**Merged** Alberto Del Rio

Terrible, terrible video I saw yesterday. Thought I was watching the opening to a Spanish porno or something. I was thoroughly confused as to what the hell was going on and then realized it was actually a part of Smackdown.

Couldn't understand what he was supposed to be saying, something about character and not lying and stuff? Alrighty then. I've heard of him, which is something I can't say about basically everyone else in FCW, but this character looks pretty awful.

I agree his acting is pretty bad but I heard good things about his in ring skills. Even if he fails it can't be any worse than almost getting decapitated by Cro Cop. :lmao:
I too thought it was great to see a vignette for a new superstar, it was like a breath of fresh air and since it was such a good vignette, it made it all the better. I've seen some of this guys work, and it's pretty damn good, the only thing I would change about him right now is his name, like Dave said, it seems like they gave him the most generic spanish name they could think of.

But I'm thinking this guy can do quite well in the WWE, I read on the main page that he cut some pretty good promos during dark matches and got some pretty good heat, add his in ring ability and you got a solid superstar, lets hope they push him from the start so that he doesn't get lost in the shuffle right off the bat.
Good to see the Vignettes/Promo's back for Superstars due to Debut. It brings a bit of excitment waiting to see their first appearance.

I actually started a thread on this guy a week ago, but got banned from the thread's for a week as the Mod's decided i was posting spoilers!! Ah well.

As for who posted if he was debuting on Raw or Smackdown, well due to the fact he's got his promo's on S'Down then i think it's safe to say he'll definatly be on that brand. Also S'Down needs more talent.


This is a link to see some of his fooage from a house show, and there's plenty more video's from there
Meh. That really describes all the upcoming FCW guys. Every time I see these guys I think back to Scotty Goldman or that guy that Vickie dated for like a week, Pablo something? They show their green in the ring and their first promo, (which is basically all we ever see.) is average, and that's being nice.

The vignette is nice but when I look back on the last people that had that I think of Kizarny and R Truth.

So overall, well, he sure is something alright. I have to wait to see him wrestle first before I condemn him with the Roman thumb down.
or that guy that Vickie dated for like a week, Pablo something?

:lmao: I think you mean Eric Essssssscobar. Either way he is not worth remembering.

Onto Mr. Del Rio. While nice to see some vignettes, they were still rather "meh" to me. I had a hard to understanding him and only picked up on a few things and it seems as if the guy is a modern day spanish George Washington with the honesty shtick. I imagine he will be heel and he will garner the typical heel foreigner who is showered with USA chants and I imagine he will try to embrace them only to get annoyed and bust out some loco Spanish promo which will garner him even more heat. One smart thing though, they have the guy debuting on SD, so he shouldn't be lost in the shuffle like he would have been if he debuted on Raw. I will hold any further judgement until I see him lace up the boots in a WWE ring.
When is he debuting?
Seriously WWE has been hyping up his debut for like four weeks with hype promos three times a week.
We get it your better than us, you are great at pool and all that but when is he going to debut on smackdown?
I also think a 4 week build up is long enough. I already hate the guy just from them drilling the same stuff promos week after week. I'm ready to see him wrestle to see if the hype is justified. It sounds like from the other posters that he has a good style being a large lucha mix promises good potential. He wrestling linage looks impressive so he should be a good one to watch. Enough with the promos though, it's time to get him on the roster!
With as big a buildup this guy is getting, it'd almost be embarrassing when they show the crowd during his promos, and the crowd is so silent, you can almost hear crickets. Wouldn't you be a bit worried if you were WWE mgmt? Just to see the fact that no one in the crowd seems to care that this new person is talking? Or could it just be the fact that maybe they are indifferent and have yet to decide and would wait on making that choice until they see him live?
He was on Saturdays house show in Sydney Australia, the Smackdown tour
He worked with Chavo so it was a respectable match, his mike skills are far better than his ring skills
Meh, going by reports, and what I've seen in FCW he's OK. Nothing special but he'll be able to get some heat by being a foreigner who rubs his language in everybody's faces.

I say shove him in a feud with Rey Mysterio who can point out that you can be Mexican without being an ass and leave him in the midcard to rot.
Del Rio has bored me to death and he hasn't even debuted yet. Looking at most of his promos, they're similar to what CM Punk always says so I don't know how that's exactly going to work. Hopefully, his in-ring skills will be good and hopefully get a reaction from the crowd. They'll probably put him up against a crowd favorite like Mysterio or Christian to hopefully try and get some heat. All I know is he needs to get in a WWE ring soon before all interest is lost in him.
I saw this guy live twice in April of this year and there's two things people should know about him.

First, he cut promos in Spanish and it really pissed off the Nortern Irish crowds, in other words he managed to draw impressive heel heat for a relative unknown in WWE. Secondly, he was damn impressive in the ring in his matches against Evan Bourne, especially his finisher which I believe is an inzugari to the head. If it's not his finisher, it's still a good move when he does it.

However, I will agree that he comes across as boring in these vignettes which have been airing on Smackdown the last few weeks, certainly they don't do him justice I think...
I think they are doing a good job of building the intrigue. The vignettes get a bit boring after a while and quite frankly i tuned tuned out to what he was saying. He's got a good look though. I'm keen to see his ability in the ring, from what i've heard dos caras knows he way around the ring. Wasn't he wrestling dark matches for Raw recently? One against Goldust I think. I'm guessing thats how they were judging his in-ring ability before they gave him a contract...
i think he will do well hes good at april i saw him in belfast on raw against evan bourne they had a good match. hopefully he will get a tittle run
Ok. These Alberto del Rio videos started nearly 2 months ago and he is still to debut on Smackdown. And how many times has WWE tried to buold up a new superstar with video promos like this, only for them to spend their careers in mid-card limbo(R-Truth) or go striaght to "future endeavorment"(Kizarny)? I dont expect del Rio to last long.
From several youtube videos ive watched this guy seems decent.Granted they have all been masked matches.

