PPV Aftermath & Review Thread

So I finally get around to reviewing this event, my intial reaction was that even though the HIAC has been used in the past as a feud ender, a real gruseome and torturous match, this hell in a cell concept at the ppv well wasn’t anything like that. Some will argue you cant have a good Hell In A Cell without blood but these hell in a cells were booked all differently and even though id agree at times it may as well have not been there, I can see why it was for at least two of the matches. I guess they took the concept and instead of making a brutal match, booked it to try and make sense otherwise and I felt it worked, although I really do hate the ideas of 3 hell in a cells.

Match #1: CM Punk vs. The Undertaker in a "Hell In A Cell" match for the World Heavyweight Championship
My first reaction was why the hell is this up first, I mean somehow Drew McIntyre and R-Truth even got ahead of it. I personally felt there were better matches to open the show but I guess seeing there were 3 that one of them should be first. I have to be honest by saying that it was slightly better than their match at Breaking Point, I really disliked the match. What I did like about it was the use of Punk going for a certain body part and working it more wrestling psychology style than making it unbelievable. I thought looking at it from a Hell In A Cell match perspective though the match was pathetic, the cell really wasn’t used. I don’t know if Taker was selling his leg or not but it seemed like he was hurt in the match, the wrong result too personally I don’t believe Taker has anything new to bring to the title but overall I felt an average effort/
WINNER: New World Heavyweight Champion - The Undertaker

Match #2: John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler for the WWE Intercontinental Championship
I can imagine this match having certain critics others wouldn’t, and I can see why. The match was very slow and a lot of wrestling holds, really didn’t pick up to the end but I thought was a great wrestling battle between both men. We know Morrison can do some cool moves, but all in all I thought was a solid effort from them both and definatley a match I would want to see again. I quite like the way Dolph is being built, sure he is losing and has lost 3 IC title matches in 4 ppvs but the fact he is having good matches with the likes of Mysterio and Morrison can only be good. All in all yeah a good effort
WINNER: WWE Intercontinental Champion - John Morrison

MATCH #3: Mickie James vs. Alicia Fox for the WWE Divas Championship
This match was miles better than her last ppv Divas championship outing, Alicia Fox isnt perfect but she isnt horrible either. Found myself quite enjoying this one to a certain extent, Mickie seems to have put on weight, she looks more rounded but I am definatley not complaining. Nothing too horrible but nothing that stands out
WINNER: WWE Divas Champion - Mickie James

MATCH #4: Chris Jericho & Big Show vs. Batista & Rey Mysterio for the Unified Tag Team Championship
You know I really liked this match, the first PPV match since 'Jerishow' have been a tag team I have enjoyed. Thought all men created heat and reaction from the crowd and Batista/Jericho were somewhat credible too which always helps, I havent once believed that Legacy, Mark Henry/MVP and Cryme Tyme were ever going to beat them. In saying this I have found it wise for them to beat a decent level of competition and hold the titles, maybe it was me but Mysterio didn’t seem to get much of a reaction, id deem he has lost some respect personally. All in all a fun and a very good tag team match, but my god does Big Show looked out of shape
WINNERS: Unified Tag Team Champions - Chris Jericho & Big Show

MATCH #5: John Cena vs. Randy Orton in a "Hell In A Cell" match for the WWE Championship
Whilst this feud will have the critics for the fact it has been done before (and it has) but I have felt all of their matches have been solid and there havent been any I havent enjoyed. Each match from their match at Summerslam to I Quit to Hell In A Cell have got better. Although maybe this match wasn’t better than last months I would still say it was very good, this resembled a Hell In A Cell match just not as brutal. It was solid and Orton had a clean win which doesn’t happen too often so yeah both men did a great job, I am looking forward to their match at Bragging Rights too
WINNER: New WWE Champion - Randy Orton

MATCH #6: Drew McIntyre vs. R-Truth
Well until I watched the ppv I never realised that this match had been made, and I reeeaaaaally wish it didn’t. Was a match which was built on McIntyre attacking R-Truth every week and you know what, who gives a shit really. A future world champion, I havent once found anything about this match which makes me think he is anything. The match was who cares really, ive seen worse but lets be honest this match was only put here to bring the fans down from Hell In A Cell and so the bigger matches werent given the silent treatment, a lot of things next to this match would have been deemed good
WINNER: Drew McIntyre

MATCH #7: Kofi Kingston vs. Jack Swagger vs. The Miz in a "Triple Threat match" for the WWE United States Championship
As I was watching this match I could never really get in to it, I have seen variations of this match with the same people in it for a while now and it doesn’t get me excited to watch. I was very surprised to see Kofi win and I also think The Miz is becoming a very good heel but as for Swagger, I find his entrance ******ed then I cant take him serious for the match. Nothing horrible in this match and it was quite enjoyable but I never felt connected with the match
WINNER: WWE United States Champion - Kofi Kingston

MATCH #8: D-Generation X vs. Legacy in a "Hell In A Cell" match
In a lot of ways I wondered just why the hell this match was last, it was good but wasn’t last match on the card for me. However out of all the cell matches, this was by far the most intelligently booked one and is the best example of when I referred to as the matches were used as more psychology type booked. Infact this was similar to how the match was booked at last months ppv except with this time one member of DX being locked out and then Legacy. I think DX have done great with Legacy and taken them from bitches to credible, the match in itself was good wasn’t great but the way it was booked for me was very good booking. The ending was no surprise though
WINNERS: D-Generation X

So overall some good matches and an enjoyable ppv, I find it ridiculous how many world title changes we have but the product is aimed at a level where long title reigns are far off. But you know good ppv, just I don’t think I want any more HIAC ppvs because there isnt a lot of variation you can do, but suprisingly the E did it on this occasion

MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Cena vs. Orton for the WWE title
WORST MATCH OF THE NIGHT: Drew McIntrye vs. R-Truth

Overall PPV RATING: B-
Well here's my review of Hell in a Cell.

