TNA's Official Announcement Regarding Victory Road

First Of All, Well Done To TNA For Acknowledging The Fact That The Main Event At Victory Road Was Unacceptable.

The Six Months Of Free Access To The Library Is The Perfect Way For TNA To Compensate Everyone Who Ordered Victory Road.

I Just Hope They Get Rid Of Jeff Hardy To Stop This Happening Again. There's Plenty Of People On The Roster Who Deserve To Take Jeff Hardy's Place.
I think its a very good deal people payed for the paperview and were short changed on one of the matches...all be it a big match but other than that match it was still a good ppv so i think they didnt have to do anything about this but its really great that they have
For me, this is an utter farce. TNA put on a PPV event that wasn't just below standards, they actively ripped off their customer base. They could have very easily fixed the problem with an alternate main event. Then it would have just been a lacklustre PPV, not a ripoff of people's money.

Why on earth would I want TNA on demand? My faith in the company is shot. I have no intention of continuing along with them after that debacle, and a subscription service to something I want no part of is not going to assuage my distaste for what they have done.

For me, to make things right TNA has to first and foremost publicly apologize. On the air, no storyline, no in character BS, just have Dixie Carter address the TNA fan base, admit that they fucked up, and apologize. Secondly, offer a refund. When you steal my money I don't want more of your crap, I want my money back. And finally, TNA needs to axe the people that caused this. First and foremost Jeff Hardy, but also whoever it was that ultimately made the decision to put him out there, as opposed to changing the main event.

Do that, and they'll have restored my faith in the company. A free subscription to a service I don't want? That is less than nothing.
They're pretty sneaky with this one....

They require you to send in a reciept to get the code, but my (and I'm sure a lot of other people's) cable company does paperless billing, so I can't send anything in unless I take the time to call up my cable company and ask for a specific one to be made up and sent to me. I think I'm just going to go with my original plan, take TNA off my DVR recording list and never waste my time with it again.
I know I'm a little late posting in this thread, but I touched on this subject in another thread (and thought I should post my opinion here as well).

I don't know if this has been touched on in this thread or not, but I think that six months worth of web access isn't really all that much of a "refund" for the fans that bought the PPV. I did not buy the PPV personally, so I'm not speaking from a place of "spite" or anything like that.

My point is that TNA already has the website in place. All they have to do is give out a username & password. That does NOT cost the company any revenue in the long run, just extra bandwidth on the site. To me, it doesn't feel like TNA is making it up to the fans as well as they could.

Although the fans are getting something in return for the shitty main event at Victory Road, it's not *really* going to cost TNA very much in the long-run. It's certainly not going to cost them $18 (in revenue) per PPV receipt...what if those people were never planning on buying TNA On Demand in the first place? Does that make sense? ...I apologize if my point isn't 100% clear, it's kinda hard to explain what I mean.

Also, has anyone addressed this issue? What if someone (who bought the PPV) already has a subscription for TNA On Demand? Do they just get an extra six months on the site somewhere down the line, or do they get something else?
This freebie is for TNA Fans who ordered the PPV, so if you ordered this PPV (which advertised as a pre-Lockdown PPV) then it means you are a legit fan who will enjoy the video content as well.

I know who this freebie is for thankyou very much. I see the logic in your assumption that so called 'legit fans' will enjoy the content, but this does not also mean that they will be satisfied with the content as an apology for not only a disgrace of a PPV main event, but one caused by the company's inability to manage a performer, and make responsible and professional decisions regarding his inability to perform. Furthermore, on the subject of being a legit TNA fan, whilst I haven't been a paying customer of this particular PPV, consider this: I am a fan of apple computers, I like many of their products, and have felt satisfied with the purchases I have made as I feel they have either met or exceeded my expectation. This doesn't mean that I buy everything they produce, some products I find to be of little interest to me. Does this mean I'm not a legit fan of what they do as a whole? Also, if they were to start making mp3 players which were the size of a brick, with poor battery life and flimsy screens would it not be sensible to question the demise in the product quality, in light of their previous achievements and innovations? I would, in such a case be frustrated with this situation, as I am with TNA.

