[Genesis] The Aftermath Discussion

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
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TNA Genesis - January 8, 2012

1. Austin Aries vs. Jesse Sorensen vs. Kid Kash vs. Zema Ion for the TNA X Division Championship - Apparently, this is an elimination match. Was it always or was this something they tacked on sometime over the weekend? At any rate, a fun & fast paced match to start the show off with that featured some good action. It was a little hard to follow a few times, but that’s the nature of these three way & four way dance X Division matches. Kid Kash is the first to be eliminated about the 6 minute mark by Zema Ion. Austin Aries performed the same splash on Sorensen that Ion did for Kash for a nice near fall, earning a few “Jesse, Jesse” chants from the crowd. Zema Ion is eliminated a short time later by Sorensen via small package, leaving only Aries & Sorensen remaining. Ion complains about his elmination, taking the ref’s attention from the match where Sorensen looks to have Aries pinned. Aries did kick out though after the ref eventually saw he was down. Ion refused to leave the ringside area and, predictably, interfered as he pulled Sorensen’s foot out from under him after he’d climbed to the top rope, causing him to straddle the turnbuckle. Aries takes advantage and delivers the Brainbuster for the win and to retain the title about the 11 minute mark. Overall, a fun opener with a predictable, but still the right, ending. The lack of depth in the X Division is really starting to show in my opinion. The X Division still doesn’t have a strong, solidified face presence and it’s getting a little old watching Aries continuously defeat the same handful of guys in one match or another time after time. **3/4

2. Devon vs. The Pope D’Angelo Dinero - The match in and of itself was ok but had a very anti-climactic ending. Pope controlled much of the match and I was a little surprised to see that so many fans in attendance had invested themselves in this feud. There were dueling chants for both Pope & Devon in the match. About the 7 minute mark, the match took a predictable turn downhill as Pope called Devon’s boys into the ring. They both hesitated, which pissed Pope off, and he attacked one of them while the other complained before getting punched out. Devon then Hulked up and went on the attack for a bit before Pope got the advantage back, before spitting on one of Devon’s boys. Devon rallied and delivered his finisher for the win at the 10 minute mark. Afterward, Devon & his boys hugged. The match was decent for what it was while the overall story was horrible. Devon’s boys had no trouble hitting the old man with chairs several weeks back but they can’t put the boots to him tonight? I think TNA realized that this feud just really hasn’t clicked with a lot of people and decided to just rush through it tonight and get it over with. At least I’m hoping that’s the case because Devon’s family drama with Pope needs to go away. *1/2

Sting & Velvet Sky - This was a brief backstage promo segment with JB initially talking with Sting about Jeff Hardy. Sting continued to put Hardy over before Velvet Sky interrupted him. She told Sting she wanted to take over the spot at Knockouts VP and suggested she had a plan to keep Madison Rayne out of the Knockout title match later on. Harmless segment but I’m not sure I like the idea of Velvet Sky being the Knockouts VP. It just doesn’t seem like a role that fits well with a female wrestler that’s spent her entire career thus far playing the scantily clad cocktease. Thumbs In The Middle

3. Rob Van Dam vs. Gunner - Nothing particularly special or memorable about this match. I’ve seen RVD face Gunner several times in TNA over the course of 2011. This match wasn’t any better, nor was it any worse. We got all the expected RVD signature spots & offense and Gunner generally looking like he’s out of his league. Flair eventually comes into play and distracts Earl Hebner, something I’m sure will happen more than once tonight, while Gunner delivered the DDT to RVD on the concrete floor after pulling the mats away earlier in the match. Gunner rolled RVD back into the ring and got the win a little before the 7 minute mark. RVD sold the injury and was being helped out of the Impact Zone, so it looks as if this just might be RVD’s last TNA appearance as it’s an easy way to write him off television. Nothing special here, but the match got the outcome that needed to happen if TNA is serious about continuing to push Gunner. *1/2

