What is the one thing Hardcore Justice is Missing?

This PPV will suck regardless of where it is held. They have pretty much decided that it would be a good idea to put a bunch of 40 - 50 year old men in the ring to try to get ratings, but we all know it won't happen. I mean sure if it were in the Hammerstein Ballroom it would have more of a nostalgia factor to it... that is until Hulk Hogan steps into the ring. This is such a bad idea that I can't comprehend why they're doing it. TNA has brought in some big names and they're still going nowhere, this PPV isn't missing anything... because it won't work regardless.
Says the TNA mark who really needs to get off his delusions.
That's the best you can do? Wow. I mean damn what fantastic rebuttal:rolleyes:

Which was never answered at the time, still feels really forced, and probably won't have an eighth of the emotion that it should have.
Oh right, you wanted Raven and Dreamer to be enemies, you get your wish. But now it's "forced" and lacking emotion. Make up your mind.

What was the point of bringing them in a stable, if they were going to fight?
They're not a stable. They're just a group of guys who worked together.

It'd just been better to bring them back individually.
Yeah there's a great idea, "Let's run an ECW themed PPV, but instead of bringing in ECW as a group, bring them back one at a time, don't reference the fact that they all worked together and instead just randomly chuck it out there that these individuals we've brought back over the course of 2-3 months are gonna have a PPV" great alternative.

On the other hand, I believe it wasd in the Montreal Screwjob debate where I proved just how shit you really are.
is it that hard to at least try to stay on topic? At least my shot at you had relevance to this topic.

Have you seen the names? It's TNA Employees, Jerry Lynn, maybe Sandman, maybe Sabu, and that's it.
Have you noticed that the card hasn't been finalized? That they haven't announced everyone? Have you even tried waiting for the actual event before passing judgement?

I don't see where the entertainment of a wrestling program is without at least having wrestling. ECW had weapons, but it also had fantastic workers to make sure the fans were satisfied.
Maybe you should wait until they announce the event card before bitching about it?

TNA? All they have right now is the weapons. Pardon me as I contain my excitement
Last I checked Van Dam and Lynn didn't use just weapons. Not to mention as I've already stated, the card isn't finalized and they still have time to get more people.
Reddannihilation, Tenta, Just shut the fuck up okay? This thread is to discuss what HardCORE Justice is missing!, Not to prove eachother wrong and spam the fuck out of this thread, Some people just want to discuss what is wrong with the PPV, They don't want to see you two ripping into eachother, As amusing as some people may find it, It's not what the thread is about, So go into a TNA bashing thread or something, Because it seems like Tenta is the "basher" and Redd, You're the "mark", So just post about the topic please! Take your personal shit somewhere else!

Thank you!

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