Alberto Del Rio Released

I was hearing about Del Rio's release or slapping an employee for making a racist joke. Del Rio confronts his and ask his about it and the guy smirks in his face. The guy was later revealed as WWE's social manager (not Joe Villa) but Cody Barbierri. Know I want to go on the record of saying even if Del Rio was unprofessional neither was Barbierri so why isn't he released as well? And that's not it I am not a Del Rio fan but how do you release a 4x world champion,MITB winner,RR winner. Anybody what does accomplishents or who has been there over 10 years should never be released. Also to my next point you have guy's fighting backstage Sheamus/Sin Cara, Batista/Booker T,etc. You had people who hit fans like CM Punk. Why weren't they released. I mean how is Del Rio any where worse than any of them. I mean if anything he is in the right and should've been let off with a warning. But because someone say's "Hey well he is not very liked any way and we have nothing to do with hm. He is as good as gone." I honestly think Del Rio is one of those guy's if he had a 10 year career would have been a legend because of his accomplishments. So my questions to you are Is this a work? Should the other guy has been released as well? Should Del Rio even have been released? and Is it more to the story than this?
I was hearing about Del Rio's release or slapping an employee for making a racist joke. Del Rio confronts his and ask his about it and the guy smirks in his face. The guy was later revealed as WWE's social manager (not Joe Villa) but Cody Barbierri. Know I want to go on the record of saying even if Del Rio was unprofessional neither was Barbierri so why isn't he released as well? And that's not it I am not a Del Rio fan but how do you release a 4x world champion,MITB winner,RR winner. Anybody what does accomplishents or who has been there over 10 years should never be released. Also to my next point you have guy's fighting backstage Sheamus/Sin Cara, Batista/Booker T,etc. You had people who hit fans like CM Punk. Why weren't they released. I mean how is Del Rio any where worse than any of them. I mean if anything he is in the right and should've been let off with a warning. But because someone say's "Hey well he is not very liked any way and we have nothing to do with hm. He is as good as gone." I honestly think Del Rio is one of those guy's if he had a 10 year career would have been a legend because of his accomplishments. So my questions to you are Is this a work? Should the other guy has been released as well? Should Del Rio even have been released? and Is it more to the story than this?

For one thing,even if the racist remark happened then yes he should be fired.. But there is no proof to said allegations only ADR claiming there was.. Plus ADR already had strikes against him for unprofessional behavior already.. Injuring guys like Mysterio Ziggler etc. I mean doing it on purpose on live tv. No this is definitely not a work,not if it got mainstream coverage.

Plus maybe a fact your not considering is maybe ADR barked at trips or vince the wrong way,and well you dont do that to MGMT at all.. If Barberri did in fact use a racial slur,then of course he should be fired.. But again no witnesses saying he said that,so only have to go off what Alberto did..

Alberto was wrong,no matter what was said.. If that happened then the wise choice would be to go to Vince or Hunter and explain what happened! Let them deal with it..
You don't know the full story. It could be that the guy who Del Rio struck threatened a lawsuit along with his union. It apparently took a few days after the incident for Del Rio to get fired.

WWE should have a very good reason for firing Del Rio, and they need to make that reason public immediately.

The media doesn't really "get" WWE and WWE is almost always portrayed in a negative light. Just recently, they got some bad publicity when the Atlantic posted an article about how no black person other than The Rock had held the WWE title. The media is under the impression that number of titles actually equates to success in WWE like in other sports. That's far from the truth, but it's how the media views it.

Now, WWE had only 1 minority with WWE titles under his belt on the current roster. And he just got fired for slapping a white man. That's just a PR nightmare. Washington Post already talked about Del Rio's firing. Just wait until they combine this event with the larger narrative of last month's racism-WWE story.

Every former WWE Champion on the current roster is a Caucasian male. They just made sure of that. Way to go WWE!
It is definitely a work. First of all, The first announcement was a very informal one "Alberto Del Rio has been fired...." rather than the professional way they normally post.
Secondly, WWE's official Facebook/Twitter accounts NEVER talk negatively about any released talent. Once a guy is released, they give him zero attention.
Thirdly, not only the account has acted like a heel in a storyline ("if you want to blame anyone, blame Del Rio"), but Triple-H the boss has retweeted them as well. Again, NEVER happens.
All the above factors combined, this just screams that its a part of a storyline. Don't be a mark, my friends. Anyway, it makes me wonder- does this mean we will see a face Del Rio again very soon?
Courtesy of WZ:

Arturo Rivera, an announcer for AAA, is claiming that former WWE Superstar Alberto del Rio will be making his return to the company at Triplemania XXII next Sunday in Mexico City.

