KB Answers Wrestling Questions

I don't know how often you watch Impact, but I understand Dutch Mantell has been booking it since February? If you have been watching since then how is he? I watched last nights' show(first Impact I saw in a long time) and it was great.
Del Rio and Khali had some title matches on house shows.

On that note, you'd know off the top of your head- did Rock and Booker T ever compete with a title on the line? I'm scraping my brain for any time a WWE World title was defended between two black men.

(Which, for the casual passerby, is not an attempt to slight the WWE as 'racist', but any entertainment company has to provide what people are interested in, and the history of ethnicity and professional wrestling is probably an awesome subject for someone's masters/PhD dissertation.)
On that note, you'd know off the top of your head- did Rock and Booker T ever compete with a title on the line? I'm scraping my brain for any time a WWE World title was defended between two black men.

SummerSlam 2001, main event, 'WCW' title - so depending on how you want to interpret who the title belonged to at that point in time, it could go either way.

On a different note, let's assume Kenny Omega heads to WWE in January (for arguments sake) after NJPW's January 4th show. How would you debut him and what would he do leading into Mania?
On that note, you'd know off the top of your head- did Rock and Booker T ever compete with a title on the line? I'm scraping my brain for any time a WWE World title was defended between two black men.

(Which, for the casual passerby, is not an attempt to slight the WWE as 'racist', but any entertainment company has to provide what people are interested in, and the history of ethnicity and professional wrestling is probably an awesome subject for someone's masters/PhD dissertation.)

Main event of Summerslam 2001.

I don't know how often you watch Impact, but I understand Dutch Mantell has been booking it since February? If you have been watching since then how is he? I watched last nights' show(first Impact I saw in a long time) and it was great.

Haven't missed an episode in nearly eight years. Last night's show was an anomaly. I've been bored out of my mind in recent months but last night's was indeed good.

On a different note, let's assume Kenny Omega heads to WWE in January (for arguments sake) after NJPW's January 4th show. How would you debut him and what would he do leading into Mania?

Rumble, programming him with Balor.
Should they make the Takeovers from Wrestlemania & SummerSlam weekends 3 hrs. long instead of the usual 2 hr. show? They seem to have a deep enough roster down there now to fill out a longer show.
So I think it was WhatCulture who wrote an article recently about why Bray isn't working. They mentioned the painfully obvious, his feuds are literally all carbon copies of each other and he never wins, but they made another interesting point that I'd never really thought about. It seemed like WWE wanted Bray to be the next monster heel, but he isn't a monster size wise. Yeah, he is a solid 6'2, 6'3 280-300 lbs, but he is doughy. He doesn't look like a traditional monster heel. So you think that has played into it?

They also talk about instead of him trying to be the next Undertaker with the supernatural spooky powers, he would work better as the next Kevin Sullivan or Raven. A smart, sadistic, and cunning heel who is ultimately a coward and let's his lackies do the heavy lifting for him. I think that would work much better for multiple reasons, how about yourself?
It would make more sense.

There was an absolutely fascinating comment I read a few weeks back on 411mania where it broke down Bray's character in incredible detail. Basically he's not supposed to be a god, but rather a miserable man with a severe messianic complex. He went after Rollins for saying he broke down the machine despite having such a horrible past. He went after Balor for being a false idol with the Balor Club. Basically, if Bray has to be so miserable, so does everyone else and he's going to drag them down with him.

That's Raven, almost to the letter. And yeah the size does have something to do with it.
Does Roman drop out of the Main event scene now? Perhaps a full Shield reunion is close by and that leads to your theory of Shield Roman beats Brock? Because Brock pinning Roman tonight was puzzling to say the least.
I doubt it. Odds are we get his road to redemption or some nonsense like that, setting up Reigns vs. Brock II.

If so, that will be some really dumb writing.
I want Brock-Roman 2(the match, not the conqueror crap), but not with such a crap story that will turn fans against it from the get-go.
I read your review and thought you were going over the top about the lack of crowd for the pre-show. Then I saw this.


What's the point of putting the matches on if it makes your promotion look like a joke when nobody is there?
Screw logic
Screw booking
Screw what's going to make the wrestlers look good.

Screw logic
Screw booking
Screw what's going to make the wrestlers look good.

the sad thing is they don't need to cut anything to avoid that issue. All they have to do is have all the panel nonsense and backstage stuff on in hour 1 and start the matches at hour 2. At that point most of the people will be done getting their food and merch and can get to their seats, thus filling the arena more. But no, they need to go back and forth.
That 6 man tag was the most pointless match on the card, they could've easily cut it & the guys in the match would probably have been better off.
the sad thing is they don't need to cut anything to avoid that issue. All they have to do is have all the panel nonsense and backstage stuff on in hour 1 and start the matches at hour 2. At that point most of the people will be done getting their food and merch and can get to their seats, thus filling the arena more. But no, they need to go back and forth.

Yep. It was the same thing at Wrestlemania last year. At least wait for half an hour or so. If the gates open at 5, you'll need at least 45 minutes to get any kind of a crowd inside with people going through security, going to the restroom or getting food etc. Not to mention finding their seats in an arena they might not be familiar with. This was really, really dumb.

That 6 man tag was the most pointless match on the card, they could've easily cut it & the guys in the match would probably have been better off.

Yep. Rematch from Raw, which didn't do much either.
Is No Mercy looking more stacked than SummerSlam was? Brock, Cena, Reigns all in seperate matches, ntm, Tag Champs Ambrose & Rollins teaming again. I find that quite interesting.

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