Alberto Del Rio Is The NEW WWE Champion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE

Those of you complaining about Punk not having a longer title reign, I offer this opinion...Punk's current character CAN'T be champion. He needs something to bitch about, he needs a chip on his shoulder for his character to continue to work. Now he has it again. Punk as a clean champ would make for a boring month, now we have awesomeness every week to look forward to.

This whole angle is PERFECT. Stop whining. Let it play out. Please, for once, stop complaining and just enjoy the story.
[cL];3343398 said:
Del Rio is mediocre at best.
Mediocre? He may not be the most over heel on the roster but he's definitely not mediocre.
I can't stand him on the Mic, and his persona is annoying.
Oh I get it. Because YOU don't like his mic skills and his persona makes him mideocre. Got it.
The only thing i actually like about him is that he's a seasoned wrestler.
Other than that, I hate that he has the title.
Doesn't mean he doesn't derserve the title. He's a heel, you're suppose to hate him having the title.
So many things just got added to the story that its going to be hard to make it all make sense
So it's been what, an hour and a half since the PPV, and you can already tell the WWE will fuck this up?
and if done wrong....and unfortunately, i'm almost POSITIVE it will be done wrong,
Because you can see the future...
they're going to end up burying Punk,
Doubt it. This whole new era is due to Punk. There are tons of unanswered questions and what's worse is that RAW hasn't even happened yet. Wait until RAW is over, then complain and bitch about it. K?
Cena's somehow getting the title back and they will have done all this work for nothing.
It's been entertaining though right? Like I said, wait until that happens, then complain.
(In my Paul Bearer voice)...OHHHH YEEEESSS!

I dont think he'll hold it for long since Cena is going to be on RAW tomorrow bitching about how he had his foot on the ropes, but its great to see a fresh face be champ for once. I dont see anything wrong with this. Cena is irking the shit out of all the fans, Punk's "shoots" have failed to raise the ratings, and Del Rio has been working his butt off ever since he got to the WWE. Heres a guy who has the look, the mic skills, the in ring ability, and can get heat as WWE champion. WWE did the right thing tonight, and btw all the people who have claims for the WWE championship like Del Rio, Cena, and Punk will probably face off in a triple threat at NOC. Great use of the gimmick of the PPV.
Del Rio winning tonight seems to be all a setup for Rey to win back the title tomorrow night in his hometown. Don't forget Wrestlezone reported a few weeks ago that WWE was looking to do something huge with Rey the night after SummerSlam.

Rey wins tomorrow night, and at NOC it will either be a Fatal 4 Way with Rey, Del Rio, Punk & Cena or a championship scramble with Miz added to the mix. All men involved have viable reasons for rematches. Rey retains at NOC and the WWE goes on it's tour of Mexico with Rey as champ and it draws huge. Then on Oct 15th in Mexico City at the RAW taping Del Rio wins the title in front of his countrymen and holds the belt for the remainder of the year.
There shouldn't be anyone complaining about this.. a few reasons why:

1/ Everyone for ages has been compalining about the PG era. Can't everyone see how complex, must see and really quite far from PG all of these storylines are? The IWC wanted it's attitude era 2.0 and it's here..

2. the birth of this new Attitude era or Reality Era whatever you want to call it, is being born right before your very eyes, are people too blind to see it? How many times did the title change hands in the attitude era? All the time and it was the highest ratings the WWF/E ever received. We've gone from a filler Cena vs. R-Truth ppv main event to the most intriguing storyline since Nexus showed up and then before then who knows??

3. To all those pissed about Punk losing the ttile..1/ all you Punk fans, that's excatly how you are meant to feel! Your hero was screwed out of the title! All Cena's fans are upset, he was screwd out of the title too! The two heroes (but totally different) of RAW and their fan bases will be tuning to see how their guy will get back what is theirs.

