Alberto Del Rio Is The NEW WWE Champion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE

Anyone else hope Del Rio rolls out in like a 2 million dollar concept car tomorrow night to commemorate his big victory? How sweet would that be? Some stylish, futuristic, gold/platinum plated beauty. Ricardo rolls the "R" longer than the Mexican commentators yell "GOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL" just really sell the shit out of him being on top of the world.

or....or....he comes out in a yacht, being pulled by an expensive car

I hope he amps up his persona now that he's champ. Could be really fun.
I LOVE Del Rio, but i wanted punk to hold the title for a little bit longer before going into chase mode (im pretty sure punks a face now and will probly chase rio for the belt, plus it will keep punk in the top main event that hes in now). I just really liked punk as champ so i was enjoying every moment of Raw because of thats over so im pretty bummed out.
Raw, in Rey's hometown, they have been hyping how something big is going down with Rey before the Mexico tour....makes sense for him to take it of Del Tace then Cena or Punk.

Rey would look weak compared to Cena or Punk, so as long as Rey's knee is okay, he will win it tonight.

Nash is working for someone, hopefully not Del Rio, I'm assuming Laurinitas or Stephanie.

So WWE keeps trying to do this CHampion hometown bullshit and tour Mexico with a mexican champ...neat.

Punk better have something good to do or I'm gonna be pissed! Del Rio and Rey is not a main event match.
I would just like to start out with Remember those tweets Kevin Nash posted awhile ago? CM Punk did not take Big Sexy up on his offer... BIG SEXY SMASH!!!! :P JK though this easily does bring Nash into the fold as to where he fits in I do not know... What I do know is that Raw is going to be hot tonight and worth tuning in to watch! Also Del Rio will have so much heat after that win.. He more or less beat the Top TWO in the company last night as CM Punk winning was IT as he is kind of this ANTI Hero atm and Cena is well Cena so people WANTED Punk to walk out as champion. Instead CM Punk wins it (little controversially) and then gets screwed by the arrogant heel Del Rio? THIS was the time to throw the belt on Del Rio this was an opportunity to launch him into the main event. If he does not bust his ass off to make it work he won't be champ long. But if he acts accordingly he will have a decent run! I can't wait to see how things unfold they actually have me excited for what's coming next.
The fact that Del Rio won the title doesn't piss me off as much as the fact that once people tune into Raw tomorrow, neither Punk nor Cena will be champ. And I KNOW that's going to piss people off.

I can honestly say they've fucked this up now. What now for Punk? And stop the god damn hot potato bullshit. Punk's the hottest thing in the WWE, and he's had a pathetic WWE title reign. Fuckin good work WWE, fuckin good work.
I'm tired of being disappointed by watching this..


I'm not going to try and start an argument with you I know that wrestling brings out a ton of emotions but I need to say that Punk should've lost the title. The reason is because Punk has become the main story and potentially a huge babyface act. Now, Punk got this heat from hotshotting this angle. But hotshotting doesn't make money in wrestling. What WWE has done well is positioned Punk as the main story. Regardless if Punk has the Belt or not, Punk is THE story and this is how you make money. People now have the chance to get behind Punk's chase to the regain the title he rightfully won.

Wrestling is not about who has the belt its about who is THE story that people pay to see. Austin wasn't champ until '98 but he was THE story in WWF. People paid to see Austin chase the title and this is the same thing here. Cena was moved aside last light and they did it cleverly by keeping Cena strong for Rock and still maintaining his claim to the title. The ending of SS that everyone hates was ALL about CM Punk and making him the story and creating the web of intrigue around Punk not John Cena.

The fact that RAW will come on tonight and the MAIN EVENT story is not Cena but CM Punk and who did this to him and why should show you that Vince is giving Punk the shot to surpass Cena. But the IWC and guys like you get their panties in a bunch because Punk lost and now when Punk needs you to support him and get behind him you're gonna not watch because he lost the title.

