Alberto Del Rio Is The NEW WWE Champion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE

For people saying Del rio isn't over or wasn't pushed to gain the title, where have you been for the last year? Or do you never watch Smackdown!?.

Del Rio was red hot before Mania and I think that the WWE f up there. When they didn't give him the title, all of the sudden he lost his momentum and people stop caring about him (I know I did even if I still like is promo and all, but it's like is balloon deflated and he got lost in the shuffle).

But Del Rio was over but they probably gave him the title too late. But it's still not too late to correct the situation and the next months will tell us what will happen.

No, I'm pretty sure you're missing the point because the story is NOT Punk, the story is Kevin Nash, HHH, Stephanie, John Laurinaitis, and of course Vince! The story is the possible conspiracy involving all of these people, and right now all the WWE idiots are talking about is how they might be involved and seeing Kevin Nash and the others on raw explaining how they were involved! It's not specifically Punk being screwed that Interests them, it's who screwed Punk that has them talking!

I agree 100% with you, but to be honest even if Punk wasn't held back for the rest of his life he would still have a claim saying they held him back, that he's self made despite them, that they hate him because of it and could still reveal what goes up backstage.

With that said I agree that I prefer a Stone Cold route where you fight the boss and the evil system, works better and almost a guaranteed formula for success.
Alberto Del Rio is boring. I don't understand why the WWE are so desperate to push him. He's not even over. The crowd are pretty much silent most of the time when he's on TV. He's like the heel version of Kofi Kingston but is actually getting pushed. A good example of this was when he was in a feud with Big Show. He had a few promos in the ring and backstage but the crowd could just not give a damn. If anything, Ricardo Rodriguez is the guy thats getting the heat, and not Del Rio himself.

Thats my two cents on Alberto Del Rio, hopefully this decison to make him Champion benefits Punk in the long run. I can see a Punk feud with HHH/Nash coming up, but i still don't see why Nash should be brought back, he looked very lazy and off in TNA. Bringing Nash back to help Punk out is like Bringing Tommy Dreamer back to elevate Zack Ryder. I'd rather there just be a HHH Vs Punk feud.

Punk needs to keep getting pushed, but at least Punk is a full fledge face now i guess.
Why are people worried about Punk being buried? The most compelling storyline now becomes Punk vs whoever hired Nash.

The one who might lose a little TV time and be shifted off to the B storyline is Cena. And that is fine. I'm no Cena hater; he fills a role in the scheme of things. But they can still have him on every week chasing the title, for the kids. They get the title thing. If they balance it right, he can be on TV, the kids can see him, but they can give him a little less mic time and maybe drop some of the heat on him that is basically coming from overexposure.
Meanwhile Punk chases revenge/the truth/respect all those things the adult fans can get into in the A story.
wow. Dont get your panties in a knot ladies. For a while now, Del Rio as champ is a good thing, especially for the Mexican/Latino fanbase. With WWE doing a Mexican tour soon, having ADR as champ will put some butts in seats and bring in some cash. Sure he'll likely job to Cena at Survivor Series but whatever. The controversy behind the Nash-HHH-Punk thing will be a fantastic angle, establishing him even more.

I am a huge Punk fan, have been for many years. Champ or not, he's the most over superstar likely next to Cena (for the 5 year olds and over-booed by the smarks)

Although Punk is a bonifide main eventer, a feud with HHH will only boost it further to legend status. Punk will be champ once again soon, don't worry peeps.

Oh by the way, did you hear the Del Rio chants last night? Guess not.
wow. Dont get your panties in a knot ladies. For a while now, Del Rio as champ is a good thing, especially for the Mexican/Latino fanbase. With WWE doing a Mexican tour soon, having ADR as champ will put some butts in seats and bring in some cash. Sure he'll likely job to Cena at Survivor Series but whatever. The controversy behind the Nash-HHH-Punk thing will be a fantastic angle, establishing him even more.

I am a huge Punk fan, have been for many years. Champ or not, he's the most over superstar likely next to Cena (for the 5 year olds and over-booed by the smarks)

Although Punk is a bonifide main eventer, a feud with HHH will only boost it further to legend status. Punk will be champ once again soon, don't worry peeps.

Oh by the way, did you hear the Del Rio chants last night? Guess not.