4. Gail Kim vs. Mickie James for the TNA Knockouts Championship - Prior to the match, Velvet Sky announced her plan to keep Madison occupied and it was to lock her inside a cage. Unfortunately, so much attention was focused on Madison Rayne and her being in the cage that it did take some attention away from the match. At one point, Madison tries to introduce some brass knuckles into the match, which seemed a little too convenient that she’d have such a handy way to help Gail Kim retain her title and suggests some poor writing. Earl Hebner sees the attempt to slide the knucks in and he reprimands both Gail & Madison. Madison slips out another pair and tries to deliver them to Gail only for Mickie to get them. She gets them and uses them just as Earl Hebner turns around to see Mickie use them. Mickie is DQ’d at the 6.5 minute mark and Gail retains. Not a fully blown clusterfuck here, but more of the same chaotic booking & referee incompetence we’ve gotten used to seeing take center stage in Knockout matches. 3/4*

5. Abyss vs. Bully Ray in a Monster’s Ball match - I was disappointed in this match to be quite honest. There was too much comedy stuff going on with Ray overselling his groin injury, such as screaming “Motherfucker, my balls!!!!”, due to Abyss sliding a cheese grater across them. Using a cheese grater across a guy’s balls just..well it’s just kind of silly. They also pulled out “Janice” for this match and I audibly groaned when they did. Introducing a weapon into a match that you can’t actually use to hit someone because you’d kill them just doesn’t add anything to a weapons match. I’m also guessing that the barbed wire used in much of this match was gimmicked because in spite of all the times both men were slammed into a table or something with barbed wire wrapped around it, they didn’t have a scratch on them aside from the cut on Abyss’ arm. It could have been cut if TNA used some real barbed wire on the board he slammed into earlier in the match, or he could’ve merely bladed on his arm to get the desired effect. There was some decent action in the match at various points, but some of what went on just looked extremely, extremely fake or was just plain silly and it definitely hurt this match. Abyss did ultimately get the win at the 15.5 minute mark after putting ray though a barbed wire board via the Black Hole Slam. **

6. Matt Morgan & Crimson vs. Samoa Joe & Magnus for the TNA World Tag Team Championship - This match didn’t really do much of anything for me either. It wasn’t really bad, but it wasn’t really good either. It was just one of those matches that’s there and that hasn’t really had a particularly strong build up. There was some decent action at times, but it doesn’t necessarily say good things when they cut away from a title match going on inside the ring to devote attention backstage to where Bully Ray attacks Abyss. Morgan & Crimson wind up getting the clean win at the 9.5 minute mark after hitting Magnus with a double chokeslam. I just wasn’t particularly excited about seeing the tag champs, who aren’t exactly in the same league as Beer Money or the MCMGs, defend the titles against a makeshift heel tag team. *1/2

7. Cowboy James Storm vs. Kurt Angle - The match initially started off at a quick pace with a flurry of offense from James Storm, but things slow down after a bit once Kurt Angle gains control. A lot of Angle’s early offense consisted mostly of chinlocks & headlocks, but things did pick up nicely in the second half of the match. Angle ended up delivering is trio of German suplexes and hit a top rope moonsault for a nice near fall. Storm comes back and delivers a DDT after Angle takes too long to follow up. Angle eventually makes a comeback, hitting the Angle Slam for another nice near fall. Eventually, Storm is going for the last call but Angle pushes the ref in front of him. Angle took advantage of the confusion and delivered a low blow followed by a kick to the face on Storm for the win at the 13.5 minute mark. The ending to the match was a bit anti-climactic and the live crowd wasn’t all that into it. Overall though, I thought it was an entertaining match that told a good story. ***

8. Bobby Roode vs. Jeff Hardy for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship - Overall, an entertaining match that also had something of an anti-climactic finish. Most of the match consisted of good back & forth action with both wrestlers looking strong throughout, including both hitting some of their signature offense. About the 16 minute mark, Roode takes a powder and attempts to make off with the title. Hardy does catch up to him and tosses him back into the ring. As he’s going for a move, Roode kicks him to counter it and then hit’s the Fisherman’s Suplex for a great near fall. Hardy quickly gains control once again with a Twist of Fate & Whisper in the Wind on Roode, who manages to kick out. About the 19 minute mark, Roode hauls off and kicks Earl Hebner in the nuts, getting him disqualified. I did think the finish was weak and thought it hurt the match a little, but at least it wasn’t the massively overbooked cluster I expected it to be. Roode & Hardy told a good story and I’m guessing that they’re ultimately going for some sort of no DQ match or some sort of gimmick match between the two where Roode will drop the title. **3/4

