Xbox 360: Madden 2010: Franchise Sign-Up

And winning 110-7 that isn't outrageous. I mean Williams and Stewart combine for other 1000 rushing yards thats outrageous. I am not here to argue but I mean we all run it up on the computer.

We all (for the most part) do run it up against the computer. Against the CPU, who gives a shit. It doesn't affect anybody else, we all know we will win no matter what play we run. The problem is when you do those things against Human players. Of the Human games I played so far, I do know that Will, Moon Knight (3 times), Love Song Writer, and Marquis all played as realistic a game as can be expected, and not run the same "cheap" play over and over and over. If they do that against the CPU, it's their own business.

Another reason for the complete domination of the CPU is that a lot of us may play at a higher level then the AI is at. The AI is at All-Pro, and I play a lot using My Skill, which is even higher then All-Madden (I wouldn't be surprised if most everyone else plays at All-Madden or My Skill). I have since started playing at All-Pro, only because I wanted to play at the level of the franchise, otherwise I would be playing All Madden probably. Every once in a while (when I want to just beat the crap out of the CPU, I play a game on Rookie, and I can easily win a game by that much of a score (at one point the game actually told me to stop scoring because I would "break the game").
I was playing fair, I did not run my play every single play. I did it every few plays, but that play is not undefendable. Will you have stopped that play when I played you, you just got to play the right defense.

So, you didn't say this...

I was up 27-14 in the 3rd driving on Brian, and he got mad that I kept running the same play so he quit out.


And how are my stats looking outrageously? Can you please explain to me what that means?

I don't care that your QB has ungawdly stats. Those of us who pass have more than average, I'm sure. However - your only passing TO ONE GUY! That is the atrociousness in the situation. Its unrealistic and definitely what I'd consider 'cheap' and obviously a cheat of some kind.

I could easily run 50 screens a game to Steve Smith for over 500+ yds and 20 TDs.. but I don't, because I don't want to play cheap. I switch it up, and try new plays.

That's called finding a flaw in the AI and taking advantage of it.


A flaw is when a team could defend it, but simply does not have the quality of skill to defend it. A cheat is when someone finds a single play, and uses it over 20 times per game - because they can't find a way to win any other way.

Baller: Cheating against the cpu doesn't matter to me. Its ruining the fun of stats for everyone else, but it shows that you can't truly play without cheating against a cpu thats already easily defeatable without using one play 20+ times a game.

When I see Warner has 300 yds, and 5 TDs.. then jump to the WRs section and see he's passed the ball a bit more than just to ONE GUY EVERY TIME.. I might believe you actually learned how not to be cheap. Until then, you have no room to talk.

And winning 110-7 that isn't outrageous. I mean Williams and Stewart combine for other 1000 rushing yards thats outrageous. I am not here to argue but I mean we all run it up on the computer.

I never said winning by lop-sided scores wasn't unrealistic - but what do you want me to do.. ask the other team if they accept mercy? I can't exactly just "stop" playing, and if you look at my total team stats (player stats) you'll clearly see..

I'M NOT USING ANY ONE PERSON ALONE.. several of my players, including two QBs, 2 RBs, and 2-3 WR/TEs are having a great start to the season. So, while the score and stats per game may be a bit unrealistic - its not me cheating, its me scoring because I know how to run more than one play to perfection.

More specifically.. I know how to use the Carolina Panthers playbook - to.. perfection.

As for the Human/Human situation - We all have specific plays we like to use more than normal, but that doesn't mean its ALL we do. Whenever I play a human, I stick to plays I know work - but I also try new things because human's can pick up on the play and figure out a way to defend it most of the time. (UNLESS ITS A GLITCH, which the play Brian was complaining about seems to be)

I would prefer you bring in back-ups like I would ASSUME the rest of us do, once a game gets out of hand.. or at most just find more than 1 target. You have one of the most high powered Offenses of any of us. I can't see how its that hard to go to someone else, at least 10 of those 30 times you go to Fitz.
TheOneBigWill said:
And after the exclusive WZ Free Agency drawing.. the Pick Order is..

1. Minnesota Vikings
2. Jacksonville Jaguars
3. New Orleans Saints
4. Washington Redskins
5. Carolina Panthers
6. Dallas Cowboys
7. New York Jets
8. New England Patriots
9. Arizona Cardinals

Alright, I'll be making a FA selection in a moment so in the meantime I'm just skipping me and going to Dallas. (since I know I'll pick in a minute) So..