CM Punk vs Undertaker

A really disappointing match for me. I think these two would've been able to put on some really good matches but both Breaking Point and this one have really let me down. I think this potentially interesting fued between two of the best around has been ruined by the themed PPVs. They were forced to come up with a shoddy ending to keep the belt on Punk at BP and then they didn't have time to build up a good hell in a cell because there were trwo others on the same night. 3/10

John Morrison vs Dolph Ziggler

I thought this was a good match, and that Ziggler's technical ability was well showcased with Morrison doing some good spots as usual - they seemed to gel well. 7/10

Women's Match

Who cares.

Jerishow vs Rey & Batista

This was a solid match, with a fairly predictable yet 'acceptable' finish. Jerishow had to win to keep their momentum with the belts.6.5/10

Cena vs Orton

To me another really poor hell in a cell match. IMO these two just don't have good matches together......I'll explain more at the end. It was just slow, boring and very forgettable in almost every way. The clear win for Orton was ok (although yet another title change) but was ruined by Cena not selling the punt which has supposedly put people out for months. 2/10

McIntyre vs Truth

An average match that should never have been on the card. They should have kept it for Smackdown where they could've built it up a bit more, given them a bit more time, and given more time to the bigger matches on the card.

Kingston vs Swagger vs Miz

This was a really good match. It was fast paced and one of the few matches of the night that actually showed some wrestling moves rather than punch, punch, kick, kick. I think these guys all work well together, and will probably have some more good matches perhaps in one-on-ones. 7.5/10

DX vs Legacy

By far the best hell in a cell of the night. The pre match attack and locking HHH out of the cell was something cool we haven't seen before. Ok we all knew what would happen but it didn't ruin it for me, and the final sledge/SCM shot was possibly the only really brutal thing of the night (which says alot considering there were three hiac matches). 7.5/10


Yet another two title changes.....give it a rest.

I'm not a Cena or an Orton hater at all so I'm not just bad mouthing them for the sake of it, but both of these guys have been boring me for quite a long time. Cena is capable of some excellent matches (such as with HHH, HBK, Batista, Angle) but they are booking his matches in exactly the same way time after time after time.... I called the Breaking Point match to perfection as soon as the handcuffs came out and I'm not that smart! Again, Orton is capable of some good matches too, but this whole thing of being all slow and sadistic and pulling madman faces and stomping and chinlocks is just so dull. Throw them together and you got one really shitty hell in a cell.

Hell in a Cell really did confirm that these themed PPVs suck. Breaking Point was pretty bad too, which was masked a little bit by the fact that there was some minor differences in the stips and it wasn't ruining one of the best matches there is. But two of the three main events were crap then just as they were here - see what I've said about Cena-Orton and Punk-Taker. TLC could be better if they use differing stips but I still think we will all be left disappointed.
Just got back from my brother's place. He always orders all the shows, whether TNA or WWE, and he just loves both companies. Anywho, here we go.


Ultimate X: Amazing Red vs. Suicide vs. Daniels vs. Homicide vs. Chris Sabin vs. Alex Shelly {TNA X-Division Championship}

This was a very damn good match, awesome overall as a matter of fact. D'Angelo Dinero wasn't at the event and left early supposedly to deal with some family emergency. Having the Guns be involved in a high profile match after months of being wasted for the most part is a good thing. However, I also knew that they wouldn't have a chance in this match as far as either walking out. It was a great match, however, lots of energy and great spots from everyone involved. I loved the "Please Don't Die" chants from the crowd. There were a few awkward moments, like Red kind of motioning Suicide to come and get him, but a great match. Red retained the title and I think that's a good thing, otherwise putting it on him was just another waste of time in what would have been yet another weak run with the title.

On a scale of 1 to 10: 9 {Match Of The Night}

Sarita & Taylor Wild vs. The Beautiful People {TNA Knockout Tag Team Championship}

This match really shouldn't have even been on the card. The last time the two faced off, it was a pretty decent match but this one just sucked. The whole thing lasted maybe 3 minutes with Sarita and Taylor retaining. Madison Rayne does seem to be getting better both in the ring and on the mic, as a promo they cut right before the match showed. Lacey Von Erich doing the whole attempted seduction thing with Earl Hebner just seemd kind of corny and dated. Since this was an ultra short match, TNA should've just saved this for Impact.

On a scale of 1 to 10: 3

Triple Threat Match: Kevin Nash vs. Hernandez vs. Erich Young {TNA Legends Championship}

This match was pretty much what I figured it'd be. Neither of these guys have been all that great lately, so the only real way I think for this match to work would have been a three way dance. Overall, the match was pretty forgettable and nothing really all that great took place during it with the exception of Young getting the win. People have been screaming forever to take the title off of Nash. Since TNA is pushing the World Elite as the new top stable, Young needed this win to give both him and the group some solidified credibility. On the other hand, a lot of people aren't really all that fond of the Legends title, so who knows. The crowd seemed kind of dead during this match but, as I said, Nash lost the title so that's something at least.

On a scale of 1 to 10: 5.5

Full Metal Mayhem: Booker T & Scott Steiner vs. Team 3D vs. Beer Money vs. The British Invasion {TNA World Tag Team Championship & IWGP Tag Team Championship}

This was also a pretty good match, though I'm kind of tired of seeing these four way gimmick matches between these four teams. Some good action going on but I just didn't enjoy this match as much as I've liked some of the others. Like I said, I'm just over this four way feud that's going on. The British Invasion won the TNA World Tag Team Championship, which seems like a good thing. However, if they're just going to sit on the titles as they did with the IWGP belts, then this won't do anything really to re-invigorate my interest in TNA's tag team scene. Speaking of the IWGP titles, the Dudleyz wound up winning those titles once again. New Japan Pro Wrestling is said to be very displeased with TNA's treatment of their titles. The company didn't even recognize the BI's reign as official until a month into it. TNA did this mostly, I'd say, to please New Japan as the Dudleyz are over in Japan.