Final Thoughts - Overall, Genesis was an ok show in my view mostly because of the X Division, Angle vs. Storm & Roode vs. Hardy matches. The rest of the card was pretty forgettable and nothing really stood out. The Monster’s Ball match between Abyss & Ray had potential but there was too much silliness with Ray’s overselling, the use of a cheese grater, Janice making a return, what could be gimmicked barbed wire, etc. The X Division, Angle vs. Storm & Roode vs. Hardy matches were all pretty good and delivered very solid action and/or storytelling. None of those three matches were massive blockbusters that will be heavily discussed I don’t think, and the endings for the latter two matches were a little on the weak side, but they did keep the ppv from being entirely forgettable. Even though the rest of the card was forgettable, TNA made some good booking decisions such as having Gunner go over RVD and Crimson & Morgan retain the tag titles. Genesis wasn’t a great show, but it did deliver some solid overall booking and a handful of good matches.

Grade: C+
The only thing I will remember about this PPV is the ending to the main event was EXACTLY like the CM Punk/Dolph Ziggler match this past Monday on RAW.

The challenger wins by DQ, grabs the belt and runs around the ring like they are they new champ!
The only thing I will remember about this PPV is the ending to the main event was EXACTLY like the CM Punk/Dolph Ziggler match this past Monday on RAW.

The challenger wins by DQ, grabs the belt and runs around the ring like they are they new champ!

A few differences:

1. The challenger in TNA was a face.

2. The challenger won by DQ because his opponent kicked the referee in the nuts and got screwed out of the Title, which was not the case in WWE.

3. He did not run AWAY with the belt, he just held it up and threw it back on Roode. You know, a thing that's only happened a million times in wrestling.

So in the end, the only similarity is the win by DQ. Conclsion: TNGAY IS KOPEIN' TEH WWEZ!

Shit, you people are getting fucking pathetic.
This PPV had little redeeming qualities. The X-Division match was good as always. But then there wasn't another good match until Storm/Angle, which I thought was a good one and Angle continues to legitimize Storm.

I do wonder if it is possible that WWE has bought out the remainder of RVD's contract from TNA, because that injury was clearly their way of writing off RVD. It will be interesting to see if Mr. Monday Night's music hits during the Rumble.

Main event was weak. I like the way Roode is selling his character, but I guess it's that I really don't care for Jeff Hardy. If it's not a ladder match, for me he doesn't offer anything in the ring.
I thought this was a good PPV, and the best match was Bully/Abyss. I should say the most exciting match. it's about more than what wrestling can be done in the ring, even on a PPV. it's not about wrestling quality, it's about entertaining viewers.

it had it's boring moments. the tag team match, yawn. not much excitement. it should have been much earlier in the night rather than where it was.
months worth of a wild card tag team tournament, that resulted in what? do Joe/Magnus still team? what else came from the tournament? Kazarian not tagging AJ? Eric Young trying to date ODB? not exactly a big fail, but not exactly a success either IMO. TNA split up more teams that what came from the tournament. other than Morgan/Crimson and Joe/Magnus what teams are there?

the ending to the Knockouts match was stupid. Mickie getting DQ. I knew Gail was going to win, but she should have pinned Mickie.

family moment when Devon won the match and his sons came in the ring looking all sorry and they hugged. they didn't attack Devon earlier like Pope wanted them too and Pope threw them out of the ring. I HOPE this ends the storyline with the sons.

I was surprised RVD got pinned, actually pinned. they made the DDT injury looks worse. it was a DDT on a mat, not the concrete. would have look better and more real done on the actual concrete. hopefully RVD is done with TNA and this continues Gunner looking bad ass.

