[OFFICIAL] Wrestlemania 27 Aftermath and Reviews

- Del Rio buried
Really? Really? Not winning the first ever Wrestlemaina match of his career is equal to being buried?

- Corre buried
What else was expected out of this? 4 faces combined are not gonna lose! And how much time does it take to make Corre the dominant faction it is? 15 minutes in Smackdown and they can be dangerous all over again...

Cody Rhodes is anything but non-deserving. He scored with whatever gimmick he was given and am happy that he got over against Rey Mysterio.

- Boring ass Edge retains the championship
Edge being boring is your perception. I have felt that many times but not always...he needed this win more than anybody...even more than Undertaker...

- Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan canceled
Totally agree

- Randy Orton turning into John Cena
CM Punk should have won...every loss is making CM Punk less and less legitimate.

Not one of the bests. May be not Top 10. But definitely not the worst ever.
Yeah, I cannot fathom what the bookers were thinking heading into this years Wrestlemania. For the better part of a year now, maybe longer, theyve been on a Youth Movement and they completely reversed all the work theyve done in 4 hours.

Youve had Corre rebuild itself from being destroyed and really start to get some momentum again and you had it squashed in 2 minutes by a random group of over the hill wrestlers.

Albert Del Rio, not saying he should have won the match, but geez. You had him win the rumble and he got buried. He wasn't ready, I agree with that sentiment, but you don't just bury the guy.

Morrison/Ziggler + fillers, why this match wasnt a singles match I dont know. But these guys are two future stars, showcase them. Instead Snooki was the focus and the match was a pure "piss break".

Lawler v Cole was an absolute joke as predicted.

I cant believe Mysterio v Rhodes was a standout match. However it was.

Taker v HHH, as predicted, match of the night - when Taker retires, what are WWE going to do? The past ...3 wrestlemanias, have been Taker's show.

I cant believe Sheamus and Danielson was canceled. Danielson is a breakout star for WWE and Shaemus apparently benched HHH for the better part of a year, why on earth are top talents being put in dark matches, that get canceled halfway through so that 2 joke matches can go on.
Yeah, I cannot fathom what the bookers were thinking heading into this years Wrestlemania. For the better part of a year now, maybe longer, theyve been on a Youth Movement and they completely reversed all the work theyve done in 4 hours.

Youve had Corre rebuild itself from being destroyed and really start to get some momentum again and you had it squashed in 2 minutes by a random group of over the hill wrestlers.

Albert Del Rio, not saying he should have won the match, but geez. You had him win the rumble and he got buried. He wasn't ready, I agree with that sentiment, but you don't just bury the guy.

Morrison/Ziggler + fillers, why this match wasnt a singles match I dont know. But these guys are two future stars, showcase them. Instead Snooki was the focus and the match was a pure "piss break".

Lawler v Cole was an absolute joke as predicted.

I cant believe Mysterio v Rhodes was a standout match. However it was.

Taker v HHH, as predicted, match of the night - when Taker retires, what are WWE going to do? The past ...3 wrestlemanias, have been Taker's show.

I cant believe Sheamus and Danielson was canceled. Danielson is a breakout star for WWE and Shaemus apparently benched HHH for the better part of a year, why on earth are top talents being put in dark matches, that get canceled halfway through so that 2 joke matches can go on.

How exactly did ADR get "buried"? Because he lost? I really think that people don't understand the concept of being buried on here and seem to think if a certain wrestler loses, they're "buried." He lost and he will move on to bigger and better things in the coming year. For the time being, he is not ready for the main event; especially at WrestleMania. It was a good match for what it was and Vince obviously shares this sentiment since it was the opening contest.
Having a WH Title as your opening match is not doing the belt any justice.

Buried, the match was average and best and Edge made him look like a joke.
Not one of the bests. May be not Top 10. But definitely not the worst ever.

This one of the worst WrestleMania's I can recall in recent memory. For me, it wasn't the match quality that made this such an awful WM however. The backstage skits seemed like things that should have been on RAW; not on the "showcase of the immortals". Just on wrestling alone, the show was solid but when you throw in the Rock's 15-minute rambling at the beginning of WM, all the backstage stuff and then the Rock turning the end of the ppv into the Rock's show instead of just letting the Miz revel in his victory; it just left a sour taste in my mouth. I'm all for the Rock being back and his initial promo upon his return on RAW was great but it's just been too much Rock. This is WrestleMania; not RockaMania.
I was also really annoyed that Sheamus/DBD was left off of the official card, never mind turned into a lumberjack no-contest turned into a meaningless, throwaway battle royal. We're probably better off having not been subjected to that, but there's no excuse for it to have been booked that way. I was really looking forward to this one, and it sucks that we'll probably get a commercial-laden, watered down version on Raw.

Rather than the above, we got a lot of stuff that could have been shortened or left out. Rock/Austin was a nice bit of fan service, but we didn't need an extended segment with Mae Young to lead up to it. We definitely didn't need Snoop AT ALL, and while I do love Pee Wee, that could have been left out or combined with the Mae Young/Austin bit. I don't mind the comedy segments, but we got too many of them and they went on too long. Beyond that, promos, promos, promos. Lastly, I thought that Rocky's speech at the beginning was fun and entertaining, but went on a few minutes too long, as well.

Cole/Lawler went on WAY too long, from the entrances to getting Cole out of the Cole Mine, to the unexpectedly lengthy period of Cole offense, to the fallout of the match. I get that they probably felt there was too much build for a complete squash, but did we need the extended pre-match stuff, e-mail/reversal, random stunners and half an hour of beer drinking? Not to mention that Austin cursed enough that they censored the majority of everything he said when he was anywhere near a microphone. Austin pissing all over this portion of Mania amounts to Tough Enough promotion, IMO.

The 8 man tag was completely pointless. Consider that they needed to show why Kofi was in and Kozlov was out, and have five entrances, capped off by a match that probably took less time than that, which also had a questionable result from a booking standpoint. Way to bury the dominant faction with 3/4 of the guys holding belts. If they weren't, you'd expect an imminent breakup.

The mixed tag was also useless. Ziggler and Morrison do nothing, Trish wrestles the entire thing and tags in Snooki for what was admittedly an unexpected spot and a pin on arguably the most dominant Diva of the past two years. Clearly the low point of Michelle McCool's career. A waste of time and money for people who genuinely give a shit about the product, all for the sake of a few extra PPV buys and the promotion of Tough Enough.

I could argue that HHH/Taker and the exit could have been shorter, but we'll have to see where they actually go with Taker before I form a fully formed opinion on that. What I can say is that I agree with those who feel like HHH just went out there and dominated without getting his hand raised. Mind you, I'm not a HHH fan and haven't been for a long time, but that comes from his position of nepotism having created his legacy and perceived dominance over wrestling as a whole. This fanned the flames. I get that the point is to show that no matter what you do to Taker at Mania, he still finds a way to win, but it was excessive in its one-sidedness, and was mostly a spot-fest until the end. At least now we can stop hearing people pretend that their previous WM match didn't happen.

