[OFFICIAL] Wrestlemania 27 Aftermath and Reviews

I wont go into reviews on this piss poor PPV cause like the majority of you I agree it was a horrible show, HOWEVER sometimes the first time you watch something you notice things the second time. Prime example watching WM 24 Edge vs Taker bored me. The next day I watched it again and realized how great of a match it really was. I think the reason it bored me was cause of the HBK/Flair match that we were all talking about up to that ME. Both times I watched it I was 100% sober mind you (well go into that a little bit later). With that being said was this a good PPV and just needed to be re-watched?

Last night a couple of us got together to watch WM27. I along with a couple of others were pretty buzzed, some were drunk and some were sober. Some were wrestling fans some werent, but EVERYONE had the same thing to say, this PPV SUCKED. Most Raw's and Smackdowns this year were 10 times better. Even the HHH/Taker match the only thing that was "no holds bared" was a steel chair and we saw the sledge hammer but it was never used. Dont get me wrong it was a 3.5/5 star match but I was expecting them to beat the shit out of each other and all they did was just get tired.

I figured I'd do a favor to a lot of people thinking about watching it a second time and since I am sober today and by myself to give my full attention to the PPV I'd be fair and give it another chance. It was WORSE today and the reason why was at least yesterday my friends and I could all make fun of this PPV. Taker/HHH still to me today was good but the no holds bared was pretty pointless since a lot of reg matches they use the outside announce tables and the only thing they used was a steel chair. The best part of this PPV and I am being 100% serious was Cody Rhodes winning than walking up the ramp putting his face mask in front of his face trying to block his face that was GOLD! Rock and Austin in the back was second. I figured the Rock would come out first to get everyone riled up, but for him to end the PPV by standing on the apron just didnt feel right. Yes we all knew a rock bottom and peoples elbow would be delievered to Cena and Miz, but (and I hate to say this) where was Super Cena? Have him come back to the ring a couple mins after getting rock bottomed put rock in the STF, have Miz do a SCF on Cena, do one on a weakened Rock and stand tall over both.
What the hell happened!? That's all I can say after viewing WM27. It was all there. The ingridients to a great event were right there. so why did this feel like WWE's version of TNA's Victory Road. Yes, for some reason this didn't feel like a WWE event especially a WM. The matches were short, the promos were mediocre, the storytelling was bad minus one match, and the outcomes were made no sense. I don't know what happened with the booking team but this was just a poorly put together show which is sad since WWE was trying to hype the **** out of it. But i'll just get to my review:

Rock's opening promo- Great to see the Rock again and he is one of the bright spots right now. However something about this promo just didn't...click. Compared to his promos lleading up to Mania including the classic promo he cut in Anahem have been all excellent. This one...not so much. It felt like he was rushing and just wasn't delivering it like he usually does. He's awesome on promos but this one just didn't do it.


Sheamus/Daniel Bryan- Talk about Montreal screwjob. Sheamus worked his butt off last year and was WWE champion and during his reign the ratings were better than when Orton became champ. Daniel Bryan also worked his butt off last year and put on the match of the year with Ziggler. What do these fine athletes get for their hard work and amazing matches.....cancellation from the WM card. That is just low and if I were Bryan/Sheamus I'd be pissed. These two could've put on a match that clearly could've stole the show. But can't give them time but hand it over to commercials and piss poor promos. Very shameful on WWE's part here.

Edge vs Del Rio for WHC- First thing, why!? Why are you having the WHC match the opening match!? Was the booking team drunk when they were putting the match order together? This was stupid. The match however was pretty good...pretty good. Problem is, the match played out like something seen on smackdown. Nothing spectacular or exciting. It was just...a smackdown match. Neither man was trying to go all out or get a WM moment or wow the crowd. It just felt as stale as the feuds buildup. And the outcome....why have Edge win? Why not put over a new star and a good heel (i'm going to bring this up again when I get to the Cole/lawler match)? Having Del Rio win in legit way would've put him over as a main eventer and would've been best move. But foolish decision making seemed to be the theme for this year's WM. The ending scene with Edge and Christian the car could've been executed better. It just didn't feel as refreshing as it could've been. Overall, a disappointment. Short, some good moves, and a horrible ending.


Cody Rhodes/Rey Mysterio- Great entrances for both men. It had a real super villain vs super hero vibe. Applaud them for this match. The match was good but could've been great. Again another match that wasn't given enough time. With more time, we could've been treated to some high flying goodness possibly even a Rhodes moonsault. But alas, we got a good but very short match. I give Rhodes/Mysterio credit they did well with the time contraint but i think with more time added we could've had a match that rivaled Jericho/Mystero at the Bash. Glad Cody got the win, he deserved it especially for taking a character concept that sounded bland on paper and make it into something truly fascinating.


The Corre vs Team Show- Umm, what the hell was that? You take current champions including two men who were one of the best heels in the company and put them in a 1 minute squash match? That was just pathetic. This felt like something TNA and WCW would do. I'm not even going to rate this. This was WWE spitting on Kane, Barrett, Gabriel, Slater, and Kofi. It was just sad because those men deserved better than this.

No Score

CM Punk/Randy Orton- Orton apparently is pissed that this match wasn't in the final four for the night and wasn't given enough time, and damn right he should be. From what i saw, these men have great chemistry in the ring and were on they're way to putting on a match that could've stolen the pay per view. But no, it had to be cut short and for what reason? More commercials and bad promos. I'll say this, this was the second best match of the night and i think both men were going to make into a classic but it they got screwed by the booking team. This time Orton has every right to be angry and Punk too. These men made an interesting storyline and the match deserved at least five or ten more minutes for them to go all out.


Cole/Lawler- Why did they book such a stupid ending? Wasn't the whole point of this was so that Cole could get his a** whooped? But they let this drag on for too long and have lawler do very little on Cole. Too top it off they have Lawler win and then reverse it so Cole is the winner. The crowd wasn't happy but not in the 'hate a heel way', it was a hate in the annoyed way. The whole thing felt like a waste and then there were several out of character moments. Why DID Booker T get in the ring? yep, he got stunned maybe because he had no business being in there in the first place. But the real out of character moment was Lawler throwing Josh to get stunned? why? It wasn't Josh's fault and normally lawler would be against such actions. So for him to do that just seemed very unlike Lawler. I know the WWE wanted to find a way to have it be Lawler and JR announcing together but they could've came up with a better way that didn't sacrifice the portrayal of these characters.


Undertaker/HHH- Wow! What a match! I thought these two were going to not do much but they went all out. I appalud these two old vets for going all the way for the fans. Taker knows he aint what he used to be but he still got in there and was leaping around and pushing himself to the limit. I will say in terms of storyline, this was the darkest match in the streak saga considering how it was playing out towards the end with HHH brutally trying to destroy Taker and with Taker shaking in pain. I loved how it ended with Taker having to use hells gate to beat HHH. Fun and exciting match but I was worried that Calloway died at the end when he wasn't moving.


Snooki, John Morisson, and Trish vs Ziggler and Laycool- Another match that needed more time since three people weren't even tagged in. I was hoping that this was going to be the shocker of the night but they booked this match very poorly with only Michelle, Trish, and Snooki doing stuff. Nice spot by Morrison just wish and him and ziggler hell even Layla got an opportunity to get in the ring. Disappointment but wow, looks like Snooki has more ability and skill than the Bellas and Maryse.


