After 27 years of Wrestlemania..


Seeker of the Damned
Now we have had Wresltmania 27 out of the way, i would like to get a discussion underway, basically looking at your personal opinions about the past 27 wrestlemanias (or as many as you have been living for)

The categories are as follows

1. Greatest Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper

2. Worst Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper

3. Greatest Match at Wrestlemania

4. Worst match at Wrestlemania

5. Greatest Wrestlemania Overall

6. Worst Wrestlemania overall

7. Wrestlemania moment that you will never forget

8. Using all the Manias from the past, create your ultimate card (wrestlers cannot be used twice i.e you cant have Taker vs HBK and Taker vs HHH) and state which mania the match has come from

I shall reply with my thoughts a little later on as i havent got enough time to post all my thoughts as i need to go out, let the discussion begin
Greatest Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
Wrestlemania 20 - You've got Angle Eddie, Lesnar Goldberg, Taker Kane, HHH HBK and Benoit, tag match with the WGTT and the APA, Evolution Rock and Sock, Christian Jericho. All pretty marquee matches. They may not have all played up to it but it looks like a fantastic card.

Worst Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
I'd argue this years card. If you were looking at it ten years from now I just don't think there'd be many reasons to watch it. Taker HHH, possibly Miz Cena but it would never be a good match. The so called IWC would jump on matches like Punk Orton but your average wrestling fan doesn't see that as marquee. The Rock and Austins appearances made up for what looked like a dull as fuck card.

Greatest Match at Wrestlemania
You could probably just say HBKs best match at Mania haha. I'll go with HBK Taker number 1. Just had everything in my opinion and I've never seen a match like it.

Worst Match at Mania
It would be very easy to say a match that only lasted a few seconds or was something like Cole vs Lawler but I'm going to go Goldberg Lesnar purely because it actually had expectation which made it seem a lot lot worse.

Greatest Wrestlemania Overall
17 obvious answer all been said before.

Worst Wrestlemania Overall
WM 9 again I know it's an obvious answer and it's all been said before.#

Wrestlemania moment that you will never forget
Shawns defiance against Taker. A lot of the older ones I didn't watch live at the time so they don't mean as much to me.

Using all the Manias from the past, create your ultimate card
Owen Hart vs Bret Hart

Steamboat vs Savage

McMahon vs Bret Hart

Hardy vs E&C vs Dudleys TLC

Angle vs Benoit

HHH vs Orton

Undertaker vs HBK

The Rock vs Stone Cold

Hogan vs Andre

I haven't gone with the best matches McMahon Hart and HHH Orton were pretty awful but both of them had great personal storylines so they'd draw. That Mania would be awesome in my opinion something for everyone. No Cena though which isn't through personal choice but all his best opponents have been taken and I don't think he's quite had that Wrestlemania moment yet.
Greatest Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
Wrestlemania 19

Worst Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
Wrestlemania 23

Greatest Match at Wrestlemania
Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker - Wrestlemania 25

Worst Match at Mania
Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg - Just for the letdown of a much hyped match

Greatest Wrestlemania Overall
Wrestlemania 17

Worst Wrestlemania Overall
Wrestlemania 11

Wrestlemania moment that you will never forget
Hogan and The Rock at Wrestlemania 18

Using all the Manias from the past, create your ultimate card
Owen Hart vs Bret Hart

Steamboat vs Savage

Hardy Boyz vs Edge & Christian vs Dudley Boyz

Angle vs Benoit

HHH vs Cena

Undertaker vs HBK

The Rock vs Stone Cold

Hogan vs Andre
Greatest Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
Wrestlemania 20

Worst Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
Wrestlemania 24

Greatest Match at Wrestlemania

Worst Match at Mania

Greatest Wrestlemania Overall
Wrestlemania 20

Worst Wrestlemania Overall
Wrestlemania 27

Wrestlemania moment that you will never forget


Using all the Manias from the past, create your ultimate card








1. Greatest Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper

Wrestlemania 14 - It had Austin to win the world title, Kane vs. Undertaker culminating after a 1 year story, Shamrock going to get revenge on The Rock, Outlaws vs. Two Hardcore Legends, and Owen Hart representing the Hart Family (only to loose :( ), and of course Mike Tyson.