Now 'On the Clock' are Simpsons_fanatic's Dallas Cowboys. You have until 10p.m. (central time), Wednesday Night, to make your selection.
Baller, look here's the final say..

Stats are apart of what makes this game fun. You are the only person seemingly trying to manipulate and cheat with them though, with two players instead of your whole team.

I retract my statement about pulling your starters, because in my most recent game I in fact still played starters despite winning 80+-7.

When you play Humans, play fair and don't use the same cheap ass play over and over. That will be an automatic boot. When you play the cpu, I can't stop you from being cheap or cheating - but I'm asking you to at least RESPECT this league and try to be more realistic and spread the ball around. Run more, pass to others more. Understand?
TheOneBigWill said:
And after the exclusive WZ Free Agency drawing.. the Pick Order is..

1. Minnesota Vikings
2. Jacksonville Jaguars
3. New Orleans Saints
4. Washington Redskins
5. Carolina Panthers
6. Dallas Cowboys
7. New York Jets
8. New England Patriots
9. Arizona Cardinals

Now 'On the Clock' are Big P's New York Jets. You have until 10p.m. (central time) on Thursday night to make your selection.

FRANCHISE REMINDER: We will be advancing the Week Thursday night around Midnight/Friday very early morning. So be sure to get your games played.

The last time I checked, Moon Knight, LuvSongWrita, Brian & Simpsons_fanatic have all yet to play their games. Make sure you get them done before Thursday night.
I just made my pick (Left Guard Mike McGlynn or something like that. It's now Moon Knights turn. I told him on Xbox, so he may be able to get his in tonight as well.

Any by the way, I was pissed at you, Will, for taking the Left Guard, until I realized that he guy I got is 3 years less experience, so he should get even better (even though he is only a C potential). Hopefully Faneca stays around another year, so this guy I got can develop more before I need to use him.
TheOneBigWill said:
And after the exclusive WZ Free Agency drawing.. the Pick Order is..

1. Minnesota Vikings
2. Jacksonville Jaguars
3. New Orleans Saints
4. Washington Redskins
5. Carolina Panthers
6. Dallas Cowboys
7. New York Jets
8. New England Patriots
9. Arizona Cardinals

Now 'On the Clock' are Moon Knight's New England Patriots. You have until 10p.m. (central time) on Thursday night to make your selection.

Big P: I picked up the guy I did, because I remembered you telling me you wanted him and also considering trading the DT I wanted - for my pick. Since I wanted to make sure one of us got a selection in and was unsure if you were on, I picked him up figuring if you wanted him we could just trade out-right.

If you do not want him any longer, in exchange for the DT I wanted, I'll still keep him though. He'll be a solid back-up and potential starter if one of my OL begin to falter.
TheOneBigWill said:
And after the exclusive WZ Free Agency drawing.. the Pick Order is..

1. Minnesota Vikings
2. Jacksonville Jaguars
3. New Orleans Saints
4. Washington Redskins
5. Carolina Panthers
6. Dallas Cowboys
7. New York Jets
8. New England Patriots
9. Arizona Cardinals

Now 'On the Clock' Baller's Arizona Cardinals. You have until 10p.m. (central time) on Thursday night, to make your selections. (you get 2, as we finish, then start with You.)
TheOneBigWill said:
And after the exclusive WZ Free Agency drawing.. the Pick Order is..

1. Minnesota Vikings
2. Jacksonville Jaguars
3. New Orleans Saints
4. Washington Redskins
5. Carolina Panthers
6. Dallas Cowboys
7. New York Jets
8. New England Patriots
9. Arizona Cardinals

Now 'On the Clock' are Moon Knight's New England Patriots. You have until 10p.m. (central time) on Friday, to make your selection.

The week will also be advanced within the next couple of minutes. By the looks of it, Brian and Simpsons_fanatic have not given me any indication on when a game might be played. And as the last moment I checked the online website, their game was the only one yet to be played. So it will be simmed, unfortunately.

I don't want to sim the game - especially since both are tied, and its a pivotal game for them and their division - but a deadline was set, and I believe I made it clear to give me notice ahead of the deadline, if any extension is needed.

