[Bound For Glory] General Aftermath & Reaction

I think I must be the only person who actually watched that final match.

Overall, I thought the whole ppv was great. But a couple of minutes into the Roode/Angle match it was apparent to me that the match was going to be terrible.

Now, I know that Angle was legitimately injured before the match and wasn't 100%, however, he definitely was not on his game and just didn't pull off alot of the tricks we're used to seeing him do. Part of his appeal is that he's a pretty big guy who bounces all over the ring.

I'll say before hand, that I don't particularly like Bobby Roode as a character, and I didn't and don't look forward to the prospect of him being the face of the company and/or the champion. I think my opinon was backed-up with his performance last night. It was pretty obvious to me that Angle took the lead in the match. For whatever reason, Roode almost looked confused in the ring, as if he didn't know what to do next. And usually, I think he's much better than that.

It just wasn't a great match. I'm not too tore up over the screwy finish. I think it's interesting and will build to something later. It was certainly a swerve, as everybody expected he would win. I was a little disappointed that nothing big went down, though. I halfway believed he may lose at BFG, but I was hoping for a big debut or a heel turn from Storm or something to cause the loss. Not just Angle propping on the ropes.
I got 4 out of 8 predictions right.

The show wasn't bad. I ended up being pleased with most of the outcomes and we saw some good matches. Aries/Kendrick opening was a fine choice even though I wanted Kendrick to win. RVD's match was pretty decent. Crimson winning his match was the only acceptable option, so good job there by TNA. Anderson's victory will hopefully lead to better booking for him, otherwise Ray should have won since it would have been a waste of a win. Velvet winning the Knockouts Championship was a surprise and I wish her a successful first title run. I wanted Madison to win, but congrats Velvet. You earned it. Styles should never quit, he is TNA's answer to Cena. Their match was excellent. Sting and Hogan ended up exceeding my expectations but I thought it had the potential to be awful. However all of the stuff that happened after it still ended up being better than the match itself, and it was fine for what it was. I know people are going to sit and complain about how TNA will fail now that Roode didn't win. The match was still good and there is a little thing called a rematch. I'll sit by and wait to see what happens before I start posting any rants of my own because TNA may be going somewhere with this. I enjoyed this show and while it could have been better, it was good and worth watching.

Bound For Glory Hits and Misses

Bound For Glory Hits:

Robert Roode vs Kurt Angle: Despite the deflating ending, this was a very good match. I don't understand the concept of Roode being built up so strong with Angle being almost an afterthought in the build for this match only for Roode to lose. I understand this may allow the feud to continue, but your biggest PPV of the year should result in the culmination of major feuds, not an excuse for Roode to keep chasing heel champion Angle. That aside this was a quality match that made Roode look like he belonged with Angle in the ring. The nearfalls were convincing and the reversals were executed crisply. The hit is for the match itself, not the result or how it ended. ***1/4

Austin Aries vs Brian Kendrick: While it's impossible for me to take Kendrick seriously with his rediculous gimmick, he can reallly go within the ring. Austin Aries looks and behaves like a star each time he wrestles, and I hope the time comes when he can move on to bigger things, or elevate the X Division title to more then just an opener. As is typical with the X division, there was great athleticism on display, as well as some really good storytelling. Kendrick pulling off the top rope Sliced Bread was impressive, as was the sequence that lead to Aries hitting the Brainbuster Suplex for the pin. A very good opener. ***

RVD vs Jerry Lynn: If the way Lynn has been booked in the past few months and following the match, this appears to be his swan song in TNA. If so, this was a very good way to go out. This felt like a throwback 1990's ECW brawl with each man throwing everything they had at each other. These two have something special everytime they step into the ring against the other, and this was no different. Some of the spots were hard to watch with all we know about head and neck injuries. However, these two made each and every spot work within the context of the match and the nature of the feud. Really good stuff here. ***

Bully Ray vs Mr Anderson: The ending where Anderson overshot the table on the senton really let the air out of the otherwise solid match. This wasn't as good as the RVD/Lynn brawl, but it was entertaining nonetheless. Ray continues to shine as a heel and this match was a big win for Anderson in hopefully rebuilding his tiresome gimmick. These two continue to work well together, and Im interested to see where both go from here. Well done. **1/2