2. Worst Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper

Wrestlemania 2000 - One one visit to the official site I found out T&A vs. Al Snow and Blackman and D-Lo Brown and Godfather vs. Bossman and Buchanan are on the card. Then the main event turned to be a Fatal Four Way Elimination Match. Yep ... it was all over at this point. In the end the event sucked.

3. Greatest Match at Wrestlemania

Savage vs. Ric Flair at WMVIII. Not a common choice but if you are going to have a checklist of winning formulas in a great match, this is it. It had the talent, the drama, the Championship on the line, and best yet even Savage won it still made Flair look amazing. Best yet Savage actually cheated to win, hehe.

4. Worst match at Wrestlemania

Worst meaningful Match at Wrestlemania. Hmmm tough one, but Big Bossman vs. Undertaker at Hell in a Cell was really terrible. I would have prefered Shamrock vs. Undertaker, that would have more sense considering Shamrock was still a pretty big deal back then and the storyline to follow. But Undertaker vs. Bossman in a pointless 9 min Cell bout. How bad is this ... try to find a video of the last few seconds of the match. How dull

5. Greatest Wrestlemania Overall

Wrestlemania XIX - that was a supercard

6. Worst Wrestlemania overall

Wrestlemania 2000 - See #2

7. Wrestlemania moment that you will never forget

Benoit and Guerrero celebrating at the end of WMXX

8. Using all the Manias from the past, create your ultimate card (wrestlers cannot be used twice i.e you cant have Taker vs HBK and Taker vs HHH) and state which mania the match has come from

Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Kane vs. The Undertaker

Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho

Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit

Triple H vs. John Cena

Hulk Hogan vs. The Ultimate Warrior

Macho Man Randy Savage vs. Ricky Steamboat

Edge and Christian vs. The Hardy Boys vs. The Dudley Boys

The Rock and Mick Foley vs. Ric Flair, Batista, and Randy Orton

The Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather (eh why not?) ... wouldn't be a WM w/o a celebrity match
Really? No one has said TLC2 as the greatest wrestlemania match ever? That is my choice as greatest WM match ever. It had perhaps 3 out of the top 10 tag teams ever incolved, sick bumps, Lita showing us what she could do, and most importantly, it had Edge and Christian winning it. Taker-HBK was an ok match, but come on now.
Greatest Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
3 way tie here for me:
1)Wrestlemania 2 cuz of the fact they had the show in 3 different locations at the same time
2)Wrestlemania 4 cuz of the tournament for the WWE title and
3)Wrestlemania 8 simply because of the fact that they had 1 world title defended partway through the card.

Worst Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
Wrestlemania XII, every match looked like crap outside of the iron man match between HBK and Bret Hart

Greatest Match at Wrestlemania
HBK vs Razor Ramon-Wrestlemania X Ladder match

Worst Match at Mania
Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg...everyone expected big things for these 2 in this match, even though both guys were walking away after, and both men made it bad.

Greatest Wrestlemania Overall
Wrestlemania 16 simply because how often do you see all 4 McMahons involved in the main event match

Worst Wrestlemania Overall
Wrestlemania 21, none of the matches stuck out at me that card outside of the debut of the MITB match

Wrestlemania moment that you will never forget
The end of the Undertaker/HHH match at Wrestlemania 27 where Taker had to be carted off on a stretcher, and how Taker had to use all 4 finishers to beat HHH

Using all the Manias from the past, create your ultimate card (in no particular order):
HBK vs Razor Ramon WM 10 Ladder match
HHH vs Randy Orton WM 25
Undertaker vs Big Show and A-Train WM 19
Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin WM 19
Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant WM 3
Ricky Steamboat vs Macho Man Randy Savage WM 3
Shane McMahon vs Vince McMahon WM X-Seven
Hardyz vs Dudleys vs E&C WM X-Seven
Marc Mero and Sable vs The Artist Formally Known as Goldust and Luna WM XIV
Owen Hart and British Bulldog vs Mankind and Vader WM 13
Trish Stratus vs Christy Hemme WM 21
John Cena vs Miz WM 27
Tazz and APA vs Right To Censor WM X-Seven
1. Greatest Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
Wrestlemania 19. Rock vs Austin for the final time, the history between McMahon & Hogan coming to a head, the much anticipated contest between Angle and Lesnar for the WWE title, the dream encounter of HBK vs Jericho, and plenty of other competitive championship matches.

