At the Summerslam PPV on August 14th, CM Punk defeated John Cena to become the Undisputed WWE Champion. Punk hit a second GTS on Cena, which resulted in special referee HHH counting Cena's shoulders down for the 1,2,3. It wasn't without controversy, however, as Cena had gotten his foot on the bottom rope at the count of 1. Cena argued this with HHH to no avail, but eventually left the ring. HHH raised Punk's hand and left also, leaving Punk to celebrate. Before he could celebrate much, Kevin Nash jumped the guardrail, and "stuck" Punk with a Jackknife Powerbomb. This resaulted in Alberto Del Rio coming to the ring with his MITB briefcase, hitting Punk with a running enzeguri, pinning Punk to win the Undisputed WWE Championship. The next night on Raw, Del Rio defeated Rey Mysterio to retain the Championship when he was hit with the 619, but got his knees up on Mysterio's splash attempt, rolling him up for the victory.
There's the backstory as to how we got here. The purpose of this thread is to look ahead and examine the individuals who could take the title from Del Rio, how and when it will be done, and where Del Rio goes after losing the championship. First, let's look at the challengers from greatest to least in terms of taking the title from Del Rio.
CM Punk: Ill go 2:1 on Punk taking the title from Del Rio. It won't be soon, as I expect a triple threat between Punk, Del Rio, and Cena at NOC, with more interference from Kevin Nash, allowing the heel regime to keep Del Rio ''their champion''. I also expect said regime to throw many a roadblock at Punk on his way to winning the title back, but Punk overcoming them in order to get the "feel good" moment of being champion again, with TLC being the place. This also sets up Punk/Cena 3, possibly at the Royal Rumble or EC, allowing Cena to win the title and set up Cena vs Rock at Wrestlemania.
John Cena: Ill go 3:1 on Cena, as I see him as a close second. Cena set himself up as an immediate challenger when he saved Rey Mysterio from a further beatdown at the hands of Del Rio. Cena then cut a scathing promo on Del Rio, telling him he "got lucky" and "doesn't deserve" the championship. The longer Del Rio is champion, the more likely it is Cena will win the title, if for nothing more then to setup his promised championship match with the Rock at Wrestlemania. Both Punk and Cena have a rightful claim to a rematch, which I expect to happen at NOC. Cena won't win there, but if Del Rio is champion at the Rumble or at Elimination Chamber, Cena will be Del Rio's foil.
The Miz: Let's say 8:1 on the Miz. As has been noted on the main page, Vince is very high on Miz right now, and he's expected to be pushed back into the main event picture. If WWE decides that Del Rio isn't cutting it but wants to put the belt on another heel champion, they'll go with Miz. Miz has been running in place for awhile, but his promos were focused on the WWE Championship prior to Summerslam, and they were spot on. If WWE decides to go with a Fatal Four Way at NOC, and decides Del Rio isn't cutting it as a heel champion, Miz will be the one to take the title from him. If Del Rio is booked to be champion for only a short time, The Miz will be Del Rio's foil.
John Morrison: Im going with 30:1 on JoMo. Morrison just got his first win since returning from neck injury 4 weeks ago against R-Truth on Monday in a FCA match. Morrison is a long way from being championship material after a long time off and where he's positioned, and his mic skills aren't close to being championship level. Morrison's only chance at taking the title off Del Rio will come down to a few minute' scenarios. If a top star such as Cena or CM Punk gets injured, and WWE wants a transitional face champion to pass the title off to another heel, John Morrison could be Del Rio's doil.
Rey Mysterio: Ill say 50:1 on Mysterio. The only reason I have Rey ranked so low is that he's got an injured knee, and could possibly be out for months. The closer we get to the Rumble and EC, the later a Mysterio return, the lower the odds go of Mysterio taking the title off of Del Rio. He's a natural for another feud with Del Rio, as they have history and good chemistry together. If Rey can make a miraculous return in short time, injuries occur to top stars, and WWE wants someone to be a transitional champion to pass the title off to someone else, Mysterio will leapfrog Morrison and be Del Rio's foil.
I really see this being a two-horse race, with Miz as a dark horse. Both Punk and Cena have storylines built in now with Del Rio, with Del Rio taking the title from Punk, and Cena's promo on Del Rio. They both also have rematches for the title, which I could see happening in a triple threat match at NOC. I expect we'll get back to Punk and Cena before Wrestlemania for the title one more time, with Punk walking in the champion and Cena walking out with the title, so I have Punk slightly higher on my list. Miz could win the title if Del Rio isn't cutting it as a heel champion, and WWE wants another heel champion. Morrison and Mysterio are long shots. In the end, Im going to stick with Punk slightly over Cena as Del Rio's foil.