4. A face is always waaaaaay better if he is chasing the title. It's booking 101. Punk has become a cult hero, but had a very small build up to get to the top of the mountain. Now that his popularity is right up there, he has no where left to go but down.. the storyline keeps moving with him being anti-WWE because there are so many factors now in place for him to combat.

a) Cena- the man he hates, the 'product of the system" the golden boy he needs to overcome

b) HHH- the system itself, the guy who is the inexperienced COO of the company he is talking out against. Due to HHH's newness to the role, Punk so far has had his number, but teh Game being one of the most diabolical superstars back in his day, will ahve aplan for Punk's agenda

c) Nash/JOhnny Ace/Stephanie/conspiracy - Punk now has shadows keeping him from being the WWE Champion. No one wants him to have that belt and it seems things are happening from all over to keep him from having the power that comes with being the WWE Champion. He has to fight against them and be smart about it. Is HHH/ His wife? Johnny Ace? Who is Nash working for? Del Rio? Punk will have to take these guys out first so he has a clear path to the title...

All of these factors come into play to take CM Punk to the next level and making him a HUGE superstar over the next few months leading into Wrestlemania. If anything CM Punk fans should be over the moon that this has happened because it ensures he will be a focal point for a very long time!!!
My guesses for the future are that Rey beats Del Rio tomorrow for the title, or Cena gets inserted into the match due to the foot under the rope and wins. Either way, I'm hoping to god that Del Rio does NOT walk out of RAW the champion, because my viewership is seriously on the line here...

As for my thoughts on the cash in, it was done right in terms of the situation, with Nash returning etc. but the whole angle should've been done later on down the track. I've never liked Del Rio, I've stated it plenty of times, and I know this is a move to attract fans for the Mexico tour, but I think it's quite possibly the dumbest move WWE could've done when Punk is in such high demand.
Can't everyone see how complex, must see and really quite far from PG all of these storylines are?

There is a difference between convoluted and grandiose. Given it is the Raw writing time, I think it is all going fall flat regardless of outcome(s). Well, I am not going to predict or fantasy book. Maybe because I don't care enough. Or it could be that there are too many loose ends for a 5 minute part of the show. idk

I will say that the reaction to Del Rio was probably one of the weaker cash ins. That was expected I think.
There shouldn't be anyone complaining about this.. a few reasons why:

1/ Everyone for ages has been compalining about the PG era. Can't everyone see how complex, must see and really quite far from PG all of these storylines are? The IWC wanted it's attitude era 2.0 and it's here..

2. the birth of this new Attitude era or Reality Era whatever you want to call it, is being born right before your very eyes, are people too blind to see it? How many times did the title change hands in the attitude era? All the time and it was the highest ratings the WWF/E ever received. We've gone from a filler Cena vs. R-Truth ppv main event to the most intriguing storyline since Nexus showed up and then before then who knows??

3. To all those pissed about Punk losing the ttile..1/ all you Punk fans, that's excatly how you are meant to feel! Your hero was screwed out of the title! All Cena's fans are upset, he was screwd out of the title too! The two heroes (but totally different) of RAW and their fan bases will be tuning to see how their guy will get back what is theirs.

4. A face is always waaaaaay better if he is chasing the title. It's booking 101. Punk has become a cult hero, but had a very small build up to get to the top of the mountain. Now that his popularity is right up there, he has no where left to go but down.. the storyline keeps moving with him being anti-WWE because there are so many factors now in place for him to combat.

a) Cena- the man he hates, the 'product of the system" the golden boy he needs to overcome

b) HHH- the system itself, the guy who is the inexperienced COO of the company he is talking out against. Due to HHH's newness to the role, Punk so far has had his number, but teh Game being one of the most diabolical superstars back in his day, will ahve aplan for Punk's agenda

c) Nash/JOhnny Ace/Stephanie/conspiracy - Punk now has shadows keeping him from being the WWE Champion. No one wants him to have that belt and it seems things are happening from all over to keep him from having the power that comes with being the WWE Champion. He has to fight against them and be smart about it. Is HHH/ His wife? Johnny Ace? Who is Nash working for? Del Rio? Punk will have to take these guys out first so he has a clear path to the title...

