Xbox 360: Madden 2010: Franchise Sign-Up

Lol. Will I want Beason. Who do you want for him?

Well, to begin with.. trading is passed, so even if he was available - it's too late this Season. And on that note, he's not available anyways. So nothing you have, or anyone else has, would make a difference.

TheOneBigWill said:
And after the exclusive WZ Free Agency drawing.. the Pick Order is..

1. Minnesota Vikings
2. Jacksonville Jaguars
3. New Orleans Saints
4. Washington Redskins
5. Carolina Panthers
6. Dallas Cowboys
7. New York Jets
8. New England Patriots
9. Arizona Cardinals

Now 'On the Clock' are Ty's Minnesota Vikings. You have until 10p.m., (central time) Wednesday night, to make your selection.

FRANCHISE NEWS: Tomorrow night, at 10p.m. central, Free Agency will be OPEN TO EVERYONE. There will be a rule, so make sure you read and understand carefully.

1. You can pick up whomever you desire, however make sure if you pick up more than 2 FAs that anyone over 2 becomes a starter for your group.

In other words, if you're going to raid the pool of the best remaining talent available - then you're going to be forced to use them.

I'm fine with everyone picking up 2 guys every week or so, over time, as back-ups. However.. if you try to be the quickest guy on to pick up everyone you can.. any number of guys over 2 MUST become starters.
Just a reminder..

Week 7 will be advancing, tomorrow (Wednesday) night by 11p.m. (or sooner, if everyone gets their games played.)

We only have; Brian and INDYjon in a Human/Human match-up.. Simpsons_fanatic, and Ty in cpu match-ups.
It'll have to be Friday as WZ doesn't tell me when I have PMs and I wasn't paying attention to my game. We can't play today for sure, possibly tomorrow.
It'll have to be Friday as WZ doesn't tell me when I have PMs and I wasn't paying attention to my game. We can't play today for sure, possibly tomorrow.

Since you aren't 100% sure exactly when you're going to play, and because Friday is also two more days away, I will still advance tonight. If worse comes to worse, you lose 1 game.

I've had a couple people tell me they may have issues playing over the weekend. So as it stands, if I sim tonight the next deadline will be Friday.. HOWEVER, once again..

I can delay advancing if I know for a fact WHEN an exact time and date everyone will be playing, happens. If its multiple days beyond the deadline set, unless everyone in the league is fine with it.. or multiple people can't play before the deadline set, you'll just have to take the chances of simming the game.

Brian - I don't worry about You missing the Playoffs, even with a couple more losses. However if INDYjon loses another game, or 2, he's already down by a few games and 3rd in his division as it is.. to lose many more could kill his Playoff hopes.

Edit: Brian, I just noticed you and INDY are both on? Are you simply too busy to play, or can you both get the game done now?

Also, Baller, those stats were fine. And to be honest, you can still have 150+ rec. yd games w/ Fitz for all I care.. I just want to KNOW you're spreading the ball around to everyone.

Shit man, I had a 200 yd rec. game w/ Smith, and still had several other WR/TE/RB's get plenty of catches and yds to equal everything out.
Hey Brian, if INDY is simply unable to play at all until Friday, then I'll just go forward with simming tonight.

However, I'm assuming your Sister would logically be asleep by Midnight or before. So, if INDYjon and you can get your game played before 3a.m. tonight, then I'm fine with waiting that long. I've seen you up late at night from time to time, but I don't know INDY's schedule or what all he does. (I have noticed his user name is online on xbox almost all the time though.)
I'll be watching this thread and check back before 11p.m. (original deadline) tonight. If INDY can let me know he is indeed going to play you, tonight, I'll delay advancing until your game is finished - or 3a.m. (which ever comes first)

Also, Ty and Simpsons_fanatic still have yet to play their games! Ty knows he still needs to, and will be doing so later. But I haven't heard from Simpsons_fanatic recently, so I'm unsure if he knows.

Finally, remember.. 10p.m. tonight - Free Agency becomes open to everyone. As long as they follow the guidelines and rules I set above. (and now, below)

TheOneBigWill said:
1. You can pick up whomever you desire, however make sure if you pick up more than 2 FAs that anyone over 2 becomes a starter for your group.

In other words, if you're going to raid the pool of the best remaining talent available - then you're going to be forced to use them.

