Alberto Del Rio Is The NEW WWE Champion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE

IMO Del Rio cashing his MITB briefcase in when he did saved the ending of SS. It was AWESOME! Seeing Nash get in there and powerbomb Punk was AWESOME! He was prancing around like he just dominated Cena when in fact Cena CLEARLY had his foot on the ropes after like a 1 count. It's amazing how eveyone is upset on CM Punk being screwed over by whoever, but no one said anything about Cena. Im definitely going to be tuning in to see what is up. There are so many different directions they can go and Im not gonna sit here and say I know or I knew something was gonna happen because what I guessed (which is what we all do) is that HHH somehow screws CM Punk and Cena becomes a full fledged heel. I was WAAAAY Off. Im not gonna saying ADR isn't a worthy champion because he is, but to me, Cena got buried in all of this and since it seems as if the fans and the IWC want CM Punk as the man and not Cena, lets see how much of a draw Punk actually is. Don't be surprised if he carries the show to some of it's lowest ratings in awhile.
So let me get this straight. CM Punk never gets an actual run with the championship despite his storyline. He "beats" Cena and then gets buried by a 52 years old Kevin Nash and loses to Del Rio who he beat last week?
Buried? Hardly. Punk is definitely in the middle of this somehow. Let it play out before you go drawing conclusions.
Not as bad as some of the other companies out there. The WWE definitely does it way less.
2.Old men in involved with top tier talent.
Wait this is the WWE section right? What you may classify as an old man is a credible superstar that can be used to put some younger guys over. Pure rasslin' logic.
3.Four title changes in a month.
And? It's not like the WWE is the only company to do something shitty with their title.
Why have I seen everyone
Everyone? You have not. Select few...yes.
riot against TNA for doing even one of those, but now you're all riding WWE's dick despite all of these?
Same could be said for you.
I don't get fans sometimes.
Good lord, take shots at the WWE, not the fans.
Last year Kevin Nash was a washed up has-been who should hang them up for good and go away because he's slow, sloppy and his knees are messed up.
Not everyone felt this way. You classify one person's opinion as everyone else's.
Now he's everyone's hero, he's back and he's here to kick some ass.
Awh hell yeah!
I was at Summer Slam. So people who say Del Rio didnt get a reaction heres A couple of notes. When Del Rio came Out for his first match he actually got a huge pop and a long ass Del Rio! chants from the crowd so to the LA crowd he was way over. In fact he got a bigger pop than Rey. And when Nash hit the ring he got a huge pop as well. But Del Rio cashing in got a huge pop. And after the ppv went off air while on the ramp Ricardo Rodriguez came out and announced Del Rio as champ in Spanish which got the biggest pop of the night since the crowd was 80% Hispanic. Del Rio posed on the ramp for atleast 5 mins to the loudest pop of the night. Then punk got up and people started cheering for him.
Yeah it's great for Mexico.
Bad for wrestling fans.

ADR, is BORING, he's the Mexican Randy Boreton, his promos are all the same, his matches are all the same.

WWE had a real hot feud here, and completely devalued the title, you had two champions walk in, and neither walk out with the title, you've invested all this TV time in them, yet a guy who was just jobbing earlier in the week, beats your hottest star at a major PPV in one minute!!!!
So let me get this straight. CM Punk never gets an actual run with the championship despite his storyline. He "beats" Cena and then gets buried by a 52 years old Kevin Nash and loses to Del Rio who he beat last week?

2.Old men in involved with top tier talent.
3.Four title changes in a month.

Why have I seen everyone riot against TNA for doing even one of those, but now you're all riding WWE's dick despite all of these? I don't get fans sometimes. Last year Kevin Nash was a washed up has-been who should hang them up for good and go away because he's slow, sloppy and his knees are messed up. Now he's everyone's hero, he's back and he's here to kick some ass.

... huh?

It's not what's being done as much as it is how it's being done. For instance, don't act like TNA is using an old Hogan or Flair as well as WWE
did. And four title changes in a month is based on a storyline completely about the title being in shambles. And at least they are overbooking with legitimate new talent and choice old talent, as opposed to someones overaged rejects and new guys that look like jr high students.
I think it can be a good thing or a bad thing. ADR finally gets a Belt. Maybe they'll actually let him expand from his limited promo's of the same damm thing over and over.