Forget the WWE title! CM Punk is THE story and his chase to the title has just begun! Cena is not the focus of the company right now Punk is! We should be excited about this change because Cena has been the story for 7 years. Change really has come don't miss it because Punk lost the belt.
Anyone else notice that Punk never made it to his feet for the match to start. I remember when Punk cashed in on Jeff Hardy that was one of the major things, he had to wait til Jeff was ready. Now I am ok with ADR cashing in, but couldnt they have at least waited to start the match properly? Perhaps this will be how Punk claims he got screwed?
What I dont understand is..Alberto del Rio wins the Royal Rumble, lets start with that. What has this guy DONE to get noticed, pushed, and considered to be big shit. This guy has done NOTHING to get the push he's had, besides maybe showing up to work on time. I remember when alot of people were pissed because Sheamus won the belt in less than a year, but that pales in comparison to this Del Rio guy. This Alberto Del Rio guy looks like a nobody. I guess because Eddie Guerrero died and Chavo wasnt a good enough replacement in the executives eyes, well lets push this other spanish guy with fancy cars and his own announcer and that'll be the answer to the void left by losing Guerrero. It worked with Guerrero because he came up the hard way, was a true wrestler, and had more natural charisma than any other of his time.

It feels like instead of getting a legit push, being a draw, and then getting the belt, they're doing things ass backwards, they're giving the belt first, pushing the guy, and then praying he'll be a draw. Its ridiculous.

So he comes out with fancy cars and has some ugly spanish guy announcing him. Big fucking deal. He's one of those that suck, but fans dont even care to boo this guy. This guys doesnt even DESERVE to get booed yet. Much let win the Rumble and a belt.

Just when you think the E has some hot shit going, they have to take it all down again.
I haven't read all 15 pages of this, so I don't know if this is been said. Everyone saw Stephanie look worried when HHH walked off. The reason being she knew they were about to unleash hell. Have Nash take out whoever was WWE Champion, which would piss off your top 2 Raw stars. Also, whether making Del Rio was the right choice as champion. Either way this was all masterminded by HHH and Stephanie.
Typical WWE! CM Punk became as popular as he is DESPITE Vince, HHH, Stephanie et cetera, and they basically punish him for it! Instead of allowing Punk to pick up anymore steam they pull the rug out from under him for the sake of a cheesy mediocre character the likes of Del Rio!
Everyone who is bitching that Punk doesn't have the title answer this for me.

Let's say I'm complaining that the man is always holding me down and fucking me up, but I have the world title. How much do you actually care about what I have to say?


Same guy, I complain about the man, only this time by bosses known friend screws me out of the title. How much do you care about what I have to say now?

See what I mean? Having him lose doesn't bury him or hurt him at all, it actually helps his character. "Hot shotting" the title doesn't make it lose credibility either, don't be ridiculous. Most UFC titles don't last 2 defenses and that's real life. In the attitude era you'd have like 3 in a single month and everyone still paid to see the matches so cut the bullshit. Don't bring up the 80s either because 90% of those shows were squash matches, they even had squash matches at mania and you sure as shit don't want 90% squash matches.
After seeing how the last 2 months has gone, I can't help thinking that WWE should have kept Punk off TV for months after MITB. Del Rio winning the belt and being the champ feuding with Rey is going to headline the Mexico tour.

After Rey and Cena had their championship match on Raw, they proved that they could have had a great face-face match at Summerslam. Have Rey win, and then have Del Rio come out and cash in. Feud set up. And then, we, as fans, are really not sure how long Punk will be gone for.

It seemed like an overwhelming majority of people thought the Punk angle was rushed. I agree. I thought, however, WWE brought back Punk so soon to keep him fresh as the Champion. Having Del Rio win and throwing Punk into an inevitable 4 way feud is going to give him less of the spotlight, less mic time, less everything and that's the last thing he needs right now.
I apologize if this has been mentioned, but what about John Laurenitis? He was seen backstage with Punk also. My thinking would be that the next major feud will be Punk/Del Rio with the mystery being who screwed Punk.

Punk is far from being buried and tonight's RAW will prove it.
I apologize if this has been mentioned, but what about John Laurenitis? He was seen backstage with Punk also. My thinking would be that the next major feud will be Punk/Del Rio with the mystery being who screwed Punk.

Punk is far from being buried and tonight's RAW will prove it.
Johnny Ace is actually a good point. He makes a bit of money so he could have paid off Nash. Maybe for no logical reason. He had a bunch of power, then everyone, Cena, Punk, HHH, even the smackdown guys were shitting on him. Maybe he paid off nash to stir shit up and make HHH's life worse. Making HHH look corrupt and ruining his plans would be a great way to get back at him.