All of these factors come into play to take CM Punk to the next level and making him a HUGE superstar over the next few months leading into Wrestlemania. If anything CM Punk fans should be over the moon that this has happened because it ensures he will be a focal point for a very long time!!!

Personally, I agree with a huge chunk of that, but just to play Devil's Advocate can you really blame people for being a wee bit skeptical. Now, just to get this out of the way the IWC will always complain, or most internet committees at for that manner. That's just the way it is. So flat out, people need to stop expecting that forum user will be content because by in large they never ever will.

Now, while it does seem like alot of what you say is true, albeit optimistic the WWE just has had a great track record with following through with potentially awesome storylines lately.( Yes, i'm referring to the Nexus debacle). Here's the thing, as big as this storyline could possibly for Punk, I have no reason to believe either

A. The WWE will heavily invest in push past the duration of this angle
B. The WWE intends on ushering in a new..ahem, "Era"

Now since I think it's always more beneficial to be a skeptic, I think too much stock is being put into the stock of what is or isn't likely to happen. Don't get me wrong a breath of fresh air this storyline has been, but I don't see it spanning a new era. Could be that it is...or it could be some high standard busywork for Cena while simultaneously appeasing a nearly departed Punk.
Maybe Punk almost leaving and his newly founded drawing powers have shown Vince how important he is? IDK

Bias notwithstanding, I just don't see the brass investing in Punk for the long term. He just doens't seem to be a "WWE" a guy, that's going to be a company guy permanently, with no qualms. A Cena, a Orton, a Edge. Even in the day of wrestling, guys that stick with one company permanently aren't as prevalent or so it seems. Even more so Punk just isn't a guy that the WWE could turn into a mass appealing mega-star with the current direction they're going. That antiquated direction being if your last name isn't Cena or Orton you aren't a true, 100% top main eventer.(you know what I mean)

Also, It seems a little far-fetched that Punk would be the catalyst for new Era. The roster, the state of wrestling, none of it really dictates that. Just because I don't see how the "reality" thing can play out past the span of the current angle and not seem like a gimmick. Will everyone just do work shoots from now on? Now with this roster. It will lose it's luster pretty quickly.


I doubt it, but I hope you're right.
My guesses for the future are that Rey beats Del Rio tomorrow for the title, or Cena gets inserted into the match due to the foot under the rope and wins. Either way, I'm hoping to god that Del Rio does NOT walk out of RAW the champion, because my viewership is seriously on the line here...

As for my thoughts on the cash in, it was done right in terms of the situation, with Nash returning etc. but the whole angle should've been done later on down the track. I've never liked Del Rio, I've stated it plenty of times, and I know this is a move to attract fans for the Mexico tour, but I think it's quite possibly the dumbest move WWE could've done when Punk is in such high demand.

You need to read JaylisJayp's post above about why Punk can't be champion right now. He can play that character as champion it would just simply be unbelievable. You can't rally against the system as the top guy.

People are reading way too much into this Mexico tour. The post about Rey and Del Rio having the belt for the rest of the year seems to be pretty absurd. No way Cena or Punk one isn't the champion by the end of the year if Rey and Del Rio are feuding for the title they won't be main eventing PPVs.

