Xbox 360: Madden 2010: Franchise Sign-Up

Okay everyone, I've decided to re-make a new Franchise. To include the most recent Roster Update. (namely, Favre & Vick)

Franchise Name: WZ League

Password: wzforums

I've sent out invites to all 10 individuals who were currently apart of the original Season. I'm still plaining on beginning this Friday! So make sure to sign up to the new league.

If you're having issues accepting the request(s) I've sent out, please let me know by a PM - or by simply posting here in this thread.
I joined the new league and left the old one. Also, I'm pretty sure you can join more than one online league. I was in both of the WZ ones until I left the old one.
I joined the new league and left the old one. Also, I'm pretty sure you can join more than one online league. I was in both of the WZ ones until I left the old one.

I'm sure of this too, considering I've set-up both leagues. If anyone has to pay to join a secondary one, then we'll just use the original that we had. But NO ONE should have to pay anything, to join anything.
Thats okay, just make sure you sign up/accept the invite, to the NEW Franchise as soon as possible. (like, now, if possible) That way you're locked in.

Tomorrow is still the tentative start date.
Did we start?

As long as everyone who WAS signed up, transferred over to the new League. Then yes.

I haven't logged on yet, but once I do - I'm going to determine if I need to pick up any FA and play my game.

Last I looked, all human players had cpu opponents in week one. So log in, play the games and make the changes you need to make to your rosters as soon as you can. Once everyone has finished their games, and changes, we'll be advancing to Week Two.

(Of course, this is once again assuming everyone of the 10 that joined our original league, transferred over.)
Anybody looking for a trade? I signed a offensive linemen who is an 85 overall assuming I could move him to another postition but I can't change his position and if I start him there he is weaker than what I have. So I am open to trades.
I haven't been online today to check anything thats been updated.. but I received word from Mr Baller and Christian Battlez on their status.

Mr. Baller sent me a PM, apparently on the 21st, that said he'd be back the following day from vacation and would log on/play then. (considering its now the 23rd, I'd assume he's done this - but can't be sure of it)

Christian Battlez sent me a PM saying his computer went to shit, but he still has internet connection. Once again, I don't know if Battlez has officially signed on and played yet or not - but he claimed he was going to.

And thankfully, Brian is all aboard. (I was really hoping you would be, I wanna play you)

All in all, we're just waiting to finish up Week One. And my question to the general majority of our group is.. at what point should I go ahead and simulate to Week two.. on the off chance anyone doesn't get online? I'm not trying to rush anyone, heck I know all about busy and hectic life schedules.. but I also don't want to wait a week at a time, to play a game that shouldn't take longer than an hour - AT MOST.

So, I'm open to suggestions from everyone. If you wanna wait, we'll wait. If we wanna try to get a schedule (albeit, lax) we can try.
I -really- wanna get someone to do a Co Op game with, though this "year" I don't expect much. I need to draft a good Quarterback, or pray for a damn good QB to go Free Agent before I think about gettin' the Superbowl. Hell, I need to work on my O-Line too.
Man I had an exciting first game tonight. I was up 17-10, but slowly Tampa Bay came back to take the lead 24-17. I had the ball with under 2 minutes left and I was driving down the field, only to have Romo throw an interception returned for a touchdown. So I'm down 31-17 with just over a minute to play. Felix Jones then proceeds to return the kickoff all the way to the 10 yard line. Choice runs in the touchdown and the 2-point conversion and the game is 31-28. I go for the onside kick, but don't get it. I came up just short.

Early in the game Romo got injured so I had to play Kitna and he threw 2 interceptions. I did however run all over Tampa. Felix Jones is SICK in Madden. Hopefully I can rebound in Week 2.

We will be jumping ahead to Week 2, Tuesday. (I'll be moving the progression forward once I get home from work, Monday night - which won't be until "Tuesday morning" more than likely.)

Christian Battlez is the only individual who has NOT yet joined/played his game, as the Colts. I'm assuming if he wishes to join he still can. However he sent me a PM saying he'd get his game done by after Summerslam - and according to our Online league he still hasn't even joined the new league.

SO, once again..

We will begin Week Two by Tuesday!!!​
Damn you Will! Do you have any idea what Tuesday is?

:p JK JK

But seriously.
because you obviously don't want any good games like Batman or Beatles Rock Band. But don't worry, Smackdown comes early this year (october 20th or something).
Week Two is now available to play.

Franchise Notes: I've noticed that a couple people ape shit in Free Agency. All in all, for the most part you didn't pick up anyone that I'd have believed you wouldn't have needed. So I'm fine with that, it just seemed like you released most of your team in favor of a Free Agency one.

The bigger note I have, is in relation to trades. When I turned on the option to allow cpu trading - it was because I didn't think the cpu would be a dumbshit and allow lop-sided trades. Apparently, I was wrong.

Brian - you traded Jason Campbell to the Packers and somehow picked up Aaron Rodgers. (You traded a guy who was 10 overall pts below Rodgers, and still somehow got the trade accepted.. I'm dumbfounded as to how. Even more so, because I thought trades were to go to the commish, and they didn't.)

I'm NOT going to ask you to reverse it, because I honestly don't care and I don't feel like I established a good enough point to not do this before hand.

HOWEVER for future reference in this situation TO EVERYONE, DO NOT go out and trade shit players for great players. If I catch you cheating - I do have the authority to drop you from this league. I do NOT want to do this, because I want all of us to have fun and play together. However, this is all in pure fun among friends and Madden lovers - not intended for cheaters.

I'm also not trying to sound like a hard ass, but when I seen this transaction, I just kinda sat and went "What the fuck, how could that have possibly happened?"

I hope this clears some things up. And once again.. Week two is now available.
I agree Will. That trade was moronic and made me feel CPU trades should be turned off. At least mine was a slight trade down overall but up speed wise, which is all I wanted and HB. I really support you turning it off, I am sure Brain didn't really think it work. I did some FA moves, mostly only what I felt I needed, McAllister is something I NEEDED. Man my CBs suck, he paid off IMO.
The reason I'm NOT in favor of Brian reversing his trade, is because selective aspects of a real life league could've allowed him to do what he did, regardless.

While I highly doubt Campbell for Rodgers would have happened, solely. The fact that he could've also added a draft pick.. (which isn't available to us, and on a side note makes me believe we won't be having a draft - which makes me wonder how a 10 yr season is suppose to work, as well) which would've made the cpu agree, and seem more logical.

Another reason is like I stated. I put down rules on FA pick-ups, and trying to treat this like a realistic league. We've all done that. However, nothing was ever really said about trades until this happened.. and I'm quite sure Brian didn't do it to the point of believing it'd A.) work, or B.) be cheating. Brian's a good guy, and I don't see him (or anyone in our league, for that matter) as a cheater.

EDIT: If multiple people in our league request the CPU Trading be turned off.. I will. For now, I'm fine with it being left on.. as long as we know the new ground rules of.. acting smart with our trades.

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