Against All Odds: Tag Team Championships:


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T.N.A. Tag Team Championships: Beer Money (c) v. Lethal Consequences:

Well, it's official. After iMPACT! this previous Thursday night, Mike Tennay announced that the Tag Team of Lethal Consequences will receive a Tag title shot against the Champions, currently Beer Money, at Against All Odds.

This is a basic return match from when Lethal & Creed caught the reigning Champions off-guard and cashed in. This is also Lethal & Creed's opportunity to prove they deserve to be in the Tag Team division.

I think this will be one of the more interesting and entertaining match-ups at Against All Odds, but I honestly don't believe Lethal & Creed would win the titles. I think Beer Money, Inc. may end up retaining but in a heelish way, which will keep what should be a very good feud on-going up until Lockdown in April, where it can all be settled inside the 6-sides of Steel.

What are everyone's opinions of this match-up? Do you think Beer Money, Inc. would/could retain? Do you think Lethal Consequences are going to capitalize one more time, and become two-time Tag Team Champions? Do you think Jackie will get involved in some more hardcore, yet fairly embarassing 3-way situations?! Discuss openly here.. but please remember, give your full opinions and detail on what you think. Leave nothing out.
It's the best match that could be had from the tag division. The Guns and LAX have obviously gone AWOL, and ugh, Morgan and Abyss have split - how exciting! So I guess we'll be seeing this a lot over the coming months, until Team 3D waddle back down or they throw a few more odd couple teams together.

Until I know what match Alex Shelley is involved in, I'm going to predict this as match of the night. Will be a good match, needless to say. I actually haven't seen these guys have a match together yet, but I'd presume they'd have fairly decent chemistry. As long as Lethal Consequences are booked to look much stronger against the heel team, it should be a really entertaining watch. Hardly remarkable though.
LC are growing on me as they're a good, young, fast tag team. Beer Money are established veterans that work well together, so either way this turns out to be a good match all around. The match they put on before was ok at least and that was with Beer Money not at 100%. This match should be good but I'd think Beer Money holds the belts for at least another month or two in an attempt to have LC chase them for awhile, which is fine. As Sam said, best possible match right now.
Chances are it'll be one of the better matches of the ppv. Both teams are young, talented, and athletic. That should make for a good show. I think Beer Money will win again. Evidently TNA wasnt happy with Lethal Consequenses as their champions, twas why they lost them last week. So I dont see them winning them back this soon. But Beer Money is guranteed to win in a cheating fashion.
I think the TNA Tag Team Championship Matches are some of the most consistant and the most interesting matches on the pay per view's. Beer Money has obviously played a big part in this, but they've faced off against great opponents. Lethal and Creed shouldn't have won the titles for 3 days, it's just a waste of the briefcases. But this should be a great match. In my opinion, these four guys are the future of TNA. Beer Money are almost there, but Jay Lethal and Consequences Creed still have a long way to go.

So it only makes sense for Lethal and Creed to win the Tag Team Titles so TNA can push either James Storm or Robert Roode into the main event scene. It may not happen at this pay per view, and in all honesty I'd prefer if the champs lose the titles at Lockdown instead, but this match is really unpredictable seeing as TNA will make a random tag team title change at any time. This will definately be the match of the night, and I hope TNA gives it plenty of time.

With that being said, I see Beer Money cheating to retain here or something like that. This will allow Lethal Consequences to chase the belts for a while before eventually winning them and having a decent reign to further push their careers. The Frontline needs to gain some momentum, and what more can Beer Money do as tag champions? They need to move on to bigger and better things, but they will and should win this match.
Solid match all around. Beer Money was on their game as always and I liked the way they didn't let them win clean here in order to keep the door open for another match down the road probably at Destination X. That's a wise move as there's not a lot of teams to challenge Beer Money at this point. Lethal Consequences are a good enough team and I think giving the injury angle to Creed was a ncie touch as it gives LC another chance to say they didn't get a fair shake. Probably the best match of the night overall.

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