Sorry dude, but Hornswoggle could be coming out with the Money in the Bank briefcase and the crowd would pop. If he didn't come out with the briefcase, he wouldn't of got nearly as much reaction from the crowd.
I had a feeling that Alberto would choose to cash it in at Summer Slam, but I certainly didn't expect him to do it so backhandedly

He may not be a deserving champion but what he did is enough to keep this interesting and adds to his tenure as a heel

Then there's of course the question as to where Nash fits into all of this, I've heard rumors that he was paid off or is currently Del Rio's bodyguard......

Hopefully a lot of the questions will be solved tonight
wow. Dont get your panties in a knot ladies. For a while now, Del Rio as champ is a good thing, especially for the Mexican/Latino fanbase. With WWE doing a Mexican tour soon, having ADR as champ will put some butts in seats and bring in some cash. Sure he'll likely job to Cena at Survivor Series but whatever. The controversy behind the Nash-HHH-Punk thing will be a fantastic angle, establishing him even more.

I am a huge Punk fan, have been for many years. Champ or not, he's the most over superstar likely next to Cena (for the 5 year olds and over-booed by the smarks)

Although Punk is a bonifide main eventer, a feud with HHH will only boost it further to legend status. Punk will be champ once again soon, don't worry peeps.

Oh by the way, did you hear the Del Rio chants last night? Guess not.

There is no way cena gets the belt back anytime soon especially since the rock will be at survivor series and he wont let that happen.

The match at wrestlemania doesn't need any titles to be attached to it.

As for del Rio I love him as the champ, he can face all of the faces but he is so cocky and arrogant he can also face the heels too.

IMPO I think del rio's reign is going to be long term or he will lose it tonight to mysterio( inside reports say wwe wants to do something big for mysterio in his hometown tonight) then eventually get it back either at night of champions or survivor series.
My problem is not that Del Rio won the belt. My problem is this: Wrong place, wrong time.

There was a time when the "heatless" Del Rio was on FIRE. I KNEW right away that when he beat Mysterio in his debut via submission that he was going to be something. You don't just beat one of your top stars in your debut and then amount to nothing.

He was so ruthless, so evil. Putting Mysterio and Christian on the shelf and injurying Matt Hardy. He captained team Smackdown at Bragging Rights. He was part of the TLC Fatal Four Way between Kane, Edge and Rey and that was by far and away the best match of the night in my opinion. Though he didn't win, he got his first title shot.

Then he wins the Royal Rumble. He is a rising star. He is ranked #1 by for superstars to look out for in 2011.

He mainevents Smackdown from March until May. He challenges for the belt at Wrestlemania and Extreme Rules and loses both times and I understand why and am glad because this led to Christian being a two time champ.

But see, during August-May, he FELT like a main eventer or an upper mid carder at the very least. These last couple months he has felt like a midcarder and has come out of nowhere to win the belt and it felt pretty underwhelming since they had a nice window of opportunity that was the perfect chance to give him the belt. But that window closed and now it just feels like meh.
Alberto wining the title via the Money in the bank case is perfect for his character. It's a total cowardly thing to do and fits a heel's personality well.

Del Rio is great in the ring and I jump out of my seat everytime he hits that super high enzaguri! It's friggin kick ass. He has a believable finisher and Ricardo makes him epic!

I would have ADR over the Miz any day, as he plays his character much better and unlike the Miz you beelive ADR could kick your ass. Unlike Miz who you think your Mum could beat up.

Del rio going over a Cena or Orton clean was just not going to happen, so the MITB is the best option for him and goes well with the must see RAW opening and closing segments right now...
O yea, so Cena, who's character is a chickenshit heel just like Christians, can just bitch and moan and whine and get another title shot huh?

how dumb are you to think you can book a heel and a face the same way? Seriously dude. You must be a teenager because your comprehension skills are shit. How in fuck would you think that booking a chickenshit, cowardly heel the same way as you book the biggest goodytwo-shoes babyface of the last 25 years who is ICONIC for being the biggest goody two-shoes babyface is a good idea? What next? You think DC should start making Superman kill innocent citizens if he gets mad just because that's what works

Over the limit was FACE vs. FACE you dumbass. They used that match as a stepping stone to turn Christian heel. What was that about comprehension?