Miz/Cena- This is your main event!? This was as bad as Orton/Barrett on BR. Both men looked like they weren't even trying to put on a good match. People were worried that this would be bad but man, I didn't think it was going to be like this. This was the worst WM main event in WM history imo. Glad the Rock laid the smackdown on both of them. They deserved it after that piss poor performance.


WM27 wasn't trhe worst but close. It is right up there with WM 9 and 11 in terms of suckiness. I hope Mcmahon does better at Summerslam. SS is now my last hope for a big epic event.
I can understand why most people got upset about Mania. I was let down too but didn't really have high expectations. I hated the match set up too along with the constant commercials and backstage skits. The Rock even became annoying after awhile. Edge vs. ADR was decent, but it felt like a regular match you would see on Smackdown. I would argue about the placement of the match on the card, but the feud was never treated as a main event match at Mania so I'm disappointed.

The 8 man tag was a waste of time. It would have been a decent match if maybe it lasted more then 90 seconds. Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus could have been one of the best matches of the night if given the chance. I guess lame skits and useless filler were more important.

Cole vs. Lawler was disappointing. I wasn't expecting a 5 star classic, but I just wanted to see Lawler beat the hell out of Cole for 5 minutes and that's it. I don't think we needed to see a ten minute match with Cole being on the offensive.

Orton vs. Punk was another decent match, but it was too short to really care about. The same thing can be said about Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes. Good match but not much intrigue. Rey and Cody were only mentioned on Smackdown to begin with.

Triple H vs. Undertaker was the match of the night. It took a little while to get interesting, but Undertaker really sold Triple H's dominance. I actually thought for a split second Triple H may do the impossible. After 3 pedigrees, chair shots, and a tombstone, you start to think "Come On!". What does someone have to do to Undertaker at Mania? Shoot him? I guess I wanted the streak to be over with so people will stop talking about it.

I cant review the six man tag with Snooki, because I didn't care enough to watch it. I guess Snooki did a cartwheel so good on her. Another wasted match.

The main event was the major disappointment. John Cena needs a choir to sing him out now? I know its Mania but Cena isn't the second coming of Jesus Christ. This match suffered not only because of the Taker vs. Triple H match earlier, but because most people were looking in the back to see if The Rock would come out. Probably the most uninteresting main event in Mania history. No one cared enough for Cena to win or for Miz to win or lose. The only thing people cared about was the Rock. If The Rock doesn't come back to at least wrestle one match with Cena soon, then this whole build up was for nothing.

Average WrestleMania. It was cool to see Lawler and King back again, but there weren't any matches that stood out as classics for them to call.
i just want to bring up a point about some of the wrestlers who lost i was thinking about some of the top wrestlers in the past where it took them a while and i thought about stone cold steve austin when he became stone cold for a long while even though he was having amazing matches with the likes of bret hart he was losing and million dollar man was a huge heel and he never won the title apart from the 1 time he bought it. the time management was the problem with wrestlemania not quality of the matches. and the main event was awfully had a similar feeling to it has the survivor series main event barret and orton in terms of it wasnt all that shocking what happend
Worst Wrestlemania so far!

1.- Poor judgement from the wwe scheduling of the matches. Who puts the world title on first on the ppv and has Del Rio loose? They took away his steam as a possible contender. Good luck with the IC title.

2.- Cena vs miz was bad! Cena looked not even interested in the match. They needed to make Miz look at least somewhat of a strong champion dont they? Even if he won by hook or by crook show that he is willing to do anything to keep his run going at all cost. (make him that type of character champion). Match could of went longer also.

3.- They dropped the ball not having Cena vs The Rock at a Mania instead of the summer slam which is probrally what they have planned next. Its mania isent this show suppose to be the grand of them all? (look at Cena vs Batista summer slam first ever encounter).

4.- Why not a D.Bryan vs Shamus????????? i mean why not? They could of played the classic david vs Goliath story and throw in a submission hold being held by Bryan over Shamus for the win, could of worked. Instead both loose character development.

5. Cm punk vs Orton both worked, both did well, wrong person won.

6. Dont they have Sin Cara?? were was he? I mean why wait to use him when they match value was not deep this year at Wrestlemania? People would of watched a Sin Cara vs Mysterio classic!! Hands down. Just give both guys time to work, and at this ppv would of been great.

7. HHH vs Taker match of the night. But also look at the lack of potential they had going against them. These two are real veterans. And if so when and who should beat Taker?

8.- why not have Miz vs Morrison vs Zigler for the strap instead ? let these young guys show their worth and it would of been interesting to see who would of come out on top.

Over all this years Wresltemania 27 was in deep need and wwe dint pull off enough.
What a letdown.

Rock was awful as guest host, I expected much more from the most electrifying man in entertainment.

You're the World Heavyweight Champion! How do you open the show? And Del rio lost? They screwed up there, and then Brodus Clay got taken out and then his car got taken out! What the hell!?

Made no sense.

8 man tag was awful and once again the young guys lost.

CM Punk lost, why? Can Punk get a break? He needed this far more than Orton did.

Rhodes going over Mysterio was the right call, good job. I hope big things are in his future. Rhodes beat a legend at WM.

HHH vs Undertaker was amazing! Definitely rivals either HBK vs Taker matches in my book.

And the promo for the Miz vs Cena match was fantastic! With all the screens showing all the former champions and then The Miz. Great stuff, and then his entrance with the inflateable AWESOME! was AWESOME!!!

And Cenas' was great too, not as good as Mizs' because we know about Cena and Miz is still relatively new.

Miz getting the win was great. Only Cenas' second loss at WM.

Miz might have been made here, I just hated that he can't get a strong victory over a maineventer.

They couldn't fit Bryan vs Sheamus on the card! That's insane! We got a useless mixed tag and so many bad segments it was crazy.

They had a chance to make a statement and build new stars and they chose not to do it.

All in all, 4/10. Fail.
Wrestlemania 27 blew some strong chunks last night. Here is my reviews:

Edge vs Alberto Del Rio- It says alot that this is the match to start off wrestlemania. Now I think they did this so cole could call one title match and he does work on smackdown as well as raw of course. The match was doomed from the point of the two guys going outside and del rio and edge basically playing rock paper scissors about who would be thrown into the barrier. And what was the point of christian being out there? He didn't do anything but get thrown around by brodus clay and then being edge's sidekick....insert the name kane instead of clay and its 2000 all over again for christian. i thought they should have put the strap on del rio but ehhh i guess i can live with edge finally retaining the title at a wrestlemania. Overall it was not the worst match...but it did place.

Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes- Now full disclosure when I saw this was the second match I thought to myself...hmm this must be replacing the divas match as the annual bathroom break in wrestlemania. And then I watched the match....and it was to me the best match of the night. Great back and forth, excellent spots and a overall clean win for Rhodes. Now I thought he was the slacker between him and Dibase and he stepped up big time last night. He dominated a former champ even if it is mysterio. Oh yeah....what in the red white and blue hell was mysterio wearing? oh no no no...

Randy Orton vs CM Punk- Woozers nice and early...ok it was a very good match. Probably the match with the most chemistry between the two participants of the night. Now I don't understand why Orton won because CM Punk's whole mission was to get revenge on the guy that cost him the title.... and he lost....But very good spots and nice way to end it with that RKO

Corre Vs the Cacophony of whoever WWE owed a wrestlemania match too- Ok so this was the bathroom break.... Seriously....If WWE wasn't going to have a MITB match this was not the answer

Dolph Ziggler & Laycool vs Snooki, Morrison & Trish Stratus- This match was actually a whole hell of alot better than I thought it would be. And check Snooki out doing the trish stratus thing. except for the finish it wasn't bad at all. Poor morrison...reduced to this...who would have thought that Miz would be the one to make it out of that tag team?