Hopefully tomorrow they'll have a big "in ring party" like Chavo had on ECW a while back and have CM Punk crash it.
I really believe that Stephanie has some explaining to do on RAW. Nash probably help to set up HHH vs Punk that a lot of people want to see. I think that HHH, Vince, & Stephanie are creating great storylines to keep people interested. I'm just sad that it always happens during the late summmer. Miz became champion around the fall as well. Maybe this is a chance for Cena to get his much needed break. But with WWE' 12 out in 3 months, it might be a stunt to hype the game.
Okay, just because some of you would love it so much, they should say Cena has a legit beef with his leg on the ropes and no one won the unified title! But ADR did get Punk's title by cashing in! :p Some heads on this forum would just explode. Title-less Punk, but somehow they retain Cena's title.

Is this the start of the inevitable storyline of someone making a run at HHH's power already? He made himself ref at SS and blew the big call. Cena, ADR, Punk, Rey and Miz will all be out of their minds about the messed up title situation, and HHH's old Kliq buddy is running amok. Looks like they could be setting up the corporate power struggle angle.

Just to make everyone happy, this angle will focus exclusively on the McMahon family and all wrestlers will have their screen time drastically reduced.:wtf: What scares me just a little bit is that I made most of this post to torture people, but none of what's mentioned on here is outside of the realm of possibility.
Chill out guys, it wasn't that bad...

Nash makes sense for a few reasons:

1. Nash's 'anything for the money' gimmick
2. You have ADR and VKM who could buy him off
3. If you didn't remember, Punk and Nexus eliminated Nash from the rumble

Add all three together, Nash is offered lots of money to take out Punk, and he wants the opportunity at revenge by costing Punk the WWE title, because Punk cost Nash the chance to headline WM27.

Meanwhile, ADR and Cena begin their feud.

IMO, Del Rio wasn't ready. I really enjoyed the Punk/Cena feud, and this all seems very anticlimactic... None-the-less, I didn't see it coming, and I will definitely be tuning in on Raw this week!
My initial reaction to this move was that WWE is going to do a slow build towards a Punk/ HHH feud. I think that WWE is trying to do another conspiracy angle here. Punk will accuse HHH of screwing him out of the title. Nash's involvement obviously points in that direction. HHH will disagree and say that Nash did what he did on his own accord. Del Rio would probably say that he paid Nash off.

The best thing to do now would be for Nash not to show up on Monday Night Raw. Del Rio has a match scheduled with Mysterio and if Nash does not show up, it would probably indicate that Nash's appearance was one off and that he did what he did because HHH told him to.

I understand that some people are a bit pissed off with this decision but the WWE has not disappointed us with this angle so far and I don't think that they would do it now. Del Rio may not be a star on the level of Cena or Punk but this might be the shot in the arm he has been looking for.
It's a smart move, They've worked out you need to appeal to the "10%" that is the IWC, but going so at the expense of the little Jimmys would be stupid, in this age you need Cena being Cena, this way we get to watch Punk and Co Recreate the Austin/Vince fued in HD, and everyone else gets to see Cena battle adversity to get the title back.

Its smart booking.
I can't wait for RAW! The WWE have realized the IWC are the "real" fans, and have done us justice. Although it could've been done a lot better, bringing in Stephanie McMahon, Kevin Nash and ADR into the main-event picture was good thinking. Also, I am anticipating Jimmy Hart becoming R-Truth's manager. That would be epic, if you ask me. I'm just hoping this week, we don't see HHH--Punk--Cena--Nash--Steph--ADR eating up the entire 2 hours. You've got other talented superstars too, you know. We don't want them to get a "future endeavors" slip anytime soon.
Well, fuck you WWE.

This guy sucks. He is not near the level of Punk and Cena, so stop trying at all, the guy is average on everything he does. I will stop watching their shows after this.