On a scale of 1 to 10: 7

ODB vs. Tara vs. Awesome Kong

I wasn't really into this match all that much but it was an ok effort by all three ladies for the most part. Tara went after some chick in the crowd, for reasons I'm not sure of just yet. Maybe it was a work, something set up with some new gal TNA is bringing in. If Tara went after a fan, however, she could wind up in deep shit with TNA management. It also took her out of the match about halfway through it. ODB came out looking pretty strong overall, delivering a good Samoan Drop on Kong and kicking out of her Implant Buster finisher. But, ultimately, she didn't look THAT strong as a Raisha Saeed slid a ring into the chair, despite Kong kicking it back and not wanting it. ODB retains, though she still doesn't look as though she can get a win over Kong without some degree of outside aid.

On a scale of 1 to 10: 6

Submission Match: Bobby Lashley vs. Samoa Joe

I didn't have much faith in this match or interest in it in the beginning. Watching it, I just wasn't impressed or into it. Neither really was the crowd for the most part. Very anti-Lashley crowd in Los Angeles it seems. As with the match against Rhyno at the last ppv, everyone already knew the outcome of this match long before it even happened. Lashley takes out Joe. Basically, this match was just something of a piss break all told.

On a scale of 1 to 10: 4.5

Monster's Ball: Mick Foley vs. Abyss

This was a good match, about what I expected from these two. The only time I even remotely care about what Abyss is up to these days is if it's something set in a hardcore environment. Abyss went over Foley here, something that I fully suspected would happen. Lots of violence and bloody action, which was the whole point of this match. Abyss screwed up big time, however, by not kicking out when he was supposed to. But, the fans still cheered. A pretty good ending as well, as there's no way Stevie would count Foley out, so Abyss took him out and slammed Stevie's hand down to make the count.

On a scale of 1 to 10: 7.5

Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan

This was a very good match overall. For much of the match, the crowd was tough on Morgan but I think he ultimately managed to win them over by the time it was over. There were a few small "This is awesome" chants here and there but the match didn't steal the show. Very good effort for the both of them and a nice little show of sportsman ship with angle extending his hand to Morgan and Morgan accepting. While I did sort of want Morgan to go over in this match, I can understand why he didn't overall I suppose. Morgan is someone that I do think has some potential and I've been worried that TNA might be moving him a little too fast.

On a scale of 1 to 10: 8

AJ Styles vs. Sting {TNA World Heavyweight Championship}

This was a good effort by both of them. Styles worked his ass off in the match and Sting ultimately did come off as an aging veteran that knows that the end might be near. AJ Styles wound up retaining the title with a clean win over Sting, which is ultimately what needed to happen. I thought the speech at the end of the match was well done but, overall, I thought it was anti-climactic. Sting didn't confirm anything really one way or the other as far as his retirment goes. I can't say that I'm surprised about that though, when you think about it, as I personally feel that TNA has done a shit job with the whole will he or won't he retire aspect that surrounded this match.

On a scale of 1 to 10: 8


This was a good, solid pay per view. Several good to awesome matches on the card but no real surprises or anything all that memorable. This is TNA's biggest ppv of the year and while it was much better than the ppvs I've watched of them this year, there was really no big moment that stands out. Nothing happened that I'll remember or talk about with friends years from now. I think it was something of a mistake to have the ppv start out with Ultimate X because after I saw it, I just knew that there wasn't going to be anything on the card that could really touch it.
Alright, time for another PPV Review. I'd like to thank Jack-Hammer for being the one to respond in my thread creation for every PPV thus far, and to all those that did so for the other shows.

Bound For Glory V

Ultimate X Division Championship Match: Alex Shelley vs. Chris Sabin vs. Daniels vs. Suicide vs. Homicide vs. Amazing Red

I have to say, this was the best opening match that I have seen from TNA in a while and was done to perfection, even with the loss of DeNiro due to family emergencies. All competitors put on a clinic in the match and did well to perform, including the Guns even after they already competed 5-10 minutes beforehand and haven't been featured on the screens in the ring for a while. It was a spotfest, but it was a great one at that. The variations of spots were done well enough to satisfy my choice of booking BFG.

I'd like to give an honourable mention to Daniels who really took this match under his wing and corrected the parts of the match which could have gone wrong in oh so many ways.

Match Rating: 5 out of 5 (Match of the Night)

KnockOut's Tag Team Championships: The Beautiful People vs. Sarita/Wilde

I could have expected something like this from the tag match of women, but what else would TNA have put to follow the Ultimate X? I have to say Velvet stepped up to the plate tonight. Though she botched one move, her sell at the end saved the move to trick people into thinking it was a facebuster instead of a float over something. Very short match that did its job.

The promo before hand was good and should have not included Madison speaking. Velvet told the story well and Lacey's part through the match was good, but she could have done a lot better as she has done in the past. Sarita gets my vote for MVP of the match.

Match Rating: 2.5 out of 5

Triple Threat Legends Championship Match: Kevin Nash vs. Hernandez vs. Eric Young

This was a good swerve when it happened, but in hindsight it made sense, with Eric Young captured the title. Really, the match was all about Nash with Young as his assistant. Though this was going via storylines here, they could have got Hernandez to rid of Nash and have a good contest between Young/SuperMex. Then, insert Nash into the fray again to take down Mex with the Jacknife to only then have Young take down Nash and pick up the victory. It served its purpose, but there were other ways to book that match.

Match Rating: 2.5 out of 5

Full Metal Mayhem IWGP/TNA Championship Match: Team 3D vs. M.E.M vs. British Invasion vs. Beer Money Inc.

This was a good solid match no question. The start to eliminate Team 3D was good and the spots were pretty solid for the tag teams involved. However, what really took my attention was Scott Steiner stepping up and taking charge of the match where everything involved with him was pure gold... including the turnbuckle series of moves. The combination of new champions took me by suprise as well with Team 3D unintentionally winning the IWGP tag belts and British Invasion conquering the TNA belts.