So if you are a WWE fan and think this freebie is bulls*t, this content is not for you anyway, so don't comment on behalf of real TNA Fans! If you haven't watched TNA for months, don't come here and comment on a PPV you never watched. Maybe you should have enjoyed some episodes on Impact if you dared to watch the show... If you don't then don't act like a TNA expert because you won't know sh*t!!! Free online content may not be worth sh*t for you but might be gold for a guy who is fan enough to order the PPV

At no point did I claim to comment on behalf of anyone but myself. Maybe I should have enjoyed some episodes of Impact if I'd dared to watch it? My instinct here is to think that it is hardly an act of great daring to venture towards the TV and watch Impact, but I think you've unintentionally hit the nail on the head. It is quite brave to turn on a show where performers you genuinly like are constantly being under-utilised in nonsense bullshit power-play storylines where has-been old wrestlers battle over control of blah, blah, blah....sorry it's just too painful to go over again and again.
For the record, I am a WWE fan, but not exclusively of course....I just love wrestling, and would love to enjoy TNA, but I feel they are not putting out a good enough product to bother with at the moment. I still follow TNA, and when I am confident that it will not be a bitter disappointment to watch Impact, I will start to tune in again. More to the point, my comparison was to the WWE's management of Jeff Hardy and his problems. I think it is very difficult to say anything other than WWE have always handled him and his issues far better than TNA ever has.
I'm not a TNA guy on the whole but I enjoy their product and I think this is a great piece of business by the company. They know it was unsatisfactory, and are doing what they can to rectify it. Like others have said, you can't hardly give a whole refund as the rest of the card was pretty good. But 6 months is a great trade off. Kudos to TNA, who are slowly building a reputation of being a fan-first company.

Now if only creative can get their stuff straight.
Like I said earlier, it's a bullshit gloss-over and I can't believe there are all these people thinking this is like shitting gold.

They don't exert any kind of effort with this ploy. I understand people are falling for more and more b.s. these days, but damn.

Here's an example. You're a fan of LIVE events. You normally purchase live events w/money you've saved from downgrading your cable, quitting smoking/drinking, cutting out a couple of unnecessary things from your budget. So, imagine you're also a TNA follower. You've seen all the ppvs. You prefer to watch live, new things, not OLD, already seen crap. Why would this be worth a damn?

And like somebody else said, if you're a big enough TNA fan to buy that crap you may already have a subscription. I'll bet they thought of that, too. Less refunds to give out. Plus, like another said, all the hassle of getting an itemized bill from the cable company and mailing it in. In this age of street cameras, inventory tracking, google earth, and all the other technological wonders out there, it seems like they want to make it more difficult than easy.

Face facts and get out of denial. Or at least stop drinking the Kool-Aid. They never sincerely apologized, they just acknowledged something anybody would acknowledge even if they were a small time, local fed. It was all over the place, they couldn't do nothing. If they did nothing, they would lose money. Sponsors, advertising, etc. But they damn sure did the bare minimum because they didn't want to lose any of the precious money that way either. Use your brains, they're playing you for chumps.

Btw, I don't know how ppv numbers work, but I wonder if they go down if you give out refunds?
There are way to many short, well written, unemotional, supportive posts on this topic.

Most posts on this website and on TNA in general are passionate, incoherent, long winded nonsense. I smell shenanigans!
They're pretty sneaky with this one....

They require you to send in a reciept to get the code, but my (and I'm sure a lot of other people's) cable company does paperless billing, so I can't send anything in unless I take the time to call up my cable company and ask for a specific one to be made up and sent to me. I think I'm just going to go with my original plan, take TNA off my DVR recording list and never waste my time with it again.

