[OFFICIAL] TNA Victory Road 2010 Discussion, Aftermath, and Review thread


[This Space for Rent]

Live on Pay per view, July 11th, TNA presents Victory Road. Keep discussion concerning the TNA Victory Road PPV in here. Anything related to any specific match that has been announced, can be discussed in their specific thread. This thread is for general talk about predicted matches, storylines, and the types of matches that may take place. Also discuss the aftermath of the PPV, and review the PPV in here as well.

Please make sure to explain yourself. Do not just list cards. Do not just list matches. Make sure to explain why you feel the way you do. Why you believe whatever specific match may take place. Etc. Thank you.
Wow. This is one stacked card, I must say. I actually really want to watch this PPV, but unfortunately that will be the day I go out of town and I'll be gone for three weeks. At least I'll be able to check out the LD...hopefully.

The top matches I'm looking forward to are Doug Williams/Kendrick, RVD vs. Abyss vs. Hardy vs. Anderson, and Angle/Pope. I've become quite the fan of Williams and I always liked Kendrick, so I'm sure this will be a good match. The TNA championship match will hopefully end in a title win and heel turn for Anderson, and I think it could really help both the company and Anderson in a big way. And Angle is one of my favorite wrestlers ever.

Looks to be an awesome show.
This card has the potential to be one of the best Tna PPV's of the year. All of the matches have been built up well and their is only 1 bad match and that is the Triple Threat all of other matches have the potential to be really good. This is definitely a PPV that I will ordering
Douglas Williams def. Brian Kendrick - ** -The match was decent until Kendrick got Injured so they went with a quick finish ending with the submission from Williams. Williams makes for a better champion then Kendrick so Im glad he won

Brother Ray def. Brother Devon and Jesse Neal - ** (for the booking) - Devon being locked in the lockerroom was good booking and while the match was never going to be great without a No DQ stip, it did its job, and it was it better then I expected

Angelina def. Madison Rayne - **- This was a decent women's match, not awful but not as good as the Knockouts were awhile ago

AJ Styles and Kazarian def. Samoa Joe and Rob Terry - *** 1/2 - Surprised at how good it was quite honestly. Did not like Joe/Terry being chosen as the opponents but the match made up for it. AJ and Joe in particular delivered which made for a good showing. Terry did well I thought in the ring with Styles and Kaz with some great power moves. Match was definitely better then I expected it to be when I saw Terry was one of the partners

Hernandez def. Matt Morgan - *** - Good match with the two big guys going at it. Cool
Spot with Hernandez Jumping from the top of the cage. Good ending I thought with Hernandez flying through the cage

Jay Lethal def. Ric Flair - *** - Clean win for Jay Lethal. Very much surprised at how good of a level Flair wrestled too. Nice win for the young guy, and thankfully no Flair getting busted open.

Motor City Machineguns def. Beer Money - **** - Delivered big time. Great all-round match with consistently good in-ring offense - destiny is fulfilled for The Guns!

Kurt Angle def. The Pope - ***1/2 - Tremendous match which Great sportsmanship thoughout, great technical wrestling, exciting pacing - it had everything. Nice embrace afterwards between the two opponents which is great to see.

RVD def. Mr Anderson, Abyss and Jeff Hardy - *** - This was another match that exceeded my expectations. Little disappointed that Anderson didn't win but on the other hand Im glad that Abyss didn't either. Good match that made the champion look strong

Overall thoughts: Started off pretty poorly but soon picked up and went from strength to strength. Flair/Lethal, the Kaz/AJ tag match and the main-event were matches I didn't neccessarily expect to be as good as they were but they all turned out to be very good. Match of Night was MCMG Vs Beer Money. I would give the PPV a B+
The PPV was okay - here are my thoughts:

The Great

- MCMG vs Beer Money: That's what TNA is all about. My only gripe about this match is the ref bump and the re-start of the match... just let these guys go out there and put on a show w/o the bullshit booking. They don't need drama in the writing to steal the show, all they need is a ring and these guys killed it tonight. It makes me wish the tag division was still a premier division among wrestling as a whole.

- Angle vs. Pope: This again is what TNA is all about. Since Hogan/Dixie/EB have taken over, they just bring bullshit writing and awful booking to what was an up and coming program. Tonight I realized why this company was gaining so much momentum in the first place. This was wrestling for wrestling sake, something we haven't seen in TNA on a consistent basis since Jan 4th. The sportsmanship and quality were there. It wasn't anything spectacular... but it was enough to make me sit back and relax and want to see more. THAT is what TNA needs.

The Awful -

Booking - Stop writing drama into matches... just let the guys w/ talent do what they do best. Every single PPV has a handful of matches that are overbooked. We don't need ref bumps, surprise run-ins, and dramatic finishes every match. The roster is talented enough to go out there and just put a show on for wrestling fans across the world.

