Kaval released

It's far too early to tell what's going on here. I've read that both the WWE & Kaval mutually decided to just go their seperate ways, I've heard that Kaval was posting some shit on Twitter about certain individuals that he shouldn't have, so I'm not entirely sure what the overall deal is.

According to something I read a few minutes ago, Kaval is scheduled to make his first post WWE appearance at Impact Championship Wrestling in Queens, New York on January 28th. He's being allowed to work independent shows as long as they don't air on national television.

One reason I'm not jumping to conclusions just yet is because they're letting him go out and work the indy circuit just as they did with Daniel Bryan earlier this year. When those 3 months were just about up, Bryan was brought back to the WWE and given a huge push. I might be wrong, but I always thought the 90 day no compete clause was exactly that, you couldn't work for any wrestling company for a 3 month period of time. The fact that they've made exceptions for Daniel Bryan & now Kaval has me suspicious. I know some might think I'm goofy but I still believe that Daniel Bryan being fired was an elaborate work. Bryan didn't go onto Twitter and blast the WWE as guys like Matt Hardy & Charlie Haas have and others before them did. It might've just simply been professionalism on Bryan's part, but I've just never shaken the feeling that the WWE was playing the IWC like a cheap fiddle. I'm wondering if we'll see Kaval show up in about 3 months in the WWE with a new attitude and wind up being in a major program with someone along the likes of Rey Mysterio.
The comparison to Danielson isn't really fair though, he never got half the push Danielson has. Danielson was taking main eventers (Batista) to the limit within weeks of showing up on TV, while Kaval has basically been a jobber during his entire Smackdown stay. Shouldn't have complained on a public forum, but it's understandable for any frustrated employee to try and vent that frustration when they feel like they're being held back from fulfilling their potential.

Kaval was never going to get the push Danielson was and he was never going to be given the same respect in the WWE, so honestly his release doesn't surprise me too much. I figured they'd give him a short title reign of somekind though before devaluing him.

Oh well. Hopefully he returns to ROH, shit Daniels and Homicide have returned in the last few months, he could have a big impact on the promotion he helped build again. Perhaps they could run an angle together, the returning founding fathers of ROH who all wrestled on the first show have come back to reign supreme again. That would be great to see.

Hopefully he'll stay away from TNA, they won't push him and he doesn't have time to wait around for a push like a younger guy.
I knew he was going to be fired sooner or later. It was prety obvious that they didn't want him to win NXT, so you know they jobbed, made him waste his title shot, made him basically everyone's bitch punching bag and fired him. Hell, the wwe would've probably made him job to me and I'm not even a wrestler or an athlete which would have been kind of funny actually lol. The point is though, the wwe never intended on Kaval doing much and it might actually be for the best he got released. Although, I don't think he'll go back to TNA. The reason is because he's actually said on more than one occasion both on wwe tv and twitter that he's not fond of TNA anymore and if he goes back to them after bashing them so much he'll look like a desperate hypocrite, so he'll probably either go back to that ROH company that the indies are famous for or back to Japan since he has a great following there. With all that said I'll leave everyone here with this thought,"Everything in life happens for a reason because karma is an interchangeable force in the universe that's not created nor destroyed. When bad things happen to you there's a reason for it whether you know it or not."
Well im not going to jump to any conclusions either as we don't know the Whole Story behind this Release. As some have said it could have had something to do with his attitude Backstage which could led to his sqaush Match on Smackdown on Tuesday night. Vince doesn't put up with guys who have lousy attitudes Backstage and if thats the case Kaval is another example.

So maybe he will go back to the Indies,clear his mind,and maybe come back with a more positive attitude. Time will tell on that though.
A lot of people are mentioning comments he made on his Twitter account, and someone specifically mentioned that it involved Big Show. Can anyone post this particular "tweet(s)" or at least sum up what he actually wrote that was so controversial?

That said, I am pretty surprised, given that he won NXT and hasn't been around long. I had assumed that his constant jobbing was eventually going to go somewhere, be it an underdog/upset angle or a heel turn with a frustrated/aggressive streak, that would eventually push him up the mid-card ranks a bit. I wasn't the biggest fan of his, but I thought he was fun to watch and was happy for him when he won NXT. Looking back, maybe the beatdown angle had something to do with WWE stating their opinion of the guy--just speculation, obviously. Regardless, at least the guy doesn't have to have someone the likes of Drew make him look pathetic anymore. Hopefully he catches on with another promotion and returns to the success he deserves to have.
Not a suprise at all. They didn't do anything with him.
Not the first to win a Tough Enough/Diva Search style programme and went onto to leave soon after.

He was never gonna amount to anything with that gimmick and WWE style programming.
He worked better in a free style atmosphere like indies and to a lesser extent TNA when it was X-Division orientated.