FRANCHISE NEWS: Week 6 is the final week to make trades. I'm not saying go all out and give whats left of your original team, up. However, if you had any final moves you were looking to make - NOW would be the time to make them.

Also, this will be the final round of our taking-turns on picking Free Agents. Once Ty has selected his guy at the end of this round.. it will be open to everyone. WITH EXCEPTIONS..

That being.. don't act stupid and sign every good player left available, in an unrealistic manner. Especially if you're the first person on once Ty makes his final selection. Be fair, and pick up ONLY what you will need and use. (ie. DO NOT sign anyone you don't plan on using immediately - unless its a guy no one else is likely going for, such as someone in the middle or bottom of the list available.)

WEEK 5 DEADLINE: Saturday night.
This is being generous considering a fraction of our Franchise is on a bye week, and there are NO human games. There shouldn't be a realistic reason why we can't get everyone's game played and done with by Friday night. I would like to try for that goal.
TheOneBigWill said:
And after the exclusive WZ Free Agency drawing.. the Pick Order is..

1. Minnesota Vikings
2. Jacksonville Jaguars
3. New Orleans Saints
4. Washington Redskins
5. Carolina Panthers
6. Dallas Cowboys
7. New York Jets
8. New England Patriots
9. Arizona Cardinals

Now 'On the Clock' are Simpsons_fanatic's Dallas Cowboys. You have until 10p.m. (central time) on Saturday night to make your selection.


1. Someone (without naming names) just tried to trade a guy they picked up through trades last Season, for a Franchise player of another team that was in the 90's ovr. While it would've fallen under legal qualifications for a trade - its still in and of itself, wrong. This is why.

When you trade for someone to better your team, the good and bad that comes with that are the possibilities that the player you trade for - could flop. Thats the risk you MUST take.

I've had a long-standing rule set up that some people within our Franchise have broken and I've allowed it to slide, mainly because no one complained and I didn't see a major negative about it - once again, until now. That rule was.. when you pick up a Free Agent, make sure its to USE - not to use as trade bait to pick up someone else. In real life, teams don't sign players that are FA's only to trade them to alternative teams to attempt getting someone better.

The altercation to that rule I'm making is this.. DO NOT trade for someone, only to realize they aren't working out for what you wanted them to - and attempt to trade them for someone else, a mere Season later. Once again, this does not ever happen in real life and if it does, its so few and far between that it still isn't considered "realistic".

If you traded for a guy, and he isn't fitting into your scheme of things then simply put.. RELEASE HIM. I know none of you likely will do that, because no one wants to realistically give any other Human player a chance to use that possible Franchise star against them, either. But once again - you made the trade, and took the responsibility of the good and bad with it - so now you're stuck with it, shy of simply cutting them.

EDIT: You can trade ANYONE for ANYONE, between two Human Players. Because Humans should (in theory) be using their brains on whether its a good trade or not.

Beyond that, DO NOT sign any FA's or make any trades - unless you plan on using the 'specific' players. If I catch any FA's in trade attempts, from the same season - I will deny those trades, FROM HERE ON OUT.

2. I've noticed a CPU that has both QB's injured for the next 6-9 weeks. (the Chargers) I've also been brought to the attention of the fact when the week advanced, they didn't sign a QB to replace their injured ones. Which means, the CPU teams are NOT protecting themselves. As a result, I will be watching closer on the injury lists and possibly even depth charts overall.. and signing FA's to cpu teams, to try and make sure things don't get to one-sided between Human and Cpu teams.

Finally: It looks like the Week WILL be advanced tomorrow night, since apparently not everyone could meet the goal of playing their cpu games tonight.
I think this is ridiculous that guys are quitting out on the computer and restarting their games so they could win. If you lose, you lose you shouldn't be allowed to quit out on them something needs to be done IMO.
1. Someone (without naming names) just tried to trade a guy they picked up through trades last Season, for a Franchise player of another team that was in the 90's ovr. While it would've fallen under legal qualifications for a trade - its still in and of itself, wrong. This is why.

When you trade for someone to better your team, the good and bad that comes with that are the possibilities that the player you trade for - could flop. Thats the risk you MUST take.

I've had a long-standing rule set up that some people within our Franchise have broken and I've allowed it to slide, mainly because no one complained and I didn't see a major negative about it - once again, until now. That rule was.. when you pick up a Free Agent, make sure its to USE - not to use as trade bait to pick up someone else. In real life, teams don't sign players that are FA's only to trade them to alternative teams to attempt getting someone better.

