2011: The Year of Alberto Del Rio?


of the Le'beau family
His name is Alberto Del Rio.

But you already knew that.

For the last few months Del Rio has been going back and forth between a fued with Mysterio and the World Title picture. Despite being apart of Smackdown for 6 months or so, he's shown amazing promise, and many see this feud with Mysterio as a passing of the torch in WWE, but what I'd like to question is the prospect of him being THE heel of Smackdown. Kane can't hang in the World Title scene forever, as much as I've enjoyed his run, and it seems that no other heel has been groomed to step up to the plate. Unless something major happens it seems inevitable that Alberto Del Rio will battle for the World Heavyweight Championship one on one, likely with Edge.

Two glaring things on the horizon stop this from happening.
1. The winner of the Royal Rumble.
2. The 2011 Draft.

The winner of the Royal Rumble, in all likelyhood will be a Raw Superstar, and will transfer over to Smackdown. Raw has no use for it because of the bloated main event scene, while Smackdown has 4 contenders.

The Draft would also fill the Smackdown Main Event scene.

However, Rio has jumped on the scene with ease to become Smackdown's #2 heel and seems to be a guaranteed future World Champion. The question is, with the Draft and the Rumble on the horizon, Will Alberto Del Rio still manage to stay in the main event? And if so, do you think he'll claim the gold this year?

El futuro es brillante, El futuro es Alberto Del Rio.
Alberto Del Rio reminds me a lot like Muhammad Hassan and how he got over and his rapid push. Hassan was supposed to become #1 contender but he got released for something that wasn't his fault. As long as Del Rio doesn't do anything Hassan esque he should.
I think that it will. i don't see him winning the Rumble, but he could win the MITB. It would work great if he stayed in Smackdown after the draft, but I think his career would really kick up if he went to Raw. There is a lot of heels on Raw, but in the draft some of them could get traded to Smackdown and he could come in to fill that spot. He will be world champion or former world champion by the end of the year.

Y si, el futuro es brillante. El futuro se llama Alberto "Dos Caras Jr" Del Rio.
Rios rapid rise just shows the lack of depth on the smackdown roster at the moment. i agree that the draft will definitely bulk up smackdowns title picture, put bearing in mind the talent that Rio has i dont think this will stop hm getting the belt at some point this year.
I certainly believe that 2011 will be the year of Alberto Del Rio. Smackdown is in serious need of top heels and that benefits in Del Rio's favor. He was put on the scene as a top guy and he has stayed there and looked great in the process. He possesses great in ring skills and excellent mic skills as well. He has a uniqueness about him and I think his time will come soon. Now I think winning the Rumble would be a great boost, but the MITB would be a much more achievable process. MITB is usually used to boost a superstar to the main event and I'm not sure Del Rio needs that. However it is done, I believe Del Rio will be a world champion sometime before the summer wrestling season.
If your asking the question as to whther this year will be most enjoyed by alberto as a rise to glory over all other superstars, I'd still have to debate you there. He will certainly be in the top five over this year, probably top three but number one may well belong to miz or morrison or even kofi kingston, who knows. Either way he will be sure to have a fantastic year and I'll call this one now so you can quote me on it, Alberto Del rio will be a world champion some time this year, it's a safe bet.

He's so god damn hateable, that's why we love him.

Damn just realised Theo got there first, OK i second him being world champion into summer season.
I think it really could be. They promoted the RR on Raw this week and they did it by bringing Del Rio over. They obviously have some faith in him. When he first came in I wasn't so impressed, but the more he does the more I like. I still can't stand his ring announcer though. But it's great heel heat. I see him as one of the frontrunners to win the RR. Him, Morrison or some returning wrestler like HHH. But no doubt I at least see him with a World Title around his waist at least once during the year.
I think he'll claim gold in 2011, but let's not forget that Jack Swagger had a run as champ in 2010. I think he'll have a similar, fairly forgettable title reign. Del Rio is a solid worker and an interesting character, but the same could be said for Swagger going into his title reign. He had his All American American gimmick going strong and he was already a pretty proven ring worker, but his title reign was not exactly the best stuff he's ever done. It wasn't terrible, but it was forgettable.

Alberto Del Rio should manage to stay in the main event throughout most of 2011, especially if he stays on Smackdown and the number of huge stars on Smackdown doesn't grow. I honestly don't see him being the one to end Edge's title reign, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him win the World Heavyweight Championship sometime in late summer/early fall. Once again, I don't exactly think it would be the greatest title reign in the history of Smackdown, but it'll be a title run under his belt, and that can only be good.
I think he has the potential to be great in the coming year, although I think that he needs a finisher to accompany the Armbar because as we know alot of the top superstars just won't tap in a title match, that I know of anyway, he gets that he gets ready to really get into the title scene where here stands a chance.
I think he'll claim gold in 2011, but let's not forget that Jack Swagger had a run as champ in 2010. I think he'll have a similar, fairly forgettable title reign. Del Rio is a solid worker and an interesting character, but the same could be said for Swagger going into his title reign. He had his All American American gimmick going strong and he was already a pretty proven ring worker, but his title reign was not exactly the best stuff he's ever done. It wasn't terrible, but it was forgettable.

Alberto Del Rio should manage to stay in the main event throughout most of 2011, especially if he stays on Smackdown and the number of huge stars on Smackdown doesn't grow. I honestly don't see him being the one to end Edge's title reign, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him win the World Heavyweight Championship sometime in late summer/early fall. Once again, I don't exactly think it would be the greatest title reign in the history of Smackdown, but it'll be a title run under his belt, and that can only be good.

