Kaval is the winner of WWE NXT Season 2

Have Daniel Bryan (ugh I hate that name) take the US Title off of The Miz with the help of Kaval so The Miz doesn't look weak AND free's him up for his MITB future.
i say no to that, let Bryan upset Miz, maybe with a roll up win, then have Miz take the WWE title later that night after the 6 pack challenge match, then The Miz doesnt look weak, Cole can say, Daniel Bryan upset the Miz and the win was a fluke and then the next night Miz beats Bryan in a WWE title match.
I was very pleased when Kaval won. Up until season 2, I had never seen Kaval perform so his NXT debut really impressed me. From the beginning, he easily stood out as the best in-ring performer. The only problem I had with him at the beginning was his mic work. His promos made me cring. However, as most have already said, he eventually came out of his shell and we got a look at his real personality and I feel that is what helped him shine in the waning weeks of season 2. I feel that if anyone truly used to grow, it was Kaval. After his unexpected rap and a few weeks as number one in the poll, I felt that he was a lock to win NXT.

As for where he goes from here, I expect WWE to throw him on RAW to become a top player in the midcard. I can see him feuding with Miz and Daniel Bryan for the US title. Personally, I'd like to see him on Smackdown as I feel he could really thrive there as opposed to RAW. Maybe even be a contender for the world title. Either way, I hope he doesn't get lost in the shuffle and stays for a long time. Kaval has paid his dues worldwide and he really deserves this. I'm happy for him.
As for Kaval, i do NOT want to see him take on Daniel Bryan, i want him on Smackdown and hopefully, have him feud with Dolph Ziggler for the IC title.
As for Kaval, i do NOT want to see him take on Daniel Bryan, i want him on Smackdown and hopefully, have him feud with Dolph Ziggler for the IC title.

This is more or less what I'm hoping for. Kinda like what WWE did with Batista and John Cena in 2005. Build them up as top players on seperate brands except have them go after midcard titles instead of the world titles, at least for now. It would help bring much needed value to the IC title as having Kaval opt to fight for it (as he can seemingly choose to fight for any title) makes the belt seem worth fighting for and open up fresh feuds for him.
This is more or less what I'm hoping for. Kinda like what WWE did with Batista and John Cena in 2005. Build them up as top players on seperate brands except have them go after midcard titles instead of the world titles, at least for now. It would help bring much needed value to the IC title as having Kaval opt to fight for it (as he can seemingly choose to fight for any title) makes the belt seem worth fighting for and open up fresh feuds for him.
agree, plus i want Daniel Bryan to win the US title while Kaval wins the IC title, he can have a good feud with Ziggler, take his title, then he feuds with different heels like McIntyre or Del Rio. As for Daniel Bryan, i want him to win the US title, then feud with different members of the Nexus for, The US title.
I would love to see him become a Intercontental Champion on smackdown or if they
fuse the titles (Dragon Ball Z talk) have him be one of the first to hold that championship? also if there is only going to be 4 championships bring in the cruiser/lightheavyweight championship.
I can see him being a great Midcard champion in the WWE. But him being a world champion will probably not happen anytime soon because he is just too small and
I don't wanna see a Rey Mysterio Repeat.
And a fued for the IC title with Dolph Ziggler or even Daniel Bryan at HIAC.. that would just be a show stealer.
I mean Ziggler can put on amazing matches, remember his debut against Batista? Dolph made that match worth watching.
plus they are both lighter guys, so there would be a good amount of spots.
I did a little dance when Kaval (Neh. Low-ki!) won. I knew his mic skills would be frowned upon, but there's no denying this guys skills and work ethic for the business. His playing off of Lay-Cool made him stand out more other than being the small guy with a deep voice, and I'm glad it also won over some of those that don't watch the indies and had no clue who he was. I'm sure there was some googling thru Cole's "internet darling" hype. :p

Overall, he needed the win to be credible. Riley and Little Perfect won't really have to worry about job security. (Although, Little Perfect definitely needs to work on his mic skills. He was traveling into Lucky territory last night) :wtf:
The right person won. Kaval was the best choice at the start of the season and he was the best choice at the end of the season. Kaval had the in-ring ability & the promo skills to win and, for the second time in a row, the WWE made the right call. Kaval absolutely deserves this after earning his way. The man has proven week in and week out that he was the rightful winner.

Now, as for his future, I'd love to see Kaval on SmackDown. SmackDown is severely lacking in faces with only The Undertaker, Christian, Kofi Kingston & The Big Show really anywhere near the top of the card. Kaval would be an excellent addition to the SmackDown roster and he would be a great opponent for guys like McIntyre, Rhodes, Ziggler & CM Punk.
When I found out that Kaval aka Senshi/Low Ki was on NXT Season 2, I had already picked my winner. The guy is amazing in the ring! True, he didn't have the mic skills that everyone was expecting, but I attribute that more to nervousness than anything else. Later on in the season, he began to open up. If I had to choose anyone else, it would've been Riley. You can't deny that the guy has skills, especially when it comes to promo delivery.