Overall talent - Isn't it hilarious that the matches that have really been great as of late, are between guys who have been in TNA before Jan 4th took off. Guys like AJ, Joe, MCMG, Beer Money, etc are so much fun to watch. These WWE leftovers aren't doing anything positive for the reason why TNA was gaining momentum in the first place.

The reason I mention talent is because the four-way match was a fucking joke. It was awful writing, awful display of wrestling, and just flat out boring. I know there is some hate on Abyss but he was the only guy who was somewhat interesting tonight out of all 4. RVD is seriously a joke of a champion. His mic work is awful, his ring-ability isn't anything special, and the crowd was silient as hell when he got the pin.

Rule #1 going forward - let the stars of tomorrow shine each and every night on TNA. Get Hardy, Kendrick, Hogan, Flair, Nash, RVD, Shannon Moore, etc. the fuck out of there. These guys are not main-event guys. I'd rather see the TNA guys take over the main event and start a real war for wrestling ratings.

The God-Awful Fucking Terrible

- "Surprise!" Can we stop the bullshit w/ Dixie and Jarrett tweeting pseudo surprises to sell PPVs and ratings? Please, oh please, just let the business in the ring do the talking. Competition is good for the business and I hate watching a company shoot themselves in the foot over and over again with this junk.

Overall I think this PPV deserves a C+. PPVs are built on the main event and this one was a complete joke. If it was half-way decent it would have moved up a letter grade in my opinion. RVD has to lose the title soon.
Everything just fell flat for me tonight. Nothing noteworthy or special happened besides the Machine Guns finally winning the tag titles. There were so many false finishes in the match that by the time Motor City won it was just anti climatic. This wasn't the worst PPV of the year but it was barely decent. Everything was just letdown in my opinion. Team 3D are feuding with each other at the expense of Jesse Neal. I'm not big a Neal, but I would think they would give the kid a win at least.

I have no idea why the Kendrick vs. Williams match was an Ultimate X match when the structure was barely used at all. Kendrick is looking more like Mikey Whipwreck every day. Angelina vs. Madison Rayne was just odd and didn't accomplish anything. Why would Rayne be happy that she lost due to interference while Angelina is celebrating in the ring?

AJ and Kaz vs. the mystery tag team of Joe and Rob Terry was just a waste. The match was thrown at us at the last minute and of all people to use Terry has to be in the match? The guy has been Global champion for 6 months now and hasn't been on television or defended the global title in weeks. AJ and Kaz won the match but it really doesn't matter considering none of the other fortune members won.

Hernandez vs. Morgan was a letdown as soon as the handcuffs were brought in. It seems in TNA and sometimes even in WWE that when someone gets handcuffed they have super human strength breaking through the chain. The ending didn't accomplish anything. Lethal vs. Flair could have been good if it wasn't a basic Flair match with the same spots we have been seeing for 20 years. I don't see why Flair can't have a match in TNA where it doesn't include an ass shot.

Motor City vs. Beer Money was the best match of the night which wasn't surprising considering how the other matches turned out. The double 3 count at the end was a little too much with Motor City getting a quick pin afterward. At least MCMG are finally TNA tag team champions. I just wonder if we will see them on television anytime soon.

Kurt Angle vs. Pope was nice while it lasted. I think this was one of the Pope's best matches even though short. We knew Angle would win but I didn't think he would win so soon. I just hope whoever Angle faces next will actually be a good match up rather then a simple victory for Angle.

Fatal 4 Way was really sloppy. I'm really against this whole concept. 4 people in the ring are too many unless its tag team wrestling. There were a few good spots but the match ended before you could blink an eye. The PPV then just faded off into black. I know I shouldn't of expected much but when TNA is constantly teasing everything under the sun and promising the world without delivering then it gets pretty tiresome.

I wish who ever TNA has signed to take TNA to the next level does it soon and quickly because I'm tired of waiting.
Did you notice how every single PPV TNA has put out this year has been solid to great? Well, unfortunately this PPV ended that.

Brian Kendrick vs Doug Williams- Ultimate X Submission Match-

The match was fairly short and never really started. The match had to be cut short due to Kendrick suffering a brutal botch from a spot from the ropes. Was solid wrestling while it lasted, with a pretty cool spot from the Ultimate X. Williams wins via submission.

Brother Ray vs Brother D-Von vs Jessie Neal
D-Von was locked in the back, so this was pretty much Jessie Neal vs Brother Ray for the most part. An average match at best, nothing special, but not bad. Brother Ray wins this match. 6/10

AJ Styles/Kazarian vs Samoa Joe/Rob Terry
A solid tag team match. Rob Terry has improved slightly and Joe is no stranger to Kaz and Styles. It went back and forth and was pretty good.