I'm sick and tired of them putting this guy in the main-event without him deserving. So screw you. If it were someone like Batista (like they did on Elimination Chamber) I wouldn't like it but I wouldn't be pissed off. But this piece of shit as a wrestler pisses me off.
I thought this move was one of the most brilliant things WWE has done this year. The match before The big Cena vs Punk II showdown, I was disappointed that Randy Orton won back the World Title. I was expected Christian to have a nice reign that would last awhile, but i was proven wrong. All during the main event i was on the edge of my seat. I vowed to myself that if Cena walks out with the gold i may never watch WWE again. I'm tired of the same old sh*t. Anyway, the ending of the match i didn't really like that much. It was like WWE was afraid to put Cena under for one match. I pictured the next night on Raw HHH announcing a rematch at the next PPV, in which Cena will win the gold back. This was not to happen though, as when CM Punk holds up the gold I see someone in the corner of the screen getting ready to hop over. It pans back to a close up of Punk because obviously they didnt want to ruin the surprise. Then, there's KEVIN NASH with a Jackknife. I'm stunned. My eyes are wide open, literally. Why did WWE bring Nash back into the ring? I know they have money to throw around, but come on. Then Del Rio comes out and steals the title. It was some absolutely beautiful drama. I did want CM Punk to walk out with the belt, but passing it on to someone who has been waiting and waiting seems to be a good decision by WWE. I can honestly say this is the first time this year i've been excited to watch the next Raw.
First post. Bam.

WWE had made the right move having Punk win the match - despite the muddled finish – but you could tell from the timing of the show that Del Rio was going to cash in. The main event began relatively early at the 2 hour mark, a move which is always suspect in a post MITB WWE, and the drawn-out coverage of Punk celebrating post-win pretty much cemented that Del Rio was to cash in.
Well, fuck you WWE.

This guy sucks. He is not near the level of Punk and Cena, so stop trying at all, the guy is average on everything he does. I will stop watching their shows after this.

I'm sick and tired of them putting this guy in the main-event without him deserving. So screw you. If it were someone like Batista (like they did on Elimination Chamber) I wouldn't like it but I wouldn't be pissed off. But this piece of shit as a wrestler pisses me off.
lol good, you're pissed off. You'll still watch. It's not like they had Nash powerbomb Punk, then ADR beats Punk, then ADR hands Nash the belt. It was weird, which it needed to be.

The whole thing makes perfect story sense.

Questions going in (as a storyteller):
1. How do we keep this angle going?
2. How do we keep the integrity of both characters?
3. How do we enhance each character and the story?

Answer, you do a screw finish to the match. Cena had his foot on the ropes. However, that doesn't really further the story, it's then back to Cena and Punk claiming they deserve the strap. So, you need to get it off both guys. ADR is the obvious choice, but what isn't obvious is how you do it. Does he just come out and beat Punk? No, that's kind of boring and it doesn't really give Punk's character a reason to bitch if you think about it. If ADR just comes out and beats Punk, then Punk wins flukey and loses "cleanly" to the MITB guy under circumstances that you accept by being the champion. However, since Nash comes out, it looks like a HHH conspiracy and thus, Punk's character has a reason to complain.

So what do we have tomorrow? The belt is off both Cena and Punk but they both have reasons to complain and reasons to still be in the main event. There are new wrinkles thrown in. HHH's character has more intrigue because of the conspiracy, and Punk's character has more ammo than the usual "fuckin mainstream people".

So exactly, how is this bad? Because some people on here have this stupid idea that it should have been a clean match? Because some people on here don't like Nash even though the hatred you have of him is exactly why he fits so well? Punk caters to YOU the "smart" wrestling fan. YOU, the "smart" wrestling fan HATE Kevin Nash because he's a "5 moves of doom" having, bodybuilder-type, no talent kiss ass who only got to where he is by riding the coat tails of his friends.

In other words, nash is the perfect guy to screw Punk. Nash doesn't come out with ADR because that kills the intrigue. Did Nash do it for HHH because that's "what's good for business" did Vince hire Nash? Did ADR hire Nash? Did Nash do it for the fuck of it? Tune in tomorrow night to find out.
The only genuine surprise within the main event was the appearance of Nash, but I still felt underwhelmed by Del Rio’s win. Though intrigued where they headed next, I can’t help but wonder if WWE has killed CM Punk’s momentum, and the all important promise of change he ‘represents’, to capitalize on having a Mexican WWE champion for the upcoming tour of Mexico.