Goddamn dude it does make sense and is consistent with his behavior. The commentators were talking most of the match "will Triple H make a mistake, he's not a pro reff". Was it "out of character" when the umpire blew armando galaragga's perfect game? Mistakes happen, and sometimes at the worst times. It happened in a real life, professional, high pressure sporting event at the worst time to a pro umpire. I don't think it's at all hard to believe that in kayfabeland triple H misses the foot on the rope.

That comparison is redundant. That umpire is not a character. Triple H is. Yes the mistake is plausible in terms of kayfabe; mistakes happen in real life – big fucking deal – that doesn’t make the quality of that storyline any less poor or lazy. The whole point of Triple H being in this match in the first place was to make sure that there wasn't any controversy, hence it being an ‘Undisputed’ championship match. He said so himself during RAW when he named himself special guest referee. That was his motivation to be in that match. And his behaviour was consistent with that motivation up until the final fall of the match, when suddenly that all went out the window. Sure you can justify that an action is plausible, but when that action totally disregards a characters motivation and behaviour, that’s bad storytelling. The fact that commentary was used to emphasize and justify bad storytelling doesn’t excuse it.
The match had to have a dusty finish - I'm totally on board for the controversy this creates and how this impacts all involved - but (from what I witnessed) there was no real reason for Triple H missing Cena's foot on the ropes, other than 'referee's make mistakes'. If Triple H hadn't assured an undisputed finish, and hadn't been consistently officiating to ensure an undisputed finish, then I would buy into it more. WWE should have provided a catalyst for Triple H's mistake, say he took a bump or was distracted, or that Punk chose to hide the foot on the ropes, but it was so out of the blue for why he was there and how he had been acting the entire match. Bad storytelling.
The parallels are kind of hard to ignore. John Cena, this generations Rock. CM Punk, this generation's Steve Austin. Insert Del Rio into the role of Chris Jericho and you've essentially got a complete redo of a storyline that happened a little less than 10 years ago. The writers weren't even shy about it - they went straight to calling it the Undisputed Championship. I'm sure Del Rio won't be walking around with 2 titles like Jericho was for a while, but the idea is that this could very well turn out to be a "corporate selection" by Triple H, much like Jericho was by Vince McMahon.

Can anybody else add on to the parallels here? I wonder if this is a legit redux or just a simple coincidence.
There is no "Undisputed" champion. Punk became the Undisputed WWE champion by beating Cena. In order for this storyline to have been the same Punk would have had to have beaten Orton to unify the belts. As long as there is a champion on both shows the World title will always be "disputed." The storyline just happened to be Punk beat Cena for the WWE title at MITB, Punk "leaves the company" with the title, Cena wins the WWE title from Mysterio who won a tournament to crown a new champion. Punk "resigns" thus having a dispute over who really is WWE champion. Although the storyline isn't original it is not even close to being similar to Jericho's storyline in 01.
There shouldn't be anyone complaining about this.. a few reasons why:

1/ Everyone for ages has been compalining about the PG era. Can't everyone see how complex, must see and really quite far from PG all of these storylines are? The IWC wanted it's attitude era 2.0 and it's here..

2. the birth of this new Attitude era or Reality Era whatever you want to call it, is being born right before your very eyes, are people too blind to see it? How many times did the title change hands in the attitude era? All the time and it was the highest ratings the WWF/E ever received. We've gone from a filler Cena vs. R-Truth ppv main event to the most intriguing storyline since Nexus showed up and then before then who knows??

3. To all those pissed about Punk losing the ttile..1/ all you Punk fans, that's excatly how you are meant to feel! Your hero was screwed out of the title! All Cena's fans are upset, he was screwd out of the title too! The two heroes (but totally different) of RAW and their fan bases will be tuning to see how their guy will get back what is theirs.

4. A face is always waaaaaay better if he is chasing the title. It's booking 101. Punk has become a cult hero, but had a very small build up to get to the top of the mountain. Now that his popularity is right up there, he has no where left to go but down.. the storyline keeps moving with him being anti-WWE because there are so many factors now in place for him to combat.

a) Cena- the man he hates, the 'product of the system" the golden boy he needs to overcome

b) HHH- the system itself, the guy who is the inexperienced COO of the company he is talking out against. Due to HHH's newness to the role, Punk so far has had his number, but teh Game being one of the most diabolical superstars back in his day, will ahve aplan for Punk's agenda

c) Nash/JOhnny Ace/Stephanie/conspiracy - Punk now has shadows keeping him from being the WWE Champion. No one wants him to have that belt and it seems things are happening from all over to keep him from having the power that comes with being the WWE Champion. He has to fight against them and be smart about it. Is HHH/ His wife? Johnny Ace? Who is Nash working for? Del Rio? Punk will have to take these guys out first so he has a clear path to the title...