Hernandez vs Matt Morgan- Cage Match
Good match, these two have great chemistry and this match told a story. Includes a cool spot by Hernandez from the top of the cage. Hernandez wins this one in a pretty awesome finish. 7.5/10

Jay Lethal vs Ric Flair

I think I speak for most of the IWC when I thought this match was gonna be terrible. However, these two actually had a very entertaining match, it wasn't a technical showcase but it was fun. Lethal wins by applying the Figure Four on Ric Flair, which is completely ridiculous.

MCMG vs Beer Money

Easily the match of the night. You had your cool MCMG spots, and Beer Moneys great wrestling. It went back and forth and was fast paced, much like you'd expect of these two. Had an incredibly stupid false finish involving two referees near the end, but that didn't ruin the match. MCMG rightfully win the tag titles, a bit late but it finally happened.

Pope vs Kurt Angle-

A solid 15 minute affair between these two. Angle made Pope look like a million bucks, and Pope wasn't buried like many said he would be. Given more time it would of easily been a MoTY candidate. Angle wins via Ankle Lock.

Abyss vs Mr. Anderson vs Jeff Hardy vs RVD

A very sloppy match. It was very slow, and definitely didn't need to be a fatal four way. The crowd was dead and it was clear why. A few cool spots, and an alright finish I suppose.

Overall, this PPV was very disappointing. Looking at the card, it could of been much better, but it was clear that a few matches were just put together at the last minute, and the crowd sucked. Definitely check out Angle/Pope and MCMG/Beer Money, but don't waste your time with the other matches.
i belive expect of Doug and kendrick match .. the whole PPV was GOOD ...
but the crowd of impact zone was very Quiet .. and that's what make us feel that matches wasn't good ..
TNA needs to get rid of impact zone soon . very soon .
Victory Road 2010
Date: July 11, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

Well I’m not wild on the card but they’ve done a great job of building up to this if nothing else. The main event just does nothing at all for me, but then again neither does the rest of the card. This isn’t going to be much, but the build has been good so maybe there’s some hope. I’ll be watching it out of order but there’s nothing I can do about that. Let’s get to it.

Intro video is just about the road to victory. Seriously is that all they can do for this show?

X Division Title: Brian Kendrick vs. Douglas Williams

This is Ultimate X/Submission which is about as odd of a combination as you could ask for. Williams almost immediately takes him to the mat as he’s afraid of heights. Well at least they’re giving Kendrick every possible out they can. Now let’s see how they manage to mess it up. Kendrick only goes for the Cobra Clutch and neither guy tries to climb yet.

In essence this is just a submission match with the Ultimate X aspect on the side. Naturally they couldn’t just do a submission match because they can advertise Ultimate X to boost buyrates. Who cares that it’s hardly used? They both go up the trellis thing and then Kendrick falls off. Yep he’s out cold. Williams gets some gloves to help him climb as he kills time.

He comes back up though and follows Williams across the ropes. Like an idiot he goes for the Cobra Clutch while hanging on to the ropes and falls backwards, smashing his head into the mat. He was legitimately injured or out cold. Williams throws a hold on him and the referee stops it. Something tells me that wasn’t the planned ending. They have to bring out smelling salts to wake him up.

Rating: D+. This was just pointless overkill again. There was one or at most two big spots as opposed to just doing the damn submission match that they wanted to. The fear of heights thing was just forgotten, making the whole thing just completely pointless. This was overkill that didn’t work, but then again that’s TNA for you.

Christy is with Ray who says that just like Christy’s issue of Playboy, Jesse Neal is a failure. He gets in her face and makes her cry. We see the same recap video we saw on Impact which gives us nothing about why Bubba is mad but whatever.

Brother Ray vs. Brother D-Von vs. Jesse Neal

Let’s get this over with. Ray comes out first and hides behind the set. He jumps Neal and there’s no D-Von. We cut to the back where D-Von is locked in his dressing room, presumably by Bubba. Clearly the cameraman has no arms because he doesn’t let him out which would involve moving a board. Oh look: more kind of false advertising as it’s the same match from last month.

Again we hear about how much Neal’s life has sucked. We get it already guys, let it go. No one cares about Neal and that’s all there is to it. This is nothing but basic stuff as we’re all just waiting for D-Von to come running out for the big save or beatdown or whatever. Ray of course uses the damn big boot because that’s all anyone uses for a big strike anymore. The ECW guys are here.

