[Official] TNA Hardcore Justice 2010 Discussion, Aftermath and Review

Really, this much hate for it... wow... fan boys n idiots.... then again this is the iwc, this was a wonderful ppv, it didn't take itself too seriously, had lots of funny shit "she wouldn't let me stuff her muff, so I had to poker face" the sword fight, had lots of blood... well maybe not a lot but enough, and plenty in one particular match, great wrestling, yeah I said great cuz 4 Scorpio to be that old and pull off some of that shit, half the wrestlers in their prime couldn't do, had ya weapons, barbed wire, flaming table, sticks, chairs and the last matches were absolutely amazing, F amazing for how old they are, jus amazing, sabu, rvd, dreamer and raven put on what people in their "prime" aspire to be (side note.. wtf with the hair Sabu?) and we also had a delightful (imo) and very accurate opener from mr. ftw himself about the mentally challenged haters that seem to permeate the entire internet
You sir are a mark. And obviously not the brightest of marks either.

I neither hate TNA nor do I hate ECW. I think there is a lot of wasted potential in TNA that is bogged down by some of the worst angles I have ever seen. I think wasting PPV time on a company that died 10 years ago (at the hands of TNN NOT Vince) instead of showcasing TNA talent is absurd. I think Tommy Dreamer was once a favorite of mine...probably when I was a mark like you. Now he is a bitch. He took WWE's paychecks for a looong time after he was worth it anymore. I have probably watched more of the original ECW than most of you TNA marks. And I'm talking about staying up til 3am in 1995 to watch Hardcore TV on some random sports network.

I am a fan.

But I'm not a moron. Bad is bad regardless of how good you hoped it might be. Bad is bad regardless of the nostalgic feeling you might have. Bad is just BAD.

The first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem. If alcoholics can admit their problems maybe you marks can too.
The matches weren't very good sans Dreamer-Raven and I called it, everything you really wanted to see you could have watched by popping in a ONS 2005 DVD. Also, what a perfect way to end an ECW PPV by bringing in Dixie Carter to celebrate with the guys. Brilliant.

TNA could get sued. Too many times they said ECW, they actually said Extreme Championship Wrestling once and a few times I believe they said the copyrighted names of certain wrestlers. Believe the fans are not allowed to say "ECW" either. We'll see but I think McMahon will do something.
As a fan of the original ECW... stuff like the Dance-Off and Lightsabers happened in the old ECW quite often. I thought the first half of the ppv was ok... but the last 4 matches were very good including the Dreamer/Raven match. I wish there was no other interference in the match but before that it was turning out great. Very brutal with the barbed wire and the ladder spot I have never seen before was great. I also thought the Sabu RVD match, although not the best ECW can do, was very entertaining. I also think it ended early as Sabu appeared to hurt his ribs?? Why bring 2 tables in the ring and not use them both? I think he called for the ending about 5 minutes sooner than it should have ended.

Al Snow was even funnier than I remembered... "They couldn't even use the real guy" about the Meanie... lol. I liked his spot with Spike where they both pretended to be hit with the chair as well... that was awesome. Gertner was awesome too, he should be hired... he is an amazing hype manager.

If the FBI match wasn't on the card I think it would have come off much better.... the dance off (although ok with me) was too goofy for the first match. They should have had Scorpio open... The dance off was the wrong way to put a bad taste in your mouth to start the show....

Overall, I enjoyed it a lot more than most of the current PPVs I've watched from either promotion... Watch it for yourself and make your own opinion don't just read reviews online and assume it was bad. Some people are very over critical.
You are correct...stupid crap happened in original ECW too. But then it was balanced with traditional wrestling from people THAT COULD ACTUALLY WRESTLE! ECW was not all barbed wire and tables. The main thing I remember liking about ECW back in its hayday was that the so called "hardcore" was there to elevate the people that couldn't really wrestle like your Sandmans and your Sabus. There was also TALENT there like Jericho, Malenko, Benoit, etc. to create an even show. HardCore Justice was not that. It was the bastard child of watered down nostalgia and ego.
I'm watching Hardcore justice while i type this and i got to say that i'm Bored and sad while watching this PPV. I wasn't i huge fan of the original ECW but even the original ECW was able to do a better show then this. They tried to recreates the ECW atmosphere and it failed. The wrestlers weren't ready to wrestles and it made for boring matches. The vignettes look fake for the most part especially the madison rayne one. The announcing was awful and the fact they had to change the name of a lot of performers made for a really sad show.

The worst part was the whole al snow, Bwo vignette. This show was a slap to the face of the original ECW, it was suppose to be a tribute show and in a way it was because it felt like a was watching a funeral service and it sad to see what was once a original promotion reduce to that. It made the WWE version of ECW look like a great show compare to that.

I really was hoping that TNA proves me wrong on this one but sadly the prove me right and i'm sorry to see that Tommy Dreamer failed in creating a good PPV. This will go down as one of the worst PPV of the year and sadly i could put this PPV in the same category as Heroes of wrestling.
This show was not good, but was very entertaining. Take it like this: "It was like watching your favorite boy band reform 20 years later". Like Menudo did here not to long ago, it was more about the memories than being something to lure new or old fans in. I feel it worked well. The matches were very underpared and could've gone better, but there have been far worse shows than this. New Blood Rising, December To Dismember, Mayhem, Halloween Havoc 1998, Raw ft. Dennis Leary, etc. People have greatly overreacted to it, and seem to not realize that this really was a total throwback to the original ECW. Except in HD.
1. this was by far the worst wrestling PPV ive ever witnessed. id even say it was the worst major promotional wrestling PPV of all time.
No. ECW plugged far worse shows than this. WWE has done it too.
2. if you liked it, or thought ANYTHING about it was good, you lose all credibility as a wrestling fan.
Your argument is shit. Should I really trust this reasoning? If a cartoon features something different or non comedy related and I like it, does that mean I'm not a cartoon fan? If a rock band I love starts to rap because that's what they want and I hate that, should I stop overall listening to that band? If my favorite, now defunct band decide to make a reunion tour, would I not go because they are old and probably not as good? Seriously, answer me.
3. everyone was old and out of shape. a much bigger slap in the face to ECW than vince ever did.
The ECW guys ran it, how the fuck is it a slap to their own face?
4. the matches were just awful. i cant think of one moment where i was like "this is cool"
I found Kid Kash leaping on John Finnegan and jumping on his opponents to a "this is cool" moment. Same when Dreamer locked a Crossface on Raven with barbed wire wrapped around his mouth. Same when Foley stuck it in Lupus' mouth.
5. how big of an impact does this have on TNA angles? fans do have a short memory these days.
You seem to have a small IQ level or something. This isn't TNA related. I think TNA, Wrestlezone and the rest of the ever in-fucking-satisfiable internet wrestling community made that clear already.
to me, this was business crippling bad for TNA. tonight was the end of the road for that entire company.
Please, I would like to see your college degree on business and economics.
No Ric Flair, no Hulk Hogan, no Sting, not even AJ Styles. A PPV with guys who were desperate for one more show. Saving a bunch of money on talent, by having small pay guys put on a sub-par PPV with great nostalgic value. Seems like a good trick to save money.
i give them a year or two before they fold. you just cant defend TNA anymore,
Yet here I am.
outside of some of the good talent they have.
There's more, but you seem to be too busy looking at your own ass. Have you even watched an ECW show not called One Night Stand?
on the bright side, some of that great talent will have a shot with the WWE.
I find that debatable. WWE has problems developing new guys without them having some sort of backstage pull. You really expect the enemy to get a chance?
So your saying this crap was better than this card?........