And yea, people who think this hurt Punk are fuckin stupid. How much of a mark do you have to be to think that a loss, a screw loss none the less, makes you less over? It fuels exactly what his character does.
Typical WWE! CM Punk became as popular as he is DESPITE Vince, HHH, Stephanie et cetera, and they basically punish him for it! Instead of allowing Punk to pick up anymore steam they pull the rug out from under him for the sake of a cheesy mediocre character the likes of Del Rio!

LOL Again, you don't need the belt to be the main character and storyline which is exactly what happened with CM Punk last night. He was put in the top spot but no one see's it because he lost the belt. By that logic, Kane was the top guy in WWE after he beat Austin for the title! It's laughable logic. You guys are smarter than this or so I thought. If anyone thinks Del Rio is the top guy and will be pushed over Cena and Punk because he has the belt then I have to question what you know about wrestling. The one the heels leave laying, the one who is unjustly screwed out of the title which rightfully belongs to him, is THE TOP GUY. Only one man came out of SS with those MONEY MAKING credentials and that man is CM Punk. The world will watch Raw not to see Del Rio's championship celebration or Cena crow about his leg being on the ropes, they will watch to see what CM Punk does, who did this to him and why. Punk is THE story!
LOL Again, you don't need the belt to be the main character and storyline which is exactly what happened with CM Punk last night. He was put in the top spot but no one see's it because he lost the belt. By that logic, Kane was the top guy in WWE after he beat Austin for the title! It's laughable logic. You guys are smarter than this or so I thought. If anyone thinks Del Rio is the top guy and will be pushed over Cena and Punk because he has the belt then I have to question what you know about wrestling. The one the heels leave laying, the one who is unjustly screwed out of the title which rightfully belongs to him, is THE TOP GUY. Only one man came out of SS with those MONEY MAKING credentials and that man is CM Punk. The world will watch Raw not to see Del Rio's championship celebration or Cena crow about his leg being on the ropes, they will watch to see what CM Punk does, who did this to him and why. Punk is THE story!
Exactly, why can't people think outside the box? People wanting Christian to win clean to "give him credibility" thinking Punk losing the strap "buries" him. Gotta be kidding me.

If Punk were to win the title, then his gimmick fails. Then it's basically like the Red Sox bitching about the Yankees. Yea, you're not the Yankees still have a fuckload of money. Why would you believe in a guy supposedly "held down by the man" if he has the belt? It doesn't make any sense.
I love the ending with Del Rio as champion. Having the Babyface chasing the title from a Heel is much more interesting than the opposite. CM Punk is hot and I don't think this kills his momentum. Him chasing Del Rio for the title will be entertaining for sure.
Can't wait to watch RAW tonight and hear Del Rio's Spanish announcer introduce him as the new champion.
Don't know where Cena will fit in all this but I assume he'll regain the title soon enough.
First of all YEAH Punk is all that RAW has going for it! I didn't care PUNK won the belt. What I am pissed off about is same lame finish for a MITB winner. Why even have MITB? ADR is boring as hell. Yeah I know Mexico and what not trying to bring in international fans blah blah blah. But seriously I agree with the above point keep Punk off TV for 2-3 months and see how things play out. ADR is horrible and fans DONT CARE about him. They're trying to shove this guy down our throats. Big difference between Christian and ADR is Christian paid his dues for years, ADR hasn't! Seriously why not give Sin Cara (#1 or #2) the belt. At least people like him. Or Miz because he gets reactions. ADR??? Fans do not care about! He's a cheap JBL rip off with a more mat skill than Khali! Meaning they want his international appeal though he's boring in the ring.

Cena I don't hate or like. To me he had his time, sells merchandise and the KIDS love him thats why he's still around. He really is the modern day Hogan. Can't wrestle just like Hogan, can cut a promo just like Hogan but instead of say your prayers and eat your vitamins it's Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. His character got old so either evolve him or give others a shot in the spot light.

