[Bound For Glory] General Aftermath & Reaction

I already said this elsewhere but I watched for Sting/Hogan and left very satasfied. The match was pretty good considering hogan's condition and the aftermath was everything I watch wrestling for. Glad the crowd was as into it as me. As for Angle/rood The match was good I don't think its worth getting mad at TNA for not letting your guy win.
Even though I wasn't able to watch the PPV, I did read the results off of WrestleZone, and from what I read, I liked the Samoa Joe/Matt Morgan/Crimson match. I really want to see Matt Morgan and Crimson team up, and with their current storyline, and the fact that they both came out in white, just makes me more optimistic that they will become a tag team. I'm kind of glad that Ink Inc, lost because I'm hoping that when Matt Morgan & Crimson teams up, they will take the titles from them.
if this is the way TNA had everything written, they should have had the Hogan/Sting match last. even leading in I was surprised to see it was not the final match. the entire company was on the line.
the way it ended I think could have been a great ending to the entire PPV. the real Hulk Hogan is back. at that point the only thing that would have made it even more epic would have been if someone in TNA could have put in the song for "I am a real American".

when it comes crashing down and it hurts inside, you've gotta take a stand it don't help to hide. if you hurt my friends then you hurt my pride, I gotta be a man I can't let it slide.
Just my 2 cents this ppv sucked and definitly not worth the money. Main event should have ended clean, and Bobby should have won. Hogan sting match was more than i expected from what i thought would have been the worst but fun match on the card. RVD match was terrible to many botches both him and lynn need to hang it up....Is it just me or does RVD seem really slow doing moves now he has no quickness to his moves anymore. Bully ray match was good, but botched finished fucked it up. If this is supposed to be thier wrestlemania then this was terrible. It al comes down to crappy booking and storylines not making sense.To those who say wwe has not had any good ppvs latley well lets see,Royal rumble 2011, Elimination chamber,MITB,Summerslam, well thats 4 ppvs that were all a million times better than this shit.
I enjoyed the show. The beginning was solid and it was a good crowd and a great look for TNA. Too bad Anderson overshot the finish in his match but they recovered nicely. That was a brutal match. I thought the three way was pretty good but was hoping to see Morgan pin Joe or vice versa to add a new twist to the Crimson rise. Joe is getting his groove back though and that is a good thing for TNA.

Then came the knockouts match. It wasn't a terrible idea but somehow the execution failed pretty horribly. Winter looked cool on the way to the ring. Then they actually told a half decent story in the match but it was too complicated and no one cared and the ignored pinfalls were too often to give anyone a reason to think this was worth figuring out.

I did not care for the I quit match. I was skeptical of the stipulation but it was significantly worse than I was expecting. Why have an AJ-Daniels match where they spend half the time talking? Why wasn't this a feud ending match? Why were they bringing up murder and expecting me to take it seriously? Whatever this match is setting up should have taken place here.

Hogan-Sting was great. Lots of fun moments. I see people are fixating on the end of the title match. I kind of get the desire for a more conclusive finish but it didn't really bother me much at all. Then again I did not invest heavily in Roode in this story. If you are on the Roode bandwagon and accept that he wasn't going to win then what happened is far from the worst possible outcome.
OR they could have pushed Roode to the point where he is the inexperienced one that loses...which they did?

Roode falls short and Storm wins the title. Leading to a heel turn where Roode is angry at Storm.


Fact is, this hype was to build a new main eventer. They did it. Ending wasn't great and hard to swallow but the payoff can be good. We don't know yet. Please, you would have zero faith if they put the belt on him. You JUST said he wasn't ready, now you complain they didn't put the title on him.

1. Angle appeared to be injured.

2. Your money goes to WWE because you like gloried shitty overbooked matches (Punk/Triple H anyone?) and your a WWE mark and that's cool. Your personal taste is your business.

I'd still take this PPV over anything WWE has produced recently. The ending is questionable but the entire PPV was still a joy to watch.

Says the TNA Mark,right TNA doesn't do glorified shitty overbooked Main Events now do they? Fact is TNA had the chance to do something different for a change and put the Belt on someone NEW. They failed miserably and fell flat on their faces once again.

