[Turning Point] Official Aftermath Discussion Thread


Occasional Pre-Show
OK so I am very disappointed with Turning Point, remember a year ago when Turning Point was the ppv of the year? when AJ vs Joe vs Daniels steal the show, I mean it was awesome and now this year Turning point we can probably say was the worst ppv of the year, how do you reach this level from Best ppv of the year to the worst ppv, I think its time to open our minds and talk what hogan and bishoof have done to TNA from their arrival... and how the future looks...

Moderators Note: Seeing as I didn't actually set one up myself, please use this thread as an aftermath discussion thread for the Turning Point PPV. Thanks. - IDR​
I didn't like the PPV either. Not one bit. The booking was good, nothing crazy, nothing to bitch about, but nothing to praise either. Felt like a filler PPV. The matches were slow paced, predictable and bland. Nothing interesting.

Best match of the night was Team 3D vs The Guns. Other than that -- nothing. Not a good PPV. Felt WWE-ish.
I couldn't agree anymore on the point of what a horrendous PPV that was. The money Eric was passing out to bribe the Pope's congregation; I kept thinking that he was doing that with MY PPV money because this was a stinker. There was just no energy, excitement, or anything to catch your interest. I'm sorry, but the "Jersey" rip off is as exciting as watching Disco Inferno from WCW...let alone throwing a belt on him :wtf:

The saddest disappointment was that they have the talent that's just wasted sitting in the back while this crap was being aired. They need new writers bad. This has been coming for a while; each TNA PPV getting worse and worse with no hope in sight. Please learn your lesson TNA, go back to good stories and great wrestling.
I also agree the ppv was lacklust, but the booking of it was good. Felt more like the wrestlers just really wasnt into the match itself to pull me into the match. Slow paced, confusion, botches...just a meh night. Felt like a Raw to me :disappointed: minus a comedic spot.
Only watched a little bit of the PPV Online and it was HORRIBLE,glad I didn't pay for it. TNA PPVs really are lackluster and have no energy at all which is why I don't pay for there PPVs. Only Good Match from what I read was the 3D/Guns Match,might try to find it later if I can. Lets see a Double DQ to Mickie/Victoria,Bischoff paying off Pope's Brother (yeah whos going to believe that),Matt Morgan being thrown into a Main Event World Title Match he had no buisness being in right away,Samoe Joe being buried again just to name a couple things.
Robbie. E VS Jay Lethal-X-Division Championship

Cookie trips up Lethal while he’s on the top rope, and this allows Robbie to hit a modified neck breaker for the win. This was a solid opening match. This match had a good pace to it, and there were some impressive counters here. Cookie’s interference doesn’t surprise me, because I’m sure we all expected her to get involved here. I’m not excited at all about Robbie’s title win. I can’t stand this Shore stuff, but this really doesn’t surprise me, because TNA really wants to push Robbie and Cookie.

Tara VS Mickie James

Very, very disappointing match here. This actually started off pretty good, but then this match just turned into a brawl towards. Tara and Mickie fought outside the ring, the ref gets struck, and he calls the match. I think they went way over the top with the brawling here. I understand the hatred angle, but if they were going to go down that road, then why not make this a no DQ match? Tara and Mickie continue to fight after the bell.

Team 3D VS The Motor City Machine Guns-TNA World Tag Team Championship

I expected more from this match. There were a good amount of nice spots in this match. Sabin's run up the table and Bubba’s powerbomb were cool to watch. Bubba bled here, and boy did he make the blading job obvious. My big problem with this match was that it didn’t have that EPIC feel that a retirement match should have. Sure there were the many kickouts towards the end, but overall, I just didn’t feel the drama. Again, this wasn’t a bad match at all, but it just didn’t live up to the expectations I had for it. After the match, The MCMG and Team 3D embrace, and they get a nice ovation from the crowd. The last Team 3D feud I was able to get into was the one they had with Beer Money. Other than that, I think they’ve been VERY stale for a long time, and it was time for them to go. TNA has a nice set of young tag teams, and they need all of the spotlight they can get.

RVD VS Tommy Dreamer-No DQ Match

So apparently this match has been made a no DQ match? Anyway, I thought this match was pretty bad. Dreamer fights through a legit injury, so he deserves some credit for that, but still, the match was bad. The pace here was very slow, and this entire match was sooooooooo boring. There was a lot stalling in between moves, Dreamer or RVD were never able to get into a rhythm, and all of the hardcore style risks weren‘t that impressive. This match should’ve been saved for Impact. RVD VS Dreamer didn’t need to be on a pay per view.

Fortune VS EV2.0

Kendrick is taken out of the match early. He appears to have a knee injury, and he’s carried out by security and TNA personnel. AJ hits the Styles Clash on Sabu for the win, and now Sabu is gone from TNA. Flair comes out to rub it in. RVD and Dreamer give Sabu a send-off. I thought this was a solid tag team match. This match wasn’t anything special, but it delivered well.

The Pope VS Abyss-Lumberjack Match

Before the match, Pope cuts a promo, and Mickie and Tara interrupt. That’s right. They’re STILL fighting. Madison gets a couple of cheap shots in on Mickie, She tells her she doesn’t belong in TNA. Wow…just wow at this entire fight. Anyway, Pope’s Congregation are the lumberjacks for this match. Towards the end, Eric Bischoff comes out. He signals that The Congregation has turned on Pope. The Congregation(which includes Pope’s brother) beats down Pope. They toss him to Abyss, and he hit’s the Blackhole Slam for the win. This match was kind of boring. There were a few good moves here and there, but the pace was very slow, and the lumberjacks weren’t that big of a factor until the very end. Also, if Abyss is supposed to be this unstoppable Monster, then why did he need help?

Jeff Jarrett VS Samoa Joe

Jarrett talks about Immortal before the match. He says he’s tired of the “you sold out!” chants. Joe hit’s a Suicide Dive. He takes out Jarrett and Brian Hebner. The referee is out, so you know what that this means…interference time! Jarrett’s goons(the security guards) come out. Joe takes both of them out, but Jarrett grabs a Billy club. He chokes Joe out with it. Hebner is back in now. Jarrett slaps a choke hold on Joe, and since Joe has been choked out already, Jarrett is able to pick up the win with Joe’s submission hold. Yeah, this was dull. I really tried, but I couldn’t get into this. This match was very boring, and the interference here was expected. You just knew Jarrett wasn’t going to do this alone. And the ending made me facepalm.

Jeff Hardy VS Matt Morgan-TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Heel Hardy makes sure to play mind games with Morgan. He makes Morgan wait before the match, as he walks around ringside, and he spits on Morgan during the match. Morgan hit’s the Carbon Footprint. It seems like this match should be over, but Hardy kicks his legs up. This interferes with the ref’s count. It’s really hard to tell what went on here. Hardy didn’t get his shoulders off of the mat, so this should’ve been a three count. This could’ve been a botch, but I’m not sure. Anyway, Hardy hit’s the Twist Of Hate for the win, and he retains his title. For a main event world title match, I thought that this match was pretty underwhelming. There were a lot of consecutive finishers towards the end, and I was shocked not to see any interference here. This match really didn’t pick up at any point. This match wasn‘t terrible, but it wasn't too good either. After the match, Immortal comes out to celebrate with Hardy. There’s tons of champagne, confetti, and Flair gets Iced…..AGAIN. How many of these big time celebrations do we need to see?

Overall Show Rating 2/10: For the most part, I thought tonight’s show was absolute shit. I expected Immortal to dominate, but the majority of the wrestling here just wasn’t good. There were a lot of boring matches here, and I literally hated the endings to some of them. Team 3D’s retirement match disappointed me, and Dreamer VS RVD should’ve been saved for Impact. Sabu was fired, but in the long, who will care? Also, the Mickie VS Tara stuff went way over the top.
Did anybody really expect this to be something special? I'm a fan of TNA, but not a mark for them, and I saw this a mile away that this would be terrible. Would anybody expect something different with no Angle, Anderson, or Sting? Not to mention we didn't get AJ in a one-on-one match, and most of all, Jeff Hardy vs Matt Morgan to headline the show? Man talk about a snoozer, and I am not surprised one bit yesterday sucked that bad
i didn't see it, I was at work all night, but from what i read it sounded pretty typical TNA.

I like that Robbie E. won. is it too soon? Maybe, but it certainly will garner plenty of heat by cheating to beat a crowd favorite.