Lance Storm (with Dawn Marie) Vs. Chris Jericho

Three-Way Dance
Super Crazy Vs. Tajiri (with The Sinister Minister and Mikey Whipwreck) Vs. Little Guido (with Tracy Smothers, Tony Mamaluke, Big Guido and J.T. Smith)

Rey Misterio, Jr. Vs. Psychosis

Sabu (with Bill Alfonso) Vs. Rhyno

Chris Beniot Vs. Eddie Guerrero

Mike Awesome Vs. Masato Tanaka

The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) Vs. Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman
Nobody said it was better, you idiot. They said it was more ECW-like than ONS '05. A very true statement.
This was without a shadow of a doubt the most entertaining piece of Television I've seen in the last three years. I didn't watch a BIT of ECW, the old one, and some people warned me that I'm not going to like this if I'm a TNA fan. Well, guess what, I didn't like it. I LOVED IT!

Every-single-match was absolutely awesome.
Really? Well call me shitless.
And for the people who say that these guys are old and out of shape. WELL FUCKING DUH! What did you expect? Ripped grandpas?
Fact is, they were old, they looked like shit, but they did their thing and did it in a very, very entertaining way. The crowd was absolutely nuts, the whole show was pure entertainment and that's that.
I agree, but the crowd really killed it for me. Blending the TNA crucial crew with the ECW diehards was a fucking horrible mix.


On to my review:

Taz opens the show with a very heart felt promo that really lets you know what the show is. ECW in HD. The old shit. The one from Philly with the loony talentless bingo hall boys Jerry Lawler always bitched about. The old ECW. The real one. Not One Night Stand or WWECW. The one with incoherent PPV's and overall disasters people cheered for because it was different and entertaining.

Yeah, that one. Japoopy.

F.B.I. (Guido Maritato, Tracy Smothers, and Tony Luke, with Sal E. Graziano) defeated Kid Kash, Simon Diamond, and Johnny Swinger in a 6 Man Tag Team match

This was a good opener. Until they started dancing. Terrible idea there. If you get that bit out of the way you get some great athletics. A good fast paced tag team match. We don't get those too much nowadays unless MCMG or GenMe are in them. Kash jumping off of Finnegan was awesome and Smothers has aged the Ric Flair way. Old but still has it. The dance-off however came at a heavy price.

4 hucklebucks out of 10. The dancing never worked for Jerry Lawler's son. How the fuck would it work here?

Too Cold Scorpio defeated C.W. Anderson

Two rather underrated workers here.Cool. This was standard stuff and you can see that the show changes shifts a bit in every match. Going from comedy (bad at that) to serious as we get some solid work here. However no build, not much pace and overall little to go with hurt this. By the way, the Moonsault Legdrop... Still awesome.

6 flashes of funk out of 10. It lacked, but it was a very passable match.

Stevie Richards (with Hollywood Nova and The Blue Tilly) defeated P.J. Polaco
The nutcase jobber beating the drastically overrated one time world champ. This is one case where having Paul Heyman would've been a negative. Because we probably would've ended up with Polaco (Credible) down our throats like if it was Vince and Cena. The match was however OK. Stevie hits some nice power moves like a Sidewalk Slam and Powerbomb. Really missing that stuff. The BWO got in and all, but was at least kept from being an overall clusterfuck. I believe Big Sal from MEM's Security is Blue Meanie here. Damn. The Stevie Kick in the end was solid. Really solid.

6 fat slobs out of 10. Stevie is probably the most in shape wrestler wrestling tonight. Contact Muscle And Fitness.

The Sandman then beats up Credible. Not enough beating up for me.Sandy should've done it like he did The Zombie.



Rhino defeated Brother Runt and Al Snow
in a 3 Way Dance

People chanting for Head. See why this mixed crowd is awful? The match wasn't as good as it could've been. All three guys still have the ability to give a good match, but don't. At least we get to see The Human Crash Dummy, Spike as he's flinged all over the place like a bag in an airport. Nice ending with the Dudley Dog followed by the Gore. Not that good a match though.

4 lens-less glasses out of 10. Good ending, not a good match.

Team 3D (Brother Devon and Brother Ray) (with Joel Gertner) defeated Axl Rotten and Kahoneys in a Philly Street Fight in Orlando

Joel is still awesome. TNA should sign him and have him manage some guys who are weak on the mic. Ray calls for a Philly Street Fight. In Orlando. What? Oh, none of the earlier matches were under Extreme Rules. Nice of the announcers to mention it. This is basically random weapon attacks. Standard stuff from both teams. There's a Lightsaber duel in there. I found it amusing. You didn't? Oh, like you never pretended to be a fucking Jedi.


Even Bookah was playing Jedi at some point. And Goldust too.

Obi... Bookanoby!

Enough of that. A flaming table ends it as Ray and the fans get their wish about burning someone. Then they proclaim that they are the greatest team ever. Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin say otherwise. And apparently so do The Gangstas. As yet another random street fight ensues. Sheesh! This one has aluminum kitchen sinks and a stapler with no staples. BECAUSE THATS HARDER THAN HARDCORE!!! Just kidding. Then we get a hug out. OK. Well, it is a goodbye. It at least fits the theme.