I'm disappointed in the way the Hardy/Roode match ended, but expected it. I think it's unfortunate Roode looks so weak that he has to constantly cheat or do something illegal in order to keep the belt. like he can't win clean, as the F'n champion?!
Hardy isn't done. Sting will give him a rematch.
Overall, Genesis was what I kinda expected. I must say that I'm glad the Pope/Devon feud seems to be over. I really thought it was going to drag on for a while. Roode retaining DQ actually was OK for me; it works for the role he's playing and it continues the storyline with Hardy at least until the next PPV. Not the greatest of shows, but solid.
I liked the X division match! a lot of solid action there. The Monsters Ball was pretty intense and bloody. wasnt too hip on how the Tag title match turned out....unless they keep pushing Joe and Magnus as a team. if they have them turn on each other this Thursday, I'll be pretty fucking pissed! keeping the KO title on Kim makes sense right now. the match should have been a bit better! Angle vs Storm was pretty good too, I'm glad Angle went over this time! he was due! as for the ME. I'm glad Roode won, you need to keep the title on him for a few more months to build his character a bit more, and I certainly wouldnt have him drop it to Hardy.
The only good thing to me about this PPV was the Abyss/Bully Ray Match. The ending to Roode/Jeff Hardy was weak and they are just making him look like a weak Champion with constantly running away trying to get counted our or Dqed. Let the guy win a couple Matches clean,isn't he the World Champion?

I absoulty hated the Pope/D-Von Match and the way it happend. They had just turned D-Von's Kids on him a few weeks ago and then magically they turn them back. Really? that was the payoff after 6 months? I never cared for this Storyline and I hope its over. Another weak finish in the Mickie/Gail Match with a DQ,I hope RVD is done with TNA and he comes back in the Royal Rumble.

The rest was just there and not memorable at all. TNA really needs to work on their PPVs.
1/ Really enjoyed the X div match. I think Zema Ion and Sorensen showed potential for the future here and Aries is....well...Aries. Thought this was a 4 corners match though and not an elimination. Aries does need some faces to fight though. Surely Shelley, Kendrick and a returning Red or Lethal (yes I know he's in ROH) could keep the interest here. 2 more months I think before AA moves up the card.

2/ Pope/DVon didn't do it for me. I was interested in this story and feel the boys should have helped Pope get the win and remain heels. Turning them so quickly (again) means they would prefer these boys as faces. Not long before they enter the tag division methinks. I wonder if they are any good in the ring because right now it seems their acting is pretty atrocious. Hopefully this feud is now over. Unless the boys gain revenge on Pope without DVon.

3/ Gunner/RVD was booked well. Match was ok. Glad Gunner was put over. Looks as though RVD is gonna be in the Rumble, if he's not on Impact. I'm a big fan of RVD but his performances in the last 6 months have been pretty lacklustre. I don't think he will be a major loss for TNA. I would re-hire Low-Ki to fill his spot.

4/ Kim/James I liked the cage (reminded me of Teddy Long when he was managing Doom in WCW) Funny as hell that you could hear Maddy screaming. Maddy is the best heel in the div right now. The match itself was ok. I expected a bit more from these 2 but its obvious this will continue. I don't understand the concept of a heel getting clean wins, unless they are a monolith like Kong. Would have preferred Kim to knock James out with the knucks and pick up the win. Mickie using the knucks shows her frustrations with Kim. Its good for a face to vent off steam now and then. If booked right this feud can go till Lockdown. Neither woman has shown all their cards yet...which is a good thing.

5/ Bully/Abyss I really enjoyed this match. Comedy spots and all. Have to disagree with you on the grated balls spot. I was wincing and praying Bully was wearing a box. Barbed wire is barbed wire. I understand its controlled but Abyss was cut legit. Hell the barbs almost got caught in Abyss' hair at one point. Good showing by both guys and Bully proves again that you can lose and still be an MVP.

