Is the WWE Championship "Interesting" Again?

You know why Punk's reign seems lackluster, because his character is all about chasing titles. He started off with that "shoot" promo bashing the WWE and bashing the way things are done. But right now, he's on top of the WWE holding the title and all the edge he had, because he was rioting against the WWE has all vanished in a second because now he holds the title.

Plus, he is feuded with John Laurinitis for most of his reign. And Johnny Ace is NOT a wrestler. He is NOT a contender to the WWE championship. They tried to make that feud a Vince-Austin replica but it fell flat on its face.
No, he hasn't been more interesting than past champions. His feud with Laurinities is horrible. Its been a lame attempt at Austin/Vince. Nothing about it is entertaining and it feels forced.

Punk feud with Del Rio was boring and put me to sleep. His match at RR with Ziggler was ridiculously overbooked. Ziggler ending up looking worse after his feud with Punk. He looked more credible before he started a short feud with Punk.

After MITB its been down hill for CM Punk. Punk current character is only entertaining when he is getting screwed. Hopefully, a feud with Jericho can save him. Its amazing how quickly Punk's character has gotten stale.

I'm hoping Jericho shocks the world and wins the title at WM. Then the title scene will start getting interesting again.
I would say yes. The WWE Championship scene has become more interesting this year due to how the belt has seen a group of new challengers come in to try to win lately. People complained that it was always the same guys going for the belt all the time. Cena, Orton, Edge, Triple H, etc. Punk has had a pretty good reign and defended the title against guys like Del Rio and Ziggler. Anyone who doesn't think the WWE Championship scene has become more interesting likely has no clear idea of what they want. If having the same guys challenge for the belt all the time is replaced by newcomers contending against a new champion and that isn't good enough, then what WOULD be?

There truly is no pleasing the IWC. They always find something to complain about somehow. They wanted CM Punk pushed, they wanted new world title feuds. Now it's not "interesting" enough. They should be glad WWE is even pushing the guys they like at all. I look forward to seeing what else is to come. The more they try pushing new guys into the main event, the more likely they will be to find new permanent main eventers. They might not find the next Cena or Orton anytime soon but at least the title scene is fresh with new faces and WWE are at the very least trying to make it not be the same guys all the time.
I have said it before that the title itself means nothing. Not in a bad way like people say it loses relevants with whoever holds it. I mean the champion is the guy who represents the company. That in itself is the real sign of the champion. The fact that the guy who owns it all trusts you. I hate how people say that if the title changes hands x amount of times it means its worthless. Whats worse?? Cena being champion 10 different times over a 10 year span or Bruno Sammartino being champion for 7 1/2 years?? Id say Punk has made watching WWE more interesting to most fans with his promos and in ring work. But he doesnt need a championship for that.
Let's take a look at Punk's current reign, shall we?

1. Survivor Series: Wins the title from Del Rio and gets in a feud with him. Defends the title on Raw against Del Rio successfully.

2. TLC: Defends his title in the first ever triple threat TLC match against the Miz and Del Rio and retains. His cold war with Laurinitis continues after that and we have a new contender in Ziggler.

3. Royal Rumble: Defends his title against Ziggler with Laurinaitis as outside enforcer (never got why so?) with every possibility of a screwjob. Chris Jericho returns and we are already anticipating their feud at Wrestlemania even before the Royal Rumble.

4. Elimination Chamber: Defends his title against the Miz, R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler and Chris Jericho in an Elimination Chamber match; enters at no. 1 and retains the title.

Since then, having great matches with Daniel Bryan on Raw and Smackdown while being one of the main events at Wrestlemania with Chris Jericho for WWE championship. Now that is a damn impressive reign for me.

He has been working with guys who are new to the main event scene and somehow managed to work with them, in process, elevating them as well. He has had damn good matches, not only on PPVs but on Raws and Smackdowns, week after week. He has always been good on the mic and stayed away from being corny and cheesy most times. What do you expect? All while the focus is still on John Cena and his feuds with Kane and Rock.

He still needs a money feud (which I personally think we'll get with Chris Jericho). He has kept the WWE championship relevant while the focus on John Cena and Rock most of the time. And you have to admit that Cena and Rock is a once in a lifetime kind of match which can actually dwarf any other storyline.

But well well, we just cannot be happy, can we? Really?
it is as interesting as it can be. in saying that, let me explain. Aside from Y2J, heels on RAW aren't taken seriously by the IWC. They hate the Miz and ADR, and they never thought Ziggler would beat him. So even though all 3 were credible challengers, Punk still gets bashed because of who he faced. I believe it is interesting, and his match at Mania with Jericho will solidify that and silence his critics while stealing the show all at the same time.

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