They distract Bubba a bit and Neal gets a spear for two. Shannon Moore comes down for a save which lets Ray hit Neal with a chair. D-Von finally comes out and there’s a staredown. They both look at Jesse and then slug it out. Neal accidently spears D-Von and a Bubba Bomb ends it. D-Von was in the ring for maybe a minute total.

Rating: F. This was false advertising if nothing else. This was a one on one match with two run-ins. What was the point to this? Just do 3D vs. Ink Inc like you want to do. No one cares about this feud and no one wants to see Bubba vs. D-Von, so of course that’s what we’re going to get.

We recap Love vs. Rayne which shows why the division completely sucks anymore. The BP and Love are the only ones in the division worth a damn anymore and that’s not saying much.

Knockouts Title: Madison Rayne vs. Angelina Love

If Rayne wins then Love retires and she can lose the belt by DQ. We start with a big slugout. Rayne is in skin colored clothes. And remember people: these chicks are WAY better than the Divas and don’t you forget it. I really can’t stand this division anymore as it’s somehow more of a joke than WWE.

Rayne wraps her legs around Love’s head and slams it face first into the mat. Her finisher doesn’t work and Love makes her comeback. Rayne brings in a chair and gets it kicked into her face. Can we get on with this? And here’s a chick on a motorcycle. She jumps Love and the referee determines that since she’s either Velvet or Lacey (she’s in a helmet) Rayne is disqualified and Love is champion. Rayne leaves with the chick that just cost her the belt of course. Allegedly it’s Tara, because she retired recently and therefore has to come back immediate.

Rating: D-. This was somehow less interesting than the previous match. This is the third straight title change that hasn’t involved the champion being pinned. Is there a point to this title anymore? Same with the girl tag titles. This is even more of a joke than I could have imagined. Whatever man.

We go back to Anderson who makes pot jokes and says nothing of note other than the assholes line.

AJ Styles/Kazarian vs. ???/???

AJ and Kaz can’t get along so of course they’re going to win. The surprises are Terry and Joe. Sure, why not have a guy that is a champion be brought in as a surprise? We can’t have him fight for the title on PPV when we have Ray vs. Neal II!!! AJ vs. Terry start us off and AJ tags out in seconds. The surprise team completely dominates for the early few minutes as you would expect.

AJ and Kaz are getting along quite well. Oh and remember: this isn’t about the wrestlers. This is about impressing Flair. AJ isn’t here for titles. He’s here to make sure Flair is happy. TNA makes my head hurt at times. Instead of going with AJ as the top guy, he’s running around imitating Flair and trying to make him happy. It’s more of TNA wasting what they have for angles that they think people actually want to see.

Instead of talking about the match, we talk about the ranking system. This is ALL Terry/Joe. Ah wait we can talk about Flair a bit now. Wolfe of all people comes down for interference (he jobbed in a dark match of course) and Kaz takes over. AJ hits the springboard 450 on Terry for the pin. They didn’t argue ONCE. Joe beats up Wolfe post match.

Rating: D+. Oh how I hate TNA at times. This could have been a decent match but instead it made no sense from the storyline perspective. The heels have been about to explode for weeks and now they’re all fine and best friends? Also, this is once again about Flair. That’s who the majority of the commentary is about and all that jazz. Just a waste of talent and an angle.

Abyss likes his nail board.

Recap of Morgan vs. Hernandez. Morgan got all cocky and injured Hernandez. Hernandez wants revenge. I love simple angles.

Matt Morgan vs. Hernandez

This is a cage match with escape only rules. I like the look of the cage. Hernandez is freaky in all definitions of the word. Has steel ever been forgiving? In a match based around revenge, Morgan is dominating. I really can’t stand TNA at times. The crowd has been oddly dead for the majority of the match. Hernandez gets on the top and Morgan hits the Carbon Footprint.

This is ALL Morgan. He gets a foot out the door and then just comes back in. To be fair he’s a great heel, but this goes completely against the whole Morgan runs from Supermex and Hernandez wanting revenge that has been built up for months. Hernandez is busted open. We FINALLY get the comeback and his eyes look like he’s coked out of his mind. Hernandez can’t do the Border Toss so he tries it and of course botches it again. At least it came off looking like a power bomb.

He goes up top, as in top of the cage, and misses a splash on Morgan. Blueprint has handcuffs and Hernandez is caught. What is up with Russo’s obsession with handcuffs? Ok that’s not fair as they’ve been used for years. He just breaks them off as Morgan is climbing down and rams his head through the door to get out. So after all that, Hernandez just escapes with no real revenge. Sure why not?

Rating: D+. The psychology didn’t exist, Hernandez doesn’t gain anything, the ending is illogical, Hernandez looks weak and nothing is really solved. This was completely backwards and didn’t go anywhere at all. Not a horrible match, but just something that should have been far different and far better.