6/ Morgan/Crimson v Joe/Magnus I didn't really get into this match. I suppose I'm waiting for Crim and Morgan to face off again. It won't happen till there are teams to fill the void. I liked the Wild Card tourney. From it we got a legit team in Joe/Magnus (hope they keep them together), a Monsters Ball match, ODB and EY love in and Styles/Kazarian upcoming feud with Daniels in the mix. Bully/Steiner can be a team if need be and we still have mex america (or do we?) and a returning MCMG (whenever that is) so the div is in a transitional stage at the mo. You don't just replace teams like Beer Money/3D/Gen Me/Ink inc overnight. Will take at least 6 months if not longer. Patience is a virtue people.

7/ Storm/Angle I was disappointed with this match. Maybe I expected too much. It was a good match but felt it was missing something. Angle winning means this feud will continue, which is not a bad thing, but we are all waiting for Storm/Roode. The longer TNA holds this match off the better in the long run. Lockdown may be ironed on for this. Storm is really impressing me as a face too. More to come from these 2.

8/ Roode/Hardy Match of the night for me. I loved it. Roode is fast becoming a monster heel. Heels don't win clean. He said he would keep the belt at all costs and he proved it. Reminds me of Money Inc back in the day. People cried about him running down time in the Iron Man match against Styles, so he did the same here and went to run away twice. It didn't work this time. Then Roode tries the old foot on the rope, as before. But, it didn't work this time. He tries to hit Hardy with the belt. That doesn't work either. So when all else failed he 'nutsed' the ref. Brilliant! Glad Sting didn't come down. Glad people are pissed with the ending again. Glad that Hardy won't win the title yet. Did u notice Roode has new entrance music? I reckon Roode is gonna be champ for a while, until the Storm feud kicks into gear. Props to Hardy too, he is so over its unreal. Big difference to 6 months ago when the whole world hated him. Great booking for both men here.

Overall I was entertained. It wasn't a great PPV but it wasn't awful either. Better than satisfactory because finally they got it right from a booking standpoint. Some things could have been done much better, but I'll give credit where its due.

MVP: Roode stole it from Bully at the end. The way he was hugging and kissing the belt was awesome and he never missed a beat

Surprise: Mickie using the knucks. Not many would have called that.
For me it was a lackluster PPV with a few moments of brilliance. As far as telling a story and showcasing great wrestling, Pope vs Devon and Abyss vs Bully Ray were the matches of the night.
Those matches were on point, every spot was sold good, and you want to know the outcome of the match so it kept you into it.
I agree with the general consensus. Overall a lackluster ppv. Monsters ball was the best of it imho. Didn't really care at all about most of the card, the pope/d-von match was ok but the kids face turn was moronic. A week or 2 ago, they hit him with a chair but this week they can't bring themselves to touch him even though they've been on pope's side for weeks previous.

Why in the blue hell would they have Storm job to angle like that is beyond me. I thought angle was semi full time while doing the Olympic training thing. Why have a full time guy go under a part time guy makes no real sense.

If this is indeed RVD's send off, it's fitting because he's spent most of his time there as a midcard part timer.

Hardy/Roode match was kinda ok but the ending ruined it. If tna had any brains they would have listened to the fans screaming for sting at the end.

The rest of the card didn't even keep my interest enough to bother commenting on. All in all not a great or even good ppv.
I have to say that I agree with the Killamanjaro review. The Angle/Storm finished sucked. This could have been a great match. The brawler versus the wrestler. I would have been okay with Angle winning, but he doesn't need the cheating. I would have even been okay with a cheap finish, if I didn't get the same thing in the main event. Let one of the heels win clean. If Roode goes over Hardy fine. Let him cheat that's his character. But, but, but, if you're going to have him cheat to win, the let the face win the undercard bout. Storm goes over on Angle. Let Angle snap and take out Storm after the match to continue the story. Something. DOn't give me cheap finish after cheap finish. Pay per views are supposed to be the pay off. They are not just another show. Give me a real ending to something. Now we'll see Hardy/Roode and Storm/Angle 1 more time...I agree with putting off the Roode Storm feud, but give me something else in between.