Yeah I prefer the WWE but I do watch TNA as well just so you know. That being said I have zero faith in anything TNA does because they always find someway to screw it up like they did with Roode. Angle had no business winning that Match and you know it.
The only thing I have to add is that, though you're right about it being sub-par for the two, I actually thought that AJ v Daniels was still pretty good. The only part I didn't care for was the mini-promo Daniels cut telling AJ's wife to take the kids out of the room. The promo itself wasn't bad, but it was just out of place and ruined the flow of the match.

The match, again, was nowhere near the best of the duo, but even then, those two having a mediocre match can steal the show. I thought the ending fit Daniels' character in the match, too. He didn't really want to win, he was just there to hurt AJ. When he weaseled out so quickly, it sold that. I don't know...it didn't disappoint me like I think it did everyone else.

That spot where Daniels shot that monkey wrench at AJ was the kind of intensity that is lacking from WWE's hardcore matches, nowadays. It was a great spot, and Daniel's insanity sold the match, for me.
I was at the event and enjoyed myself. Couple of thoughts...

1. There was NO ONE there. I don't think they even filled half of the place.

2. The pop from the Sting/Hogan match was incredible. Everyone in the building was eating it up. The reaction was the same for everyone when Hogan turned face. I was actually surprised.

3. Philadelphia has an incredible fan base for anything, especially wrestling.

4. AJ/Daniels match was garbage. Very dissapointed.

5. Anderson/Bully Ray delivered a great match. I dont know if you could tell on TV, but when Anderson totally missed with the flip off the top rope to the table, he was burying his head because he was laughing really, really hard. Red in the face laughing.

6. The casual wrestling fan was probably really confused without understanding the ROH/Philadelphia ties that a lot of these guys had, in particular Samoa Joe. If I was a fan who didnt know ROH or Philadelphia, I would be unbelievably confused as to why he was being cheered.
I usually lurk here, but I really have to say this... The endig to that PPV was worse than anything I have seen in years. Yes, worse than the Sting\Jeff Hardy mess, worse than the WWE walkout, worse than WWE burying CM Punk in favor of that idiot Del Rio! It was terrible and proves why TNA will always be where they are- which is nowhere. It's sad cause the WWE is a complete waste of time too. There is no other option for westling fans these days. It's either soap opera WWE, illogical TNA or spotfest ROH.
At this point, pro wrestling on the whole is dead to me.

I get back a bit into WWE over the Punk storyline. Two weeks after it peaks, it's just about ruined.

I get back a bit into TNA over this Roode push, and, once again, they don't pull the freaking trigger.

AJ, Monty Brown, Joe, Pope, Anderson, now slap Roode's name up on the list of guys with all the momentum suddenly being told "Eh, just wait a bit".

TNA, under so many different bookers and in so many different eras, has never comprehended that, sometimes, fans just want to go home happy.

This was your biggest show of the year, and you end it in a "controversy" finish?! Dear God. Roode could win the belt next month by beating ten other guys in one fell swoop, and it won't matter, they've now derailed his momentum. Just like feeding then-unbeaten Samoa Joe to Angle, just like de-pushing Pope, just like face/heel/face/heel turning Anderson, on, and on, and on, and on it goes.

None of these companies get it anymore. WWE is stuck in a perpetual holding pattern, constantly scared to death to try anything different. TNA is in a perpetual chaos machine, unable to accept that sometimes you need to go with a basic finish.

I just don't think there's any saving it anymore. CM Punk could headline Wrestlemania, and it won't matter; his true momentum was killed dead two weeks after Money in the Bank. Bobby Roode could win the TNA title in a handicap match with both hands tied behind his back; it won't matter, the moment to strike was NOW.
Enjoyed the PPV apart from the ending which really made me scratch my head on two fronts?

1 - It's TNA's Wrestlemania..Wrestlemania ends with the good guy winning and the fans going home happy (apart from WM16). It's a formula that works for the biggest company. The image of a TNA guy winning the title on their biggest event, confetti raining down, as he's being hoisted on the shoulders of other TNA originals as the ring fills with guys celebrating that "one of their guys" has won the big prize". Everyone goes home with a happy face. It works in WWE. Hogan & company know it works, they've been there to have it work (hell, Hogan won the WWF title in a screwy fashion at WM9 to get the "happy ending) so why not go there? This would've been the one time that using a McMahon idea would've been of benefit to TNA.

