[OFFICIAL] Wrestlemania 27 Aftermath and Reviews

Can everyone tell me what they saw in the HHH vs Taker match? It was literally spot, then break, spot, then break. And then, you're telling me, a spinebuster through a table, three pedigrees and 12 chair shots weren't enough for HHH to the win but he still wins with some sort of fucking arm bar? Two star match at most.

The main event was absolute crap. Overbooked and no common sense what so ever involved. The rest of the matches were an entire MEH!

Worst mania ever.
OK... after reading the reviews and re-watching certain things, I finally realized WHY they pulled the Sheamus/Danielson match off the pay-per-view...

It's because they would have made every other match look as mediocre as they were. Heaven FORBID that they make the Taker/HHH match look boring and everything else look pointless.

Those two put on one of the best matches on RAW in years when Sheamus won the title. I hate Sheamus, but I wasn't disappointed at all for him to win the title after that match. It was what wrestling is. They did a wonderful job with it.

But then again, we must realize... the WWE is now officially changing their name to WWE to eliminate the word 'Wrestling' from it. We should all realize that means that the 'great' wrestlers out there are doomed.
Overall, I felt this Wrestlemania topped the last two years, but it wasn't anything special, but it wasn't bad. I just felt it was kind of anti-climatic.

I can't quite put my finger on it, The Rock costing John Cena the WWE Championship and closing Wrestlemania should of been a dream moment, but it didn't feel like that, it just felt kind of awkward and.. 'oh'.

The Miz kicking out of the AA was definately a high point, I as much as anyone thought it was over right there. But the way it just went and ended in a draw, all for The Rock to come and do what he did just felt pointless, and far too dragged out. They didn't need to do it like that at all. The Ref could quite easily of been knocked down and Rock could of cost Cena the Match then if he was going to do it. They dragged it all out far too much with the Raw GM Announcement going off, it just kind of killed the whole moment, and everybody saw it comming. I think Miz deserved to have his moment in the ring, he didn't need to get a beat down from The Rock. I also wish Alex Riley wouldn't of come to the Ring with him, and instead of done a run down. He always tries too hard to get noticed.

The Crowd was poor and as much as I hate to say it the Commentary during the Streak Match and the Main Event was so un-enthusiastic.

I was very nervous for the Triple H vs Undertaker Match. I really wanted them to have a good Match and for everything to go right. It all felt a bit rushed with no real layout or plan to start with, but I loved the way they had Triple H eventually dominate him. It was a side to the Streak Match that we've never seen before. It just shows how much the Streak has evolved, by the end of the Match it wasn't even about having a good Match and winning with a sudden Tombstone, it was about how the Undertaker wont die at Wrestlemania, no matter what you do to him. It really took it to another level. Triple H shone in that Match, he looked as good as he ever had in some parts.

I was extremely shocked to see the World Heavyweight Championship Match open the Show. In a way though, I'm not suprised Del Rio didn't win. It has been pretty much a lock for months now that Del Rio would go onto Wrestlemania and win, it became so dragged out that nobody cared for it, and the feud became stale. So that's the reason I can think of as to why they went against it Del Rio in the end. Pretty sure he'll win the Title sooner than later though.

Cody Rhodes deserves a lot of plaudits for his performance Sunday. He really shone, and deserved the Match he had. Great effort from him. The same goes to both Punk and Orton, who i was expecting a fairly stiff and boring Match from but it turned out pretty entertaining in the end. I don't need to comment on the two Tag Matches, they were what they were.

I have to say, the Stage and Set Up of the Georgia Dome was impressive. Quite possibly the best layout they've ever done for a Wrestlemania. While it wasn't as big in scale as some previous, everything looked so crisp, sharp, clean and modern. It was really fitting to the era we are in right now.

While I was left with a strange taste after the way the Show ended, overall as a Spectacle and what they managed to eventually put together on such short notice, it was fairly satisfying. I can say I definately enjoyed it a lot more than Wrestlemania XXV and Wrestlemania XXVI, despite the fact they had the two Shawn Michaels Matches. I think this was owed a lot to the fact that the previous two years we expected so much more than what we ended up getting. This year on the other hand, it was the other way around. The Card is weaker than in previous years, so I wasn't expecting a lot, but wanted a everyone to deliver, and it turned out good considering what they had to play with this year.

By no means will it go down as a Classic or one of the best Wrestlemanias ever, but using what it had, it delivered everything it promised, so you couldn't of asked for much more.
Can everyone tell me what they saw in the HHH vs Taker match? It was literally spot, then break, spot, then break. And then, you're telling me, a spinebuster through a table, three pedigrees and 12 chair shots weren't enough for HHH to the win but he still wins with some sort of fucking arm bar? Two star match at most.

The main event was absolute crap. Overbooked and no common sense what so ever involved. The rest of the matches were an entire MEH!

Worst mania ever.


That's exactly what I thought of HHH vs Undertaker.

It was so bloody predictable. Finisher, near fall, rest, finisher, near fall, rest, finisher, near fall, rest, finisher, near fall, a couple of weapons, submission, the end.