PS...Storm is growing by leaps and bounds as this face. For me, he is the most entertaining character since the Rock. He still has some rough patches at times, but if he continues to grow, he may be the character that gets people to truly buy into TNA. His promo on IMpact and last night, were the best I've seen in TNA.
1/ Really enjoyed the X div match. I think Zema Ion and Sorensen showed potential for the future here and Aries is....well...Aries. Thought this was a 4 corners match though and not an elimination. Aries does need some faces to fight though. Surely Shelley, Kendrick and a returning Red or Lethal (yes I know he's in ROH) could keep the interest here. 2 more months I think before AA moves up the card.

2/ Pope/DVon didn't do it for me. I was interested in this story and feel the boys should have helped Pope get the win and remain heels. Turning them so quickly (again) means they would prefer these boys as faces. Not long before they enter the tag division methinks. I wonder if they are any good in the ring because right now it seems their acting is pretty atrocious. Hopefully this feud is now over. Unless the boys gain revenge on Pope without DVon.

3/ Gunner/RVD was booked well. Match was ok. Glad Gunner was put over. Looks as though RVD is gonna be in the Rumble, if he's not on Impact. I'm a big fan of RVD but his performances in the last 6 months have been pretty lacklustre. I don't think he will be a major loss for TNA. I would re-hire Low-Ki to fill his spot.

4/ Kim/James I liked the cage (reminded me of Teddy Long when he was managing Doom in WCW) Funny as hell that you could hear Maddy screaming. Maddy is the best heel in the div right now. The match itself was ok. I expected a bit more from these 2 but its obvious this will continue. I don't understand the concept of a heel getting clean wins, unless they are a monolith like Kong. Would have preferred Kim to knock James out with the knucks and pick up the win. Mickie using the knucks shows her frustrations with Kim. Its good for a face to vent off steam now and then. If booked right this feud can go till Lockdown. Neither woman has shown all their cards yet...which is a good thing.

5/ Bully/Abyss I really enjoyed this match. Comedy spots and all. Have to disagree with you on the grated balls spot. I was wincing and praying Bully was wearing a box. Barbed wire is barbed wire. I understand its controlled but Abyss was cut legit. Hell the barbs almost got caught in Abyss' hair at one point. Good showing by both guys and Bully proves again that you can lose and still be an MVP.

6/ Morgan/Crimson v Joe/Magnus I didn't really get into this match. I suppose I'm waiting for Crim and Morgan to face off again. It won't happen till there are teams to fill the void. I liked the Wild Card tourney. From it we got a legit team in Joe/Magnus (hope they keep them together), a Monsters Ball match, ODB and EY love in and Styles/Kazarian upcoming feud with Daniels in the mix. Bully/Steiner can be a team if need be and we still have mex america (or do we?) and a returning MCMG (whenever that is) so the div is in a transitional stage at the mo. You don't just replace teams like Beer Money/3D/Gen Me/Ink inc overnight. Will take at least 6 months if not longer. Patience is a virtue people.

7/ Storm/Angle I was disappointed with this match. Maybe I expected too much. It was a good match but felt it was missing something. Angle winning means this feud will continue, which is not a bad thing, but we are all waiting for Storm/Roode. The longer TNA holds this match off the better in the long run. Lockdown may be ironed on for this. Storm is really impressing me as a face too. More to come from these 2.

8/ Roode/Hardy Match of the night for me. I loved it. Roode is fast becoming a monster heel. Heels don't win clean. He said he would keep the belt at all costs and he proved it. Reminds me of Money Inc back in the day. People cried about him running down time in the Iron Man match against Styles, so he did the same here and went to run away twice. It didn't work this time. Then Roode tries the old foot on the rope, as before. But, it didn't work this time. He tries to hit Hardy with the belt. That doesn't work either. So when all else failed he 'nutsed' the ref. Brilliant! Glad Sting didn't come down. Glad people are pissed with the ending again. Glad that Hardy won't win the title yet. Did u notice Roode has new entrance music? I reckon Roode is gonna be champ for a while, until the Storm feud kicks into gear. Props to Hardy too, he is so over its unreal. Big difference to 6 months ago when the whole world hated him. Great booking for both men here.