2. Worst Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
Jeez I gotta say Wrestlemania 11. Lawrence Taylor vs Bam Bam Bigelow headlined a very lack luster card.

3. Greatest Match at Wrestlemania
Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels - Wrestlemania 25.

4. Worst match at Wrestlemania
Akebono vs Big Show Sumo Match - Wrestlemania 21.

5. Greatest Wrestlemania Overall
Wrestlemania 20. Every match, with the exception of maybe the playboy tag team match, was good and a couple could lay claim to "show stealer". Not to mention there were plenty of memorable moments.

6. Worst Wrestlemania overall
Eh, I'll say Wrestlemania 9. Though there are a couple that could compete with it.

7. Wrestlemania moment that you will never forget
The Rock vs Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 18

8. Using all the Manias from the past, create your ultimate card
1. Money in the Bank 4: CM Punk def. Chris Jericho, John Morrison, Mr. Kennedy, Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, MVP (WM 24)
2. Ricky Steamboat def. Randy Savage (WM 3)
3. Bobby Lashley (w/ Donald Trump) def. Umaga (w/ Vince McMahon) (WM 23) -- Just for celebrity involvement
4. Eddie Guerrero def. Kurt Angle (WM 20)
5. Hardcore Match: Edge def. Mick Foley (WM 22)
6. Owen Hart def. Bret Hart (WM 10)
7. John Cena def. Triple H (WM 22)
8. Hulk Hogan def. Andre the Giant (WM 3)
9. The Rock def. Stone Cold Steve Austin (WM 19)
10. Undertaker def. Shawn Michaels (WM 25)
1. Greatest Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
Wrestlemania 19. Rock/Austin, Angle/Lesnar, HBK/Jericho. Hogan/Vince

2. Worst Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
Wrestlemania 2000, 5 tag team matches?!?!?!

3. Greatest Match at Wrestlemania
Kurt Angle vs HBk, Wrestlemania 21

4. Worst match at Wrestlemania
Golderg vs Lesnar Wresltemania 20, only cause it was so hyped and caused neither of them cared

5. Greatest Wrestlemania Overall
Wrestlemania 19, such a stacked card.

6. Worst Wrestlemania overall
I've only been watching since 16 so prolly Wrestlemania 25

7. Wrestlemania moment that you will never forget
The Rock vs Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania 18

8. Using all the Manias from the past, create your ultimate card
1. Ricky Steamboat def. Randy Savage (WM 3)
2. Rey Mysterio def Eddie Guerreo(WM 21)
3. John Cena def Batista(WM 26)
4. Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit(WM 16)
5. TLC Match Edge & Christian def Hardy Boyz and the Dudley Boys(WM 17)
6. Owen Hart def. Bret Hart (WM 10)
7. Triple H def Randy Orton(WM 25)
8. Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar(WM 20)
9. Hulk Hogan def. Andre the Giant (WM 3)
10. The Rock def. Stone Cold Steve Austin (WM 19)
11. Undertaker def. Shawn Michaels (WM 25)
1. Greatest Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
WMXIX. Personal bias due to it being in Seattle, but look at that card. You had Rock/Austin, Hogan/Vince, Michaels/Jericho, and despite the botched SSP, Angle/Lesnar was a great match overall. Heck, even the Divas triple threat with Trish/Jazz/Victoria was pretty money too.

2. Worst Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
I'm surprised that WMXI hasn't been called out yet. I can't consider many of those matches to be unforgettable at all. Diesel vs. Shawn Michaels was alright, but gets lost in the shuffle of HBK classics. Plus who ends a WM with a celebrity match? Oh yeah that's right, this one did it.

3. Greatest Match at Wrestlemania
Taker/HBK at WM25. That match that single-handedly saved a WrestleMania from becoming the answer to #2.

4. Worst match at Wrestlemania
Akebono vs. Big Show at WM21. You say TNA is stupid for trying to incorporate MMA matches on their card, and I'll comeback with this stinker.