It really highlighted what I hate about today's WWE product - they think all a match needs is a couple of finishers.
For three straight years I've come on to wrestlezone, and for three straight years I've heard people throw out the phrase "Worst Wrestlemania Ever". Get the fuck outta here. Have ya seen WM 11, WM 2, WM 9. This was far from the worst ever.

It was a damn good Mania i'd say. I enjoyed it for what it was. It was a damn spectacle and it delivered on that end. The production values were the best i've ever seen. Awesome video packages and sweet entrances. There were two great matches in Rhodes/Mysterio and Orton/Punk, and then the epic battle between HHH/Taker.

The Rock was a funny guy too. Had some hillarious backstage skits with Mae Young and Mene Gene. The Snoop Dogg skit was legit funny. If you didn't laugh at that get over yourself. Damn good year for skits this year.

Calling it the worst ever is just typical IWC overreaction. These people have got to be the most negative on the planet. If you were more positive maybe you'd be able to move out of your mom's basement.

Overall I'd say it was a good solid Mania, probably falls in the middle when it comes to other Mania's. I enjoyed it all but I was dissapointed in the Cena/Miz match cause I know they can do better than that. You people just need to lighten up more, take off your damn smark goggles, and stop being so pissy cause your boy toy Cm punk didn't win.
I'll throw my two cents in as well. Overall, I thought WM was average. The matches seemed to be 1/2 good and 1/2 not.

I thought Edge/Del Rio was good.

Rhodes/Mysterio and Punk/Oron were both very good as well.

Taker/HHH wasn't the 5 star classic some are saying, but I thought the whole package (in wring action and storytelling) made this the match of the night. Yes, it ended up being spot after spot, but that is really what it would be like with two aging veterans like this. Explosions of action and then nothing. I think the fact that people legitimately thought HHH would win (especially after the tombstone) showed they did a good job. Going in nobody thought Taker could lose. True, the submission was messed up and it would have looked better had they gone a couple more minutes and went for it again, but I like the idea that Taker took everything HHH could throw at him and still wouldn't stay down.

Lawler/Cole was pretty bad. Even my wife was laughing at Cole "stepping" on Lawlers leg while on the ropes. Looked more like it was taking all his effort to balance himself. I just think it was disrespectful of Cole that he clearly didn't do any training for this and looked completely lost out there. For the build-up it had Cole should have been busting his ass working on taking and selling bumps so the match would at least be entertaining. The crap reversal of the decision was also pretty bad. No way Cole (I guess all the talk of everyone being pissed at him for the twitter incident was overblown) should have won that match. I was actually looking forward to the end to that feud, now, like others have said, we have to deal with Cole being undefeated at WM. It is going to be brutal. Oh, by the way, what was the point of Booker jumping in the ring? Just seemed odd to me.

Mixed tag wasn't that bad for what it was. Obviously would have liked to see more of Ziggler and Morrison, but you knew going in Snooki would get the pin. I was legitimately shocked when she pulled of the back-handspring elbow. Looked like she was about to come out of her shirt, but still pretty impressive.

I will say though that the ME with Cena and The Miz was pretty disappointing. Happy that Miz retained but the ending was complete crap. WWE fans jump all over this kind of stuff when TNA does it (ME's ending in count-out, DQ, whatever) so the same should go here. As Slyfox said in his review. If Austin, who was legitmately provoked by Cole, get's Lawler DQ'd for pushing Cole, there is no way the Rock should be able to change the match stipulation just so he can interfere. Just a crappy way to end the night.

Finally, like others have said, bumping the Sheamus/Bryan match was inexcusable. You ran 10 minutes short as it is. Take 5 minutes off the Rock's intro, eliminate the stupid Snoop and Pee Wee sketch segments and you would have anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes to give to a match that would have been at least as good as anything else on the card.

All that being said, I will be tuning in tonight to see what Raw has in store. Hopefully they rectify some of the issues from last night.
First a couple of small points

Has many have asked, why was Edge-Del Rio the opening match, espcially when the big deal about the RR is that the winner gets to Headline wrestlemania. This should have been the third last match on the card

Seamus-Danielson-Why did they pull this match from the card, I wonder if either Danielson or Seamus were injured?

The mixed tag match-As many have asked, how could they not use Ziggler and Morrison in this match, or somehow given them a match of their own. Unfortunately to future stars were just completely misused on the biggest stage of the all.

The eight man match-This match should have been moved to the dark match, what was the point of this match, except to bury the Corre. Maybe this will lead to Wade Barrett going on his own

Unfortunately I think the Rock storyline killed this years Wrestlemania. After Cena giving the AA to the Rock last week, no way was he going to be cheered, so now you had two wrestlers that the fans hate wrestling each other, which means in the end the fans don't care who wins

Also as people have mentioned in this thread and others, the whole match the people were just waiting for the Rock to come out, so they really didn't care for the action in the ring as they were waiting for the Rock

I would like to know how come the Guest host though, has the power to restart the match and also make it a No DQ match.