They should never have gotten rid of him or Petey Williams in the first place :)
Maybe I'm crazy, but I thought WWE was handling Kaval's push perfectly. Sure, he was losing every match. But he wasn't jobbing. Zack Ryder jobs. Chris Masters jobs. Kaval was being built up. How do you build an underdog face? You make the crowd really want to see him win. How do you get the crowd to want to see him win? By having him fight his heart out - and fall just short. It takes time to build that, but it was already working as the crowd was usually eager to get behind Kaval. He could easily have been in line for Rey's spot in a few years. Not just an IC champ but potentially a brief WHC run or two, if he really stuck around.

It's a shame it came to such a quick end, I really thought his character was going somewhere.
I'm upset, I alway kinda pictured him in a tag team with either Evan Bourne or Big Show. I don't think its a huge loss, but I hope to see him return to the x division.
This is really upsetting to me. I never saw any of Kaval's work until NXT and I instantly became a fan. It really bothered me the way WWE booked him after NXT. I always thought he was destined for much greater things. Much greater than being jobbed to Drew McIntyre. He could've been a great midcard champion. If Daniel Bryan can be pushed, I didn't see why WWE wouldn't pull the trigger with Kaval.

Needless to say, I'm kinda bummed about this but it was painfully clear that WWE never really had any plans with him moving forward. I wouldn't have minded seeing a program between him and McIntyre. ANYTHING would've been good for him. I think this somewhat kills what little legitamancy NXT has. So much for Kaval being the next breakout star. I personally think he deserved much better... heh... probably spoken like a Kaval mark.
Kaval is a solid, well rounded guy and he was being given some more TV time, winning people over (see KB's reviews/ask him a question thread), however he decided to do what a lot of people do sadly, and decided to complain about the lack of time he was getting. Kaval was getting a slow push into the IC title picture, it was pretty obvious, but a combination of getting injured, causing injury AND moaning on twitter about a segment on a PPV has caused his own downfall. I don't feel any sympathy for Kaval here, however I do wish him the best in all his future endeavours.

This hit the nail on the head (imo). I don't get why everyone is complaining about his jobbing when the jobbing was part of his character. His character was that he was a rookie and that he would come close to winning each time and then lose. Eventually he would have started to win more and more. As FunKay J. I don't feel sorry for him. Some people have to learn that bitching gets them nowhere.

@ Jack-Hammer- Your allowed to do any other wrestling stuff during the 90-day no compete clause as long as it doesn't air on tv (dvd, etc.) in any way or form.
I have no idea why he was ever the WWE's next break out star in the first place, he didn't impress at all and they (WWE) didn't seem to have any intention of doing anything with him in the near future. the whole NXT thing for that matter has been a total bust IMO. the only real success is Wade Barrett and he's soso now.

no i don't consider Daniel Bryan a success, he still has no charisma whatsoever. and looks sloppy in the ring.

Understand they are starving for some top name players but putting on a worthless show each week doing stuff that has nothing to do with wrestling and then making them look week is not the way to promote new stars.

and then if they are complaining they deserve the boot. hey Kaval don't let the door hit you on your way out, you wont be missed
So Danielson, Gabriel and Punk remain as the last true wrestlers in a sports 'entertainment' company. My only suprise is that it happened to so close to xmas, although with attention turned towards RR and road to WM, I guess it made sense to cut anyone not in creative plans.

Kaval was always going to win NXT if the fan vote was valid, as he had/has recognition as a great talent amongst real wrestling fans. However, we all know what VKM thinks of the IWC - who was writing at the bile Michael Cole was coming out with do you think? As soon as he got the mainroster, under creative control, it went nowhere. He's a true athlete, not an entertainer and has to much class to sell his soul like Cena or Miz(erable). Add to the fact he's the same size as Mysterio (who only gets pushed due to merchandising), he was always a 'future endevour' waiting to happen.

Unless you're good a selling replica clothing (a la mysterio), the best technician currently working (Danielson) or good with the stick and willing to make an ass out of yourself (CM Punk), WWE is not going to be a longterm home for either crusierweight or true technical wrestlers. And frankly, if I was Justin Gabriel or Danielson I'd worry about my long term prospects when my current push is over.

WWE: No place for true wrestlers or wrestling fans. PV
Just noticed this today, and I must say I'm actually quite surprised! I've been very impressed by his performances on SD over the past few weeks despite him losing pretty much all the time. He's put on a couple of really entertaining matches with Swagger and has done a great job of making the bigger heels look really strong. He's not too shabby on the mic and he brings a really unique style which I love. Perhaps they are banking on Evan Bourne when he returns from injury? Apparently he's off to TNA again and is wrestling Amazing Red in January.


So, it's come as a bit of a surpise.

Question is, do you think E have made the right decision here?