So, is this part of the "work"? :rolleyes:

That's strike two for many of you. First, it was CM Punk. Now, it's Del Rio. I guess it's just part of your DNA to think everything is a conspiracy/work of some kind. You think that by believing something is "real", it's sign of being a naive mark. But in the end you look even more foolish than a naive mark.
Opening up this thread so the people who were adamant that ADR being fired was a work can admit they were wrong.

All your clues about the WWE's tweets and how ADR wasn't just "future endeavored" like "normal" releases, were not clues at all.

The guy got fired for slapping a WWE employee. Case closed.

He is going to be at a show in Mexico on Sunday opposite Summerslam.

If your pride won't allow you to say that you just jumped the gun, and that your work-theory was just wishful thinking, you can double-down and say that it's still a work, and that the WWE has a working agreement with AAA in Mexico now to push this "angle". :lmao:
In before deleted or merged.

Why would you create a thread just so people can say they were wrong about something going on in professional wrestling? Would you like people to do it to you every time you're wrong? People make predictions. Sometimes they win. Sometimes they lose. In fact, there's a whole damn city in Nevada based off people's love for doing that very thing.

Are you going to start complaining about the articles on the front page next? :wtf:
In before deleted or merged.

Why would you create a thread just so people can say they were wrong about something going on in professional wrestling? Would you like people to do it to you every time you're wrong? People make predictions. Sometimes they win. Sometimes they lose. In fact, there's a whole damn city in Nevada based off people's love for doing that very thing.

Are you going to start complaining about the articles on the front page next? :wtf:

I'm not going to call people out if they were wrong about who is going to win a match or if someone does or does not turn heel when they predicted they would.

This isn't being wrong about a prediction. A prediction is saying that something is or is not going to happen. These people were stating that something that already DID happen (ADR being fired) wasn't "real".

These people were acting like anyone who "bought" the story as legit were morons.
It's still a work to me dammit!

it's still a work, and that the WWE has a working agreement with AAA in Mexico now to push this "angle".

Why, of course, Why didn't I think of that before! This is certainly possible. AAA would be glad to have a WWE Superstar on board, having a match or two in their show, when the social media is still hot about his release. If its a legit firing, why isn't his 90-day no-compete clause coming into play? If its possible that he managed to negotiate out of this clause, then it is also possible that this whole thing is a work.

If it turns out to be a shoot and he actually doesn't return in the next couple of months, then I'm gonna say that it was initially a storyline, but then the idea got scrapped, and his contract was expiring anyway, so the two dates coincided :D
I'm not going to call people out if they were wrong about who is going to win a match or if someone does or does not turn heel when they predicted they would.

This isn't being wrong about a prediction. A prediction is saying that something is or is not going to happen. These people were stating that something that already DID happen (ADR being fired) wasn't "real".

These people were acting like anyone who "bought" the story as legit were morons.

Oh, so you're saying they were just predicting it was a work. That's totally different. Maybe they were also predicting that he might show up again shortly down the road. Bear in mind, the beginning of this thread (you know, the one this merged with) began before it broke that he was showing up at AAA.
It's still a work to me dammit!

Oh, child, of course it is.

Why, of course, Why didn't I think of that before! This is certainly possible. AAA would be glad to have a WWE Superstar on board, having a match or two in their show, when the social media is still hot about his release.

Here's the thing: when does WWE actually do this? Like, beyond Khali. And even in the case of Khali working in India, they've never felt the need to "fake fire" him to generate buzz or excuse him from Raw/Smackdown. In fact, beyond CM Punk taking off a few weeks a few years back, when does WWE actually engage in worked shoots like this?

Some people are so wrapped up into this bullshit, and so confident in your understanding and knowledge of the industry, that you've transcended "mark" status and become full fledged morons. Much like the oft quoted line regarding Heyman ("would rather climb a tree and tell a lie than stay on the ground and tell the truth", or something like that), you'd rather bend logic and reason over backwards to rationalize your mundane and pedestrian theories.