All of these factors come into play to take CM Punk to the next level and making him a HUGE superstar over the next few months leading into Wrestlemania. If anything CM Punk fans should be over the moon that this has happened because it ensures he will be a focal point for a very long time!!!

I agree with everything you said. And I love it.

All we need now is a new "Corporation" involving HHH, Steph, Johnny Ace, Nash, and Insert major superstar here (Heel Cena, Heel Del Rio, Miz) whatever....

Punk and Rey can be the Faces against them..... who knows?
I think you might be paying too much attention to arbitrary semantics. The idea is that two guys went into a pay per view that people were betting on who would win. In 2001, nobody said Chris Jericho had a chance. Everybody was putting their money on Rock or Austin. In 2011, the same can be said about Del Rio. As the MitB holder, you can never count him out, but everybody did because Punk/Cena was such a heated storyline. Not a lot of people said that Del Rio would walk out with the title, it was always "Punk or Cena?"

Not only that, but the "boss" (McMahon in 2001, HHH now) was involved in both finishes which is one parallel that absolutely can not be overlooked. Not only that, but in 2001, who was the first person to get completely thrown out of the title picture? Rock. He lost his title to Jericho first, then the match for the "Undisputed Championship" was Jericho vs Austin. Last night, Cena lost the title to Punk. Then we had Del Rio vs Punk. Admittedly, they aren't as 100% similar as I initially thought, but the parallels are there for sure, it'll be interesting to see if the followup to last night is similar to the followup from 2001, with the new champ facing both former champs one on one at consecutive PPVs.
I honestly cannot for the life of me understand what the WWE sees in ADR to make them think he is championship material. His mic skills are awful, his matches are boring and he gets no crowd response at all. I remember reading a few months ago that Del Rio plays really good politics backstage, well thats the only thing he has got going. He has done nothing....and I mean NOTHING to deserve this. Ok sure he won the Rumble but the WWE didnt think he was ready came WM time. Yeah he won MITB, but if you watch the match he spent 85%-90% of the match on the outside doing nothing and only came around long enough to get the breifcase.

Fans will now remember Summerslam 2011 for all the wrong reasons. Not for the Cena/Punk match but for this disaster of an ending. All the hype, intrest and excitment gone to waste in a matter of minutes. I (as I am sure many other fans) dont care about some Mexican tour. WWE goes to Canada all the time but do they always put the belt on a Canadian? No.

All the hype and build up for this main event....flushed down the toilet.:disappointed:
I dont have anything against ADR, but I also dont think hes championship material I agree is mic skills are avg and his matches lack that special something. Id rather Rey have the title then him in all honestly.
he gets no crowd response at all.

Thats the entire point of putting the belt on him.. Cena doesnt need he belt.. and now Punk is a bonafide main eventer and doesnt need the belt..

Del Rio needs the belt right now however to solidify himself in the main event picture.. He just came out without Rodrigo.. and was drawing pretty good heat.. He was getting a reaction with everything he was saying to the crowd..

..after he beats Rey tonight.. hes going to get even more heat... I honestly believe the WWE nailed this one again..

..just sit back and enjoy the show man.. kick back, relax.. and let everything play out.
Who thinks there maybe any merit to this thought. Kevin Nash is anoynomous GM. Been pissed at how things are going and Vinnie Mac wouldnt tell HHH who the AGM was so he stepped up to take control of "his" show (the laptop is still there with steps and Big Kev wont need the steps. LOL). There is some sort of power struggle btw HHH and Kev and keep HHH clean for now. They bring in he know all along later possibly. Let HHH stay in background a bit more and come out to overrule and change rules and whatnot. Let me know if you think this could be the angle.
This is my very first thread on these forums, and i don't know most of you on here. So first of, Hey, I'm Zanman whats up?

