**Merged** Alberto Del Rio

I totally agree with him being gold. He has everything you need, looks, carisma, the cocky attitude and mad wrestling skills. His finisher is great and so far everyone has sold it good. The luxury cars, and the sparkles looking like gold falling... damn it all comes together so nice. I hope he becomes champion, but i dont want wwe to make another shaemus. Let the guy be around for a while and get some meat on his bones. Put him in some good fueds (and maybe even IC title) then after a couple of months maybe a year, only then should he recieve a heavyweight title.
However many weeks on and I still think he's shit. So shit, in fact, that I feel the need to frequently comment on it. Pretty shit then, yeah.

"Ooh, he's cocky and arrogant. What a great heel." What rare characteristics they are for a heel to have, I agree. Really sets him apart from the pack.

He's like JBL alright - unwatchable, unremarkable cack.
I also can't stand the guy, he's a Mexican version of JBL, and I don't know what other people see in him. He's boring, and nothing about him interests me nor stands out. Plus, I read a report awhile ago that he's already created heat backstage. He wants to have his mask or something, but the WWE superstars think he should just shut up and stop complaining since he just came in and got a push, which isn't deserved AT ALL in my opinion. It just shows how weak Smackdown's roster is.
I'm guessing the people that don't like him can't see past the heel persona and appreciate his ring skills. Plus, he hasn't had very many matches yet to display them. Trust me, look up Dos Caras Jr on YouTube and you will see what he can do.
...Isnt anything special at all whatsoever.

I seen him live. It was so quiet during his entrance that you could literally hear that pyro shower hitting the ground. I guess everyone in the crowd was just so very in awe of how great he is? Um no, just no one in the crowd gives a fuck.

Were the fuck is all this "great ring skill" everyone is talking about? Was it exhibited in the three fucking matches he has had? :lmao:

I would say he is shit per se, but certainley not the second coming like everyone is making him out to be. Fuck, give a guy a spiffed out entrance and an ounce of charisma, and the entire IWC is spooging all over the place. Get the fuck outta here.
...Isnt anything special at all whatsoever.

I seen him live. It was so quiet during his entrance that you could literally hear that pyro shower hitting the ground. I guess everyone in the crowd was just so very in awe of how great he is?

Were the fuck is all this "great ring skill" everyone is talking about? Was it exhibited in the three fucking matches he has had? :lmao:

I would say he is shit per se, but certainley not the second coming like everyone is making him out to be. Fuck, give a guy a spiffed out entrance and an ounce of charisma, and the entire IWC is spooging all over the place. Get the fuck outta here.

Yeah, but you said it yourself, NorCal. He's only had 3 matches. You can't come down on him that quick and expect everything outta' him. People are comparing him to JBL when he first started using the "JBL" gimmick, so I'll use him as an example..

JBL was exactly the same when he first used his JBL gimmick. He wasn't doing anything spectacular at all besides coming out in a rented limo with a JBL sticker on the side.

What happened to him after? He became WWE Champion and held it for 280 days. I personally think that it's one of the greatest WWE Championship reigns in history. Hell, PWI even voted him as the best gimmick of 2004.

Give Alberto Del Rio a chance at least?
Alberto Del Rio...needs a better moveset. So far he hasn't shown us anything half as exciting as his Dos Caras Jr gimmick would have. I know he's a heel and this is a different character, but come on, what does he have? A sitout spinebuster and a rolling arm bar. That's it. He doesn't have his suplexes. I'll have to wait and see what else he brings to the table as time goes by, but so far I'm disappointed. His match against Matt Hardy was sloppy too. I hope he does pull off something different in his next match. He has potential.

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