I'm fine with everyone picking up 2 guys every week or so, over time, as back-ups. However.. if you try to be the quickest guy on to pick up everyone you can.. any number of guys over 2 MUST become starters.
We got are game done. Brian whooped my ass, lol, but Manning looked good with 3 touchdown passes and Addai had over 100 yards on the ground. Good job Brian.
Redskins Post Game Press Conference​

JimZornHZ.hmedium.jpg injuries to speak of. Brandon's a little worn out, but its to be expected. I don't have much to add. They uh...they played well. We had some miscues on defense, but I think we held a very prolific offense in check for the most part. Not much more to add, so I'm open to questions.

Coach Zorn, this is the second time a teams been able to rush for over 100 on you. Do you foresee any problems in the future?


Uh, no. I do not. Of course such numbers a concerning with Albert and Cornelius up the middle, but we both know what talents those two are so it will be something we have to work with. Uhhh...Andre and Brian are playing great, as expected. It might have to do with a slightly more aggressive play calling style, however Brian's tackles have grown considerably so obviously somethings working.

But no, I don't see any problems. With hard runners like Carolina and Minnesota on the schedule it will be something will work on, but I'm confident that they'll be able to more then hold their own. Also, you cannot undercut Chris Johnson and Joseph Addai. Both are talented running backs and I mean, you can't expect to hold them to no yards. So, no. I see no problems in that.

Coach, there's constant rumblings about Rodgers being a turnover machine. Obviously theres some truth to the matter as once again he threw 3 pics in this game alone. How do combat this and do you foresee any possible changes in play style throughout the season?


He wins football games. I mean...what else can I say? We get the job done with Rodgers. He lead the league last year with the all time record in passing yards and touchdowns, so obviously he's doing something that's working and come on...lets be honest here. First off; you have to, from time to time, give the defense credit for just making plays. And secondly, he gets a lot of what I'd like to call "fluke" interceptions. I mean, they just come out of no where.

Over the pre-season we brought in Jacobs, so of course we have a new weapon to use this year and we want to get him involved in the game and not put as much pressure on Aaron. But he's a winner, how can you argue with results?

Zorn, this is the 3rd game with Jacobs and besides one outing; he hasn't had a major outing. You traded the franchise halfback, Clinton Portis, for him; are you starting to regret that decision or what?


Alright, hold on here. I take some offense to this. Now, albeit we haven't gotten the chemistry down with Brandon just yet but that takes time. He is a damn good back, and he is a great acquisition to this team. Brandon is doing exactly what we want him to do.

I have all the respect in the world for Portis, but with the direction were taking this team he was no longer THE back for us. Brandon is, and that's the end of it.

One final question; after the disappointing loss to the Vikings in the playoffs last year, how do you look to rebound this year?


Haha. You know, I have all the respect in the world for Todd (Collins), but he's no Aaron and he'll tell you that. If we keep Aaron healthy, and we continue pushing through our new game plan; I guarantee we will be a feared team.

Hail to the Redskins
Just a reminder, everyone, the Week WILL be advanced tonight.

MK and Baller are the only two who've yet to play, and Marquis & I have tried playing our game - my connection bullshit is still present - so we'll try again tonight, however regardless the week advances TONIGHT!
Alright, so the new week is up. Like always, if you have a Human vs. Human game on your schedule - get with your opponent and work out a time to play. Do it quickly, and don't wait until the last second - this way it saves us from having to sim games, due to not trying to work something out sooner.

Week 9 Deadline: Sunday - 11p.m. (central time)

Marquis and I had 5 Disconnects, as it looks like my inability to play full human games - continues. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm open to them because of the following reasons..

1. My phone company claims the lines are clear and clean. No issues.
2. They also claim my internet is running at top speed, no connection issues.
3. Xbox live claims I'm connected 100%
4. My cords are all connected fully, without any issues between them.

Yet I still get D/C from games. As a result, Marquis played the final Quarter of a game I was winning 35-28, and beat me. I was okay with this, as we agreed upon Super-simming it - until that option apparently was taken away, since it was still "deemed" a human/human match-up. As such, the one thing I looked moderately forward to were my stats.. which in looking back, also turned out like pure shit. So, that.. leads me to this..

FRANCHISE NEWS: I understand how much of a pain in the ass it is to win/lose/have incredible stats and then get dropped - or have your opponent get dropped - from any game. HOWEVER, the reason we're in this Franchise is to play one another. So, UNLESS the game is out of reach and seconds away/or in, the fourth Quarter.. DO NOT SIM the game unless BOTH members are okay with it.