My fave Five includes:
1. The Miz
2. Alberto Del Rio
3. CM Punk
4. Jack Swagger
5. Sheamus

Some things i would like to say about my Fave Five: No i'm not a bandwagon fan. They just happen to be used, all except maybe Jack Swagger. I love how they all get recognition and are used, but the fact that people just all jump on the bandwagon when someone wins the title or simply stands up to Cena is ridiculous. Sorry to say, i'm the most Anti-Bandwagon person in here (Self Proclaimed)...I don't mind people beginning to like a superstar because he's getting more recognition. Heck if Evan Bourne were to develop an amazing personality, he'd be one of my favorites in the top 5...but the fact that people just like a superstar, and then when his hype dies down a bit, they switch to a new favorite? That's what i'm talking about. That's not what i'm here to vent i'll shut up about it.

First off: I'm not a ********* fan, nor am I mad (bro) all of the trolls and what not can just get away from that. I'm just venting about it, because personally i think that approach to a John Cena feud is stupid. Call me a nitpicker i guess.

Raw. John Cena hates Del Rio for cashing in the Money in the Bank? Like he didn't earn a chance at the title? He had to go through 7 other superstars to get that "Cheap little briefcase." Oh, and before i forget,'s a Storyline. I get that. Just don't care and wanna discuss it anyways. But yeah, this Cheap little briefcase took some effort to get. Cena shouldn't even worry about it, his anger is more towards the foot on the rope thing i guarantee it. Heck, he wasn't even the one that got it cashed in on him. Not to mention, the cheap little briefcase got Punk two of his titles....why don't we mention that. John Cena would probably be like "Well...that was different." John Cena has no reason to be mad at Del Rio, except for the fact that Rey Mysterio is his friend...but he mentioned nothing about that. Cena cares more about the title then he does about the status of his friend (Just kidding). But despite all of this, Del Rio still does have to be ready to defend against anyone...even if it was that little Ring announcer of his (Not that Alberto really cares about him)....i'll give Cena that much.

This is a joke, but John Cena is probably just trying to get on CM Punk's good side so they don't feud and Cena doesn't get beat again. (sorry Cena fans, i just had to do it.)

OH! And i'm not a Cena Hater, he just happens to be in this situation on the Opposing side.
Just when we thought Cena would finally be out of the title picture for a while...

Exactly, Heck. You'd think in a match where there were two champions that the loser wouldn't get a rematch. But of course Cena jumps right back in, instead of the Former Undisputed WWE Champion of CM Punk.....last time i checked, he's the former champ. Shouldn't he get the rematch? But instead they stick him in a feud with an Old man (no offense to Kevin Nash or his fans). It should AT LEAST be a triple threat or something.. But hopefully Alberto gets a good reign...he was built up enough ya know?
I really agree with everything you said here. My friend was just pointing out how ever since Kevin Nash came back, the people who bandwagonned on Punk suddenly turned on him. For the first time in months I heard something remarkable, CM Punk got booed, before his confrontation with Kevin that is. I cant remember if he came out or if it was when his name was mentioned but he definitely got booed a bit.

As for the Cena stuff I thought it was so funny how he was whining over a MITB cash in. If it was him with the briefcase every RAW would start with him reminding the champion about his briefcase to the point of harassment. He didnt get lucky, he beat six other guys and Rey Mysterio to get the title at the end of the night. Maybe Cena's beef should be with Triple H's officiating, or Kevin Nash who had absolutely no business interfering, even though I like where this is going. I would love for Rey to just show up on RAW next week and remind Cena that if it hadnt been for his bitching, Rey would be champ right now, and not Del Rio. A Rey/Cena rivalry would be great, and let Del Rio Feud with Punk for some time, because its obvious Punk isnt going to be wrestling Nash or Triple H any time soon. Del Rio can be the little corporate puppet like The Rock was and it can be revealed that Trips and Steph had something to do with Nash interfering.
Exactly, Heck. You'd think in a match where there were two champions that the loser wouldn't get a rematch. But of course Cena jumps right back in, instead of the Former Undisputed WWE Champion of CM Punk.....last time i checked, he's the former champ. Shouldn't he get the rematch? But instead they stick him in a feud with an Old man (no offense to Kevin Nash or his fans). It should AT LEAST be a triple threat or something.. But hopefully Alberto gets a good reign...he was built up enough ya know?