I quite enjoy his smackdown vignettes and from the dark matches ive hearrd positive things and just cant wait to see the guy in action with my own eyes.
Yes should be interesting, if they made him a mid card face that will fill the gap that the brand has as they only have 4 top faces at the present moment.

PS he has been defeating Chavo Gurrero in Australia during their tour this year by some submission move (not sur which it is.)
Ok I'm ready for this guy to debut already. I've been looking forward to it which is a good thing. When I watch Smackdown the only thing I think about is if he'll debut tonight. I'm not getting my hopes up as we've seen how new guys have difficulty getting over. It's been five or six weeks now so I think it's time for the build to end an for us to see this guy in action. Just don't count on him keeping his cruiserweight style.

With as big a buildup this guy is getting, it'd almost be embarrassing when they show the crowd during his promos, and the crowd is so silent, you can almost hear crickets. Wouldn't you be a bit worried if you were WWE mgmt? Just to see the fact that no one in the crowd seems to care that this new person is talking? Or could it just be the fact that maybe they are indifferent and have yet to decide and would wait on making that choice until they see him live?

I think the crowd is silent simply so they can hear the promo. If you've been to a live event you know it's often difficult to hear things on the titan tron. I don't think there is any need for concern.
A lot of build up for Alberto Del Rio...just have him debut already! I like his skits, but I'd like to see the guy in the ring. I hope he'll be the main eventer that Smackdown has been crying out for. He certainly shows a lot of promise, but I want to see what he can do inside the squared circle (he's already sold me on his mic skills).
After watching the segments that he has had it seems as if he has a good look and can cut a decent promo.The guy has something that draws me in a makes me want to see him debut and when I see him in action on Smackdown I hope he wins.Smackdown do have a roster full of young guys but this guy looks like he is good on the mic and after I watch him in a match I will decide if he is good in the ring.But so far I like this guy.
As most of you would be aware, Del Rio has been working with the WWE talent during house shows and has been getting his skills polished off before heading onto television. I was lucky enough to witness him come out and give me a preview before he does debut... he's not too shabby in the ring. He got to work with Chavo, who made him look good and led to a good match between the two. He didn't showcase a lot and worked a basic heel style... very slow if I might admit. He used a submission to defeat Chavo which I am not quite sure if he is going to be using as a finisher or if it was something planned to end the match considering he was working that body part of Guerrero. Nonetheless, he did a spinning armbar that was quite quick and impactful. In his gimmick, he did well enough. He stood tall above everyone else and had this smug look about him, similar to his promo's. He was given the chance to speak on the mic and got a reaction.

As for a start, he's got me interested in what he will do but I'm not completely sold since I saw him. He has some work to do, but over time with the potential he has, he could achieve it.
Well it's about fucking time. Next week we'll be seeing Alberto Del Rio debut, and I couldn't be happier. The promos are getting boring, and I've kinda been looking forward to seeing his work in the ring, and what he can offer to Smackdown. I just hope he isn't put together with some jobber at first, he needs to debut against an actual roster member.

Oh well, let's just hope it's not a complete waste of time. This guy better not be released any time soon after his debut. I wouldn't be able to live with the fact that I had to listen to his promos in and out and then he's released.
Only the WWE can make a guy thats says drugs are bad for you and a guy who says he's honest and lyings wrong the bad guys.:lmao:

I agree with this. haha. Perhaps the WWE is hoping the fans realize that these guys are liars so you can pick out the fakers in life.
I really do like these kind of heels though, I just hope it doesn't negatively effect society. :shrug:

But yeah I guess I am looking forward to Aberto Del Rio's debut. I'll be able to say whether I like him or not when he starts wrestling.
Del Rio debuts this week and it's going to be interesting. WWE seems to have invested a lot of time in hyping his debut. They continuously gave him vignettes week in and week out and sometimes even two a week. Personally I thought they went on for to long but the WWE has clearly got high hopes for this debut. Now, I would normally think we'll see Del Rio go after a midcarder, possibly Christian or Matt Hardy but with the amount of time they've spent hyping his debut, he may end up actually going after someone higher up the card, possibly even Rey Mysterio. To me, it makes sense for Del Rio to go after someone who he has a similar ethnic background but in reality is the opposite and Mysterio seems like the perfect example. That's my prediction for this week, Del Rio vs. Mysterio.
Del Rio debuts this week and he may end up actually going after someone higher up the card, possibly even Rey Mysterio.

This can work, considering that Rey Mysterio will be currently without a program... unless they attempt to finish up what they created with Swagger. The build they have given him is enough for a thrust into the SD roster of at least a mid-card level and can have someone solid to work with in establishing his dominance.

I can wait for the debut of Del Rio on television although I've already seen what he is capable of. These promo's have gone on for just the right amount of time where people are anticipating him entering the ring whilst having momentum behind his character. If he can be comfortable on the mic like he has done during house shows, he should be fine. The only way he can debut is with a clean victory over someone on the SD roster who can give him a boost (i.e. someone like Matt Hardy).

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