HHH vs The Undertaker- This was a BAD match period. From the beginning you could see that taker was completely out of shape. And I mean really really out of shape. From the beginning when HHH rushed him, taker threw him out of the ring and the close up of his face was like "holy shit im ready for a beer and a nap". It ended alright but it started to get the feel of HBK vs Flair from a few years back

Cole vs Lawler- Its a shame cause who would have thought that this match would have been better than an 8 man tag match? But it was. stone cold helped the match and of course good ole JR sweetened the deal. then throw in a sweet spinarooni and stunner? and cole catching a case of ass whoop? come on.....full disclosure, who else was completely shocked to see the cole had all that ink? I would have been less shocked if the pope had ink.

Miz vs Cena- This was almost as bad as sting vs hardy....well maybe not that bad. Double countout? Miz gets a concussion and they still continue? what happened to that whole we take concussions serious thing? But oh well we did get the Rock bottom...even if we had to sit through the hot garbage portion of the match.

The promos- When did wrestlemania become Raw? Mae young was escavated from her tomb to still do her creepy old lady act. Pee wee herman does his creepy young dude act? (I would almost rather him doing his real life impersonation of ron jeremy if you know what I mean) and then the capper...horn f'n swoggle freestyling......smh...shake my head...shake my head.

overall... wrestlemaina 28 is already going to be better since the rock and Cena was just announced on Raw.....but this was epic failure... but hey...what does wwe care? they got our 60 bucks
Didn't do it for me, it was full of expectations and then it drowned:
1. Edge vs Del Rio
It was strange to see it up first but I s'pose you have to change it up abit / Not bad and it was too early for Del Rio anyway. 2.5/5
2. Rey vs Cody
Good to see Cody pushed 2/5
3. Corre
This was BS, so much talent in the ring that went to waste not too mention the belts being let down at the same time 1/5
4. Punk vs Orton
Punk made this match, dont like where Ortons populous is at the moment 2.5/5
5. King vs Cole
What the hell, even Stone Cold wanted to leave 1/5 (thats for SC)
6. HHH vs Taker
Awesome match but it could never beat HBK vs Taker nonetheless awesome 4/5
7. Stratus vs Laycool etc
I understand about the news coverage it got because of Snooki but what the hell 1/5
8. Miz vs Cena
Good promo at the start for The Miz but the match was boring as hell. 2.5/5
- Sheamus vs Bryant being cancelled
- HHH and Cena, opening entrances
- Talents like Swagger/Ziggler/Morisson/Jacksonand Barrett being wasted

The Rock did a good job 3/5
But overall id rate this as an average to below average Wrestlemania
WrestleMania 28 Review

The Rock's Opening Speech: I didn't care. He was entertaining as always, but it took wayyy too long, which was a common theme throughout the entire event.

Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio - World Heavyweight Championship
This match reminded of something I could have watched anywhere, anytime. Nothing special happened, and that doesn't surprise me given the superstars involved. Del Rio worked really well with Mysterio, and I haven't seen much else. Edge hasn't had a great match in quote some time, just not being what he once was. Good match, nothing special.

Oh, and nice job putting the 2nd Main Event as the opener. Really makes the Rumble winner look like someone special :confused:

Grade - C

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Great build, average match. It wasn't bad, not at all, but again, something I could have watched on Smackdown. Twelve minutes just wasn't enough for something with this much of a personal build. It didn't tell any kind of story, and that hurt it.

Grade - C+

The Corre vs. Santino/Big Show/Kane/Kofi Kingston
I don't give points to matches for doing what they were supposed to do. I just don't operate that way. This match was a snooze fest. It was there for no other reason besides getting everyone on the show. The build with The Corre and Big Show was decent, at best, and the addition of Kane did nothing but make Kane look like a pussy, once again. And Kofi?? If you didn't think he was worth of an actual program with someone credible, throwing him into something random looks odd. Terrible match.

Grade - D-

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
It's no secret I'm a huge Orton mark, but I'm also a huge mark for Punk, and this match didn't let me down.

Psychology, psychology, psychology, people. Punk created a weakness prior to Mania, and targeted that weakness throughout the entire match. Orton sold his ass off, and even though he won, Punk looked like a Millions Bucks out there. Both men were very aggressive, and the intense hatred was totally on display.

Only problem I had with it -- not enough time. This was more than just another mid-card feud. Both guys are top-level superstars, and it didn't even get 15 minutes. This show had far too much filler, and was probably a match deeper than it needed to be. If this had gotten just over 20 minutes, I would have given it match of the night.

Grade - A-

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole w/Steve Austin as the Special Ref
Very entertaining, but I didn't get the booking. Why did we not get a solid ten minutes of Lawler beating the absolute shit out of Cole? I was thinking Swagger would interfere early, giving Cole an advantage..for about two minutes. Instead, Cole dominated the action, and it stunk. Who has Jerry Lawler pissed off recently? To be treated like this? And on top of everything, Cole technically won the freakin' match! Idiotic.

Austin made this go from terrible to average.

Grade - C-

Undertaker vs. Triple H
Very, very good match. Not great, but really good. Bell to bell, I have no complaints. They weren't exactly in the shape each were a year ago, but this was a war, exactly what I thought it would be. I didn't much care for the build, but the match made up for it.

However, both men took years in getting to the ring (expected, but still annoying while watching on television), and Taker lying on the mat (after the bell) for ten minutes didn't help. The segment, as a whole, hurt the bell-to-bell action.

Grade - A-

John Morrison/Trish Stratus/The Troll vs. LayCool and Ziggler
Not wasting much time on this. Crap match, but Snooki wasn't nearly as bad as I thought she would be. Still a massive failure, if only because it actually happened.

Grade - F

The Miz (c) vs. John Cena - WWE Championship Match
I am completely torn on this match, for several reasons.

A. The actual match, Miz vs. Cena, wasn't very good. It was just over 14 minutes of both guys doing nothing more than they usually do, and I just didn't care. I don't think either guy is Bret Hart or Curt Hennig in the ring, so I wasn't expecting much.

B. The Rock interfering was expected, but it made this main event look unimportant. Maybe it was unimportant, who knows. I would have much rather watched Cena vs. Rock, this year, as opposed to next. Next year will be awesome, no question, but if you didn't have faith in Miz vs. Cena as the actual main event, why have it at all?

Grade - C
(bell to bell, this wasn't a good match)

The set was the best I've seen since WM 23. The video packages were outstanding, especially the Cena/DMX thing (the choir..not so much). The event had a HUGE feel to it, however, the matches did not. The actual wrestling just didn't deliver, and that's what really matters. All style, not much substance.
WrestleMania 28 Review

The Rock's Opening Speech: Too long. I understand why you opened with him but all it needed was him to stand at the top of the ramp hit the catchphrases and leave. 5 mins max.

Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio - World Heavyweight Championship
Nothing special but a solid match not really Wrestlemania worthy. Why they opened with it I have no idea. Just makes it seem unimportant. I suppose the feud will continue which is okay I guess.
Grade C

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes
Delighted Cody went over hopefully the start of something big for him. Would have liked them to have a few more minutes but it was another solid match. Again though just didn't seem like it was 'Mania worty.
Grade C

The Corre vs. Santino/Big Show/Kane/Kofi Kingston
Well great way to bury your tag champs and IC champ. Totally worthless, just a waste of time either give them the time to work a match or don't give them a match.
Grade - F

Randy Orton vs. CM Punk
Not enough time. Punk is in a different planet to most of the other guys out there and this should have been given the time to become a classic. Was however a great match and definitely the best one of the under card. The first match that felt like it belonged there.
Grade - B

Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole w/Steve Austin as the Special Ref
Some strange decisions here. Cole was bloody awful in every way. Why then was he allowed to dominate for such a period? Reversing the decision was just a horrible decision in my opinion. Give Lawler that moment for christ sake the guy deserves it. Austin was an entertaining as ever of course.
Grade - D

Undertaker vs. Triple H
Not a technical master class and not as good as HBK Taker in my opinion but damn it was entertaining. They came out and they gave everything and put on a show that told a total story. The emotion and pain coming across was great and I loved the ending to. The match for the streak once again stealing Wrestlemania. I know Taker will retire soon, probably after next year as it rounds the Streak to a nice number but Mania in particular will miss him. While the Game showed that he still deserves to be there.

Grade - A

John Morrison/Trish Stratus/Snooki vs. LayCool and Ziggler
Waste of Morrison and Ziggler. A singles match between these two could have stole the show instead we got this. Always nice to see Trish like, I'm nae American and have never watched Jersey Shore in my life so Snooki means fuck all to me but she was better in the ring than Cole was.

Grade - E

The Miz (c) vs. John Cena - WWE Championship Match
Not a great match and seemed to just be a stock Cena Miz match excluding the Rocks involvement. They just didn't do anything special. I hate Miz with a passion he just does nothing for me in any way and I couldn't really have cared less who won this match. Rock Cena will of course be huge but why use the main event of Wrestlemania to build up next years one? Surely this should be just as important that could have been done on another PPV a couple of months down the line.
Grade - D

There were some awful promos throughout. The whole Snoop Dogg thing was horrible as was Pee Wee Herman or whatever his name is. Rock Stone Cold meeting done perfectly. Thats all they needed and I'm glad they kept it like that. Mae Young thing was quite funny.

Looked great as always but the wrestling didn't add up. Punk Orton and HHH Taker saved the show but there was nothing special in the ring. The fact that Bryan Sheamus was relegated to dark match pissed me off. Cut 10 minutes off the Rocks opening promo and kick Snoop bloody Dog to the curb and let two guys who have proven themselves to be worthy of that spot try and steal the show.

King and JR should be back on that announce table full time. They made Cole, Matthews and Booker look awful compared to them. Cole spends so long building up his own character it affects the match. King and JR were great and I really hope JR is allowed to stay on.
Boring WrestleMania overall. only 2 matches were any good.
the rest was a waste of time.

Seemed like all that wanted to promote was hollywood celebrities, not WWE/wrestling

Taker vs Triple H. Slugfest - Best of the night, in 1 match they did more then the rest of WrestleMania did to promote there profession. Taker is either developed really good acting skills or is in serious trouble injury wise. and Triple H looked legit concerned. Why in the blue hell HBK didn't atleast come out for the match is beyond me, he coulda done something and left which wouldn't have altered the outcome in anyway.

Orton vs Punk - better then the other matches on the card. though as usual being an Orton WrestleMania match it wasn't what was expected.

The rest - Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

The stage area looked awesome
Triple H vs Taker (entrances and match), Orton vs Punk\
Metallica featured for some unknown reason :P For Who'm The Bell Tolls

The PPV starts off with a Saturday Night Live style intro. WTF????
Taker's theme. man that song is sooooooooooooo boring
Rock wasn't that entertaining and had little role in the show. So much for Host.
This whole reincarnation started out great til he started speaking, and from then on he turned into the whining bitch who's also a jerk. but if that was too make Cena look better, then success. Can't see Rock winning next year.

Matches seemed thrown together at the last moment, no real storytelling, weak matches in general.

Alot of dead air time

US/IC champs were resigned to a Dark Match Battle Royal which was won by The Great Khali, WTF????? What happened to Sheamus vs Bryan

World Title Match starts the show?
and not only that but it wasn't a great match and what was the point of Christian even being there, he did absolutely nothing.

Corre got walked over "yet again" by 3 losers and Kofi Kingston in a match that was obviously just a 10minute filler.

2 great talents in Dolph Ziggler and Morrison gets shoved to the side so Snooki can do 1 move and win easliy. did the 2 guys even get in the ring? What a waste of perfectly good talent

non sensicle Snoop Dog involvement. Though i was amused when Piper hit Zack Ryder with a coconut.

Cole vs Jerry was a pointless snoozefest as expected. with exception of Booker T's involvement, that was funny :P King shoulda won. Cole doesn't need the heat, everyone has hated his guts for years b4 he went heel, the last year is just the icing on the cake.

Rhodes vs Rey was just ok. bit slow and unco for my tastes. and RHodes gimmick sucks, he was far better as the dashing one, they didn't need to alter that. But i guess intime he'll be dashing Cody Rhodes again. on a side note Poor Ted Dibiase, who woulda though he'd be the one missing the next WrestleMania out of those 2.

The Main Event
The Promo's were ok. Bit too long though
Cena was asleep for most of the match, and all Miz could do was punch him in the head for most of it. Miz looked really crap in this match despite dominating Cena.
so we had someone with limited ring psychology vs Super Barney
AWESOME..... NOT!!!!!

Gotta admit though i was pissed that the match initially ended in a double count out.

Rock fixed that but was it necessary to immediately take out Cena.
He shoulda just been the ref all along and teased attacking someone throughout the match.

But ofcourse it wasn't about Cena vs Miz it was about who was Rock gonna attack and finish off with Hollywood ontop over wrestling.

Huge letdown, Creative should all be fired over that one or Vince put out to pasture with old yellow for letting it air.
By Wrestlemania standards, it was an AWFUL show. Don't get me wrong, it was an ok show.... The Rock's appearances, a couple of good matches.... but this isn't any show, this was Wrestlemania. We as fans deserve better. Sheamus' match should not have been taken off the main card. Big Show should not have gotten a victory over the Corre in one minute. Snoop's segment should have been cut completely to give The Corre's match more time, or to give Sheamus/Bryan a chance to go on the main card. Morrison and Ziggler could have gotten a match of their own rather than being part of Snooki/Laycool. Morrison should have faced Miz AND WON. Cena should have faced the Rock.

Triple H and Undertaker saved this show from being bottom tier alongside Wrestlemania 9 and 11. They had a great match. Lawler/Cole had some entertaining moments too. However, that does not save the show from being very disappointing overall. Other matches such as Punk/Orton could have been a lot better. The show was just not worth the money spent on it. There are so many things I would have changed about it, and it was easily the worst Wrestlemania since the 90's.

I really hope that they can redeem themselves next year by keeping their promise of Cena VS The Rock, planned one year in advance. That would (hopefully) make up for the low quality show we got stuck with sunday. I give Wrestlemania 27 a score of 71% (C-) because even though it was terrible by Wrestlemania standards, it was still entertaining in a few parts and gave us a great match in Taker/Trips.
As we all saw on RAW. Wrestlemania 27 was just a Big set up for Wrestlemania 28, who's slogan should be "Were the Real Wrestlemania Matches Happen"

So if we look at WM27 for what it is, just a set up for the next Wrestlemania, and not a Wrestlemania in and of itself. Then it was fine.
So if we look at WM27 for what it is, just a set up for the next Wrestlemania, and not a Wrestlemania in and of itself. Then it was fine.