Match Rating: 4 out of 5

Triple Threat KnockOut's Championship Match: Awesome Kong vs. Tara vs. ODB

Instantly knew that this match would have something go on for ODB to retain her title. With the opponents like Kong and Tara, she can't get a clean victory. So, they used this as a match to fuel the fire between Raisha and Kong as well as the spot with Tara and the fan. Good KO match overall that delivered what it was supposed to do.

Match Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Submissions Match: Samoa Joe vs. Bobby Lashley

I can say that this match was right up therw with WWE's Breaking Point matches were they did very well in booking and should feature more of them. Although Samoa was battling the flu, he still put on a good match where they gave him a more lenent match with Bobby and the "injured ribs." Good style of match throughout until the end headlock submission ended the match. Should have been the Dragon Sleeper tbh.

Match Rating: 3.5 out of 5

Monster's Ball Match: Abyss vs. Mick Foley with Special Guest Referee Dr. Stevie

What I expected from two hardcore wrestlers where one is a little age. A really great match that got me sitting and paying attention throughout. Stevie taking the tacks, Abyss and Foley with the barbed wire shots and the bump involving notoriously-bumping-woman Daffney (check her indy work) for the set up table. The only disappointment was the interim referee's counting being very dodgy.

Match Rating: 4 out of 5

Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan

This match lived up to the hype and did what it was supposed to do. It showed Kurt Angle's and Matt Morgan's dominance where they elevated each other, Angle got a clean victory from a questionable move that Morgan should have powered out on but allowed Angle to walk away from the match knowing he was in a fight. The end bit with Angle raising Morgan's hand was great and a good ending.

Match Rating: 4.5 out of 5

TNA World Championship Match: AJ Styles vs. Sting

I expected to see a clean contest, but not as clean as the entire match where it became an exhibition. Great idea to use something that doesn't roll around that often and book it in the best possible way. Sting proved why he is where he is and Styles showcased that he is the next man to pave the way for the company. If only the ending didnt allow Styles to slip from performing the 450...

Match Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Overall Review:

TNA played it safe and delivered a good solid PPV. I do not have any memories that I will take away from this as of yet, but we will have to wait to see if Sting does indeed hang up the boots. Then, his match with AJ will become something spectacular as his last ever match. It was worth my money.

PPV Rating: 4 out of 5
Bound For Glory

I must say this PPV really didn't disappoint, there were a few botches like you would see in every PPV but the matches didn't suffer too much from it. This is probably the best TNA PPV I have seen in a long time. There were a few errors to tweak but still an outstanding show. One thing I have to ask is what was with all the pink ribbons? I know it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but do wrestlers have to have their whole gear covered in pink ribbons? It kinda takes away from a heel when he has a barb wire bat in one hand and a pink wristband on the other.

Pre Show: Motor City Machine Guns vs. Lethal Consequences: I thought this was a solid match. I don't know why Joey Fatone or "Fat One" as I like to call him since he is as big as a bear now. I don't know why he was involved there, but any publicity helps I guess even if the guests aren't relevant. The match was good and we didn't see Creed throw up anything. I don't think you can have a good TNA PPV without Motor City.

National Anthem Opening: Zakk Wylde had a vicious guitar solo opening to the PPV. I think this was a great idea because it doesn't take up the whole show, and you don't have some talentless American Idol wash up butchering a song. I think that crowd at Bound For Glory would of rioted if that happened.

Ultimate X Match for the X-Division Championship: I must say this is that match of the night. Probably one of the best Ultimate X matches TNA has ever had. I was said to see that Elijah Burke wasn't there, hopefully everything is alright at home. I would of loved to have seen The Pope. It took two wrestlers to fill his place with the Machine Guns, which are incredible. I'm glad they apart of the show. I really thought Daniels died in the middle of the ring for a second. Either that or almost paralyzed by that sick bump. I'm glad to see Red get the win, I hope they continue to elevate him. This match really could of gone either way with the talent they had.

Beautiful People vs. Wilde & Sarita: I really think Lacey Von Erich is the worst actress in the world. TBP did get a good reaction and the match wasn't great but it was quick and was what I expected. It's just not the same without Angelina. I don't care if Velvet Sky only knows a few moves she is Perfect. I would pay to see 10 matched with her in it just so I could see that entrance over and over again. I really don't know where Sarita and Wilde go from here. It's cool that Knockouts have a tag team title I just don't think it's needed. Especially in a PPV.

Kevin Nash. vs. Eric Young vs. Hernadez:TNA Legends Title Match: This match really wasn't anything special, but it didn't hurt Hernadez or Nash for that matter. It helps Eric Young even though I don't see him as "Legend's Champion" whatever that means.

Full Metal Mayhem: Team 3D vs. Beer Money vs. Steiner & Booker T vs. The British Invasion: IWGP & TNA Tag Team Championship: I remember on the last Impact taping where Bubba tells Kurt that we are sick of his mouth. I think its safe to say we feel the same about you too Brother Ray. I thought this was a pretty good match with more table bumps then normal. I knew Team 3D would be champions, I'm just glad they aren't the TNA tag champs. Steiner impressed me a lot. It could be the last TNA PPV or even the last wrestling PPV we see Steiner or Booker T in for a while. I don't know what they were doing with Booker being injured though. It was a solid match but all competitors, I was hoping for Beer Money to come out with the win. It is good to see The British Invasion now in the spotlight. TNA needs to get rid of Rob Terry ASAP though.

ODB vs. Awesome Kong. vs. Tara: I had no idea ODB had Cena like strength. She actually impressed me in this match. I thought it was a decent match though, I don't know why they have to involve MMA with TNA though. I guess it will get exposure in the future with Tara fighting Kim Coture. I'm not sure if that match will be in TNA or MMA but I could really care less. This kinda led to ODB getting a cheap pin fall over Kong.

