[Against All Odds] The Aftermath!

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

• [X Division #1 Contender's Match] Zema Ion def. Jesse Sorensen

• [TNA TV Title] Robbie E. (C) def. Shannon Moore

• [TNA Knockouts Title] Gail Kim (C) def. Tara

• [TNA Tag Team Title] Magnus and Samoa Joe (New C) def. Matt Morgan and Crimson

• [TNA X Division Title] Austin Aries (C) def. Alex Shelley

• Kazarian def. AJ Styles

• Garett Bischoff def. Gunner

• [TNA World Heavyweight Title] Bobby Roode (C) def. Bully Ray, Jeff Hardy, James Storm

Keep all discussions and match-by-match reviews here.

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Even if Bobby Roode lost the belt this next PPV they have built him very well as a heel champ. I hope they keep the belt on him for a few more months though. I think Roode and James Storm should have a 3 month feud.
I personally thought it was one of TNA's better PPVs in the last few months. I was impressed with most the matches on the card and they had some good stories leading into them. I'm glad Austin Aries and Robert Roode kept their titles, they're looking pretty strong as world champions right now.

But the Bischoff and Gunner match was an UTTER TRAIN WRECK. I put the blame on Garrett Bischoff more than Gunner, but Gunner couldn't keep up with him making the match worse. I hope Eric Bischoff isn't pulling a Billy Watts here.
Being in the UK, I'll have to wait until Wednesday to watch this, but I'm a sucker for spoilers.

I've seen it remarked upon elsewhere that the heels made a clean sweep at this event. While that might seem odd, all the results seemed 'right' to continue building fueds and characters. Anyone who isn't pleased about Magnus and Joe going over, or Aries retaining, is a moron.

I hope they keep the X Division belt on Aries for a good while longer - he's just so damn good - but I think Zema Ion will be the next champ.

AJ going over Kazarian would have killed what seems like an interesting angle stone dead.

Bischoff/Gunner? I can't wait to see if this was as bad as literally everyone has said. What a folly. On one hand, Bischoff getting the win would have been ridiculous, but on the other, they're going to keep flogging this crap until he does. *Groan*

Roode retains! Hooray. What an awesome heel champ he has developed into. Everyone cursed Hogan something rotten after BFG, but the old sod was really on to something. This reign has a while left, before I predict Storm will take the title at Lockdown, or even as late as Sacrifice.
it's unfortunate what happened to Jesse Sorensen. looks like it could be serious. but IMO the right guy won the match as I think Zema is better. I think Zema handled it well staying in character while Sorensen was laying on the ground, acting the heel that he is.

the Robbie E challenge accepted by Shannon Moore. yawn, whatever. filler match.
the TV title is hardly ever defended. wouldn't it be better to put it on someone who could use it better as a prop since that's the way it's been used. like say Bully Ray.

I really liked the finish of the tag team match. glad to see Joe/Magnus new tag team champions. I think that was the right move. Joe/Magnus won the wild random tag team thing to get a title shot, but then lost that match. I don't think it would have been good for them as a team to lose at a 2nd PPV in a row. I also like how it was Crimson who unintentionally speared Morgan which cost Morgan to get pinned. maybe this could lead to dissension between Crimson and Morgan? Magnus said during his promo at the most recent Impact that Crimson and Morgan were only a team because they were too scared to face each other. maybe now there is dissension one will turn on the other. maybe Crimson/Morgan can get a rematch, then (hopefully) Crimson can turn on Morgan and go heel. IMO Crimson would be better heel.

I figured Gail Kim would beat Tara. no reason for Gail to lose. but I think it's interesting that Madison at ringside walked away on Gail, especially since they are together Knockouts tag team champions. what will happen now? are they going to have words with each other? could Madison be turning face? maybe this could be a way of TNA just dropping the Knockouts tag team titles? no reason really to even have them, there are so few Knockouts they don't need tag team titles.

the Aries/Shelley match was awesome. this feud should not be over, even with Zema winning the#1 contenders match. Zema could be included into a triple threat match, but Aries and Shelley should wrestle more.

the AJ/Kazarian/Daniels feud isn't over. we still don't know what Daniels has on Kazarian and why Kazarian turned on AJ.