The altercation to that rule I'm making is this.. DO NOT trade for someone, only to realize they aren't working out for what you wanted them to - and attempt to trade them for someone else, a mere Season later. Once again, this does not ever happen in real life and if it does, its so few and far between that it still isn't considered "realistic".

If you traded for a guy, and he isn't fitting into your scheme of things then simply put.. RELEASE HIM. I know none of you likely will do that, because no one wants to realistically give any other Human player a chance to use that possible Franchise star against them, either. But once again - you made the trade, and took the responsibility of the good and bad with it - so now you're stuck with it, shy of simply cutting them.

EDIT: You can trade ANYONE for ANYONE, between two Human Players. Because Humans should (in theory) be using their brains on whether its a good trade or not.

Beyond that, DO NOT sign any FA's or make any trades - unless you plan on using the 'specific' players. If I catch any FA's in trade attempts, from the same season - I will deny those trades, FROM HERE ON OUT.

I understand your point, but disagree with one thing about it. We do not know what will happen to our rosters next season, and as such we may dump 1 or more of the FAs we signed. I can almost guarantee I will do that with at least 1 of mine. I signed Larry Johnson to be my #2 back this season. Next year, Shonn Greene will go up another 6 points (79->85, becasue he is the f'n man) and Darren McFadden will go up probably 3 or 4 (85->88/89). I would then have no need for Larry Johnson (now an 88 overall), and thus will probably trade him next season. It isn't because I never needed him, rather I just don't need him anymore.

So unless we have to cut some good players next year (an idea I not only recommend, but LIKE and PREFER), I will trade him for a position of need.

2. I've noticed a CPU that has both QB's injured for the next 6-9 weeks. (the Chargers) I've also been brought to the attention of the fact when the week advanced, they didn't sign a QB to replace their injured ones. Which means, the CPU teams are NOT protecting themselves. As a result, I will be watching closer on the injury lists and possibly even depth charts overall.. and signing FA's to cpu teams, to try and make sure things don't get to one-sided between Human and Cpu teams.[/QUOTE]

This is where the suggestion of having to cut a good player or 2 comes in handy. In real life, teams cut good players, if they don't fit the system, or they are too expensive, or they suck as people (like Larry Johnson). We need to stop pillaging the CPU teams, and start replenishing them, otherwise there will be no competitive balance between the teams, and no one will want to join this franchise. Next season we should probably include the CPU in free agent signings when (if) you cut players from their rosters this offseason.

I think this is ridiculous that guys are quitting out on the computer and restarting their games so they could win. If you lose, you lose you shouldn't be allowed to quit out on them something needs to be done IMO.

Dem be strong words, Baller. I don't mean to be argumentative, but unless you are in the room with the player and you saw him losing and quit, then how do you know they didn't just get disconnected to the servers? If it can be proven that the people are quitting because they are losing (or a star player got injured), then I agree, that isn't cool, and the person needs to be warned. Unfortunately, it can't be proven really. If you gamercard stalk them, you only may be able to find out they are losing, and then they restart the game, you don't know why. Also, just remember, if these people struggle against he lowly computer, then you should easily be able to beat them, so it doesn't matter.

Now, is it just me, or weren't you just in a cheating "scandal" (for lack of a better word) last week. Good way to try and get the heat off of you, by passing it to someone else :lmao:.

On a lighter note, as a Wise sage once said:
Eric Cartman when he was signing O Holy Night said:
Jesus was born and so we get presents. Thank you Jesus for being born."

I got a lot better at this game December 25th, because I got a nice 22 inch HDTV (which I use for my X-Box, TV, and Computer monitor). Why does a nice TV help me with Madden? Because (get this) I can actually SEE my wide receivers now. My old crappy TV cut them out of the picture. Now that my TV is 16:9 instead of 4:3, I can see DeSean Jackson and Jerricho Cotchery, and throw to them (Jackson already has a 200 yard game for me in the only game I used with my new TV).
I think in your situation I think that's fairly legit to trade Larry Johnson next season. Reason being is that you have backs already that can take his place. What Will is saying is trading your franchise back for another franchise back just because he doesn't fit your offensive scheme.