If the Rock sticks around for a future match with Cena (which I know a lot of people are going to hate to hear as it has been said 1 billion times, but they have to make Cena a full blown heel for this to work), then I will accept the ending to this wrestlemania, but if the Rock disappears and this leads no where, then the WWE has managed to ruin Cena's character for no reason
Here's what would've made WM27...AWESOME!!!

*IN-RING HOST SEG. 1: The Rock comes to the ring as host and kicks things off (as he did), introducing us to 27 and the first match...

*1st MATCH - REY MYSTERIO v DASHING CODY RHODES (w/Dusty Rhodes) I would have this match go off the pretty much the same except with some interference from "The American Dream" and maybe hints of Sin Cara afterwards.

*IN-RING HOST SEG. 2: The Rock returns to the ring to introduce the next match (the mixed tag) and inform us that JOMO and Ziggler have been pulled from this match and placed in a fatal 4-way w/ Sheamus and Daniels for the U.S. title. [/I](THAT'S the benefit of having a host come out between matches. There's another reason this helps later on.)[/I]

The ending I see for this revised match would be Vicki tying up Snooki in the ring, while Trish is double teamed. I'd have 2011 HOF'r Sunny come out and smack Vicki around, allowing Snooki to even the odds and get the win.

Sheamus would be, and should be, PISSED! After what I imagine would be an amazing match, I see Sheamus retaining through some heelish means.

*IN-RING HOST SEG. 3: The Rock comes out and welcomes J.R. to the announce table. The Rock then introduces the official for the next match, Stone Cold Steve Austin! They share a stare down in the ring.

Lawler comes out first. Then Michael Cole comes out, with Jack Swagger, on crutches. Cole claims he hurt himself giving the King so many "an-cole" locks and by doctors orders, he cannot compete. Austin goes to award Lawler the match by forfeit, until Cole holds up his contract saying that "in the event that Michael Cole is physically unable to compete, his offical replacement will be...Jack Swagger!" Austin reads the contract and reluctantly starts the match: LAWLER v SWAGGER. Lawler has been duped, and is getting a pretty good beat down by Swagger, but his has his moments to shine. As Cole screams for Swagger to demolish Lawler. Swagger starts breaking rules and ignoring Austin's warnings, until finally Swagger pushes Stone Cold, prompting Austin to stun him. Cole slides into the ring and sneaks up behind Austin with a crutch, but Lawler comes to and catches him. Lawler beats the snot out of Cole and Cole also ends up with a stunner. Swagger loses to Lawler due to interference by Michael Cole and The King, Stone Cold, and J.R. celebrate in the ring!

I'd have this match play out pretty much the same except, after the match the New Nexus joins Punk in beating down Orton. Then The Corre rushes in to take down the New Nexus, and a big maylay ensues. As Orton comes to, I see him diving into the sea of people, going insane, and trying to fight EVERYBODY! Suddenly, the Big Show comes out and together Big Show and Orton clear the ring!

*IN-RING HOST SEG. 4: The Rock comes out and introduces the WWE HOF Class of 2011!

*6th MATCH - THE UNDERTAKER v HHH (No Holds Barred)

This is another match I see going the same way, except at a point where both men are down in the ring, Kane comes out and starts pounding on 'Taker, hoping to destroy him by destroying his streak. HHH comes to and starts fighting off Kane, who then starts beating down HHH. Kane is hurtin' both men until HBK comes out levels the Big Red Machine with some sweet chin music, letting the match continue.

*IN-RING HOST SEG. 5: The Rock comes out, thanks everyone for coming, cuts some promos on Miz and Cena (Cena mostly), and says he'll be joining the announce team for our double main event!

*7th MATCH - ALBERTO DEL RIO (w/ Brodus Clay) v EDGE (C) (w/ Christian) (for the World Title) I'd also have the body of this match stay pretty much the same, except I'd have Edge get the pin, but the ref be distracted by Christian coming in the ring to fight Clay and not see it. Then I'd have the ref take a bump and Edge get double-teamed. Christian would be reluctant to interfere, but would come in to help Edge and get caught by the official, costing Edge the match (but not the title) by DQ.

*8th MATCH - JOHN CENA v THE MIZ (C) (w/ Alex Riley) (for the WWE Title)
I'd have Cena come out, get on the mic before the bell, and tell The Rock he'd better stop talking trash about him and to stay out of "his" match. But throughout the match, Cena would be 100% preoccupied with The Rock, his mind not on The Miz; trying to hear what The Rock is saying on commentary. At one point, I'd have Cena stop the match to ask The Rock what he's saying about him. I'd show that The Rock's trash talk is really getting to him. The Rock could get on the mic and cut a promo back at Cena, pissing Cena off more. Finally, when Cena calls for the mic a third time, The Miz capitalizes on it and gets the win! Cena sees The Rock laughing and starts going NUTS! He beats down The Miz and Riley with a steel chair. Then he goes outside and gets in The Rock's face! The two go at it, it moves into the ring... Security comes out to break it up, but The Rock is on fire and Cena has lost it!!!

And that's how my WrestleMania 27 would be and would end.