Logistically speaking, WWE’s tour of Mexico is set for October 12th to the 15th, which means from a storyline point-of-view we can expect Del Rio to still be champion through both Night of Champions and Hell in a Cell. Whilst NOC traditionally produces a multiple superstar WWE Championship match (Cena, Punk, Mysterio and Del Rio at a glance), it’s the HITC event which leaves me troubled. HITC will no doubt have a Del Rio defending in a one-on-one HITC match, but I can’t imagine a tweener vs. heel HITC in Del Rio vs. Punk, which would suggest we will get Del Rio vs. Cena or Mysterio. I’ve enjoyed CM Punk’s recent performances as it’s at the very least a fresh PPV rivalry, but this current direction seems we’re heading into ‘same old-same old’ in Cena vs. Heel and/or the played out Del vs. Mysterio.
First post. Bam.

WWE had made the right move having Punk win the match - despite the muddled finish – but you could tell from the timing of the show that Del Rio was going to cash in. The main event began relatively early at the 2 hour mark, a move which is always suspect in a post MITB WWE, and the drawn-out coverage of Punk celebrating post-win pretty much cemented that Del Rio was to cash in. The only genuine surprise within the main event was the appearance of Nash, but I still felt underwhelmed by Del Rio’s win. Though intrigued where they headed next, I can’t help but wonder if WWE has killed CM Punk’s momentum, and the all important promise of change he ‘represents’, to capitalize on having a Mexican WWE champion for the upcoming tour of Mexico.

Logistically speaking, WWE’s tour of Mexico is set for October 12th to the 15th, which means from a storyline point-of-view we can expect Del Rio to still be champion through both Night of Champions and Hell in a Cell. Whilst NOC traditionally produces a multiple superstar WWE Championship match (Cena, Punk, Mysterio and Del Rio at a glance), it’s the HITC event which leaves me troubled. HITC will no doubt have a Del Rio defending in a one-on-one HITC match, but I can’t imagine a tweener vs. heel HITC in Del Rio vs. Punk, which would suggest we will get Del Rio vs. Cena or Mysterio. I’ve enjoyed CM Punk’s recent performances as it’s at the very least a fresh PPV rivalry, but this current direction seems we’re heading into ‘same old-same old’ in Cena vs. Heel and/or the played out Del vs. Mysterio.
uhhh. how? Seriously dude. Do you not understand storytelling at all? Let's say punk wins cleanly, then what? O, you feel better about it, but the average fan has no reason to watch tomorrow do they? I mean, you said "despite the muddled finish". What other finish did you want? Clean, straight up, 1 on 1 wrestling doesn't sell. The only way a clean finish works is if it's the end of a feud, which this wasn't. So it's not "despite the muddled finish" it's "thankfully they had a muddled finish to keep the guy who stirs the most emotion in the picture".

After the last 2+ months of great GREAT storytelling (and really before that too, Cena vs Rock was good stuff, last year had a lot of good stuff) and you people STILL find something to bitch about?

I want someone to seriously explain to me how exactly any other booking is better? What they did accomplished everything that needed to be done. What they did was make it so NEITHER guy has the strap, yet they both have something to talk about tomorrow. Plus, for the first time ever (probably for real actually) it's Mexican (born in Mexico) vs Mexican (born in Mexico) for the title tomorrow in San Diego (pretty much Mexico).
Logistically speaking, WWE’s tour of Mexico is set for October 12th to the 15th

This is exactly why I think WWE has made Alberto Del Rio champion. They want to make him relevant when they go to Mexico, and what better way than be part of one of the most-talked about feuds in years. And with the Sin Cara idea flopping big time, ADR is the only option they have left.
Why is everyone complaining about him beating Punk? It is much better than Cena taking the belt away, which would've been what happened if it wasn't for ADR. Let's face it, the WWE will never make Cena a heel. He makes them money, and even if he does turn heel, he'll be a "anti-hero", still receiving pops like Punk is right now, and we will still hate him for it.

I know Cena and Punk have been doing a brilliant job for 2 months or so, but they have the mic-skills, the in-ring talent (more so Punk than Cena), and are over with the crowd big-time. So, they can stay relevant without the title.
lol good, you're pissed off. You'll still watch.
No I won't.

I really don't care about the storyline, I don't give a shit if Del Rio bought Nash, Triple H screwed Punk, whatever. It is not compelling. I wouldn't pay to watch this so I won't watch it anyway.

Del Rio is a great wrestler, sure. Besides that fact he sucks a lot. The guy isn't over, Ricardo Rodriguez is over. Okay, you can say that he got a good reaction from the crowd last night, of course, it was on LA, what did you expect?