All things considered, there should have been time to get the US title match on the card, and if we needed to have other "Mania Moments" for new guys, we could have involved Morrison and Ziggler in their own match, if not having fought the battle that Trish and Michelle did. I get Austin and Trish being there to promote Tough Enough, and I understand the logic of whichever stooge thought Snooki would bring in extra PPV buys, but their presence could have been lessened.

Orton/Punk was great, though Orton going over was BS. Punk deserved this win, and you could even argue that he needed it.

Edge/Del Rio was awesome and a great way to get the crowd into it early, even if that particular match opening was a bit surprising. Regardless, awesome match with lots of drama and an uncertain outcome. It seemed going into it that Del Rio winning was possible and did at several points within the match. Edge going over was the right way to book it, though. Del Rio has gotten a nice build, but he's been around for less than a year and shouldn't get pushed to the moon so early. I doubt this is all for the feud, though.

Miz's entrance was, well, awesome. I thought he held his own in the match and while he's not Bret Hart, he's shown tons of improvement and is certainly better than tons of other guys who have had infinitely more success at the main event level. Going over Cena at Mania, with or without help, was absolutely the right way to go, and it genuinely looked like he was going to do it without The Rock having anything to do with it. We all knew he would, though. As for him, having him cost Cena the match and attack Miz afterward made perfect sense as he gets his revenge on both of them, the payoff between him and Cena is the one he wanted and he also doesn't walk away from it looking like a heel.

Match of the night, IMO, was Rey and Cody. I'm not a tremendous Rey fan, but I was looking forward to Cody having a shot here. I expected it to be decent, but not as good as it turned out to be. They told a good story and had some great spots throughout. I'm somewhat curious about Rey's character direction, especially with Sin Cara coming, as some of his tactics here seemed a bit heel-ish. I'm glad they let Cody walk out the victor here, as it puts him over as a legit upper-mid-card guy and gives him a boost in the coming months.

Bottom line: was there a lot of filler and, well, crap that we had to pay for? Yes. Was some of it underwhelming? Yes, but I wasn't terribly optimistic about a lot of what was on the card. Was there a lot of entertainment and some nice matches that I'd be willing to watch again? Yes. I don't think that there is much else that we could have asked for, aside from trimming off what was more fat than necessary in order to get the US title match on the card, and actually having had Morrison and Ziggler, two of tomorrow's top guys, do something of note in their match. It wasn't perfect, but I had fun watching it, and am glad I did.
Having a WH Title as your opening match is not doing the belt any justice.

Buried, the match was average and best and Edge made him look like a joke.

That's still not being buried. If you want an example of that, remember Chavo vs. Kane a few years back. Now that's how you properly bury somebody.

I agree that match should have been on later and been given more time but I guess they needed that time for more important things like Pee-Wee Herman and Mae Young...
This one of the worst WrestleMania's I can recall in recent memory.
-No comments

For me, it wasn't the match quality that made this such an awful WM however. The backstage skits seemed like things that should have been on RAW; not on the "showcase of the immortals".

Just on wrestling alone, the show was solid but when you throw in the Rock's 15-minute rambling at the beginning of WM, all the backstage stuff and then the Rock turning the end of the ppv into the Rock's show instead of just letting the Miz revel in his victory; it just left a sour taste in my mouth.
-Totally agree. I think The Rock giving Rock bottom to John Cena and costing him the match should have been kept there. There was no need to go after Miz. Miz got the win but not the high moment that he needed. Considering the fact that the Rock will be entering into a feud with John Cena and not with The Miz, this shouldn't have happened. However, there is a possibility that The Rock might go for the WWE title, if that happens, it will be ratified but if that doesn't happen, this match will be called a poor finish always. The Rock promo in the beginning was stupid and lengthy, could have avoided that since anyway he was present in the back stage segments.

I'm all for the Rock being back and his initial promo upon his return on RAW was great but it's just been too much Rock. This is WrestleMania; not RockaMania.
- but the guy was Guest Host!!! I would not like to see anyone and I mean anyone in the capacity of Guest Host at the grandest stage of them all ever again. Not Stonecold, not JR, not Hulk, not HBK, not even God.

And what is wrong with this message board? Why doesn't it allow me to post this reply?
And what is wrong with this message board? Why doesn't it allow me to post this reply?

If guest host just equates to more and more backstage skits and less wrestling, there should never be a guest host again even if it is the great one. Over the years, the wrestling portion has been pushed further and further away because, for some reason, Vince thinks wrestling is a dirty word. It wouldn't surprise me if Vince is trying to conjure up a way to change the name of WrestleMania because, it seems, WM is the last semblance of wrestling left in WWE. I'm not a sports entertainment fan. I'm a wrestling fan! I don't like watching in-ring performers perform. I like watching wrestlers wrestle!

I don't know about the quote function messing up for you. It seems to work fine for me.
The Rock's Opening Promo It's classic Rocky! He just continued to show why he is one of if not the greatest mic workers in history!! I give it a 9 out of 10

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Edge vs Alberto Del Rio

My sister & I was like WHAT THE HELL the world title match is 1st what are they smoking in the back. I knew Del Rio was gonna lose when Cole or Josh had mention that Edge always lose title defences at Mania. I was like damn why did they say that now I know he not gon lose & Edge didn't which was kinda a disappointment for me cause unlike a lot of the new talent I think Del Rio can handle being champion. I didn't like after the match E&C messed up Del Rio's car IMO that time could have been used for there match. Like what was the point of messing up his car when you just beat him for the belt & what was the point of Christian being out there cause he really didn't do anything. Good Match could have been way better 7.5 out of 10

Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes

Now this match was everything I expected it to be. Nice job by both men & I'm happy Cody won he needed the win more then Mysterio. My only complaints about this match is that I didn't like the fact that Cody's mask was taken off & it could have been longer. Really good match as I expected & w/the ending I was hoping for 7.5 out of 10

Snoop Dogg Backstage

This part was not needed but it was funny. 6 out of 10 cause this time could have been used for one of the matches

Big Show/Kane/Santino Marella/Kofi Kingston vs. The Corre

I KNEW IT........WHY!!! I was very disappointed in this match & didn't see what was the point of this at all. 0 out of 10

The Rock Backstage The jokes on Mae Young was funny but the best part was.....STONE COLD!!!!! Man I mark out for this moment!!! I really would have liked to see them mix it up w/each other more just because Austin/Rock together doing anything is money IMO. 10 out of 10 just for nostalgia reasons.

