WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio: Who plays the foil?

Who will be Alberto Del Rio's foil?

  • Cm Punk

  • John Cena

  • The Miz

  • John Morrison

  • Rey Mysterio

  • Other

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King Of The Ring
At the Summerslam PPV on August 14th, CM Punk defeated John Cena to become the Undisputed WWE Champion. Punk hit a second GTS on Cena, which resulted in special referee HHH counting Cena's shoulders down for the 1,2,3. It wasn't without controversy, however, as Cena had gotten his foot on the bottom rope at the count of 1. Cena argued this with HHH to no avail, but eventually left the ring. HHH raised Punk's hand and left also, leaving Punk to celebrate. Before he could celebrate much, Kevin Nash jumped the guardrail, and "stuck" Punk with a Jackknife Powerbomb. This resaulted in Alberto Del Rio coming to the ring with his MITB briefcase, hitting Punk with a running enzeguri, pinning Punk to win the Undisputed WWE Championship. The next night on Raw, Del Rio defeated Rey Mysterio to retain the Championship when he was hit with the 619, but got his knees up on Mysterio's splash attempt, rolling him up for the victory.

There's the backstory as to how we got here. The purpose of this thread is to look ahead and examine the individuals who could take the title from Del Rio, how and when it will be done, and where Del Rio goes after losing the championship. First, let's look at the challengers from greatest to least in terms of taking the title from Del Rio.

CM Punk: Ill go 2:1 on Punk taking the title from Del Rio. It won't be soon, as I expect a triple threat between Punk, Del Rio, and Cena at NOC, with more interference from Kevin Nash, allowing the heel regime to keep Del Rio ''their champion''. I also expect said regime to throw many a roadblock at Punk on his way to winning the title back, but Punk overcoming them in order to get the "feel good" moment of being champion again, with TLC being the place. This also sets up Punk/Cena 3, possibly at the Royal Rumble or EC, allowing Cena to win the title and set up Cena vs Rock at Wrestlemania.

John Cena: Ill go 3:1 on Cena, as I see him as a close second. Cena set himself up as an immediate challenger when he saved Rey Mysterio from a further beatdown at the hands of Del Rio. Cena then cut a scathing promo on Del Rio, telling him he "got lucky" and "doesn't deserve" the championship. The longer Del Rio is champion, the more likely it is Cena will win the title, if for nothing more then to setup his promised championship match with the Rock at Wrestlemania. Both Punk and Cena have a rightful claim to a rematch, which I expect to happen at NOC. Cena won't win there, but if Del Rio is champion at the Rumble or at Elimination Chamber, Cena will be Del Rio's foil.

The Miz: Let's say 8:1 on the Miz. As has been noted on the main page, Vince is very high on Miz right now, and he's expected to be pushed back into the main event picture. If WWE decides that Del Rio isn't cutting it but wants to put the belt on another heel champion, they'll go with Miz. Miz has been running in place for awhile, but his promos were focused on the WWE Championship prior to Summerslam, and they were spot on. If WWE decides to go with a Fatal Four Way at NOC, and decides Del Rio isn't cutting it as a heel champion, Miz will be the one to take the title from him. If Del Rio is booked to be champion for only a short time, The Miz will be Del Rio's foil.

John Morrison: Im going with 30:1 on JoMo. Morrison just got his first win since returning from neck injury 4 weeks ago against R-Truth on Monday in a FCA match. Morrison is a long way from being championship material after a long time off and where he's positioned, and his mic skills aren't close to being championship level. Morrison's only chance at taking the title off Del Rio will come down to a few minute' scenarios. If a top star such as Cena or CM Punk gets injured, and WWE wants a transitional face champion to pass the title off to another heel, John Morrison could be Del Rio's doil.

Rey Mysterio: Ill say 50:1 on Mysterio. The only reason I have Rey ranked so low is that he's got an injured knee, and could possibly be out for months. The closer we get to the Rumble and EC, the later a Mysterio return, the lower the odds go of Mysterio taking the title off of Del Rio. He's a natural for another feud with Del Rio, as they have history and good chemistry together. If Rey can make a miraculous return in short time, injuries occur to top stars, and WWE wants someone to be a transitional champion to pass the title off to someone else, Mysterio will leapfrog Morrison and be Del Rio's foil.

I really see this being a two-horse race, with Miz as a dark horse. Both Punk and Cena have storylines built in now with Del Rio, with Del Rio taking the title from Punk, and Cena's promo on Del Rio. They both also have rematches for the title, which I could see happening in a triple threat match at NOC. I expect we'll get back to Punk and Cena before Wrestlemania for the title one more time, with Punk walking in the champion and Cena walking out with the title, so I have Punk slightly higher on my list. Miz could win the title if Del Rio isn't cutting it as a heel champion, and WWE wants another heel champion. Morrison and Mysterio are long shots. In the end, Im going to stick with Punk slightly over Cena as Del Rio's foil.

WHo will be Alberto Del Rio's foil? Why?

When and how will this take place?

Where will Del Rio go after losing the title?