So pretty much, you order through instant access, I would assume. A tad lazy when it comes to six months of free TV, no? But to each their own. I never order PPV's and now I regret it. Not because it's TNA but because it's six months free.

TNA took a negative and turned it into a huge positive. What TNA really needs to look into, is promoting this refund. Have it come in the mail with your bill, air it via Spike, air it however you can. But TNA should look into spreading the word. "You saw us at our worst. Now see us at our best for free in return." People compared the Sting/Hardy match to the Fingerpoke Of Doom, but that incident never rewarded you with 6 months of free PPV's. Just think of all the casual fans that were displeased. They get word of this offer, suscribe, watch, and voila! A converted TNA fan. Maybe that's a tad extreme in the eyes of us skeptic IWC types, but more casual fans do think of it that way. You get an offer for something free in this day and age, it won't matter how off you were put by it at first. You'll learn to like it if it's free.
A small bit of math:

Victory Road: $34.95

TNA On Demand: $3.95 per month. 6 months = $23.70

So not only is it a service I don't want, it's valued at $10.25 less than the PPV.

This just plain doesn't strike me as a good deal.
A small bit of math:

Victory Road: $34.95

TNA On Demand: $3.95 per month. 6 months = $23.70

So not only is it a service I don't want, it's valued at $10.25 less than the PPV.

This just plain doesn't strike me as a good deal.

To be fair, it was only a lengthy main event that you missed out on (I realise that the ending to the No. 1 Contenders match was also a bit poor) so this seems like a decent gesture to me.

I'm not suggesting you're being ungrateful, far from it, but I think the majority of those that bought the PPV will be happy with this deal, and are effectively getting the PPV for $10.25, rather than being ripped off.
Actually, this sucks! TNA does not have 6 months worth of crap to view even if you do one match per day or less. The money value is minimal as well. Another bad showing and another non-TNA fan!!!!
They're pretty sneaky with this one....

They require you to send in a reciept to get the code, but my (and I'm sure a lot of other people's) cable company does paperless billing, so I can't send anything in unless I take the time to call up my cable company and ask for a specific one to be made up and sent to me. I think I'm just going to go with my original plan, take TNA off my DVR recording list and never waste my time with it again.

Um it's called a fucking printer dude, just go to your e-mail and bring up the receipt they e-mail you (which they should do, if you don't have it that's your own damn fault, and you can't shit on TNA cause you were to stupid to get a receipt for your purchase) and then print it off, and send it to them, not to difficult to figure out

It's a decent offer, TNA's best stuff is going to be the stuff that's in teh archives anyway, so in exchange for them giving you a shitty PPV you get 6 months of solid good TNA matches when ever you want, not a bad deal, and it's smart business strategy as well, I'm sure they'll end up selling a few more subscriptions of TNA On Demand by the time this 6 months is over
LOL Instead of getting your money back for a PPV you ordered to watch on YOUR TV you get 6 months to watch old TNA on your COMPUTER. I think that's a rip-off.
STING: I agree, I agree

At least its a step in the right direction. I don' t think TNA can afford to give everyone their money back. 6 months of TNA on Demand isn't a bad deal unless someone is not a fan of the TNA library. I think TNA should go a step further and offer a 3 hour Impact PPV special. They should acknowledge and apologize for Hardy and privately apologize to the workers. At least they have addressed the situation.
It makes me wonder if they will be doing an on the air apology for what happened? If they have gone this far, they must be getting pressure from the PPV Provider or SPIKE TV for letting Junky Jeff stumble into the ring. If they want respectability, it's a must.
For the people who want some sort of financial return on their investment.. TNA should send them $6. That's roughly 1/6th of the cost of the Pay Per View (the last half hour of a three-hour show). The sour ending to the PPV didn't directly screw up the prior 2.5 hours of the show.
I am sorry, but people don't deserve a full refund and I would be saying the same thing if it was the WWE.