I'm sure the Guns/Team 3D was awesome, knew the Guns would get the final Iub here.

RVD and Dreamer sounded pointless, especially after the predictable hug at the end.


Abyss/Pope- At this point i was kind of feeling an all Immortal-type night so I figured Abyss would get the win. Eric paying off the Congregation is a little out there but the point it makes that you're screwed if you're not in Immortal is good (If you're not Nex...interesting)

Jarrett/joe- See above

Obviously hardy was going to win, surprised that he won clean but it definitely helps him. After all, shouldn't the Anti-Christ be able to beat everyone on his own?

Hopefully they culd put more depth into the Immortals now that Fortune/EV2 is over. Perhaps Pope vs. AJ? Or AJ vs. Joe? They'll probably go with AJ vs Stevie Richards though.
Honestly, this was the worst PPV of 2010 so far.

Overall one of the most boring shows I have ever seen and it seems like it would have been better served as an iMPACT. Just god awful.

The best match was Team 3D vs. MCMG. Loved everything about this match.
I wasn't disappointed. But what can I say if I didn't expect much. It was one of the worst ppvs of the year if not the worst. I liked BFG last month, but this ppv really sucked. The only match I liked was the same one everyone else was saying. (NEED I TELL YOU???)

I was bored out of my mind, and I'm so glad I didn't waste my money on this crap. No, I didn't watch it for free online, I watched it at my friends place.

Robbie E vs Jay Lethal - Below solid, pretty boring match. ******ed winner. Like you said Dead-Angel: How can this be where Joe vs Daniels vs AJ left off?

James vs Tara - Very boring. I love these two, but they could've done more than a 1 hour brawl after a double dq.

MCMG vs Team 3D - Good match. Fun back and forth, only match I liked this night.

EV2 vs Fortune - Slow, uninteresting and boring. Winner was obvious because everybody should've known Sabu's TNA contract was up.

Dreamer vs RVD - Very boring... Dreamer's injured hand gained my attention for a few seconds.

Pope vs Abyss Lumber Jack - I love Pope, I could care less for Abyss these days. But this match was boring, and the segment in the end was... who cares really?

Joe vs Jarrett - I can't belive JJ actually puts himself in matches still. He sucks ass, no charisma at all. Samoa Joe deserved the Main Event spot, not Morgan.

Jeff Hardy vs Matt Morgan - Second best on the card, but it`s still a bad match.

You know what this felt like? Backlash after Wrestlemania. TNA coming off their biggest show of the year and having to have Impacts with less build and a lot of explaining and it was just really thrown together. It also didn't help Anderson got hurt 2 weeks before the PPV. I mean in the long run it will be good, but not short term obviously. Hardy couldn't be on these past 2 Impact because he had court when they taped the 2 shows. Hogan was also hurt. Both return to TV this week so everything should finally get rolling. I think Hogan and Hardy not being able to be their staled the storyline a little.
Thank God I didn't pay for this crap. The matches very way to predictable, the in ring work sucked. Hardy just doesn't care. It has been obvious since March, that he doesn't care. Dreamer is now what he spoke out against 12 years ago, a hasbeen who doesn't know his time is over. Robbie E over Lethal, whats next a feud with Ronnie for the X division belt?? Mickie came to TNA for this crap with Tara?? Did they even have any type of major feud in WWE to make people think there is this "real" bad blood between the 2? As much as I love Ric Flair, he's becoming annoying. A bunch of nobodys turning on Pope?? Wasnt this guy main eventing back in the spring??? Terrible PPV.
I didnt care for this event at all either, seemed like it was all just tossed together. Im not sure what was up with that main event, morgan needs a bit more of a push or some sort of build up before tossing him into a main event title matc. The undercard was mediocre at best also, I expected a lot better from TNA...
I agree with the majority here that Turning Point was the shittiest PPV of the year. I don't usually buy TNA PPV's but I saw Bound for Glory for free at a friends house and thought it was pretty good other than the let down of who "They" turned out to be. So I got Turning Point and thought it sucked from the first match on. I wont be ordering another TNA PPV anytime soon if ever.

I thought it was booked horribly almost every match seemed awkward. It felt like most of the opponents had no in ring chemistry besides Dreamer and RVD. Which is sad that those to had one of if not the best match. Hardy vs Morgan was one of the worst main events I've ever seen. The show starting off with that joke of a wrestler Robbie E winning the X title. Set the tone for joke of a PPV.

The fact that the blindest TNA marks on the forums are even admitting how bad the show was speaks volumes.
I for one didn't hate it. It peaked early for sure but the only match that I thought was definitely bad involved Dreamer's injury so it is tough to judge. That match sucked the air out of the room though. The rest of the matches after this were average with occasional interesting moments which just seems bad, opposed to actually being it, because nothing of consequence happened. All the EV2 stuff in the middle with no major payoff lost the show. However, wasn't it only a month ago everyone was complaining TNA wasn't predictable enough? They lost their compelling main event two weeks before the PPV. That is tough to come back from and to be fair I think everyone knew what this meant for the show.

I actually liked the Jarrett-Joe match, not a classic by any means but it fit the current story well and Jarrett is good in his role. Pope played his character well and I thought the backstage segment with bischoff after the match was pretty funny. It baffles me how people are not giving the Tara-Mickie stuff any credit. The crowd was into it with good reason and if they ended it normally it could not build to anything. It is not like they held back much while wrestling before that happened. KOs are on a roll IMO.
Turning Point

X Division Championship:
Jay Lethal vs Robbie E [w Cookie]

Pretty good opener. I get it. The Shore gimmick sucks. But the way I see it, Robbie E, the wrestler, can be great. He played heel well with some very basic tactics and knew when to speed it up. The match dragged a bit, but it had good speed for an X Division match. The ending however... Sucked. I would've preferred the hairspray to the face again. Robbie has some sort seizure when he won and instead of using the nice looking Cutter, Robbie used some lousy Neckbreaker. Damn. I hate the gimmick, but I see the guy has some good stuff. Soon enough. Soon enough.


Cougars And Country:
Tara vs Mickie James

This is the first time in a long freakin' time that a Women's match takes place on PPV and isn't for a title. Unfortunately, JB didn't get that memo. This match dragged a bit. But the idea was to be a brawl. Still dragged for a brawl. The highlight was a botch. Which placed the women in a pretty interesting position. On the top rope of all places. I don't get the cougar jokes. Is that supposed to be a rib at Vickie Guerrero or something? The ending here was dumber than the one from the first match. A double DQ. OR countout. Nobody's sure. And Taz and Tenay don't help at all. Or the girl's responses either.I smell a Hardcore Match down the road. Why does Mickie bother with legwear anyway? Ha. The crowd doesn't give much of a damn about the match, but then they chant for the girls to fight when they get split apart.


Team 3D's Retirement Match For The TNA World Tag Team Championships:
The Motorcity Machineguns vs Team 3D

Superbowl music. Kewl. Nice highlight package. As usual. Bubba really believes they are the greatest tag team ever. No matter how you look at it, it's debatable. Sorry, buddy. Sabin started wrestling with long hair. The way he's going, he's gonna retire bald. This match was. Standard. Just like the rest. Guns are electric as usual. 3D... Needs a table to look good. Sorta. Well they were better than usual here tonight. As usual. This will probably be match of the night, but at least it was an OK match. Damn the crowd for the "we want tables" chants. Don't encourage them! Skull 'N' Bone's ends 3D's career. R.I.P.


Paranoia On A Pole:
Rob Van Dam vs Tommy Dreamer

This match was... Good?! Yeah, I'll say it. I liked it. Any time I get to see RVD do some of his old spots like the spin kick to the rail or the Slingshot Leg Drop, I smile. So sue me. A pretty good match. Standard stuff non-the-less. Should've been faster paced but then again, Dreamer was in it, so don't expect divine lights to shine on him and make him grow balls.Dreamer said RVD would see who his friends really are. After seeing RVD's head sandwiched on a ladder, it's safe to say Dreamer is his friend. That's some serious S&M stuff between the two "friends". Holy Shit, Dreamer popped his wrist! Either he's got a creepy shaped hand or... Shit! A friend of mine once popped his wrist like that. He cried like a baby. Dreamer is fucking insane. He has a masochist fetish like no other. RVD won after getting tired of fueling Dreamers fetishes.