I hate to disappoint you but no way they bury ADR and put the belt back on Rey tomorrow night. This would truly bury Del Rio to put over an aging past his prime star. If that happens then I will see where complaints are coming from about terrible booking.
Since Rey Mysterio is competing for the WWE Championship tomorrow night I am not surprised one bit that Alberto is the new WWE Champion. Two different reasons. One being that they wanted ADR to have the championship when he goes to Mexico. Also i had a feeling that WWE wanted to do a title match between two superstars who has The Mexican Heritage on there side. It should be a fun and exciting match.
I find ADR boring and atypical of what WWE wants in a champion, he took away from the Cena/Punk feud which had MONTHS of stuff left, he's boring and reptitive on the mic...and it devalued the title
I don't see ADR losing tomorrow night. If he does, he's probably gonna drop into midcard status. With Del Rio winning will probably setup a Triple Threat of Fatal 4 Way match at NoC which will be exciting to see. Or maybe Del Rio fueds with Rey for the belt, but Cena and Punk challenges the system? I have a feeling that there will be interference tomorrow night during Rey vs Del Rio.
I was at Summer Slam. So people who say Del Rio didnt get a reaction heres A couple of notes. When Del Rio came Out for his first match he actually got a huge pop and a long ass Del Rio! chants from the crowd so to the LA crowd he was way over. In fact he got a bigger pop than Rey. And when Nash hit the ring he got a huge pop as well. But Del Rio cashing in got a huge pop. And after the ppv went off air while on the ramp Ricardo Rodriguez came out and announced Del Rio as champ in Spanish which got the biggest pop of the night since the crowd was 80% Hispanic. Del Rio posed on the ramp for atleast 5 mins to the loudest pop of the night. Then punk got up and people started cheering for him.
I think Del Rio is going to make a great champ. Also, it's not only for the Mexico tour as they have been slating him for a title for some time now and it's not like the Mexican audience weren't going to buy tickets unless a latin superstar was champ, right.... right. Only Punk fan's piss and prostest, like that, when they don't get their way. In on the subject of neither Punk or Cena being the champ in the end, I can understand that. For every person that pissed their pants when Punk won there was someone that felt cheated because Cena didn't and vice versa, had the matche gone to other way. With fans getting that carried away I'm not putting the belt on either man either if I am the booker. Not until such fans simmered down a bit and stoped acting like the famous crying "it's still real to me" man from youtube. And as far as Nash goes, now that HHH is in charge my random mark guess is that it's the Cliq.
the thing i find most humerous, is say Cena beat Punk. None of you would have a problem with Del Rio being champ if he had cashed in on Cena, but since it's Punk, Del Rio is now hated.


WWE just did that, and yet you still bitch.

Punk is better chasing, and i look forward to a fresh and new Champion.
I started reading from page 1 and didn't even make it to page 2 without being dissappointed with what people are saying about Del Rio... I was in attendance and Del Rio got one of the biggest pops of the night (head to head with CM PUNKS pop)...did anyone see the match this past raw with ADR and CM PUNK?? did you not see the great chemistry between both of them?? I think this whole babyface heel within CM Punk feuding with Alberto is just what RAW needs right now...Cena on top is old and boring. oh and the new radio feature introduced at SUMMERSLAM totally worth the $15
I don't hate Del Rio for it. I actually applaud him for it. It could lead to a huge match at NoC and I never been this excited to watch a Monday Night Raw. Something is bound to happen during Rey vs Del Rio.
I knew Del Rio was going to come out of either Summerslam or the after SS episode of RAW as it was stated months ago on wrestlezone that Del Rio was in-line for a Fall title run to coincide with the tour of Mexico.

I dont think CM Punk shouldve lost the title in this way but for it bringing an unpredictable RAW then lets wait and see what happend.

To the guy with the Mr Perfect avatar picture and clearly a lover of Nash - There is no way in hell Mysterio is leaving RAW tonight as champion !!
CM punk gets the three count on Cena, I'm pumped!! Nash Returns, I'm still pumped!!!!! Del Rio cashes in on Punk and wins the WWE title. . . . . I'm pissed.

To be honest i was never behind the Miz as champ and I didn't think there was gonna be anybody to win that belt within the next few years i was gonna be less behind than the The Miz. Until Alberto Del Rio!!!!! Putting all the "its just for the fall tour of mexico" stuff aside, even though that is probably true, I just don't get it. This may be just my opinion, But whenever i see Del Rio on my TV i am Usually BORED. I will be honest and say he isn't too shabby in the ring and sometimes I enjoy his matches but his character is just soooo boring and he doesn't impress me on the mic that much at all.