Sting and Hardy both got down to the ring with less then 20 minutes to go and you know it was going to go to the top of the hour with the match. So pretty much it would have been a 12-15 minute ME. I know it was fucked up how it ended, but that doesn't take away the fact that for over two and a half hours you got to see the PPV.

BTW if it wasn't for the ME then the number one contenders match would make complete sense.

1. Mr. Anderson has been getting denied his rematch. So a the count out continues that part of the story.

2. RVD still watch his rematch for the title because he feels like Mr. Anderson screwed him over. The count out keeps that story going of Jeff Hardy trying to stay away from him.

3. Jackson James was the ref who made the double count out. He has been screwing over the faces for a few months now. You herd Taz say this is so important you can't have a count out. Well that was the hint to take a look at who the ref was. Any other ref would have let it go storyline wise.
First Wrestlezone post, so exiting! Anyways, I bought the PPV and I think this is a pretty good deal. However I am hesitant to jump on the "fire jeff hardy" wagon just yet. I think TNA should do all they can to get him some help. I pray Bischoff and Russo do not play this into some sort of an angle (Scott Hall, Animal), because those did not work and will forever live in infamy. Also why didn’t they just send out another member of Fortune after showing JH down and out in the back? It wouldn’t be the first time a PPV changed their plans on the spot (Russo, Hogan, JJ, Booker T). Well those are my thoughts on the matter. I only have one more important question..... WHERE THE HECK IS ABYSS????
First Wrestlezone post, so exiting! Anyways, I bought the PPV and I think this is a pretty good deal. However I am hesitant to jump on the "fire jeff hardy" wagon just yet. I think TNA should do all they can to get him some help. I pray Bischoff and Russo do not play this into some sort of an angle (Scott Hall, Animal), because those did not work and will forever live in infamy. Also why didn’t they just send out another member of Fortune after showing JH down and out in the back? It wouldn’t be the first time a PPV changed their plans on the spot (Russo, Hogan, JJ, Booker T). Well those are my thoughts on the matter. I only have one more important question..... WHERE THE HECK IS ABYSS????
ABYSS has been off the air to sell the injuries from being attacked by Crimson with Janice which Ayss carried around. Being attacked with a board filled with nails seriously injure someone. I read his return date was to be sometime in March.
It's pretty awesome, I won't lie. They're offering a shit-load of product (and an entire six months of it) in order to compensate for 30 minutes of lost PPV time. But no, the proper response is to make sure something like this never, ever happens again, even if it takes firing Jeff Hardy, and adopting a WWE-style wellness policy.
This seems like a very generous offer on TNA's part. I applaud them for that, but I think they dropped the ball as far as acknowledging Hardy's latest major screw up. There should be some kind of public acknowledgement of what happened and an assurance that TNA won't tolerate that kind of behavior from their performers. I'm sure Sting can handle himself, but think of how much danger Hardy put Sting in with his behavior. TNA needs to sever all ties with Jeff Hardy.
Ok so I was reading a post that said tna is offering 6 months free of tna on demand for those who bought the ppv and were disappointed. Now I personally would like to ask, how the hell does this solve the problem? Yes we get tna on demand free, but what if im not a fan of the old tna? Plus most people started to recently watch tna not follow it since 2006..... The fans would get lost, they wouldn't know who the wrestlers are and they wouldn't understand the storyline build ups. So they will be watching matches will people there unfimiliar with. It's a big mistake on Dixie Carters part. Just give the fans free ppv quality matches rather then matches that won't interest them because they won't have a clue what's going on other then two guys wrestling each other. Which you cant enjoy unless your a true wrestling fan...... Any thoughts or comments as to wether it's a good move or bad move?
At least they did something about it. Nothing can really "Solve" the problem. Everyone says firing Hardy publicly, but will that really make Victory Road not happen? He should be fired, but it's not just going to erase what's done.

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