CM Punk Is The *NEW* WWE Champion

Punk should have the title to build himself up, with the ultimate purpose of helping get another Raw superstar (ADR?) over.

It will definitely be interesting to see how Punk will be booked over the next couple months. I'm hoping for a Punk v. Miz match at the next PPV
Business-wise, you're right. The Rock will always sell out more than CM Punk until Rocky leaves.
But to say "Rock > CM Punk" is kinda an overstatement.
Not really. In every category Rock is better than Punk and it's highly doubtful Punk will ever be bigger than The Rock.
The Rock is entertaining on the mic, but why is that? It's because of the catchphrases. Yes he keeps the audience in on it, but it's still because of the catchphrases. Every promo is one catchphrase after another. But CM Punk is just as good on the mic. He draws just as much as emotion. One difference though. He can make each promo week in and week out.
Rock is better because he holds the crowd I the palm of his hands and it takes talent to do that. It does not matter about catchphrases whatsoever. The Rock gets the crowd to chant his name anytime he wants. I don't understand why you're considered good on the mic because you tell the truth. Put Rock in the ring with Punk, see who will be better. Punk is and never will be as over as The Rock.
Now in in-ring skills, there's no comparison. While The Rock has had decent brawls back in the day, that's all he had. His good matches were due to good opponents.
Opponents? No. There's no way in fuck you can tell me his matches were only good because of that.
CM Punk could wrestle Johnny Ace's hair and make it look good. And if you need an example, look at The Rock's Sharpshooter. Not just yesterday's. Any of them even in the AE. They're horrible and barely locked in.
It doesn't change the fact that Rock is more over than Punk. He brings in more fans, that's why he's better. If you were Vince, who would you rather headline your PPV; Punk or Rock? Rock's more reliable. Wrestling is a business and if you make more money and draw more, you're the better Wrestler. Punk fans don't realize this.
Not being a Punk mark. Because I don't think he's the best in the world as a wrestler. But I know he's way better than The Rock. Once again, going by skill. I know business-wise The Rock is a better choice than Punk. But he doesn't deserve it.
Business wise, wrestling as a business. If fans cheer you, you'll make more money. If you make more money, you'll be booked better. If you're booked better, you're the better wrestler. The Rock > CM Punk.
Not really. In every category Rock is better than Punk and it's highly doubtful Punk will ever be bigger than The Rock.

Rock is better because he holds the crowd I the palm of his hands and it takes talent to do that. It does not matter about catchphrases whatsoever. The Rock gets the crowd to chant his name anytime he wants. I don't understand why you're considered good on the mic because you tell the truth. Put Rock in the ring with Punk, see who will be better. Punk is and never will be as over as The Rock.

I totally agree with you here. I'm glad someone is able to see the real truth and big picture. Some of these marks think that if you say Rock is better than Punk, you're somehow dissing Punk. I like CM Punk and I love his current character but some of these marks are just ridiculous. The Rock knows exactly how to control the crowd, and always interacts with the crowd during his promos. Honestly, Punk was never that great on the mic until the recent "shoot" promo. No one cared about the Nexus nonsense or straight edge society crap. Sure, these people will go back and say yes they did, but they didn't.

The point, that you expressed, is exactly right. I can never remember a time when the Rock did a promo where he didn't have the crowd in the palm of his hand. He can get the crowd to cheer for ANYTHING he says and does even if it is a dumb catchphrase. I'm a huge fan of the Rock but I can admit, his catchphrases themselves are actually really dumb but the way he uses them is what makes it great and the way he gets the crowd to interact (even something as simple as screaming ".... AND MILLIONS" keeps the fans involved and makes us believe we're part of that promo and/or feud.
I'm happy Punk won. I enjoyed the match and to be honest, as the match went on, I started to think Del Rio was going to win.

Now, the key is, can Punk keep up the momentum?