TNA vs. MMA: Bobby Lashley vs. Samoa Joe: I was amazed at all the heat Lashley got. I didn't think the guy would get many cheers but wow.. It was almost like watching Cena against RVD at One Night Stand. The crowd was really behind Joe and pretty much crapped on everything Lashley did. I don't think Lashley had a horrible match with Joe, but he certainly hasn't impressed much. I think Dixie might have to rethink The Impact Zone and giving Lashley a huge push. I didn't like the ending at all, but I'm glad Joe didn't tap out. It just seemed rushed and quick. I would of preferred a Austin/Bret Hart ending instead.

Mick Foley vs. Abyss: Monster's Ball: This was the match I had been waiting for all night. These two had a good hardcore match, but it was a little too short. The new red headed ref's botched count didn't help matters. I guess TNA could say that Stevie Richards was the only ref with authority. Who know, TNA is crazy when it comes to referees and their rules. You don't know half the time if something is botched or written that way. It was great to see the blood and barb wire even though it was weird Foley didn't bleed for once. I really hope these two can continue this feud in the future. I feel sorry for Stevie Richards' bare back and Daffney too after taking those thumbtacks and barbwire bumps.

Matt Morgan vs. Kurt Angle: Here is another prime example why TNA should stay out of the Impact Zone for a while. Morgan is cheered through the roof on Impact and is booed in California. I was really surprised by it. It was 50/50 as far as cheers and boos go though. TNA was in a different world tonight. That was the first time I have ever heard Morgan Sucks chants. The match was really good. I'm not huge on Morgan but I think he is being built properly to be big star in the future. I'm kinda glad Kurt won because we can see Morgan continue to progress and see Angle have some more great matches with AJ.

Sting vs. AJ Styles: TNA World Heavyweight Championship: I was thinking this could of been the match of the night if it wasn't for the ending. I'm not sure if AJ was injured but the ending was definitely kinda rushed. Even AJ received a few boos and some STFU chants. I never knew Irvine California was so brutal. It didn't help matters when they kept giving AJ a bad mic to talk on. Even though he did make a joke of it. Sting had a good speech but was teasing us yet again. He even said that this isn't kayfabe or anything, I just really don't know what I am going to do. I'm pretty sure he will sign as he always does. We will have to wait and see.

I think Bound For Glory was the PPV of the year and certainly one of the best PPV's TNA has had to offer. There were a few minor glitches here and there, but it was still a good show. I give it 8/10 Stars.

Champion vs. Champion: John Morrison {WWE Intercontinental Champion} vs. The Miz {WWE United States Champion}

In some ways, I’m a little disappointed in the outcome of the match but I do understand why it happened. The Miz came out on top and he needed the win more than Morrison. This is only the Miz’s second match since winning the US title and his first legitimate test since we all knew there was no chance of him losing to Marty Jannetty on Raw. Personally, I think it would’ve been better to have the match end in a no contest with both guys coming out of the match looking great. . You know, both giving all they’ve got, neither backing down from the other and just letting it all hang out. In essence, both wrestlers would have come out of the show with something to brag about But, since the WWE wanted one of them to lose, I’m glad it was Morrison. Morrison has shown himself to be a strong singles competitor and a good champ for several years now. Frankly, the Miz needs it more. The match in and of itself was real solid with some good back and forth action but nothing particularly memorable happened. I don’t think the match realized it’s full potential, but it was a good one and a good way to kick off the ppv.

On a scale of 1 to 10: 7.5

Six Diva Tag Team Match: Melina, Gail Kim & Kelly Kelly vs. Michelle McCool, Beth Phoenix & Natalya

Since the Raw brand scored the first victory, I can’t say that I was surprised when the Smackdown Divas scored a win in the match. The match in and of itself wasn’t horrible, but nobody really gives a shit about the outcome of it anyhow. Overall, I suppose that’s pretty standard for a Divas match. Many of the women in this match are good in-ring performers, but the WWE just isn’t interested in a serious women’s division. Nothing memorable happened in the match though it was better than the average Divas match. Personally, I’d rather they just had this match either on Raw or Smackdown and put something else on the card. Or, at least, made the Miz/Morrison match longer.

On a scale of 1 to 10: 5.5

Fatal Four Way Match: The Undertaker, vs. CM Punk vs. Batista vs. Rey Mysterio {World Heavyweight Championship}

This was a pretty good match, although I wish it had been a little longer. There was some good energy in the ring during the match and some good fast paced action. Each wrestler managed to get their finisher on at least one of their opponents. The crowd was solidly behind the Undertaker during the match, especially whenever he was up against Batista during the match. Rey and Batista have a falling out during the match after Mysterio pushes Batista off of Taker at one point. Taker winds up winning the match cleanly after hitting. Taker retains, rightly so, as it would’ve been a waste of time to put the title on him anyhow. Immediately following the match, Batista turns heel, tossing Rey around like a rag doll.

On a scale of 1 to 10: 8

Seven on Seven Tag Team Match: Team Raw vs. Team Smackdown

This was a very good match overall. There was some good energy going on throughout the match, the crowd was into what was going on. Everyone within the match eventually wound up getting involved, though it didn’t turn out to be the world class clusterfuck that it could have been. Everyone involved wound up hitting their finishers and the finish to the match came about as I figured with the Big Show turning on Team Raw. Show takes out Kofi Kingston with a choke slam and lays out Triple H with the right hand. Jericho covers Kingston for the win. Show’s actions netted himself some pretty good heat from the crowd. Raw has been hyped to such a degree that I had a feeling Smackdown would come out on top. This will probably lead to a DX/JeriShow feud over the tag titles. The only real downside I think is that there just wasn’t all that much time to build up a rivalry between these teams properly. In this sort of situation, it might not be a bad idea for the WWE to cut back on some of their ppvs. Overall, however, it was just a really good match when it was all said and done.