CM Punk vs. Randy Orton

This was a good match but why did they have Randy win. I was really looking forward to Punk coming out on top & it really sucked that this match got shortened. It's sad that WWE is starting to take Randy down the same path as Cena. 7.5 out of 10

Jerry "The King" Lawler vs. Michael Cole

This match was way to long & whats really funny is how Cole was kinda telling the truth? His match was one of the Main Events. Booker T. & Josh Matthews getting stunnered seem really wrong to me. The bookers of this match really fucked this one up!!!
4 out of 10 sadly not even StoneCold could save this one.

No Holds Barred Match
Undertaker vs. Triple H

This match right here was Pretty Damn Good! It definitely was match of the night. I had high hopes for this match unlike everyone else, & the only problems w/this match I had was the fact that HHH controlled most of it, there was some slow parts that I thought could have been used for offense for Taker & the fact that HHH taped out. After all that shit he talked about he would die tryn I was sure that he would pass out instead. Not sure what the deal is w/the booking of tonight's PPV but they had been dropping the ball all night. 8.5 out of 10 I couldn't really tell if Taker was hurt foreal are not I hope he is okay cause he took a serious beat down in that match & seeing how he wasn't 100% going in. I almost don't see how he can make it to 20 & 0.

John Morrison/Trish Stratus/Snooki vs. Dolph Ziggler/Michelle McCool/Layla

I was really starting to get into it cause of Trish & Michelle's good wrestling. Kinda forgot that there are still some divas that can put on a good show but like all the other matches on this card it got cut short & it was placed bad on the card also should have been one of the opening matches. On the plus side it was nice to see that Snooki could actually do a little something something. 4 out of 10 W/all the talent they had in there this could have been a really good match but the bookers was smoking that Snoop Dogg so what can you do.

WWE Title Match
The Miz vs. John Cena

As soon as this match started I was upset, Miz already looks like a weak champion then they have him come out 1st WHY!!! Anyways I have to give it to both men they both came out to some epic entrances to bad there match wasn't epic! Come on why did they book the match like this. All they had to do was have Cena & Miz have this epic battle Miz wins & then Rock comes out & whoops Cena ass. Why could they not do it like that. They just couldn't let Miz win cleanly over Hogan 2.0 & it was so predictable what was gon happen once the match ended in a countout! JR and the King on commentary really didn't make the match no better. Nothing about this match seemed epic besides there entrances. 5 out of 10 I was really disappointed in the booking of this match!! It could have really been something great but it wasn't Cena still doesn't have a Mania moment, & Miz still seems & looks like a week paper champion! Sure The Rock being apart of the match was kool but it was all wrong how it played out in the end.

Overall not the worst Mania but for Damn sure wasn't the best. 6.5 -7 out of 10 Just really can't believe how they misused Rock & Austin at this view. When are we going to get a Mania that is as good as 17 & 19 again.
Why the fuck did Cole even have an offense in his match? We all know King was going to win, so a squash match would've been fine. They'll definately need Lawler to follow up on this whole DQ thing, wouldn't make sense if he acted fine and let it go.

I personally was going to use the Bryan - Sheamus match as a 10 minute break to cook some pies or something, so I could care less that it wasn't on the card. Funny thing is that me and my mate didn't realise it was cut until we saw the WWE title match up next and said WTF, then checked wwe.com to find out it wasn't on the card anymore. Woops :p

1. Edge(c) v Rio 7.5/10
Thought it was a great match, each guy had their moments of good moves and counters. Solid match with the guys on the outside not interfering too much. The ending was a bit silly I thought, a spear from nowhere with not much run up, didn't think it was enough to be a proper heavyweight title match win. Thought Edge retaining was the right way to go, Del Rio will have his moment. Build him up a bit more then give him the belt.. but not at mania.

2. ReyRey vs Cody 7/10
Solid match, thought it was a bit silly when Mysterio started headbutting Rhodes with the knee brace on his face. Looked ridiculous and a kick to the head probably would've been better, though the whole feud is based on that knee brace so uh.. I guess that's way to implement it into the match. When the ref turned his back you knew the match was Cody's. Simply heel win, hopefully will get a push out of it.

3. Orton vs Punk 7.5/10
Personally I think it's an insult to Punk not to win with Orton on 1 leg. As a fan I would expect these 2 guys to give one of the closest matches I could think of. Either could win it, but I mean, Orton had one busted leg, so really Punk should've won it. It's not like there was one moment where he made a fatal mistake causing him to lose, they're creating almost a SuperOrton. Let's not go down this road again.. Otherwise, was a good back and forth match, didn't mind too much who won as I'm quite a big fan of both.

4. 8-man TAG MATCH 2/10 Not even long enough to make a cup of tea in. I mean shit, Barrett, Zeek, Gabriel, WASTED. I couldn't give a crap that Kofi was there, it was such a terrible moment of this year's Wrestlemania. NO 8-MAN TAG MATCH SHOULD LAST LESS THAN 5 MINUTES.. AT LEAST. The only reason I gave this a 2 is because Slater sold the punch reeeally well and it looked like he had his lights knocked out.

5. Lawler vs Cole [6/10]
Why did this match take as long as it did? If they scrapped the offense that Cole had and gave that time to the Corre I'd be happy. Pretty sure everyone just wanted to see a squash match and for Cole to get his ass whooped. Everybody knew that Lawler was going to win so why even give precious air time to pointless crap. Thought it was great to see Cole get bashed inside the Cole Mine, and thought the Austin stunning Swagger moment was great. Me and my mate couldn't stop laughing when Booker said "Naw I gotta get in on this!" and could hear his headset being put down. Really funny segment, doing to spinaroony and having a good time in the ring. Didn't expect the stunner, great touch :)

6. Taker vs Hunter 9/10
A surprisingly good match. I didn't think that Triple H could compare to both HBK's matches, but hell I really think he was on par. I was pretty certain Taker would win, but shit, I got a bit scared when Trips did the tombstone because I actually thought that was it, the streak was over. Great use of the Cole Mine, being destroyed early on, and the announce table with Taker being wrecked with a spinebuster through it. I take my hat off to both guys for putting on an exceptional performance, and really got me off my seat and fearing for the streak.

7. Trish, Snooki, JoMo vs Laycool and Ziggy [6/10]
Highlights were Morrison doing the starship pain to the outside and landing it perfection on Ziggler, and Snooki doing that backwards handstand move to the turnbuckle. The finish was ******ed. Athletic sure, but she did a handstand over her and did like a half splash that looked like a hug. Oh well, TMZ will eat that up om nom nom..

8. Miz(c) vs Cena (8.5/10)
I don't know about you, but I LOVED this match. Miz showed that he can hold his own against Cena, and I don't think that Rock's presence was necessary for him to retain, excluding them getting counted out. He put on a great wrestling match, and both Cena and Miz had superb video packages and entrances, mainly the Miz. I really need a copy of that.. Anyway it was an exciting match, and Miz getting the ropes and kicking out of the FU really stepped him up a notch in my book. Him winning by crawling on Cena after the Rock Bottom was horrible way to end the mainevent at Wrestlemania. Even though I can understand the intentions of this, it'd be better if Cena kicked out then get hit with the finale and then pinned.