I for one would like to see him feud with The Miz in singles matches, not just w/ Awesome Truth.
Punk was on fire at MSG yesterday. Bringing out Howard Finkel was a great touch to counter the fact that ADR has his own ring announcer and the reception that Finkel got must have got him giddy. Punk looked good too in that new hood of his and his celebration by diving into the crowd did remind one of a one Eddie Guerrero at No Way Out 2004. The crowd reaction that he generated was probably only second to that of The Rock.

As far as the decision goes, it was not something that I expected but it is one that I fully agree with. Punk is hotter than ADR at the moment. ADR's championship victory came too soon and it would be better if he chased it for a while before winning it again. People need to get used to Del Rio and his nefarious tricks to connect with his character better and give him some heat. ADR has a bright future but Punk's moment is now.
If you went by the so called "business" arguement, you could say that Rock is better than Stone Cold Steve Austin. In my opinion, he's not but that's another argument. I don't agree with those who say Rock can't wrestle because he obviously can and had some ALL TIME great matches. Rock's sharpshooter, or as I have been calling it after seeing the name at, The Scorpion King Deathlock, does look crappy and weak, but his overall moveset is both believable and entertaining.

Just go back and watch all three of the Austin and Rock matches. All great matches. Ok, now on to comparing Rock and CM Punk. My original point about Rock and Austin was me trying to say that Punk is like this era's Austin. He's not real flashy and charismatic, but he's entertaining and it's believable that he can kick your ass if you cross him. He also tells it like it is. Rock may be better than Punk, but Rock also came about in a far greater era. If WCW and WWE were still at war, and WWE put on the same crap it does now. WCW would be at WWE's funeral fairly quickly.

One thing you can say about Punk as well is that he is a self made guy, just like the Rock. Punk had the chance to be this era's Austin in popularity, but WWE buried his momentum. Now Punk is still massively over, but now it just in the "wrestling bubble". Punk had a chance to be mainstream. He was all over ESPN and other media markets. Then Summerslam came along and poisoned it. Then HHH killed it. His push has recently been brought back to life thank God, but I'm afraid he will never be as over as he could have been.

Hell, Punk isn't even main eventing Raw as WWE Champion. We all know why but I won't get into specifics. Punk can't be as good as the Rock. But hell, nobody can.
Wow, I was unsure of when Punk would win back the WWE Championship but now that he has much earlier than I expected I am very happy. I honestly thought that even though Punk is just about the hottest thing in the WWE that Alberto Del Rio would get a little more time in his second run with Raw's world title but I guess the mixture of Punk being red hot and ADR being not, was enough to end the reign of Del Rio and bring us into another wonderful reign from CM Punk. I may be a bit surprised and dissapointed that Alberto isnt getting more of a chance but I definitely am good with this title change and I am 100 percent happy that we are living in the second WWE Championship reign of CM Punk.
I'm glad that Punk is WWE Champion again. He should be the champion because his segments and promos have been the most interesting part of Raw for the past few months. Del Rio's reign didn't look like it was going anywhere and with Punk you know you're going to get great promos as well as above average matches. I look forward to all of the potential feuds he has and all of the excellent promos along the way.
I expected Del Rio to retain at least once then drop it by TLC but I'm not shocked that Punk won nor do I hate it because the latter is one of the top guys, one of the if not the best performer right now, and is greatly over with the audience combine that with Del Rio's reign being relatively underwhelming.

Miz and Ziggler are both talented performers and are potentially good wrestlers for Punk to feud with. A returning Chris Jericho is another possibility. Once R-Truth returns, he can be booked to join the title feud assuming Miz and Punk are already feuding at that time which makes a nice Triple Threat for the title.

I don't know what Cena will be doing while the Rock isn't around so maybe he gets a future title shot at the Royal Rumble which results into a run-in by the Rock to screw Cena out of the title and just adds more fuel in their feud. Honestly, I'd rather see Truth and Miz in a triple threat against Punk at the 'Rumble but having another Cena-Punk match isn't a necessarily bad idea either because it's a high profile match and the 'Rumble is a high profile pay per view as well.

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