As for the 'Out of Reach' situation, I mean being in the 3rd Quarter - winning by over 20 pts. It clearly seems like if you have that advantage, you could just hold out long enough to win. That is an 'Out of Reach' situation. (20 pts, or higher)

IF the game is not completed by the Deadline set for the League - it will be 100% simmed. This excludes the Playoffs. Those games MUST be 100% completed BY Human/Human players, unless both players agree to sim the game.

(I'll be adding another Post-Game Press Conference for fun, especially since I lost)

On Injuries Update: Before the game, we had a bit of a situation with Will (Johnson), he just didn’t feel right so we let Cato (June) fill the spot at OLB. Jake (Delhomme), is still listed as out indefinitely. No real progress has been made, there.

On the Rushing Attack continuing to be less Effective, Rush Defense breaking down: Well, I think this situation needs looked at a little closer than just on paper. On paper, we had 117 total rushing yds. I think it was the first game in which neither back went over 100, so that’s a credit to the Saints Defense. It was a very high scoring game, and that could have caused us to alter our gameplan slightly as well.

As for their back, (Reggie Bush) he’s a very dangerous player when allowed to get in the open field. He’s their Punt return guy, and clearly becoming a more dangerous back out of the back field. Like I mentioned earlier, we were having some Defensive issues with match-up problems, and subs coming in. (Cato) really did an amazing job filling in for the first time as a Panther, and I think we did a decent job of slowing (Bush) down and not allowing more than we did.


On now being a Game behind New Orleans in the Division: Well it was a tough loss, no question. One I feel we really needed to set the tone, and it just wasn’t there for us. Every game is tough, but division match-ups are tougher. When you don’t win in your division, you don’t win, period. Simple as that.

On Miller's Kickoff Return: Well, anytime you have a player of that caliber on your Kickoff team, you know a big play can happen at any time. He's had a couple other returns that have been negated in the past due to officials (flags). But regardless, he's definitely a great addition to our Special Teams unit and has big play potential written all over him.

On Atlanta being Next: We go from one tough opponent, a division rival, to another. One good rushing attack, to another. One good defense, to another. We’ll set forth a game plan and execute. We’re now 6-1, and Atlanta has the opportunity to really close the gap between us in chasing for that division title.

*Questions now directed at Rookie QB - Dane Morrow*


On Losing his First Career Start: Seriously? Its bad, it sucks. I was brought in by this team to be available to give them the opportunity to win every time I’m on the field, and I couldn’t get it done out there. Maybe that’s why I’m the back-up, filling in for the starter, who knows.

On losing Confidence with the Loss: Well, Coach (Fox) says it’s a situation where I need to have a short memory, just forget it and move on. So that’s what I’m gonna try to do. I don’t think its rattled my confidence or anything of that sort, I think a lot of it is just nerves. I know I can win, and I know I can lead this team to a Championship if I’m put in that position. Bottom line is, I’m here to play, I’m here to win, and I’m here to help give my team the best opportunity to win every time we play.

On potentially being the Starter throughout the Season: Again, I’m excited and a lot of everything is just nerves, but they’ll calm down. I’ve played in almost every game this year, and I believe I’ve done a good job each time. (The Saints) were a great unit, and we just couldn’t capitalize on the situations we had in front of us.

On if he believes the INT thrown in the end zone, could’ve been a Game Changer: Well of course it could’ve been a game changer, it was either a TD or an INT. I felt I had a good angle on the pass, and unfortunately it didn’t work out the way I thought it would.

On Facing Atlanta: Well, I look forward to it. I look forward to every opportunity I have to play. I look forward to hopefully being able to prove I deserve the position I’ve been given, for the time being.

*Questions now directed at WR - Terrell Owens*


On the Difference between Morrow & Delhomme: They’re both my QBs, man. Regardless who I have throwing me the ball, they’re both my QBs. *slightly emotional*

On being the #2 WR:


What? I wouldn’t consider myself a #2 WR, nor would I consider myself above Steve (Smith). I think we’re on par for being unique and capable of being the best two-man dominate WR group in the entire League. Whether he gets more catches, or I do, as long as we both produce enough to win - that’s all that matters.
Just a reminder; the Deadline is TONIGHT! (by 11p.m.)

According to the online website - Both Human games (Ty/Baller, Big P/MK) have yet to be played. Along with LSW & Myself, whom both have cpu games as well.

I'll be wrapping mine up here shortly, but I'm curious as to whether both Human games will be completed or not. (Last I knew, MK was sick - and I'm not even sure if Ty has been online to get in contact w/ Baller, so make sure everyone figures something out before tonight's deadline, please.)