I don't care about Del Rio's title reign, he will have it for 3 months until the end of Mexican Tour and that's it. Another Jack Swagger. Or another Miz. After all, who cares? It's just another title reign for the sake of it. I'm really tired of watching a product aimed at kids, and when the biggest surprise you can have is Del Rio cashing in on Punk then I guess I'm too old for this shit.
I think they could have easily waited to put the strap on ADR. Like someone above wrote, they could have wait two more PPVs to give it to him.

I hate the fact that the WWE gives their guys the belt simply for outside factors like tours outside of the US, or if that wrestler is wrestling in his hometown. It messes with the angles.

They could have easily had Cena lose and drawn this out a little bit more, but money will always supersede everything.
I'm willing to give this Del Rio thing a chance.

Reason? Since he won the Royal Rumble all he has been talking about is how it was his Destiny to become the WWE/World Heavyweight Champion. He failed at Wrestlemania. He failed at Extreme Rules. He had a feud with Big Show. Still talked about his Destiny. After awhile his whole "This is my Destiny" promos got boring. Him failing to become champion time and time again was, eh, ok lets get this over with. His constant Destiny promos wore a little thin. If he freshened things up it wouldn't have been as bad.

I'm not asking Del Rio to be Punk on the mic. At least Del Rio could have added new content like Punk has been doing with his latest mega star push. I'm not saying Del Rio should've stopped talking about destiny. But fresh things up a little bit.

With Del Rio winning the title, finally, yes. He can do the "I told you so, it was my destiny to become WWE Champion" speech he will bless us with tonight. I'm interested to see if he will fresh up his content a bit. Add something new. Talk about something else. Etc. I don't know. I really want to see whats going to happen. Would I love Punk to be champion, still? You bet. Del Rio was going to cash in eventually. Might as well have been on a red hot Punk. I think people would have cheered if he cashed it in on John Cena. I will admit, I would've marked more if Nash jackknifed Cena.

Del Rio can wrestle a solid match. He'll be ok main eventing. His character could use a little freshening up. Thats my only concern really. His character. He could play the classy, aristocratic part of his character. Not just with the cars. And the ring announcer, I'm more or less referring to his vignettes on Smackdown. Those were cool in my opinion. And his initial feud with Rey. Cool. Who knows. Maybe being WWE Champion he will step up and become more interesting.

In all likelihood. Six Pac Challenge @ NOC. Him, vs Rey, vs Truth, vs Miz vs Punk, vs Cena. Del Rio will pin Rey to retain the championship. No harm will come to Cena/Punk. As far as what to do from there? Hell if I know. As long as Punk gets the title back I'm all good.
but money will always supersede everything.

Isn't that obvious? They know having Cena champion caters to the kids around the world and that's why he was champion. Then they thought of the IWC and handed him the title, of course. Now, they are off to Mexico, and need ADR to be champion. Knowing how "Cena-crazy" the Creative is, don't be surprised if Cena gets a chance to win the title back days after their Mexico trip is done with.
And besides, ADR was slated to win a World Title for an awfully long time now, until Edge had to unfortunately retire. It was his "destiny" and he deserved a chance to finally win it. The timing might be a little wrong, with the Punk-Cena rivalry in full swing, but we need to give him a chance.
No I won't.

I really don't care about the storyline, I don't give a shit if Del Rio bought Nash, Triple H screwed Punk, whatever. It is not compelling. I wouldn't pay to watch this so I won't watch it anyway.

Del Rio is a great wrestler, sure. Besides that fact he sucks a lot. The guy isn't over, Ricardo Rodriguez is over. Okay, you can say that he got a good reaction from the crowd last night, of course, it was on LA, what did you expect?

I don't care about Del Rio's title reign, he will have it for 3 months until the end of Mexican Tour and that's it. Another Jack Swagger. Or another Miz. After all, who cares? It's just another title reign for the sake of it. I'm really tired of watching a product aimed at kids, and when the biggest surprise you can have is Del Rio cashing in on Punk then I guess I'm too old for this shit.
You're so descriptive "he sucks".

First off, he's actually over. Second, he's very good with his character. Third he tells stories in the ring. Fourth, he's a vet, so he doesnt' make dumb mistakes like looking lost or out of character like Swagger did to kill his heat.