As far as releasing players, the cpu's don't release players either, which doesn't make sense. Looking at my roster offensively I have 2 players over a 90 and that's AD and Steve Hutchinson. I have one high 80's player in McKinnie, a mid 80 with my qb, and 3 others with a low 80. the rest are below 80. Defensively my Dline are all 90's but i had 3 and picked up Osi as a free agent. Looking at other teams specifically CPU teams, that's about average and actually most teams have more over 90 players than my team does, so I think the CPU teams are fairly averaged out. With them not protecting themselves with FA pickups, that's where the issue comes into. I think Will can help with that by signing players to them. This issue is really on EA for making such a dumbed down franchise version for online play. We should have a salary cap, and the CPU should be able to basically bid for players with the rest of us like an offline franchise. This pisses me off and I"m not sure why they decided to exclude 60% of the franchise features.

I mirror the sentiments on the supposed quitting on the CPU. Myself personally I can get disconnected once or twice before I'm able to get the game fully in. I've quit a game once before right after kickoff because I did not have my offensive playbook I wanted. And we all know how wonderful EA's Madden servers are. From what I've heard, they do not have designated servers for each of their online games, and apparently FIFA completely dominates their servers so as Madden players we suffer due to that. How much truth is in it, I don't know but I have had issues with my game disconnected once or twice.
Are you guys still allowing people to join or not? I know I am late as hell but I just got a copy of my own for Christmas.
I think in your situation I think that's fairly legit to trade Larry Johnson next season. Reason being is that you have backs already that can take his place. What Will is saying is trading your franchise back for another franchise back just because he doesn't fit your offensive scheme.
I thought that was what Will was getting at, but wanted to make sure.

As far as releasing players, the cpu's don't release players either, which doesn't make sense. Looking at my roster offensively I have 2 players over a 90 and that's AD and Steve Hutchinson. I have one high 80's player in McKinnie, a mid 80 with my qb, and 3 others with a low 80. the rest are below 80. Defensively my Dline are all 90's but i had 3 and picked up Osi as a free agent. Looking at other teams specifically CPU teams, that's about average and actually most teams have more over 90 players than my team does, so I think the CPU teams are fairly averaged out. With them not protecting themselves with FA pickups, that's where the issue comes into. I think Will can help with that by signing players to them.
My team is similar to yours. I had 3 90+ offensive players (Faneca, Mangold, Richardson), and Faneca and Richardson will most likely retire after this season or next. Defensively, I have a 90+ CB, FS, and MLB. I had a DT, but traded him in an effort to get younger (something most if not all of us have done). And that is where I worry about where the franchise will be headed. 3 seasons from now, the younger guys we got will be in their prime, and all the old guys we trade will be diminished or retired. That's when the competitive balance will be hurt the most.

This issue is really on EA for making such a dumbed down franchise version for online play. We should have a salary cap, and the CPU should be able to basically bid for players with the rest of us like an offline franchise. This pisses me off and I"m not sure why they decided to exclude 60% of the franchise features.
I agree that the Online franchise is really dumbed down from its offline counterpart. I guess they figured that a full online franchise would put even more of a strain on their servers, causing even more problems. For a first effort, it is pretty good. Hopefully in 2011 they get the full franchise online.

I mirror the sentiments on the supposed quitting on the CPU. Myself personally I can get disconnected once or twice before I'm able to get the game fully in. I've quit a game once before right after kickoff because I did not have my offensive playbook I wanted. And we all know how wonderful EA's Madden servers are.
That's why I don't want to jump on the people who start multiple times. EA servers are sub-par, and we all have been disconnected before and we will be disconnected again. Will and I tried to play our game last season 10 f'n times before we were able to finish it.

From what I've heard, they do not have designated servers for each of their online games, and apparently FIFA completely dominates their servers so as Madden players we suffer due to that. How much truth is in it, I don't know but I have had issues with my game disconnected once or twice.
I don't know about you guys, bu I don't have the problem with other EA Sports games. I just got NHL 10 (the best sports game of the year BY TEN MILES), and I am yet to experience server issues (granted I haven't played many online games yet).

Are you guys still allowing people to join or not? I know I am late as hell but I just got a copy of my own for Christmas.