I wasn't able to watch WM this year since my hotel didn't have PPV's shame. But judging from the reaction I can see a lot of dissapointmnets.

I was thinking of going to Atlanta over the weekend, attend WM (ticketmaster had some good seats left actually), and return back in time for work. Unfortunatley I couldnt find a flight to bring my back to Indy on time, so I didn't attend.

Point is if I did I probably would have spent $500 for the ticket, the travel, and hotel. If someone else did this think how ripped off that person would have felt knowing the grandest stage of them all which he/she attended live was to setup an event one year from know.

I'm just sayin' :shrug:
Overall I will say that WM27 won't go down as one of the best we've seen. There are ceratainly ones that are worse(WM11) but this was definitely not the best. I want to just highlight some key points from my point of view.

World Championship Match: ADR v Edge(c) - I guess I can understand they wanted to make sure that the crowd was warmed up, but isn't that what the host's responsibility is? This match should've been on before the HHH v Undertaker Match as part of a triple main event. As far as the match goes, like the others said, it was good, but not great. The ending wasn't necessarily WM quality, but it was a clean match overall.

Randy Orton/CM PUNk - I thought this match was good all the way up until the ending. There was storytelling and the build up was good also. The fact that they tied in the incident between those them from two years ago was a nice touch. I don't know if I agree with Randy winning, but they have to develop another face since someone else is losing his face credit now.

Rhodes/Mysterio - another good match with a good ending. nothing super spectacular but a good match none the less. Cody Rhodes pulling out the Alabama Slam ala Hardcore Holly was $$$. I don't know where they go after this, but Rhodes got the rub and it was well deserved.

Corre v Big Show/Kane/Santino/Kofi Kingston - For all intents and purposes this was a squash match. Whatever steam they built up for the corre in an attempt to establish them as a force in the WWE went down in 1:30.

Jerry Lawler/Michael Cole - I didn't like the match at all. Cole had no business in there and it showed. The only highlight for me is Stone Cold and Booker T. 3 Stunners and a Spinarooni!

HHH v Undertaker - To me it was the best match of the night. HHH threw everything AND the kitchen sink at Taker only to fall victim to Hells Gate. Some of the spots in this match were great to include the chair shot to the head and Taker's patented WM dive out of the ring. They even broke the "Cole Mine" which made me happy. The ending to me was to prove that 1. Taker will do anything to keep his streak in tact and 2. WWE is making Taker's character seem more mortal than it once was. I think it was a work, but I know he was a little banged up and super exhausted.

Cena v Miz (c) - The entrances and the videos were great on both parts. I think the match was below average and it didnt seem to have the energy that a main event match should have. I blame the Rock for this. NO one wanted to see this match. Everyone wanted to see Rock v. Cena and it took away from the Miz. Good on the Miz though cause with the win, he is established as a main event guy now. The Rock's interference was predictable to say the least and I knew he would close the show one way or another.

To the matches/events that I didnt mention, they were OK, but not really worth mention ing alone. I did get a laugh out of the PeeWee Herman/Mean Gene exchange when Mean Gene said "I know you are, but what am I?" Other than that, I could've done without them. The mix tag match was a disaster IMO and it seemed forced from the beginning.

Hopefully they get this right for next year.
Wrestlemania XXVII was a let down, the whole card, from top to bottom was underwhelming in so many ways. Wrestlemania XVII is one of the most poorly booked Wrestlemania in recent years, the only sparkle of the PPV was The Undertaker vs Triple H, and yet some fans are complaining about the match itself, that speaks volume about Wrestlemania XXVII really. Here is my review :

World Heavyweight Championship
Edge vs Alberto Del Rio :

Here is a stat for you, the Michael Cole vs Jerry Lawler bout was longer than this one, you can say the same for Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes. Those stats says a lot about this match, it is decent, but nothing more than that. It was a fast-paced match, without too many restholds but then this bout reminds me of when Dolph Ziggler was Intercontinental Champion and he used to open PPVs with this type of bout. Compare Edge vs Del Rio with anything Ziggler puts out during his tenure as IC Champion, its not all that different really. This match could have been better if it was given more time, instead we get a rushed bout and an unnecessary angle in the aftermath of the bout.

Match Rating : B-

Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes :

This match was predicted by many to steal the show, but it did not, although the match was solid from my perspective. Good back and forth action between Rhodes and Mysterio and we got the ending that we all wanted, Cody Rhodes walking out of this match as the winner. Solid bout, nothing extraordinary

Match Rating : B

Kane, Big Show, Santino Marella & Kofi Kingston vs The Corre :

This match completes the tri-factor of Smackdown exclusive matches that kick starts the show, says a whole lot about the blue brand's importance really. After the entrances, I headed straight for the bathroom and when I got back, it went to a backstage skit. Oh well, WWE got their wish, squeeze 8random guys into the show to put on a pointless match.

Match Rating : N/A

Randy Orton vs CM Punk :

One of the better bouts of the show, good back and forth action with an unsurprising ending and in my book, a disappointing one. Even a blind man could see the RKO a million miles away. A superb bout though.

Match Rating : B+

Michael Cole w/Jack Swagger vs Jerry The King Lawler
Special Referee : Stone Cold Steve Austin

The fans did not have any expectations for this match, no one expects it to be a 5 star classic or even a 2 star one. They wanted to see this match for one reason only, to see Michael Cole get an ass-whooping of a lifetime. The match, combined with the entrances and the aftermath, took up more than 30 minutes of the show. Is that really necessary? Can't they just have a 5 minutes match at most? This match is one of the reasons why Wrestlemania XXVII was so disappointing, not only did the match suck, the same can be said about the reversed decision, Michael Cole winning. I wonder if the April Fools Joke here in the forums were true and Lawler gets punished for that, Michael Cole makes a homophobic slur and gets rewarded with a victory at Wrestlemania? This match implicated the following matches too, namely Miz vs Cena as the match had to deal with time constraints, there were many other matches that needed the time they wasted on this match and the saga. What a waste.

Match Rating : E

The Streak is on the line
No Holds Barred Match
The Undertaker vs Triple H

Best bout of the night as I mentioned. Some people liked it, some people don't but I think it was the match of the night. The match started with high impact moves and nice spots that were consistent throughout the match. The fans were into it throughout the whole show and their reaction towards the Tombstone by HHH swayed me into believing that there was a possibility that that signaled the end of the streak. It was not to be, but it was never meant to be and WWE did a heck of a job into making us, the fans believe that Triple H could have ended the streak. The Deadman had never looked as frail as he was. Despite the defeat, Triple H looked like a beast, a very vicious one. Great Match.

Match Rating : A+

6 man intergender tag team match
Trish Stratus, Snooki & John Morrison vs Lay-Cool & Dolph Ziggler w/Vickie G

Short Match as it should be, there wasn't time for Ziggler and Morrison to steal the show but I am not disappointed. I don't mind the fact that Snooki only did two moves in the clash, a Handspring Elbow and a Handspring Cartwheel Body Splash(that was possibly botched). A filler match really for fans to catch there breaths and prepare them for the main event.