I'd have to disagree with the Jack Swagger comparison. Alberto has been upper-midcard / mainevent his entire stay on Smackdown. Jack Swagger's failure as World Champion was a combination of how he was booked before he won Money in the Bank, a change of character as World Champion, taking the championship off of another heel, and booked as an absolutely weakling of a champion, not winning any of his matches. Unless Del Rio takes a similar path, I see his championship reign being somewhat memorable.
It's certainly possible and probably likely. The WWE is heavily pushing Del Rio at the moment when you consider a few things. Del Rio's appearance on Raw last Monday served no other purpose than to get Del Rio more exposure to Raw's larger viewing audience. I have little doubt that he'll be built up as a heavy favorite to win the Royal Rumble this year. Even if he doesn't win, I expect him to have a strong performance and be one of the last guys left.

Another thing to consider, at least potentially, is the outcome of his match against Rey Mysterio this Friday on SmackDown!. This will be the blow off match to their feud, a 2 out of 3 falls match, and if Del Rio ultimately comes out the winner of that match; I think his presence in the main event/WHC picture in 2011 is a sure bet.
Without a doubt Alberto Del Rioo is winning a World title this year. He has been pushed all the way and even got a clean win against Mysterio on his debut and usually no-one can beat Mysterio.

If he can beat Mysterio on SD!, I read the spoilers and I know what happens but don't worry I aint saying anything about this match. But anyway if he wins he'll get a huge push again but if he loses I can see Del Rio falling abit but we'll see

The only problem is he's 34 in May so it might be a bit late to push Alberto Del Rioo to be the top heel but he is what I call- A wrestler with the total package. He can talk, he has charisma, personality, he can wrestle and put on classic matches

His promos are by the most entertaining on SD! and he is the reason why I watch SD!. So to answer the question:

Alberto Del Rioo is here and he is here to stay!!
I certainly hope so.

His character is absolutely excellent. Full credit to both WWE and Dos Caras for the way they have carried this character because i cannot think of a better introduction as of recent into the WWE than what he has had so far. Anyway, i think ADR is the perfect candidate for a huge push, and i certainly think he is getting it.

Even if he doesn't come out on top tonight, i think he is still considered well in the main event espeacially on smackdown where they are low on main event players. He certainly held his own in last months PPV and we all know he can put on great matches so why not give him the ball and let him run with it?
No, I dont think that 2011 will be the year of ALberto Del Rio. I think that will belong to Dolph Ziggler.

Look, Del Rio has done a great job as a heel, and currently is Smackdown's #2 heel.It was nice exposure for him to indciate a possible move to Raw in the future cime the draft based upon his appearance on Raw Monday. But if he stays on Smackdown, I see him being surpasssed by Dolph Ziggler, who has main evented the last two Smackdown's, including one against the face of the company, John Cena.

DEl Rio would be a case of too much, too soon if he won a championshiop right away. He's still somewhat green in the ring at times. Ziggler is not. He's shown on more then one occassion that he can go toe to toe with Cena, and match him counter for counter, amongst others. It doesn't hurt that he has one of the largest heat drawing magnets in Vickie Guerrero by his side.

Del Rio is going to be great, there's no doubt about it. But I don't see him winning a World Title in 2011. I expect a long title run from a face Edge, and for him to pass the bar off to a more seasoned Superstar then Del Rio in Ziggler. They've been testing the waters with Ziggler by having him open PPV's face Cena on Raw, and main event two Smackdowns. He's passed all tests with flying colors. Del Rio has been mired in a feud with Rey Mysterio since 1984, and will likely have a lengthy feud with a returning Christian when he's healthy.

I expect to see Del Rio achieve success in all the feuds hes in and ultimately come out on top, as I think he'll best both Rey and Christian. He also will likely be in the MITB match at WM if they have it, which Im sure he'll shine it but ultimately won't win. I also imagine we'll likely see Wade Barrett move from Raw to Smackdown, as he's done all he can do on Raw. If that happens, he'll surpass Del Rio as a heel as well. It's going to get crowded, quick, and Del Rio could get somewhat lost in the shuffle in 2011. My guess is he'll have a big year in 2012, but he won't win the big one in 2011.
I don't see why not? I mean Alberto Del Rio has already been sorta hot shotted into the main event feuding with Rey Mysterio and having been in matches with Edge as well. There's just a certain shine about him that makes him the perfect guy to push on Smackdown this year.

Alberto Del Rio is most likely gonna have a gold filled 2011. I'd be surprised to see something else, even if there's others I'd rather see pushed. But it's just common sense to see that Alberto is destined for something big in 2011.

So, I would very much believe that 2011 will indeed be the year for Alberto Del Rio. He might not get the best year, but I doubt there's much harm to be done to Alberto in 2011.
I stated earlier this year that Alberto Del Rio's main obstacle's into the main event were the 2011 draft, and the 2011 winner of the Royal Rumble.

2011 is the year of ADR- I say that because it's a bit concrete now that he's the 2011 winner of the Royal Rumble Match.

I firmly believe this will lead to a title reign on Smackdown. Kane has fallen back out of the main event, and Dolph is unlikely to get near the Main Event again soon with the presence of the Corre. So ADR will likely chisel out a permanent main event spot. They've built him up greatly for the Rumble, but it still seems a little sudden to call it his year. His build up wasn't that hot, and it was hard to take his Rumble victory seriously with Santino and him being the final two. But still, it will more than likely lead to Alberto being World Heavyweight Champion.

El futuro es ahora, el futuro es Alberto Del Río.

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