2 - The Bound For Glory Series now seems a bit uselss. The idea was promising to start with but went downhill from there. Wrestlers not all having the same amount of matches, leaders pulling out due to real (or storyline) injuries.. It all seemed to dilute the appeal of the whole thing...Then they have the winner go out and LOSE his title shot. So Roode went through all that and didn't win in the end. WWE hasn't done anything like that with MITB yet and it's helped to keep the appeal of MITB simple yet effective...I hope TNA do the BFGS again but, if they do, they'll need to iron out the massive creases and have to work really hard at building up the importance of it for the fans again...

I think the reason I've got a bad taste is because I really expected the most from Angle & Roode last night and, to me, even without the finish the match wasn't up to the level I expected...Part of that is down to me having too high expectations of the guys but, even so, it wasn't close to being what I thought it was going to be.

I'd give the overall thing a B this year. Like Wrestlemania there were some good little matches, interesting results but, as a whole, it didn't like up to what I thought it COULD have been (exactly like WM27)
It's the first time i'm posting. I'm french, so excuse me in advance for the mistakes i'll probably make.

It was a solid TNA ppv, but the end sucked. How can they have booked such a ending for the main-event in their biggest event of the year. Just before, Hogan turns face and that was a feel good moment to see Sting and HH shaking hands and celebrating together. And in my opinion, the blood was not needed, it spoiled the moment just a bit.

To be coherent, Roode should have won. Angle won in a typical heelish manner, but somebody had to order the match to restart, either Dixie or Hogan. The message would have been clear : this company enters in a new era. But they screwed it and that is symptomatic of the shitty TNA booking.

Overall, this was a good PPV, but the ending let the fans down.
I agree TNA dropped the ball with there World title match tonight. I don't watch a lot of TNA mainly because I'm at work when it's on and right now I don't have a DVR so the PPV's are the judging for me. Personally I like the PPV overall the opening match was good. RVD & Lynn was a decent match there were a few spots they seemed off but overall the match was good.

Crimson Morgan & Joe was the first & last time I've seen Crimson. I swear he looked like a mini Matt Morgan in that match. Joe & Morgan on the other hand were good Joe more then Morgan.

Anderson versus Ray was probably one of the better matches of the night. Those two put on a good street fight. They didn't go overboard with weapons they did enough for the match.

Knockout title match was a buzz kill. What the hell were they thinking putting Karen in the ring. She doesn't belong in a damn ring. End of story.

AJ versus Daniels was another good match. These two know how to work with each other and put on a good match. I agree that Daniels stopping like he did to cut that promo set the match back but I think that the action leading up to the end was good. I wouldn't have ended the match the way the did but other then that good match.

Hardy & Jarrett no comment.

Hogan & Sting wasn't that great of a match. there were a few moments where I had to stop and think to myself if it was 1997 again and if this was Starrcade. But other then that I think the match served it's purpose. And as far as Hogan turning he pretty much spoiled that during an interview he did for a game.

The main even was good. I liked the pace of the match and I thought that Roode & Angle did well in the ring. I wasn't happy with the finish but overall thought the match was probably the second best of the night.

Overall Grade:C+
Not gonna lie, I'm more than a little upset with how things went down in the main-event. Just read the results off of kblunder's site, so I'll probably watch it sometime tonight.

Really disappointing decision from TNA for the main-event, especially when it seems everything else went off without a hitch (minus the dark match victory for Mexican America). They had a ready-made main-eventer in Roode who was set to either be a great face or heel champion with Immortal's wrecked momentum finally out of the way....

So much could have been possible... :shrug:
Felt like one of the best cards on paper that they've ever put out. I was able to not hype myself out for it, which I'm actually learning has made wrestling a lot more fun to watch in the last couple years.
That being said, I started feeling like it was a high quality iMPACT, not a PPV, especially how they worked in promos way too heavily for a pay show. I agree the only matches that really delivered were the X-div and Angle Roode.

They definitely screwed up the best PPV Card I've seen TNA have in a long time.
I thought the AJ Styles v Daniels match was really underwhelming, especially for those two who always put on a show. I think the I quit stipulation was the main reaosn for that. They always have a fast paced exciting match and if youre stopping every few minutes to talk it kinda ruins the momentum.