"Worked shoots" are an relic of the past, an artifact of yesteryear that WWE was never fully into anyway. It's more in the realm of a Bischoff or Russo to pull stuff like this and think that it'll do any good for ratings and buyrates (hint: they usually don't).

If its a legit firing, why isn't his 90-day no-compete clause coming into play? If its possible that he managed to negotiate out of this clause, then it is also possible that this whole thing is a work.

I guess that also means it's possible that you know what you are talking about. Oh wait! This is Smark Madden we're talking about, of course he doesn't. The 90-Day no-compete is in exchange for fulfillment of their downside guarantee. Guess who probably doesn't need the money? Furthermore, I am curious how this affects international promotions. In any case, you'd probably do best to understand a bit more of what is going on before you open your mouth.

If it turns out to be a shoot and he actually doesn't return in the next couple of months, then I'm gonna say that it was initially a storyline, but then the idea got scrapped, and his contract was expiring anyway, so the two dates coincided :D

Of course you will, anything to keep your head in the sand.
DirtyJosé;4962261 said:
Here's the thing: when does WWE actually do this?
Does everything have to happen in the past for them to happen again? Does WWE's official account ever tweet like the way it did after Del Rio's 'firing'? Did the account ever address the fans in a negative way? Do they tweet about and blame a superstar after releasing him, knowing that it would give him attention? Does the boss ever re-tweet such tweets? Those were first times as well.

Some people are so wrapped up into this bullshit, and so confident in your understanding and knowledge of the industry, that you've transcended "mark" status and become full fledged morons.
Congratulations! You have discovered yourself. You should write that down in the 'Biography' part of your profile.

The 90-Day no-compete is in exchange for fulfillment of their downside guarantee. Guess who probably doesn't need the money?
Ah, of course! Did Alberto himself tell that to you? I'm sure he did. Just like I'm sure WWE will help get the online community interested in a boring superstar -->after<-- firing him, and then they would remove his no-compete clause so that he can utilise that gained interest in another promotion.

Furthermore, I am curious how this affects international promotions. In any case, you'd probably do best to understand a bit more of what is going on before you open your mouth.
AAA certainly respected the clause in the case of Sin Cara, never using him on television until the 90 days were up. In any case, you should see a psychiatrist and maybe get a few electric shocks too. That might (just might) help your brain function normally again.
Opening up this thread so the people who were adamant that ADR being fired was a work can admit they were wrong.

All your clues about the WWE's tweets and how ADR wasn't just "future endeavored" like "normal" releases, were not clues at all.

The guy got fired for slapping a WWE employee. Case closed.

He is going to be at a show in Mexico on Sunday opposite Summerslam.

If your pride won't allow you to say that you just jumped the gun, and that your work-theory was just wishful thinking, you can double-down and say that it's still a work, and that the WWE has a working agreement with AAA in Mexico now to push this "angle". :lmao:

Just coming in here to own up to being the first person to suggest it could be an angle. Given the information that's come out I 100% believe this to be true now and I was wrong in stating it could be an angle no minor how small of a chance I thought it could be that it was an angle. I still put that idea out there.

I won't miss ADR. I never cared for the guy. I know some people enjoyed his matches. I didn't. I never looked forward to them. I never looked forward to his promos.

As JoeyJoeJoe said above it's likely that not too many people are really even going to miss him.

Does this post I made four days ago do anything for you or would you like me to own up to it in a different way?

I have no problem admitting I was wrong. And it's silly for people who can't do it.

I'm glad I was wrong. I'd much rather be wrong than be right if it means I don't have to see that guy on my screen anymore.
The reality is that they have worked a deal out. The one thing ADR is gonna have done is immediately get his lawyers involved, the moment the slap was made or even before he made it.

WWE could on paper sue him but they won't cos he can sue them for the racial discrimination aspect and thus expose once more their contracts to the world in court. Vince doesn't do ANYTHING to draw attention to the status of his talent, he actively avoids any case where contracts can be used because of a simple consideration that even saying out loud is ridiculous.

Look at every other TV show, movie etc that WWE competes with, indeed many if not all of their backstage staff and even the local drivers etc they use on any other production have one thing in common... UNION...

Vince doesn't want his contracts exposed for talent because the reality is they should be SAG members... Every other major actor/TV show's crew is covered in some way... It's how the cast of Big Bang can hold out for the money they do or halt the show... last guy to try that in the WWE... Jeff Jarrett and all he wanted was a quarter mil... once... to lose to a woman... not a million an episode.. and they had let his contract expire while holding a title... He could have mailed it to them but he showed up... took the loss but made sure past "inequities" were resolved... look how JJ is viewed by the WWE now, or how long it took Warrior to get back in...

