Alberto Del Rio is the NEW WWE Champion

So he jobs inside of a cell instead? It's just stupid ass shit. Man who's writing this.

Except Cena wasn't the guy that got pinned. In fact he wasn't even in the cage at the time. Not that I agree with the previous statement. Cena is a company man through and through, and I believe that's why he was given the ball way back when.

I personally don't care who is champion at the moment. I'd just rather see the "hot potato" effect be over and done with. I was actually cheering for Cena for that exact reason. It disturbs me that the mid-card titles are being held to a higher standard because they have been held and defended by the same people for some time while the WWE title gets passed around like a cheap hooker at a bachelor party.
I couldn't have said it better myself. The WWE championship is seemingly meaningless at this point. I mean 7 title changes in 11 weeks? Thats ridiculous...I know that gone are the days of the year title reign but now we're dealing 1 hour reigns...24 hour reigns...5 day reigns...its ridiculous. where is the prestige to the title? To be honest the WHC looks more prestigious at this point....
I'm a John Cena hater through and through and as much as I hate to see him with the title, if he's going to have it, freakin give it to him and let him run with it...Or give it to del rio..or Punk, but for goodness sake let whoever's getting it KEEP it for a while....jeesh!
makes perfect sense, Vince will return shortly with Miz and Truth being his henchmen. Need 2-3 more guys for the inevitable Team Vince vs Team HHH at Survivor Series. Team HHH will definitely be Cena, The Rock(alread announced) along with Punk and two others(possibly Orton and Morrison) whilst team Vince will be the champ Del Rios with Miz and R ruth and two others who seem to be getting the short enmd, namely Rhodes and Christian. Looking like a super Survivor Series and a sterling way to pave the road to Wrestlemania. Returning Big Show will fued with Mark Henry
If they were going to have Del Rio win the Title back tonight, then they shouldn't of even had him lose it to Cena. It's a joke how they're just FEEDING the titles to Cena for no damn reason, and with no basis behind them. I'm not a Cena hater by any means, in fact, I'd prefer Cena to stay the Champion until AT LEAST Survivor Series where he then loses it to CM Punk or something. Not like this, not this way.......
Why have del rio lose the title if he was gonna get it back just 2 weeks later!!??!!??!!?? There would have been no harm in giving him some chicken shit heel win or having him get dq'd back at NoC!!! :banghead:

Then you would have him going into vengence with 2 succesful ppv defenses which would have helped his character and the title!! Then if they wanted they could have fed him to john cena! I wouldnt be pro the idea but atleast Cena would take the belt from del rio after a ( in todays standards) decent length title run!:banghead:

I know i seem to be alittle too mad over this, but to me it doesnt make sense the way they did it and it just seemed mixed up and backwards . . . .

AND, if the wwe is using the quick title changes in a way too go along with the "turmoil" in the wwe then thats actual a pretty cool idea thats adds depth to that storyline . . . . .BUT i dont have that much faith in wwe creative so i doubt it. . . . .
Man Del Rio's first title reign should've been better. It lessens the value of him winning again. I'm actually glad Punk lost because I dont want him turing into Cena with a million title reigns
He deserves a decent run. I hope it opens up a solid Punk - Del Rio feud. Cena doesn't need the strap right now, especially since he will be teaming with The Rock at Survivor Series and has a match with The Rock at Wrestlemania
I've gotta admit about the mix feelings I had.. I don't want Cena to win.. it'll be just another SuperCena moment.. I wish ADR to win because I know Punk is out of the title picture due to the current "conspiracy" storyline.. but ADR isn't my favorite star..

Seriously.. they really shouldn't have changed that title during Night of Champion in the first place.. and ya.. the title is officially just a prop to show who's getting the push.. that's the only meaning to it..
Put the title on Del Rio, so him and Punk can feud for the next few months, maybe against Punk Del Rio will be able to get a real reaction from the crowd. I do agree that they should have left the title on Del Rio at NOC, having Cena win that night was a complete waste. The WWE Title has changed hands far too many times this year, lets hope Del Rio holds it until Royal Rumble

While Cena moves on to that clusterfuck of a storyline with Triple H, John Laurinaitis, Miz and R-Truth.
honestly i think the only reason why Cena won at NoC was to make him relevant in the main event tonight...other wise it would just be putting Cena in the main event for no reason...
honestly i think the only reason why Cena won at NoC was to make him relevant in the main event tonight...other wise it would just be putting Cena in the main event for no reason...

But my argument with this statement is, WWE keep putting Cena in the main event for no reason anyway. Cena did'nt deserve the rematch at night of champions, it was Punk who lost the belt to ADR at summerslam. and look at when Mysterio won it on raw back in July, Cena was given a match for the belt that same night for no reason, that is where ADR should have started his reign in my opinion.

Long story short, Cena is getting put into main events for no reason because creative want somebody to take the illustrious "16 world titles" record from Ric Flair and they want to do it fast! so what better way than to give cena 4 title reigns a year!

the main event at hell in a cell would have been equally as good if Cena didnt win at NoC and it was just Punk vs ADR, then give cena a number one contender match for Vengeance, we all know it will be cena in the main event in 3 weeks any so there would be no point but Punk and Del Rio deserve a main event match just one on one without Cena thrown in.

Poor work from creative towards Cena, Del Rio and the hot potato.....i mean WWE title!
honestly i think the only reason why Cena won at NoC was to make him relevant in the main event tonight...other wise it would just be putting Cena in the main event for no reason...

The main character of the show being forced into the main event? Da hell?

As far as Del Rio goes.. Has there been a more forgettable WWE champ in recent history? I know that the Miz got swept under the porch when The Rock came back and Orton/Sheamus were booked as afterthoughts when Nexus was running around last year. But they have gone out of their way to try to make Del Rio as equally a big deal as the Triple H, COO stuff. Heck he went MIA a week after he won the belt and the internet didn't even freak out about it. I doubt that was maturity on the internet's part.

While I am not upset that they are play a kid's game with the WWE title; I am concerned that no one in that main event scene on Raw is getting any benefit from being in that main event scene on Raw. Cena can't be the only one to carry the load of "the crowd cares" all the time.
I just hope Punk takes it off him soon. I hated his first title run and he hasn't convinced me that he has main event mic skills.
i hate the fact that ole cena couldnt lose cleanly inside the cell, he just had to get locked out and lose it that way. Now we get to hear cena say how alberto won unfairly lol can't wait for that. I think if cena and punk feud after wrestlemania that would be cool bc its kinda like rock vs austin feud, u dont mind seeing them face off against each other over and over again.
I have mixed feelings. Like many others I disagree with having Cena only hold the title for two weeks. What was the point in that? I hate short title reigns, they are pretty pointless. Del Rio did deserve a longer first run and hopefully he gets a decent reign this time. With the Mexico events coming up it is a perfect time for Del Rio to be WWE Champion, as he will get to return home as a champion. I've read that a huge angle between Punk and Del Rio is coming, I hope that Del Rio remains champion for most of it because with the way he has been built up a longer reign would help solidify his main eventer status. Trading the title back and forth might get the wrestlers more things to brag about, but it does nothing for the belt itself. Del Rio needs a longer reign, at the very least two months.

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