Overall I was entertained. It wasn't a great PPV but it wasn't awful either. Better than satisfactory because finally they got it right from a booking standpoint. Some things could have been done much better, but I'll give credit where its due.

MVP: Roode stole it from Bully at the end. The way he was hugging and kissing the belt was awesome and he never missed a beat

Surprise: Mickie using the knucks. Not many would have called that.

Agree with everything you said exactly especilly about the Roode/Hardy ending, the only thing I'll disagree on is Storm/Angle as I quite enjoyed it but I understand how you could be dissapointed, I think the crowd ruined it more than anything. Apart from that I don't think I need to add much you are spot on. I also agree that Bully and Abyss put on an excellent showing and it did look much more painful than silly. The x-divisonm atch was one of the better openings to a ppv I've seen in a while and I enjoyed it immensely. Entertaining ppv all round and as usual it's getting ripped on because well it's TNA.
I thought the PPV was a case of some hard in ring work undermined by poor booking. Roode is a heel yes but he is not meant to be so pathetic given his talent level. I'm hoping the Abyss/Ray feud is over, I mean it's ran the same course as every Abyss feud, ending in the same tired gimmick match, now hopefully Bully Ray can move on to better things.

I thought Storm vs Angle was easily the best match, their first match was a let down as it was built up as being about revenge and anger but instead of a wild brawl they had a basic wrestling match. Now the focus has changed, the build was about Angle's ego being bruised over losing 2 straight to Storm and claiming the Last Call is a bar move not a wrestling move etc....So the match told a good story of a clash of styles with Angle trying to ground Storm and Storm trying to hit and move, the finish was also great as Kurt went on and on about out-wrestling Storm but resorted to a low blow and kick to the head to win, bar fight style if you will.
I had the X-Division match at ***1/2, but it was too short. Jesse Sorensen's performance in that match was a pleasant surprise.

I had Pope VS Devon at **1/4. I don't think Pope should job to Devon in a presumed blowoff match, but it isn't fair to lower the match rating because of that. If Pope is jobbing like this, it means he's not going to be pushed again.

Gunner VS RVD was **. I would have gone higher for a longer match. Gunner is very good and is going to be a main event star some day. I was also shocked to see RVD not only job (he almost never does), but job pretty much clean and get stretchered out after the match. That's how you put over an up-and-coming heel. WWE should take notes.

I also went ** for the Knockouts match. It was starting out as a good match until the abrupt DQ. They really need to give those 2 15-20 minutes and a clean finish. The Impact main event match a few weeks ago was probably better.

I had Monster's Ball at ****. It may have been somewhat of a spotfest, but that's exactly what you expect out of those kinds of matches. It certainly helps that TNA hasn't done an Abyss hardcore match in a while.

I put the Tag title match at **1/2. Crimson and Morgan are a great team and absolutely should have retained here. I didn't like them cutting away to the backstage area in the middle of a match. The reference to Bully Ray trending on Twitter in the middle of this match was great, as it exposes just how little that means. If you believe the Internet reports, TNA PPVs have maybe 10,000 live viewers and I'm sure most of those 10,000 people aren't writing on Twitter in the middle of a PPV they paid to watch. Crimson and Morgan are a great big man tag team and the right team to carry the division until MCMG return. I'd like to see Magnus get pushed more. He's charismatic and pretty good in the ring. Either they can find him a tag partner or they could make him the TV Champion (a way to get EY and Robbie E off TV), but I don't know if TNA can ever make the TV Title a serious title instead of a joke title that devalues whomever holds it.

Angle VS Storm was a disappointment and was inferior to their match from last month. I still had it at ***1/2 despite a poor finish that came out of nowhere. If you ignore the crowd reactions (as you should anyway to fairly judge a match), last month's match was easily better.