Garrett/Gunner. just awful. to start this should not have been this late in the PPV. the match was brutal. what was the deal with Hogan on the apron with the towel? at first I was thinking the towel was either going to be used or there was some type of object in the towel, but they wanted it to seem like Hogan was going to throw in the towel? TNA should have throw in the towel awhile ago on Garrett. maybe TNA can see that training isn't helping Garrett and for him to just go away. he just isn't working and people don't care. the overall product would be better without Garrett taking up TV time.

I figured Roode would win the title match to keep his title. but I thought it was interesting the way it ended. Sting trying to hit Roode, but missing and hitting Hardy. then having to count to give Roode the win. what's next?
for what it's worth, Sting is on the poster for Victory Road, the next PPV in March. could Sting wrestle/fight Roode?
Good PPV overall. Loved the X Title Match. Enjoyed the twist to the 4 way at the end. The tag match was nice. Is Crimsons streak over?

Also, You said that Garret def. Gunner. Gunner pinned Garret. So, Gunner won that terrible match. I feel this is all being rushed. I have said it before and i say it again, Gunner should "injure" Garret for a long term outing at OVW.
I didn't really care for the first match at all. Ion is probably the mor charismatic of the 2 so deserved to win although neither really come close to shelley or Aries IMO. Dunno what there gonna do about the heel vs heel though.

Robbie E vs Shannon Moore was pointless and I kinda skipped most of it.

I didnt really think Tara was ever gonna beat Gail Kim as there would be no point in that. The match was OK...nothing too exciting except for Madison Rayne walking away.

Was glad to see Magnus and Joe doing so well. The only good thing Crimson and Morgan had going when they were champs was that they were two big guys trying to prove who was better than the other. However I like the idea of Joe and Magnus being thrown together randomly and having great chemistry. They should make good champs.

I was expecting a great match for the X-division title and oh boy I wasn't disappointed.
Fans were really into the back and forth action. This was the only time in Aries reign were I thought he might lose it, but the ending was good and i felt it was the right decision.

Kazarian and AJ Styles put on a good match and it was important that they made Kaz look strong here as he has done pretty much nothing for ages now.

Didnt watch Garrett and Gunner because I dont care. Do they actually believe Garrett is a potential face of the company???????? I hope not.

Fatal fourway match was good. I like how they actually made out Bully Ray as a contender. It was a pretty different ending although it kinda does show blatant favoritism by sting, something that heel GMs are hated for. Also one thing i dont get is, although it was cool to see Beer Money interact, those two should hate each other. It's almost like the rivalry is between Roode and Sting and Hardy and then Storm is left on the side.
I didn't really care for the first match at all. Ion is probably the mor charismatic of the 2 so deserved to win although neither really come close to shelley or Aries IMO. Dunno what there gonna do about the heel vs heel though.
I'll hazard a guess that Jesse was meant to go over. I'll also hazard a guess they'll overcome this heel vs. heel championship battle by using it on Impact, or injecting Shelley's mandatory rematch in to it.

I thought it was a pretty cool PPV. Good match quality (although it got off on a strange foot what with the injury followed by the seemingly impromptu appearance of Robbie E) and a pretty good flow, for once.

Looking back, it was wrong to put Garrett in the semi main. Setting the fella up to fail, really.

AA/Shelley was match of the card for me, shortly followed by Kaz/AJ. Both were wonderful matches without being too 'spotfesty' or too 'anti-spotfesty'.

Main was also cool! So glad they kept the belt on Roode. He's really finding his way, whereas I can't help but feel that Storm has lost some traction over the past few weeks.
My expectations going into this PPV weren't very high as it looked like one of the poorest cards in recent memory. The only matches I was semi interested in were the World Title match (was hoping to see Bully Ray win) and Garett Bischoff vs. Gunner. As expectations weren't very high, I wasn't dissapointed by Against All Odds but it didn't exceed expectations either.