I am not the commish, so it's not my decision, but we do need more AFC players (especially in the AFC North and AFC West, which have no users). My reigning Super Bowl Champion Jets need more AFC competition, since I have beaten the other 2 AFC players 4 times in 5 games.
I believe Will actually has a specific rule for trading older higher rated players for younger ones. He's got a pretty good set up for it and he generally tries to keep it fair as possible. That being said this franchise style requires major care when drafting players because most of us are going to be towards the bottom of the draft order every year. I think the young talent will balance itself out unless we go trading for every good rookie that was in the draft.
Well if I am allowed to join I would hopefully be getting the Colts so there you go, another AFC team.

That's good. The Colts roster hasn't been pillaged by anyone (that I can tell). Just to warn you, they are 1-3 right now, and you would have 4 human games, including one in the upcoming week (there is 1 other human in your division). 1-3 isn't a death sentence, but it will put you out of the #1 seed, because I will not lose 2 games this season (my 1 loss will be week 14 against Ty probably).

I believe Will actually has a specific rule for trading older higher rated players for younger ones. He's got a pretty good set up for it and he generally tries to keep it fair as possible. That being said this franchise style requires major care when drafting players because most of us are going to be towards the bottom of the draft order every year. I think the young talent will balance itself out unless we go trading for every good rookie that was in the draft.

Will has done a great job so far of keeping the CPU from losing all of it's young talent. What the computer does get back is generally as close to fair compensation as you are gonna get. I know there is a rule, and it has been enforced as well as it can be (other then Matt Forte, every trade has been acceptable).
Hey Will, by the looks of it tonight I might not be able to play my game until late tonight. I will have it done tonight, but it may be a late start time. I do apologize, but I will finish the game tonight, just will be later.
I traded Portis and I think a WR for Jacobs, so that's not what Will is talking about. What's he talking about is say going into FA, Picking up Osi so you can trade for Ed Reed or Andre Johnson. Don't sign people with intent to trade them. However, he's also right in saying that its almost unheard of to sign a guy to a 4 - 5 year contract and the next year sign him. I can see it happening, but its very unlikely.
I think this is ridiculous that guys are quitting out on the computer and restarting their games so they could win. If you lose, you lose you shouldn't be allowed to quit out on them something needs to be done IMO.

I agree 100%, but like its been said unfortunately we have no clear cut way of knowing shy of someone literally watching their online status during games and literally seeing someone losing "in the 4th Quarter" by 20 pts or more, suddenly "disconnect" and restart.

All I can say is what Big P pointed out.. if you're losing to the Cpu, then you're likely not going to beat any Human opponent. (least of all you with that cheat, that I told you to stop using every other play. :p)

But all in all, if you ARE restarting due to a major injury happening or simply losing.. come on, is it truly that bad for you - that you need to do that? Fuck, I've considered restarting due to my Rookie QB throwing an INT (or 2 :glare:) when I was winning 65-3.. but never D/Cing when I was losing, or when a star got injured. I'll take a loss or injury before I'll take shit looking stats. :lmao:

But seriously, I actually encourage injury because I feel it'd give me a challenge to find another way around that specific position. (especially injuries to positions I don't have major back-ups for) And if I'm losing to the cpu then I DESERVE to lose.

So at most all I can say is.. if anyone IS doing this.. knock it off and play like a Man, not a little bitch.

Baller - as for anything more than simply 'warning them' there isn't a lot I can do, however.. especially since (unfortunately) I know first hand how bullshit it is to be winning (or even losing) and have a game D/C me 2-8 times a session. (ask anyone I played, yourself included, last season)

I understand your point, but disagree with one thing about it. We do not know what will happen to our rosters next season, and as such we may dump 1 or more of the FAs we signed. I can almost guarantee I will do that with at least 1 of mine. I signed Larry Johnson to be my #2 back this season. Next year, Shonn Greene will go up another 6 points (79->85, becasue he is the f'n man) and Darren McFadden will go up probably 3 or 4 (85->88/89). I would then have no need for Larry Johnson (now an 88 overall), and thus will probably trade him next season. It isn't because I never needed him, rather I just don't need him anymore.

So unless we have to cut some good players next year (an idea I not only recommend, but LIKE and PREFER), I will trade him for a position of need.

Thats kinda the point though.. lets think of this in a real life setting.

If a team is no longer in NEED of a player, even if they're considered "good".. would they hold them and never cut them, unless they get something in return? Or would they TRY to trade and cut them when no team is stupid enough to take the bait of a player EVERY team knows they'll cut, due to lack of use for that individual?