Look how strongly they tried to keep the Raven case down a few years ago... how they didn't sue Punk or say boo about it... cos any case would have exposed the fallacy.

If this went to court for anything, the press get involved, then the contracts get plastered over TMZ... then SAG seriously begin to look and say "hey, you guys are competing unfairly with our members...we're gonna sue to make you join us." and then either a judge says "Yes you have to join like every one else" or Vince has to make a massive payout to avoid it... so when firing someone for something like a racial revenge attack, you might want to cut a deal before they dropping a no compete if there is a big show they can do that week so they can at least mitigate their losses perhaps? and that's before the WWE's racism and sexual harrassment histories are even thought about...

Vince's attitude and more likely Trips is "let him go...let him do what he wants...if Ricardo shows up...let him" the downsides far outweigh the damage of forcing the issue.
Does everything have to happen in the past for them to happen again? Does WWE's official account ever tweet like the way it did after Del Rio's 'firing'? Did the account ever address the fans in a negative way? Do they tweet about and blame a superstar after releasing him, knowing that it would give him attention? Does the boss ever re-tweet such tweets? Those were first times as well.

Considering its fairly rare that WWE fires someone for such reasons and in such a manner, I'd say it's understandable why they'd feel the need to comment on it further. But thanks for evading the question. I'll try it again, breaking it down so maybe even you can understand:

How many times do the mouth breathers have to cry "work" and be wrong about it before they get the hint? Considering that the few times WWE has engaged in a "worked shoot" it was fairly transparent (with the debatable exception of Punk, and even then they did everything they could to keep him visible on tv before attempting it), it's amazing how many of you types will bite it hard with no real reason why except perhaps naivety and ignorance.

As for the tweets, it's not often that WWE releases someone and they are faced with the immediate backlash accusations of racism. It's not surprising they felt the need to make some sort of statement.

Congratulations! You have discovered yourself. You should write that down in the 'Biography' part of your profile.

More evasion. Ha.

Also, you flame like a grade school nerd. Nice come back.

Ah, of course! Did Alberto himself tell that to you? I'm sure he did. Just like I'm sure WWE will help get the online community interested in a boring superstar -->after<-- firing him, and then they would remove his no-compete clause so that he can utilise that gained interest in another promotion.

This is a known quality regarding the no-compete clause. I know basic facts and general knowledge are outside the realm you exist in ("utilize", btw) but that's just how it is.

Furthermore, I don't really see non-AAA fans rushing out to get TripleMania just because WWE mentioned Del Rio in a tweet with the clear intent to bury him professionally. They actually do pretty good business on their own, often outdrawing/outperforming WWE in their little corner of the world. Add in that Konnan, a big fixture in AAA, is not really what we'd call on good business terms with WWE, and I'm wondering how much bullshit you're willing to come up with just to back up your ridiculous ideas.

AAA certainly respected the clause in the case of Sin Cara, never using him on television until the 90 days were up. In any case, you should see a psychiatrist and maybe get a few electric shocks too. That might (just might) help your brain function normally again.

Ah, but guys like Sin Cara and Kennedy and others aren't in the same position. Del Rio has the money to walk away and be ok. Cara and others don't/didn't. Kennedy, for example, was not going to be making anything close to what WWE gave him when he went to TNA. Typically the smart move is to wait it out and get the monies owed to you, especially when the future forecast is that you probably won't be pulling in that kind of jack going forward. Del Rio is not in that boat, and thus is more free to tell WWE to kick rocks and do what he pleases (also note btw that just being promoted as appearing at the show is not the same as competing at said show - see also: Drew McIntyre).
Does this post I made four days ago do anything for you or would you like me to own up to it in a different way?

I have no problem admitting I was wrong. And it's silly for people who can't do it.

I'm glad I was wrong. I'd much rather be wrong than be right if it means I don't have to see that guy on my screen anymore.

If it don't apply, let it fly. You unilaterally came on here and said that you were wrong, so I wasn't referring to you. I admit that I missed that post, I give you credit.

My comments were primarily directed at the guys who stuck their flag in the ground and said that if you didn't see signs of it being a work, then you were a moron.

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