RAW the next night... I'd have Cena come out a broken man. I'd have him apologize to his fans and to the WWE Universe for his behavior at WM27. But The Rock and The Miz would continue insulting him, resulting in Cena "taking his ball and going home"...not saying another word, just broken.
Here's what I think would've made WM27...AWESOME!!!

*IN-RING HOST SEG. 1: The Rock comes to the ring as host and kicks things off (as he did), introducing us to 27 and the first match...

*1st MATCH - REY MYSTERIO v DASHING CODY RHODES (w/Dusty Rhodes) I would have this match go off the pretty much the same except with some interference from "The American Dream" and maybe hints of Sin Cara afterwards.

*IN-RING HOST SEG. 2: The Rock returns to the ring to introduce the next match (the mixed tag) and inform us that JOMO and Ziggler have been pulled from this match and placed in a fatal 4-way w/ Sheamus and Daniels for the U.S. title. [/I](THAT'S the benefit of having a host come out between matches. There's another reason this helps later on.)[/I]

The ending I see for this revised match would be Vicki tying up Snooki in the ring, while Trish is double teamed. I'd have 2011 HOF'r Sunny come out and smack Vicki around, allowing Snooki to even the odds and get the win.

Sheamus would be, and should be, PISSED! After what I imagine would be an amazing match, I see Sheamus retaining through some heelish means.

*IN-RING HOST SEG. 3: The Rock comes out and welcomes J.R. to the announce table. The Rock then introduces the official for the next match, Stone Cold Steve Austin! They share a stare down in the ring.

Lawler comes out first. Then Michael Cole comes out, with Jack Swagger, on crutches. Cole claims he hurt himself giving the King so many "an-cole" locks and by doctors orders, he cannot compete. Austin goes to award Lawler the match by forfeit, until Cole holds up his contract saying that "in the event that Michael Cole is physically unable to compete, his offical replacement will be...Jack Swagger!" Austin reads the contract and reluctantly starts the match: LAWLER v SWAGGER. Lawler has been duped, and is getting a pretty good beat down by Swagger, but his has his moments to shine. As Cole screams for Swagger to demolish Lawler. Swagger starts breaking rules and ignoring Austin's warnings, until finally Swagger pushes Stone Cold, prompting Austin to stun him. Cole slides into the ring and sneaks up behind Austin with a crutch, but Lawler comes to and catches him. Lawler beats the snot out of Cole and Cole also ends up with a stunner. Swagger loses to Lawler due to interference by Michael Cole and The King, Stone Cold, and J.R. celebrate in the ring!

I'd have this match play out pretty much the same except, after the match the New Nexus joins Punk in beating down Orton. Then The Corre rushes in to take down the New Nexus, and a big maylay ensues. As Orton comes to, I see him diving into the sea of people, going insane, and trying to fight EVERYBODY! Suddenly, the Big Show comes out and together Big Show and Orton clear the ring!

*IN-RING HOST SEG. 4: The Rock comes out and introduces the WWE HOF Class of 2011!

*6th MATCH - THE UNDERTAKER v HHH (No Holds Barred)

This is another match I see going the same way, except at a point where both men are down in the ring, Kane comes out and starts pounding on 'Taker, hoping to destroy him by destroying his streak. HHH comes to and starts fighting off Kane, who then starts beating down HHH. Kane is hurtin' both men until HBK comes out levels the Big Red Machine with some sweet chin music, letting the match continue.

*IN-RING HOST SEG. 5: The Rock comes out, thanks everyone for coming, cuts some promos on Miz and Cena (Cena mostly), and says he'll be joining the announce team for our double main event!

*7th MATCH - ALBERTO DEL RIO (w/ Brodus Clay) v EDGE (C) (w/ Christian) (for the World Title) I'd also have the body of this match stay pretty much the same, except I'd have Edge get the pin, but the ref be distracted by Christian coming in the ring to fight Clay and not see it. Then I'd have the ref take a bump and Edge get double-teamed. Christian would be reluctant to interfere, but would come in to help Edge and get caught by the official, costing Edge the match (but not the title) by DQ.

*8th MATCH - JOHN CENA v THE MIZ (C) (w/ Alex Riley) (for the WWE Title)
I'd have Cena come out, get on the mic before the bell, and tell The Rock he'd better stop talking trash about him and to stay out of "his" match. But throughout the match, Cena would be 100% preoccupied with The Rock, his mind not on The Miz; trying to hear what The Rock is saying on commentary. At one point, I'd have Cena stop the match to ask The Rock what he's saying about him. I'd show that The Rock's trash talk is really getting to him. The Rock could get on the mic and cut a promo back at Cena, pissing Cena off more. Finally, when Cena calls for the mic a third time, The Miz capitalizes on it and gets the win! Cena sees The Rock laughing and starts going NUTS! He beats down The Miz and Riley with a steel chair. Then he goes outside and gets in The Rock's face! The two go at it, it moves into the ring... Security comes out to break it up, but The Rock is on fire and Cena has lost it!!!

And that's how my WrestleMania 27 would be and would end.