Zema Ion vs. Jesse Sorensen started well but seemed to end quite abruptly, which makes me think Sorensen's injury was legit? Hopefully not as he's quite exciting and has progressed well in the X-Division. I don't really see Zema Ion as as much of a threat to Austin Aries as Jesse Sorensen, so wasn't too sure about the result here. But if Sorensen is genuinely injured then no complaints here.

TV Title Match: Robbie E(c) vs. Shannon Moore - I always enjoy seeing the 2 Robbies so this was a pleasant surprise. Pretty standard match but liked the ending with Big Robbie T smashing Moore with a huge right hand, allowing Robbie E to hit a jumping DDT for the win.

Knockouts Title Match: Tara vs. Gail Kim(c) - Skipped this one so can't really comment. Didn't know Maddison walked out on Gail, until reading on here, so that could prove to be interesting.

Tag Team Title Match: Samoa Joe & Magnus vs. Matt Morgan & Crimson(c) - I like the team of Morgan and Crimson so was quite dissapointed to see them drop the Titles here. Although I like them more as singles wrestlers so this could be the beggining of something good. I've thought for a while now that Morgan should be the man to end Crimson's streak, so if the seeds of dissent have be sewn here, I look forward to seeing what happens between these two.

X-Division Title Match: Alex Shelley vs. Austin Aries(c) - This was a good, action packed match, but the result was never in doubt here. A Double is a level above anyone else in the X-Division at the minute and I really don't see who's going to beat him. Sorensen was looking like maybe he could but if he's injured, it's not likely it'll be him. Perhaps TNA start bringing in people to face Aries now?

Kazarian vs. AJ Styles - Good, competitive match, but the story is the more important thing here. When is Daniels going to explain what he has over Kazarian? And where does this go from here? AJ can only lose so many matches to either Daniels or Kazarian, before something gets explained. I don't know where this is going but hopefully it leads to Daniels and Kaz performing as a tag team somewhere down the line.

Gunner vs. Garett Bischoff - This match was mainly built on emotion and I'm intrigued to see how Garett comes back from this. Gunner gave Garett a bit of a pasting, until the point Hogan almost threw the towell in, but Garett chose to fight on and ultimately lost the match. Has Garett's courage now cost him long term? Or will he come back, more determined than ever, looking for more?

World Title 4Way Match: Bully Ray vs. James Storm vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Bobby Roode(c) - I enjoyed Bully Ray's role in this match and he was the star of the show as I expected. I really want to see Bully Ray with the World Title and was dissapointed he didn't win here. Although storylise wise it was pretty obvious Roode was winning here. When Ray had Hardy down for the count, I was thinking get in and count Sting. He didn't, but then he did for Roode? I found that a bit strange but overall I enjoyed the match.
A friend of mine at work recorded it and brought it in for me.

All in all, I thought it was a solid ppv. It's a shame what happened to Sorensen and I hope his injuries aren't serious. I'm not into the guy at all but I'd never wish the guy harm. The match was kinda eh for me, just didn't have much invested in it as, for me, both these guys have been duds in the X Division.

The TV title match was pretty lame, just didn't give a crap about Robbie E., Shannon Moore or the title.

Pretty decent match between Gail Kim & Tara. Nothing really to write home about, but an overall solid match.

Solid match for the tag titles. Samoa Joe & Magnus are starting to grow on me as a team and it's nice to see Samoa Joe involved in something with some relevance attached to it, though the tag team scene is still in desperate need of help.

Aries vs. Shelley was easily the match of the night and, in my view, the best TNA match of 2012 thus far. Great action, some very believable near falls and a surprisingly clean win from Aries to retain. I expected him to retain seeing as how he lost the threeway match on IW this past Thursday.

