Coco Answers Wrestling Questions

I used it in my latest WZCW RP but JGlass pointed out that no one's thought of that.
I'm sure plenty of people have thought of it. But those in power in the industry realize their storylines don't have to be good or make sense.

Fandango. Thoughts?
Sure, I'd love a reason to care about Johnny Curtis. Bring it on.

Same question I posted in KB's thread this evening:

So William Regal has been on main WWE programming twice in the last seven days; granted, his appearance at the UK Smackdown is a given, but is it just coincidence that he was featured on Raw as well, or is this heralding something more important?
Regal doing something more important? I'll believe it when I see it. And the inevitable fifty replays a week that come with relevance.

Also, Coco, your thoughts on William Regal overall please.
Love him. One of my favourites ever. A shame health problems, drug problems, and the wrestling business liking what it likes kept him from being a bigger deal.
Sure, I'd love a reason to care about Johnny Curtis. Bring it on.

I was a pretty big fan of his PG Rapist stuff on NXT. The guy who owned a van, always had chloroform handy and would smell other divas hair. Fun guy.

Hope Fandango can have such a charm.
I drifted in and out, but I definitely remember when they stopped caring towards the end of the time they taped with SmackDown. The top storylines where Reks/Hawkins vs Regal (who got a foot rub from one of the divas for some reason), and Matt Striker getting kidnapped. Was Curtis involved in the kidnapping?
There was a rapist gimmick on NXT?

More of a creeper gimmick i guess.

I drifted in and out, but I definitely remember when they stopped caring towards the end of the time they taped with SmackDown. The top storylines where Reks/Hawkins vs Regal (who got a foot rub from one of the divas for some reason), and Matt Striker getting kidnapped. Was Curtis involved in the kidnapping?

Yeah. He used chloroform. When asked why he had it his simple excuse was "why don't i have it?". I like Curtis, he went from Mr. Generic as fuck, to a pretty funny guy. He's probably getting this new push on the basis that he was trained by Killer Kowalski though.
If it got Sandow called up, it's not wrong.

But yeah, I still find Curtis bland as fuck. More than adequate in the ring, but bland. However since the milk incident, he's tried so hard to stand out that I can't help but like him a bit.

There's an even better video of a bunch of WWE stars watching WWE Studios latest horror film with Santino, Miz, PTP, Curtis and Kaitlyn(Whom Curtis is banging in real life) and Curtis and Kaitlyn are probably the best thing about that.

There's an even better video of a bunch of WWE stars watching WWE Studios latest horror film with Santino, Miz, PTP, Curtis and Kaitlyn(Whom Curtis is banging in real life) and Curtis and Kaitlyn are probably the best thing about that.

This right?

If it got Sandow called up, it's not wrong.

But yeah, I still find Curtis bland as fuck. More than adequate in the ring, but bland. However since the milk incident, he's tried so hard to stand out that I can't help but like him a bit.

How do you know this? From the video? I'd look for it, but have no headphones atm.

Matt Striker said on commentary once during a superstars match that Curtis and Trent Barretta were teaming because of their girlfriends, Trent's was described as a "cutie from new Jersey"(Trent is dating AJ) while Curtis' girlfriend was from Texas.

That and Kaitlyn and Curtis appear together a lot in backstage promos.
Matt Striker said on commentary once during a superstars match that Curtis and Trent Barretta were teaming because of their girlfriends, Trent's was described as a "cutie from new Jersey"(Trent is dating AJ) while Curtis' girlfriend was from Texas.

That and Kaitlyn and Curtis appear together a lot in backstage promos.

For a long while Curtis was definitely the high point of NXT. Even with the McGillicutty/Kidd rivalry, I was tuning in for the hallway scenes and the chloroforming.

PTP were pretty good back then too "Man, you cant get a woman like that with a coconut tree!!"
Would you rather get in a fight with a Rey Mysterio-sized Big Show, or a Big Show-sized Rey Mysterio? I think that's how the age-old question goes, right?
Matt Striker said on commentary once during a superstars match that Curtis and Trent Barretta were teaming because of their girlfriends, Trent's was described as a "cutie from new Jersey"(Trent is dating AJ) while Curtis' girlfriend was from Texas.

That and Kaitlyn and Curtis appear together a lot in backstage promos.

Trents dating AJ? That lucky gun.
I feel i may have inadvertently taken things off track here. So I'll pose another question to Coco:

Trent Barretta. Does he have a future?

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