Xbox 360: Madden 2010: Franchise Sign-Up

Redskins Update​

Live from Redskins Park, Aaron Rodgers has called a press conference to comment on his next weeks opponent.


I'm the better looking Quarterback, Bish. Get ready to meet my boy OSackpo. Have a nice day.
Coach Ken Whisenhunt has called a press conference to speak about last week and this upcoming game against the Vikings.


What happened last week in your first loss?

Well, our defense played well, just our offense wasn't as good as usually is. Kurt had an off game, but he is going to bounce back this week against the Vikings.

Whats your gameplan against the Vikings?

Well we are going to make that rookie qb of theirs beat us. We got to put 8 in the box and not let Peterson break out. We played them twice last season and we followed the gameplan and came out with 2 victories. Now if they follow the gameplan we will beat them again.

Ever since you changed the defense to a 3-4, your defense has dramatically increased, what have you done schematically to improve a team mainly known for its offense to a team that could win on the defensive side of the ball?

Well, you know its all about who you have and what fits them best and thats what I thought would work best for my squad. Our team lacked toughness and by pinching my line and my linebackers we aren't going to let teams run through us. If they want to run to outside I got fast corners and safeties, which is what is a big success to our team.

Now excuse me I have to get back to my gameplan.
Week 10 is now Available to Play.

DEADLINE for Week 10: Tuesday Night - 11p.m. central time.

I went ahead and advanced, but want to explain that there was a miscommunication issue with Ty and Myself. He had mentioned being gone ALL weekend, and I misunderstood thinking he was just going to be gone Friday. As a result, Ty was not able to meet up with Baller to play their game.. and they would've needed possibly more than a single day over the original deadline.

I went forward with Advancing anyways, as Ty was unsure if he would've been able to play Baller by Monday night - which is when I would've advanced, regardless. I just figured to remain ON SCHEDULE with how everything has been, which has been the 2-day deadline.

I can't imagine either Baller, or Ty, missing the Playoffs - especially since neither have any Human opponents in their own division to help knock them out.
Just a reminder, the Week will be advancing Tuesday night - around 11p.m. (central time)

The only games left are CPU v. Human games. There should be no real reason why they can't get played, everyone!

Also - a quick note on the positive side of things. While I can't guarantee it worked 100% until having more Human games, I may have finally shoved my connection issue! Brian and I had a very solid game that ended up glitching and freezing. Not kicking either of us, simply glitching when they went for a chain measure. We both had to literally click completely out of the Madden game - back to the xbox dashboard.

On the "restart" we had NO lag, NO freezing, and a fully completed game without interruption!!! Once that game was finished, we began a regular online game (out of the franchise) that also went all the way through until we just decided to stop playing (like under 2 mins in the 4th Q.)

So, I'm really re-energized because I'm hopeful this solved everything.

Baller: You and I play next. With the season advancing, I'm telling you ahead of time.. my schedule for Tuesday-Thursday (which will be the new deadline) is at night! The best time to catch me may actually be tomorrow night.

I know you have a set bed time at like 8p.m., because of curfew and all :p But if you can, try to play me around Midnight-1a.m. (central) tomorrow. Otherwise, we may never get our game played. And I am craving our Playoff rematch right now, Son!

Actually, I just realized my Manager said I may be working on Wednesday morning - so if this happens, I WON'T be available tomorrow, but will be available Wednesday evening and night. (Either way, leave me a message with your availability - hopefully we can work something out!)


Franchise Reminder: Someone asked about trades. The trading deadline was up at Week 6 I do believe, for trades to the cpu. HOWEVER.. I've said it countless times, and will restate it incase its been forgotten..

Human for Human, player trading, is fine by me - all Season long. The way it works, more or less work out a deal with another Human player - both of you have to agree and I'll make it happen. I'm okay with this, simply put because Humans are capable of logical thinking and can make their own smart or dumb decisions.
Week 11 is now available to play. There are two Human games.

Ty Burna (Vikings) v. Moon Knight (Patriots) & Baller (Cardinals) v. TheOneBigWill (Panthers)

As always, if you have a Human game send your opponent your schedule and work out a time to get your game played.

Week 11 Deadline: Thursday - 11p.m. (central time)

Baller, check your PMs because you have a very important message waiting for you, from me!
Week 12 is now available to Play.

DEADLINE: Saturday - 11p.m. (central time)

Ty and I just finished our game. While I'll likely forever more remain scared of my internet connection - so far, I'm three for three on games against Humans since listening to xbox support.
Just wait till I get to you in the playoffs Will. When I have time I'm finding an all new playbook, offensively and defensively. I ain't letting you run all over me like that again.
I've been considering a new playbook as well, but to be perfectly honest so much of my Carolina Panthers Offensive Playbook is just now opening up to me.

And I've found all new Defensive plays that have now held in check 3, of the previous 4 Human players I've had games against. (Marquis being the one who actually had major success against me)

I'm excited to play Brian again, simply because he's been the only individual who's Defense has held me 'in check' for an entire first half of any game. That first half of our game was flat-out amazing to me.

And finally, Ty, I don't know if I want to face you again for the simple reason - YOU INJURE DeANGELO WILLIAMS EVERY DAMN TIME!

Last year, you did something that sent him out of the game in the first, or second Quarter. This year, you dislocated his shoulder and I'm DAMN lucky to have only lost him for the game. I'd seriously consider playing him little to hardly at all, against you, in the Playoffs. Besides, Stewart has always been the one to have major success against you. (in Madden and real life, apparently. :p)
MK, Baller: If the both of you can get your Week 12 game played before 11p.m. (central time) TONIGHT (Friday) then we can advance our League TONIGHT.