5. Greatest Wrestlemania Overall
Again WMXIX. For the same reasons as #1.

6. Worst Wrestlemania overall
WMXI for the same reasons as #2

7. Wrestlemania moment that you will never forget
Guerrero and Benoit hugging in celebration both as World Champions at WM20.

8. Using all the Manias from the past, create your ultimate card (wrestlers cannot be used twice i.e you cant have Taker vs HBK and Taker vs HHH) and state which mania the match has come from

In Order:

Chris Jericho vs. Christian-WMXX

Triple H vs Randy Orton (but no World Title involved like it should have been)-WM25

"Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat for the Intercontinental Championship-WMIII

TLC II-Edge./Christian vs. The Dudleys vs. The Hardys for the WWE Tag Team Championships-WMX-Seven

Big Show vs. Floyd Mayweather WMXXIV (shooter_mcgavin is right. Can't have a WM without celebrity involvement)

Trish Stratus vs. Mickie James for the WWE Women's Championship-WM22

John Cena vs. Batista (no World Title involved)-WM26

Street Fight-Hulk Hogan vs. Vince McMahon-WMXIX

The Rock vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin-WMXIX

Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship-WMXX

The Undertaker vs. HBK-WM25
1. Greatest Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
Wrestlemania 21. With the exception of 2 matches, the Womens Title & Sumo matches, maybe 3 actually although JBL vs. Cena looks better on card than the 2 matches mentioned but it was a crap match, everything else looked top notch on card and lived up to my expectations.

2. Worst Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
I was going to go with WM 25 at first but after looking on Wikipedia at Wrestlemania 11's card, I go with Wrestlemania 11 with the exception of Diesel vs. Shawn but everything else looks atrocious and it was an atrocious PPV.

3. Greatest Match at Wrestlemania
HBK vs. Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania 21. That's the first match that always comes to mind, it was a masterpiece and had one of the best endings ever.

4. Worst match at Wrestlemania
Either the Diva Battle Royal at WM 25 or that 10 Diva Tag that Vickie won with a Frog Splash.

5. Greatest Wrestlemania Overall
I'm stuck between 17 & 21 but I would have to go with Wrestlemania 17. It had the greatest WM theme song behind it, it had a good feel when watching it and leading into it, it featured one of the greatest commentary lines ever "By the time Iron Sheik gets to the ring, it will be Wrestlemania 37" LMAO and with the exception of a few matches, the card was good not to mention one of the best WM endings ever.

6. Worst Wrestlemania overall
Stuck between 9, 11 & 25 but I'll go with 11. Cause as mentioned not only did it suck on card but the PPV sucked too, not a single thing worth remembering on there. Well neither do 9 or 25 but they had about 1 or 2 matches & few moments on there which I liked.

7. Wrestlemania moment that you will never forget
Hard to pick really but I'm guessing it would be either an Austin moment or a HBK moment.

8. Using all the Manias from the past, create your ultimate card (wrestlers cannot be used twice i.e you cant have Taker vs HBK and Taker vs HHH) and state which mania the match has come from

1) Bret vs. Owen - WM 10
2) Eddie vs. Rey - WM 21
3) Undertaker vs. HHH - WM 17
4) Hulk Hogan vs. Ultimate Warrior - WM 6
5) TLC 2 - WM 17
6) HBK vs. Kurt Angle - WM 21
7) Stone Cold vs. The Rock - WM 17
1. Greatest Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
I have a hard time figuring this one out...there were quite a few good ones on paper for me to be able to narrow it down to one.

2. Worst Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
I agree with the post above me. Wrestlemania 11 with the exception of Diesel vs. Shawn but everything else looks atrocious and it was an atrocious PPV. This year runs a close second.

3. Greatest Match at Wrestlemania
Bret Hart Vs Shawn Michaels 60 Min Ironman Match at WM XII. I was definitely a Hart fan, but they put on a match that I have never seen anyone come close to since. Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat at WM III is a close second.