RAW the next night... I'd have Cena come out a broken man. I'd have him apologize to his fans and to the WWE Universe for his behavior at WM27. But The Rock and The Miz would continue insulting him, resulting in Cena "taking his ball and going home"...not saying another word, just broken.
It was a pretty damn decent show. Solid B- probably. Most of my complaints are pretty nit-picky.

Edge vs Alberto Del Rio - My first complaint is that this shouldn't have been the first match of the night. I'm not going to even get into the obvious reason that this is the World Heavyweight Championship match, but Alberto Del Rio won the Royal Rumble, one of the last-standing traditions next to Wrestlemania. I don't mind that he lost (even though he probably should have won), but he shouldn't have lost to OPEN Wrestlemania. I don't think this helped Del Rio as much as the WWE is expecting it'll help him. To see him crying over a vehicle he boasts on having the money to afford many times over is also pretty silly. However, the match itself was very good, a great way to kick off Wrestlemania with an explosion. 8.5/10

Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio - This wasn't a fantastic match. It was pretty good, no real complaints about the content. 6.5/10

The Corre vs The Big Show, Kane, Santino, & Kofi - Way too short, but I guess that was expected seeing as there was absolutely zero effort into building up a WM feud between all these guys. The match probably wouldn't have been good anyway, had it been given decent time. Santino, and his amazing ability to be hugely over while being given nothing to work with, saved the show. 4.5/10

Randy Orton vs CM Punk - I enjoyed this match a great deal, though I didn't like how they used a spot from Raw (falling after an attempted punt) as one of the match's climaxes. The false-RKO stressed me out, and the flying RKO made me piss my pants. This match was entertainment. 8/10

Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole - This match should have started with Stone Cold stunning Jack Swagger, and spent 15 minutes having Jerry Lawler beating the absolute shit out of Cole in various ways. But no. It was incredibly slowly paced, and flat out boring. The only entertaining part of the match was when it ended, and Stone Cold stunned everybody. I don't know how the WWE managed to fuck up this match, seeing that it was one of the most hyped feuds of Wrestlemania this year. Any random asshole on the street could have written a better match after seeing a video package of this feud. 1.5/10

Triple H vs Undertaker - This was an extremely entertaining match, regardless of the fact that it was an incredibly slow paced finisher-fest. Lots of awesome spots, not much to talk about though. I was thoroughly entertained. 8/10

Team Snooki vs Ziggler & Laycool - I can't give an unbiased opinion on this match. Snooki was the only good thing about this match. I probably would have hated it if I didn't watch Jersey Shore. 4/10

John Cena vs The Miz - The intros for this match were awesome, but that's pretty much the only thing "awesome" about this match. The match itself went on to mediocrity, especially after the double count-out that killed the entire mood for me. The ending was weak. As huge as Rock is, something in the back of my mind tells me that he shouldn't have laid out the two people in the main event title scene at the main event of Wrestlemania when you know his ass is probably going to be around for another couple months at best, if he even shows up to the arenas at all. Something was off about the entire match, and even more off about the ending. 5.5/10 (at best).
The more I think about it this was actually a terrible pay per view. It felt like a 4 hour version of Raw... everything start to finish was off.

HHH vs. Undertaker is the match of the night and for the people who argue it was spot, break, spot, break, etc... I can agree, because much of it really was... but there was also something different about it. I think it told a good story. I think it kind of painted the Undertaker as the underdog at Wrestlemania for the first time in a long time. It was a little different. Plus, for No Holds Barred, it actually felt that way... for a PG rated world, this felt a little TV-14ish the way it used to. Good match, great storytelling. This is this year's Wrestlemania moment.

Edge and Del Rio had a solid match that should've been a little longer. Punk and Orton had a decent match that should've been a bit longer and everything else on the card was awful.

Cena/Miz couldn't cut it in the main event spot. No reaction for anyone but the Rock. Miz isn't Main Event Wrestlemania level... this was a mistake. In addition to being very boring and a match we've seen a hundred times on Raw (and don't fool yourself, this is easily the 10th match or so between the two televised), there was no reaction. Horrible. Plus, the entrances were terrible... terrible... terrible... a choir singing John Cena out with DMX voice overs? Really?

King and Cole was awful, as expected, with a bit of comedy but come on, this had more time than just about every match on the card... a travesty.

Snooki-mania hit alright, but in a 3 minute match where surprisingly Snooki wasn't even what irritated me. What irritated me is John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler had GREAT runs last year into the beginning of this year and they didn't even wrestle in their match. A JOKE.

The Corre's match was a joke. They essentially took the most dominant faction in WWE and had them destroyed in under 2 mins? Again, really? Not to mention Wade Barrett main evented how many PPVS last year? Kofi is a solid middle carder... Santino is over... Big Show is regarded as a top face and Kane had arguably the best run of his career starting last June all the way through his dominance in Elimination Chamber just over a month ago... this was horrible booking. Huge let down.

Daniel Bryan and Sheamus not even being on the show... come on. This would've been a great opener at least.

Snoop Dogg segment and I'm a Snoop fan was terrible. Pee Wee Herman segment terrible. Even the Rock's opening promo lacked edge. It was childish.