I give this a...

6 kitchen sinks out of 10. About as random as a Rick Roll this was. But it was very fun to watch. Sadly this is a wrestling match that featured a botched DDT. Enough said.

Raven defeated Tommy Dreamer in The Final Showdown with Mick Foley as Guest Referee

People bitched so much about this match and how it was a clusterfuck and how it was lacking in some shit and stuff, but what people seem to overlook is that this was sorta how most of their encounters were. Sure, unburying this feud after its epic ending in ECW was the bad idea in here, it still was Tommy Dreamer and Raven's own decision. The actual match was great. It lacked technicality but then again, this wasn't about a pretty performance. It was about the same thing it has always been. Beat the living shit out each other. Foley grinding barbed wire on Lupus' mouth was sick as was the Crossface with the wire. Many people say Dreamer should've won. I say no. Why go with the obvious. Why go with the logical? Its a throwback to ECW. Its not about the good guy winning, but reliving the memory.

8 bloody Crossfaces out of 10. Sick, twisted, insane and bloody. Quoth The KillJoy, fuck you smarks.

Rob Van Dam (with Bill Alfonso) defeated Sabu (also with Bill Alfonso), Non-title under Extreme Rules

Bill is probably the highlight of this match. Tossing the chair for the guys to fight over, walking both guys down the aisle, the water break. Pretty decent stuff. Not as good as the old days, but still very nice. Sabu didn't miss a beat. Which is good considering his hit/miss ratio when it comes to his moveset.

7 whistles out of 10. Bill was awesome, RVD was his typical self and Sabu mustered everything in him to not botch. There have been better matches between these two, but none as oddly unique as this. That I remember anyway.


Commentary: 3 out of 10. Not serious at all.

Production: 5 out of 10. The lighting gave the arena a different feeling, but next time, use a brighter color.

Matches: 5 out of 10. They could've been better. Especially without the dancing.

Atmosphere: 8 out of 10. The crowd was much more alive than the standard TNA crowd, but it was also very off beat.

Promo's: 7 out of 10. If you wanna pay tribute to someone, it is considered a good idea to say who you're paying tribute to. Seeing the TNA guys give their thoughts was a very nice touch. Seeing the ECW guys that couldn't make it, not so much. Boy did they sound desperate or what? Especially Blue Meanie.

Final Score: 5.6 out of 10. They got rid of the damn ramp!! YAY!!
I found Hardcore Justice to be a car crash PPV for me. It was horrible to watch some of the matches but, I must admit, I couldn't help but watch it all.

The two problems I had with it mostly were, firstly, the lighting. I know it seems a silly thing but the blue glow throughout the event just kinda bugged me. I don't know why but it just did.

Secondly was the Impact Zone itself. Granted the fans were more clued up then your average WWE audience but, to me, there was deffo that lack of passion that I always associate with an ECW PPV and, to me, I put that down to the Impact Zone. The size is about the same and they can do shows there so, as it was meant to be the final goodbye to ECW, I can't see why they wouldn't hold it in the Bingo Hall. It would've created that ECW atmosphere that helped ONS 2005 so much as well as being a fitting place for the curtain to (fingers crossed) finally fall on ECW
1. this was by far the worst wrestling PPV ive ever witnessed. id even say it was the worst major promotional wrestling PPV of all time.
2. if you liked it, or thought ANYTHING about it was good, you lose all credibility as a wrestling fan.
3. everyone was old and out of shape. a much bigger slap in the face to ECW than vince ever did.
4. the matches were just awful. i cant think of one moment where i was like "this is cool"
5. how big of an impact does this have on TNA angles? fans do have a short memory these days.

to me, this was business crippling bad for TNA. tonight was the end of the road for that entire company. i give them a year or two before they fold. you just cant defend TNA anymore, outside of some of the good talent they have. on the bright side, some of that great talent will have a shot with the WWE.

hmmm...omly 9 posts, maybe you made this account just to insult TNA and ECW.

what makes you the self proclaimed Wrestling expert that you think you are?

I find it funny that you think that this PPV is a bigger insult then WWECW.

this was a one shot deal, where the legend of ECW could get their well-deserved farewell. that douchebag Vince mcmahon never gave them one. he basically just turned it into such an abomination that people were waiting for them to pull the plug. and the ECW fans probably stopped watching right away, because as any fan knows, that wasnt extreme!

so saying that i lose all credibilty because I actually enjoyed the PPV, that shows me what an idiot you really are...go back to watching WWE and jerking off to John Cena
Really? Well call me shitless.

Shitless. Trust me, bud, I was far more surprised than you were. I think the atmosphere itself made me feel like it was entertaining. The fans being into it and all. But hey, fuck me, I enjoyed it and I'm slightly glad it's over with too. Kind of scared that they MIGHT be planning on having a stable with these guys. I'm sure that they can only work with eachother.

But the whole show was like "Ah..that was good...Thursday please come quickly."
Ratings for TNA HardCORE Justice 2010 PPV from last night, which I just finished watching:

8/8/10 Guido Maritato/Tony Lukes/Tracey Smothers vs. Kid Kash/Simon Diamond/Johnny Swinger - *1/2
8/8/10 Too Cold Scorpio vs. CW Anderson - **3/4
8/8/10 PJ Polaco vs. Stevie Richards - **1/4
8/8/10 Rhino vs. Al Snow vs. Brother Runt - *3/4
8/8/10 Axl Rotten/Kahoneys vs. Brother Ray/Brother Devon (South Philadelphia Street Fight) - **
8/8/10 Raven vs. Tommy Dreamer - **
8/8/10 Rob Van Dam vs. Sabu - ***

Rather bad for the most part. I was shocked at how good the short Scorpio-Anderson match was. Most everything else was trash, though a few matches were actually rather entertaining from a comedic aspect, I don't know how you couldn't laugh at the freakin' lightsaber battle in the street fight, or New Jack calling JB his bitch. Semi-entertaining show that featured mostly awful wrestling, but I thought the main event delivered for exactly what it was supposed to be. Finish was a bit poor, but it was a fairly entertaining spotfest with both men hitting their trademark moves without much sloppiness. Van Dam actually looked more motivated in there than he has during most of his TNA run, looked alot more crisp and agile in the ring last night.

Pretty bad PPV from a wrestling standpoint and I can only pray this is the end of this ECW rehash, but I was moderately entertained for the two and a half hours and don't regret watching the show.

