.
The ending just seemed TNA-ish. This angle didn't a surprise like Nash, or Alberto "My ring announcer gets more heat than I do" Del Rio, because something like that is expected and ultimately waters down the angle.(I'm guessing he won it b/c he's mexican and with the mexico tour looming, he can cater to those people...there's no other reason.)

The feud thus far has been real personal with Just HHH/Punk/Cena. Now you have ADR as the champion, Rey getting a title shot tonight, Punk's rematch, Cena's foot on the rope, Steph and Nash's involvements and HHH's role in all of this. Unless creative REALLY nails all these potential could all break down.
Initially in viewing the ending I went from a wtf mode when it appeared the controversial finish was gonna stand to completely shocked when Nash showed up to pissed when ADR won the title. All in a manner of about 30 seconds. The cash in may have been predictable but certainly not the way it went down with all those things happening.

Having had time to ponder on those events and read others thoughts, I must say that I am on board with this direction. I agree with the thought some have had that ADR doesn't really seem ready, but let's look at the situation here. Yea he's champion and will be facing Rey tomorrow, but who is the focus on? Mine is on what exactly is gonna happen with Cena and Punk. Not to mention the whole Nash thing...was it Del Rio, Trips, Stephanie, Vince?? I think ADR is just a transitional champion for the time being so they can see if he can run with it. He's bound to get some major heat at this point from both the Punk and Cena fans...which basically constitutes the whole audience. I expect that the championship itself and not the person who is carrying it will be the focus at the point and will lead to a Fatal Four Way at NOC with Cena, Punk, Rey, and ADR.

The question I have with that is do they intend for ADR to be champion all the way through October or whenever this Mexico tour is? Or are they just trying to build him up into a legit main eventer before then. I have to believe at some point this thing will revert back to Punk/Cena for the WWE title and I assume that match could take place at Hell in a Cell.

So as you can see, the WWE has given me many thoughts, questions, etc. and I will surely be tuning in to find out where this is going in the coming weeks. We went into the 2nd biggest show of the year looking for some answers as to would there be a heel turn, a screwjob, and who would be undisputed WWE champion. We've come out of the ppv with more questions than answers meaning we're again left guessing which is becoming a pattern. Well played WWE, well played
Yah WWE dropped the ball on this one as predicted!! Punk is white hot right now and the WWE gives him a shittier title reign than rey rey had!! Man i swear the wwe cant get anything right these days!! So what the WWE is touring mexico who gives a shit they tour all over the world!! When they were in south africa why didnt they give the belt to justin gabriel?? Punk resigned up for this??? Nash coming in was cool i dont mind ADR being champion but the wwe screwed punk big time on this one!! Again once in generation story that had legs and plenty of steam and the WWE shot it dead in its tracks!! Way to fuck up as usaul WWE
I'm laughing pretty hard so far, Everyone predicted this, everyone, except nobody posted about it, until after the fact.

Nash's appearance was the biggest curve ball we've seen in years. Seriously, nobody expected that.

Del Rio had a huge following, but now that he's the champion and #1 heel, his followers are hating on him, much like with Cena or Orton, or Miz, or even last week there was a "CM Punk is overrated thread" because, let's face it, hating on popular wrestlers is the cool thing to do.

Del Rio is interesting, has been relevantly in the upper card and ME since Royal Rumble, and I can see him running with the title til holiday time. This opens up the sub-feuds to be non-title, and it will be refreshing to possibly see the main feud not involving the World Title.
I know that the old saying is "Never put yourself above the World Title" but we could see Punk fighting Cena fighting HHH with Kevin Nash playing as the wild card, and it could be the dominant feud, leaving the World title to be.... WRESTLED FOR, at least for a couple months, while the main feud screw jobs matches left and right.

A good ppv finish answers all the questions, a great one creates new ones.
I think tonight's did a good job of this.
Can everyone that love Punk relax on this being a bad idea wait let this thing fall into place. Stop think maybe HHH and Nash and Rio got a power thing going
World Champ , COO and the muscle. HHH turning in to the younger version of Vince and a little PUNK Cena allaince for now.
Isnt the whole thing with Punk revolved around the WWE title though?
I know that its all over the place with the Kliq. HHH,Nash,Steph. But Punk now isnt gonna be as credible because he lost the title to Del Rio. I feel like the fans arent gonna get on board since hes chased the title, won it and in less than a month he loses it? Thats pretty lame thing to happen to Punk after all this build up.