4. Worst match at Wrestlemania
Bret Hart vs Mr. McMahon at WM XXVI

5. Greatest Wrestlemania Overall
I can't decide many to choose from...

6. Worst Wrestlemania overall
I would def say either WM XI highlighted by Bam Bam Bigelow vs LT or this year’s WM

7. Wrestlemania moment that you will never forget
The Ultimate Warrior with a clean pin of Hogan in WM VI

8. Using all the Manias from the past, create your ultimate card (wrestlers cannot be used twice i.e you cant have Taker vs HBK and Taker vs HHH) and state which mania the match has come from

WrestleMania should be the showcase of the immortals so with that in mind....

1. Rey Mysterio Jr vs Eddie Guerrero (WM XXI)
2. Mr. T vs Rowdy Roddy Piper (WM II) gotta have a celebrity match at mania...its tradition lol...
3. Randy Orton vs CM Punk (WM XXVII)
4. Hulk Hogan vs The Ultimate Warrior (WM VI)
5. Macho Man Randy Savage vs Ric Flair (WM VIII)
6. The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin (WM XIX)
7. Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit (WM 2000)
8. Undertaker vs HHH No Holds Barred Match (WM XXVII)
9. Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels 60 Min Iron Man Match (WM XII)
1. Greatest Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
Probably Wrestlemania 26. It had an amazing looking card, and unlike others that looked as good on paper, it delivered one of the best shows ever. Every single match ended up being as good as it looked, other than the divas tag match which was oddly enough even worse than it looked and I had little to no expectations for it. 9 out of 10 matches looking great on paper AND impressive on the show speaks for itself.

2. Worst Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
Wrestlemania 11. The only match that looked awesome on paper was Diesel VS Michaels. Undertaker had a match but it was against King Kong Bundy. Boring. Bret Hart and Bob Backlund was the only other match that looked interesting on paper. The card suffers from having guys who sucked on it, and the infamous main event between Bigelow and Taylor.

3. Greatest Match at Wrestlemania
Shawn Michaels VS Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25. No contest. That match will live on forever in countless "best match" discussions long after we are all gone. Runners up include Shawn VS Taker the following year at Wrestlemania 26, as well as the Rock VS Austin matches.

4. Worst match at Wrestlemania
The divas tag team match at Wrestlemania 26. It was an embarassment and every single woman in it did awful. A reminder of what a joke the female division has become.... and here we thought they could not top the disaster from the year before in that joke of a 25 diva battle royal?

5. Greatest Wrestlemania Overall
Tough decision. It would probably have to be 17 or 18. Those two came from a time when wrestling was at its peak popularity. WWF had just won the monday night war and they gave us one of the best shows ever in Wrestlemania 17 that is still talked about quite a bit today. 18 isn't talked about as much these days other than Rock VS Hogan, but it was awesome too because it was the first Wrestlemania to have both WWF and WCW guys together under the new WWE name. Out of the modern shows it's Wrestlemania 26 without question, but 17 and 18 are probably the best.

6. Worst Wrestlemania overall
The worst was 11. Only one good match out of 7 being good and having Taylor close the show was a bad idea when it should have been Diesel and Michaels. Coming in second would be 9. It barely escapes last place for having the odd toga theme and Hogan's random win at the end. just about all of the matches at Wrestlemania 9 sucked too though. It's between those two and WWE would have to litterally try to come up with the worst show possible on purpose in order to put on a worse Wrestlemania than either 9 or 11.

7. Wrestlemania moment that you will never forget
Shawn Michaels' entrance during Wrestlemania 25. It was so cool to see his "Holy Taker" parody, not to mention that I was there live to see it and the epic match that followed. I'll never forget it, as it was the type of moment that wrestling fans dream of getting to see.

8. Using all the Manias from the past, create your ultimate card (wrestlers cannot be used twice i.e you cant have Taker vs HBK and Taker vs HHH) and state which mania the match has come from
YIKES. This is going to be tough. Let's see....

1. Hulk Hogan VS Ultimate Warrior (Wrestlemania 6)

2. Stone Cold VS The Rock (Wrestlemania 17)

3. Trish Stratus VS Mickie James (Wrestlemania 22)

4. Batista VS Triple H (Wrestlemania 21)

5. Bret Hart VS Owen Hart (Wrestlemania 10)

6. Edge & Christian VS The Hardys VS The Dudleys (Wrestlemania 17)

7. John Cena VS JBL (Wrestlemania 21)

8. Shawn Michaels VS Undertaker (Wrestlemania 26)

I could have come up with some better matches to pick from, but I ran out of lineups that didn't include the same guy more than once.
1. Greatest Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
Wrestlemania 19.Rock/Austin, Angle/Lesnar,HBK and Jericho.It was pretty great.