Now please...I'm begging you...just let ECW rest in peace now. Please.
I enjoyed the show. I didn't expect it to be awesome. But it was pretty awesome.

Too Cold looked in better shape then the last time I saw him wrestle.

When they first started dancing I was like. "really? wtf is this?" but it was part of the comedy relief. So it fit. The lightsaber battle was brilliant. Joel Gertner was awesome. Bill Alfonso was in classic form.

I watch wrestling for the matches. While most of the matches weren't top notch, they were still spectacular.

Dreamer/Raven match was classic. Sabu/RVD was classic. Nether surpassed the original stuff, but both were worth the money.

Call me smark, mark, smart, fart, whatever you wish. The show was worth the money.

Now for those that watched it for free and are complaining... really? I fully expect you to return and bash TNA for their freePV this Thursday.
I went into the PPV with very high expectations and thought it would be heaps hardcore and an awesome show. I have never regreted buying a PPV from TNA ever but this was the biggest waste of money i have ever spent $25!!!!! on. Lets begin.

Opening crowds going wild so i thought we were in for a good night. Taz comes out and does some speech alrite. then a match between FBI and a bunch of guys. It was shit washed up stars doing crap!!! Than a dance off!!!! i was embarresed to watch that it was humiliting. except for the outside flip and the piledriver that looked legit that was the shittest opening match ever.

Than interviews and people talking about how good the show is going to be. OMG what a waste of time geeze. Than if i can remember the order it was The cold Scorpio vs Arn Anderson? Recorrect me if im wrong. Also shit slow slow slow. except for the flips that match was a bloody flip jesus christ. Then more interviews and backstage SHIT!!!

Than i think it was Stevie vs Some Dude Pacola? I dont know. Stevie looked ripped and i knew he would win but i expected hardcore stuff from stevie. Maybe some thumbtacks some blood except they wrestled wat the hell. Hardcore Justice? HMMM nothing hardcore about that. I expected better from Stevie whats he trying to do start a wrestling career. Then sandman comes in and thats all he does for the night. hahahahaha so shit.

Than a three way between Rhino Al SNow and spike dudley? Anyway i thought Rhino would play a bigger role for the night but no. Al Snow looked big. Pretty shit match nothing hardcore WTF.

Than a tag team match. Probably best match of night so far and most hardcore. It was actually alrite until....... A LIGHTSABER FIGHT. star wars fans would of been *********ing in their seats. I was so embarresed i turned the T.V. off.

Than more interviews more embarresment and SHIT.

Dreamer vs Raven. The match was what i would call hardcore. Blood, weapons and barbed wire. But Mick Foley being special referee i thought he would play a big role but no. I thought he would be barbed wire and lying in tacks with his face busted open. Nothing went the way i wanted. it was alrite probably best match of night.

Than RVD VS SABU. It was a pretty good wrestling match but i expected more hardcore. Dissapointed but of course RVD wins geeze.

End of night, didnt come quick enough dissapointing since TNA talked it up so much for a non hardcore peice of shit show. The worst PPV ever bought. Than dreamer and the gang comes out and dreamer says "What a hell of a PPV!!!" HHMMMMMMMMM THE WORST PPV.

I always liked these hardcore dudes in the past but i think 2010 is finnally time to end their careers before they can actually get any worse!!

The Fuck you Vince chant was Hilarious hahahahahha!

Gertner alone was worth the price of the PPV.

I enjoyed it a lot. The mixture of Gertner, Alfonso, and Al Snow's promo just hit home what I personally recall from watching ECW in the 90's.

It had a lot of the same humor and ridiculousness that the original ECW had which I don't recall from any of the WWE produced shows. The booking wasn't all to bad, most of the matches were good and a lot of the guys moved very well for their age. Especially Sabu, Stevie, Kid Kash and even Al Snow to an extent.

Hopefully this is the end of it all. I'm going to be pissed if theres another reunion show or they somehow keep it around like WWE did.

By the way did anyone see that nasty hit to the back of the head Sabu took? When he jumped from the ring ropes into the crowd onto RVD he hit the back of his head right on the chair which is what caused it to start bleeding.
I just finished watching this PPV and I have to say I was pretty damn impressed. I came in with pretty low expectations and they were well exceded. The first few mstches werent all that special all of them were solid but not memerable but from the Dudleyz match onwards the PPV was pretty damn good. I enjoyed the Dudleyz match and the commentry was hilarious with them tyring desperately not to refer to him as "Balls", the table spot was sick. The Dreamer/Raven match far exceeded my excpetations and I really enjoyed it, Dreamer should really have won though. The Sabu/RVD match was easily MOTN I loved it.

Overall: The start of the PPV was pretty bad but it finished strong B-.
The lighting of the entire PPV was horrible, I kept wondering how it was for the people in attendance trying to see what was happening, especially when things spilled outside of the ring, in such a dark place.

Taz's opening speech was fine, although the people he was telling to kiss his ass weren't even watching the PPV. The opening match did not give me a good expectations of what was going to be coming for the rest of the PPV. Kid Kash was the only one who had anything memorable in that opening match, the rest of it was quite bad and if I didn't force myself to continue watching the PPV because I was watching it for free on the computer I would've stopped watching right there.

I will say, though, that 2 Cold Scorpio and CW Anderson was a pleasant surprise. I actually enjoyed the match and I really don't see how anyone before me has said Scorpio looked bad in any way. I thought Scorpio looked quite good for his age and he definitely still has it, out of all the older guys TNA has right now on their roster I'd pick Scorpio over every one of them. Someone should sign him! The match itself meant nothing and had no back story for ECW of any kind, but it was still a good match and the match I actually enjoyed most on the entire bad PPV.

We get treated to "I remember" segments throughout the night and they were all pretty bad. I swear most of those TNA guys, especially Madison Rayne, had no idea what ECW even was. Them cutting backstage later to five TNA people watching the PPV was also laughable. Then we also get a long promo from Rob Van Dam with Fonzi. My god that promo was boring and one of the worst things I've seen in a while. I found it almost unbearable listening to RVD rattle on. And that's TNA's world champion? Absolutely horrid promo and RVD needs to really just stay away from the mic for good. Fonzi looked horrible, but he always looked horrible so that's no problem.

I hated the chanting throughout the night because it came across as totally fake most of the time, especially when Justin Credible gets thrown out of the ring (and there was really nothing to it) and the crowd starts chanting "Holy shit!" Say what? Get over yourselves.