"It was LA"? Well he was also over in Chicago at MITB, the crowd wanted him or Miz to win. Just like any other wrestler, Del Rio has his hot spots. Obviously places in Texas, California, and Florida he'll be more over. However, he's also more over in the smarky areas like Chicago and the northeast. So really his "market" is pretty big.

"marketed towards kids, I'm to old/mentally mature to enjoy this stuff but I'll still come on a net message board and bitch about it" Well it's not exactly "aimed at kids". It's kind of like Pixar. It's kid friendly, but anyone can watch it and enjoy it. You said "if your biggest surprise is ADR cashing in" I guess the Nash part didn't happen? That's part of what kept it surprising. Had it just been ADR, then it wouldn't have been all that surprising and not only that, but Punk's character wouldn't have had reason to complain next week, and HHH's character wouldn't be as interesting as it is now (is he or is he not connected). So yea, you saying you're "too old for this shit" and then you come on here means that you're probably not as intellectually superior as you think you are. You saying "ADR cashing in is the most surprising thing" when Nash was the surprise probably means you didn't actually watch it, but rather read the results and then bitched. The crowd shit it's pants. I'm guessing that even though it's LA, of those 17,000 people many of them had to be smarter than you and they were all surprised.

As far as the "another Miz" thing, Miz is one of the most over guys on the roster, one of their best PR guys, and is solid in the ring. If he's "another Miz" then that's a good thing.

If you're not going to watch" then why did you take the time to complain about it on here? If it made you so bored that you'll never watch again, why did you log on, find the topic, click "reply" and type all that? Not only that, but why did you stay on and reply to my post? Are you a masochist (spelling?). I mean, when something bores me so much that I never want to see it again (like when my girlfriend wants to watch Real Housewives of New Jersey) I don't wanna fucking talk about it. I don't even want to think about it. But you came on here and posted about it.

The story isn't compelling to YOU (actually it is otherwise you wouldn't have come on here, you just don't realize you're acting no different than the 7 year olds who hate bad guys). However, it's definately compelling to a lot of other people. Their booking was really smart and they covered all their bases last night.

You're the type of guy who gives the IWC a bad name. You're what I call a "bitcher". Unless the WWE does exactly what you want, you bitch. Even then, you'd probably still bitch. Why did you even watch tonight, why do you ever watch, and why do you even post on here if you hate it so much?

So many of you guys claim to be wrestling fans, but all the time it's "if WWE does this I quit watching". I'm an Atlanta Braves fan, my girlfriend is a Cubs fan, I suffered a bunch of postseason chokes, she suffers from being a Cubs fan, we're both still fans. Neither one of us says "if they don't win this year we quit". Yet you guys claim to be wrestling fans and you claim to hate the product so much that you're about to quit watching? What the fuck?
I think they could have easily waited to put the strap on ADR. Like someone above wrote, they could have wait two more PPVs to give it to him.

I hate the fact that the WWE gives their guys the belt simply for outside factors like tours outside of the US, or if that wrestler is wrestling in his hometown. It messes with the angles.

They could have easily had Cena lose and drawn this out a little bit more, but money will always supersede everything.
Explain how you would have done it and I'll tell you why your idea is inferior to what happened.

If Cena loses cleanly, the angle is over. If Cena loses with the foot on the ropes, then it's basically the same stuff all over again and people will probably get bored. The ADR thing with Mexico was planned out in the angle probably months ahead of time. You think the WWE was convinced by Punk to start this angle 2 months ago, then a week ago said "o shit we better put the strap on ADR"? Fuck no, this is probably planned 6 months in advance for the most part.

The booking was perfect. No one else on here has a better idea of how to keep Cena and Punk in the title hunt (your top draws are ALWAYS near the title), how to expand the story, and how to add intrigue than what they did.

Seriously, someone fantasy booker an alternative reality where you book what you want to see and I'll tell you why it wouldn't be as good as what they did.
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it was on LA, what did you expect?

In that case, we can never expect the title to be off Cena, because he is the only person on the RAW! roster who is over in every state of the country and around the world. Even Punk got his biggest reaction in Chicago, and the reaction for ADR and Miz during the event was also noteworthy. Every superstar has places he is wanted and places he is hated.

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