Kaz is trying to get a personality. I said he's trying, not that he has one. Better than nothing, guess. At least he made a funny about Raven. Sloppy turd,:lmao:

If Fourtunes Loses We Riot Match; If EV2 loses one guy gets fired:
Fourtune vs EV2

KEEP DREAMER THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! Keep him the fuck away from AJ.By the way, what the fuck is Raven wearing? A Thing 1 shirt? I'm missing a piece pf this match and apparently it saw Kedrick forced out due to his knee. I'm guessing he was Thing 2. Roode got Gored so bad he bounced off the bottom rope. Great ending with AJ. Didn't give a damn about the match though.

3/10 [I give the ending 8/10 though. Redemption, bitch.]

Ah, great. Fire the one guy from the group I like. Ric doesn't know the lyrics of Na-Na Goodbye. Yes, Van Dam. This sucks. It sucks bad. Shut up and get out and watch it not suck. But instead S&M Dreamer gets the mic. Let me guess. Thank you's and tears. Ugh. Shut the fuck up, you psycho.

Pope called the Wu Tang Clan over as his Lumberjacks. Hm. Plants. I smell swerve. Pope is... HUH?! The girls show up out of nowhere and are still brawling? My reaction is the same as D' Angelo. What the hell?! :lmao: Pope's reaction was priceless.Get a close look. Because this will be the closest thing to a Nation Of Domination stable you'll see.Good thing we didn't have to sit though the entire brawl.

Fan's Revenge:
"The Pope" D' Angelo Dinero vs "The Monster" Abyss

I'm under the belief that Abyss is actually my uncle. He looks like him, he's as screwed up as him, might as well ask him for a job with The Immortals.

Due to technical difficulties, I didn't get to see the match. Thank you misuploaded videos. The next part starts off midway though the Jarrett/Joe promo video. OK.

Throw You Off A Pole Match:
Jeff Jarrett vs Samoa Joe

Jarrett has no guitar. Thank God. Too bad he still has the Stroke. Can't win 'em all. Jarrett cuts a promo saying he'll shut down the show. But the moron forgets his opponent. Who comes out shirtless. Why Joe, why? Match was pretty good. Faster than most matches of tonight. I find that a bit weird. Joe looked great with his quickness and basically mauling Jarrett for a better part of the match.Loved the chops in the corner. That'll get your blood flowing. Hoping this feud keeps going. Basic booking in TNA brings out it's best. Guessing this is about as basic as they can get. :shrug: Outside interference, a nightstick. Or billyclub. And a ref bump gets Jarrett the win. Joe looked like a monster for most of it. Except the end. Again, soon enough. Soon enough.


And here's a highlight video. You know, in case you were out taking a dump for two and a half hours.

Eric Bischoff has money. From where? He looks like a creeper with Pope's sunglasses.

The crowd is making "Mr. Anderson... Anderson" chants as the World title graphic is displayed. Cute.

TNA World Heavyweight Championship:
Matt Morgan vs Jeff Hardy

This is the first match for Raven 2.0 since turning heel. Curious to see if his ring style changes and to my surprise, it does. He plays a very "fuck you" heel. Haven't seen that in a looooong time. I don't think I've seen Jeff stay away from the ropes for so long ever. Really sold on him as a heel. Too bad we don't see much of him on Impact. Of all things, Hardy has a strategy. And it doesn't involve a ladder or a table. Morgan is still pretty immature in the ring. Sometimes that cocky attitude doesn't do him favors when in the ring. Morgan looked OK, but Hardy looked better.


The Good: No big swerves. EV2 is gone. Or going. By the way, you know all the wrestling that was missing from Impact for the past month? Found it.I liked this show more than I did the last 7 PPV's not called BFG. So I don't call this a failure.

The Bad: It was just another card. Not much to it, so that dropped the anticipation of it. The matches were pretty slow.

The Ugly: Abyss may be my uncle. Tommy Dreamer is a sadist. Sabu is gone, but the other EV2 guys are still employed.

The Wrestling: It was fucking slooow! It would've been so much better for the show if the pace was kept quick. Damn, even The Guns were slow.

This ppv did what it needed to do. What was that exactly; it was to get Immortal over as the most dominant group in the company not just politically but in the ring as well. That being said, if you thought you were buying this ppv with a chance of seeing the faces win I really don't know how you could call yourself part of the IWC. I mean aren't you people suppose to know the in's and outs of the wrestling business.

1. So all the Heels in Immortal won displaying dominace. Also making victory for the faces that much sweeter when it happens.

2. The Knockouts feud continues...There feud is based on the concept that one was fired because the other one was better...If anyone of them won it would have put an end to it because obviously that person is better. If anything Tara should of won but atleast we saw that the KO's could take weapon shots(which grabbed my attention)

3. Robbie E won the title and since he won it from a baby face we will generate good heat or boo's from the crowd whenever they interact. Now we could see if this guy has what it takes without the crowd already deciding before he talks or wrestles.

4. The Guns get the rub from Team 3D in one of the best team 3D matches Ive seen in a very long time. This was due in large part to the Guns but none the less a great match.

5. Hardy won his match clean and as a heel. No swanton(not complaining) but a whisper in the wind which could be classified as high risk I guess. A heel winning clean and using high risk moves...I dont remember the last time I saw this except if you count AJ.

All in all this ppv did exactly what it had to do.
I thought for a B Level PPV it was Decent and not as bad as People making it seem and It definitely was not the Worst PPV of the Year. I thought that the Tag was Excellent and easily MOTN Great Match I thought. The Opener I thought I was good and better than I expected Robbie E may be Terrible character and Bad on the mic but I think he is a Good Wrestler and I enjoyed the match. The Knockout match was decent did not like the ending. RVD vs Dreamer was pretty boring and went to long but it got better towards but it still was not that good. Joe Vs Jarrett was pretty good. Jarrett gets win after some help from Gunner & Murphy. Joe looked strong in the match and will soon get his revenge. Fortune vs EV2 was decent match and I'm glad that Fortune won the match and fired Sabu. Abyss vs Pope was not but not good either, Abyss picked up the Win after the Pope's congregation turned on him. I thought Morgan vs Hardy was Pretty Good Hardy picked up the Win like he should. Morgan looked good in defeat. The New Heel Faction Immortal Won all the matches and looked strong. Decent PPV not Good but I don't think it as Bad as People are Saying.

I thought that Geneshit was a waaaaay worse ppv than this.

That said, I feel like the tna cards, for as long as Immortal is around, should be in reverse.

I enjoyed Robbie v Lethal and Mickie v Tara despite the endings that I didn't approve of.
I loved MCMG v 3D. Definitely the match of the night.
RVD v Dreamer was slower than I would have liked, but I enjoyed it. It had a couple of extreme spots tied on with Dreamer's injury that made me mark out for a moment.
EV2 v Fortune wasn't that bad in my opinion, I pretty much enjoyed that match.

And the rest was slop. This Immortal shit is getting dull already. But I can still roll with Fortune. There is something about the TNA house crew lined up with Flair that hypes me up every time.
I actually fell asleep!

I ordered a PPV, paid money and fell asleep!

I have been ordering PPVs from WWE, WCW, ECW, and TNA for 20 years and not once have I ever fallen asleep until last night.

Every match just got worse and worse. I hated the fact that they pulled the X-division belt off of Jay Lethal for Robbie E. I'm sure the belt will get more attention due to the Jersey Shore thing, but why not the TV title? Why punish Jay Lethal for being nothing but loyal to the company?

Mickie and Tara started well then just fell apart. I'm tired of the same Knockout brawls that constantly happen. The only redeeming thing is that this is the first PPV without any use of The Beautiful People.

I liked the MCMGs vs. Team 3D but they allow Sabin to kick out of the 3D?! On their last match? Why not have Shelley break up the pin? Doesn't that kinda hurt their last match when their immortal finisher becomes weak? TNA really overdoes the "kick-out-of-finishers" thing on PPVs.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Rob Van Dam was the usual from both, but I like them both because they can bring it in the ring against great opponents and make me care. Just not against each other. The paranoia angle was dumb from the start and led to nothing accomplished.

EV2 vs. Fortune I think I started nodding off because I don't remember Kendrick leaving. All I remember is the end with Sabu losing to the Styles Clash. Sabu isn't himself anyway so good riddance. I have no idea where EV2 goes from here, but they need a new feud badly.