Marquis has already said he'll get his game played tonight - so all that'll leave would be MK & Baller.
Its almost Midnight (central time) I'm giving until 12:30 (roughly 40 minutes from now) for Baller to get online and play Marquis.

Baller: we've already had a couple conversations about making the initiative and setting stuff up to play your opponents. Marquis said outside of a message you sent him today, (Sunday) the only time you did anything was when he contacted you on Friday - and you barely said anything to him, sent him a game invite - only to get offline when Marquis got on to play you. No contact was made by either of you on Saturday.

You have the 40 minutes to get on and play Marquis. (obviously if you get on AT 12:30 and play, I'll wait until you're both done) However, if you don't do it.. I'm going to temp. drop you from the league, because Marquis was making effort to play you, and you only made an attempt on the one day even "I" told you would be bad to try and play him on. (today)

Brian: You have yet to play your game as well. I have no clue why, but you have until 12:30 to get it done just the same.

The Week will advance tonight.
Week 14: is now available to play.

DEADLINE: Tuesday 11p.m. central time.

Franchise News: Two things are being addressed here. So please read carefully.

1. Baller is NOT 'banned' from the League. I told him I would remove him before if he couldn't find a better line of communication with other members and get Human v. Human games played. Not to mention, find a better way to play his games in general - since I've simmed roughly a Quarter's (4-5) worth.

I understand Baller's schedule has him busy right now, I'm sure school is the big reason and thats perfectly understandable and fine. Albeit, this league is NOT going to pause and wait countless days for someone to figure out when, or if, they're going to play a simple game.

When Baller has more time, and thus can show more dedication to the League and our schedule.. he is allowed to return. But not until then.

2. I firmly realize we have 4 Human v. Human match-ups this Week, however I do not see a strong need for an over lapse or extension. When you break it down, each of you only have ONE opponent to work out a time to play against. Its nothing different than what we've all already done before throughout this Season.

The deadline is Tuesday night, and I truly believe we can all get our games done before then. IF for whatever reason anyone has an issue with communication with your Opponent, please contact me BEFORE TUESDAY and let me know.

The main reason I do not like extending deadlines, is because you have two days to get a game played, so there isn't a strong reason why it should take longer just to communicate. Shy of someone being completely gone and out of town. (Which should also have been pointed out, and communicated with the rest of the league, so we know to plan ahead for it.)

I am only re-addressing the steadiness of the Deadline, because I question if people may or may not feel intimidated by the series of Human v. Human games and fall into a false belief they'll have additional time themselves. PLEASE, everyone, lets try to get our games done by Tuesday. Thank You.
Ok so I may or may not have a problem getting my game done with LoveSongWrita this week. I was just trying to turn my X-Box on and I got the red ring, so yeah I am going to check it tomorrow but if it still has the red ring I am going to have to send it off for awhile.
Ty, I'm on Madden now if you want to get this game in. I am probably gonna get off here around 1:30 AM eastern, so if you don't get this by then, we can play it tomorrow at some point.
Tomorrow will work better for me, I wanna jump on and play a little Bayonetta for a bit and head to bed.

I've sent INDYjon a PM in regard to his possible red ring situation. I've given him two options, and I'm also going to give this League an option.

Lately, I've heard a few of you question what the league would be like if we had "up-to-date" rosters. This basically means those who control the Saints, Cowboys, Vikings, Jets, Colts, Patriots and Cardinals.. may just have an even BETTER team with the updated rosters. While Brian & I, if we use the Panthers and Redskins, could suffer more. :lmao:

Anyways.. this is my question to the League.

Would ANY of you like to join a Secondary Franchise, with the option to use the same team you have.. or an all new team?

I've given INDYjon the option to be removed from the League, and come back once his system is fixed. (IF its broken) Or, if he gets it sent away A.S.A.P, then I've told him since we waited for Big P - it'd only be fair and equal to wait for INDYjon as well. (this is also why I bring up the possible secondary league, which could be a whole new challenge, depending on how its looked at.)

SO - I want people to post what they think, so I know what to do. POST IT IN HERE, create conversation amongst yourselves as well, if you wish. But I want to hear opinions on creating a 2nd league. (not replacing the one we're in, but beginning an alternative one, for when we have to pause/wait on red ring repairs, etc, etc.)
I wouldn't mind another league, though lets make that one a bit more flexible in regards to scheduling. Some of us already have multiple leagues such as our two person league Will. I think it'd be interesting to see what it would be like with updated rosters, some would benefit and others would have more of a challenge. I'm down with it and we can wait for IndyJon to get his 360 fixed if necessary.
I like the idea of a secondary franchise, especially since the Jets were vastly improved in roster updates (David Harris went up 10 points since the franchise started) and the Jets would have Braylon Edwards, too.

I have another idea for the secondary franchise, however. What about the idea of doing a Fantasy Draft? Doing a Fantasy Draft should lead to closer to even teams, since we are picking the teams ourselves.
I like the idea of a secondary franchise, especially since the Jets were vastly improved in roster updates (David Harris went up 10 points since the franchise started) and the Jets would have Braylon Edwards, too.

I have another idea for the secondary franchise, however. What about the idea of doing a Fantasy Draft? Doing a Fantasy Draft should lead to closer to even teams, since we are picking the teams ourselves.

Problem with a fantasy draft is we would have to get everyone involved on at the same time and even then it's going to take us quite awhile to finish it. I know my friend and I did it just for one team and it ended up taking a good hour and a half just to finish it. So for say six to eight of us all trying to get on at the same time, hasn't worked out for our regular draft so I don't see it working for a fantasy draft.

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