Hulk Hogan vs Sting: Going into the show, if you had told me Id make this match a "hit", Id have laughed at you. But the match served every purpose it needed to, including giving the company back to Dixie Carter and turning Hogan babyface in one of the top reactions Ive heard in some time. Hogan even managed to take several bumps, and Sting protected him well. This was more of aan angle/story then a match, which was fine for two men 110 years old combined. N/R

Bound For Glory Misses:​

AJ Styles vs Daniels: I list this one first because it was the match i was looking forward to most, and most disapointed by. The two were on their way to having a solid, athletic "I Quit" match, something you don't see often. Daniels' mid-match promo telling AJ's wife to take the kids out of the room absolutely killed the momentum they were building and truly has no place on TV. Daniels even mentioned premeditated murder, which doesn't belong in professional wrestling and goes well far beyond suspending disbelief. The way in which he quit was an utter disapointment as well. I like that this feud will continue based upon Daniels' post-match attack, but this match was a mess on so many levels. *3/4

Mexican America vs Ink Inc.: I had low expectations for this match, and they somehow managed to set the bar even lower. This was the wrong match to show on the pre-show for those who were on the fence about ordering this show. Looking back at the tag division last year with the MCMG's, Team 3D, Generation Me, and Beer Money and to be left with just Mexican America as champs and Ink Inc chasing is an indictment on the division. This match was bad and the referee looked incompetant for not DQ'ing both teams several times for blatant interference. 1/2*

Knockouts Four Way Match: It was a feel good moment for Velvet, who has been front and center in the division in terms of building towards this match. Im not a fan of the rapid-fire title changes however, even if Winter did nothing as champ. And then there's Karen Jarrett. Karen is a great heel, but the way the biggest KO match of the year was refereed was a complete and utter joke. It put the focus completely on her and off of the wrestlers in the ring. The crowd popped big when Velvet won, but Im not sure if that's because she won or the match was over. I try to find something good to say about any match, but it's hard to find here. *

Samoa Joe vs Crimson vs Matt Morgan: Just when it seemed like this match was kicking into second gear, it ended abruptly. Joe, the heel in the match, played the babyface in peril for much of the match, and even played to the crowd at times. Crimson's winning streak continues to look weaker as time goes on, and he's become inconsequential as time goes. TNA either needs to get behind his push and make him look dominant, or drop it and put him into an actual storylinr. This match was too short too really mean anything. *1/2.
I can't remember the last time I looked forward to a PPV as much as I was looking forward to Bound For Glory and it didn't dissapoint. BFG 11 is the best PPV I've seen in...Well I can't actually remember TBH.

X-Division Title Match: Brian Kendrick vs. Austin Aries(c) - A good match to kick off the PPV and the right result IMO. The Champ was way over with the crowd and I was kind of surprised by how liked he was. This was a fast paced, high energy, match and both guys put on a decent showing. Kenrick's Sliced Bread was sweet and Aries generally just does everything well. With Aries retaining his Title it will be interesting to see who he faces next.

Full Metal Mayhem: Jerry Lynn vs. Rob Van Dam - I thought this would be the match of the night and it probably was. I was MTFO throughout this match. Now that is how you use "weapons" in a match. I found myself reacting to pretty much everything they done, whether I was grimacing, wincing or enjoying it. That Powerbomb by Lynn on the ladder/guard rail looked brutal. With the Whole F'N' Show being my favourite wrestler of all time, it don't get much better than seeing a Van Daminator and a Van Terminator in one night. Awesome match and I didn't expect anything different.

Samoa Joe vs. Matt Morgan vs. Crimson - I weren't into this match at all. Morgan and Crimson should've destroyed Joe in a matter in minutes, as they were basically working as a team. Morgan's dive off the top to the outside was cool though and was good to see Crimson get the win.

Falls Count Anywhere Match: Bully Ray vs. Mr Anderson - This match summed up why these are two of the top guys around. They told a great story in the ring and if I wasn't such a Van Dam mark, this would probably be my match of the night. The punishment these guys dished out was unreal and it was blatently obvious they hate eachother. I couldn't believe it when Anderson kicked out, after Kentonning the guard rail and then getting Bubba Bombed through a table. Then for Bully Ray to kick out after Back Splashing the guard rail and getting Mic Checked on it, I was stunned. Great to see Anderson get the win as well, as I thought Bully would win here.