RVD vs Jerry Lynn was very good.

Anderson vs Bully Ray, I was pleasantly surprised. You could tell from the promos that Bully was really trying hard to get the Philly crowd to hate him, otherwise he wouldve been cheered like crazy. Good match.

Austin Aries = money.

Crimson v Morgan v Joe. Ugh Crimson was horrible.

Did Hardy really wear a tshirt with his Mugshot on it to the ring?

Angle vs Roode. Decent match, just really disappointed with the ending.
I started watching just around the end where Samoa Joe showed up, I was rooting for Daniels and was also surprised by him giving in so quickly, which I thought was a joke.
As far as Hogan vs Sting goes...I didn't expect too much action here, more drama, and that's what we saw...I was just kind of upset by how quickly things resolved. I'd rather see Sting do a heel turn than see Hogan do a face turn.
Last match, I was rooting for Angle, and since he won, I'm cool with it.
My only issue with the pay per view was the main event. It felt rushed to me. Angle going for the moonsault way early in the match. He usually pulls that off towards the end or when he is desperate. He was injuried, guess thats why the match was rushed the way it was. The ending? Not a huge issue with it. Once Dixie got the company back I didn't expect two feel good moments back to back. Speaking of Hogan vs Sting?

Better then I expected. Hogan tapped, Hogan tapped? By Gawd! He actually tapped out? All things considered, his age, his back surgeries, how limited he is in the ring, I don't remember Hogan ever tapping so I jumped out of my seat for that. His face turn, I admit, was a mark out moment for me too. Maybe its because I grew up watching wrestling when he was still somewhat in his prime. I don't know. Just thought it was a cool moment. And Dixie has the company back. No more Immortal stable. Wahoo.

The rest of the pay per view before that? Awesome. I was entertained by all the matches. Although Daniels-AJ match wise ended on a WTF moment, come on. Daniels is a heel. Of course he is going to take the cowards way out. If someone was coming at you with a screwdriver you would quit too. Like AJ was bluffing. He talked before that about killing him in the ring, and taunting his wife. Of course you are going to fear getting gorged. But I loved the post match. Daniels= Man.

Only thing I would change was the placement of the final two matches. End BFG on a feel good moment. Other then that small observation I'm going to say it was a swell pay per view.
My only issue with the pay per view was the main event. It felt rushed to me. Angle going for the moonsault way early in the match. He usually pulls that off towards the end or when he is desperate. He was injuried, guess thats why the match was rushed the way it was. The ending? Not a huge issue with it. Once Dixie got the company back I didn't expect two feel good moments back to back. Speaking of Hogan vs Sting?

Better then I expected. Hogan tapped, Hogan tapped? By Gawd! He actually tapped out? All things considered, his age, his back surgeries, how limited he is in the ring, I don't remember Hogan ever tapping so I jumped out of my seat for that. His face turn, I admit, was a mark out moment for me too. Maybe its because I grew up watching wrestling when he was still somewhat in his prime. I don't know. Just thought it was a cool moment. And Dixie has the company back. No more Immortal stable. Wahoo.

The rest of the pay per view before that? Awesome. I was entertained by all the matches. Although Daniels-AJ match wise ended on a WTF moment, come on. Daniels is a heel. Of course he is going to take the cowards way out. If someone was coming at you with a screwdriver you would quit too. Like AJ was bluffing. He talked before that about killing him in the ring, and taunting his wife. Of course you are going to fear getting gorged. But I loved the post match. Daniels= Man.

Only thing I would change was the placement of the final two matches. End BFG on a feel good moment. Other then that small observation I'm going to say it was a swell pay per view.

if they did angle vs roode bfore hogan vs sting im sure the crowd would of boo'd hogan and sting out of the place only reason why the crowd let hogan do his thing was because they were expecting a title change

hogans booking the match's disapointingly before and after him wont push tna into the spotlight all it did was give hogan a cheap pop at the expense of tna
I might be in the minority, but I thought the show was terrific. I do have a few thoughts:

-Aries/Kendrick stole the show. Absolutely fantastic match. Crowd seemed really into it.