Match Rating : D

WWE Championship Match
The Miz w/Alex Riley vs John Cena

This is suppose to be the match that makes the show, the show have been nothing but average up until this, the video packages for both Miz and Cena got the fans pumped up for this one, but it turned out to be one of the most disappointing main events in Wrestlemania history. Cena's entrance was pointless really (no disrespect to Christianity) but the match could do with that few minutes that could have possibly made it better. A stupid ending the match, I meant the double-countout and if you want, include Rock's interference as well, it was still stupid. The crowd was pathetic for this one, only popping for Miz kicking out of the AA. Other than that, the Cena sucks chants were barely audible, there was no chants at all. A horrible main event in my book. It is Wrestlemania, but I felt like I was watching any other PPV.

Match Rating : C-

Wrestlemania XXVII Rating : C

Horrible booking, cheesy segments, coupled with a disappointing main event really spoiled the show, Miz vs Cena seems like a fodder to The Rock vs John Cena set a day later. Only 2 superstars that are entering the final stages of their careers that only just returned to action saved Wrestlemania XXVII from perhaps being the worst Wrestlemania ever with their indelible match-up. Overall, this was just a poor Wrestlemania and it proves that the new stars aren't quite ready yet.
I think the problem with the main event was that the crowd knew rock was going to come out and didn't want to invest anything into the early goings. I think once the match started to pick up they actually started to get more interested in it. It reminds me of something Mick Foley said in his book Foley is Good. He was discussing the HIAC match between him and Triple H. The crowd wasn't really into the match because they were waiting for it to exit the cage. Once it did they started to really get into the match because that is what they came for. Similar situation. The crowd wanted The Rock and they didn't care about the main event until he got involved.
Man, what a weird time to be a fan of the WWE. Wrestlemania's unofficial theme might as well have been Grasping for Straws. I'm with the majority on this one- it was pretty fucking bad but it didn't totally drop the ball.

- Really missed the Money in the Bank match this year. I know they had a MITB PPV but I'd gladly sacrifice that in order to return the match to its proper home. Instead of wasting guys like Kofi and JoMo in their respective matches (if you can call them that), they should've had the MITB and they should have had them in it. Lots of other guys could've benefited from this as well, instead of being thrown into that horrendous Snoop Dogg segment.

- Nice to see Rey give Cody the rub. I'm a fan of Crodey and I thought he pulled out all the stops to keep this exciting. Even the set up for the 619 wasn't as cringe-worthy as it usually is. Maybe I'm just being optimistic about it. Either way, colour me surprised.

- Honestly didn't give a shit about Del Rio/Edge. And really, if you're going to trash a car, TRASH THE CAR. Or maybe he wasn't allowed to do more than scratch it? Either way, the match itself was decent but felt more like a Monday Night RAW main event than a Wrestlemania title bout.

- I’m not even going to dignify The Corre/Random Roster Mid-Carders match with a response. Unless this counts as a response...

- I was distracted by Booker on the mic during Cole/Lawler. The man really has a talent for stating the obvious. Unintentionally hilarious, and sadly, it was probably the funniest thing about this PPV. At least he wasn’t trying too hard.

- Not much more to say about Trips and Taker that hasn’t already been mentioned. Great match. Any match that gets a “holy shit” chant is probably cooking with gas. A chair shot to the head? Nice touch. I nearly shat myself when Taker dove out of the ring. Both men left it all on the floor and you couldn’t really ask for more in a big match situation.

- Punk/Randy has been a feud I’ve wanted for a long, long time and seeing everything come to fruition has been pretty satisfying for me. I thought the match was pretty good... simple and effective storytelling and solid ring work. I would’ve liked Punk to get the W in this one because I’m kind of perplexed as to where they’ll go from here without being redundant but whatever.

- Can I just say how much I loved the Miz video package that showed his progression from reality TV to headlining Wrestlemania? Bad ass.

- The main event... well I didn’t hate it as much as everyone else did. It wasn’t amazing but I didn’t really expect it to be. And really, I’m just contented that Miz left Wrestlemania with the belt, despite the beat down he received afterward.
Roberto Del Rio's review of WWE WrestleMania XXVII

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Edge (c) v.s Alberto Del Rio

First of all, I was massively surprised when this was announced as the opening match. It was a very strange decision and I'm still not sure whether it was a good idea. A match that has been built as a main event should be exactly that, a main event. Regardless, both men make their larger than life entrances and we're off and running. It was a fairly fast paced contest but for a match with so much on the line, I felt it didn't have enough time. Del Rio looked great and was worthy of the spot he was in. I was hugely pissed off when Edge got the pin (I think I posted something that read something like "FUCKKK!!! OFFF!!!" at the time :lmao: ). Plus I didn't feel there was any real need for Edge and Christian to vandalise Del Rio's car after the match. Still, a decent opener if a little strange at the same time. Through out the whole thing I felt like I should of been watching Sheamus and Daniel Bryan getting a run about. 3/5.

Rey Mysterio v.s Cody Rhodes

Wow, did Rhodes look good in this match. I believed the change in character that he had displayed, the way he wrestled this match resembled more of a brawling style. He was rough, probably more rough than we've ever seen Cody before and it suited him. Mysterio putting him over on the grand stage was a great idea, but one shot I remember from this match was the delayed standing vertical suplex from the top, hugely impressive. 3/5.

Kane, Big Show, Santina Marella & Kofi Kingston v.s The Corre

Two words: piss. break. And nothing else. It was over before it even started. THIS should of been the dark match. 0.5/5.

Randy Orton v.s CM Punk

For some reason... this didn't really click with me. I thought at points it was painfully slow which was something I wasn't expecting. To be honest I wasn't sure what to expect but I felt a little bit unsatisfied with the way this match went. Mostly because I felt Punk needed a push more than Orton. And because Orton was suffering with his injured leg for 95% of the match, it deliberately slowed the pace. 2.5/5.

Jerry 'The King Lawler' v.s Michael Cole (w/ Jack Swagger) with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin as the guest referee.

Oh dear. This was bad. Not McMahon/Hart bad, but still bad. It went from being comical to being irritating to being down right boring, to being comical again and finally it concluded in a very annoying way with Cole being announced as the winner. This was an overbooked mess. Cole was on the offensive for way too long and not only that but he was botching everything he did which was even more annoying. The only reason I'm giving this a 1 is because at points it made me laugh. 1/5.

No Holds Bared Match
Undertaker v.s Triple H

Match of the night. No doubt about it. LOVED IT! It told a great story and some of the spots were brilliant. It was pretty slow but that slow paced suited these two's styles. There was no wasted movement and what made this match so good in my opinion was it was the very first time I felt that the streak really was over. When Trips hit the tombstone, I couldn't believe it. I thought that was it. The ending (on the second viewing) was great. Trips looked so strong in defeat and a rematch could well happen. But I fucking hope it doesn't happen at WrestleMania XXVIII, that ship has sailed now.4/5.

Dolph Ziggler & Laycool v.s John Morrison, Trish Stratus & 'Snooki'

Snooki is quite cute. Gonna get that cleared up straight away. And she did alright in the ring to be honest. But this was a poorly placed match and something the crowd didn't really seem to care about. Snooki was the definite highlight. 1.5/5

WWE Championship Match
The Miz (c) v.s John Cena

Poor main event. That's all I can say. It was way to obvious that The Rock was gonna get involved and I feel that took away from the match. You didn't care what was happening, you just wanted to see The Rock beat up Cena. The match never got going really and the double count-out finish was so bad. SO BAD! 2/5.

Overall: 2.5/5

Was an average 'Mania. One brilliant match, two very good matches and a number of either poor or terrible matches. I re-watched the PPV today and it only helped me realise how much I loved HHH/Taker and Rhodes/Mysterio but it also helped me realise how much of a let down the main event was.
Sheesh, I watched it again on DVR and it was even worst on the second viewing.