Knockouts Title Match: Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne vs. Mickie James vs. Winter(c) - Velvet Sky got the win so it definately made watching the Knockouts match worthwhile for me. Chyna was probably the last female wrestler I was as big a fan of as I am Velvet. I don't often find myself marking out for female wrestlers but I did when Traci Brooks counted the 3. The fact she did make the count also makes me think Karen Jarrett will try and take the Title from Velvet.

I Quit Match: Christopher Daniels vs. AJ Styles - Another good match with both guys telling a decent story, which is not what you would necessarily expect from these two. The ending of the match was a bit anti climatic but a decent match none the less. A nice Angels Wings on the ramp afterwards as well.

Jeff Jarrett/Jeff Hardy Segment: Good brawl between the two and nice for the fans that Hardy was on the show. I'm really enjoying the way Hardy has been brought back in and I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Immortal One vs. The Icon: Hulk Hogan vs. Sting - Epic! Just epic! My heart was racing from the moment Hulk Hogan appeared on the stage. Ric Flair's appearance was also a much appreciated (by everyone) surprise. To see Hogan 'Hulk Up' and start dropping bombs on Sting at the start of the match was just awesome. I hope all the smarky idiots out there now eat their words because this was a great contest and everyone in attendance was clearly into it and enjoying it more than any other match. The only downside to this match was Hogan losing because I really enjoy him as the authority figure. The aftermath was unreal, I can't remember the last time I was that emotionally invested in pro wrestling. When Sting was begging for Hogan's help and he 'Hulked Up', I couldn't help but cheer. The reaction from the crowd was priceless too. That was the BFG Moment. THANK YOU HULK HOGAN!

World Title Match: Bobby Roode vs. Kurt Angle(c) - I actually felt a bit sorry for these two having to follow Hogan and Sting, because whatever they did it wasn't going to top what happended before them. This was a good, competitive match with some nice chain wrestling and reversals. I was surprised Angle won due to the attention Roode had been receiving but it was definately the right choice to have Angle win. Roode's not ready to be World Champion and Kurt Angle is the best there is.

Overall a fantastic PPV and easily the best I've seen since I started watching wrestling again in 2008. I've never bought a PPV on DVD before but I'll be getting this when it comes out. 5 STAR!
This was the first TNA ppv I have ever watched, and I can honestly say I highly doublt ill be watching another.

X division match, honestly i hate the x division and i was not into this match.

Van dam and lynn, good match miss ecw ways, think this was match of the night, either this or anderson vs bully ray, the only 2 ood matches

aj and daniels, good match bs ending ruined it

3 way morgan joe and crimson, could have been much better

hogan sting the worst in ring performance have seen since lesnar goldberg wm 20

roode and angle, thought the match was great, then i read y roode lost, so jeff hardy can have the belt FUCK you tna
TNA Bound For Glory 2011

Hernandez & Anarquia/With Rosita & Sarita VS Ink Inc./With Toxine- TNA Tag Team Championships

Clusterfuck. That is the one word I use to describe this match. This match was pretty dull, and the shenanigans towards the very end of the match made everything worse. This match did feel pretty silly, when the women decided to get involved, and I just didn’t care about this short little match. Overall, this match was pretty shitty, and I was disappointed by this. The build for the feud between both teams was very solid and fun to watch at times, but the match didn’t deliver at all. Also, I’m not too crazy about Mexican America as champs. Usually, their matches aren’t anything special, and both men are horrendous on the mic. Sarita and Rosita catch my attention, but Anarquia and Hernandez can be dreadful most of the time. This pre-show match was very weak, and the short time didn’t help anything. Match Rating- 1/10

Austin Aries VS Brian Kendrick- X-Division Championship

This match featured a lot of high impact spots, and Brian Kendrick’s Sliced Bread off of the top rope was a jaw dropping spot. There was a good amount of action here, this match was pretty physical, and this match did have a nice fast pace. Aries could be headed for a long reign with X-Division Championship, and I wouldn’t have a problem with this. Aries can be entertaining as a heel, and he can deliver some good matches. This was a very entertaining match, and I enjoyed every second of this. Match Rating- 8/10

RVD VS Jerry Lynn- Full Metal Mayhem

I guess it’s almost impossible for RVD and Jerry Lynn to have a bad match. These two delivered another fine match at Bound For Glory, and I really did enjoy this. This match featured a nice steady pace, and this was pretty physical and brutal. This wasn’t the best RVD/Lynn match, but these two can always deliver in the ring, and this was fun to watch. Match Rating- 7/10