2. Worst Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
Tie between WM11 and WM 9.11 because it ended with a celebrity match and WM9 because they had the impromptu title match.

3. Greatest Match at Wrestlemania
For me personally its a tie between and HBK/Hart 60 minute match and Hart/Austin WM13

4. Worst match at Wrestlemania
Hulk Hogan vs Yokozuna at WM9 where Hogan won in under a minute.I mean Bret Hart one of the most over guys at the time loses and then hogan comes out no backstory to the match or whatever and just fucking wins the title.

5. Greatest Wrestlemania Overall

6. Worst Wrestlemania overall

7. Wrestlemania moment that you will never forget
Lots but the one that stands out the most is Austin in teh Sharpshooter before he passed out.

8. Using all the Manias from the past, create your ultimate card (wrestlers cannot be used twice i.e you cant have Taker vs HBK and Taker vs HHH) and state which mania the match has come from

In Order:

1.Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat WMIII

2.TLC II-Edge./Christian vs. The Dudleys vs. The Hardys for the WWE Tag Team Championships-WMX-Seven

3.Chris Jericho vs Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit WM2000

4.Batista vs HHH-WM21

5.Hulk Hogan vs The Rock WM18

6.Bret Hart vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin-WMXIII

7.Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle-WMXX

8.Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker-WM25
1. Greatest Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
Wrestlemania 20. On paper it looked like it could have been a great Wrestlemania. It had HBK/HHH/Benoit, Angle/Guerrero, 'Taker/Kane, Goldberg/Lesnar, Jericho/Christian, Rock'n'Sock/Evolution. Fantastic Card but didn't live up to expectations.

2. Worst Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper
Wrestlemania 27. Only three matches really sparked interest in me; 'Taker/HHH, Punk/Orton & Bryan/Sheamus(which didn't appear on the show). And why the f**k did they booked Snooki ?!? Terrible Card

3. Greatest Match at Wrestlemania
A toss up between 'Taker/HBK @Wrestlemania 25 & E&C/Hardyz/Dudleyz @Wrestlemania 2000. Personally, have to go for EC/Hardyz/Dudleyz. The Triangle ladder match really made all 6 of their careers bigger and better. Also, it featured some memorable moments eg. the table scaffolding and Jeff Hardy's Swanton Bomb off the ladder. Pitty that it appeared on one of the worst Wrestlemanias ever.

4. Worst match at Wrestlemania
Kane Vs The Great Khali @Wrestlemania 23. It was just terrible. Never should have been at Wrestlemania for a start.

5. Greatest Wrestlemania Overall
Wrestlemania 17. An overall brillant show. SCSA/Rock was the best ending to a show ever. Also, TLC II, 'Taker/HHH, Angle/Benoit, & the Hardcore Match were unbelievable!! Also, a class theme song.

6. Worst Wrestlemania overall
Wrestlemania 15. The show was poorly booked, including the worst ever Hell in a Cell matches ever. Only highlight of the night was SCSA/Rock Championship match. All in all, the worst wrestlemania ever.

7. Wrestlemania moment that you will never forget
Wrestlemania 17: Edge spearing Jeff Hardy in mid air during TLC II. When I first saw this I felt that Edge was going to make it big! How right was I.

8. Using all the Manias from the past, create your ultimate card

Rey Mysterio Vs. Eddie Guerrero WM21
Kane Vs. Raven Vs. The Big Show WM17
CM Punk Vs. Randy Orton WM27
Kurt Angle Vs. Chris Beniot WM17
Mickie James Vs. Trish Stratus WM22
Bret Hart Vs. Owen Hart WM10
Edge & Christian Vs. The Hardy Boyz Vs. The Dudley Boyz (Triangle Ladder Match) WM16
Hulk Hogan Vs. The Ultimate Warrior WM6
The Undertaker Vs. Triple H WM17
Randy Savage Vs. Ricky Steamboat WM 3
Shawn Michaels Vs. Chris Jericho WM19
Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs. The Rock WM17

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