Could he have been a successful midcard face [or even main event] like Rey Mysterio?
Thought he'd last a little bit longer than that at least.

The guy never did anything to blow my socks off so to speak, although i did think his PPV match with Dolph Ziggler was very solid, but then again that was probably down to Dolph, more than Kaval.

I'd like to assume that this was either a mutual decision or WWE just being heartless, i think i'd lose all the minimal respect i have for him if he straight up asked for his release just before Christmas, having not really even made a real go of it.
This is a WWE screw-up here. he wins NXT and gets a job on Smackdown and fails while guys like Alex Riley, McGuillicutty and Harris are still there, but either in a group or being an assistant, i think one of those 3 should've won NXT, but they didnt. Kaval (in my book) wasnt booked right.
IT was evident he will get released from the second he used his title shot for IC title and then went on some jobbing/loosing streak but I mean come on, he's much better in ring than most and he gets probably the 5th largest pop on SD!(?) If you want to release someone how about Dibiase or Primo or even Darren Young *considering he's still on "RAW superstars" page*. Why release Kaval, who is gold in ring. He deserved a Hardy-esque push, as in a heel veteran beats the shit out of him week in week out but he keeps coming back. Then the heel HAS to shake his hand (like Undertaker did to Hardy?) this would make him very over, especially if someone like a heel Edge did it?
A lot of people were quick to blame WWE, and call them evil for releasing him so close to Christmas. Which I agree would be evil, but reports have been out since last night that he asked for his release. I think he should have stuck it out longer, but only he knows whats right for him. Maybe wining matches for less money is more important to him than being paid well to be a jobber.
It could just be an issue with pride. I mean, why would someone like Kaval who has toured the world, is still in the prime of his life and maintaining goals that he would like to accomplish settle for jobbing in the WWE? It doesn't suit his character or what he's about. Since winning NXT, he has lost constantly for the next three months. He couldn't even defeat Chavo Guerrero who has been relegated to a joke. He got one lucky win over Dolph Ziggler and that was it. That's not the only thing. His ring-time was ridiculously short, which begs the question...why even bother? I have nothing against Kaval for his frustration. I think this is better than watching him lose every week.
im not surprised that he wanted out of his contract. he was the fan favorite to win nxt and he did and after he went to smackdown he became a bigger jobber than chavo
Thank god. Kaval was horrible. You might say that he was great in the ring but I say that all the kicks and other high flying things were just straight up annoying. He also TRIED to be funny on the mic, which didn't work. To quote CM Punk, he wasn't funny and nobody liked him. By the way, who taught him to talk on the mic? That person deserves a slap on the face. But back to the topic. Kaval was jobbing week in and out, and was just filler in every tag team match in which the mid-card face needed a tag team partner. With 12 new former NxT rookies being signed, it made sense for ONE of them to be released. It happened to be the most useless one besides Darren Young, which was Kaval. Good bye Kaval, I hope I don't see you in any other professional wrestling company in my life.
If his release couldn't have waited until the end of the holidays to be given to him, he must have brought this on himself..Either that or it's a bizarrely harsh move by the WWE.
So, Low Ki is gone from the WWE. I have to wonder, was the bigger screwup on WWE's part for underutilizing and underestimating the potential of this guy, or on Low Ki's part for having too big an ego, and refusing to play the role for the betterment of the team?

I like Low Ki; even though he's not great on the mic, his mat skills are on a level unattainable to many today. Unfortunately, his small stature and lack of charisma are an extremely poor fit for Vince's vision of what "wrestling entertainment" should be today.

In the end, I believe He will regret his decision to ask for his release far more than Vince will regret granting it...
Wow. I can't believe that after they had him win NXT that they would just cut him loose. But with the way that he was being treated on Smackdown, he must have pissed someone off. I'm still shocked, as I thought Kaval could go somewhere in the company but I guess I was wrong. I guess we'll find out more on why this happened, but I don't like this move at all.
Kaval wasn't going to do anything in the WWE, let's face it. I don't really get why people are acting like it's a huge loss. It's a surprise, especially giving the timing.. but it's no big loss.

He's terrible on the mic, he's small, he's stiff in ring, and he's really not that young. There are guys who are better on the mic, athletic, and safer who deserve a push before him.

I mean in all honesty, why would you push Kaval over a guy like Dolph Ziggler? Even Cody Rhodes, Kofi Kingston, Alberto Del Rio, and all of the other guys who are about the same age or younger.

If he had a bad attitude to go along with it, I'm not too sure why he deserves a spot.
Kaval wasn't great, but he was good enough to have a career as a mid-carder. Cody Rhodes, Ziggler, Danielson are all good mid-carders but they're most likely going to be pushed during the next few years. With Kaval, you didn't have to worry about that, he's always gonna be a mid-carder. That's why I think it's a loss, he could have been William Regal in a few years.

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