Samoa Joe VS Crimson VS Matt Morgan

I didn’t expect much from this, but this triple threat match kind of surprised me. It felt like this one was going through the motions at first. Crimson and Morgan had made a pact. They wanted to beat the hell out of Samoa Joe. Their truce didn’t last long, and everything slowly fell apart as they tried to steal each other’s pin covers. Of course, the eventually turned on each other, and the explosion between the two big men was a nice touch here, and the match became a lot more competitive after this. The pace picked up, and all three men gave a good effort throughout the entire match. The crowd wasn’t too happy about Crimson’s victory, but I’ll give TNA credit for sticking with the push for one of the new guys. Bobby Roode has his shot at the World Heavyweight Championship, and Crimson has enjoyed a steady push, so TNA is trying to do something with their younger guys. Match Rating- 6/10

Bully Ray VS Mr. Anderson- Falls Count Anywhere Philadelphia Street Fight

Usually, I trash anything Mr. Anderson is involved in, but this was one hell of a match. You could really feel the hatred these two men had for each other, and this was a very brutal and viscous street fight. You would’ve thought both guys wanted to kill each other, because the violence was unreal here. I don’t know where TNA wants to go with Mr. Anderson after this. He’s already had a few failed runs in the World Heavyweight Championship picture, and I don’t think TNA should rush him back to the main event so soon. Also, I hope Bully Ray doesn’t fade away into obscurity. He has had an outstanding run in 2011 as a heel, and he continued to showcase his impressive mic skills, with a nasty and offensive pre-match promo. Ray’s heel turn was a real surprise this year, and I hope he can regain some momentum in the near future. Match Rating- 8/10

Madison Rayne VS Velvet Sky VS Mickie James VS Winter/With Angelina Love- Four-Way Match- TNA Knockouts Championship With Karen Jarrett As Special Guest Referee

Yeah, I hated this. This match was pretty boring, and Karen’s presence caused a huge distraction the entire time. She took a lot of focus off of the match with her antics, and her constant attempts to screw Velvet and Mickie out of the title became very annoying after a while. This was an awful match, and the turmoil towards the very end didn’t help anything. Also, I guess this title win was supposed to be Velvet’s big moment. She was always known as another one of the pretty faces in The Beautiful People, she had to take a backseat to Angelina and Madison, and she had to scratch and claw her way towards the title, but I couldn’t feel anything for her. The little emotional celebration with Traci Brooks didn’t do anything for me. This match was horrendous, and this didn’t feel like pay-per-view quality stuff. Yes. Velvet is an incredibly beautiful woman, her title win was a surprise, and she could breathe new life into the Knockouts Championship picture, but this match was atrocious in every way. Match Rating- 1/10

AJ Styles VS Christopher Daniels- I Quit Match

I had a hard time getting into this. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels have had some great matches together, but this entire match just felt so average. This match did have a nice steady pace, and this match did feature some solid back and forth action. Still, I didn’t feel the bitter rivalry between two best friends here. I was expecting this match to be more extreme, as both men pushed each other to the limit, so they could force their opponent to say “I quit.” But this just felt like another match most of the time. Although, I did enjoy Daniels’ speech and warning to Styles’ family, because Daniel’s did sound cold and sadistic, and Daniels transformation into the cowardly heel at the very end was a nice touch. It looks like this feud will continue, because Daniels had to get the last laugh after Styles won the match. I would welcome another match between these two, but I hope it can be better than this. This match wasn‘t bad, but I usually have high expectations for a Styles/Daniels encounter on pay per view, and this match did feel forgettable. Match Rating- 5/10

Jeff Jarrett Calls Out Jeff Hardy

Meh. I really didn’t care for this little segment, but for the most part, everything worked here. Jarrett was solid on the mic, as he trashed Hardy. The brawl between these two felt very generic, because I’ve seen the ”two wrestlers brawl, while security struggles to keep them apart” fiasco enough times. Still, this entire segment was pretty effective. TNA is taking things slow with Jeff Hardy, and I do think this is a good move. There’s no need to rush anything, and the crowd did give Jeff a positive reaction tonight. This was a good sign, because it looks like the fans have forgiven Jeff, and they still want to support Hardy. The idea of a Hardy/Jarrett feud doesn’t excite me too much, but this feud could help Jeff gain some momentum, because he needs all the help he can get right now. On a side note, the loud “D-LO! D-LO!” chants surprised me. D-Lo Brown was one of my favorites as a kid, but he hasn’t done anything worth remembering in years.