On a scale of 1 to 10: 8.5

Anything Goes Iron Man Match: John Cena vs. Randy Orton {WWE Championship}

This was a great match. We’ve seen Orton/Cena go at it lots of times, but I think the past several matches they’ve had have been among the best they’ve ever had. The match had an epic feel to it, the WWE has hyped the crap out of it. Lots of great back and forth action in this match, some great offense with each guy scoring some pins with some good rapid fire finishes. For the first time in a long while, a WWE match featured blood. Cena getting cut open added a different element that’s been missing from some WWE matches. The match had an epic feel to it. Couple that with Cena getting cut, the general animosity between the two guys in the ring and the whole pride aspect of Bragging Rights just made the match work really well. The stuff with the pyro about halfway through the match was great filler. I could barely sit still waiting to see what would come about next. Just an excellent match. Cena won the WWE Championship and I’m hoping very much now that the feud is really over. I’d love to see a fresh face in Raw’s main event scene.

On a scale of 1 to 10: 9.5 {Match of the Night}


Bragging Rights is an interesting concept, but I don’t think enough time and effort went into building up a lot of the matches. The lone exception was the Cena vs. Orton match. However, the WWE is experimenting with different ideas and concepts. They’re trying new things and I applaud them for that. For me, most of what they’ve tried has worked. I thought Bragging Rights was a good show but it didn’t reach its full potential. I feel some of the matches should’ve been longer and for a ppv that’s supposed to revolve around pride and egos of the WWE’s two top brands, there just didn’t seem to be enough animosity between the parties involved. It just didn’t feel personal enough I guess. However, the show was very solid with some good, solid matches. The Orton/Cena match was the best match on the card, just a great way to end a feud. It had an epic feel to it and, quite honestly, I think that most of the matches on the card could have had a similar feel to them if only the WWE had tweaked them just a little. Not much really, just a tad here and there.

WWE BREAKING POINT - On a scale of 1 to 10: 8
I just got back and it was a great event. I took my brother who hasn't watched wrestling in years.

They opened the show giving us Christian and Paul Burchill. I thought it was a decent match. The crowd loved Christian and Burchill got some boos. Christian won hitting the impaler or w/e he calls it now.

Miz/Morrison. The crowd hated the Miz in a good way, his reaction live was very good, I don't know how it came off on TV. The Morrison had a nice little pop. I honestly thought Jannetty, I mean Morrison was going to win. I was wrong. The Miz also earned a new fan in my brother. I thought the match was good. Some near falls, and some good back and forth action. Both superstars surprised me. They had some good chemistry...

No one really cared for the Divas but I did get an erection when McCool came out. :blush:

Now the Fatal Four-way. Batista has to have the loudest entrance ever. I was right by all the pyro. The crowd loved him and I heard it showed on TV. Rey Rey also had a nice pop, and Puke got a great reaction from the crowd, and Undertakers entrance is fucking awesome. Now for the match, I thought it was good, I thought Batista had a shot at winning until Rey broke the near fall up. When Taker won, the crowd pop was huge. The crowd ate up the turn also...

The 7 man match was a waste of time and I took a piss break and came back just in time to see the Hart Dynasty jump back and forth. Once Kofi went to the top I knew Big Slow was going to choke slam him. The match was awful.

Cena vs Orton- The match was great. The crowd was silenced for like 5 minutes the entire match. That is fucking great. The crowd popped huge when the phony Jamaican had his run in. The crowd ate the match up though. It had near falls, some great back and forth action. Honestly, I was impressed, I was entertained for the whole hour and I did not once turn away from the action. The crowd was eating everything up and they went apeshit when Orton hit Cena with the RKO out of the AA. They also booed like crazy when he hit the RKO to tie it up 1-1. I give Cena and Orton a lot of credit, they kept the crowd entertained for the whole hour. Props to both superstars.
over all the ppv was decent. i missed the miz and morrision. though im upset miz one it. I understand he needed the win more as morrisons been on fire since his move to SD.

the divas match: i could of cared less.

the Fatel 4 way was alright, decent enough i guess. thought taker was going to drop the belt bk to punk but i guess punks still in the dog house, which is fine because i love taker with the belt. The match itself tho didnt deliever like i thought it would. but batistass heel turn on reyrey made up for that.nice

7 tag match: it was good for what it was. i wasent really expecting a whole lot from this match.i fucking knew from the moment big show go a spot on team raw he would turn on team raw somehow someway.

if it wasent for this 1 hour iron man match i would have been utterly disappointed with this ppv. Easily the best match of the night. it all flowed very well together. When orton countered the FU(easier to type lol) into that rko we all flipped. i was at the edge of my seat the whole time from the pryo incident. to orton throwing cena through the set. to the blood which was very nice to see as it did add the the intensity of the match. to cena refusing medical attention it was all very well put together.the only part i hated was the very end. i knew cena was going to win for sure i just thought it was heading into over time. it just had that feel.but with 5 seconds left orton tapped...if he can last a whole minute in that submission...whats 5 seconds? Other than that it was a very good match nice way to end this fued.its over...........or is it?for now
I was a little disappointed in the fatal four way match. There seemed to be some timing issues after taker's second choke slam on Batista. You could clearly hear Undertaker yelling for Ray to come make the save. There was a lot of talking in that match- I'm sure Botchamania is going to have a field day with all the audio.

The Cena / Orton match was excellent. I was actually shocked to see Cena bleeding, and you could tell it was not a blade job because he had a big gash on the top of his head (rather than the normal forehead cuts). It was then that I realized that since blood has become so scarce nowadays, seeing it in a match significantly adds to the drama. Essentially WWE has upped the impact of blood by making sure we rarely see it.

Overall, I'm mixed on the whole show. But I'm glad I payed so I could see that epic iron man match.
After watching the replay because I was at work and did not get the live feed broadcast :(.... I am here to help my thread with another PPV review.

Bragging Rights PPV​

The Miz vs. John Morrison

I have to say, what a great way to start the live PPV stream with. You have the feud, solid midcarders and a match with stakes attached. Both did well to perform in the match to bring a good match. I noticed the Miz was very very drained during the later stages of the match where he was gasping for air. Not a good sign if there is a 60 minute Iron Man Match later on the card.