I didn't remember any part of The Pope vs. Abyss OR Samoa Joe vs. Jarrett, but from what I saw this evening on the replay (luckily I recorded it), I was very disappointed. The Pope brings in his brother and his hand-picked friends and Bischoff bribes them ALL to betray him? (And they ALL take it?!) Reminds me of Wrestlemania where Vince tried to bribe the Hart family to take out Bret but they all had family loyalty. Abyss just looks worse and worse every week. He hasn't won a match cleanly since the summertime against Dreamer. (Not one I remember anyway) I don't care what his role with the Immortals is. If you're the resident monster you should be able to beat a upper-to-mid-carder cleanly. The Pope and Abyss just do not work well together. They have no chemistry and don't make it appealing to watch. It's a shame because both guys have massive potential.

Jarrett isn't bad-ass and never will be. He's trying to be the psycho-crazy Manson heel and just looks old and played out. I can understand the security guys helping and Samoa Joe dominating (which he should against a guy like Jarrett), but they're dropping the ball with Joe and Jarrett so bad. Honestly, TNA does tag team wrestling and women's matches so well, but they have NO IDEA how to book a big man. I almost would have rather seen Samoa Joe vs. Abyss and The Pope vs. Jarrett, but maybe that's coming soon.

Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Morgan I thought was a weird match-up to start because I figured they'd want Hardy against a more even opponent, even with Anderson out. A dominant big man like Morgan would bring out some fans to cheer for the smaller Hardy but he played his new role well. Problem is it just killed the pace of the match, so that the main event of a big PPV was plotty and slow. At least he's working hard to make this dark character a part of his ring style, which we haven't seen until now.

Overall, this PPV was the most boring one I've ever seen. Not the worst, because I didn't outright hate anything, but I felt such apathy. The only thing I felt any emotion for was the hatred of Jay Lethal losing the X-division title.
No Angle, No Anderson, and they are having another PPV with EV2 match... What were you expecting? I mean, TNA set them up to get shot in the foot here.

The Aftermath might be something good, if Hardy loses the belt on Impact, but, I don't see that happening. Hell, it kind of reminds of last year. When the Main Event Mafia was the big stable. They would win every match on the Pay-per-view for about 6 months.

Overall, hopefully TNA can rebound, but don't hold your breathe.
I watched the 3D/MCMG match, and after that I was done with the PPV. The match was good but I thin 3D was being carried by the MCMG the entire match. I used to love D'Von, everytime he would be involved in a big spot he would sell by flopping around like a fish, i abosultley loved that, his stupid dance that I seemed to love, he looked a lot more fit in his prime obviously, and in general I liked D'Von a ton more than Bubba, I can't stand Bubba. Either way, Team 3D is stale, they're boring, and the only use for them is to put other tag teams over. I think the match was to predictable, and honestly the whole build up to this match, including the promo, fell flat. I felt this storyline was lame.

Now I don't watch TNA often but this match made me absolutley love Alex Shelley, I thought he was great, he's very good in the ring, love his work on the mic too, it isn't bad at all, and Sabin isn't all that bad himself but Shelly stands out way more to me, I think Sabin falls flat on the mic at times. Remember I don't watch TNA to often, but from what I see Shelley is someone who I want to see have a singles career.

This match made me join the MCMG bandwagon though, and Shelley makes me want to watch TNA now. And holy crap, that blading job by Bubba was so obvious, going under the ring mat, coming back out all cut, argh.

Also every time I watch TNA i swear someone ALWAYS has to be kicking out of finishers. Kicking out of finishers before to me makes a good match in my opinion, but now it feels like if they actually finish the match using their finisher it's a disappointment. That annoys me.

I see tons of potential in TNA though from what I see, the PPV was disappointing from what I've saw afterwards and heard, but with the right creative team TNA can be a success, I understand that now.

But honestly, I hope Shelley succeeds. Am I the only one who thinks he can be highly successful in a singles career? I want to see him feud with AJ Styles, these two will put on terrific matches.
Turning Point 2010
Date: November 7, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

Wow has it really been four weeks since Bound For Glory already? Tonight is Hardy’s first match since the title win and I don’t think I’ve been less excited about a PPV in years. The card is relatively predictable and no one believes Hardy loses the title tonight or has any kind of chance.

Sometimes that makes me think expect the swerve and Hardy loses, but there’s no way it happens tonight. This is just not an interesting or well built show and it wouldn’t be if Anderson was here either. The card doesn’t even look that bad. It’s just not intriguing at all and if it wasn’t for the reviewing I probably wouldn’t watch it. Let’s get to it so we can get to the end of it.

We open up with Hardy talking about how tonight is the turning point for him, the Antichrist of wrestling. It’s more of his philosophical bullshit that he’s been on about for weeks now.

Immediately we go to the ring.

X-Division Title: Jay Lethal vs. Robbie E

This is the match that started because of a gimmick match. Sure why not. Leave it to TNA to make an annoying heel character and to give him a taunt that gets over far more than he does. Yes I can’t imagine how having a move that the crowd is going to get behind on an annoying character could blow up in their faces.

Robbie hits the floor almost immediate to talk to Cookie. Lethal dominates early on and sends Robbie to the floor. HUGE chop has Robbie in trouble again. I have a bad feeling Robbie gets the title tonight as they try to force this down our throats harder than a drunken frat boy’s penis. Lethal Combination is blocked and Robbie gets a hot shot to take over.

He keeps going with basic heel offense and gets his fist pump in. We get an abdominal stretch just to push how bad this is in just a little bit further. Lethal makes a comeback and hits the handspring elbow a la Tajiri for two. He gets a sunset flip but Cookie has the referee. Suicide Dive hits Robbie (I always get images of the Highlanders when I hear his name) and it’s all Lethal. Cookie interferes, Lethal gets crotched, neckbreaker gives Robbie the title.

Rating: D. Horrible opener that might as well have opened a house show. No one cares about Shore but to be fair I guess the idea is to not like him. I wish they gave us a reason to hate them rather than simply being told to him them. This wasn’t interesting in the slightest and I think everyone knew the title was changing. Weak match.

Tenay and Taz run down the card.

Mickie says Tara WILL respect her.

Mickie James vs. Tara

JB says Tara is with Madison Rayne but she isn’t. Mickie is in long and baggy denim chaps with frills now. The top is normal too so she looks a bit less ridiculous now. They brawl to start with dueling chants and Tara in control. We hit the floor and they mutually choke. Tara gets a suplex into a guillotine. This is just totally uninteresting. Tara is sent to the floor and Mickie hits her Thesz Press to the ground.

A few minutes have passed since I said anything. This stuff is decent from a wrestling perspective but I have zero interest in seeing these two fight. Tara sits on Mickie’s lap as Mickie is on the top and both fall to the ground. The referee gets to nine a few times and just restarts it. They brawl a lot more and there goes the referee for the DQ. Yep it’s thrown out.

Rating: D. The girls looked good and that’s about it. This was an Impact match but a bit longer and the fans booed the hell out of the ending. Why are they fighting again? Oh because they fought before. So they’re fighting because they fought before. That makes sense right? The match just didn’t do it to me.

They brawl a lot more after the break and head back into the ring. Mickie pulls Tara’s top off. There must have been 200 bell strikes. The fans chant let them fight. Security breaks it up as this is going longer than the match went.

We recap Team 3D vs. the Guns. In short, the Guns are telling us Team 3D is great which is a stretch but them saying they’re the best ever is just laughable. This is Team 3D’s final match apparently. I don’t buy that at all.

Team 3D says they’re awesome and that this is their LAST match.

Tag Titles: Team 3D vs. Motor City Machine Guns

After a lot of standing around looking at each other, D-Von and Shelley start. Pre-match handshake is always nice to see. They start with some technical/mat stuff and not a lot is going on so far. Dueling chants begin. We’re told that Dreamer, Raven and Tazz started the Dudley Boys which is only technically true as the Dudley Family, who didn’t start off as Bubba and D-Von, were based on the brothers from the movie Slapshot. Ah ok they mention that at least.

They get to say Dudley Boys here which is surprising. Sabin vs. Bubba now. Big boot cuts the head off of the small one. Back to the starters now with the Guns in control. Shelly might have hurt his knee off a top rope move but his knee seems to be ok as it gets worked on by Bubba. They’re going for the big match here and it’s working to an extent.

Back off to Sabin now and some modified Poetry in Motion and double teaming sends the Dudleys to the floor. Sabin misses a dive though and eats floor. Bubba goes into the post and DIVES under the ring. Shockingly when he comes back up he’s busted open. The fans want tables. Shelley bends Bubba’s fingers back which is a freaking ow move if there ever has been one.