Hulk Hogan VS Sting

I was expecting a disaster of epic proportions here. I was in the crowd of people, who were against a Hogan/Sting match, but this wasn’t as bad I thought it would be. The idea of this being a “fight” really helped this match, because Sting and Hogan did deliver a decent enough bloody brawl. This match featured two of the biggest legends in the history professional wrestling, this match took place on TNA’s biggest stage, and the crowd loved every second of this. The atmosphere here was unbelievable, and this match did provide some goosebump moments, especially during Hogan’s face turn. The crowd went nuts, when the real Hulk Hogan returned, and you could loose yourself in this moment. And the focus on Dixie Carter at ringside was a nice touch here. Dixie had this desperate look on her face the entire time, and she did add some extra drama to this match. Also, I enjoyed the Jackson James’ dilemma at the end. Hogan was tapping, but Bischoff’s son didn’t want to call for the bell at first, because he wanted to stay loyal to Immortal and his father. But Jackson’s conscience got in the way, and Jackson did do the right thing. Flair’s presence did cause some very noticeable distractions, but I don’t think he hurt this match too much. The post-match Immortal beating was expected, and Abyss decided to watch from the backstage area. I’m still not too crazy about Abyss these days, but he’s headed down a new path, and a fresh start could help him. Anyway, I guess you couldn’t expect too much from Sting and Hogan here. This wasn’t going to be a thrilling five star classic, because at the end of the day, these are two men in their fifties, and both men are pretty beat up. I thought this would be awful, but at times, I was enjoying myself as I watched this match. I enjoyed the drama, and I couldn’t escape the nostalgia in this one. Match Rating- 4/10

Kurt Angle VS Bobby Roode- TNA World Heavyweight Championship

A Booby Roode title win seemed like a sure thing here. TNA did spend a lot of time building Roode as the next World Champion, the Bound For Glory Series was a pretty lengthy tournament, and I did want to believe in his journey for the gold. Roode’s lost was a disappointment for me, but I still enjoyed the match. There was some very solid back and forth action throughout this entire match, this match did have a good flow, and there was a nice competitive feel here. Hopefully, Roode can still remain relevant after this. I wasn‘t happy about Roode‘s loss, but he could receive another shot at the title somewhere down the line. Match Rating- 7/10

Overall Show Rating 8/10- The Knockouts Championship match was a catastrophe, and I didn’t care for Velvet’s moment. And Daniels VS Styles was a disappointment for me, but overall, I thought this was a very fun show. The majority of the matches on this card really delivered, and there were a few surprises for me. TNA’s flagship pay-per-view was pretty entertaining, and this really did feel like TNA’s best show in 2011.
Lol I'm the idiot? Hindsight is amazing.

A) They DIDN'T build a new main eventer.
Oh really? So, a guy main eventing for the belt. Losing in a controversial way isn't main eventing? I know this is a spoiler free site but please read it sometime before throwing around words like moron.

B) I don't care that Roode didn't win, he's my guy but if he isn't ready then why have Roode in the Main Event?
There is a thing called not ready for the belt. He just started his singles career. Give him a few months.
C) Your payoff comes at your BIGGEST PPV of the year, not on iMPACT not at their next PPV. Like I said, if Roode lost like that then just have storm beat him AT the PPV. SIMPLE! DONE!
Yeah, that explains why everyone hasn't beaten Undertaker at Wrestlemania. If the payoff comes at the biggest PPV of the year then he should be "putting" over everyone in those matches right? Or are we simply using one sided logic to validate our opinions?

Stop being the booker. Simple doesn't always equal good. This ending created a form of shock and emotion. Last year people called Hardy's turn predictable, now It was simply done but this year, a little unpredictability is wrong?
D) Stupid Fucking Booking. STUPID! If you can't see that then you're an idiot.

Stupid booking? You missed the SummerSlam main event? That is stupid booking. This is a controversial ending that can be explained to a bigger payoff than some predictable simple crap. Everything on this PPV was predictable and simple. This deserved some sort of shocking twist or ending which it did.

PS you obviously didn't watch Money In The Bank if you think that BFG was better than anything WWE did. That PPV was near flawless
Why are you putting words in my mouth? I said better than anything WWE did which means this month, this season? MITB was nice but let's not get carried away. The match did not end clean and had an interference, now if this match was booked the same way, I know it would generate some form of negativity.

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