Roode VS Hardy was a great match that was also on the long side for a TNA main event. Bobby Roode excels at all the little things and that is what makes him a great heel. He rope-breaks on 4, he puts his feet on the ropes, and he does everything he can to get an unfair advantage. The finish to this match makes perfect sense as Roode realizes at the end of the match that he isn't going to beat Hardy clean or by cheating and finds a way out. Roode kicked out of a Twist of Fate and Whisper of the Wind combo before he realized that he wasn't going to beat Hardy. Roode argued with the refs after the ref caught him with his feet on the ropes and Hardy got a rollup. Roode kicked out of that as well. When Roode low-blowed the ref, it made perfect sense because Roode (in kayfabe) realized that he was going to lose the next time Hardy hit him with the Twist of Fate, so he just got a low-blow on the ref.

Face Jeff Hardy has long been built up as virtually impossible to beat by TNA. Hardy and Angle went 30 minutes with no winner at No Surrender 2010 and then wrestled well over 20 minutes to a draw on an episode of Impact. Hardy destroyed upper midcard heel Jeff Jarrett, beating him 3 times at Turning Point and basically squashing him in the cage match at Final Resolution. TNA has built up in kayfabe that Hardy is unbeatable when he shows up in a condition to perform, so it makes sense that Roode isn't going to beat a focused Jeff Hardy. Roode will take any shortcut to retain his title, so he's happy to escape with a DQ loss, just like he was happy to run away in the Ironman last month and escape with a draw against AJ Styles. In TNA kayfabe, even lasting 20 minutes against Jeff Hardy before getting intentionally DQed is an impressive feat. The fact that TNA didn't put the title on Hardy here should finally put to rest the claims that TNA is just going to send Roode back to the midcard in a few months. If they were going to do that, why didn't they give the title to Hardy? No, Sting shouldn't have come out and restarted the match as that isn't the way things have worked in TNA.

This is an TNA PPV and compared to other TNA PPVs, Genesis delivered. Most of the roster had a good night. The crowd was into the show. Feuds ended. Storylines were advanced. There were a number of good backstage promos. RVD put over Gunner. Best of all, Eric Young and Robbie E were not on the PPV this month. I would have preferred to see a number of matches get more time and more clean finishes, but putting those things aside as unrealistic complaints, this show delivered. This show also holds up well compared to a typical WWE PPV, as there was no Mark Henry VS Big Show match and there were no commercials on the PPV and none of those ridiculous "Be a Star" PSAs. There was 1 reference to Twitter instead of constant references to Twitter. The commentators called the match and were properly critical of heelish actions. There was no John Lauryngitus, Executive Vice President of Skateboarding Relations. This PPV had 8 wrestling matches, none of them bad and a number of entertaining backstage promos. Of the matches, 1 was a style of match that you don't see very often anymore and another was a very good main event with a bad finish that still made sense in TNA kayfabe. In my book, that's a solid PPV event.

Looks like we'll get Hardy VS Roode II next month and Storm VS Angle IV. That's fine as TNA needs to hold off the big Storm VS Roode and (hopefully) Angle VS Hardy matches until Lockdown. No point wasting those big matches on the Impact Zone. Presumably, there will also be a Lethal Lockdown (AKA Wargames) match, so the card should be strong if TNA can avoid rushing things. Maybe Lockdown will even feature the return of the MCMG. I just hope TNA is patient and doesn't do the Lockdown card at Victory Road.
Abyss vs. Bully Ray was like smoking a joint of some creeper weed. In the beginning you are kinda like .."WTF bro.. did I pay for this..."( Which I did, sadly pay for this PPV) but midway through the session it's an enjoyable surprise and you find yourself saying "Damn this is some good shit.."that match was intense, brutal violent and *JANICE* had a cameo but as usual hits no one..( I think I've seen Janice hit someone twice). Great Match though! Grade: A-

I don't care about any other matches because TNA didn't make me care in the build up. Unless you count the knockout division and Gale's *magic* sheer black latex tops in the past weeks.. keeps me from fast forwarding that!

... as for the Main Event it was a trademark Russo screw. How many times in WCW did we see such similar lame brained finishes. And if you don't want to pin it on Russo, it was a cheap heat screwjob. Nothing I haven't seen before and I was more bothered when Roode didn't win as a face against angle at BFG than I was over this screwjob.

In long.. TNA please stop robbing me of my money .


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