They’re trying to make the Guns wrestle heel here because this is a rather stupid company. Top rope Batista Bomb gets two on Sabin. Nice one there. Bubba’s facial expressions are kind of funny. Shelley kicks D-Von while he’s on the apron to a few boos. Sabin and D-Von both come in off hot tags as the cranking up thing here isn’t really happening.

Sabin gets beaten down for awhile while the other two are on the floor. D-Von catches Poetry in Motion and throws Shelley onto Sabin which was cool. All Dudleys here as D-Von hits the top rope headbutt on Shelley for two as Sabin makes the save. What’s Up hits and it’s table time. This version is in the corner if you’re curious. HUGE table chant.

As per the laws of table usage, the person that set it up, Bubba in this case, goes into it. Skull and Bones hits D-Von for only two. That gets kicked out of every time. 3D to Sabin but it only gets two as Sabin kicks out. That’s not something you ever see so I can give it points there. Skull and Bones to Bubba end it soon afterwards to set up the big send off.

Rating: C+. They were going for the big and epic match here and didn’t really get there. This was good but at the same time it’s just another title win for the Guns, which is the right move at least. I don’t buy them leaving at all but that’s neither here nor there. This wasn’t a classic but it was by far the best match of the night so far.

Dreamer says thanks Bischoff for causing all this.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Rob Van Dam

Anything goes here. The basic idea is Van Dam is paranoid and thinks EV is going to turn on him or already has. My bet is on Kendrick or RVD himself. A few early pinfall attempts get us nowhere. Van Dam can’t get the upper hand and Dreamer won’t go hardcore. We hit the floor and Van Dam takes over with his basic moves. How weird is it to think that Dreamer won more ECW Titles than RVD?

We fight on the floor for a bit and it’s pretty much back and forth with no one getting a lengthy advantage. And now we talk about Bischoff, which for once I can’t really complain about as this is part of his feud. Spinning legdrop to the railing by RVD. First weapon comes in and it’s a chair, held by the more successful one. Dreamer works on the knee back in the ring which is smart as Van Dam only uses his legs for the most part. Van Dam avoids the baseball slide dropkick in the Tree of Woe.

Dreamer grabs a ladder for no apparent reason and slides it in as well. Baseball slide into it though is blocked so Dreamer just hits him in the face with the ladder. Can’t beat basic intelligence like that. Bulldog into the ladder gets two for Dreamer. Rolling Thunder onto the ladder misses as this isn’t incredibly interesting.

A top rope splash from Dreamer misses and he might have hurt his wrist. The glove comes off and you can see that it’s a legit injury with the bone all fucked up. Dreamer won’t quit though as Van Dam tries to cover for two. Split legged moonsault gets chair though and Tommy appears to be a bit better. Five Star misses and Dreamer gets a Piledriver for two as RVD’s arm is under the ropes. Oh yeah that wrist is messed up bad.

Dreamer sets the ladder up like a platform on the middle rope and goes for a suplex. Naturally he gets crotched and messes up his legs. Van Dam, the nice guy that he is, drills his prone body with a chair but goes for the Five Star which misses again. And never mind as it hits a few moments later to end this.

Rating: D+. Uh…so? What was the point here? The match was kind of fun based on pure brutality and the wrist injury, but why is this supposed to be interesting? There was no twist or anything like that so this is just Van Dam beating a guy he should beat in a weapons match. Nothing special again and yes, this got over fifteen minutes.

They hug it out and Van Dam is ok I guess. No turn as we go to the back.

Fourtune wants to get rid of a member of EV 2.

We recap this of course even though it has gotten as much time as anything. The teams hate each other and if EV loses they lose a member. That doesn’t hold true for Fourtune though. That makes so much sense.

Fourtune vs. EV 2

This is just a regular ten man tag and is Kendrick/Rhyno/Sabu/Raven/Stevie vs. the normal five for Fourtune. Fourtune is all in red here which is a nice touch. Big brawl to start of course. Kaz vs. Kendrick in the ring at the moment. Williams goes for Kendrick’s knee and it might be hurt which may or may not be legit. Trainers come out to carry him away. Tazz questions why he can’t stick around as he saw Kendrick put a bit of weight on it.

Richards gets beaten down for a very long time as it’s all Fourtune here. AJ in there now as this is looking more and more one sided by the minute. Kaz misses a Stevie Kick and Richards hits a bad looking Downward Spiral which is one of Kaz’s moves apparently. Rhyno vs. Storm now.

Ok so now the rules are changed so that whoever gets pinned is the one that gets fired. Raven breaks up a chinlock. When’s the last time you saw that? Rhyno gets a TKO on Storm which Tenay calls a fallaway slam. Sabu comes in for the first time and Raven hands him a chair which isn’t legal I don’t think. He manages to not botch much and is now against Williams despite a lack of hand slapping by the heels.

European uppercut to Sabu and it’s finishers a go-go at the moment. Beer Money do their think but Roode gets Gored. Everything falls apart as Sabu pelts a chair at Storm. Sabu goes up but AJ catches him and the Styles Clash gets the pin. And now apparently Flair gets to pick who is fired. Can they not keep ANYTHING straight in this company?

Rating: D+. As I said with the previous match, so? Fourtune gets the win after Lethal Lockdown which should have been the real blowoff to this but we can have a regular match instead that was a handicap match to make the heels look even weaker right? This was nothing special at all and it went nowhere at all. At least it’s one less EV guy to deal with.

Flair comes out and selects Sabu to be fired. Nice to have Tenay tell us that three times already. He hated the Sheik apparently so bye baldie. My words not his but it would have been funny had he said that. Flair leads the crowd in a made up goodbye Sabu song. RVD and Dreamer come out to say it’s ok. They make it sound like they’re saying goodbye to AJ or someone. Dreamer talks about how great Sabu is and Sabu says FUCK YOU to Dreamer before hugging him. That was rather odd.

Pope and his “Congregation” and they’re all large black men that look shall we say stereotypical. I had a feeling this aspect of the angle was coming soon. One of the guys is his brother and that might be legit as they look alike. Mickie and Tara fight up to them as that brawl is STILL going. We get it already people. After the Congregation leaves Madison and Tara come up to beat on her even more.

We recap Pope vs. Abyss where Pope is fighting the war against Immortal by himself. Yeah that’s about it. Oh and Abyss kidnapped “fans” which set up the Congregation thing.

Abyss vs. D’Angelo Dinero

Pope has taped ribs still. Thankfully this isn’t a casket match anymore. Naturally this is more or less a one on one match with nothing special going on at all. This is a clash of styles if there ever has been one as Pope more or less doesn’t have a style and Abyss is just fat. Abyss gets a big boot to send Pope down. Thankfully he notices the MASSIVE TAPE ON THE RIBS and goes after them.

Splash hits in the corner as this is a very boring match so far. The Congregation has meant nothing to this point. Pope blocks the Black Hole Slam and we’re back to even. He gets in some solid shots and some “piston like” rights which are about as slow as you could ask for while they’re still being thrown. Shock Treatment takes out Pope though for two.

We go to the floor and the Congregation doesn’t really do much to Abyss. They send him back in and help Pope up after a big dive to take down the taller one. A top rope headbutt hits Abyss for two. Pope finally gets him down again and hits the floor for reasons of plot advancement and here’s Bischoff who rubs his fingers together, symbolizing money. And yep the Congregation jumps Pope as they have been paid off. Black Hole Slam and pin are academic.

Rating: D. Boring beyond belief as Pope did nothing but hit individual strikes that went nowhere at all and then hey let’s have a swerve just because we need a swerve. Was there ANY need to have this as a lumberjack match other than having it end in a swerve? If there was I certainly can’t see it. Bad match though and dull as hell.

Christy wants to talk to Sabu but gets Stevie instead, who challenges AJ for a match on Impact.

We recap Joe vs. Jarrett which has been done far too many times before so we’ll do it again here for no apparent reason.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe

Before the match Jarrett says how the Immortals are awesome and they’ve taken back control. Jarrett threatens to cancel the show and the fans won’t see Hardy if they don’t stop saying he sold out. The fans are all behind Joe of course. Shame he has zero chance of winning. Other than that though the fans don’t seem to care at all.

Joe punches him in the kidneys as this is starting pretty slowly here. Jarrett will do basic moves and Joe will run him over with some kind of awesome move. Jarrett chops him, Joe chops him much harder. He hooks on an ankle lock and Joe is in trouble. Hardy har har I suppose. Stroke only gets two. Joe snaps off some suplexes but the Muscle Buster is blocked.