As far as what happens next, I'd like to see Daniel Bryan win the US Title from the Miz (which most likely will happen), and then Kaval going after DB's title. I only say this because I think it'll give these indy wrestlers a jump start in showing the uninformed WWE Universe how good these guys are. It'll give them that, "Wow I had no idea!" feeling and next thing you know, you have instant stars with just about the whole audience. Otherwise, I also agree that Kaval should go to Smackdown. We have yet to see that jump for Nexus/NXT Season 1 rookies to the SD brand since they're too concentrated on RAW. Who knows? With the NXT Season 2 misfits' reaction last night after the announcement of the winner, we could possibly see a SD iteration of the Nexus.
I have to say, Kaval grew on me like "good" bacteria. At first I thought he was pretty bland, but awesome in the ring. His first match, versus Riley, was pretty epic and made me have high hopes for both of them. Everyone groaned about pairing Kaval with LayCool, but I think that they worked wonders for him, getting him to come out of his shell and developing a personality. His mic work at the beginning of the show was abysmal, but in the final promo segment, he kicked Hennig's ass. As weeks went on, he was obviously more comfortable with himself and what he was doing. It really showed, and I'm happy for him.

With the fan vote (which I still question), I always thought Kaval was pretty much guaranteed to win, which is why I voted for Riley every week. Being a heel, a character people could easily hate and having an extremely over heel pro, I thought, hurt his chances a bit. I loved his mic work. When Striker asked him who should be eliminated and he said Striker should because of his "stupid questions", I laughed my ass off, and Cole and Matthews couldn't help themselves, either. His ring work does need improvement, but he's not Otunga. Casual fans are much more interested in characters than ring workers (except in the case of someone like Morrison), so I can easily see him getting over and having a great career, high school jock schtick be damned. I'd have liked to have seen him win, because he has main event potential, which I don't think Kaval does, but I think that Kaval benefits more from the push than Riley, who will succeed on his own. Curt Hennig is arguably my second favorite worker of all time, so I would like to see Joe do something, which I think he's capable of, but he's missing something and he needs to find out what that is and work on it. Oh, and lose the stupid name.

In terms of what's next for Kaval, I don't see him advancing past the mid-card. Smackdown is ideal for him, and his flashy style can draw in viewers during the move to cable. In terms of storyline, I see Melina beating Layla at NOC for the unification match, LayCool having a fallout, resulting in Layla turning face and having some sort of involvement with Kaval. There was the whole kiss thing, and also the LayCool promo where Michelle asked Layla what was up with her, and she confessed to having a thing for Kaval. I'm assuming that will come into play and allow for an amusing angle, which would also help get Kaval over and give him a mouthpiece as he continues to work on his mic skills.
I'm a big fan of Kaval. I have always found his wrestling style to be unique and just awesome to watch. The series of kick variations that he has in his moveset are very well executed. His gimmick as the warrior is perfect too. There isn't anyone in the WWE at this moment with the discipline and realism as Kaval. His mic skills are surprisingly better than all the other NXT 2 rookies with Percy Watson and Alex Riley being the exceptions. Alex Riley may have impressed me with his natural mic skills, but he hasn't impressed me with his in-ring work. However, I do see Alex Riley soaring higher in the WWE than Kaval because of various factors including height and the Wade Barrett improvement. I don't see Kaval as a future World Champion, but why the hell would he need it? We have yet to see him win big matches over big names. That's what people should want to see first. Chasing Championships should come later. What's the rush? Why does WWE or fans want all of these newcomers to jump right into a World title picture anyway? No build means more apathy for me.
I'm sure he will go for a mid card title most likely the IC title. Unless he challenges Bryan for the US title assuming Bryan beats Miz. I also wouldn't be surprised to see him teaming with someone like Evan Bourne and go after the tag titles.
I think Kaval would be best served on Smackdown feuding for the mid-card championship. From everything Ive seen Kaval will make a solid mid-carder. Hes good in the ring and his style is a nice change of pace. Hes also relatively good on the mic. I rather liked his rap from a few weeks ago. His look its also pretty unique.

I think if he were to go to Raw he would get lost in the shuffle, especially when HHH comes back, as his feud with Sheamus will be a big thing, as well as it should be. Also with the addition of the members of Nexus to the Mid-card it will simply be too much for Kaval to make a noticeable impact. Thus Smackdown is the perfect place for him to go.
To me, Kaval was the only person that looked, felt and wrestled differently than the others. The other competitors were good no doubt but they felt a little generic compared to Kaval. I dig the whole warrior gimmick and i think he can go far, as long he isnt booked as the small underdog type of character similar to Rey Mysterio. This guy has amazing potential, is unique and im hopful he goes far in the WWE.
Overall, he needed the win to be credible. Riley and Little Perfect won't really have to worry about job security. (Although, Little Perfect definitely needs to work on his mic skills. He was traveling into Lucky territory last night) :wtf:

Hennig really showed how green he still is with that farewell promo. Was just embarrassing to watch. He kept saying, starting now, from this moment on, literally over and over, then he just said it's the genesis of McGillicutty. He got some great wrestling genes from his dad, but he needs to go back to FCW for a while and work hard on his mic skills before they bring him up to the main roster.

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