Rock sort of stole the show with the ending when he really didn't have to. He could've let Miz have him moment instead of beating him down, or just doing the whole thing a different way.
In conclusion, was it the worst Wrestlemania? Possibly.
Was it a bad Wrestlemania? Definately not.

My friend and I went to Hooter's to watch WM. We didn't arrive until 7:00, and the place was already packed. Every seat was taken, and a lot of people, including my friend and I, had to wait by the entrance for quite awhile. I had joked beforehand that we'd get there late and end up missing the Edge/Del Rio match. Of course, I didn't actually think that particular match would open the PPV. I assumed the opening match would be Sheamus/Bryan or Rhodes/Mysterio--- two matches that should've/would've been very entertaining, with lots of back and forth action providing a great kickstart to the show.

IMO, it makes the World Heavyweight Championship seem weak and unimportant when it's the very first match of the night, and especially when it comes before such filler like Snooki and the 8-man tag match. Edge/Del Rio should've taken place much later in the show. It was supposed to be the second or third biggest match of the night, and instead the WWE makes it seem like an afterthought by throwing it out there before audiences even have a chance to get settled. If you're watching the PPV at a friend's house or a public place, chances are you're still preoccupied with finding a comfortable seat or ordering a drink or a bite to eat. By the time you're ready, you've already missed one of the most important matches of the night.

The WWE has been pushing Del Rio very hard for the last several months. And I think pretty much everyone expected him to fulfill his "destiny" at WM. Perhaps that's why the WWE decided to throw a curveball and have Edge retain instead, just to make the WWE seem less predictable. Regardless, Edge retaining the title makes zero sense. He has nothing to gain. Del Rio does. Instead, the push that Del Rio received over the last few months feels like a waste of time. All that momentum evaporated the instant he was pinned. Even if Del Rio goes on to win the belt at the very next PPV, it won't have anywhere near the same impact. Instead of coming across as the next big thing, Del Rio will probably fall back to the midcard for the next few months. Such a wasted opportunity ...

The WWE had done a terrible job of building the feud between Del Rio and Edge anyway. Going into WM, Christian and Del Rio actually had the better feud, imo. I thought maybe at WM we'd have a scenario where Christian "accidentally" hit Edge with the belt or a chair while aiming at Brodus Clay, costing Edge the title. That could've set up a triple threat at the next PPV, and the seeds for an Edge/Christian feud would be set. But no, the WWE dropped the ball yet again, just like they've done with Barrett and Sheamus and Ziggler and other wrestlers they've had a chance to elevate.

The match between Edge and Del Rio wasn't even all that great, and it was way too short. But I've spent enough time bitching about it, so I'll move on . . .

Overall, I'd grade WM a tentative 'C'. If this was Survivor Series or something it woud've been a solid PPV. But this is Wrestlemania, the Superbowl of wrestling. This is supposed to be the biggest and best PPV of the year. So, in that regard, it was very average, very lackluster, very disappointing.

HHH/Taker was the best match of the night, and by quite a large margin. I wasn't even looking forward to it until last Monday night, when Shawn Michaels got involved and I actually started to wonder if maybe, just maybe, the Deadman's streak would come to an end. I was so worried that the match would end up bombing. Both guys have been out of the ring for quite some time; both guys are coming off major injuries; both guys are past their prime. Yet, once again, the Undertaker outdoes the younger wrestlers by stealing the show and proving all the doubters wrong. The match wasn't as good as the Taker/HBK encounters, but it came surprisingly close. Incredibly physical, great psychology, fantastic bumps . . .

The crowd at Hooter's was very into the HHH/Taker match, more than they were any of the other matches. A lot of people there, myself included, thought HHH was going to pull off the impossible when he hit the tombstone. It's unfortunate that Taker's submission move was kind of botched. He never had it properly applied. Basically, he was just holding HHH's head against his crotch. I think the most appropriate finish would've been for HHH to pass out instead of tapping, driving home his point that he would end the streak or "die trying." I was also hoping HHH would grab ahold of the sledgehammer and break out of the hold, just so we could get a few more minutes of fantastic wrestling.

Perhaps I missed it, but I don't recall Undertaker doing his signature rise-from-the-dead pose a single time during the entire match. When he was lying outside the ring after the bout was over, I kept expecting him to rise up. You know the audience would've popped like crazy if he did. Instead, they emphasized how it took everything Taker had inside him to pull off the victory, continuing the great storytelling even after the bell. I also think HHH's entrance was one of the coolest we've seen in a long, long time. Very badass.

I was really looking forward to Bryan/Sheamus for the U.S. Title. They had a pretty good match on RAW a couple of weeks ago, and I thought they had a real chance of stealing the show tonight. Very disappointing that the WWE removed it from the card. Rhodes/Mysterio had a good match, although not quite as good as some people on here are claiming.

The 8-man tag-match was completely pointless. Why squash your IC and Tag-Team Champions? Don't you want them to look formidable? Don't you want people to take them seriously as champs? Apparently not. Corre was buried deep beneath the ground tonight.

Snooki actually impressed me with a couple of her moves. She looked better in the ring than some of the current WWE Divas (of course, that's not saying much). Still, I hate that two of the company's brightest young stars--- Ziggler and Morrison--- were tossed into a stupid publicity match. That might be my biggest complaint about this year's WM: so much great talent was either left off the card or thrown into meaningless matches that did nothing but waste time. I missed having a MITB match. Those matches always provide a great opportunity for guys like Kofi and McIntyre to leave their mark on the PPV. And since the MITB winner always goes on to win the belt at a later point, the match can be viewed as sort of a lottery version of a World Heavyweight/WWE Championship match.

Orton/CM Punk was a good match, albeit forgettable. The DirecTV in the restaurant screwed up during the Lawler/King match, so I can't really comment much on it.

As for the main event, I was ecstatic that Miz retained. I loved the video before his entrance. As for Cena's entrance, well, that just went on for way too long and was annoying as shit. Unfortunately the crowd was dead for most of the match. I wish Miz/Cena had been given more time. It started off really well, but it was one of those slow-burners that needed at least 10-15 more minutes to truly have an impact. Just as the crowd was starting to show some life, and both wrestlers seemed to be hitting a groove, we get the Double-DQ. The WWE does a lot of dumb things, but they're not TNA/WCW dumb, so I knew the match wasn't truly over. The Rock still had to exact his revenge. My brain was firing off all kinds of possibilities. When the Rock was reading from the laptop, I thought, how awesome would it be if he reveals himself as the RAW GM? Highly, highly, highly unlikely, but you never know . . . I also wondered if Rock would insert himself into the match, or if he'd name himself as the special guest referee.

