Is Alberto Del Rio the new Eddie Guerrero?

I kind of agree about the thread as it amazes me how many people are just saying "Eddie was Mexican"... he clearly wasn't... he was Texan! Rey is Californian!... They are over with Latino Americans cos they are of the same blood. Not mexican born stars coming to the US. It's like calling Sheamus British... totally different countries...

If you were going to compare ADR's gimmick then compare it against The Mexicools... even "evil" ADR was light years ahead of that portrayal which was truly based on their place of origin.

Eddie gets a pass on a lot of things cos he died and he almost gets "extra saint status" because it cannot be given to Benoit now. Why not just remember the guy as he was?, a great entertainer with demons who at least showed that (albeit brief) redemption is possible.

Personally I hope we never need to see another wrestler with the latter problems, but sadly it's inevitable.

Many will aspire "to be like Eddie", as a wrestler that is a good thing as regardless of his success later on it was the work ethic of 20 years that built him to that point, not 2 years of "the machine".

The sooner people work out that to be the "next" anyone is a misnomer the better.
Immediately you are inferior as you can never be the person who came before, who will always be viewed with those rose tinted Hitman shades and even if you make it, then people will just say "the original was better"... It is far better for guys to carve their own path, even if it means they "only get the IC/US title", which if you'd offered Eddie even in 1992 he'd have snapped your hands off for.
Before reading the actual title all I saw was "Is Alberto Del Rio the new....", and while clicking it I must have said "please don't say 'Eddie Gurerro'" a million times. My answer is no. I can see tge conparisons, with the car and all of that, plus he's Mexican, but it doesn't make him Eddie. Different wrestling styles, different characters (being Mexican isn't a character), and there's plenty of other guys who rode cars. If anything, during his heel run, he reminded me more of JBL (limo, rich, cocky, patriotic music).
Eddie died young and is put on a pedestal and is overrated by the net just like Owen Hart because of it. That said, the only similarity is that they are "the Latin draw" in which case, Orton is the next Harley Race since they both came from Missouri.
I kind of agree about the thread as it amazes me how many people are just saying "Eddie was Mexican"... he clearly wasn't... he was Texan! Rey is Californian!... They are over with Latino Americans cos they are of the same blood. Not mexican born stars coming to the US. It's like calling Sheamus British... totally different countries...

Eddie and Rey not only came up in Mexican organizations prior to ECW and WCW but they're clearly Mexican-Americans who have reminded us of their lineage throughout all of the organizations they've been a part of. Sheamus came up in Irish organizations... no one is calling him British. I really don't understand the point you're trying to make here.

Fact of the matter is that this topic is stupid-******ed because the only comparison between Del Rio and Guerrero is the fact that there is no comparison. They are two completely different wrestlers with different looks, styles, and charisma. The original poster is a moron for even attempting to stir up conversation about how Del Rio is the next Guerrero. As asinine as the comparison clearly is, we can't help but point out how stupid of a thought process someone must have to make this type of comparison.

That said, the only similarity is that they are "the Latin draw" in which case, Orton is the next Harley Race since they both came from Missouri.

Exactly. This thread just inspired and endless amount of facepalming. Mack_swagger, you're awful.
No. This is all opinion obviously, but Guerrero was on a whole other level in ring and in terms of charisma. Del Rio is bland, period. There is no comparison. Guerrero stood out during the late 90s. If Del Rio were in his prime during that period I think he'd have been hard pressed to get on TV. Okay, maybe he would have been in Los Boricuas.

In terms of drawing ability, who knows? Apparently even The Great Khali has drawing power in India and he struggles to walk down the ramp.

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