Stevie Richards vs. Justin Incredible was an extremely boring match and after Richards cut that promo about how this was his chance to show the world he really failed in showing us anything but why he's never made it past the mid-card. I can't believe they even had some of these matches on PPV. I don't care if it's some homage to old ECW they aren't even Sunday Night Heat caliber matches let alone PPV caliber! I find it hilarious people actually paid money for them.

I was disappointed, this being some reflection of old ECW, that the lights turned off and on and Sandman was just there in the ring. Why didn't his music play? Why didnt he have a long drawn out walk through the crowd to the ring, drinking beer and smoking? That was Sandman and that was ECW. Instead we get him already in the ring and he hits Incredible a few times with the cane and that's that. They really failed with Sandman here.

Team 3D vs. Rotten and Mahoney was a bad match, although it had a few fun spots. I didn't mind the light saber dual at all, but the match overall was just bad but it's not like Rotten or Mahoney ever had good ones in the original ECW either. Then the Gangsta come out and fight with Team 3D and I'm calling New Jack a fucking hypocritical bitch. After all of those shoots he's done since the days of ECW and all he's said about Team 3D and he comes out and not only works with them but hugs and celebrates with them? Unbelievable. At least Shane Douglas had the balls and the integrity to be true to himself, New Jack's a bitch.

Raven cut a fine promo setting up his match with Tommy Dreamer, although the match itself was really nothing to write home about. It was fine for what it was, although I absolutely disagree with the shitty booking of the ending of that match. You’d think based on ECW and based on the storyline going into this match and how it’s the final showdown between the two that Tommy Dreamer should’ve won that match. Dreamer should’ve finally beat Raven to end their feud and the way the match ended was even anti climatic. I was disappointed. I stopped watching the PPV there and never watched the main event, but I’m sure it was much of the same and coming from RVD and Sabu was just a bunch of spots.

I don’t care how horrible this PPV was (and it was bad), I don’t care about the old ECW has-beens, most that people probably didn’t even remember (which was why they needed to introduce each one), but I really do feel like this PPV was a disappointment when you look at what it was trying to be. It was trying to be a homage to the old ECW, and yet it was missing so many key elements and people who made ECW what it was. It felt to me, (and I was an ECW fan back in the day and I’m still a fan of the OLD ECW) like some cheap rip off, like these guys were just playing some trick on the naïve Dixie Carter who was stupid enough to give all these guys a payday on a PPV at the expense of her own company and it’s talent. And the fact that Dixie was brought into some final celebration at the end of the PPV just completely contradicts everything about ECW. Dixie Carter has nothing in common with what ECW was, and TNA has nothing in common with what ECW was. No wonder Paul Heyman refused to go anywhere near this whole event, and that in itself proves how bad this was. WWE and their One Night Stand PPV paid homage to ECW far better then this sad PPV, and that's just the truth. ECW One Night Stand had far more of the important people and elements of ECW, and it even had that anti-establishment feel and storyline where this PPV just contradicted itself on so many levels.

And if the ECW angle continues in TNA after this, I’m calling every one of those ECW guys who cried and preached for the past month and on this PPV hypocrites. They’ll have proven exactly how hypocritical and full of shit they are/were if it doesn’t end on that bad PPV they just put out.
Wow, there is a lot of hate going on in this thread.

Back when ECW was on the air I only ever got a couple of episodes. I was not hooked, I didn't even really like it that much. It was very low budget, I didn't know who any of them were, and it just all in all looked boring.

During the time of WWF Invasion is when we saw some of the ECW guys show up on WWF programming. Yeah there where some guys before that PPV, but I didn't really know where they came from. Anyways, my point is I wasn't a fan of ECW until after it went under. But, boy did I go crazy for it. I looked up everything I could about the history I have seen multiple documentaries on the subject and while I still don't know every little thing I would assume its safe to say I am a fan.

As far as TNA HardCORE Justice is concerned: Haters got to hate.

The first match wasn't exactly great, Ill give you that. Kash's team made no sense to me (which is something ECW is known for though) and there wasn't any real excitement in it. Being a large guy myself, I loved seeing Sal dance, but other than that..

The second match for me was just as boring to be honest. Don't care for either of the two competitors, wasn't interested..

The third match is when the PPV started to pick up for me. Justin Credible, though they can't use that name vs. Stevie Richards. Both wrestlers I have always enjoyed watching. And at the end we saw Sandman (one of my all time favorites).

Fourth, I have always been a fan of all three of the wrestlers (Rhino, Al Snow, and Spike). Personally I would have likes to see Al snow win, since he is my personal favorite of the three (I loved how much the crowd got itno his intro), but either way I liked the ending. I knew right away that a lot of the match was going to be the two bigger guys tossing Spike around, but that is to be expected. Spike has a lot of heart for the business and may be bordering on stupidity as far as when to give up. Rhino was the last real ECW champion, I think he should have had a better match.

As soon as I heard Balls say that he and Axl where the greatest tag team in ECW I knew their opponents where going to be The Dudleys. I loved how Taz slipped in Balls Mahoney (instead of "Kahoneys") a couple of times not to mention he did say ECW once or twice throughout the night. When Balls got hit in the head with the frying pan I rubbed my own head in pain -that sounded painful! The lightsaber thing was hysterical. And the fire table was classic ECW/Dudleys. "The Gangstas" coming out at the end meant nothing to me. New Jack is an insane and incredible stuntman, but I always hated him and all in all the ending was lame. We know the Dudleys can take a beating, and showing them get right back up after it all only degraded the "realism" of it all. One question I have is why are they going to get sued by saying ECW or using their names back then, but it's okay to say Star Wars and use their names? Seriously someone answer this please. Is it just because Vince is a money hungry pretentious asshole?

My personal favorite match of the night was Dreamer vs. Raven. Raven is my favorite wrestler, period. The history the two have is bigger than any other feud ECW has ever had, and I would almost wager its in the top five of wrestling history (hate on me all you want). I can't say enough to give the match justice. The PPV was worth every penny for this match alone. Seeing Tommy Dreamer DDT Raven even though he was handcuffed was pretty awesome. I have a lot of respect for Dreamer and I support him in everything he does. I half expected Dreamer to win, though history would teach us otherwise. And of course I was happy with the outcome. (View my sig.)