Why did creative not let Cole get the beat down he deserved?

Why did creative cancel Sheamus/Bryan?

Why did creative let the main event have a double count out? I would've rather had the ref get knocked out, The rock do a rock bottom on Cena, Miz pins Cena but Cena kicks out, and Miz has to win by hitting Cena with maybe three SCFs. That would've been better than the crap we got.

Seeing it again. It really did have a WM9 vibe to it and the booking matched that horrid WM. Sad thing is, this could've been an awesome WM but the booking team/creative went TNA on all of us and decided to make stupid/annoying decisions. That's how bad WM27 was. I felt like i was watching a TNA product which is never a good thing.
I thought WM was...decent at least. I was watching it live in the arena and back on TV yesterday and these are my thoughts:

Sheamus - DBD goin' on the preshow and Rock's long promo were bad ideas, but every company makes idiotic mistakes here and there, even on their biggest show.

True Edge and Del Rio shouldn't have gone on first, but Edge should've won. The faces almost always come out on top of the Title matches at 'Mania and this year was no different. Del Rio was on a roll and Edge derailed him from his "destiny." Besides, there's no way a 'Mania would be dominated by heels, so if Edge did win it should've given atleast a hint of indication to Miz winning later on.

As for The Corre vs SD! whatever match, what more did you expect. 4 established WWE guys to not have a chance against or be given any competition from Zeke and 3 guys that have only been around a year? It's common formula: they couldn't survive seperately, but together it was no problem and they all gained their revenge.

The Orton - Punk & Rhodes - Mysterio matches were good and told some good stories throughout and I think the right people won.

Cole - Lawler was the only match I really got annoyed with. Too long, horrible decision to reverse the decision, ect..

Taker - HHH was great if not good, but nowhere near a classic. And for people that say there was no doubt Taker was winning, there was ALOT of doubt in that crowd of over 70000 people. Like after the multiple Pedigrees and The Tombstone to Taker a ton of people(including me) were on the edge of their seats thinking it was over. They both told a great story eventhough it did eventually turn into big spot, rest, finisher, rest, ect., but it was still pretty damn good. The ending was great too. Triple H said he would die trying to end the streak and he did in The Hells Gate. He was about to end it but couldn't pull the trigger, much like in his HIAC with Batista in 05.

The Snooki tag match was filler between the main events and that's all it needed to be. I mean atleast Dolph and Morrison didn't get effected by any of this.

And as far what I've heard some people say that Cena didn't seem to interested in his match with Miz, I think it might be because the crowd got to him. It's not like 50/50 like crowds normally are for Cena, the crowd was full of smarks that non-stop cheered Miz to heaven while booing Cena out of the building more-so than ever. It was kind of a wierd match as within the first 3 minutes they were already in the really of the match and jumped out of the 1st gear WAY too early. The match was still good though and had some good spots before the idiotic ending that could've been done alot better, but as long as Miz won it served it's purpose I suppose.

I'd rate this anywhere between a C- and a C if I could.
Wrestlemania 27

The Rock

The Rock hyped up the crowd to start off Wrestlemania 27. I thought starting the show off with The Rock was a good idea. The crowd was really into him, and they were hanging on his every word. The Rock gave a spark to the start of Wrestlemania, and it’ll be interesting to see how the host of Wrestlemania will do throughout the rest of the night.

Edge/With Christian VS Alberto Del Rio/With Brodus Clay & Ricardo- World Heavyweight Championship

Edge hits a Spear to retain his World Heavyweight Championship. This was a solid match. There was some nice back and forth action here, both men managed to pull of some impressive counters, and Del Rio made sure to take advantage of Edge’s injured arm, as he went to work on the crippled body part throughout the entire match. The interference from Brodus Clay and Ricardo didn’t surprise me too much, because they are Del Rio’s lackeys, and they were at ringside, so you just knew they were going to get involved at some point. Christian made sure to protect his best buddy, and I did enjoy seeing Christian join Edge at ringside for this one. Captain Charisma is Edge’s best friend, so it was cool to see him stand by his best friend during this match. This wasn’t bad, but I was surprised to see this match open the show. I can understand separating both World Championship matches, but this match ACUALLY OPENED THE SHOW!?!?! This was the first match of the night, so the fans might forget about it as the night goes on. Also, this makes Del Rio’s Rumble win seem VERY insignificant. Match Rating- 6.5/10

After the match, Edge continues the celebration by destroying one of Del Rio’s fancy cars.

Cody Rhodes VS Rey Mysterio

Mysterio tries to go after Rhodes on the outside, but Cody grabs Rey’s knee brace, and he whacks Mysterio in the face, as he tries to come through the ropes. Cody hits Cross Rhodes for the win. This was a nice match. There was some good back and forth action here, and this one did have a strong competitive feel. Cody looked like a real animal, as he ripped Mysterio’s knee brace from his leg. Also, watching Mysterio use Cody’s own mask as a weapon against him was unreal. Mysterio was able to get some payback, and using Cody’s own mask against him was the icing on the cake. I was really surprised to see Cody win here, because I didn’t think he would go over Mysterio at Wrestlemania. Cody has been doing a marvelous job with the disturbed version of his character, and a win over Rey Mysterio at Wrestlemania should give him a nice boost. Oh, and I LOVED Mysterio’s Captain America costume. Rey usually shows us some cool outfits at the big show, and he didn’t disappoint here. Match Rating- 7/10

Snoop Dogg

Snoop is looking for some new talent for his tour, so he holds some auditions backstage. Teddy Long will help Snoop evaluate the talent. William Regal does a horrible freestyle. The Great Khali and Beth Phoenix perform a duet. Zack Ryder tries perform a musical number, but Rowdy Piper pops him in the back of the head with a coconut. Yoshi Tatsu and Chris Masters are up next. Yoshi sings “We will Rock You!” Masters shows us his amazing pec dance number. Hornswoggle is on last. The little guy can’t speak, and Snoop has had enough. He leaves the room with Teddy Long. Hornswoggle decides to open his mouth when Snoop leaves. He busts out a freestyle, while The Bella Twins dance in the background to end the segment. Yeah, I thought this was pretty horrible. Seeing Piper bust a coconut over Ryder’s head did make me chuckle a little bit, but nothing else did it for me. Master’s pec dance isn’t funny to me anymore, and I can’t stand Hornswoggle. Also, Snoop Dogg has been involved in a good amount of shitty films over the years, and I really can‘t get into his music anymore, so I really don’t get too excited when I see him nowadays.

The Corre VS The Big Show, Kane, Kofi Kingston & Santino Marella

Vladimir Kozlov was supposed to be apart of this match, but he was attacked by The Corre at Wrestlemania Axxess.