Horribly booked Mania. I paid 60 bucks to enjoy one match. Plus, perhaps they should go back to small venues bc the crowd seemed dead the entire night. All in all a huge disappointment that I was looking forward to all week. I am going to think long and hard about ordering another WWE PPV after this... I ordered 6 PPV's in 2010 and the Royal Rumble to start this year, so of the last 8 I've ordered, this was easily the worst.

That's exactly what I thought of HHH vs Undertaker.

It was so bloody predictable. Finisher, near fall, rest, finisher, near fall, rest, finisher, near fall, rest, finisher, near fall, a couple of weapons, submission, the end.

It really highlighted what I hate about today's WWE product - they think all a match needs is a couple of finishers.

Oh yeah TNA doesn't do that now do they? If I remember correctly the Kurt Angle/Jeff Hardy/Anderson Main Event from their version of Wrestlemania had finisher after finisher.

For anyone who thinks the Crowd was quiet,trust me my friend and I were there and it wasn't quiet at all.
I'll chip in with my thoughts as well though by this point I guess no one is reading.

Edge vs Del Rio: Two things really upset me about this match. Firstly it's place on the card and secondly the time it was given. It seemed a bit rushed to me. The spot where Edge was put in the cross armbreaker was good and the only reason I did not buy it as a finish was that it came a bit too early in the match. Little did I know that the match would be over soon after.

Another thing that I liked was Christian not turning on Edge as so many people had predicted. I think that we will get to see some sort of alliance between Edge and Christian in the coming weeks with Christian winning the IC title and E&C dominating Smackdown. Vince McMahon may not be a peep but I guess he realizes that E&C still work well together.

Also Del Rio just standing there while his car got destroyed was lame.

Rating: ***

Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio: This felt like a Cruiser Weight championship match for some reason. I liked it though. Cody's delayed superplex was good and I am really digging into how Cody's character has evolved. The match could have been more structured though. Again I guess it could have been given more time. The spot where Cody's mask was taken off looked random as hell.

Rating: **3/4

8 Man tag: Meaningless. Why was Kofi even added to this match? Why was Corre buried in this manner? Why am I asking these questions and not moving on?

Rating: DUD

Randy Orton vs CM Punk: This was my match of the night. Good psychology shown here and it was refreshing to see a face sell an injury. Again more time and some feeling out process would have helped this match in my opinion. Also I read somewhere on these forums that Punk should have tried to Punt Orton and Orton should have reversed it into an RKO out of nowhere to finish the match. I agree that that would have been a better finish. I would have also liked to see each guy kick out of the other's finisher at least once. It is actually a feud between two huge stars and it should have been given that feel. Punk's facial expressions throughout the match were great too.

Rating: ***3/4

Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole: This is how I would have booked the match. Lawler comes out first and then stares at Cole while he is coming out ALONE. Swagger enters from the crowd and bashes Lawler a bit. Austin comes out running, has a short exchange with Swagger and ends things in a Stunner. Cole seeing all this tries to run away when all the Divas, whom Cole had insulted at Raw come in to block Cole off. Austin drags Cole to the ring, gives him a Stunner, hands a chair to Lawler and they manhandle Cole and we get a beer bash to finish this off. It would hardly take 7 minutes at the most.

Instead we got Cole getting some offense against a guy who had given the WWE Champion a run for the money a month ago. The payoff for this match was weak and the reversal of the decision was stupid.

Rating: 1/2* Because of Austin really.

Undertaker vs Triple H: Most people think this is an awesome match. I think that the most awesome part about this match were the entrances. Seriously it was way too long, featured too much lying around from the get go and too many finishers were hit. Seriously, there comes a point where it gets unrealistic. The best part of this match was HHH's tombstone which was a great nearfall.

I did not enjoy it very much. It was as formulaic as any match has ever been. Make it 18 minutes, have less finishers and thereby less lying down and you can have the all time classic that most people are making it out to be.

Rating: ***1/4

Six Man Tag: This lasted four minutes. Morrison and Ziggler, two very fine wrestlers and guys whom WWE has invested a lot of time in, got about a minute in the ring. I won't criticize this much as I guess it was what it was supposed to be. Just not my cup of tea.

Rating: *

John Cena vs The Miz: The entrances were great here. I also liked how Miz was booked in this match. I cannot remember the last time a heel kicked out of an FU clean and that really does put Miz over huge. The match itself was decent but a clear notch down from Cena's past WrestleMania performances.

A lot of people have an issue with the ending but I do not have much of a problem. Everyone knew that Rock was going to interfere and the crowd was in fact waiting for that. This is going to get people talking about Rock/ Cena and it gives Miz something to brag about. A victory over John Cena which even HHH, HBK and Batista have not achieved.

Rating: ***
This will go down as one of my favourite Wrestlemanias. Now I know most of the people are probably wondering why Im saying that but it really wasnt that bad. The negatives were only the fact that King/Cole went on too long and Sheamus/Bryan was cut from the card.