Flair talks about how great he is and Lethal’s mom’s boobs.

Tenay and Taz say exactly what Flair just said.

We get a video saying what Tenay and Taz just said.

Ric Flair vs. Jay Lethal

Come see a senior citizen get pounded! Lethal wears red and yellow as a tribute to Hogan. Seriously, can ANYTHING not be about Hogan or Flair in some way? Taz says Flair is Mr. Credibility. Taz now is fail. Sting can wear a shirt but Flair can’t? Once again the crowd is relatively dead. Flair only does simple stuff like thumbs to the eyes. Could it have anything to do with being 61?

Lethal hits a top rope superplex. Flair is just fine and goes after the knee. The fans chant for Flair, thereby showing how horrible they are at this. Flair of course switches knees halfway through, thereby making him look like an idiot. Figure Four of course doesn’t work and we go back and forth for a bit which borders on entertaining. And there’s Flair’s ass to ruin it.

Ric gets a sleeper. I guess due to his age he needs a nap during matches now. Now Lethal goes for the knees. He gets the weakest chop block ever and puts on the Figure Four. Yep, Flair taps. Jay Lethal has just put a 61 year old man in a leg submission and made him give up. He cries of course because we have to make Flair look good in the end. I hate this company. I truly don’t.

Rating: D+. People want to say this is a huge deal for Lethal. I’m sorry, but no it isn’t. Lethal is what, 24? He beat a guy 37 years older than he is and it’s supposed to be impressive? If this was say 10 years ago it would mean something, but this is just worthless. Flair is a name, but that’s it. What does this prove? Lethal can beat up a guy who could have great grandchildren? Why am I supposed to be impressed? Flair hasn’t meant anything in years so this win is relatively worthless.

Hardy says he’ll win.

Tag Titles: Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns

Ok so the Guns more or less have to win here. I like the Guns’ music. Storm and Shelley start us off. They’re doing a slow build to start us off as Taz says the Guns are the best team from their city, including the Tigers. Uh, deep? We get a Mel Torme reference of all things as we’re talking about tap dancing. Beer Money takes over and after a double vertical suplex they do their thing.

Shelley is getting beaten on. This is a good match so far so it’s hard to make jokes. Well other than Taz and Tenay who are always jokes. Ah there’s Sabin. I like him better than Shelley I think. We crank it up a bit and Sabin hits a running punt on Storm while he’s on the apron and Storm is on the floor. The crowd is getting back into it a bit too. Eye of the Storm gets two on Sabin.

I’m sorry for the excessive play by play here but that’s the main thing going on here. That made less than no sense but just go with it. We’ve lost any resemblance of a tag match here as it’s just all insanity. Maybe Heyman is booking the company. Everything just goes insane and this is awesome for once. The Guns dominate as Storm has a beer bottle. The referee gets beer spit in his face as the Guns hit a combination splash/neckbreaker on Roode for two.

There’s another referee here now and I have a bad feeling about this. It’s ALL Guns here as we’re going fast paced here. They hit their kick combination and cover Roode as Storm rolls Sabin up. The referees count a double pin and it’s Dusty Finish time. Earl, not the original referee, says restart it. The Guns win in like a minute with the same thing they did earlier, making the restart TOTALLY POINTLESS. Very good match though so I can’t complain much.

Rating: A-. This was a DAMN good match. The main thing holding it back is the restart which was the walking definition of overbooking. What in the world is that supposed to help? Whatever it was I certainly don’t get it. The Guns are the champions, albeit nearly three years later. Still though, if they’re going to win them, at least win them in a classic I guess. Very good match all the way through. Loved it.

We recap Angle’s hunt through TNA’s top ten, which more or less is he beats up everyone to get to the top guy. Pope just happens to be the next guy. There’s no real heat between them. Pope just has the right number.

Kurt Angle vs. D’Angelo Dinero

Angle is listed as #10, yet he’s beaten two guys and Pope is 8th. I love the TNA thinking. We start on the ground. I’m watching this out of order since I got home late so this is the first match I watched. They’re doing the red, white and blue ropes which is cool looking. They booked themselves into a corner here as Angle can’t really lose but Pope is returning and hasn’t won a big match in months. Angle hits a buckle bomb which is always great looking.

This is a solid match to start but they’re not going to have a ton of time unless this goes up until eleven. Kurt is winning but not dominating which is a good thing. Pope steals the Rolling Germans which doesn’t work. Only a handful of people can suplex Angle and he isn’t one of them. Angle’s all like bitch I’ll show you Rolling Germans. Pope hits a Codebreaker and the fans are all behind Angle.

Angle Slam hits from nowhere for two. Why are announcers still surprised by that? I don’t get it. Ankle Lock goes on but Pope gets a rollup for two. Ankle Lock again on the mat and it’s over. This needed a bit more time but was entertaining.