One more thing, is WWE really gonna try and shove Del Rio in our faces. Its his first reign but is he really gonna hold it till after this whole "Mexico Tour" Doesnt that begin in October? That would mean the next PPV could be really predictable since Del Rio has to hold on to it till then. Is he gonna fued with Rey.....No thank you.

This really disappoints me, Punk should have the title, thats all i got to say.

One more thing, unless Punk or Cena are involved in this fued, i believe whole heartedly that whatever match Del Rio would be in as WWE Champ will not main event the next ppv. Like if he is fueding with MYsterio, they most probably wont ME the ppv.
Well I'm happy with the decision. People who are saying Del Rio isn't ready probably think he's one of the young guys. HES NOT. He's the same age as Cena right now. So they had to give him the title it's just a matter of "Now Or Never". I mean look at R-Truth he's getting pushed alright but I don't think he's ever going to win the strap because of his age.
The WWE don't like pushing guys to a world title too late. So what they did with Del Rio was smart. Like I said it's just a matter of "Now Or Never".

I know this sounds like Rey Mysterio getting buried but I think Rey's gonna have his rematch in the opener of Raw and Del Rio will beat him cleanly to put him over as a credible champ in his first title defense. I just hope they don't give him the Miz treatment by letting him cheat his way to victories even against someone like Jerry Lawler.

I'm looking forward to seeing where Del Rio goes. But I kinda predicted Del Rio will cash in after seeing him in the unannounced opener. The WWE just wanted to make it look like a surprise so making Del Rio lose a six man tag in the opener was just a way to make everyone forget about Del Rio. I remember them doing the same with Edge putting him against Ric Flair at New Years Revolution 2006 before becoming the first guy to cash in after the main event. Overall I was pleased with the whole Pay Per View. The WWE putting on two great Pay Per Views is a huge step up from Capitol Punishment. And I hope they keep it up.
The ending just seemed TNA-ish. This angle didn't a surprise like Nash, or Alberto "My ring announcer gets more heat than I do" Del Rio, because something like that is expected and ultimately waters down the angle.(I'm guessing he won it b/c he's mexican and with the mexico tour looming, he can cater to those people...there's no other reason.)

The feud thus far has been real personal with Just HHH/Punk/Cena. Now you have ADR as the champion, Rey getting a title shot tonight, Punk's rematch, Cena's foot on the rope, Steph and Nash's involvements and HHH's role in all of this. Unless creative REALLY nails all these potential could all break down.

And to make sure i don't get dinged for spam:
Del Rio is mediocre at best. I can't stand him on the Mic, and his persona is annoying. The only thing i actually like about him is that he's a seasoned wrestler. Other than that, I hate that he has the title.
So many things just got added to the story that its going to be hard to make it all make sense and if done wrong....and unfortunately, i'm almost POSITIVE it will be done wrong, they're going to end up burying Punk, Cena's somehow getting the title back and they will have done all this work for nothing.
Yah WWE dropped the ball on this one as predicted!! Punk is white hot right now and the WWE gives him a shittier title reign than rey rey had!! Man i swear the wwe cant get anything right these days!! So what the WWE is touring mexico who gives a shit they tour all over the world!! When they were in south africa why didnt they give the belt to justin gabriel?? Punk resigned up for this??? Nash coming in was cool i dont mind ADR being champion but the wwe screwed punk big time on this one!! Again once in generation story that had legs and plenty of steam and the WWE shot it dead in its tracks!! Way to fuck up as usaul WWE

Get over it.

Rey, Del Rio is hardly a heel, either way one of them is going to be the champ at the end of tomorrow night and Punk could also be face. Pick and choose, how do you want Punk to win the title back? It can happen.