On Injuries: Will (Anderson) was pulled during pre-game warm-ups with some cramping, he‘ll be day-to-day for next week. Dwayne (Jarrett) played throughout with a possible pulled hamstring, but should be good to go for next week. Jake (Delhomme) has begun trying to throw some passes, but still has a lot of pain in his back. He’s still out indefinitely.

On Record Breaking Performance: Well, sometimes games don’t go your way, like last week, and sometimes games go above and beyond your way. This was our second game this season that we’ve produced over 100 pts in a single game. We don’t go out with the intent to run up any type of score like this, but sometimes its unavoidable without intentionally trying to not simply play the game. We never go out with any type of intention to embarrass, however I’m not going to tell my Players to stop playing.

On Ground Game:


Its like I’ve said all Season, our ground game is there but because our Passing attack has been in the spotlight more, lately, our backs (Stewart & Williams) only get noticed if they aren’t out-doing our Receivers. DeAngelo (Williams) had over 200 rushing yds and 3 TDs, and then Jonathan (Stewart) came in to replace him and rushed for over 180 yds and 2 more TDs. Collectively we had over 400 rushing yds this week, and 5 total TDs on the ground. Who’s to say we’ll have even a fraction of that next week.

On Defensive Up’s and Down’s: As far as the negatives go, our Rushing Defense still has some gaping holes, obviously, as we gave up another 100 yd game. Their back, (Turner) isn’t exactly an average runner, so its not to discredit their run game or back. Simply put, we gave up too many yds on the ground and had it not been for the favorable turnovers made by our Defense who’s to say we even would’ve won. Their WR, (Jenkins) also had a big day against our back field.

As for the positives, Julius (Peppers) was red hot today. Piling up 8 sacks, and seemingly forcing a fumble on half of those sacks, or forcing their QB (Ryan) to throw INTs helped our Defense more or less put up over half of the points we put up.

The first half we really played out of sync but seemed to right everything in the 2nd half of the game, and took full control on all phases of the ball.

On Weather being a Factor: Absolutely. Again, when one of the first plays of the game is a forced fumble, then you add in a total of 6 fumbles by Atlanta, you have to give partial credit to the rain and making the ball slick to handle.

On Dane Morrow’s Performance: Hes going to be great. Simply put, he will be a future star in this league. He knows how to remain calm, and handle pressure. He knows how to manage a game, and make the correct decisions. I think he had maybe 10 incomplete passes, and one being an INT. But you can’t exactly name me any one QB who hasn’t thrown an INT this Season, it happens.

On Gary Barnidge’s Emergence:


(Gary’s) presence has been nothing short of amazing for us this season. He’s a natural out there, and really goes unnoticed with all of the overall ‘mainstream’ talent on this team. He’s currently 3rd on our Receiving charts and I think may even be in the Top 10 as far as total TDs go for the entire league. He has great possession skills, and finds a way to make the tough grabs when we need them.

On Facing the Washington Redskins Next: Well simply put their Coach has them playing on all cylinders. Their Defense is shutting teams down. Their Offense is producing points. They have an amazing QB (Aaron Rodgers) that leads that group into battle every week, and a hard hitting RB (Brandon Jacobs) that will continue to give us problems. The best we can do is gear up, study hard and prepare for the toughest game yet.

*Questions directed at Rookie QB - Dane Morrow*


On First Career Win as a Starter: It feels good, real good. Definitely a decent amount of pressure now off my shoulders, you know? Its like getting the ‘monkey’ off your back.

On the INT: I made a mistake. There isn’t much else I can say about it. I pre-assumed Terrell (Owens) was going to be there, and didn’t look ahead of time to notice he’d slipped in the rain. When I released the ball, I instantly took off toward the Defender because I knew it was a pick when I realized (after the ball was out) that (Terrell Owens) had slipped and wasn’t there.

On the Game Speed from College to the Pro’s: There’s a big difference, especially in the amount of speed those Defensive Linemen have. *laughs* Sometimes I drop back, and before I know it I have to move around in the pocket, or even elude a couple different Defenders from sacking me. I had one play where I thought I had a wide open lane to run for the 1st (down) and then some, next thing I know I’m going down about 5 yds in.

On Expectations for the Remainder of the Season: Winning. I have very high expectations, not just of my team but mainly of myself. I pride myself on maintaining the ball, not turning it over, not making mental errors or mistakes and managing a great game every time.

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