Rating: B-. Not bad at all here. The match was never in doubt though which is what hurt it. Angle is in a groove at the moment and this was no exception. This doesn’t hurt Pope that much though as he’ll likely move on to Anderson now. Decent enough match though and certainly passable.

RVD isn’t worried about Abyss and says he’ll stick the nail board up Abyss’ ass.

No recap here. Good as it’s not needed.

TNA World Title: Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Abyss

Everybody goes for Abyss to start and it doesn’t work. The crowd is odd here for some reason. This goes nowhere as Abyss just gets up. Hardy and Anderson get him down for like a second and we’re into the usual formula here to an extent. Yep we’re in the formula. That’s fine though as it’s really the only way to do this.

We’re mostly just killing time thus far. The crowd seems a bit dead for some reason but maybe it’s just been a long show. Van Dam hits a split legged moonsault on Anderson for two as Hardy saves. Abyss is gone for the moment so I’m waiting on his return to break up a pin. Instead we get a Tower of Doom with RVD taking the big bump from it. The fans chant TNA for a heel doing a big move. That sums things up pretty well.

Everyone is in the ring now and RVD is in control. I have no idea why everyone is trying to beat Abyss. He’s supposed to be unhurtable but they keep going for him. The fans chant for the asshole. This is really just a bunch of near falls with moves on the side. It’s not bad, but it’s the hazard of multiple man matches. Mic Check on Abyss gets two. Black Hole to Hardy gets two. Abyss looks stupid counting the pin.

Anderson and Hardy finally go at it and it gets NOTHING. This crowd is just out of it. Remember who these fans are too. Abyss is on Hardy who is on Anderson so RVD hits the Five Star for the pin. Wow that was anticlimactic.

Post match Abyss beats up RVD and gets the nail board which misses everything. The show ends with Abyss holding the board and RVD looking at him. Yeah that was stupid.

Rating: D. This just didn’t do it for me. It could have been worse, but at the same time there just wasn’t anything at all special here. The ending to both the match and the show just completely sucked, but what did you really expect? I see no reason at all for RVD to retain there, so of course he did. Whatever.

Overall Rating
: D. I’m sorry but this show just was not very good. Actually screw that. I’m not sorry as the psychology was gone, very little made sense from the TV shows building it up and there was one truly good match. Everything else was either boring, confusing, or predictable. RVD retains, likely setting up RVD vs. Abyss at Hard Justice in a match that should have been here. The Dudleys aren’t done yet so that solved nothing. Angle wins as you would expect him to and Lethal beat up a 60+ year old man. Someone tell me what good came from this other than the Guns’ win. Just a totally lackluster show. See the tag match though.
I actually ordered the PPV last night and so I guess I'll do a not-really-detailed review

Kendrick vs Williams: I couldn't really get into this one which is surprising because I like both guys. But my DirecTV decided to spaz out in the middle of this match and I missed a few minutes of it so that may have been what kept me from liking it. I'll probably re-watch it later because it is probably better than I am giving it credit for.

Ray vs D-Von vs Neal: D-Von locked away for the beginning was... different. The ECW guys showed up. Loud chants for Jesse Neal. What do you know, Jesse takes the pin. I know not a lot of people like Jesse (for reasons that I don't understand) but I really like him and him losing this match kind of angered me. Really does either half of Team 3D benefit from pinning him?

AJ & Kaz vs Terry & Joe: I was disappointed when Terry came out as one of the partners, not gonna lie. But I will say that I think he's gotten better. Good for him. Nothing really stood out to me in this match but it was okay.

Lethal vs Falir: Glad Lethal won, though it was kind of crazy he won using the figure 4... not in a good way. Another match that I thought was okay.

Morgan vs Hernandez: I liked how Morgan was acting like such a prick. And when he did that boot in the corner it was sick. The ending with Hernandez breaking through the handcuffs and suddenly headbutting through the cage door made me laugh though. Wasn't a fan of that ending.

Beer Money vs MCMG: Great match. I may have been the only one but I liked that they added that first dusty pin. I liked it because it pissed everybody off and made them think 'way to fucking go, AGAIN' only for it to get restarted and MCMG win the title afterwards. I actually thought it made it better when they won the titles.

Pope vs Angle: Crowd was pretty dead by this point. Match was good but I don't think I was paying enough attention to it. I will say though it was freakin hilarious when after the match ended and the camera showed some random chick in the crowd who looked like she was going to cry. LOL.

fatal 4 way: Three words - way too short. I didn't think the match was bad or sloppy but it just ended so suddenly that it was strange, it made me think somebody got hurt.