A melee erupts towards the end. Santino hits the Cobra on Slater. Show follows this up with a Knockout Punch, and the big man picks up the three count for the win. REALLY?!?!? The Corre DIDN’T win this match??? The Corre has been riding a nice wave of momentum lately, and winning a match at Wrestlemania could’ve given them a nice little boost. The opposing team has nothing to gain from a win here. Santino is a comedy act, I can’t see Kane and Big Show being involved in the World Heavyweight Championship picture, and Kofi has kind of faded away into obscurity recently. As far as the match goes, it was nothing special at all. This match was VERY short, the melee erupted pretty quickly, and Santino and Show took care of Slater to get the win. This was a very forgettable match. Match Rating- 0/10

Randy Orton VS CM Punk

Punk comes off the top rope. He goes for a clothesline, but Orton catches him with an RKO, and Randall picks up the three count for the win. I thought this was a good match. Punk did a great job of viscously attacking Orton’s injured leg, and Orton sold the injury so well. There was good amount of back and forth action here, and this one did have a steady pace. Seeing Punk win here would’ve been nice, because I think he could’ve used the boost a lot more than Orton, but The Viper is the bigger star, and I believe he will be back in the WWE Championship picture soon enough. Match Rating- 7/10

Michael Cole/With Jack Swagger VS Jerry Lawler- Special Guest Referee Stone Cold Steve Austin

Lawler locks the Ankle Lock on Cole. Cole is tapping for his life, but Stone Cold is hesitant to ring the bell. He lets Cole suffer a little more, and then Austin finally calls for the bell. YES! Lawler finally gets his revenge on Michael Cole! The beer bash starts, as Lawler and King toast a couple of cold ones together. Booker T joins in. He does a Spin-a-Roonie, but he eventually receives a Stunner from Stone Cold. Lawler is enjoying his Wrestlemania moment, and thing couldn‘t be any better right…but wait. We get an e-mail from the Raw General Manager. Uh oh, this can’t be good. Apparently, Stone Cold abused his authority, and this doesn’t sit well with the GM. He reverses the decision, and Michael Cole is awarded the Victory??? Are you fucking serious? Lawler had to endure months of torture from Cole. This was supposed to his night for revenge. This was supposed to be King’s Wrestlemania moment. Cole already gets more than enough heat from live crowds, so it’s not like he needs anymore. The build for this feud was so good, but I do think WWE dropped the ball here. Lawler had to put up with Cole’s bullshit for months. Destroying Cole and getting the victory on the grandest stage of them all was supposed to be the payoff.

As far as the match goes, I thought it was pretty underwhelming. This one never got into a rhythm, and Cole’s Ankle Lock looked so weak. There were a lot of dull moments in this match, and things didn’t pick until the very end, when King finally gained the upper hand on Cole. For me, Austin’s Stunner on Swagger was the most exciting part of this match, and this was the only time where I saw the crowd show some real excitement. I didn’t think this was a good sign. The crowd was pretty dead for this one, and you could hear some pretty loud “Boring!” chants. Austin showed a lot of favoritism towards Lawler, but this was expected. Match Rating- 3/10

After the match, Lawler goes nuts. He throws Josh Matthews to Stone Cold, and Mathews receives a Stunner.

Triple H VS The Undertaker- No Holds Barred Match

Triple H grabs his trusty sledgehammer. He prepares to deliver the final blow to The Deadman, but Taker catches HHH in The Hell’s Gate submission. HHH tries to fight out of the deadly hold, but he can’t break Taker’s deadly grip, Taker survives this grueling match, and Taker is now 19-0 at Wrestlemania. The brutality was insane in this match. Both men threw everything they could at each other, and Triple H gave Taker a viscous beat down towards the end of this match. These two really had me fooled for a second, because there was a time where I seriously thought HHH was going to break the streak. During the viscous beat down, Taker looked so weak and vulnerable. When Triple H finally hit the Tombstone, I thought it was over, and I was legitimately in shock when Taker kicked out. This match didn’t have the best flow, and the rhythm wasn’t there at times, because things did slow down a lot after a lot of the big spots in this match. Still, this was a very brutal battle, and I really did enjoy this match. Match Rating- 8/10

After the match, Taker isn’t in good shape. He has trouble getting to his feet, and he needs help leaving the ringside area. HHH shows signs of concern, as he hobbles to the back. Taker is helped on to a cart, and The Deadman is driven to the back. I really don’t know what to think about this. This could be legit, because Taker really did look beat up, and he did endure a lot of punishment towards the end of this one. Taker’s body is pretty banged up, so it wouldn’t surprise me if this whole situation was %100 real. He didn’t seem all there, and it’s unclear what the future holds for Taker.

Snooki, Trish Stratus, & John Morrison VS Lay-Cool & Dolph Ziggler

Snooki hits a weird looking standing splash on McCool, and she picks up the win for her team. I couldn’t get into this. There was a nice little encounter between McCool and Trish, but this very short match failed to do anything for me. Morrison used Starship Pain to take out Ziggler on the outside, but I would’ve loved to see more interaction between these two. Snooki was booed heavily, as she entered the match, so that just goes to show you how many people hate Jersey Shore. Snooki did execute the handspring back bump pretty well, but her standing splash did look kind of sloppy, but Snooki isn’t a wrestler, so you had to expect at least one slip up out there. This match was very high up on the card, so I had a good feeling this one wouldn’t get too much time. This was just a piss break before the main event, and this is one match I don’t want to remember. Match Rating- 1/10

John Cena VS The Miz/With Alex Riley- WWE Championship

The Miz is on the outside. He’s trying to recover from the hard Attitude Adjustment he had to endure. Cena hits a hard running clothesline on Miz. Miz is trying to recover on the security barricade, but Cena takes him out with a hard tackle to the ground, and both men are out of it. The ref counts to ten, and this one ends in a double count out! The Rock’s music hits, and it looks like things are about to get interesting. The Rock looks pissed, but before he can do anything, we get another e-mail for the Raw GM. JR heads to the computer, but Rock stops him. Rock begins to read the e-mail, but he doesn’t care what the Raw GM thinks, so he decides to make a decision of his own. He restarts the match, and he adds a No DQ stipulation. Miz escapes another Attitude Adjustment from Cena. The Rock slides in the ring, and he gets his revenge on Cena with a Rock Bottom. The Miz takes advantage of The Rock’s attack, and he picks up the three count to retain the WWE Championship. After the match, we get a brief stare down between Rock and Miz. Rock hits the ring. He punishes Miz with a series of punches. He hits a Spinebsuter, and Rock follows this up with a People’s Elbow. The Rock poses for the crowd to close the show.

I thought this match was decent enough. There was some nice back and forth action between Cena and Miz, and seeing Miz kick out of the Attitude Adjustment was a real shocker for me. We saw a few hard hitting moves from Cena, and Riley’s inference didn’t bother me that much, because he was at ringside, so you just knew he was going to get involved at some point. Although, I do think this match had one really big problem….it didn‘t have that epic Wrestelmania main event feel. Cena VS Miz just felt like another match. I don‘t think this was horrible, but this one didn‘t give me goosebumps or send chills down my spine. Match Rating- 5/10

Overall Show Rating 7/10- This was a tough one for me. I don’t think this Mania was terrible, but this one never excited me too much. For me, Triple H VS Undertaker was the match of the night. It was brutal, and I did believe the streak was coming to an end after HHH hit the Tombstone. The rest of the wrestling on this show didn’t wow me too much, and I still can’t believe Michael Cole got the victory over Jerry Lawler. Lawler winning at Mania was supposed to be the payoff for this feud, but WWE blew it big time by reversing the decision. Do they really think Cole needs more heat? As far as The Rock being guest host goes, I thought he did a pretty fine job. The crowd was into him throughout the night, and I think he needed to be involved in the Cena/Miz match. EVERYONE wanted to see what The Rock would do. They wanted to see him get some payback for the Attitude Adjustment on Raw, so I’m sure a lot of people would’ve been disappointed if he decided to do nothing. This Wrestlemania had it’s moments, but there were times where I couldn’t get into this show.

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