The main event was scheduled to be RVD vs Jerry Lynn but I guess he injured himself so they switched to Sabu. I wonder what they where going to do with Sabu had Lynn not injured himself. Anyways, Bill Alfonso was annoying as ever, I really HATE the whistle. If I were RVD or Sabu I would have shoved that whistle up his arse years ago. Other than that though he was a great help for moth members in the match. Overall it was pretty classic, and seeing how similar the two thing is pretty cool. It was an amazing match. RVD won, which was no surprise to me since he is a TNA employee. I really can't say enough about the respect I have for these two and how much they love the business.

This is hands down the greatest PPV I have seen in a long time. Thank you Paul Heyman. Thank you Tommy Dreamer. Thank you TNA / Dixie Carter. And F YOU VINCE.
I just finished watching this PPV and I have to say I was pretty damn impressed. I came in with pretty low expectations and they were well exceded. The first few mstches werent all that special all of them were solid but not memerable but from the Dudleyz match onwards the PPV was pretty damn good. I enjoyed the Dudleyz match and the commentry was hilarious with them tyring desperately not to refer to him as "Balls", the table spot was sick. The Dreamer/Raven match far exceeded my excpetations and I really enjoyed it, Dreamer should really have won though. The Sabu/RVD match was easily MOTN I loved it.

Overall: The start of the PPV was pretty bad but it finished strong B-.

I agree with all this, but I have to throw in I LOVED seeing Al Snow with Head again :)

I also think Too Cold Scorpio's finisher was SICK! he can STILL go!!! he is awesome! I've been a fan of his since he was in WCW back in the day. I think this PPV was great and to see the spoilers of the next 2 IMPACT I can see where they are going with this. Great stuff...I think the PPV was very well executed, with the "I remember.." & "Where are they now?" scenes they didn't need footage... it was well executed.. I think the "haters" of TNA are over reacting saying "It makes no sense to do this" to where I say.. there is a REASON for this... read the spoilers.. TNA is on the right track.

I loved the matches in the PPV and the voilence.. this shit was SICK! I hope they got a lot of buys on the PPV. Oh and the Light Sabre fight was funny! cI think people take wrestling to serious.. this was meant to be fun. And there was a lot of that.. inculding the dance off.. it had a great mix of entertainment and violence. Which is what ECW was known for,.. being versatile.


*****WARNING if you get butt hurt easily STOP READING!!!*****************

Most of these mother fuckers that trash all the TNA PPVs are not even buying the PPVs.. lets be honest. I think the people's opinion that SHOULD matter are the ones that bought it.. then again I guess that is subject too since everyone has different tastes.. but if you're the one NOT watching Impact or the PPVs when they are on and only waiting till they are on the internet.. then you have n o reason to Bitch and moan. Seriously WWE has put out MORE crap in 2009-2010 alone then any other time in history. Its like no matter what they put out you fuckers eat that shit up likes its milk coming out your mothers tittie! WTF. Most of WWE's product is pure shit! At least TNA is getting better each week (ratings prove that) This PPV is NO WHERE near as bad as most are making it out to be.. SURE if you didn't like it you stopped watching.. and you call the next person a MARK.. yet your not being honest.. you didn't just stop watching.. you clicked the X on the top right corner of the IE window.. you didn't buy shit.. so you shouldn't complain. PERIOD FLAME ON BITCHES

/end rant

Hopefully those old true ECW fans that "BOUGHT" the PPV were satisfied. I read the Impact Spoilers for the next two weeks.. seems like they ARE going to start a new storyline from this PPV. Fortune seems like it will be stong in the current weeks ahead. (2 new members)

Also I could not help but wonder if New Jack and Devon were actually hitting each other with some needed pay back for one another? I remember they were legit having issues with each other for years in the 2000's. Good to see them all hug at the end.
I arrived late on the 8th after I finished grip work on The Wizard of Oz play. With my receipt in hand, I showed the Universal staff as a line was outside. I got right in (of course) and they took me to the Impact Zone. I would later receive my lanyard, Socko, and autographed 8x10 photo but the really cool thing about it all was security and Universal staff's memory of me not having my lanyard but the receipt so I was able to benefit the rest of the night. I later learned my opportunity to meet and greet the Hardcore Originals had passed the night before but given this "EV2" ordeal isn't done, there's more VIP opps later down the road.

I arrived in the Impact Zone. As I once predicted on Facebook, the "arena" was very small (it's held inside a movie studio, Soundstage 21. I was actually very hyped about this event and wore my Steve'N'Berry's ECW shirt. I sat in the upper-left section behind the ring, before the stands slanted, and you probably saw me on TV, especially since I did a lot of standing the whole time and you'll know more about why I'd be on TV in a few.

Dixie Carter came into the VIP section before the show. I got to shake her hand and get a photo with me and her. She seemed very nice and very laxed but her perfume broke me out (allergy). The announcer guy came on, introducing major characters like the Security guard and explaining how they wanted this event to be like the "legacy we're celebrating" (referring to ECW). He then introduced the Spanish announcers (one was a Guerreo and it sounded like they were chanting Eddie but I believe he's dead). Then Mike Tenay. We all chanted Joey Styles but we got Taz. This big upset would soon turn into a valuable night for my money.