Stroke from the middle rope, which is just more or less Joe falling forward, gets two to ZERO heat. Jarrett and the referee argue on the floor so Joe takes them both out with a diving elbow (and yes I know what the proper term is and I don’t really care. It’s a diving elbow and I’m not calling it an elbow suicida). Here are Gunner and Murphy to end Joe. He beats them up so Jarrett gets a nightstick from somewhere and takes out Joe with it then wins with Joe’s own choke out.

Rating: D. This was somehow even more boring than the previous match. It was long, it was dull, there was NO heat and no one cared. When a former world champion hits his finishing move from the second rope and no one cares about the kickout, you can tell something is very wrong. The ending being screwey didn’t help at all either. Bad match.

Let’s get to the main event because this show needs to die.

We get a recap video of the show so far to a bad rap song which is more or less the guy saying “This is the turning point” and his name a lot. Why does that always have to happen in raps? We know who you are, you don’t need to tell us.

Tenay and Tazz talk about the main event but we throw it to the back where Eric is celebrating with the Congregation. They’re not leaving until after the title match. Hint hint.

We recap the Hardy stuff so far which is a stupid reason to not have him live for weeks. He gave Anderson, his original challenger, a concussion and Morgan didn’t like the idea of Anderson having to wrestle hurt so he turned face and left the heel stables.

TNA World Title: Matt Morgan vs. Jeff Hardy

Wow I want this show to end very badly. Hardy of course gets a big face reaction. Why does Russo always have to insist on trying to turn the most over faces in the company heel (and by that I mean STING)? Morgan overpowers him to start of course. Hardy keeps stalling a lot as he can’t buy a heel reaction if his life depends on it.

Hardy tries to work on Morgan’s knee as he slows things way down. This is weird to see to put it mildly. More knee work and Jeff of course covers. Mornga makes his comeback with pure power but his knee is still hurting him. Jeff gets a DDT for two and no one cares. To say Jeff is the more popular of these two is a huge understatement. Chokeslam gets two.

Hardy gets a low blow and Twist of Hate to ZERO reaction from the crowd. Everyone knew he wasn’t winning with it and no one cared. Oh listen to that Hardy chant. Russo, please, understand this: THE MEGA FACES ARE MEGA FACES BECAUSE PEOPLE LIKE THEM! They fuck something up BAD or this was supposed to be a screwjob spot as Morgan takes his head off with the bicycle kick and covers for two but the referee just stops counting even though there was no kickout. He says two as Jeff merely raised his foot which is apparently a kickout. That looked awful and everyone was confused.

A second Twist out of nowhere gets two again to another lack of reaction. And then a few seconds later Hardy gets a Whisper in the Wind and a third Twist of Hate to end it and keep the title. Morgan looked like a jobber to the stars here. Fourtune and Immortal come out to celebrate the victory to end the show, complete with champagne, beer and confetti. Oh and it’s red and yellow of course. Oh and Flair gets iced.

Rating: F. This was the main event of the Pay Per View. This match is nowhere near as good as I’ve made it sound which may sound conceited but it’s true. Hardy as a heel is more or less a failure as EVERYONE LOVES HIM STILL. This isn’t 1996 and he isn’t Hulk Hogan which is what they’re going for. Back then the fans wanted to boo Hogan but were wanting a reason. That worked wonders.

This didn’t because like it or not TNA, HARDY’S TURN MAKE NO SENSE! Yes he gave a reason, and it was bullshit. You can’t just throw out some way too fast justification about he’s tired of the pain and no reward for it when he’s here because he was a superstar in WWE and a three time world champion already. You can’t reference some things in WWE and not reference others when it suits your stories.

People like Jeff Hardy. They like his look, they like his style, he’s small so he’s a natural face, and he’s just fun to watch. He’s always said these somewhat psycho things so the whole set of promos asking for forgiveness don’t mean jack. This is what you get when you turn someone because you need to turn them and then don’t have them in the arena for a month. Have fun with your new “superheel” TNA. I hope you can hear people calling you a failure over all the cheers Jeff is getting.

Overall Rating: F. This is one of the most boring shows I have ever seen. I think you would all agree I watch A LOT of wrestling and have sat through some very bad shows. I watched half of the show Sunday and turned it off, watched another hour and fifteen minutes Monday, and couldn’t bring myself to finish the last ten minutes until Tuesday morning which is when this part is being written.

Turning Point was nothing. Absolutely nothing of note happened here. Sabu, a guy that has never done anything of note in this company, is gone and Team 3D is allegedly gone but I don’t believe that for a minute. This show was just boring with maybe one good match the whole way through. Oh and Robbie E is the new X Champion. That division has been dead for months so it’s not like it matters though.

Overall this show sucked and it sucked hard, showing everything that is wrong with TNA at the moment. They don’t listen to their fans because they don’t want to, they have heels win every major match, the turns make little to no sense and the PPVs, as in the shows we sit through the dreadful Impacts to get to, suck even worse. I really do not want to see Impact on Thursday. Awful show and the worst in a very long time.
Turning Point 2010
Date: November 7, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

Wow has it really been four weeks since Bound For Glory already? Tonight is Hardy’s first match since the title win and I don’t think I’ve been less excited about a PPV in years. The card is relatively predictable and no one believes Hardy loses the title tonight or has any kind of chance.

Sometimes that makes me think expect the swerve and Hardy loses, but there’s no way it happens tonight. This is just not an interesting or well built show and it wouldn’t be if Anderson was here either. The card doesn’t even look that bad. It’s just not intriguing at all and if it wasn’t for the reviewing I probably wouldn’t watch it. Let’s get to it so we can get to the end of it.

We open up with Hardy talking about how tonight is the turning point for him, the Antichrist of wrestling. It’s more of his philosophical bullshit that he’s been on about for weeks now.

Immediately we go to the ring.

X-Division Title: Jay Lethal vs. Robbie E

This is the match that started because of a gimmick match. Sure why not. Leave it to TNA to make an annoying heel character and to give him a taunt that gets over far more than he does. Yes I can’t imagine how having a move that the crowd is going to get behind on an annoying character could blow up in their faces.

Robbie hits the floor almost immediate to talk to Cookie. Lethal dominates early on and sends Robbie to the floor. HUGE chop has Robbie in trouble again. I have a bad feeling Robbie gets the title tonight as they try to force this down our throats harder than a drunken frat boy’s penis. Lethal Combination is blocked and Robbie gets a hot shot to take over.

He keeps going with basic heel offense and gets his fist pump in. We get an abdominal stretch just to push how bad this is in just a little bit further. Lethal makes a comeback and hits the handspring elbow a la Tajiri for two. He gets a sunset flip but Cookie has the referee. Suicide Dive hits Robbie (I always get images of the Highlanders when I hear his name) and it’s all Lethal. Cookie interferes, Lethal gets crotched, neckbreaker gives Robbie the title.

Rating: D. Horrible opener that might as well have opened a house show. No one cares about Shore but to be fair I guess the idea is to not like him. I wish they gave us a reason to hate them rather than simply being told to him them. This wasn’t interesting in the slightest and I think everyone knew the title was changing. Weak match.

Tenay and Taz run down the card.

Mickie says Tara WILL respect her.

Mickie James vs. Tara

JB says Tara is with Madison Rayne but she isn’t. Mickie is in long and baggy denim chaps with frills now. The top is normal too so she looks a bit less ridiculous now. They brawl to start with dueling chants and Tara in control. We hit the floor and they mutually choke. Tara gets a suplex into a guillotine. This is just totally uninteresting. Tara is sent to the floor and Mickie hits her Thesz Press to the ground.

A few minutes have passed since I said anything. This stuff is decent from a wrestling perspective but I have zero interest in seeing these two fight. Tara sits on Mickie’s lap as Mickie is on the top and both fall to the ground. The referee gets to nine a few times and just restarts it. They brawl a lot more and there goes the referee for the DQ. Yep it’s thrown out.

Rating: D. The girls looked good and that’s about it. This was an Impact match but a bit longer and the fans booed the hell out of the ending. Why are they fighting again? Oh because they fought before. So they’re fighting because they fought before. That makes sense right? The match just didn’t do it to me.

They brawl a lot more after the break and head back into the ring. Mickie pulls Tara’s top off. There must have been 200 bell strikes. The fans chant let them fight. Security breaks it up as this is going longer than the match went.