Any other thoughts or discussion on this is welcome.
I think you have to either go with John Cena or CM Punk, and I'll vote Punk. The only reason I pick Punk over Cena is that I don't know where Cena would go, from there. HHH, Nash, and Punk are all tied up with the main storyline, and to me, it would seem just tacked on to throw Cena into that mix. He has a beef with HHH, but he just seems like he's out of that trio, for now. I really think they'll stick with those three in the main story that they're pulling off, and Del Rio v Cena will be the title match at NoC. So, I think that Del Rio will pull off heel victories against Cena, then he'll probably get cut down by Punk, who will probably have a lot of steam rolling off of the HHH/Nash feud, with Punk v Cena picking back up where it left off; Cena still hasn't beaten Punk, in this recent feud. Either that, or I think that Punk v HHH will go on to Wrestlemania and Cena will take the strap off of Del Rio. Either way, these current stories are pretty interesting. I'm probably way off, but it's fun to talk about.
If Cena goes over Del Rio for the title, which I think will eventually happen, it won't be right away. By that time, Punk v management may have run its course as well and that feud could be revived. But I don't think that's where they'll go until after Mania. I think somehow they'll separate Punk and management for a while during the winter and possibly put Cena v management.

It is really hard, almost impossible, to guess that far down the road. A lot depends on how the feuds themselves get over. But, I could see them possibly wanting to distance Cena from the constant "company favorite" criticism by having him stand up against his bosses on whatever issue they trump up for him. He could still play the righteous hero, just one pitted against a corrupt system.

That leaves Punk up in the air, with the need to create a rival for that time period. If management eventually slides into the heel role, then Miz could become the new rival. Miz's character right now is all about getting attention, and he could lash out at Punk because Punk is getting so much this year.

Again, just guesses, because long-range plans in WWE vary from "fluid" to non-existent. And that is partly by necessity. You think Creative is hard to guess with, try guessing how fans are going to react. Other than kids and young women loving Cena, it's pretty hard.
I really put a lot of money on Cena for this, WWE just seems intent on hot potatoing the title around him to make him seem bigger, but I hope to all that is holy, they let Del Rio run with the title long enough to not Jack Swagger him with it.

I think Punk is going to be feuding with HHH, Nash, or whatever comes from that. Punk already said he's not upset towards Del Rio, obviously he wants the world title, but he's hinting that's not his intention.

I can't see Miz and ADR feuding for some reason, even above the fact they both play heels (I could see a face Miz by 2012)

Jomo's push, if it exists, is going to be slower and we'll see a title transition before then more than likely.

Rey Mysterio, with the Mexico tour, I definitely see them feuding, but I can't see Rey winning another title soon, even abov the injuries.
Who will be Alberto Del Rio's foil? Why?
Much like you I see it being CM Punk. Quite sadly, the WWE Championship reign one of Dos Caras Jr shall last a while, as Vince McMahon is reportedly high on Del Rio, so much that whenever Del Rio heads out to the ring Vince watches with a smile on his face and probably a boner in his briefs.

I don't see it ending and I don't see John Cena claiming the WWE Championship back for awhile either. Cena won't win it anytime soon for some odd reason, instead I see him and ADR having back-and-forth bouts which culminate in Del Rio using cheap tactics to win and keep his belt, but ultimately CM Punk will gain a shot at the WWE Championship.

I too see the same image. Punk winning the Championship, defeating not only Del Rio but those backing Del Rio, whomever they may be. CM Punk is supposed to have back-up somewhere in this angle, with the likes of KOW and Colt Cabana coming in. So I see something like you said, at TLC or before, maybe Survivor Series although I speculate a Team Punk vs. Team HHH match for then, Punk defeats Del Rio in a Ladder match or something to claim the belt.

Going into the Royal Rumble and beyond, even WrestleMania, Punk holding the WWE Championship will push him further into the spotlight while The Rock and Cena gain steam as they head closer towards their encounter in Miami on April 4th. Cena doesn't need the belt anymore and definitley not for his bout with The Rock. Therefore I see Punk or Del Rio as the logical option heading into the Road to WrestleMania; Elimination Chamber will be the game changer though.

When and how will this take place?
I either see it happening at TLC or beforehand but Del Rio getting a four month Championship reign is a bit much. He isn't booked as one of these full chickenshit heels, he actually has the tools to claim clean victories and do damage, but its Alberto Del Rio. When he first debuted he was cool and all, but hes became stale as last summers horse crap. Some don't even want him to be Champion now and the fans don't really care for him. Sure, the belt may be what he needed all along, but I see CM Punk taking it in the same way or thereabouts as LSN said.

Punk gains the belt at a PPV, not only defeating ADR but defeating the powers that be in the process creating a feel good moment for everyone, because the "Voice of the Voiceless" rebels against the authorities. Kind of reminds you of... SCSA?!