The match was decent enough to start the PPV and gave me a shock but a much needed win when Miz was declared the victor. He really needed this for himself much more than Morrison... props to WWE Management for doing this, however we are going to be treated to weeks and weeks of ranting by Miz saying he is the only reliable superstar, he defeated JoMo and is AWESOME!

Match Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars

Melina, Gail Kim & Kelly Kelly vs. Phoenix, Michelle & Natalya

For a six woman tag team match that did not involve Mickie James carrying the lead as she always does, I was quite impressed at how botch-free this entire match was. You have most of the best workers in the division in the one match and pulled it off pretty well. With the victory going to Miz, the ending was spoiled as you could tell SD was going to win. Now, we get to be treated to the Phoenix/McCool rivalry with a Phoenix face turn.

I have to say, McCool playing the heel was excellent and had every detail driven down to the notch. I wish I could have seen more of Natalya wrestling though... and Melina did very well at the ending rush.

Match Rating: 3.5 out of 5

WHC Title: CM Punk vs. Undertaker vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Batista

I got what I expected from this match, plus more. This has to be one of the best Fatal Four Way matches that I have seen in a long time. You have three faces and one heel working that night... something was bound to happen here. The scenario was played like the typical Triple Threat match instead of the 4 Way stylings... but it was done pretty well.

The Batista heel turn was very predictable, but I am glad it happened... gives some new competitors and ways to tweak his very stale character around. I literally marked out as we could potentially see the Batista of Evolution again... the one where a lot of the IWC was throwing themselves at. Didn't think Punk or Mysterio would win considering the dog house issue and Tista's heel turn respectively.

Match Rating: 4 out of 5

RAW vs. SmackDown Tag Team Match

Well folks, this was nothing special really. I have nothing to say but this match made me disappointed. The build was okay, the in-PPV build was okay as well... but the outcome of the match was really set things off. The now Kofi vs. Rhodes feud going to be happening and Big Show betraying the RAW team into possibly wiping the slate clean with Jericho and feud with DX as Jerishow "outsmarted" them. The match itself did nothing, but the outcome was what really did it.

Match Rating: 3 out of 5

Anywhere Falls Iron Man Match for the WWE Title: John Cena vs. Randy Orton

When I first heard of the added stipulations, I thought that the WWE could not trust them to make a great performance. However, they proved me wrong and entertained me the entire way through. The match had everything... run-in's, arena fighting, announcer's table, steel steps, steel chairs, double pins, stage destruction... and even the preverbial submission finish. Props to Randy Orton and John Cena for ending the rivalry with style.

Match Rating: 4.5 - 5 out of 5 (Match Of The Night)

I have to say, for a crappy looking PPV... this turned out to be one of the better ones of the year not including the Big Four ones. Great work WWE, it was worth my money to pay for it.

PPV Rating: 4 out of 5
Rob's WWE Bragging Rights 2009 Review

1) WWE Bragging Rights Raw v.s SmackDown Match, The Miz v.s John Morrison. - This was an amazing opener to the show. Both were superb, and they managed to get the best out of each other. That was Miz's best match to date, for the first time I actually thought Miz was amazing in a match. He's come a long way. As far as opening contests go, this has to be up there as one of the best of the year.

Match Winner: The Miz

Rob's Match Rating: 9/10 - An amazing opener, with both men wrestling a superb match.

2) WWE Bragging Rights Raw v.s SmackDown 6 Diva Tag Team Match (Melina, Kelly Kelly & Gail Kimi v.s Beth Phoenix, Michelle McCool & Natalya) - As far as Diva matches go, this was one of the better ones. I was actually very entertained through-out. It was enjoyable and was pulled off very well. But after Miz's victory before hand, it was obvious that SmackDown would win this match, which kind of killed the excitement. Still, a good contest.

Match Winner's: Team SmackDown (Beth Phoenix, Michelle McCool & Natalya)

Rob's Match Rating: 7/10 - This was probably the best Diva's match of the year. Very enjoyable.

3) World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four Way Match, The Undertaker (c) v.s Batista v.s CM Punk v.s Rey Mysterio - A fast paced, rather exciting match on the whole. However what spoiled it was when you could hear Batista and Undertaker talking to each other after Dave threw Rey out of the ring. It made me think that something had gone badly wrong. Still, a good match. However the major talking point is Batista's heel turn. Thank god! Batista could be a good heel, he'll either work a programme with Mysterio (which would seem logical) or with Undertaker (which shouldn't happen, that ship has sailed).

Match Winner: The Undertaker

Rob's Match Rating: 7/10 - Much better than I expected, with an interesting twist after the match.

4) WWE Bragging Rights Raw v.s SmackDown 14 Man Tag Team Match (Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Big Show, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger, Mark Henry & Cody Rhodes v.s Chris Jericho, Kane, R-Truth, Finlay, Davey Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd & Matt Hardy) - Firstly, it made me laugh when DX's pyro didn't go off at the start. As for the match... it was a dissapointment... untill the last 2 minutes or so when all hell broke loose. Big Show's betrayal of team Raw was a pretty shoddy way to end the match. This was probably the worst match of the night! By the way, that cup was awful! If that thing gets paraded around like a championship belt by Jericho, I'm gunna want it smashed up!

Match Winner's: Team SmackDown (Chris Jericho, Kane, R-Truth, Finlay, Davey Hart Smith, Tyson Kidd and Matt Hardy)

Rob's Match Verdict: 5/10 - Wasen't all that bad but it was the worst match of the night overall.