-RVD/Lynn put on the second best match in my opinion. Just what you'd expect from those two.

-Samoa Joe...I mean c'mon. Send the guy packing already. I remember his early stuff in TNA and he's not even close anymore. He's about 300 lbs (way over his usual weight) and doesn't even appear to care anymore. He botched the ending horribly and made it look stupid when Crimson speared him and Tenay tried to cover it up saying Morgan was going for a running knee lift. What really? Morgan was going for a running knee lift instead of his finisher and then climbed the ropes himself to crotch himself? C'mon Joe...step it up or step out. You're becoming a waste.

-Hogan/Sting...I loved it. I read above someone said the face turn by Hogan didn't make sense...um really? This all started with Sting trying to get Hogan to do the right thing and ended with Hogan FINALLY being the "Hulkster." I thought the match itself was pretty good. It told a story. And I read on here a lot of people criticizing Hogan's tweet against AJ, but really it's true. You can put on all the 5 star matches you want, but unless you tell a story in the ring and do something to make it feel "big", then you're stuck in the midcard. That's what makes Hogan, Hogan and Sting, Sting. They may not be the best, but they're such big stars it just makes the entire match feel huge. If AJ could do that, he would be the best in the world, but he's just a talented wrestler and an internet darling. Speaking of which...

-AJ/Daniels - Highly disappointing. I've seen these two go at it and the I Quit stipulation made the match drag. AJ got on fire once and jump-started the whole match and I thought it was really going to pick up...then it was over. I'm guessing there will be a rematch, but shouldn't they have done this match last month and had the rematch at the biggest PPV?

-Roode/Angle - Again, I may be in the minority, but I thought this match sucked. The crowd seemed dead for it until the end. They traded the same submissions, Roode locked Angle in the Crossface about 10 times, and Angle hit the Angle Slam like 5 times. It just seemed repetitive and I wasn't into it at all. The ending was...odd, but it kept Roode a challenger because his arm was under the rope and Angle was holding onto the rope, plus Angle is in Immortal so Dixie will do something about it I'm sure and set up a rematch. Just very odd that they built Roode up so long and he didn't win...which I think is a good thing. Again, I agree with Hogan...he's not there yet. He just looked like a midcarder out there tonight...not the head of the company. Very disappointing match.
Austin Aries vs Brian Kendrick
Good solid opener with some great fast paced action between the two of them. Aries was over far more with the crowd and I think Kendrick as a top face of the X Division needs to be forgotten. He's a very solid worker but no one is connecting with his gimmick at the moment and it's hurting him.


RVD vs Lynn
No one really expected Lynn to win this did they? This feuds just been RVD getting the better of Lynn from the start when it comes to physical confrontations between the two. However a good match and what we've come to expect from these two. This was very much one for the Philly crowd and they performed well. I'm sure their both hurting today but they definitely deserve props. The ending with them hugging suggests to me we won't see Lynn on TV again which is a shame as he could be useful in the X Division.


Crimson vs Morgan vs Joe
Another match where the heel was the most over guy there... Is TNA noticing this because it's a problem. People just aren't buying into Crimson and this whole feud was a bit sucky in my opinion. Joe can be so much more than this. An average to bad match with a very strange finish. Not sure if Morgan was supposed to have re-injured himself so he didn't break the pin or not... No idea but it just seemed a bit thrown together.


Bully Ray vs Anderson
Was delighted that Bully chose to try and turn the Phillie crowd on him rather than pandering to a place where he has a lot of history. He succeeded too. First match where the crowd, at least what I heard, seemed solidly behind the face and these two had a good brawl. It was a shame Anderson missed the spot at the end because it kind of put a sour note on what was a very strong physical contest.


Jackson James is Bischoff's son! Shock Horror!

Knockouts 4 Way.
Awful match. How you can have a Knockouts match without probably the best female worker they've got in the company (Tara) on your biggest PPV of the year shocks me. WWE style booking of the Knockouts. This whole match was just a giant clusterfuck and I can't say I enjoyed anything about it. It was meant to be Velvet's big moment but it just felt overshadowed by shit.


Kazarian keeps up the hype for the main event and I Quit match. No issue with this got him on the PPV.

