Xbox 360: Madden 2010: Franchise Sign-Up

But I have to play my games against other human players late at night if you want to do it with mics.
Scotty: the information to join our original league (which is temp. suspended until INDYjon gets his game system back) is on the front page.

If you were interested in joining our Secondary league, its on the page before this one - or two pages back.

Baller: Why did you leave the league?

Franchise Update: I never set a deadline for the Secondary Franchise - but its because I figured everyone would play their game. Since there are only 5-6 of us there, I didn't think I had to set a deadline but apparently I was wrong.

The Deadline will still be 2 days. So it'll be advanced tonight. (Sunday night) Make sure to get your game played.

Trading rules: I will NOT be accepting any trades that are unrealistic. By this, I mean plan and simple - DO NOT trade players that are secondary to you for players that other teams would never trade in real life. (example: No team would accept an aging vet, and give up a rookie. No team would accept giving away one of their only star offensive/defensive players, for a guy that wouldn't make as big of an impact)
Alright everyone, it seems the majority of those who have been Regulars have decided to up and forget/ditch the Secondary league.

It seems like its been 2-3 weeks since INDYjon had his system go to crap, so I'm needing an update on that status. (INDY, if you're reading this - which you should be, since you're in the league - whats the time table we're looking at for your system to be returned?)

Also, why has everyone else up and left? Brian and Ty seem to not want to put time into a Secondary league that'll become for the most part 'forgotten' once we get back to the main one, and thats understandable. But I haven't heard anything out of Big P in about a week now, and Marquis keeps saying he'll play - yet never does.

At this point, I'm pretty sure I'm waiting on our main league to start up. But I also need to know everyone is still interested in continuing on with our original once it begins back up.
I had to figure out if I would be charged $100 or not so it took me much longer then I expected to send in my 360. I sent it in on Wednesday so hopefully it'll get back around February 20 or close to then.
Since the Jags are taken (which I would have dominated with) I will throw my good name into the fold and take the Chargers.
I am still here. I was away from last Friday until Wednesday.

I'm sorry I haven't been on much since then. I played my game in the secondary franchise, but I haven't been on that much in the past few days.
Update on my 360. It is on its way home now. I got a confirmation email telling me that it has been repaired and is on its way back to me. I should be operational in 7 days.

Now all you need to do is get in touch with your opponent (LuvSongWrita) and set-up a time to play your game, so we can advance the week.
Well last time I tried to his PM box was full but I sent him a message through x-box live before my system failed, so I am sure we can set the game up and get it done as soon as possible. Hopefully he reads this as well.
I doubt I'm the only one who feels the same way, when I say:

I would hate to have waited all this time, simply to have simulated the game in the end. :lmao:
Who the opponent be for my Chargers?

if you join before the week is advanced (whenever that is), you will have a CPU game against the Texans. The next week is a CPU game against the 49ers. The good news for you is that the Chargers are tied with the Broncos for the AFC West lead, and I believe hold a tiebreaker, so you should be able to make the playoffs as a 3 or 4 seed in the AFC.
I thought I had already joined. I will play my game as soon as possible (or later). I haven't played online in a while, so I started last night to work off the rust. My only game I played was a winning effort with a 20-15 score. My Chargers over some other persons Cowboys.
I thought I had already joined. I will play my game as soon as possible (or later). I haven't played online in a while, so I started last night to work off the rust. My only game I played was a winning effort with a 20-15 score. My Chargers over some other persons Cowboys.

I don't remember you playing me lol.
you joined the secondary franchise (the one we had while Indy was waiting for his 360 to come back). The original franchise you need to join still, and only have CPU opponents for the rest of the (regular) season.
you joined the secondary franchise (the one we had while Indy was waiting for his 360 to come back). The original franchise you need to join still, and only have CPU opponents for the rest of the (regular) season.

Damn, Scotty is lucky. I have two user games left including my return game. If I could only be so lucky.
you joined the secondary franchise (the one we had while Indy was waiting for his 360 to come back). The original franchise you need to join still, and only have CPU opponents for the rest of the (regular) season.

This. I wish to join the regular franchise.
This. I wish to join the regular franchise.

Scotty, all the information on how to sign up and join is located on the front page, in the very opening post. My Gamertag is the same as my WZ screen name, and pretty much my screen name anywhere. (TheOneBigWill)

If you wish to join, I'm perfectly fine with it.. but we don't typically sit around waiting for guys who say they're wanting to join, figure out how to do it. Not trying to sound rude :lmao: but we've been waiting forever to get this League back up and running. It shouldn't be too hard to jump in and join.

If you have any issues, get ahold of me on xbox live. Or on here.

INDYjon, hopefully you and LuvSongWrita can get something worked out soon. Maybe even by Tuesday night, so we can advance tomorrow??
I just played my first game with the Chargers. Beat the Texans 67-10. 370 rush yards with LT.Had 12 total sacks. Thought I did pretty good till I looked at the other teams stats. Thanks for making me feel bad guys. Especially Will with his 800 points. Grr. I still think I did pretty good, just can't wait until the playoffs and when I get to play a human game.

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