after reading that I really have to agree I figured rey was gonna win leaving noone with a rematch clause. Seeing Punk Cena and Rey would be a good match if thats the triple threat your talking about but I see the Nash vs Punk feud leading to a title match anyway for some reason. Im just wondering how long Adr keeps the title because you would think that if the wwe new adr was gonna win they would have put it on the name plate for Raw.
after reading that I really have to agree I figured rey was gonna win leaving noone with a rematch clause. Seeing Punk Cena and Rey would be a good match if thats the triple threat your talking about but I see the Nash vs Punk feud leading to a title match anyway for some reason. Im just wondering how long Adr keeps the title because you would think that if the wwe new adr was gonna win they would have put it on the name plate for Raw.

Hmm, i didn't notice that til you said something. But yeah, hopefully AT LEAST until the next pay per view. I mean like in the past 2 months we've had like what? 3 different champions? They should space the reigns out a bit. Not get back into the habit of throwing the title around so it gets to being a monthly thing. You know? haha. And i hope they know what they are doing with the upcoming feuds and such....It would really be annoying if they took the wrong direction and completely just bomb when it comes to meeting expectations.

I really agree with everything you said here. My friend was just pointing out how ever since Kevin Nash came back, the people who bandwagonned on Punk suddenly turned on him. For the first time in months I heard something remarkable, CM Punk got booed, before his confrontation with Kevin that is. I cant remember if he came out or if it was when his name was mentioned but he definitely got booed a bit.

As for the Cena stuff I thought it was so funny how he was whining over a MITB cash in. If it was him with the briefcase every RAW would start with him reminding the champion about his briefcase to the point of harassment. He didnt get lucky, he beat six other guys and Rey Mysterio to get the title at the end of the night. Maybe Cena's beef should be with Triple H's officiating, or Kevin Nash who had absolutely no business interfering, even though I like where this is going. I would love for Rey to just show up on RAW next week and remind Cena that if it hadnt been for his bitching, Rey would be champ right now, and not Del Rio. A Rey/Cena rivalry would be great, and let Del Rio Feud with Punk for some time, because its obvious Punk isnt going to be wrestling Nash or Triple H any time soon. Del Rio can be the little corporate puppet like The Rock was and it can be revealed that Trips and Steph had something to do with Nash interfering.

Yeah, the Bandwagon thing gets ridiculous. As i said, it happens with everyone who seems to get a big push. It happened with Sheamus, It happened with The Miz, and currently is happening with CM Punk. Next it appears it will happen with Del Rio, Let's hope it's not the case. Let's hope we get some real fans out of this.

And Precisely, John Cena is suppose to be the Good guy and yet he didn't give Del Rio a single ounce of credit. But regardless, i agree. It should be a great feud and we should easily get some good moments/matches/etc out of this feud...assuming they go through with it and don't completely ruin it like they do sometimes.
I really agree with everything you said here. My friend was just pointing out how ever since Kevin Nash came back, the people who bandwagonned on Punk suddenly turned on him. For the first time in months I heard something remarkable, CM Punk got booed, before his confrontation with Kevin that is. I cant remember if he came out or if it was when his name was mentioned but he definitely got booed a bit.

As for the Cena stuff I thought it was so funny how he was whining over a MITB cash in. If it was him with the briefcase every RAW would start with him reminding the champion about his briefcase to the point of harassment. He didnt get lucky, he beat six other guys and Rey Mysterio to get the title at the end of the night. Maybe Cena's beef should be with Triple H's officiating, or Kevin Nash who had absolutely no business interfering, even though I like where this is going. I would love for Rey to just show up on RAW next week and remind Cena that if it hadnt been for his bitching, Rey would be champ right now, and not Del Rio. A Rey/Cena rivalry would be great, and let Del Rio Feud with Punk for some time, because its obvious Punk isnt going to be wrestling Nash or Triple H any time soon. Del Rio can be the little corporate puppet like The Rock was and it can be revealed that Trips and Steph had something to do with Nash interfering.

Yeah I noticed that too. When Triple H announced Punk you could hear a lot boos. Punk character is more of a tweener anyway. I dont think it really matters as long as he is getting a reaction from the crowd. 95% of the WWE roster hear crickets when they come out.

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