1/7 WWE Monday Night Raw - The Great One Returns!

"Rock bottom! Rock bottom! Amen, the Rock Bottom!"
-Michael Cole​

Glad Rocky found the sweet spot at the end. Damn good. I still have chills.
Punk recovered shockingly well from what Rocky did, considering how he died and went to heaven after he went through that table.
Enjoyed tonight's promo but you know the next few weeks will be the exact same promo just dressed differently.
Rock insults a guy with tattoos...while prominently displaying his own tattoos...

To be fair The Rock's tattoos are a nod to his heritage. I'm not sure if the Brooks family were one of the major investors in Pepsi Co. or whatever but still it was a decent line.
To be fair The Rock's tattoos are a nod to his heritage. I'm not sure if the Brooks family were one of the major investors in Pepsi Co. or whatever but still it was a decent line.

Eh, Punk has some family tattoos. Is the huge Bull on Rock for his family? Serious question. I always thought he got it for himself.
Because what Punk's been saying is god damn original right? I understand not all the phrases are great but Punk isn't the gold standard of talking and never has been.

Never said he was. Truth be told I'll take Rock over Punk most days of the week - both in their prime of course - when it comes to promo ability. And really, just about any other type of ability. But I'm 23-years-old, and his stupid Twitter trends are just not funny. I'm sorry. He's super intense, but there's a time and place for that. When the WWE Champion is staring you down, as intense as he's ever been, it's not a time for scrotum jokes. That sweet spot at the end was brilliant, where Rocky found his old mojo. He gets into this zone where everything he says just "clicks" into place. Everything after that is just brilliant.

It's funny to me that you immediately become defensive of the Rock, and rather than defend him, you point out Punk's hypocrisies. That's usually sign one of a disgruntled fan that can't handle criticism, but also can't defend his own opinions. This is the same bullshit I dealt with last year when Cena was beating Rock in promos week after week. Everybody wanted to bitch about how Cena was saying the same old shit, but nobody wanted to actually DEFEND the guy they claim was better. It's just my opinion man. Have your own, that's fine. But don't tell me I'm wrong unless you've got a point worth making attached.
I am never watching raw and browsing this forum simultaneously again, it used to actually be fun on here to chat with folk and watch raw.

Man you guys know how to not enjoy anything.
Round one to Punk in my opinion. He had the line of the night with the "your arms are too short to box with God" line.
Rocky had some pretty terrible stuff and scrotum and not having nuts and all that stupid crap he said. I do give him credit for turning it up at the end though.
Say what you will... the Rock brought his game today with that promo.. Punk did too.. I enjoyed it.

The Rock's promo had no rhythm to it. He used unfunny jokes, lines that made no sense (Cookiepuss? Popeye on crack? Says CM Punk has a scrotum but then says he has no nuts?), and his serious stuff was generic as crap. In one line CM Punk completely overshadowed The Rock's promo.

This was not The Rock's best work, or even close to it. In fact, this was one of the most forgettable Rock promos I've ever seen. Maybe he should stick to putting notes on his wrist.

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