5) WWE Championship 60 Minute Anything Goes WWE Iron Man Match, Randy Orton (c) v.s John Cena - Wow! What a way to end the rivalry! That was by far their best match together ever! The main thing that worried me about this match was whether Cena and Orton could hold my interest for 60 minutes. They did. And they put on one hell of a show. Firstly, I have never been more happy to see someone bleed as I was when Cena was cut. I was like, finally their's blood in a WWE match. I can just imagine Vince going mental backstage! I was pissed when the blood was moped away by the medics! Blood was the thing that was needed to give the match that brutal feel it needed. Fuck the PG era! Seriously, the no blood rule is killing off these gimmick match types! However Orton made up for that by acting like a complete nutter! The spot with the pyro was weirdly awesome! Randy actually looked possessed and for a split second I thought something was gunna happen. The ending 10 minutes, whilst very anti-climatic, was very, very exciting. However I don't think the match needed that close finish with Orton tapping with 5 seconds left. You just knew when Cena still had the STF locked in with 10 seconds to go, that Orton was gunna tap. Still, this was by far the best match of the night, and (dare I say it) one of the best matches of the year! Awesome! My hats off to John and Randy for that effort!

Match Winner: John Cena (New WWE Champion)

Rob's Match Rating: 10/10 - Match of the night and one of the best matches of 2009. Awesome!

Rob's WWE Bragging Rights 2009 Rating: 9/10 - One of the best "little" PPV's of the year. Extremely enjoyable. I shall be getting the DVD when it's released, simply to watch the Iron Man Match again. Awesome stuff!
I just want to comment on the 60 minute Iron Man Match that will go down as an instant classic and maybe MOTY.

Wowwww these two put on a show for the ages it was epic and had me on the edge of my seat for the whole hour. Orton looked evil and possessed he is the best heel in the WWE bar none and I can't wait to see him get better (only 29). John Cena impressed the hell out of me too he played his role to perfection and when he made Orton tap the crowd lost it's mind.

The spots here were awesome the pyro etc. When Orton countered the AA into the RKO I went nuts.

A 10 out of 10 and it quelled the doubts of everybody these two are the future plain and simple the next to lead the WWE the top face John Cena and the top heel Randy Orton. It's over between them for now which is for the best they will come into conflict again and it will be much sweeter to see if the WWE keeps these two away from each other for a while.
I caught the PPV at my cousins place. There was nothing on television and on a whim his parents ordered it. Man was that insufferable. We were all so bored during the Cena vs. Orton contest. I felt the fireworks spot was so contrived, basically it felt like they needed something to add some drama during the match because the wrestling certainly didn't do it. I mean it just seemed to drag and it went pretty much how I thought it was going it. Cena would pretty much be getting his ass kicked for 60 minutes but would end up turning into to Superman and despite the punishment he would score the pinfalls. I mean every Cena pinfall followed the same format. Orton would beat the shit out of Cena, Orton would score the pinfall and he would continue to beat the shit out of Cena but then Cena would magically become healed and then while showing no effects of the match he would score the pinfall on Orton. This happend, what like 6 times in the entire match. it was the same story every pinfall. It sucked. I don't care if I'm in the minority here but that was just dreadful as there was no deviation and it was just complete repetition. And the PPV as a whole has made me very glad that I've given up on purchasing wrestling PPVs and for the most part wrestling television as a whole since the whole PPV was just such waste of money (luckily not my dough).
Bragging Rights as we all no or we should no by now was a "new pay per view" taking over Cyber Sunday they held their first PPV this past sunday. Several big storylines were Randy Orton/John Cena, Undertaker/CM Punk/Batista/Rey Mysterio and the 3 Smackdown vs Raw challenges to show who the dominate brand was

Match 1 Miz vs John Morrison
This match was a great way to kick of the PPV it gave us around 10 minutes of classic wrestler we all know these 2 are gold on the mic and great wrestlers the match ended by The Miz pushing Morrison of the top rope and covering Morrison for the win and to give Raw a 1-0 lead. Overall Review i give the match 8/10

Match 2
Team Raw vs Team Smackdown (divas)

The Heels vs The Faces Team Raw didnt have the fire power to stop Team Smackdown, Kelly Kelly does the exact same moves that every diva on the roster does, Gail Kim was dominated by Team Smackdown she barely got in any offence and Melina she tried her heart out but she was no match for Team Smackdown though Natayla, Beth Phoenix and Michelle McCool didnt cooporate they are really try to prove who the top heel is on the show and im liking this storyline Beth Phoenix pinned Gail Kim after the "Glam Slam" to give Smackdown a 1-1. Overall Review i give the match 5/10

Match 3
World Heavyweight Championship
Undertaker vs CM Punk vs Batista vs Rey Mysterio

This match was one of the best of the night all 4 men went out it from the get go Punk soon went into hiding at let the other 3 destroy each others during the match Mysrerio and Batista had their difference which lead to Undertaker retaining the title via Tombstone Piledriver to retain the World Heavyweight Championshop after the match Batista attacked Rey Mysterio visouscly i was hoping Edge would return to save Mysterio but that never happened. Overall Review i give the match 8.5/10

Match 4
Team Smackdown vs Team Raw

This match could have been built up much better i was looking forward to the rookie team with Jericho and Kane taking on The future/now main eventers but when they changed nearly the entire Smackdown team i lost alot of interst in the match, but it ended up being a great match all 14 got there chance in the ring and Big Show turning on Team Raw was just the ending they needed great job WWE Writers to give Smackdown the win and the cup. Overall Review i give this match 7/10

Match 5
WWE Championship
John Cena vs Randy Orton

The best match of the night by far this match had everything from Smashing T.V monitors into each others head to Randy Orton trying to blow John Cena up to even John Cena being forced to bleed the hard way, i was against this match thinking Cena vs Orton for a whole hour no thanks but damn i looked like an idiot this match was a great way to end the rivarly in an iron man match no disqualifications, falls count anywhere and the end was just so entense Cena locked in the STF with 10 seconds to go the score was tied 5-5half the people in the crowd where yelling Tap Orton the others were yelling Hold On Orton and Orton tapped with 4 seconds to go now dont get me wrong shouldn't there be a 30 second time intervel like there was for every other pinfall throughtout the match but for this olne they just let the 4 seconds float away. Overall Review i give the match 9/10

I thought the whole idea of the trophy was a bit stupid but it payed off Overall Reviwe i give this ppv Bragging Rights 8/10​

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