The announcer guy (short hair) gave props to the VIP section and said we needed to be the loudest in the crowd (we're right in the camera's view, which sucks and doesn't, and I'll explain later on this). He counted down to us going live and thus WrestleZone can take over the rest from here - I'm just going to fill in the blanks and my thoughts. Just know this and I admit it wholeheartedly - I was involved in EVERY chant, especially the profanity ones, and I'm not afraid to admit that one bit.
First Match - FBI wins. 2/10
This match had one extreme moment - some wrestlers used the ref to do a flip on someone else. The dancing I thought was a little funny but demonstrated the laid-back attitude of ECW. Truthfully, I didn't know many of these guys and it was more of a taste of what was to come.
Behind-the-scenes Note:
While they were showing all the extreme tribute videos, this was the time they cleaned up the ring. Fans have an established "Woo" as the guy cleans the ropes (he runs a cloth on them as he runs from one side to another; the next night the cleaner looked confused and the announcer said he can tell we'll having too much fun). Mike Tenay and Taz are blacked out during the match and they never appeared excited - in fact, they appear to be reading something and clamly watching the action, so I'm assuming they're excited tones are heavily exaggerated and their volume is increased.
Second match - 2 Cold Scorpio wins. 1/10
Again, I wasn't aware of the hype surrounding either of these wrestlers. In fact, if it wasn't for the crowd, this match would have been boring.
Third Match - Stevie wins. 4/10
Seeing the bWo in action was pretty funny. Man, is Blue Meanie fat! Anyway, other than the kendo stick, there wasn't a lot of extreme moments, though I remember telling my brother this match was the beginning of the extreme. The extremeness didn't come untuil Sandman entered and kicked Credible's ass with his kendo stick. It was nice to see how Francine looked without the makeup and ****ty clothes but unfortunately, she needed them as she's not too attractive without them.
Fourth match - Rhino wins. 2/10
Before this match styrofoam heads were thrown to the crowd. Al Snow gave a lot of head but it ultimately didn't work on his part. Spike Dudley was thrown near the crowd but not in it, though still reminscent of old-ECW. Practically entertaining given Spike being much smaller than the other two.
Fifth Match - Dudleys win. 6/10
This is the match where you'll likely to see me on TV. It was also one of the more extreme of the matches. When the Dudley comes into the steps behind the ring, he actually walks right beside me and I couldn't stop tapping him every chance I got. He got carried away with using every drink every fan gave him and I couldn't help but to keep the sprite bottle he busted over his opponent's head (he actually just bent it using the plastic bottle's design). This was awesome in of itself and he was very sweaty. People outside of Florida don't understand how you can be soaked in sweat all the time and he definitely didn't feel like his soakness was actually water like the WWE guys did and actually showed years ago. He's also not very big - he's probably about my size but solid because his is mainly mucle with fat and mine is just fat. He also used a shoe on his opponent and kissed a young latino girl right beind me (two rows anyway) - it didn't look like he was using tongue but doing it for show. He literally grabbed her, pretty hard, and left her laughing with a confused look on her face. As WrestleZone points out the match used a lot of weapons and seeing a flaming table was sweeet! And being soaked in beer was also awesome - I think it was someone's can he splattered against his opponent's head.
Sixth Match - Raven wins. 8/10
This was a very awesome match despite Dreamer's juice job looking really gross. Foley putting the barb wire in the guy's mouth made for a grosser effect as he spurted blood like no other. This was a very gruesome match and reminded me of ECW but still lacked more of its extremeness. I missed the handcuffing of Dreamer - I was watching Foley. And besides, you can't see all the good action from facing the camera. The show ends with the after-party. The time the show ended on a screen was 10:46p.m.
What's important to know is the event ended with us singing along to "Enter the Sandman" by Metallica and one of the Dudley Boys yelling "Fuck it, let's hear it one more time, E-C-W." The cameras were actually off by then so it's not in the show. I guess the televised show ended when they brought Dixie into the ring.

Being a VIP member I got to sit in on the 30-minute or so Q&A at the end. This was awesome in that fans got to ask Dreamer and Foley questions (me being one) and this session was recorded and will be on the DVD. My question to Dreamer and Foley was (after announcer guy told me to say it another way) "Who's your favorite wrestler to watch" (originally: Who's your favorite wrestler of all time). I did pat that announcer guy on the shoulder and asked if I could thank them for the PPV and he said sure. He seemed nice but with an impersonal attitude - you know he's seen so many fans he's lost his touch in social life outside the world of entertainment and recorded life (so he's kind of stuck up but isn't). Anyway, Dreamer said his favorite was Dusty Rhodes then he said Hogan and a couple of WCW wrestlers. Foley explained how Undertaker's music gave him goosebumps but he loved Mysterio and Undertaker and a few others from WWE I couldn't remember. There's no guarantee, I'm sure, my question will make it on the DVD but we can only hope. During this time Alfonso came out shirtless drinking water (Zepherillys by the looks of it - TNA definitely isn't very rich) and someone kept taking photos of him and he waved them a couple times to stop. The highlight of my night, what put icing on the cake, was getting the opportunity to shake hands with Tommy Dreamer and thank him (he was still bloody and it stained the lines of his skin) as they were kicking us out about midnight due to legal issues with the use of the building. That to me is just as good as a photo with him. Dreamer also said of his regrets was having four women in a hotel room while being married. But to tell you the truth, as many people say that wrestlers are big, Tommy has muscles but he isn't bigger than a highschool football player. When you see him beside Hogan on Impact you'll see what I mean.


This was NOT ECW by any stretch of the imagination - nor was it TNA. It felt more like a staged version of WCW gone extreme yet an ECW sampler at the same time. Being on TV was great but we miss all the good poses and taunts they do just so you can see it at home. We also see more the wrestling techniques and how punches are nothing more than slight contact with a noise (one guy opened his close fist to a slap). You can barely seem them talking to each other but you definitely can tell these guys have been trained more for show than technique and how to love the camera. Needless to say this PPV was well worth it alone, though I'd wished I got to meet Dreamer in that party setting where I could have got a photo with him.
I forget what match but there was a lightsaber duel that the crowd thought was hilarious. It definitely symbolized how laid back the crowd and ECW guys were.
More on the crowd: The crowd consisted of Rednecks and Rebels, basically conservative-style rednecks with liberal rednecks that wore some black (I fit into the liberal redneck crowd despite not being a redneck because of my black shirt and black glasses). Believe it or not I am including the "punk" with icicle dreadlocks at ringside as a liberal redneck - few people here didn't fit into the redneck personae as far as dress goes. There were also a lot of drunks and I definitely understand Mark Madden's declaration of the TNA fans being a bunch of freeloaders. Some of them also need to visit a shower before coming to the show.

TNA Impact (to be aired 8/12/2010):

I wasn't hyped for this. I don't even know 99% of the TNA guys - I just wanted to see Hogan and hopefully Sting. As we waited fduring lineup some fans complained they lost their spot so a TNA bodyguard made all of us remember who was infront and behind us so we could stay in line. We found it pathetic since we all got to go in before anyone else but nevertheless it happened. As we entered the Impact zone the standby crowd chanted "Wasted Money" to us. We got to go in before them and choose the best seats so I don't know how wasted it was. To note, there is a free VIP option if you email [email protected] but you still have to wait behind the paying VIP members.