Punk vs Mysterio, Punk vs Del Rio with one of them as face. Cena might get it back... but somehow I doubt it, I think he's spurned and is going to have to live with it and move on to other things, like The Rock, Mick Foley, Kevin Nash, wtf knows, just watch and find out.

It's really not the end of the road for Punk in the least bit. Follow Punk's advice, sit back, shut up, and enjoy the damned show.
Someone needs to explain something to me. The IWC is obsessed with how over a superstar is, yet they turn a blind eye when it's a superstar they like for whatever reason. People can think what they want about the finish or whatever but ADR belongs nowhere near the WWE title realistically at this I thought, anyway. If they're going to do a quick transitional reign they could've just given it to Miz or Truth of that's the case, since they you actually draw legitmate heat w/o the assistance from their personal ring announcer. The guy can wrestle, sure... but he is the definition of a one trick pony. His literally consist of the very same shtick from day one. Now I detest the Miz, but at the very least his promos have a certain wit about them that mirror or fit the circumstance. Del Rio literally just plants on that some stupid smile and says some hoopla about destiny, and the IWC(and only the IWC it appears)eats it up. Hopefully since his destiny has been fulfilled he get some new material.

And if it was just to appease all the mexicans just because you have to tour their country, then they shoudl've given to Rey and have ADR have a decent build up before his fist reign.(didn't a superstars first title win used to mean something?) ADR "fans" need to remember what happened to Swagger when he was pushed too fast. Not the situations aren't the same...but still..
I don't see why people are bitching! Everyone always complains about predictability. Not ONE fucking person would've guessed that Kevin Nash comes out after the match. Not one. It was a great swerve and we'll just have to see what that was all about on Monday.

Del Rio leaving as the champ was also something you didn't really see coming. Sure I thought it was a possibility but I didn't really count on it. Del Rio needs to be established in the main event and this will solidify him as the top heel on Raw. Plus the way they did it, all three men involved tonight have a legitimate gripe about the title. I personally think a triple threat match for the title at Night of Champions will be superb with these three involved. Kudos to the WWE for making things unpredictable yet still making sense. It's been a little while since there was a logical progression of matches for the WWE title instead of number one contender's matches or someone simply bitching that it's their turn and I am loving it.
Those saying he's not over, did you happen to miss the enormous cheers he got when he came out to cash in?

As Punk has said, lets all just take a seat, sit back and watch what happens, too many of you think you know absolutely everything, and how it all works, when in actuality, noone had any idea Nash would return to screw over Punk, and this could go any number of ways from here.

Cannot wait for Ricardo to announce Del Rio as champ tomorrow.
Someone needs to explain something to me. The IWC is obsessed with how over a superstar is, yet they turn a blind eye when it's a superstar they like for whatever reason. People can think what they want about the finish or whatever but ADR belongs nowhere near the WWE title realistically from the I thought. If they're going to do a quick transitional reign they could've just given it to Miz or Truth of that's the case. The guy can wrestle, but he is the definition of a one trick pony. He promos consist of the very same shtick from day one. Now I detest the Miz, but at the very least his promos have a certain wit about them that mirror or fit the circumstance. Del Rio literally just plants on that stupid smile and says some hoopla about destiny, and the IWC(and only the IWC it appears)eats it up. Hopefully since his destiny has been fulfilled he get some new material.

And if it was just to appease all the mexicans just because you have to tour their country, then they shoudl've given to Rey and have ADR have a decent build up before his fist reign.(didn't a superstars first title win used to mean something?) ADR "fans" need to remember what happened to Swagger when he was pushed too fast. Not the situations aren't the same...but still..

That's the sad reality. Ricardo Rodriguez gets 10x the heat Del Rio gets and is the main source of the booes in Del Rio's entrance. He's boring on the mic, and we have to look forward to him holding the strap for the Fall? Del Rio is NOT over with the WWE Universe at all. David Otunga draws more heat than this guy for cryin out loud.

The guy is a hell of a wrestler sure, not debating that. But his overall gimmick and lack of heat and drawing power makes me feel like this is going to be Swagger 2.0.

@Mizfit above. Anyone would have gotten a crowd reaction if they ran out with the briefcase because people knew what was coming.

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