We recap Team 3D vs. the Guns. In short, the Guns are telling us Team 3D is great which is a stretch but them saying they’re the best ever is just laughable. This is Team 3D’s final match apparently. I don’t buy that at all.

Team 3D says they’re awesome and that this is their LAST match.

Tag Titles: Team 3D vs. Motor City Machine Guns

After a lot of standing around looking at each other, D-Von and Shelley start. Pre-match handshake is always nice to see. They start with some technical/mat stuff and not a lot is going on so far. Dueling chants begin. We’re told that Dreamer, Raven and Tazz started the Dudley Boys which is only technically true as the Dudley Family, who didn’t start off as Bubba and D-Von, were based on the brothers from the movie Slapshot. Ah ok they mention that at least.

They get to say Dudley Boys here which is surprising. Sabin vs. Bubba now. Big boot cuts the head off of the small one. Back to the starters now with the Guns in control. Shelly might have hurt his knee off a top rope move but his knee seems to be ok as it gets worked on by Bubba. They’re going for the big match here and it’s working to an extent.

Back off to Sabin now and some modified Poetry in Motion and double teaming sends the Dudleys to the floor. Sabin misses a dive though and eats floor. Bubba goes into the post and DIVES under the ring. Shockingly when he comes back up he’s busted open. The fans want tables. Shelley bends Bubba’s fingers back which is a freaking ow move if there ever has been one.

They’re trying to make the Guns wrestle heel here because this is a rather stupid company. Top rope Batista Bomb gets two on Sabin. Nice one there. Bubba’s facial expressions are kind of funny. Shelley kicks D-Von while he’s on the apron to a few boos. Sabin and D-Von both come in off hot tags as the cranking up thing here isn’t really happening.

Sabin gets beaten down for awhile while the other two are on the floor. D-Von catches Poetry in Motion and throws Shelley onto Sabin which was cool. All Dudleys here as D-Von hits the top rope headbutt on Shelley for two as Sabin makes the save. What’s Up hits and it’s table time. This version is in the corner if you’re curious. HUGE table chant.

As per the laws of table usage, the person that set it up, Bubba in this case, goes into it. Skull and Bones hits D-Von for only two. That gets kicked out of every time. 3D to Sabin but it only gets two as Sabin kicks out. That’s not something you ever see so I can give it points there. Skull and Bones to Bubba end it soon afterwards to set up the big send off.

Rating: C+. They were going for the big and epic match here and didn’t really get there. This was good but at the same time it’s just another title win for the Guns, which is the right move at least. I don’t buy them leaving at all but that’s neither here nor there. This wasn’t a classic but it was by far the best match of the night so far.

Dreamer says thanks Bischoff for causing all this.

Tommy Dreamer vs. Rob Van Dam

Anything goes here. The basic idea is Van Dam is paranoid and thinks EV is going to turn on him or already has. My bet is on Kendrick or RVD himself. A few early pinfall attempts get us nowhere. Van Dam can’t get the upper hand and Dreamer won’t go hardcore. We hit the floor and Van Dam takes over with his basic moves. How weird is it to think that Dreamer won more ECW Titles than RVD?

We fight on the floor for a bit and it’s pretty much back and forth with no one getting a lengthy advantage. And now we talk about Bischoff, which for once I can’t really complain about as this is part of his feud. Spinning legdrop to the railing by RVD. First weapon comes in and it’s a chair, held by the more successful one. Dreamer works on the knee back in the ring which is smart as Van Dam only uses his legs for the most part. Van Dam avoids the baseball slide dropkick in the Tree of Woe.

Dreamer grabs a ladder for no apparent reason and slides it in as well. Baseball slide into it though is blocked so Dreamer just hits him in the face with the ladder. Can’t beat basic intelligence like that. Bulldog into the ladder gets two for Dreamer. Rolling Thunder onto the ladder misses as this isn’t incredibly interesting.

A top rope splash from Dreamer misses and he might have hurt his wrist. The glove comes off and you can see that it’s a legit injury with the bone all fucked up. Dreamer won’t quit though as Van Dam tries to cover for two. Split legged moonsault gets chair though and Tommy appears to be a bit better. Five Star misses and Dreamer gets a Piledriver for two as RVD’s arm is under the ropes. Oh yeah that wrist is messed up bad.

Dreamer sets the ladder up like a platform on the middle rope and goes for a suplex. Naturally he gets crotched and messes up his legs. Van Dam, the nice guy that he is, drills his prone body with a chair but goes for the Five Star which misses again. And never mind as it hits a few moments later to end this.

Rating: D+. Uh…so? What was the point here? The match was kind of fun based on pure brutality and the wrist injury, but why is this supposed to be interesting? There was no twist or anything like that so this is just Van Dam beating a guy he should beat in a weapons match. Nothing special again and yes, this got over fifteen minutes.

They hug it out and Van Dam is ok I guess. No turn as we go to the back.

Fourtune wants to get rid of a member of EV 2.

We recap this of course even though it has gotten as much time as anything. The teams hate each other and if EV loses they lose a member. That doesn’t hold true for Fourtune though. That makes so much sense.

Fourtune vs. EV 2

This is just a regular ten man tag and is Kendrick/Rhyno/Sabu/Raven/Stevie vs. the normal five for Fourtune. Fourtune is all in red here which is a nice touch. Big brawl to start of course. Kaz vs. Kendrick in the ring at the moment. Williams goes for Kendrick’s knee and it might be hurt which may or may not be legit. Trainers come out to carry him away. Tazz questions why he can’t stick around as he saw Kendrick put a bit of weight on it.

Richards gets beaten down for a very long time as it’s all Fourtune here. AJ in there now as this is looking more and more one sided by the minute. Kaz misses a Stevie Kick and Richards hits a bad looking Downward Spiral which is one of Kaz’s moves apparently. Rhyno vs. Storm now.

Ok so now the rules are changed so that whoever gets pinned is the one that gets fired. Raven breaks up a chinlock. When’s the last time you saw that? Rhyno gets a TKO on Storm which Tenay calls a fallaway slam. Sabu comes in for the first time and Raven hands him a chair which isn’t legal I don’t think. He manages to not botch much and is now against Williams despite a lack of hand slapping by the heels.

European uppercut to Sabu and it’s finishers a go-go at the moment. Beer Money do their think but Roode gets Gored. Everything falls apart as Sabu pelts a chair at Storm. Sabu goes up but AJ catches him and the Styles Clash gets the pin. And now apparently Flair gets to pick who is fired. Can they not keep ANYTHING straight in this company?

Rating: D+. As I said with the previous match, so? Fourtune gets the win after Lethal Lockdown which should have been the real blowoff to this but we can have a regular match instead that was a handicap match to make the heels look even weaker right? This was nothing special at all and it went nowhere at all. At least it’s one less EV guy to deal with.

Flair comes out and selects Sabu to be fired. Nice to have Tenay tell us that three times already. He hated the Sheik apparently so bye baldie. My words not his but it would have been funny had he said that. Flair leads the crowd in a made up goodbye Sabu song. RVD and Dreamer come out to say it’s ok. They make it sound like they’re saying goodbye to AJ or someone. Dreamer talks about how great Sabu is and Sabu says FUCK YOU to Dreamer before hugging him. That was rather odd.

Pope and his “Congregation” and they’re all large black men that look shall we say stereotypical. I had a feeling this aspect of the angle was coming soon. One of the guys is his brother and that might be legit as they look alike. Mickie and Tara fight up to them as that brawl is STILL going. We get it already people. After the Congregation leaves Madison and Tara come up to beat on her even more.

We recap Pope vs. Abyss where Pope is fighting the war against Immortal by himself. Yeah that’s about it. Oh and Abyss kidnapped “fans” which set up the Congregation thing.

Abyss vs. D’Angelo Dinero

Pope has taped ribs still. Thankfully this isn’t a casket match anymore. Naturally this is more or less a one on one match with nothing special going on at all. This is a clash of styles if there ever has been one as Pope more or less doesn’t have a style and Abyss is just fat. Abyss gets a big boot to send Pope down. Thankfully he notices the MASSIVE TAPE ON THE RIBS and goes after them.

Splash hits in the corner as this is a very boring match so far. The Congregation has meant nothing to this point. Pope blocks the Black Hole Slam and we’re back to even. He gets in some solid shots and some “piston like” rights which are about as slow as you could ask for while they’re still being thrown. Shock Treatment takes out Pope though for two.