Styles vs. Kazarian was a solid match but, again, nothing I was all that invested in. I don't particularly care whatever it is Daniels has over Kazarian, Kazarian's just not that interesting of a guy. The real story behind this continues to be Styles vs. Daniels and I'm just sort of burned out on seeing these two feud. They've done it so many times in the past that it just no longer feels fresh.

Bischoff vs. Gunner was a complete and utter dud. If anything, the presence and anticts of Hogan & Eric Bischoff at ringside only took away from the match, not that there was much of anything to the match in the first place. Garett Bischoff does not have the ability to justify the push & television time he's getting. The only remote saving grace here was that Gunner got the win. I expected him to continue to play the chump to this kid.

The main event was alright but nothing special. Some typical fourway match spots and some decent action all around. What really killed the match for me was the ending. TNA basically did the ending of the Undertaker vs. Bret Hart match at SummerSlam 1997 in which HBK was provoked by Hart and accidentally hit Taker with a steel chair before reluctantly making the count. I thought Sting's presence took away from this match just as his presence has taken away from the overall situation. James Storm has lost a decent amount of his heat as they've had him playing second fiddle to Jeff Hardy and Sting especially. Most of the heat that's been going on in the TNA WHC scene is between Roode & Sting instead of Roode's opponents.

The first couple of hours featured ok to great wrestling action while Gunner vs. Bischoff & the main event drug things down some. I was glad to see that TNA didn't have many screwey finishes during this ppv and the fact that they still decidied to throw in a screwd up finish for the main event was a disappointment. Still, overall, probably the best TNA ppv I've seen since Destination X. I'd give it a B-.
Well I watched the PPV last night Online and eh it was ok.

Jesse Sorensen vs Zema Ion-Too bad about the injury and the abrupt end to it.

Robbie E vs Shannon Moore-Didn't care for this and the TV Title in TNA is worthless.

Gail Kim vs Tara-Was alright,not the epic they were hyping it as. At least they continued the problems between Gail & Madison.

Morgan/Crimson vs Joe/Magnus-My Computer restarted on its own in the middle of the Match so I missed the end. Joe having a Title again Im fine with though.

Austin Aries vs Alex Shelly-Best Match of the night and really the only thing worth remembering from this PPV.

AJ vs Kaz-Not bad but I am so over Daniels its not even funny and I too am burned out on AJ vs Daniels Part 54.

Gunner vs Garrett Bischoff-I HATED THIS MATCH AND I HATE THIS STORYLINE. Sorry I had to vent for a minute but its not even about the two of them. Its about Hogan vs Bischoff & nobody else. Garrett is so bland & boring,please get him off.

4-Way Match-This was alright but I expected more out of it for some reason and I actually wanted Bully Ray to win the Title. When Sting hit Jeff Hardy with the Belt I knew at that point Roode would keep it. Somehow I know its leading to a Roode/Sting Match at the Next PPV.

So overall just another TNA PPV by the wayside with 1 really good Match and 2 Decent Matches with the rest just being there.
Personally i thought all the matches were really good (except Bischoff/gunner) and think the right people won, but did it seem to anyone else that the crowd just didn't give a shit?

it just feels like they were really dead all night and that there's more atmosphere in a normal impact show than this night
Personally i thought all the matches were really good (except Bischoff/gunner) and think the right people won, but did it seem to anyone else that the crowd just didn't give a shit?

it just feels like they were really dead all night and that there's more atmosphere in a normal impact show than this night

Yeah I noticed,that Crowd was HORRIBLE. TNA really needs to do more PPVs on the Road. You could hear a pin drop in that place. They didn't even react after the Opening Pyro,they just stood there like oh should we do something?
Yeah I noticed,that Crowd was HORRIBLE. TNA really needs to do more PPVs on the Road. You could hear a pin drop in that place. They didn't even react after the Opening Pyro,they just stood there like oh should we do something?