I Quit Match
Hmm I'm in two minds about this. At the start it looked like it was going to be another Daniels AJ classic but then it just got a bit silly. Daniels threatening to murder AJ just seemed over the top and no one is genuinely going to believe that. It means the feud will continue which is never a bad thing with these two but I wish they'd just let them do their stuff without all that rubbish. Plus the ending was awful.


Jarrett Hardy confrontation
All TNA pull apart brawls are basically the same so nothing new here. Hardy looks in much better shape and it's a great idea to have him feud with Jarrett to get him over as a babyface because Jarrett is probably one of the most over heels on TNAs roster. Also just as a side note why would TNA interfere in this but not when Daniels was threatening to kill AJ 10 minutes before. I get that this wasn't an official match but surely murder in the middle of the ring would be an issue but yet the ref barely blinked an eye where as the two Jeffs having some mild fisticuffs results in every man and his dog rushing from the back

Hogan vs Sting
The second Hogan came out and started pandering to the crowd I saw the face turn coming. Sting won it was two old men beating each other up not particularly entertaining. Seriously TNA had 3 of the biggest legends this industry has around the ring and this is how they used them? Not in putting over folk, nope they'd rather have them bleed all over the place. Hulks face turn made no sense but the live crowd was seriously into it so I guess that's good and saved what could have otherwise been an awful segment. No idea how they'll explain all this I'm sure it will have lots to do with Hulkamaniacs and Brothers though.


Roode vs Angle
There's two sides to this. On one hand they put on a solid match considering Angle was injured. On the other they didn't have the balls to put the belt on Roode. He was built up brilliantly coming into the PPV, some of TNAs best work in my opinion and he gets screwed like this. Sure he might win it in a month or whatever but it just won't be the same will it? This PPV should have ended with Roode and Storm hugging in the ring ala Eddie Benoit. Instead we got that frustrating as fuck ending that just ruined the whole PPV for me.

Match itself 4/5 ending 1/5

Overall PPV - 3/5
A pretty solid mid card that was let down by only a couple of matches followed by two main events which just annoyed me. I really thought this was going to be a huge PPV for TNA but what's happened? Dixie's back in charge fair enough but does that really excite anyone? What does she bring that will actually make the show any better... Nothing in my opinion. Angle's still champion. The likes of Storm who has been brilliant in helping build up Roode with good promo after good promo wasn't even seen. So yea solid mid card bad main event, all in all an average PPV that really did not feel like the so called biggest one of the year.
if they did angle vs roode bfore hogan vs sting im sure the crowd would of boo'd hogan and sting out of the place only reason why the crowd let hogan do his thing was because they were expecting a title change

hogans booking the match's disapointingly before and after him wont push tna into the spotlight all it did was give hogan a cheap pop at the expense of tna

I'm going to have to go and disagree. I don't think it mattered when the Hogan/Sting match happened as far as the crowd is concerned. if this match was last the crowd still would have went crazy for Hulk Hogan.
I really think sometimes that these hard core wrestling only fans don't really know enough or think about the general wrestling fan. I don't know the percentage, but there are A LOT more general wrestling fans than not. you don't really hear about the general wrestling fans and what they think because they don't write blogs/websites critiquing everything. but there are a lot of them out there who not only go to the live events, but watch on the TV. which is what TNA is, a TV show. who do you think TNA is trying to pull in more? the hard core wrestling fan who wants to see great wrestling? or the general wrestling fan who is looking for excitement and to be entertained? I guarantee you it's the last. wrestling is entertainment, especially when you're doing a TV show. to want wrestling and only wrestling would be like watching an action show on TV/movie for the acting ability.

I've also read some that the Hogan turn didn't make sense, but I think it did.
some may think too hard on why Hogan helped the way he did. but I think it makes sense because Sting has been saying for a little while now that he wanted to real Hulk Hogan to come out and that the real Hulk Hogan was down deep who was poisoned by the cancer of Eric Bischoff. Sting wanted the red and yellow Hulk Hogan.
it was at the end of the most recent Impact when Hogan laid Sting out in the ring after the contract signing. it was Hogan and Sting who just had a fight that left both men bleeding. Hogan lost the fight/match and Immortal came down to beat up Sting. you would think that's what Hogan would want, so maybe it was a little odd. but I think the way Sting has been trying to get the real Hulk Hogan to come out made it work. Sting was begging Hogan, "help me". Hogan was looking around to the crowd, who was starting to cheer. it was like Sting finally was able to reach the real Hulk Hogan deep down. when the real Hulk Hogan started hearing the crowd get louder, it made the real Hulk Hogan come out. he ripped off the tshirt and the crowd went nuts!
I am not the biggest TNA fan but I was highly impressed with Austin Aries and Brian Kendrick. I really had no investment in the RVD, Anderson, KO matches so the results didn't really effect me either way.

