Xbox 360: Madden 2010: Franchise Sign-Up

Scotty, all the information on how to sign up and join is located on the front page, in the very opening post. My Gamertag is the same as my WZ screen name, and pretty much my screen name anywhere. (TheOneBigWill)

If you wish to join, I'm perfectly fine with it.. but we don't typically sit around waiting for guys who say they're wanting to join, figure out how to do it. Not trying to sound rude :lmao: but we've been waiting forever to get this League back up and running. It shouldn't be too hard to jump in and join.

If you have any issues, get ahold of me on xbox live. Or on here.

INDYjon, hopefully you and LuvSongWrita can get something worked out soon. Maybe even by Tuesday night, so we can advance tomorrow??

My goal is to have the game finished by tonight as long as Lovesongwrita has time. We almost got the game finished last night but something came up and LSW couldn't play at the last moment. But, I think we should get it done tonight no problem.
My goal is to have the game finished by tonight as long as Lovesongwrita has time. We almost got the game finished last night but something came up and LSW couldn't play at the last moment. But, I think we should get it done tonight no problem.

Since we're just getting everything back to the way it was, I'm still going to allow you the time to get LSW and get a game played. But if this goes into the weekend (Friday) and its still not finished, I will be simming the week.

Typically we have stuck with a "get games played in a 2 day deadline" type of style. So I figure giving you and LSW until Friday is more than enough.

Once you play, and I advance, everyone has cpu games in the following week as well. So we'll be returning to the 2-day deadline. I will send out notification on xbox live and in this thread. Make sure everyone reads and stays updated. Thank You.
After all this time, the game is finally done and over. Much to the delight to the crowd it was an epic war in the first half with a tied score of 17-17. After halftime was a different story. The Jags dominated and won the game 45-17.

Yeah, glad to be moving on now.
Week 15 is NOW available to Play!

DEADLINE: Friday by 11pm (central time)

No one has any Human/Human match-ups, so there shouldn't be any reason why we all can't get these games played and ready to advance to the following week by Friday.

EDIT: I have turned the clock run-off to 15 seconds. It will allow us to have slightly quicker games, and more realistic scores/stats. Many have wanted the accel. clock, now we have it.

If anyone is against this, please let me know in here. Otherwise, it will stay.
Just a reminder. The Week advances TONIGHT at 11pm (central time)

As it stands:

Scotty, LuvSongWrita, Brian, Marquis & Simpsons_fanatic all still need to get their games played.

They are ALL against Cpu opponents. There is no reason why these games could not have been played from when we advanced the League before tonight's deadline. So get them played guys!
Devin Moore is officially my starting running back now until Peterson comes back from injury. The man ran for over 220 yards on about 15 carries for me against Da Bears last night.
I probably am not going to make that deadline as I have to work tonight til 930 pm MST

In being honest, I have to ask why you couldn't have simply played it yesterday. I mean, its not like we're advancing on a daily basis.

At any rate, if everyone can play tonight - great. Including if its not by the deadline. LSW, MST - 9:30/10pm would be 1 hour behind central. Which means, you getting off at 9:30 your time, would be getting off at 8:30 central time.

If you can't make it by 11, you can have a deadline until 1am-2am (central) at the latest. (I never see you online beyond that time, anyways)

NO DEADLINES WILL BE READJUSTED BEYOND 3AM central. There shouldn't be a logical reason for readjusting, beyond a work schedule. And I have no idea who's job could take them into random hours of the early morning, with exception of a factory. (And I think the majority of us are not late night-early workers in factories)
Just a reminder. The Week advances TONIGHT at 11pm (central time)

As it stands:

Scotty, LuvSongWrita, Brian, Marquis & Simpsons_fanatic all still need to get their games played.

They are ALL against Cpu opponents. There is no reason why these games could not have been played from when we advanced the League before tonight's deadline. So get them played guys!

I have played my game for this week.
Since you guys are near the end, I have decided to rejoin the franchise at the end of the season. I believe I would have more time to play my games. However, how many teams are in the AFC and how many are in the NFC?
Since you guys are near the end, I have decided to rejoin the franchise at the end of the season. I believe I would have more time to play my games. However, how many teams are in the AFC and how many are in the NFC?

Baller, if you can keep the schedule of playing your games you can come back.

Currently, all the Human players are with the teams listed on the front page in the opening post.

I think its tied up, with both sides having 5 a-piece.

Right, well I was having issues and don't think I'll be able to get my game played so if you sim...please turn injuries off?

What was/is the issue you are having? Is it something that will result in you not being able to play at all tonight before 3a.m.?? If so, I can sim the game but can not guarantee I'll remember to turn injuries off. :lmao: Seriously - I will try to remember, but I have accidentally forgotten before.
What was/is the issue you are having? Is it something that will result in you not being able to play at all tonight before 3a.m.?? If so, I can sim the game but can not guarantee I'll remember to turn injuries off. :lmao: Seriously - I will try to remember, but I have accidentally forgotten before.

I sent you a message, but basically half way through the game it was saying I was dropped from the Franchise Server and the game wasn't counted, and I can't play tonight as I have to get to bed early, I have early morning class tomorrow.
I am selecting the Denver Broncos as my team.

Actually, I'm going to make a slight adjustment in this.

You have 1 of 3 options.

1. You can remain with the Arizona Cardinals.

2. You can select an alternative team within the NFC West division. (Niners, Seahawks, or Rams)

3. You can select any team from within the AFC North division. (Steelers, Ravens, Bengals or Browns)

The reason for this is because if you elect to go with a team that already has a current Human player in the same division, you are automatically kicking 1 human player out of the Playoffs, every year. (only 2 wildcard spots are given to the teams that do NOT win division titles, and if 2 humans fill 3 divisions, 1 human is going to be left out each year.) Thats not fair, especially considering you were in a division all your own.