Think about it. Eight matches were on the card and ZERO babyfaces won. Why should the crowd be into it when every crowd favorite on the entire card lost? While many of those results "make sense", the idea of booking all heels to win won't sit well with any crowd. Granted this is a tiny IZ crowd but still. That's tough to do. If it was me, I would have given them SOMETHING. Granted I probably would have had Tara win (due to Gail's high levels of boring and suck) and Shelley due to high levels of awesome and an extended feud with Aries, but it was what it was. The action was good but the results don't give fans something to go home with. It was all bad guys that won. In retrospect, that's maybe not the best way to do a show, even if a lot of it was ok for storyline purposes.
Think about it. Eight matches were on the card and ZERO babyfaces won. Why should the crowd be into it when every crowd favorite on the entire card lost? While many of those results "make sense", the idea of booking all heels to win won't sit well with any crowd. Granted this is a tiny IZ crowd but still. That's tough to do. If it was me, I would have given them SOMETHING. Granted I probably would have had Tara win (due to Gail's high levels of boring and suck) and Shelley due to high levels of awesome and an extended feud with Aries, but it was what it was. The action was good but the results don't give fans something to go home with. It was all bad guys that won. In retrospect, that's maybe not the best way to do a show, even if a lot of it was ok for storyline purposes.

Good point JJ and thats one thing that drives me nuts about TNA's booking. They think the Heels have to go over all the time and the Faces don't/shouldn't win Matches on a PPV or an Impact even at times. They could have had Tara win even Shelly to extend that Feud. Hell let Sting hit Roode with the Belt to let the Crowd react somehow.
Good point JJ and thats one thing that drives me nuts about TNA's booking. They think the Heels have to go over all the time and the Faces don't/shouldn't win Matches on a PPV or an Impact even at times. They could have had Tara win even Shelly to extend that Feud. Hell let Sting hit Roode with the Belt to let the Crowd react somehow.

To understand this phenomenon, you must consider who is running things. Talk about writer names that only smarks know all you want, but the real name you need to know is Bischoff. Remember that this is the man of no ideas (where only one idea that he stole actually succeeded).

That idea of course was the nWo and it was great for a while but it eventually failed. Why? Fans DO want to see the forces of evil conquered. It needs to happen to give the fans something to cheer for. WCW at that time gave a big F U to everyone with their Starrcade 1997 booking in regards to that. Hogan held the title for OVER A YEAR as the bad guy, losing it only once for 6 days to Luger. Everyone kept justifying it because they knew Sting would take the title by kicking Hogan's ass at Starrcade. That justified everything. Of course, it never happened. Terrible booking made it seem like Sting couldn't beat Hogan cleanly so his win was tainted and even when he won for good 2 months later, it didn't matter. You told the world that the bad guy couldn't be beaten which is incredibly horrific wrestling storytelling.

For some reason, this ideal has carried over to EVERY title in TNA. Just slap the title on a heel and run for months. It's ok at first, especially if the heel is good, but it can get old quickly. Gail's reign sucked from the beginning so that's excluded but if anything, her getting the title regressed the division back a year. Not one thing she's done has been interesting but it's the women's title so let's not dwell on it.

Robbie's E's reign=no one cares. Aries was very interesting at the beginning but when every guy comes in, makes it interesting for a month and then just loses cleanly to a heel, it gets boring. That's where I'm at now. If Aries cuts the "I've beaten everyone" promo on Thursday, I might just lose it. That's how you take a talented, decent champion and make his reign boring. At the very least, you gotta have these guys feud with people for more than a month. It's not fun for anyone if you have all the faces lose cleanly in their first match and just move on to the next one.