We go to the floor and the Congregation doesn’t really do much to Abyss. They send him back in and help Pope up after a big dive to take down the taller one. A top rope headbutt hits Abyss for two. Pope finally gets him down again and hits the floor for reasons of plot advancement and here’s Bischoff who rubs his fingers together, symbolizing money. And yep the Congregation jumps Pope as they have been paid off. Black Hole Slam and pin are academic.

Rating: D. Boring beyond belief as Pope did nothing but hit individual strikes that went nowhere at all and then hey let’s have a swerve just because we need a swerve. Was there ANY need to have this as a lumberjack match other than having it end in a swerve? If there was I certainly can’t see it. Bad match though and dull as hell.

Christy wants to talk to Sabu but gets Stevie instead, who challenges AJ for a match on Impact.

We recap Joe vs. Jarrett which has been done far too many times before so we’ll do it again here for no apparent reason.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe

Before the match Jarrett says how the Immortals are awesome and they’ve taken back control. Jarrett threatens to cancel the show and the fans won’t see Hardy if they don’t stop saying he sold out. The fans are all behind Joe of course. Shame he has zero chance of winning. Other than that though the fans don’t seem to care at all.

Joe punches him in the kidneys as this is starting pretty slowly here. Jarrett will do basic moves and Joe will run him over with some kind of awesome move. Jarrett chops him, Joe chops him much harder. He hooks on an ankle lock and Joe is in trouble. Hardy har har I suppose. Stroke only gets two. Joe snaps off some suplexes but the Muscle Buster is blocked.

Stroke from the middle rope, which is just more or less Joe falling forward, gets two to ZERO heat. Jarrett and the referee argue on the floor so Joe takes them both out with a diving elbow (and yes I know what the proper term is and I don’t really care. It’s a diving elbow and I’m not calling it an elbow suicida). Here are Gunner and Murphy to end Joe. He beats them up so Jarrett gets a nightstick from somewhere and takes out Joe with it then wins with Joe’s own choke out.

Rating: D. This was somehow even more boring than the previous match. It was long, it was dull, there was NO heat and no one cared. When a former world champion hits his finishing move from the second rope and no one cares about the kickout, you can tell something is very wrong. The ending being screwey didn’t help at all either. Bad match.

Let’s get to the main event because this show needs to die.

We get a recap video of the show so far to a bad rap song which is more or less the guy saying “This is the turning point” and his name a lot. Why does that always have to happen in raps? We know who you are, you don’t need to tell us.

Tenay and Tazz talk about the main event but we throw it to the back where Eric is celebrating with the Congregation. They’re not leaving until after the title match. Hint hint.

We recap the Hardy stuff so far which is a stupid reason to not have him live for weeks. He gave Anderson, his original challenger, a concussion and Morgan didn’t like the idea of Anderson having to wrestle hurt so he turned face and left the heel stables.

TNA World Title: Matt Morgan vs. Jeff Hardy

Wow I want this show to end very badly. Hardy of course gets a big face reaction. Why does Russo always have to insist on trying to turn the most over faces in the company heel (and by that I mean STING)? Morgan overpowers him to start of course. Hardy keeps stalling a lot as he can’t buy a heel reaction if his life depends on it.

Hardy tries to work on Morgan’s knee as he slows things way down. This is weird to see to put it mildly. More knee work and Jeff of course covers. Mornga makes his comeback with pure power but his knee is still hurting him. Jeff gets a DDT for two and no one cares. To say Jeff is the more popular of these two is a huge understatement. Chokeslam gets two.

Hardy gets a low blow and Twist of Hate to ZERO reaction from the crowd. Everyone knew he wasn’t winning with it and no one cared. Oh listen to that Hardy chant. Russo, please, understand this: THE MEGA FACES ARE MEGA FACES BECAUSE PEOPLE LIKE THEM! They fuck something up BAD or this was supposed to be a screwjob spot as Morgan takes his head off with the bicycle kick and covers for two but the referee just stops counting even though there was no kickout. He says two as Jeff merely raised his foot which is apparently a kickout. That looked awful and everyone was confused.

A second Twist out of nowhere gets two again to another lack of reaction. And then a few seconds later Hardy gets a Whisper in the Wind and a third Twist of Hate to end it and keep the title. Morgan looked like a jobber to the stars here. Fourtune and Immortal come out to celebrate the victory to end the show, complete with champagne, beer and confetti. Oh and it’s red and yellow of course. Oh and Flair gets iced.

Rating: F. This was the main event of the Pay Per View. This match is nowhere near as good as I’ve made it sound which may sound conceited but it’s true. Hardy as a heel is more or less a failure as EVERYONE LOVES HIM STILL. This isn’t 1996 and he isn’t Hulk Hogan which is what they’re going for. Back then the fans wanted to boo Hogan but were wanting a reason. That worked wonders.

This didn’t because like it or not TNA, HARDY’S TURN MAKE NO SENSE! Yes he gave a reason, and it was bullshit. You can’t just throw out some way too fast justification about he’s tired of the pain and no reward for it when he’s here because he was a superstar in WWE and a three time world champion already. You can’t reference some things in WWE and not reference others when it suits your stories.

People like Jeff Hardy. They like his look, they like his style, he’s small so he’s a natural face, and he’s just fun to watch. He’s always said these somewhat psycho things so the whole set of promos asking for forgiveness don’t mean jack. This is what you get when you turn someone because you need to turn them and then don’t have them in the arena for a month. Have fun with your new “superheel” TNA. I hope you can hear people calling you a failure over all the cheers Jeff is getting.

Overall Rating: F. This is one of the most boring shows I have ever seen. I think you would all agree I watch A LOT of wrestling and have sat through some very bad shows. I watched half of the show Sunday and turned it off, watched another hour and fifteen minutes Monday, and couldn’t bring myself to finish the last ten minutes until Tuesday morning which is when this part is being written.

Turning Point was nothing. Absolutely nothing of note happened here. Sabu, a guy that has never done anything of note in this company, is gone and Team 3D is allegedly gone but I don’t believe that for a minute. This show was just boring with maybe one good match the whole way through. Oh and Robbie E is the new X Champion. That division has been dead for months so it’s not like it matters though.

Overall this show sucked and it sucked hard, showing everything that is wrong with TNA at the moment. They don’t listen to their fans because they don’t want to, they have heels win every major match, the turns make little to no sense and the PPVs, as in the shows we sit through the dreadful Impacts to get to, suck even worse. I really do not want to see Impact on Thursday. Awful show and the worst in a very long time.

Sorry but after reading this I just had to comment. That is the biggest load of bullshit Ive read on this forum to date. U gave the worst match of the PPV the best rating which shows uve got ur head up ur ass. Team 3D and MCMG had a pretty shitty match, as did D and Abyss. The rest of the card was excellent. Mickie james and Tara had a fucking awesome match that showed what womens wrestling should be. The crowd popped when they showed up still fighting during the Popes promo. Hardy was really strong in his first defence showing he can wrestle without spots and tell a story. He was getting heat from the crowd and playing heel phenomenal. Morgan done an excellent job in his own right aswell.
Sorry but after reading this I just had to comment. That is the biggest load of bullshit Ive read on this forum to date. U gave the worst match of the PPV the best rating which shows uve got ur head up ur ass. Team 3D and MCMG had a pretty shitty match, as did D and Abyss. The rest of the card was excellent. Mickie james and Tara had a fucking awesome match that showed what womens wrestling should be. The crowd popped when they showed up still fighting during the Popes promo. Hardy was really strong in his first defence showing he can wrestle without spots and tell a story. He was getting heat from the crowd and playing heel phenomenal. Morgan done an excellent job in his own right aswell.

Are you fucking kidding me? The tag match between 3D and the guns was BY FUCKING FAR the best match. Almost everything else here was just so forgettable. Sure the woman's match was better than anything we've seen for ages but even so it wasn't all that fucking impressive. The burial of Joe fucking continues as he and Jarret have a shittingly dull match, and the same goes for the POPE and Abyss match. What brawling like fucking cougars is what woman's wrestling should be like? What in this anal-fisting world made you even consider that woman's wrestling should be like this. Did you not see the fucking main-event? Hardy looked like he had injected himself with Thorazine solution, how in Jesus Christ did Hardy showcase he could wrestle without spots? That match was such a fucking work, dare I say it was worse than the 3-way at SS08.

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