Turning Point
X Division Championship:
Jay Lethal vs Robbie E [w Cookie]
Pretty good opener. I get it. The Shore gimmick sucks. But the way I see it, Robbie E, the wrestler, can be great. He played heel well with some very basic tactics and knew when to speed it up. The match dragged a bit, but it had good speed for an X Division match. The ending however... Sucked. I would've preferred the hairspray to the face again. Robbie has some sort seizure when he won and instead of using the nice looking Cutter, Robbie used some lousy Neckbreaker. Damn. I hate the gimmick, but I see the guy has some good stuff. Soon enough. Soon enough.
Cougars And Country:
Tara vs Mickie James
This is the first time in a long freakin' time that a Women's match takes place on PPV and isn't for a title. Unfortunately, JB didn't get that memo. This match dragged a bit. But the idea was to be a brawl. Still dragged for a brawl. The highlight was a botch. Which placed the women in a pretty interesting position. On the top rope of all places. I don't get the cougar jokes. Is that supposed to be a rib at Vickie Guerrero or something? The ending here was dumber than the one from the first match. A double DQ. OR countout. Nobody's sure. And Taz and Tenay don't help at all. Or the girl's responses either.I smell a Hardcore Match down the road. Why does Mickie bother with legwear anyway? Ha. The crowd doesn't give much of a damn about the match, but then they chant for the girls to fight when they get split apart.
Team 3D's Retirement Match For The TNA World Tag Team Championships:
The Motorcity Machineguns vs Team 3D
Superbowl music. Kewl. Nice highlight package. As usual. Bubba really believes they are the greatest tag team ever. No matter how you look at it, it's debatable. Sorry, buddy. Sabin started wrestling with long hair. The way he's going, he's gonna retire bald. This match was. Standard. Just like the rest. Guns are electric as usual. 3D... Needs a table to look good. Sorta. Well they were better than usual here tonight. As usual. This will probably be match of the night, but at least it was an OK match. Damn the crowd for the "we want tables" chants. Don't encourage them! Skull 'N' Bone's ends 3D's career. R.I.P.
Paranoia On A Pole:
Rob Van Dam vs Tommy Dreamer
This match was... Good?! Yeah, I'll say it. I liked it. Any time I get to see RVD do some of his old spots like the spin kick to the rail or the Slingshot Leg Drop, I smile. So sue me. A pretty good match. Standard stuff non-the-less. Should've been faster paced but then again, Dreamer was in it, so don't expect divine lights to shine on him and make him grow balls.Dreamer said RVD would see who his friends really are. After seeing RVD's head sandwiched on a ladder, it's safe to say Dreamer is his friend. That's some serious S&M stuff between the two "friends". Holy Shit, Dreamer popped his wrist! Either he's got a creepy shaped hand or... Shit! A friend of mine once popped his wrist like that. He cried like a baby. Dreamer is fucking insane. He has a masochist fetish like no other. RVD won after getting tired of fueling Dreamers fetishes.
Kaz is trying to get a personality. I said he's trying, not that he has one. Better than nothing, guess. At least he made a funny about Raven. Sloppy turd,
If Fourtunes Loses We Riot Match; If EV2 loses one guy gets fired:
Fourtune vs EV2
KEEP DREAMER THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! Keep him the fuck away from AJ.By the way, what the fuck is Raven wearing? A Thing 1 shirt? I'm missing a piece pf this match and apparently it saw Kedrick forced out due to his knee. I'm guessing he was Thing 2. Roode got Gored so bad he bounced off the bottom rope. Great ending with AJ. Didn't give a damn about the match though.
3/10 [I give the ending
8/10 though. Redemption, bitch.]
Ah, great. Fire the one guy from the group I like. Ric doesn't know the lyrics of Na-Na Goodbye. Yes, Van Dam. This sucks. It sucks bad. Shut up and get out and watch it not suck. But instead S&M Dreamer gets the mic. Let me guess. Thank you's and tears. Ugh. Shut the fuck up, you psycho.
Pope called the Wu Tang Clan over as his Lumberjacks. Hm. Plants. I smell swerve. Pope is... HUH?! The girls show up out of nowhere and are still brawling? My reaction is the same as D' Angelo. What the hell?!

Pope's reaction was priceless.Get a close look. Because this will be the closest thing to a Nation Of Domination stable you'll see.Good thing we didn't have to sit though the entire brawl.
Fan's Revenge:
"The Pope" D' Angelo Dinero vs "The Monster" Abyss
I'm under the belief that Abyss is actually my uncle. He looks like him, he's as screwed up as him, might as well ask him for a job with The Immortals.
Due to technical difficulties, I didn't get to see the match. Thank you misuploaded videos. The next part starts off midway though the Jarrett/Joe promo video. OK.
Throw You Off A Pole Match:
Jeff Jarrett vs Samoa Joe
Jarrett has no guitar. Thank God. Too bad he still has the Stroke. Can't win 'em all. Jarrett cuts a promo saying he'll shut down the show. But the moron forgets his opponent. Who comes out shirtless. Why Joe, why? Match was pretty good. Faster than most matches of tonight. I find that a bit weird. Joe looked great with his quickness and basically mauling Jarrett for a better part of the match.Loved the chops in the corner. That'll get your blood flowing. Hoping this feud keeps going. Basic booking in TNA brings out it's best. Guessing this is about as basic as they can get.

Outside interference, a nightstick. Or billyclub. And a ref bump gets Jarrett the win. Joe looked like a monster for most of it. Except the end. Again, soon enough. Soon enough.
And here's a highlight video. You know, in case you were out taking a dump for two and a half hours.
Eric Bischoff has money. From where? He looks like a creeper with Pope's sunglasses.
The crowd is making "Mr. Anderson... Anderson" chants as the World title graphic is displayed. Cute.
TNA World Heavyweight Championship:
Matt Morgan vs Jeff Hardy
This is the first match for Raven 2.0 since turning heel. Curious to see if his ring style changes and to my surprise, it does. He plays a very "fuck you" heel. Haven't seen that in a looooong time. I don't think I've seen Jeff stay away from the ropes for so long ever. Really sold on him as a heel. Too bad we don't see much of him on Impact. Of all things, Hardy has a strategy. And it doesn't involve a ladder or a table. Morgan is still pretty immature in the ring. Sometimes that cocky attitude doesn't do him favors when in the ring. Morgan looked OK, but Hardy looked better.
The Good: No big swerves. EV2 is gone. Or going. By the way, you know all the wrestling that was missing from Impact for the past month? Found it.I liked this show more than I did the last 7 PPV's not called BFG. So I don't call this a failure.
The Bad: It was just another card. Not much to it, so that dropped the anticipation of it. The matches were pretty slow.
The Ugly: Abyss may be my uncle. Tommy Dreamer is a sadist. Sabu is gone, but the other EV2 guys are still employed.
The Wrestling: It was fucking slooow! It would've been so much better for the show if the pace was kept quick. Damn, even The Guns were slow.