I am shocked I am about to write this but The Miz would be a better champ than Del Rio and that's coming from a wrestling fan that is rarely ever behind the Miz!
first off fuck all yall haters...this is one of the best endings to a PPV in yearss it was totally unexpected, something the WWE has been lacking for a while now. I will definitely be tuning in to raw to see the aftermath. Sooo many scenarios can result from this !!!! Thank you WWE! and i marked out on ADR CASHING IN!!!!!
Business wise, this makes the most sense. WWE's touring Mexico and Alberto Del Rio is a very able WWE champion to represent Mexico.

But in a wrestling sense? This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Del Rio was beaten CLEAN by Punk just last Monday on Raw. Clean. As in 1-2-3. I know that the element of surprise is what the Money in the Bank is all about, but to have Punk beat Cena... and for it to be as controversial as it was, and THEN to pile that Money in the Bank win on top of it... all this does is screw Punk in a storyline sense. Cena's got beef because he had his foot on the rope, and Del Rio cashed in the MITB on the winner of that match at the time. So all the main event at Summerslam did was raise more questions than give answers.

I just hate that Punk doesn't get a nice reign with the belt. Maybe he'll get a return match on Raw or something. Who knows?
So let me get this straight. CM Punk never gets an actual run with the championship despite his storyline. He "beats" Cena and then gets buried by a 52 years old Kevin Nash and loses to Del Rio who he beat last week?

2.Old men in involved with top tier talent.
3.Four title changes in a month.

Why have I seen everyone riot against TNA for doing even one of those, but now you're all riding WWE's dick despite all of these? I don't get fans sometimes. Last year Kevin Nash was a washed up has-been who should hang them up for good and go away because he's slow, sloppy and his knees are messed up. Now he's everyone's hero, he's back and he's here to kick some ass.

... huh?
Okay I didn't get to see it but I did read the in depth review that was posted on this site. From everything I gather... Cena had his foot on the ropes so his 3 count loss to Punk can be disputed. Nash's interference allows the writers to go one of two ways. He can either be a hired hand by ADR or HHH. HHH did say that the match would go HIS way. Sooo... HHH could very well have arranged such an attack and asked for ADR to cash in. Afterall, when Punk won the title in Chicago VKM tried to get ADR into the ring to cash in that night as well. Either way, ADR is a tool for the WWE to mess with Punk. As everyone else has stated, Del Rio's title run is merely a money making device for the tour in Mexico... sad but true. Del Rio is, again, a tool for the WWE.

Now, I'm not really pissed with this outcome only because it allows for Punk to continue with his anti-WWE rants and "pipe bombs". Rather than being the Champ and flat-lining with a lack of storyline or proper usage. Del Rio now contends against Rey Mysterio and will most likely win against Rey with all of Rey's current medical issues that seems to be coming up. So far all the people pissed about Punk's loss of the title needs to remember, he has a rematch clause. Night of Champions is coming up... Punk can have his rematch and win his title back. And as much as people may hate it, Cena has a legitimate claim saying he didn't truly lose cause of his foot placement on the rope. The WWE title picture is now a scrambled mess with a very unclear future.

All we, as fans, can do really do is wait and see what is in store and hope that the story line doesn't get too severely botched and trust that WWE can potentially pull off an incredible story that is both good for business and good for the fans... even though those two things rarely coincide with each other.
Why did WWE pull Kevin Nash out? He's crap. He's old. What's he gonna do now? If they put CM Punk vs Kevin Nash next PPV, I'm never gonna buy a PPV again.

It was a great match until Kevin Nash came down. Then was made worse by Alberto Del Rio coming down.
Im not objected to ADR cashing in his MITB but bringing the old Nash back is just terrible. Im pretty sure ADR could of cashed-in without Nash.

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