Of course, none of those things happened, and the ending to WM fell flat, imo. I was surprised and disappointed when Cena didn't kick out after the Rock Bottom. I wanted at least five more minutes of wrestling. Miz could've hit his finisher a little later to retain, and the Rock still would've been blamed for Cena's loss, making the overall match a bit more satisfying. I was also hoping Miz would reverse the Rock Bottom and lay the Rock out instead. How AWESOME would it have been to end the show with Miz holding the WWE Championship high in the air while standing over an unconscious Rock?

I was also disappointed with The Rock's "hosting." His encounter with Austin was a fun mark-out moment, but I would've liked to see the the Rock interact with some of the younger talent backstage, especially since many of them were left off the card. Instead, we get Mae Young.
First of all let me tell you I'm glad I paid nothing to watch this PPV because I would've been devastated to have paid about 60 bucks watching last night's event.

I stayed up waiting for the Sheamus vs Bryan match and was very disappointed that the WWE decided to put the match as a dark match prior to the event, I believed that this was going to be the showstealer and WWE decided to cut it infavour of doing silly boring comedy skits and giving that talentless boring midget Snooki more air time.

The last time I checked, the Royal Rumble winner is supposed to be in the mainevent of WrestleMania and not the opener, to have your opener as the WHC hurt the title's image more than anything, especially when matches like SnookiMania and Cole vs Lawler were considered mainevent matches.

Edge vs Del Rio was a good opener though and got the crowd bumped for the night, I think that heading into this match I expected a Del Rio win and a Christian heel turn, they teased both but never did any, my disappointment isn't to the fact that Del Rio but the fact that I hardly remember him getting any advantage over Edge or Christian in the buildup, he lost every match whenever he faced those two and I think he should've gained some wins down the line in the buildup.But I think the WWE did the right decision not awarding him the title as he seems too green in the ring to me, someone must've watched his match against Kofi on Elimination Chamber and decided this guy needed more time to establish himself in the ring, the ending leaves the door open for this feud to continue which is a good thing now that I'm sure Christian will also be involved.

The Rey vs Cody match was IMO the best of the night, entering into WM, I didn't think these two were going to have a match as good as they had, they told a good story inside the match, some good spots inside the match and the finish was excuted nicely and gave Cody more heat, gotta give it to Cody, his executing of his gimmick so far has been nothing short of amazing and Rey takes credit for putting Cody over.

The 8 man tag match was a DUD at best, note to WWE: When you build a faction so hard and have them hold 3 titles, you don't make them job cleanly to a group of misfits in the space of 90 seconds, the way I see it is that this should've been an elimination tag with Santino eliminated early and then Kofi eliminated by cheating of the Corre, if WWE wanted Kane & Show to win then they should've made the Corre lose due to rooky mistakes, the Corre could've lost and still came out a lot stronger but the way they booked the match they made them looked like some kind of overhyped bullies.

Punk vs Orton was solid as expected, felt Punk needed to go over and win here more than Orton, I liked the RKO but it seemed that it took like forever for Punk to attack Randy, this needed some 5 minutes more IMO.

Lawler vs Cole dragged for too long, there was no reason to give King a wrestlemania moment if Austin was gonna steal and the decision was gonna be reversed anyway, pointless stunners that followed wasted more time as well that could've been used to give Sheamus & Bryan some ringtime.DUD.

HHH vs Taker started strongly but ended badly, if a wrestler hits 1000 finishers and the opponent kicks out, this makes the move weakened and it loses its credibility, I expected the Undertaker to make some kind of comeback or even an involvement from HBK in it but the end was weak and didn't look good since HHH had the hammer in his hand before tapping, why didn't he hit Taker with it and break the move???

Snooki's team vs Vicki's team, well I won't comment on that, other than saying Morrison & Ziggler did nothing and Michelle shouldn't be tossed like that to a non wrestler midget.

Cena vs Miz, was awful, crowd was dead, match was too slow for me, JR & King weren't as interesting in the announcer's booth as they should be, the ending made sense since they seem to be going with Rock vs Miz at Summerslam and Rock vs Cena at WM28 but it made Miz look weak as a champion and not to mention it took ages for the entrances of both men to finish especially Cena's which was a very boring one.

Overall rating- 4/10
i reall liked the ending of the triple h undertaker match but my main point is about the main event and the rock. for me they should of used the rock a lot more than what they did maybe he could of done somthing backstage with shawn michaels. when the main event was about to begin and they rang the bell to start the match i looked at the clock and there was only 25 minutes left of the programme for me that was disappointing at the end you knew they had to hurry it up maybe if they had more time rock would of done more. (just befroe they event started i was thinking that monday night raw might actually be more important to hear what the rock is gonna do next)
yes to be honest it does suck how they closed out the show with the rock and not letting mis revel in his victory and we all know we are Not gonna see Rock after this again until around Royal Rumble
The best matches on the card for me was rey vs cody, Edge vs ADR, and Punk/Orton. All really athletic contests with only one of my picks going over in cody. Rhodes stepped up as well as Punk proving himself as the new standard. He really should have beaten orton.

Biggest disappointment for me: Triple H/Taker. I may be in the minority but i want the streak to die. Please surprise me at WM and do that. Especially after watching that one sided fight tonight. After eating pedigrees, chairshots, and a tombstone to win with that horrid mouth fucking submission. :banghead:

I fail to see how anyone saw such an amazing contest when HHH pretty much carried it straight through. Im not even a HHH fan. Seriously i wouldve been fine with 18-1 if taker can barely do it anymore.
This years Wrestlemania, while not great, definitely delivered more than it should've. Edge vs Rio was a fairly solid but Christ it needed moe time to be satisfying. Taker vs HHH was absolutely incredible, one of the best matches of the year by a long shot. The main event was a bit shit since the sequences were too slow for the amount of time they were given. I'm sure Cena would have dragged out a better match if he was given ample time. The show itself is teetering on average as a whole card but the Taker HHH contest propels to a mild reccomendation. I had fun, but it was not nearly as good as last years WM.
The Rock opening segment He was the host of Wrestlemania so it made sense that he came out at the beginning. He got the crowed warmed up for the evening, and done what he usually does, even though the crowd was dead. Sadly I feel this lasted too long, he took ages to get into the ring and his rambling on did just go on for too long. I would of rather have seen Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan in that 15minutes. But as I said, The Rock was the host so made sense he opened the show. 7/10