Now, the World Title is a little different. It's been the same 3 guys involved in it since Angle lost it essentially which is ok I guess in theory. The problem there is that the only storyline within the title picture that means a thing is between the two heels! Bully Ray and Roode had an alliance and now have trust issues which is a story that makes sense. Hardy and Roode's issues are nothing as they have barely been mentioned and Storm and Roode have become an afterthought of a feud despite many fans wanting to believe that those two should be feuding. Even if they get the Lockdown match, it's not because of "months of tension" as whatever their split caused, it's forgotten already. You can see that in promos that Roode cuts as he glosses over Storm. That feud should have had the most heat and it's completely forgotten. Why? All the focus is on Sting! It's ok to have that as a part of things, but what Roode really needed is not to feud with the GM, but to have a personal feud with Storm (and Hardy too, why not?) Instead, we've gotten a rushed Hardy feud which sucked, and the Storm stuff has become incredibly impersonal. So while Roode's run is the best of all the heel champs, it's not great by any stretch due to shoddy booking. Some might think "hey, it's like JBL's", but it's not. JBL looked to be in legitimate danger a few times but weaseled out. No one has been built up to truly threaten Roode's title.

At some point, you have to give the fans what they want and no, I'm not talking about TNA faithfuls that will tell you why all these reigns are great. I'm talking about wrestling fans who pay for shows and cheer for the heroes and such.

If you go to the thread on Hogan commenting on Roode not getting the title at BFG, you'll see Shattered Dreams falling into this trap. He argues that BFG's result is "worthwhile because of future stories", which is grossly inaccurate. Lets take 2005. Very few remember Cena or Batista's next feud after Wrestlemania. What they remember is the moment from Wrestlemania of those guys winning the title on the grand stage. The moment in wrestling means more than "future stories". Heck, all "future stories" ideally are built so eventually you get that moment! Thus, that argument is stupid and TNA needs to realize this. You need to give fans their moment because THAT is what they'll pay to see and that is what the business is about (making money). Thus, I hope Dave Lagana can convince people that they have to go this way. The company will be much better off if they allow fans to see big moments like their favorites actually winning stuff after proper build (and by proper I mean proper where everyone can see it, not proper where a few TNA fans will argue it's proper but 95 percent of the other views don't view it as suich).
I couldn't disagree more about Aries. His reign has been the backbone of an X-division resurrection. Whenever someone does beat him for that title it will mean something for that person, which is exactly what you want from a good title reign. Are you still singing this song about TNA not have babyface runs after I thoroughly debunked that the last time you said it? You are on crack if you think the KOs are suffering recently. We get it you like Velvet and don't like Gail Kim, you like Roode and don't like Storm, you have an aneurysm every time anything relating to a concussion happens. Now explain why that should matter to anyone except yourself? You are frequently blind to the success of things that you don't like. You have to get over that if you want to have real discussions. If you haven't noticed how over Hardy is then you aren't credible at this point.

Decent show but nothing special. That gunner-garrett match was terrible. Turn Garrett heel already because I haven't wanted to boo someone this bad in a long time. The main event had me intrigued and it didn't disappoint. It isn't a big secret that TNA has these "not much happens" PPVs in between their bigger shows and it doesn't seem to hurt their business.
Think about it. Eight matches were on the card and ZERO babyfaces won. Why should the crowd be into it when every crowd favorite on the entire card lost? While many of those results "make sense", the idea of booking all heels to win won't sit well with any crowd. Granted this is a tiny IZ crowd but still. That's tough to do. If it was me, I would have given them SOMETHING. Granted I probably would have had Tara win (due to Gail's high levels of boring and suck) and Shelley due to high levels of awesome and an extended feud with Aries, but it was what it was. The action was good but the results don't give fans something to go home with. It was all bad guys that won. In retrospect, that's maybe not the best way to do a show, even if a lot of it was ok for storyline purposes.

no offence but i really disagree with this, if they were silent after the matches when the heels won i'd unsterstand, but from the moment the opening pyro went off to the end of the show the crowd was dead, there was no cheering/booing for any of the stars were coming out or when it looked like the face was about to win :shrug:

I couldn't disagree more about Aries. His reign has been the backbone of an X-division resurrection. Whenever someone does beat him for that title it will mean something for that person, which is exactly what you want from a good title reign.

this is true, if they carry on to build Aries as this unstoppable champion who keeps saying that no-one is good enough to beat him, then when a face finally comes along (my bets on Sabin when he's finally back) and beats him they'll receive a decent pop and potentially be more over with the crowd

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