The format of the show went the same, except not being life nothing filled in the space between cleaning up the ring except for giving away free DVDs and offering backstage passes to the loudest people. At the end he said we were the best crowd they had in a while.
The only awesome match was Abyss vs RVD. It was also the only extreme match.
The ending was better than the rest of the show though I got more closeup seating (I'm behind the right turnbuckle, third-row from the fence, mostly standing the whole time with camera in hand). A stuffed bulldog was near me - Iw ould have been to the right of that behind two big guys. It also didn't help when two drunks got pissed some of us VIPers were standing and "in his way" as he sat. The whole ending where the TNA crew (I guess they call themselves Fortune) battled against all of ECW (eventually all of TNA and Sandman and Raven came out) was total chaos and pandemonium. In fact I was already bored I missed Raven coming out but Sandman came out from a blackout (a lot of us was wanting Sting). The cleanup and removal of the wrestlers and beaten security after the carnage took a very long time (probably 20 minutes or so) and I left before the Xplosion tapings along with about 60% of the crowd as they were changing the canvas. The guy knocked down in front of the ring, to the right if watching on TV, took a long time to get up and I watched Abyss beating someone up in the crowd right below Tenay and Tazz's table. Everyone here didn't know what was going on and i basically was the only time the crowd had any true-heart feelings of emotion oas the ECW crew was being decimated in front of our very eyes the night after a cool PPV. My camera died right as Hogan walked out (and as Dreamer walked out the night before) so I had to play with my batteries or use my phone to get photos.

Final Remarks:
If there is another VIP coming up a couple months from now (not Bound for Glory as you have to pay to get in) that offers party-like meet and greet, I might take it up. But honestly watching TNA in person, sober, ruins it. If it wasn't for the ECW-like PPV, I wouldn't have done this, especially since they made it sound like it would be the last stand (which I had a feeling from my history of watching wrestling it wasn't but I needed something to celebrate my year anniversary in Florida). I'm better off watching wrestling on TV unless meet and greets are available (for $25 I could have met and gret Motor City Madness for $25 but again, I don't know them so why waste the money). Merchandise was available for sale - mainly t-shirts in a box labeled by size and Hogan bandanas and DVDs. And in a yard-sale fashion - on tables.
Look for my photo album labeled "My Hardcore Weekend" which will also feature EXCLUSIVE photos from the tapings where I can be seen (if available).
I always chanted ECW not EC-dub, BTW.
And check out the links below. They provide more information and some of the same info I was going to provide but felt WZ did it better.
More information:
PPv Results from WrestleZone - http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/article/tna-hardcore-justice-ppv-results-august-8-2010-108781
TNA Impact "Whole F'N Show" (8/12/2020) from WrestleZone - http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/article/spoilers-complete-tna-whole-fn-show-spoiler-results-108929
Xplosion Results (after Impact and after I left) - http://www.wrestlezone.com/news/article/spoilers-results-of-tna-xplosion-taped-after-impact-108959

Q&A Session

Being a VIP member I got to sit in on the 30-minute or so Q&A at the end. This was awesome in that fans got to ask Dreamer and Foley questions (me being one) and this session was recorded and will be on the DVD. My question to Dreamer and Foley was (after announcer guy told me to say it another way) "Who's your favorite wrestler to watch" (originally: Who's your favorite wrestler of all time). I did pat that announcer guy on the shoulder and asked if I could thank them for the PPV and he said sure. He seemed nice but with an impersonal attitude - you know he's seen so many fans he's lost his touch in social life outside the world of entertainment and recorded life (so he's kind of stuck up but isn't). Anyway, Dreamer said his favorite was Dusty Rhodes then he said Hogan and a couple of WCW wrestlers. Foley explained how Undertaker's music gave him goosebumps but he loved Mysterio and Undertaker and a few others from WWE I couldn't remember. There's no guarantee, I'm sure, my question will make it on the DVD but we can only hope. During this time Alfonso came out shirtless drinking water (Zepherillys by the looks of it - TNA definitely isn't very rich) and someone kept taking photos of him and he waved them a couple times to stop. The highlight of my night, what put icing on the cake, was getting the opportunity to shake hands with Tommy Dreamer and thank him (he was still bloody and it stained the lines of his skin) as they were kicking us out about midnight due to legal issues with the use of the building. That to me is just as good as a photo with him. Dreamer also said of his regrets was having four women in a hotel room while being married. But to tell you the truth, as many people say that wrestlers are big, Tommy has muscles but he isn't bigger than a highschool football player. When you see him beside Hogan on Impact you'll see what I mean.

Other questions and responses:

- One thing I remember Dreamer saying is that John Cena asked him if he could use his finisher and the running joke was "Yes since Dreamer never beats anyone with it anyway." Dreamer also said he likes Cena and feels he's a good spokesperson for "the company."
- During the beginning of the Q&A Dreamer accidently begins to say "ECW" then catches himself and mentions that would have to be edited.
- It was also implied, through a fan asking a question, Dreamer would be working for TNA.
- I got to ask the question, "Who do you guys like to watch wrestle" as well as shake Tommy's hand at the end when Universal was kicking everyone out due to building usage issues.
- Someone asked what their favorite match was and I don't know they answered.
- A father of kids and 2 jobs asked them if they had any words of advice for people in his situation. Foley commended him on taking 2 jobs and to continue at it - that's all I remember.
- The guy who always holds the mic with short hair asked a couple of questions as well, including about their books. Foley made mention of these things about his book:
- His book had hundreds of legal issues, one of which was about 2 Cold Scorpio. He stood up, asked Tommy for the bloody towel, and said in the locker room there are two kinds of guys, the ones wrapping the towel completely around their body (where Foley fits) and the ones who put it over their shoulders. He said 2 Cold Scorpio does this and he wanted to publish it in his book but the mentioning of Scorpio's "cartoonish genetalia" wasn't allowed.
- Dreamer said he can't get past the first four chapters of his book because it would either contain things that are illegal or would cause a divorce.
The session was very informal and lively. A gray canvas covered the ring and Dreamer and Foley sat on stools. Dreamer was to the left (if watching it) and Foley the right.
This is all I can recall. There wasn't too many more questions from this session and they were basically general questions anyway, except for the one's the TNA mic holder asked.
I really enjoyed this PPV and I did pay for it on "Main Event" here in Australia. A few of the matches were poor, but the entertainment factor was definately there the whole show and i was really pleased how good most of these old guys can still wrestle. Blatently 99% of the haters who rag on TNA and wrestling in general dont pay for these PPV's.

I really pity you fat internet fucks that dont enjoy wrestling for what it is SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT...

I gave HARDCORE JUSTICE 7.5 Internet Virgins out of 10


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