Edge (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
At first I thought it was a good idea that the first match was a big one, considering the card was pretty pants, this would of pumped the crowd up. Sadly though, this match was nothing more than a main event match on Friday Night Smackdown. In general it was an entertaining match, but the fact that WWE had built Del Rio up all those months, just for him to get beat so easily was disappointing. I think Christian and Brodus Clay were wasted and pointless being at ringside, would of made more sense putting them into a single match against each other. I also feel that this match didn't do the WHC any favours, and I feel it deserved an extra 6-7minutes for Del Rio to show off more. 6.5/10

Rey Mysterio vs Cody Rhodes
This was one of the better match ups of the evening. With it being a mid-card grudge match I thought the build up was pretty good, so I was looking forward to this match as well. Both competitors put on a good show, definitely outshined the Edge/ADR match. Cody Rhodes continues to impress me, only 25 years old and he's becoming one of the most watchable heels in the company at present. The outcome of the match was unexpected, I predicted Mysterio to win at the beginning, but I'm really glad Rhodes got the win because I think it will give him a big push beating a well-established superstar like Mysterio. 8/10

The Corre vs Kane, Big Show, Kofi and Santino Marrella
I had a strong feeling this match was going to be a complete waste of time, and I was right. I think the likes of Wade Barret deserves more than 3 minute battering on his Wrestlemania debut. He has impressed me since the day he started at WWE, and I felt he was hard done by. Would of much preferred him to have defend his Intercontinental title against Kofi. All in all, a waste of time, this should of been the time I went on a biscuit break, but unfortunately I decided to see how this would pan out. 3/10

Randy Orton vs CM Punk
This was another match I really enjoyed, the 3rd best of the night in my opinion. I was disappointed with the fact Orton won because CM Punk has had a lot of losses recently, and let's not forget he lost at last years Wrestlemania - in about 6 minutes against Rey Mysterio. Atleast he got a good amount of action and time in this match though, and his high-flying acrobatics were impressive and his intelligence played a part in most of the match, which is why I find him an interesting wrestler to watch. Randy Orton won with an mid-air RKO which I thought was a good way to end the match. This was a real grudge match and you could see the intensity in both of them, very entertaining match, with clinical timing and excellent execution. 8.5/10

Michael Cole vs Jerry Lawler with SCSA Sp. Guest Ref.
No wonder WWE have decided to rid of 'Wrestling' in their name, because this match was an embarrassment to the whole sport. Michael Cole has been an annoying rat for ages now, and I was really hoping to see Lawler just annihilate him from the bell, but it too so long for Lawler to win. Not even Stone Cold could of saved this match, he typically connected with the crowd via a stunner on Jack Swagger, Booker T and Josh Matthews, but I feel it dragged on so much it became very very boring. There was no real wrestling in it all, it was pretty lame. Only positive thing I can say about it was that Stone Cold was in the ring. 4/10

HHH vs The Undertaker
I can honestly say this one of my favourite Wrestlemania matches, of all time, and this match was the reason this whole event wasn't a disaster. Both of these guys put 110% into this, and made it a brutal battle. It begun with no fluffing about, they both collided from the sound of the bell. It was an unmerciful war between these two men throughout the whole match, the Undertaker kicked out of 3 pedigrees and a tombstone! I've never seen him so beaten up before, but he won the match by making HHH tap out with Hell's Gate. I'm really interested to see the aftermath of this, I'm glad Undertaker's now 19-0, but hope HHH doesn't decide to retire. 10/10

Snooki, Trish Stratus & John Morrison vs Dolph Ziggler & LayCool
Another rather short tag team match, although it lasted longer than the Corre one. I was hoping John Morrison and Dolph Ziggler would lead the match, but they both go minimal action. The dwarf, also known as Snooki could the very much predictable pinfall win on Michelle McCool. The only positive thing to report on this match was John Morrison's faultless Starship Pain, I feel bad that he had to experience a ridiculous match and storyline at Wrestlemania, he deserves better. 3.5

The Miz (c) vs John Cena
Possibly the worst main event, match-wise, I've ever seen at Wrestlemania. Both of these guys were dreadful in the ring, Cena looked like he was on another planet, the crowd had no interest at all, and to top it all of the match ended by a count-out. The crowd were only interested in seeing what The Rock was going to do, because we all knew he was going to close the show. In a way I'm kind of annoyed that they built The Rock up so much for Wrestlemania, I mean I love the guy and I'm glad he returned to Wrestlemania, but he was the guest host. For the guest host to get all the acknowledgement at Wrestlemania isn't fair IMO. If the Miz/Cena match had been built up better I think it could of been a satisfactory main event. The Rock came out, electrified the crowd a bit more, and then called the match back on and made it No DQ. He then hit the Rock Bottom on John Cena for retribution and The Miz pinned Cena to retain his title. The Rock then came in and People's Elbowed The Miz. I didn't know what to feel at the time of this, I was glad The Rock had got his revenge on fuck'tard Cena, but I felt he should of waited for the match to end properly first before stealing the show. But hey, it's all scripted, The Rock done what he was told and was a great guest host. The actual match I give 5/10 the Rock in general as a guest host and his involvement in that match I give 8/10

Overall, this Wrestlemania was not bad, it was not great either. It was worth the money I paid to watch it, and I did enjoy it. However, it won't go down in the history books. 7/10
Wow, I guess dissapointing is the best way to describe that show, it certainly the worst Mania ever but it wasn't particularly good either.

Edge/Del Rio was good for what it was I guess but come on, the World Title match now only opens the fucking show but it's only given 11 minutes? Who did Del Rio piss off to deserve that, your telling me that the post match segment or the Snoop Dog segment couldn't have been cut to give this 5 more minutes?

Rhodes/Rey was perfect for what it was; a mid card match with good build up. Rey put Rhodes over huge, the right man won and we got some good wrestling out of it not much more you can ask for. Match of the night for me.

8 man tag was a fucking waste; shit like this makes it to the card but DBD/Sheamus is booted off? Cut this match, cut the Snoop Dog segment and give Sheamus and Bryan 6-8 minutes instead.I mean, it is hardly like they even ran out of time, they ran 10 mins undertime as a matter of fact so if you cut this and the Snoop segment you can afford to give them 10-15 if you really want. How hard is that?

Punk/Orton was decent. Good leg work throughout the match from Punk and a sweet looking ending, although it probably would have been better if we hadn't seen the same exact move on about three seperate occasions on Raw. Good stuff overall though.