In other words.. if I'm going to allow trades for FAs you've just picked up (such as Larry Johnson), then its going to be at a very decreased value for them.

Meaning.. Larry Johnson, whos 30 yrs old/7 yr pro, at an 88 ovr.. would only be eligible for trade to a team that would use him as their starter.. and for anyone 5 ovr pts less than he is, thats also the same age/# of yr's pro. (so anyone 83 or under)

The objective of fairness I'm trying to pull off with this is simple.. NO NFL team is going to make a trade for a player 'said' team is no longer wanting, in exchange for a starter on their team that they likely NEED. (ie. Dallas couldn't trade Owens, so they cut him.)

Right now the rough idea is..

90 and over - 10 pts decreased value, (so 10 points off 90, would be 80 - yay we all took math class) and same # of yr's pro/or age difference. Player attempting to trade for, MUST be a back-up.

89 and under - 5 pts decreased value, (so 5 points off 89, would be 84) and same # of yr's pro/or age difference. Player attempting to trade for, MUST be a back-up.

Once again I know it sounds harsh and a very bad deal.. but think back to the reality of it. NO NFL TEAM is going to trade "starter A", for your 2nd/3rd string back-up. Even if 'said' player of yours would become their starter.

I hope this makes sense. If not, I'll continue trying to explain it.

This is where the suggestion of having to cut a good player or 2 comes in handy. In real life, teams cut good players, if they don't fit the system, or they are too expensive, or they suck as people (like Larry Johnson). We need to stop pillaging the CPU teams, and start replenishing them, otherwise there will be no competitive balance between the teams, and no one will want to join this franchise. Next season we should probably include the CPU in free agent signings when (if) you cut players from their rosters this offseason.

Next season I will implement the goal of trying to sign FA's to CPU teams as well. (You're going to make me literally draw 32 team names out of a hat at random, you bastard.)

Well if I am allowed to join I would hopefully be getting the Colts so there you go, another AFC team.

Anyone can join at any time. Just be forewarned at the unfortunate possibility that the current remaining Cpu teams may or may not have been "slightly altered." And by altered, I mean.. Brian fucked the Packers, Baller fucked the Bears, and if you pick Tampa Bay or Atlanta.. Marquis and I, will be fucking you. :lmao: I kid, I kid.

The Colts ARE still a cpu-used team. They also still have ALL their top starters. (Manning, Addai & Brown, Wayne & the rest of the WR core, Clark, 90% of their original OL - (a rookie w/ higher ovr replaced someone), and your entire Defense. (minus Clint Session who I traded for and gave Landon Johnson as a replacement)

If you want the Colts, you are more than Welcome to join. It'll be great to have another AFC human rep, as well as someone taking a team as solid as the Colts in an attempt to make them work.

Hey Will, by the looks of it tonight I might not be able to play my game until late tonight. I will have it done tonight, but it may be a late start time. I do apologize, but I will finish the game tonight, just will be later.

I see you've played your game, no problem. For future reference though, if you feel you can't meet a deadline - let me know before the day OF the deadline. lol I may have advanced the week, had I of been home.

I traded Portis and I think a WR for Jacobs, so that's not what Will is talking about. What's he talking about is say going into FA, Picking up Osi so you can trade for Ed Reed or Andre Johnson. Don't sign people with intent to trade them. However, he's also right in saying that its almost unheard of to sign a guy to a 4 - 5 year contract and the next year sign him. I can see it happening, but its very unlikely.

Exactly. I have Owens, who is in the 90's.. but I didn't sign him so I could go rape a Cpu team with a player I DIDN'T have cut. So I don't expect, nor want to see, anyone else trying to rape the FA system in this manner either.

Again.. the moderate rule change if we're going with one.. would be this..

90 and over - 10 pts decreased value, (so 10 points off 90, would be 80 - yay we all took math class) and same # of yr's pro/or age difference. Player attempting to trade for, MUST be a back-up.

89 and under - 5 pts decreased value, (so 5 points off 89, would be 84) and same # of yr's pro/or age difference. Player attempting to trade for, MUST be a back-up.

Once again I know it sounds harsh and a very bad deal.. but think back to the reality of it. NO NFL TEAM is going to trade "starter A", for your 2nd/3rd string back-up. Even if 'said' player of yours would become their starter.

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