I'm fine with you going AFC if you want a team in the North division, or remaining w/ the Cardinals, or changing to any other team in that division. Hell, if ANY human players want to change teams at the end of the year, I'll then be fine with you also selecting the Broncos, assuming the same situation of 1 human will automatically miss the playoffs guaranteed doesn't pop up.

I'm ONLY fine with that being the case, should we end up getting 1-2 more human players which would result in having more humans than playoff spots.
League News: Marquis was having some issues getting his game finished, but he was online trying to do it. Due to the fact that Brian also had issues beyond his control, which resulted in him not properly being able to finish.. I have decided to allow 1 additional day, for the final 3 players to get their games done.

LuvSongWrita, Marquis & Brian - its very rare that an extension will EVER happen, and I'm mainly only allowing it because it seems the servers wanted to toy around with you (at least Brian) and thats something out of your control, and thus not technically fair. While you each had the same amount of time the rest of us did - I'm also going to allow for the fact this is our first set of games back since the hold-off.

SO.. the league will be advanced, regardless, first thing, when I get home from work Saturday night. (I'm not putting a time, because it could be at any point. With that said, just know you have an extension and to get your games PLAYED!)
WEEK 16: Is now Available to play.

DEADLINE: Monday - 11p.m. (central time)

Marquis: You and LuvSongWrita were the only two to not finish your games. LSW explained work being an issue, and I'm guessing that is why he simply did not get his game finished.

Marquis, you on the other hand told me numerous times (upwards of 3) that you would get your game played "that night", and only attempted to play it once from what it told me. That being the game you mentioned screwing you over in challenges. You then said you'd have it finished before tonight - and its not.

You haven't played any of the Madden games in this franchise, or any other we've been apart of, in about a month. So if you can not play your games then please let me know so I can remove you - you, like Baller, are free to return when you feel you can get your games played and finished like everyone else. I'm not saying this in a rude way, I'm merely saying for some reason you aren't playing your games and if thats the way its going to be.. then you need to be dropped from the franchise until you can play, otherwise you may hold up others - especially when it comes to the playoffs, when you'll be expected to play other Humans.

This goes for everyone! If you believe you are not able to meet the deadline schedule, please let me know. DO NOT allow your games to go unplayed because it does nothing but hold up the Franchise. I don't mind if anyone needs to step away, real life should always come first, but that doesn't mean you can't simply say you're too busy to play a game and step down.

Either get with me on here, or on MSN. The week has been advanced. I expect everyone to get their games played by the deadline! Please and Thank You.

Some individuals will seemingly miss two weeks in a row of games now. The two I'm namely referring to are LuvSongWrita, and Marquis. LuvSong said he missed his game on one night due to work - then never updated or said anything further on why he hasn't played the new week's game.

LuvSong, if you're reading this please give me an update on whats going on and if you're planning on staying with us or not.

As for Marquis, I've tried to get in touch with him multiple times on MSN. I've heard that he's been online within the previous couple of days, so why he hasn't replied to anything I've sent him - I don't know.

What I do know is this..

I'll be advancing the week once I get back from a hospital appointment my Father has, tomorrow afternoon. No time set, because the deadline has passed as-is so when I advance, I advance. And if Marquis has not played his game - he will be dropped from the league until he is ready to return and be okay with the deadline.

I personally know Marquis has enjoyed Madden, and was at one time one of the first to play. Why he suddenly has decided to not do that - be it because the game isn't as enjoyable, or any number of other reasons, I don't exactly know. Marquis, like Baller, is welcome to return when and only when he is comfortable with knowing and respecting the deadline and the schedule we try to keep.

Brian and Ty also still need to get their game played, so if you two can tell me a set time I am willing to wait - as long as it's within tomorrow, please.

Finally.. this I would like everyone else's opinion on...

With the thought of possibly losing more members, I'm asking everyone still dedicated to the league if they have any friends that would like to join our league? The only condition is that either they join WZ to stay updated on the Franchise - or they make sure they're online daily to see where we're at regarding the League.
Erm yeah, I didn't hear back from Brian last night. I sent ya a PM on WZ Brian by the way. I didn't get a chance to get on Xbox Live last night because Skylar was fussing pretty bad. As far as today, I gotta go to Bismarck immediately after work to go meet with the church for wedding stuff, and I have no idea when we'll be back tonight.
Erm yeah, I didn't hear back from Brian last night. I sent ya a PM on WZ Brian by the way. I didn't get a chance to get on Xbox Live last night because Skylar was fussing pretty bad. As far as today, I gotta go to Bismarck immediately after work to go meet with the church for wedding stuff, and I have no idea when we'll be back tonight.

Because of this.. and due to the fact I got home late with my Father, I'm allowing another day to get the game played. Mainly for no other reason than the out-come of Ty and Brian's game could easily decide who takes a bye week and who has to fight in the Wildcard - on.

However, the week will be advanced tomorrow night (Wednesday) so guys, make sure it gets finished if you don't want it simmed. Please and thank you.

I'm still with you. I've just been unfortunately very busy

LSW, thank you for letting me know where you're at and whats going on. I noticed you online earlier, but I didn't check to see if you played your game. As I pointed out above, the week is still on-hold for another day. So if you haven't played, this is your chance to get another opportunity to finish your game before I sim ahead.

Same goes for you too, Marquis. If you're reading this anyways.

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