Lawler/Cole was theoretically unfuckupable with the wayit was built. Cole is the biggest douche in the world runs his mouth at Lawler, costs him titles insults his family, on the other hand Lawler has had a long HOF carreer and this is his first match at Mania, the stage is set for Cole to get his ass handed to him and for Lawler to get a feel good win. Here is how it should have gone; Cole comes out runing his mouth one last time, Lawler destroys him for 8-10 or so minutes with Cole maybe getting some sporadic offense, Lawler pins him clean off a piledriver, Stone Cold stuns him post match, maybe a few guys from the locker room come out to hit finishers on Cole (Khali, Henry, Yoshi etc.) Cole leaves humliliated and defeated, Lawler celebrates and everyone is happy. HOW FUCKING HARD IS THAT? The fact they managed to fuck that one up is unbelievable. I get that they wanted to continue the feud but t.hat is just unaccepteble

HHH/Taker was good but I can see this one being overated to hell and back. It wasn't really that good, it was literally big spot, rest, repeat that formula for 30 mins that is the whole match. Sure those big spots were pretty good but when about 1/3 of the match is just lying around you have a problem. HHH hitting three pedigrees in a row was fucking stupid too, near falls ccan be great when both sides have an equal chance at winning but in a match where the winner is as clear cut as it gets it is idiotic. HHH making Taker look weak as shit and dominating 75% of the match doesn't particularly help either. Good match but far from the classic it will undoubtedly be made out to be.

6 man was decent filler, JoMo's starhips pain to the outside was pretty impressive and Snooki’s handspring elbow was pretty cool. Okay for filler but is this really better than having the US title defended?

Main Event was pretty good but the ending was completely idiotic. Wrestlemania main events do not end on count outs fucking period. The smark crowd booing Cena didn’t exaclty help things either. Good while it lasted but just a completly idiotic ending, Wrestlemania main events are not used to set up future angles, end of fucking story. If this doesn’t set up an amazlingly epic MOTY Summerslam main event of Rock vs Cena then I (and im sue many others) wil be pissed.

So pretty good from an in ring perspective but the booking for this show was just odd. World Title match going on first and only getting 11 minutes? DBD/Sheamus axed from the show all together? Main Event ending in a double count out only to be restarted and have a screwy ending? And the biggest fuck up of all, Michael fucking Cole winning? I am just not sure what they were thinking with this one. When the highlight of the night is probably the Austin/Rock segment then something is wrong.
You call this a Wrestlemania?

This trainwreck lived down to every worry I had for it going in.

An entire year to plan this thing and this is what we get?

Angles that nobody sees set-up at Fan Axxess the day before?


Actually good matches taken off the card so we can get Snoop Dogg skits?

Are you kidding me?

Opening with a life-draining 15-minute Rock promo? (and I love The Rock!)

Disappointing to see that Vince still has no trust and no respect for his young talent.

Other than Cody Rhodes, every one of them spent the night getting abused.

Sheamus and Danial Bryan don't even get their match! (No doubt they'll think they're making it up to us by putting them on RAW tonight. Newsflash guys, the damage is done)

The Royal Rumble winner is the curtain jerker, getting beaten and humiliated in a match he should have won? And then you waste all that showtime and money destroying a car. Who cares?

The Corre match was a joke. The entrances took longer than the match. Why bother? To bury your young talent even further I guess...

Punk/Orton was about the best match of the night, but that should be expected from two talents in the ring together.

Too bad HHH ran out of furniture to break in that excuse for a 'wrestling match'.

Ziggler and Morrison, two of the best young in-ring talents get 0 match time, which ends up a showcase for the Jersey Troll to do a cartwheel for the highspot. (But kudos for the little pig being able to do it!)

And has there seriously been a deader main event in WWE history?

If a belt is defended in the ring, but nobody cares, is it still a Championship?
I felt very underwelmed after watching WM27. Then again, I felt the same after WM25 and WM26. It wasn't a bad Wrestlemania, it just didnt feel like Wrestlemania.

There was a lack of video montages to accompany the matches, it was far too predictable and some of the matches were just too short. How pissed must Bryan, Sheamus, Morrison, Ziggler, Kane, Show, Corre and the Divas feel?

Going into the event, it was very rushed and it seemed like WWE hadnt done enough forward planning. They were cutting corners to make the 4 hours. Bad planning.

The positives were I liked the WHW Title opening the show. Taker/Triple H was brutal, Rock costing Cena was entertaining and that was it really. Other than that, the stars of the night was the WWE Production team. What a set that was!

Cole/Lawler was just awful. Much worse than McMahon/Hart last year. The Snooki match was a joke as was The Corre match.

WWE really need to start building towards WM28 NOW!!! Its being a bad year for WWE PPV's so far...Rumble was also underwhelming. The elemant of surprise has gone...
In my opinion it's like they let people win matches even though it didn't make sense. Wrestlemania is a face show I get that,

But the heels needed it. They REALLY REALLY needed it, Del Rio, The Corre etc

The only heel that didn't was Cole, he should NEVER have wrestled as long as he did.
Incredibly underwhelming show & whilst I was never bored *apart from Jerry Lawler Vs Cole* with BS ending NONE of the matches felt like they were done right, except for Rhoses & Mysterio which was very good entertaining match.

Alberto Del Rio Vs Edge **
The stuff in the ring was decent and by the end the pace ensured that I never knew who was going to pick up the win... however it was far too short and since when did winning the Rumble mean you opened Mania as opposed to headlining it? Stupid

Cody Rhodes Vs Rey Mysterio ***1/2
Very good match with good story telling, these guys really delivered especially Rhodes.. almost everything he did looked really crisp and he offered variety. I don't like Mysterio that much but he too put in a good showing and helped develop the story along with Rhodes.

8 Man Tag - DUD
What did this achieve but bury a good chunk of the young Smackdown roster?

Randy Orton Vs CM Punk ***1/2
Again good story telling and CM Punks expressions MADE this match, this guy can do in ring psychology like no other in the WWE at the moment. But again the ending felt a bit rushed... the match never left me satisfied.

Michael Cole Vs Jerry Lawler 1/2*
The only reason this isn't a DUD is because the were some elements of it which where really entertaining, suchas Michael Cole in the Cole mine.... and Coles outfit and uhmmmm... the ending was bullshit & this SHOULD of been the blow off between these 2 but instead we are going to get more.

HHH Vs The Undertake ***3/4
Brutal match, as brutal as any match I have seen in the PG era... if this had blood in it you would of confused it for an Attitude era match. The only problems here where that the victory didn't seem convincing in the slightest and the match went not only too fast but too slow as well, let me explain.... The big spots where all done too close to each other and in quick succession, the match quickly deteriorated into a finnisher showcase (never a good thing btw) and you also had moments where absaloutly NOTHING happened. The spine buster threw the announce desk was brilliant mind.

6 person tag - 1/2 *
Half a star only for the brilliant looking Starship Pain, this match could of been good if they let Dolph and Morrison carry the match... but no, much like the 8 man tag before it quickly deteriorated into a brawl where no one was the focus and the match ended in a flash.

John Cena Vs The Miz *1/2
Terrible, it looked horrible & John Cena was botching Miz's moves like the was no tomorrow, was he injured? Maybe... the ending was bullshit but Riley actually looked like a credible 'Associate' for a change actually providing a threat and dynamic to the match as opposed to being burred every time he gets involved. Ending was bullshit, The Rock BURIED the current roster by annihilating the 2 top guys of the company... the only good thing to come from this was Miz retaining the championship, thus carrying on his momentum.