Oh and I just realized I forgot the knockouts match. Oh well I didn't like it anyway. How stupid is it that they said there was interferance from TBP when the person had their face covered? And if that woman really ends up being somebody who isn't in TBP then WHY WOULDN'T RAYNE JUST ASK HER TO TAKE OFF THE HELMET so she could get her title back? Or at least get the match restarted or something. No instead she just leaves with her. wtf.

I didn't think the PPV was as bad as some other people did but I didn't think it was in any way stellar. And any way you look at it, it was better than last year's Victory Road at least
I only saw the Main Event and I thought the Match wasn't anything special. Anyone notice it had 3 Former WWE Guys with RVD,Jeff Hardy,and Mr Anderson and only one Original guy who has been in TNA? That should tell TNA something but I doubt they even realized that. Funny how since Fatal 4 Way was last month so TNA had to follow suit with their own Four Way Title Match. I think MITB will blow this PPV out of the water.
I thought the card looked really good, so I was pretty hyped for this one.

Williams/Kendrick - This was alright, and the finish is understandable seeing Kendrick got legit hurt, no harm done.

Brother Ray/Neal/Brother Devon - Well we knew this would suck. Pointless match.

Love/Rayne - The match was going ok, but the finish was just fucking stupid. Unexplainable.

Styles/Kaz vs Terry/Joe - Joe and AJ were pretty awesome in this one. Solid match, and sets up a Wolfe/Joe feud.

Hernandez/Morgan - This was a let down. Besides Hernandez jumping off the top of the cage and breaking off the handcuffs and jumping through the cage door, this was pretty dull.

Lethal/Flair - I liked this match. Lethal looked good and Flair looked damn good for his age. Dunno about making Flair tap to the Figure Four, but I like Lethal's push.

MCMG/Beer Money - Match of the night right here. The double pin was completely unnecessary and irrelevant though. Loved seeing the Guns win, awesome moment.

Angle/Pope - This was a solid match, but it wasn't the show stealer that I was expecting. Seemed a little too short also but maybe that's just me.

RVD/Hardy/Abyss/Anderson - This one started out pretty good with some fun spots, but it lost its steam by the end. The finish was really awkward and I dunno if I agree with keeping the belt on RVD. Anderson seemed to be the favorite here, hell even if Abyss won I would agree with it. I just don't get having Abyss as this unstoppable monster, but he isn't winning matches lately at all.

Overall the PPV was ok, but the booking was just weird and poor throughout. I had high hopes for this one, and it let me down.

I would give it a C-
I actually liked this PPV pretty good. It might have been great if the main event had been booked a little longer. I strongly disagree with those saying something like nothing happened to further stories or whatever. I think some are just too used to wwe where a majority of stories end at a PPV.

Ultimate X Match - It was probably stupid to book this as an UX match. I think they intended it to further Williams' heat against all quintessential aspects of the X division, but it was not worth it IMO. It was pretty clear they were not going to use the setup much, so it is not worth it because it just disappoints the audience. It ended up taking away from the work they did in the ring which was actually quite good. Doug Williams is really good at what he does. Kendrick slapping on his submission every three moves got tiresome. Overall, I was not a fan of this match but it was not bad.

3D/Ink inc drama match - Say what you want about bubba (most of you have) but he knows how to work the mic and the crowd. This ability is continually helping Jesse get a little further over. This was nothing special but they did not take it very serious or give it much time which was the right way to do it. Fake the 3D double cross, add some more questions to the ecw connections and see how Dvon feels about all this after getting speared. I like Jesse alright making me so-so on this story. However, as long as they keep building it I will pay attention.

Knockouts title - That Madison Rayne outfit was not half bad. The match was pretty good by recent standards. I can understand questions about the finish but that was the point. This is anything but over and I am sure we will see most of the questions begin to be answered on impact.

Styles/kaz vs mystery opponents - Like most when they first announced the opponents I was like why? However, that soon turned into why not? The match was quite good. Rob Terry looked surprisingly decent and he even had to do "a lot" of moves by his standards. In fact he did them all without any huge noticeable botch. I liked the story advancing when Styles/Kaz actually got on the same page. They were certainly an exciting team. Joe continued his recent buildup back to the Joe of old and it was working quite well for me. Maybe Wolfe being involved was unnecessary. However, if it sets up some Wolfe-Joe wrestling then I am down. Wolfe did beat Joe back in January.

Steel cage match - Could have been better but certainly was not bad. Main issue was the flow of the match otherwise there was plenty to like here. Hernandez is an amazing athlete. Morgan might be getting a little too into his character at the expense of the match. If it was supposed to be a feud-ender you would think Hernandez should have went over more convincingly here but then again no reason to hold morgan back and this may still not be over.