WHo will be Alberto Del Rio's foil? Why?
When and how will this take place?
Where will Del Rio go after losing the title?
Any other thoughts or discussion on this is welcome.
There's the backstory as to how we got here. The purpose of this thread is to look ahead and examine the individuals who could take the title from Del Rio, how and when it will be done, and where Del Rio goes after losing the championship. First, let's look at the challengers from greatest to least in terms of taking the title from Del Rio.
CM Punk: Ill go 2:1 on Punk taking the title from Del Rio. It won't be soon, as I expect a triple threat between Punk, Del Rio, and Cena at NOC, with more interference from Kevin Nash, allowing the heel regime to keep Del Rio ''their champion''. I also expect said regime to throw many a roadblock at Punk on his way to winning the title back, but Punk overcoming them in order to get the "feel good" moment of being champion again, with TLC being the place. This also sets up Punk/Cena 3, possibly at the Royal Rumble or EC, allowing Cena to win the title and set up Cena vs Rock at Wrestlemania.
John Cena: Ill go 3:1 on Cena, as I see him as a close second. Cena set himself up as an immediate challenger when he saved Rey Mysterio from a further beatdown at the hands of Del Rio. Cena then cut a scathing promo on Del Rio, telling him he "got lucky" and "doesn't deserve" the championship. The longer Del Rio is champion, the more likely it is Cena will win the title, if for nothing more then to setup his promised championship match with the Rock at Wrestlemania. Both Punk and Cena have a rightful claim to a rematch, which I expect to happen at NOC. Cena won't win there, but if Del Rio is champion at the Rumble or at Elimination Chamber, Cena will be Del Rio's foil.
The Miz: Let's say 8:1 on the Miz. As has been noted on the main page, Vince is very high on Miz right now, and he's expected to be pushed back into the main event picture. If WWE decides that Del Rio isn't cutting it but wants to put the belt on another heel champion, they'll go with Miz. Miz has been running in place for awhile, but his promos were focused on the WWE Championship prior to Summerslam, and they were spot on. If WWE decides to go with a Fatal Four Way at NOC, and decides Del Rio isn't cutting it as a heel champion, Miz will be the one to take the title from him. If Del Rio is booked to be champion for only a short time, The Miz will be Del Rio's foil.
John Morrison: Im going with 30:1 on JoMo. Morrison just got his first win since returning from neck injury 4 weeks ago against R-Truth on Monday in a FCA match. Morrison is a long way from being championship material after a long time off and where he's positioned, and his mic skills aren't close to being championship level. Morrison's only chance at taking the title off Del Rio will come down to a few minute' scenarios. If a top star such as Cena or CM Punk gets injured, and WWE wants a transitional face champion to pass the title off to another heel, John Morrison could be Del Rio's doil.
Rey Mysterio: Ill say 50:1 on Mysterio. The only reason I have Rey ranked so low is that he's got an injured knee, and could possibly be out for months. The closer we get to the Rumble and EC, the later a Mysterio return, the lower the odds go of Mysterio taking the title off of Del Rio. He's a natural for another feud with Del Rio, as they have history and good chemistry together. If Rey can make a miraculous return in short time, injuries occur to top stars, and WWE wants someone to be a transitional champion to pass the title off to someone else, Mysterio will leapfrog Morrison and be Del Rio's foil.
I really see this being a two-horse race, with Miz as a dark horse. Both Punk and Cena have storylines built in now with Del Rio, with Del Rio taking the title from Punk, and Cena's promo on Del Rio. They both also have rematches for the title, which I could see happening in a triple threat match at NOC. I expect we'll get back to Punk and Cena before Wrestlemania for the title one more time, with Punk walking in the champion and Cena walking out with the title, so I have Punk slightly higher on my list. Miz could win the title if Del Rio isn't cutting it as a heel champion, and WWE wants another heel champion. Morrison and Mysterio are long shots. In the end, Im going to stick with Punk slightly over Cena as Del Rio's foil.
WHo will be Alberto Del Rio's foil? Why?
When and how will this take place?
Where will Del Rio go after losing the title?
Any other thoughts or discussion on this is welcome.