But ladies and gentleman a star was born tonight. The Miz is so close to and maybe he already is, a main-eventer. This isn't another Swagger, Sheamus, Mysterio. Miz cannot and will not fade off into obsecurity. He PINNED John Cena, the face of the business, the top superstar, and did something which Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Edge etc failed to do so. And its not like he didn't look as if he stood a chance in there, he owned that main-event and kicked out of the AA and didnt tap out to the STFU. It wasnt a classic but it was the decision WWE needed to take and they did.
Miz pinned Cena? Really? Sorry, I hand't noticed. I was too busy seeing hosts and trainers interfere in matches and go over on folks who will ya know, actually be able to wrestle next week.

Too busy seeing a stupid 'laptop gimmick' which has gone on far too long simply because the creative team can't come up with an idea about how to resolve it.

Evey other night in the WWE, we get the old 'referee's decison is final' line, but suddenly, 'the laptop' can change the rules any way it wants. "Don't worry, the fans are morons, they won't notice!"

And then the host can come down, break 'the laptop' and make whatever matches and rules he wants. Why? He's the host!

And all night the future of the company is either forgotten or outright ignored. And then they'll be blaming the talent for not 'stepping up'. Hard to 'step up' when you're either not on the card or can't get 5 minutes in your own match!

This is what the greatness of Wrestlemania has come to? Seriously?

The 'Showcase of the Immortals'? Pfft. Yeah, sure looked like it last night....

Just a few quick points..

There was no reason to have Edge win last night. I dont why WWE continues to do this. Build build build...then go predictable. They did this with Ziggler. To put Edge over? Then now again with Del Rio?...its getting out of control.

I actually thought the Rhodes win was huge. That Suplex of the the middle rope was superb.

As for the Gimmick matches..ehh. They served well I guess. Austin Stunning Booker T was just stupid. Then Matthews? Is the WWE Announcing getting more exposure then the the wrestlers?...

HHH and Taker was pretty damn good. Spot match. Thats how it will be with Taker from here on out. Thats why when I think they have there "there next big thing" that guy needs to take The Taker out.

AMAZING intros to the Cena/Miz match. People are confused with the Choir..its the south..

And to end...The Rock ruined Wrestlemania. I really doubt the creative said for him to come out like he did. Dwayne being the wrestling god he says he is more than likely wanted it to be like that. The Cena/Miz feud would have stayed strong with a better finish..even with a Rock run-in. To come out..restart the match..Rock Bottom..ehhh...

H O P E F U L L Y this was just a launching pad for the rest of the year.
But ladies and gentleman a star was born tonight. The Miz is so close to and maybe he already is, a main-eventer. This isn't another Swagger, Sheamus, Mysterio. Miz cannot and will not fade off into obsecurity. He PINNED John Cena, the face of the business, the top superstar, and did something which Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Edge etc failed to do so. And its not like he didn't look as if he stood a chance in there, he owned that main-event and kicked out of the AA and didnt tap out to the STFU. It wasnt a classic but it was the decision WWE needed to take and they did.

I agree to a certain extent. It would be more credible if the Miz had beat Cena for the title, rather than just retaining, in order to have that "a new star is born" effect on me, ala Stone Cold at WM 14. And the Miz won this match because of the Rock, so it really took the life out of that match. What was supposed to be Cena/Miz, became Cena/Rock. And the Rock being in the ring at closing just made things worst. Miz should've closed out the show with the belt held up.

To me this WM was terrible. I'm judging this in terms of booking, rather than the actual wrestling/match. Edge/Del Rio should not have started WM and Edge should not have won IMO. Cena, on the other hand, should have won his match, despite the Rock's attempts at screwing him over. What's ironic is that Hogan gave Rock the spotlight at WM18. But yet 9 years later, the Rock comes back as a legend and then took the spotlight from the current superstars. If I had attended WM 27, I would've booed the crap out of him at the end of the show.
H O P E F U L L Y this was just a launching pad for the rest of the year.

Isn't that the saddest part?

Wrestlemania, the 'Super Bowl of wrestling' is now merely a 'launching pad', or a lead-in to RAW and Tough Enough on television the following night.

This company has it's head up its' collective ass and hopefully the negative results from this poorly-booked, poorly-executed mess will be the wake-up call that the company needs.
This WM by far was horrible. Let me explain why:

No title changes happended.

The WHC match was first. What a way to show how prestigeous this belt is. On top of that they pushed Del Rio to the moon as one of the top heels, only to have him lose? Also was expecting Christian to turn heel on Edge didn't happen either.

Michael Cole vs Jerry Lawler was a snooze fest. Why would this match go after Orton vs Punk? Boring didn't care for it and the insult on top of everything else that BS decision of Cole winning.

