TNA's Ironically Named PPV LD

Pope v Creed could be a decent series of matches...Anyone else see Lethal and Red fuck up that spot?
Beautiful Northern Lights Suplex...

Too bad EY has been using it for years...:lmao:
ROFL did anyone else just see Sabin give Daniels the dreaded noogie?!

:lmao: :lmao:
And THIS is why I fucking hate TNA crowds. So just because they're wrestling inside of the Steel Asylum, that's worthy of a "This is Awesome" chant? Come the fuck on! NOTHING has happened yet!
And THIS is why I fucking hate TNA crowds. So just because they're wrestling inside of the Steel Asylum, that's worthy of a "This is Awesome" chant? Come the fuck on! NOTHING has happened yet!

Exactly my point. At least wait for a botched spot and go with "You fucked up!".
The spot leading to the double team sucked...But that was a fucking sick looking move...
This is pretty disappointing

The spots with all the finishers needed a little bit better flow, but I liked some of the moves we saw. Red's move looked downright painful. Creed's is a rip off of about half the finishers of WWE's midcard :lmao:
I'd probably enjoy Amazing Red if gingers didn't digust me. Filthy vermin.
Well that wasn't very smart Mr. Black Pope. You could have just won.
What was the logic behind Burke deciding "Why continue climbing and win when I could jump down and kick someone!"

Does he not want to win the match or something? Quite illogical that was. Above average for a spotfest as Gelgarin said, entertaining to watch but nothing special.
Is it just me, or do the MCMG still have the potential to be one of the most exciting teams in wrestling?

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