The Nash thing is great! I wouldn't be shocked at all if VKM had Nash come in to show Punk a lesson and protect the family. VKM doesn't want John Laurinaitis as an on air TV character because he's horrible. So I doubt it's him!
First of all YEAH Punk is all that RAW has going for it! I didn't care PUNK won the belt. What I am pissed off about is same lame finish for a MITB winner. Why even have MITB? ADR is boring as hell. Yeah I know Mexico and what not trying to bring in international fans blah blah blah. But seriously I agree with the above point keep Punk off TV for 2-3 months and see how things play out. ADR is horrible and fans DONT CARE about him. They're trying to shove this guy down our throats. Big difference between Christian and ADR is Christian paid his dues for years, ADR hasn't! Seriously why not give Sin Cara (#1 or #2) the belt. At least people like him. Or Miz because he gets reactions. ADR??? Fans do not care about! He's a cheap JBL rip off with a more mat skill than Khali! Meaning they want his international appeal though he's boring in the ring.

Cena I don't hate or like. To me he had his time, sells merchandise and the KIDS love him thats why he's still around. He really is the modern day Hogan. Can't wrestle just like Hogan, can cut a promo just like Hogan but instead of say your prayers and eat your vitamins it's Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. His character got old so either evolve him or give others a shot in the spot light.

The Nash thing is great! I wouldn't be shocked at all if VKM had Nash come in to show Punk a lesson and protect the family. VKM doesn't want John Laurinaitis as an on air TV character because he's horrible. So I doubt it's him!
Del Rio fought Mirko fucking Cro Cop in an MMA fight wearing a lucha mask for the pride of pro wrestling and got his head kicked off and you don't think he paid his dues? I don't know, I think working in the WWE for 10 years and making shit tons of money as opposed to working in Mexico for 10 years and fighting MMA guys who are pros because people think it'll be good for business is a sweet deal.

You say don't give Del Rio the belt because he's not over and hasn't paid his dues. Cara (both) are less over and have "paid less dues" weird logic you have. Del Rio is actually pretty over too.
Del Rio fought Mirko fucking Cro Cop in an MMA fight wearing a lucha mask for the pride of pro wrestling and got his head kicked off and you don't think he paid his dues? I don't know, I think working in the WWE for 10 years and making shit tons of money as opposed to working in Mexico for 10 years and fighting MMA guys who are pros because people think it'll be good for business is a sweet deal.

You say don't give Del Rio the belt because he's not over and hasn't paid his dues. Cara (both) are less over and have "paid less dues" weird logic you have. Del Rio is actually pretty over too.

I was being sarcastic about Sin Cara! Del Rio over where? I see zero crowd reaction when he is talking or wrestling. Yeah hasn't paid his dues in WWE! Who cares where he was before! So WWE should pull in Sharkboy, shove him down our throats for a year then give him the belt because he paid his dues in TNA/WCW?
I was being sarcastic about Sin Cara! Del Rio over where? I see zero crowd reaction when he is talking or wrestling. Yeah hasn't paid his dues in WWE! Who cares where he was before! So WWE should pull in Sharkboy, shove him down our throats for a year then give him the belt because he paid his dues in TNA/WCW?
You don't pay your dues in the WWE. Why on earth would they job you out if you can talk and wrestle?

Del Rio was hugely over in Chicago and is over in most smarky places because they like heels like him. Plus any of the "mexican cities" as Jeff Jarrett calls them, Miami, Houston, El Paso, San Diego, Los Angeles he's also over.

He's more over than most of the other heels.
Exactly, why can't people think outside the box? People wanting Christian to win clean to "give him credibility" thinking Punk losing the strap "buries" him. Gotta be kidding me.