John Cena vs The Miz is ok at best, the crowd's energy seemed to be gone at that point but my issue is why does the Rock have to steal the show from these 2 guys who every week bust their ass for us love them or hate them. Cena and Miz got buried plain and simple to a guy that has his own agenda, won't be on RAW tonite (or he will via satalite again) and is fake. He tells the fans what they want to hear and the fans drink his kool-aid then he'll disappear again. And Vince shame on you for letting this happen.
OMDayz this years Wrestlemania was by far the worst iv ever seen in my life. Probably the worst PPV iv ever seen ofthe WWE. This PPV had potential to be one of the best Wrestlemania's ever. I just could'nt believe what i was watching. WHC match opens the show! As The Miz would say, REALLY?!... Punk v Orton just sucked completely but the ending to it was gud. I knew the Cole v Lawer match was going to be the same as Vince v Bret Hart from last year so i already prepared myself for the awfullness that was about to come. ReyRey v Rhodes was a great match. 8 man tag match was actually quite good even tho it finished in a blink of an eye. The same with the 6 person tag,was good but should of gone on for longer. Two great talents in Dolph and JoMo who were hardly in the match. Discrace. Honestly there was no point in having these two matches take place. The entrances for the two matches combined took longer than the matches. Miz v Cena was awfull. Awful awful X million. Cena not winning the title made this match not as bad as it seemed. And lastly HHH v Taker. What a match. Possibly better than both Taker's matches V HBK. This and the Rhodes v Rey match saved the entire PPV but if there was ever a chance for me to get my £15 back that i spent on buying this PPV i would for sure try and get it back.

Overall i was disapointed and still am disapointed with this PPV i mean its Wrestlemania, you expect it to be the best PPV of the year, you expect the superstars and divas to give their performance of their lives, let me give you a example, as a die hard Liverpool if we wer playing against a rival or playing in a important match you expect the team to play the best they can and you wouldn't settle for any less because it is a important match and for me it is the same with Wrestlemania. Should of been better.

I bet today's Raw will be way better than the shite i watched yesterday. I wouldn't be suprised if the Wrestlemania PPV buy rates didnt hit the 1 million mark. Vince really needs to sort things out and fast.
And to end...The Rock ruined Wrestlemania. I really doubt the creative said for him to come out like he did. Dwayne being the wrestling god he says he is more than likely wanted it to be like that. The Cena/Miz feud would have stayed strong with a better finish..even with a Rock run-in. To come out..restart the match..Rock Bottom..ehhh...

You DOUBT the creative said for him to come out? If you really think that then you are a completely deluded moron. The whole thing is scripted, that is a known fact, superstars can't just waltz into matches whenever they want to, they do it because it's part of the script. Yes, Wrestlemania 27 was scripted poorly, I think The Rock should of waited until The Miz had beaten Cena on his own before he beat the living shit out of both of them. But to say that Dwayne went off script to interfere in that is absolutely absurd, and by claiming that you have truly made yourself look like a fool.

"Dwayne being the wrestling god he says he is" - did you pull that statement out of your ass? If you can provide a quote from Dwayne Johnson saying he is a wrestling god - baring in mind, he has been in Hollywood for the past 7 years and has not said a word about wrestling, then kudos to you, but good luck with that bud. But honestly, you've made two idiotic statements, I'm starting to get the impression you are an idiot in general.

Your observation and analysis skills must be really poor, or perhaps you're uneducated, but if that's the case you shouldn't be watching wrestling.

Feel free to drop my a private message when you've photo-shopped that quote.
OK, I hate to follow the moral majority here and sound like a follower, but in this case I MUST agree with the majority. This WM was just horrible in every way, and unfortunately I am not surprised. I think WWE has been on a downward spiral since the Benoit tragedy and the ridiculous conversion to a "PG themed show"..
I don't know why, but I have a REALLY serious issue with the Lawler/Cole Match. I really do NOT like how that match ended. Forget the match itself, but how it ended.

They gave this match so much hype. It was arguably the most hyped match heading into the show.

Here's what I would've done. Austin would bring Cole and Lawler to the middle of the ring say, "I want a nice clean fight and to make sure there's no interference...." then he stuns Swagger.

King beats the living crap out of Cole for about 5 minutes. Maybe have Cole get a little offense in, not a lot, just enough to get himself all hyped up only to get knocked down again.

Then having King win in whatever fashion. Then maybe having The Divas come out with belts and whip Cole after calling them boring every week and talking during their matches and maybe have some superstars beat him up too.

We have a few beers, Austin stuns some more people, King shines at WrestleMania and well all leave happy.

Simple, right?

No. They had to drag this match along, have Cole do a little too much on offense and in the end, have Cole Win because of some BS DQ call by the stale Anonymous GM. All that was needed was maybe a 6-7 minute squash, King would have his moment, and this feud would be put to bed. Jeez.

Sorry, I really didn't like how that match went down.
This mania was pretty boring would have been better if they coulda cut five or 10 mins out of the lawler cole they that way the corred(pretty much wade barret) could have had more tiem to shine.

None of the young guys got put over except rhodes which is good for him.

Del rio should have won edge is getting old being champion over and over again.
I dont think Del Rio should have won. I dont think hes ready. However put over yes. The match really didnt do him any favors.

I was really surprised Corre just got flat out buried. I mean, WWE is pushing a youth movement, these guys are your future. Yet got decimated by a bunch of nobodies in 2 minutes. It was really a headscratcher.

I think this WM is an indication that WWE need to hang onto HHH and Undertaker for dear life.

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