Samoa Joe has no heart anymore....he is sloppy and that match was very MEH. Crimson's push is unimpressive just because they bill him as being so dominate yet we have seen him very very vulnerable too many times, he is just another guy now unfortunately for him.

I have to say that AJ and Daniels got EXPOSED!!!! When its just a straight up match they can entertain but you threw a gimmick in and they didn't seem to know how to handle it at all. Their lack of psychology skills and awareness showed and what SHOULD of been the match of the night fell flat.

Hogan/Sting baffled me. Lemme get this straight.....they literally stab each other in the face then clean house of the heels? I don't get it. I enjoyed that the match got the WM18 treatment (Hogan cheered, Sting booed) but the face turn really left me confused.

Angle/Roode......WOW....I was sitting there waiting to get excited and ended up just waiting and not getting. That match had a good ending for an Impact but not for your Wrestlemania equivalent. That match demanded a decisive winner just due to how it was built up. It really killed Roode for me atleast. His chance to win the belt I felt was 4 yrs too late and now he may never get it. He is the best on the roster and probably Top 5 in the business right now but he just got killed and now his recovery will take a while before he can be a believable World Champion.

This was a perfect example of what TNA is.....LOADS OF POTENTIAL....but no delivery. Its stuff like this which is why they can't draw fans like myself to invest in their company.
I really enjoyed BFG!
I loved the matches, ALL of them.
What i didn't like was the ending to the Knockouts and World champioship matches.
I literally said to myself (out loud) " TNA Just Screwed that Up" as soon as it went of.

I enjoyed Jeffs Mugshot on his Tshirt.

Kurt vs. Roode.......... uhg........ I though, as many did, that Dixie would restart the match, but i noticed the Brian Hebner holding up the X (injury notification) and though, Hmm? Was it planned to keep going, but Kurt couldn't any more?
I am unhappy with the decision to keep the belt on Kurt.

And Hogan and Stings MATCH (not fight) really surprised me.

Overall, I agree with alot of the ICW and say BFG was Great, except the ending.
I enjoyed the ppv for the most part. I don't normally get tna ppvs, but it was Hogan's return to the ring and he's my favorite of all time.

Aries vs Kendrick was a solid match. I thought it would be 5-7 minutes long, but I'm glad they gave them a little more time.

RVD vs Lynn didn't need to be violent. These two can put on entertaining matches with each other without weapons. A little bit would have been ok, but it was too much. Nevertheless it was another solid match.

The 3 way match was ok. Nothing special. The crowd didn't seem happy with Crimson winning. I don't even know why they are giving him a Goldberg style push? Matt Morgan should be getting his type of push. Samoa Joe is so fat(I know I'm pointing out the obvious) and his work is not that great anymore.

Anderson vs Bully Ray was a good match and unlike RVD/Lynn this was rightfully violent. If it wasn't violent it would have been disappointing.

The women's match sucked, but the right woman won. I hope Velvet gets a decent run with the belt. I hope they don't do the "since Karen didn't make the count it's invalid" type of deal.

AJ/Daniels was good, but the ending sucked. I liked having Daniels catch Styles by surprise as his back was turned at the end. These two will probably have more good matches in the future.

Hogan vs Sting wasn't a technical masterpiece, but did anybody expect it to be? It was good for what it was and the aftermath was pretty good too. I was surprised, but happy Hogan was able to take some bumps even though it was nothing major.

Roode vs Angle was not as good as I expected and it wasn't as long as I expected either. I honestly expected something like Cena vs Punk from MITB. I know everybody expected Roode to win and I guess creative knew this too so they went the unpredictable route. The screwy finish did make for a bad ending to the biggest tna ppv of the year.

I give this show 7/10.

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