Where will Del Rio go after losing the title?
On last reports I heard, WWE were planning on an Orton vs. ADR match for WrestleMania, but I don't see how that'll work with them seperated by brands. I can see him possibly representing the McMahon side of things, because you know well that's where this angle is going. McMahon will return, seeking revenge on someone if not everyone and he'll back Del Rio. There characters mesh well together, its kind of hard not to see why. But ultimately he'll probably go back to rambling on about destiny and winking. Great wrestler but needs some new lines; it may work for The Rock to repeat shit, but his lines are pop culture phrases, I can't see some dude going up to the water cooler at work and saying, "My name is Bob Hennessy from Accounting... But you already know that!" *winks*
ill go with punk for who i think is gonna be the 1 to end up taking the title from del rio mostly because i see del rio being the heel champion that nash,triple h and steph "hand picked" or whatever u wanna call it and punk is gonna fued with this group anyway so it would make sense i think a win for punk over del rio at survivor series would be perfect timing actullay i know del rio just won the title but hes gonna get really old as champion really fast sense his promos are the same thing every week and his ring skills just flat out suck so i expect punk to take the title from him and maybe were gonna see punk vs triple h or punk vs nash at wrestlemania? :shrug:
WHo will be Alberto Del Rio's foil? Why?
- As much as I don't like it, I feel that it's going to be Cena, not right now, but somewhere down the road.
But I think that Del Rio/Cena feud will be very good.

When and how will this take place?
Probably at TLC PPV, because I feel that The Rock will screw Cena vs Del Rio PT II at Survivor Series.
But then again, it depends against who he is going to fight at Hell in a Cell PPV, because I can't see Cena losing in this kind of match to Del Rio.

Where will Del Rio go after losing the title?
Who knows? Maybe get any kind of feud with Jericho (if he is back by then). The truth is that Del Rio is going to stay relevant, maybe a feud with HHH could also make him watchable!!
I voted Cena, just because, I think Punk will be busy with Nash/HHH. They made it pretty clear that Cena is going after Del Rio and Mysterio is injured. I could see Del Rio beating Cena at NOC, losing to him at the next PPV, and then winning it back at Survivor Series with help from the Rock.

Also, off topic, Whatarush, I don't want to seem mean, but do you hate CM Punk so much that your dream NOC card mentions him as a maybe something with Nash? You realize he is one of the hottest draws right now, right?
Del Rio will eventually lose to Punk because Punk has a huge crowd push right now so I think they will try to capitalize on that. If they don't then they can't say it wasn't there for the writers to grab. That said, they said on the Raw the night after Mania, and by they I mean Cena, that the Rock vs. Cena at Mania will be for the belt. Big drop by Cena that was probably not supposed to be said, but I have the dvr to prove it was said. The HHH factor could play a role either way, in that he lied and did text Nash and is found out, or false evidence shows that he did, kinda like the fake Sting nWo angle, except for with voiceover instead of actual person. He gets blamed, says he didn't, nobody believes him, everything plays out with him being a presumed heel until Survivor Series when......surprise he brings out the sledgehammer and cracks del rio in the skull.
God I hope its not Cena....isnt this like the tenth ppv Cena will mainevent in a row? (someone look that up please im scared of the answer) I thought we would get a "injury" outta this last match with cena/punk and then have punk go on to feud wit somone new....but if I had to choose who I would want to take the bel...sorry Title off of delrio I would like the Miz to turn face and take it the Mexican Arisocrat.....
As a CM Punk mark, I'd be VERY happy to see Punk be the one to have the feel good moment and a measure of revenge on Del Rio by taking the title off him. But if that happens, I doubt it'll happen anytime soon. Right now, it looks like we're gonna get Cena/Punk/ADR match at NoC. And if that happens, I still see ADR retaining with interference from Nash. I think after the PPV, Punk will step away from the title picture in order to deal with Nash and the person who texted him (which I'm fairly certain is not ADR) while Cena keeps chasing ADR and losing a subsequent rematch down the line. I can probably see Punk winning back the title at TLC at the earliest and no later than the end of the year. From there, set up the rubber match between Cena and Punk prior to Wrestlemania.

As for where Del Rio goes after losing the title, I think that's up in the air. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the guy and I wouldn't be upset if he got knocked back down to the midcard. Logically, I think he'll still be able to make sporadic transitions between the midcard and main event scene similarly to how Sheamus is currently being used.
If you put Punk with Del Rio then Punk's story is waaaay too cluttered. You can clutter up one idea, like "the man holding Punk down" but if you add "and he's going for the world title against someone not directly related to the problem" then it's cluttered.

I think Cena is an easy choice. ADR is pretty over with smarks because they love heels, Cena is over with the smarks as a heel. Mainstream audience boos ADR, mainstream audience cheers Cena. I think it fits.

All you really need is a clash of ideologies. ADR is super rich, so I'm guessing his character was born rich and handed a lot of things so I donno. He does anything to win. Cena's character is the kid from Westchester? who street fights and is about hustle, loyalty, and respect.

So you have your audience and character ideology clash. Cena works and really, you have 2 guys who are a lot more over than anyone else. One of those guys is in a major feud with the powers that be, so you gotta use the other.

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