PPV Rating: 5.5/10
Never really bored pe'say and fundamentally it kept me entertained and the were some choice moments which really stood out. The problem here is the show never gave the chance for a new star to shine... the closes we got to that was Rhodes which I applaud. But everything about this show left me unsatisfied... even the Taker HHH match with an incredibly weak ending. If you get the chance to see this one then by all means do, it's by no stretch of the imagination a TERRIBLE ppv it's just one that gives you disappointment by the truck load. Elimination Chamber was much better
As a long time watcher of WWE/WWF, wrestlemania this year was very mediocre. Every single championship title has been devalued in this PPV.

1. The WHC was a curtain opening match, when was the last time a PPV (bar the Rumble) opened up with a World Title match at WRESTLEMANIA.

2. The current Tag Team and IC Champions were all jobbed and buried in a matter of 2 minutes. Is that really necessary? They weren't defending their titles at all and they were just made out to be complete jokes after looking strong in the previous weeks. That was pathetic of WWE to devalue and bury both divisions.

3. The US Championship match was taken off the card. Way to go, that devalues its existence altogether.

4. No Divas match. But that title is complete nonsense.

5. Finally the WWE title match ended in a No Contest? and then a continuation in which interference took place and the match instantly ended? In fact the focus was taken off the champion and Cena and put onto the Rock who just buried both of them.

This is why wrestlemania was very mediocre. The only positive thing was Taker/HHH because Taker's streak and its value had gone through the roof in my books. Seriously how do you kick out of 3 pedigrees, a tombstone and a chair shot and then pull off a hells gate finisher out of desperation? Thats just awesome. It really brought on instinct and stamina in wrestling which is evident even in MMA (although it was nowhere near close to an MMA worked match). If you saw Sonnen and Silva's match last year as somebody above mentioned the idea of taking a beating and still manipulating your opponent with a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu technique is an absolutely phenomenal way to have Taker retain and then be carried out on a stretcher. Even though some people might have said HHH botched in some cases I don't think any little mistake really stole away from the fact that the crowd were over as hell into the match and were chanting "This is Awesome" which I haven't heard in awhile. The Georgia Dome were obviously buying it!!
Wrestlemania 27 was doomed from the start some bright moments in another wise really disappointing night. Has the Royal Rumble winner become obsolete? one thing is for sure the world heavyweight championship took a major credibility hit. I mean opening Wrestlemania with what I feel was a better match and a better program leading in then Cena and the Miz,I feel absolutely terrible for Edge and Del Rio who worked a very good match. The mid card matches were awful the corre is a laughing stock, Mysterio is finished. The Rock Stone Cold face to face was a very cool and memorable moment. Orton and Punk was a decent match but never came close to being what was built up. I am a tried and true Stone Cold Steve Austin fan but I must admit he was completely Crow barred in to WM this year. He was Definitely needed as was The Rock, and that's because the WWE is so lacking in Star Power as evidence by the main event but I'll get back to that. The Michael Cole Jerry Lawler thing is over, Right? Please. It was great to hear good ol JR again but this match was Wrestmania 27's Bret Hart vs. Vince Mcmahon. Lianitus? er, HHH out to a 30 second condensed version of Metallica's "For whom the bell tolls", Why? ah clearly the streak is ending tonight!.In my opinion Motorhead should have performed as they did at WM 17 last time taker and HHH did battle."aint no grave can hold my body down" here comes the Dead man Mr. 18-0, I'm not gonna lie stood up for this whole match Sledgehammer (pun) blows start the match and some pretty good bumps putting taker through the colemine was a nice touch, sidewalk slam through the Spanish announce table very cool looking clearly this match was gonna save WM 27 and for the most part it did but I never got the impression the streak was in jeopardy tonight only when HHH tombstoned Taker was I thinking is this it? but upon kicking out of that I knew we were on the verge of 19-0.My only gripe with this match was the 3 minute stares of disbelief every time taker kicked out or escaped a headlock and the ending. Did Taker die? is he comatose? is he metaphorically dying every WM now? was this the last ride? guess we will see on 2-21-12 although that's a Sunday.
I respectfully decline to comment on the next match except to say THIS IS A CELEBRITY? THIS WAS THE BEST THE WWE COULD DO? now onto the match the WWE was trying so hard to make everyone think was the main event and that "we all came to see". Starting it out with a 10 minute video package rivaling that of the Super Bowl Introductions Highlighting how each man was waiting his whole life for this and the long rigorous journey each had taken to reach his WM moment. This may have worked in WM 21 for John Cena but fell very short of convincing the 18th time around. chants of please give up! and Cena sucks! filled the arena unless you were an 8 year old child in a Denver Broncos throwback Jersey, ummmm I mean a John Cena T-shirt. Here we Go the Miz comes out and separates the Hubba Bubba font letters that say AWESOME "really WWE, really" Kofi Kingston's Entrance owned and the WWE Champion gets party fair balloons? OK now John Cena comes out to a choir? and a chorus of boos? maybe the WWE needs to start paying attention to this and maybe the WWE Universe has in fact "Cena Nuff". match starts, match sucks, Miz kicking out of the FU was the only remotely decent spot in this match Cena looked completely dejected, uninterested and off his game. Double Count out? 3.....2......The Rock, Big surprise starts the match again screws Cena PPV ends as it began with the Rock beating down both the Main Event participants of WM. Now indulge me if you will in a fantasy WM ending...Rock screws Cena, Rock walks away but before he gets to the Exit the Miz starts his Narcissistic trash talking saying he was Wrestlemania and the Rock sucks. The Miz in a Wrestlamania 9 type twist feels ultra confident having beaten Cena he challenges the Rock right now and offers to put the WWE title on the line. The Crowd in an Insane frenzy screams for the Rock to go get the cocky villain the Rock flys to the ring Miz swings the belt at him but misses the bell rings Rock punches Miz time and again the GA.Dome is shaking now Miz gets a shot to the stomach sets up for a skull crushing finale but the Rock counters into an elbow to the face and then a Rock Bottom. The whole place has come unglued The Rock drops the Peoples Elbow and gets the 1..2..3 the Rock has become WWE Champion the arena is going Insane JR is out of his mind and breath the rock has fulfilled his promise of the most memorable WM all is right with...BOOM! Cena flattens the Rock with a chair the blood flows from the peoples champ a chorus of boos and hisses are directed at a shaken and very different looking John Cena he leaves the ring with a very evil smile and gestures to the WWE Universe you can't see me Cena is a Heel the Rock is the WWE Champion and the WWE is must see TV once again. thank you for reading this is my first review I hope you all enjoyed it.

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