Scotty, all the information on how to sign up and join is located on the front page, in the very opening post. My Gamertag is the same as my WZ screen name, and pretty much my screen name anywhere. (TheOneBigWill)
If you wish to join, I'm perfectly fine with it.. but we don't typically sit around waiting for guys who say they're wanting to join, figure out how to do it. Not trying to sound rudebut we've been waiting forever to get this League back up and running. It shouldn't be too hard to jump in and join.
If you have any issues, get ahold of me on xbox live. Or on here.
INDYjon, hopefully you and LuvSongWrita can get something worked out soon. Maybe even by Tuesday night, so we can advance tomorrow??
My goal is to have the game finished by tonight as long as Lovesongwrita has time. We almost got the game finished last night but something came up and LSW couldn't play at the last moment. But, I think we should get it done tonight no problem.