Lethal-Flair - This match entertained me a lot. Everything except Flair's saggy tits exceeded expectations. Flair looked legit in the ring and this was a fitting match to tie up a fun feud that has shot Lethal way up the card. If Flair can work at this level on top of his mic skills and ability to work the crowd I have to say I understand why he never wants to retire. I know I do not want him to.

Beer Money-MCMG - Just watch it. Great action, great tag-team moves and creativity all around the ring. Lots of drama building to what many have been waiting a long time for. Both teams looked great and Beer Money is still right there with a claim for another shot.

Angle-Pope - Was not sure if this one would suffer from the likelihood that Angle was going to win being so high but it still worked. It showed Pope's in-ring ability to those that might forget it when focusing on his personality. They did a lot of good chain mat wrestling. The honor element in Kurt's story was built up nicely here and Pope is back.

4-way - It had some nice moments throughout but the ending felt rushed. If they had a longer match before the finish it might have been more exciting. It does offer some interesting things to look forward to. Mainly where did Anderson's asshole maneuvers get him and RVD-Abyss in a hardcore match with that nasty board and ecw spectors looming.

Overall, started slow but it picked up and there was a lot of enjoyable wrestling and spots throughout the last 3/4ths of the card. I enjoyed it like I have most TNA PPVs recently. What sets them apart to me is whether you like the stories or not the matches are at high level wrestling-wise and there is at least one must watch match high on the card.
Victory Road 2010
Rating: F. This was false advertising if nothing else. This was a one on one match with two run-ins. What was the point to this? Just do 3D vs. Ink Inc like you want to do. No one cares about this feud and no one wants to see Bubba vs. D-Von, so of course that’s what we’re going to get.

Shannon is injured right now so he can't wrestle. This ppv was ughhh.. I don't know but I give it a C. But hey at least it wasn't as bad as last year's Shitvory Road. It felt very,very weird when Flair tapped to the Figure Four leg lock applied by Lethal. Never saw that coming.

EDIT: After calculating the match time on wiki, I found out we had 91 minutes and 13 seconds of ring time. We had an hour of other stuff? Really?
I thought the card looked really good, so I was pretty hyped for this one.

Williams/Kendrick - This was alright, and the finish is understandable seeing Kendrick got legit hurt, no harm done.

Brother Ray/Neal/Brother Devon - Well we knew this would suck. Pointless match.

Love/Rayne - The match was going ok, but the finish was just fucking stupid. Unexplainable.

Styles/Kaz vs Terry/Joe - Joe and AJ were pretty awesome in this one. Solid match, and sets up a Wolfe/Joe feud.

Hernandez/Morgan - This was a let down. Besides Hernandez jumping off the top of the cage and breaking off the handcuffs and jumping through the cage door, this was pretty dull.

Lethal/Flair - I liked this match. Lethal looked good and Flair looked damn good for his age. Dunno about making Flair tap to the Figure Four, but I like Lethal's push.

MCMG/Beer Money - Match of the night right here. The double pin was completely unnecessary and irrelevant though. Loved seeing the Guns win, awesome moment.

Angle/Pope - This was a solid match, but it wasn't the show stealer that I was expecting. Seemed a little too short also but maybe that's just me.

RVD/Hardy/Abyss/Anderson - This one started out pretty good with some fun spots, but it lost its steam by the end. The finish was really awkward and I dunno if I agree with keeping the belt on RVD. Anderson seemed to be the favorite here, hell even if Abyss won I would agree with it. I just don't get having Abyss as this unstoppable monster, but he isn't winning matches lately at all.

Overall the PPV was ok, but the booking was just weird and poor throughout. I had high hopes for this one, and it let me down.

I would give it a C-

For some reason I thought this might actually have been one of TNA's Better PPVs but I knew not to get my hopes up when it comes to TNA. The Booking on their PPVs are just odd and off the wall.
Honestly, they had so much momentum going into the PPV that I had a slight inkling that they would somehow ruin it and make me look silly for being a TNA mark yet again. I ignored that inkling, MTFO and watched the PPV. I don't think it was a disaster, but it didn't live up to the momentum they built with the decently booked iMPACTs in the three shows leading up to the PPV.

I honestly didn't expect much out of the Main Event, but Hernandez v. Morgan fell flat for me. MCMG v. Beer Money was brought down peg from that silly false ending, and the Rob Terry/Samoa Joe pairing was random and anti-climatic. I'm holding my opinion of Tara's debut until I see where they're going with it, but I'm not hopeful.

In conclusion, I'm holding out for next month, I'm ignoring spoilers and I'm hoping the great iMPACT booking continues and that this time they can take some of that great iMPACT booking and apply it toward the PPV. *crosses fingers*

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