If Punk were to win the title, then his gimmick fails. Then it's basically like the Red Sox bitching about the Yankees. Yea, you're not the Yankees still have a fuckload of money. Why would you believe in a guy supposedly "held down by the man" if he has the belt? It doesn't make any sense.
No, I'm pretty sure you're missing the point because the story is NOT Punk, the story is Kevin Nash, HHH, Stephanie, John Laurinaitis, and of course Vince! The story is the possible conspiracy involving all of these people, and right now all the WWE idiots are talking about is how they might be involved and seeing Kevin Nash and the others on raw explaining how they were involved! It's not specifically Punk being screwed that Interests them, it's who screwed Punk that has them talking!
No, I'm pretty sure you're missing the point because the story is NOT Punk, the story is Kevin Nash, HHH, Stephanie, John Laurinaitis, and of course Vince! The story is the possible conspiracy involving all of these people, and right now all the WWE idiots are talking about is how they might be involved and seeing Kevin Nash and the others on raw explaining how they were involved! It's not specifically Punk being screwed that Interests them, it's who screwed Punk that has them talking!
So....yea, it's still Punk. Like, why did they screw Punk, who was it, etc. It's not burying Punk. Punk's gimmick is based off being held down. It doesn't get anymore held down than thinking your boss' friend just cost your the title.

I'm not sure how I'm missing the point. I'm pointing out that if Punk were to have kept the strap, his character loses fuel. With this, he's screwed and yea, we want to find out who it was. However, WE don't find out, we find out through Punk. Punk will have to search and find out what happened. It's Punk's angle.
ADR is pretty over... I'll be happy if they keep Cena out of the title hunt for a while and just let Punk and ADR run things. Either way I'm freaking stunned with the results of summerslam.
Goddamn dude it does make sense and is consistent with his behavior. The commentators were talking most of the match "will Triple H make a mistake, he's not a pro reff". Was it "out of character" when the umpire blew armando galaragga's perfect game? Mistakes happen, and sometimes at the worst times. It happened in a real life, professional, high pressure sporting event at the worst time to a pro umpire. I don't think it's at all hard to believe that in kayfabeland triple H misses the foot on the rope.

How is it in direct conflict with his motivation? He made a kayfabe mistake, it happens in real life. Everyone involved in the story kept talking about Triple H making a mistake. It's lazy analysis on your part to discredit that. It's pretty stupid actually. Something that's logical and has a real life counterpart proving how factual it is that something like that happening in the context of the story isn't a plot hole. It adds to the story. If pro refs in matches will not make a mistake the whole match, then make one at the end, isn't it even more likely it could happen to Triple H?

I mean, the WHOLE REASON they were pointing out that Triple H was doing a good job up until that point was because they were worried he'd make a mistake.

Not only that, but we don't know if that was his full motivation for wanting to officiate the match, the story isn't over. Even if his motivation was for the match to be fair, him making a mistake doesn't discredit that. How does Triple H obviously trying his best and then making a mistake (which isn't out of character as I proved above) doesn't discredit his motivation for wanting to be the reff.

As for the Over the Limit thing, Christian turned into a chickenshit heel. The whole fucking point of him bitching is to turn into a chickenshit heel. The WWE isn't going to turn their top drawing babyface into a chickenshit heel.

However, since you think the ending was so fucking terrible, tell me how you would have done it. Please, enthrall me with your storytelling ability.

To you guys, who I'm agreeing with both of your arguments....

Can I add something to it... what if it wasn't a mistake and Triple H wanted CM Punk to win??? For whatever reason, be it he wanted to cull Punk's pipe bombs by making him champ... maybe he just is sick of Cena wnning all the time is still dirty about Cena beating him at WM or eliminating him at he Royal Rumble...

Then Nash walks in screws up his plan and he is pissed as ADR walks out Champ...

Was it lazy booking or good booking or was it storyline HHH screwed Cena?? Food for thought.

Also through all this ... WWE can we please get a new title belt! :blush:
To you guys, who I'm agreeing with both of your arguments....

Can I add something to it... what if it wasn't a mistake and Triple H wanted CM Punk to win??? For whatever reason, be it he wanted to cull Punk's pipe bombs by making him champ... maybe he just is sick of Cena wnning all the time is still dirty about Cena beating him at WM or eliminating him at he Royal Rumble...

Then Nash walks in screws up his plan and he is pissed as ADR walks out Champ...

Was it lazy booking or good booking or was it storyline HHH screwed Cena?? Food for thought.

Also through all this ... WWE can we please get a new title belt! :blush:
Yea, that's kind of my point. It doesn't have to mean anything. The story isn't over, they can take it wherever and make it mean whatever they want. remember when people were bitching about Punk being "brought back to soon, doesn't make sense". Well they explained it, some people still bitch, they bitch about everything, but it's a good explanation.

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