Xbox 360: Madden 2010: Franchise Sign-Up

Alright, I'm giving 1 additional day to get your games played for those who have yet to play them. When I get home Wednesday night, which will likely be around Midnight. (time subject to change) I will be simming forward the Week.
Hey Will, me and Ty have figured out a time to play tonight. We're probably going to play around 10 pm EST, so hopefully before you come home from work.

I am leaving Thursday to go for a cruise. And of course, one of my 3 head to head matchups is in week 3. I am going to gone till Sunday, so Will what do you want to do?
TheOneBigWill said:
And after the exclusive WZ Free Agency drawing.. the Pick Order is..

1. Minnesota Vikings
2. Jacksonville Jaguars
3. New Orleans Saints
4. Wasington Redskins
5. Carolina Panthers
6. Dallas Cowboys
7. New York Jets
8. New England Patriots
9. Arizona Cardinals

Alright, thank everyone once again for going ahead and following the general order of things.. as a result, we have continued to move really well.

Now 'On the Clock' is Simpsons_fanatic's Dallas Cowboys. You have until 1a.m. tomorrow, (Christmas early morning) to make your selection.

If you can't get your selection in by that time - you still have the ability to pick any time here after.. just let me know so I can continue to move the FA along, instead of waiting a full day for no reason though.

FRANCHISE UPDATE: I will NOT advance from Week 3 until Monday at the earliest due to Christmas break and several Franchise members possibly being away until Monday or later.

I will NEED to know if anyone plans on being gone longer than Monday, however, as I am looking at Monday to be the deadline as-of right now. I'm willing to extend it, but will need to know.
TheOneBigWill said:
And after the exclusive WZ Free Agency drawing.. the Pick Order is..

1. Minnesota Vikings
2. Jacksonville Jaguars
3. New Orleans Saints
4. Wasington Redskins
5. Carolina Panthers
6. Dallas Cowboys
7. New York Jets
8. New England Patriots
9. Arizona Cardinals

Alright, 24 hours have passed and Simpsons_fanatic didn't make a selection. As a result, its now someone else's turn. I've made my selection already so with that being said..

Now 'On the Clock' will be Brian's Washington Redskins. You have until 1 a.m. (central time) to make your selection.
TheOneBigWill said:
And after the exclusive WZ Free Agency drawing.. the Pick Order is..

1. Minnesota Vikings
2. Jacksonville Jaguars
3. New Orleans Saints
4. Wasington Redskins
5. Carolina Panthers
6. Dallas Cowboys
7. New York Jets
8. New England Patriots
9. Arizona Cardinals

Now 'On the Clock' are Marquis' New Orleans Saints. You have until 1 a.m. (central time) on Sunday early morning, to make your selection.
TheOneBigWill said:
And after the exclusive WZ Free Agency drawing.. the Pick Order is..

1. Minnesota Vikings
2. Jacksonville Jaguars
3. New Orleans Saints
4. Wasington Redskins
5. Carolina Panthers
6. Dallas Cowboys
7. New York Jets
8. New England Patriots
9. Arizona Cardinals

Alright, Marquis just picked so..

Now 'On the Clock' are LuvSongWrita's Jacksonville Jaguars. You have until 2a.m. (central time), Sunday early morning to make your selection.
TheOneBigWill said:
And after the exclusive WZ Free Agency drawing.. the Pick Order is..

1. Minnesota Vikings
2. Jacksonville Jaguars
3. New Orleans Saints
4. Wasington Redskins
5. Carolina Panthers
6. Dallas Cowboys
7. New York Jets
8. New England Patriots
9. Arizona Cardinals

Okay, I'm gonna change this up a little bit because the back-end of our list gets shit done multiple people within the same day. So, with that said..

Now 'On the Clock' are Ty's Minnesota Vikings.

Ty will get TWO selections, as he gets the last one of Round 2 and the first one of Round 3. The change-up I'm doing is this. Ty; you have until 10p.m. TONIGHT to get your selections in.

As for everyone else following Ty (ie. LuvSongWrita, Brian & Marquis) Send me a PM of the Player you would like to draft next. (or Players, as LSW will have 2 selections to make if he wants them, after Ty's 2 - since he didn't make his last pick)

Just to be safe, you may want to send me a top 5 list. This way, should your #1 guy be taken - I can just give you the next guy on your list. This will help us speed things up a bit more as well.
TheOneBigWill said:
And after the exclusive WZ Free Agency drawing.. the Pick Order is..

1. Minnesota Vikings
2. Jacksonville Jaguars
3. New Orleans Saints
4. Wasington Redskins
5. Carolina Panthers
6. Dallas Cowboys
7. New York Jets
8. New England Patriots
9. Arizona Cardinals

Now 'On the Clock' are LuvSong's Jacksonville Jaguars. You have until 10p.m. (central time), Monday night, to make your selection.
You were driving because of that stupid play. I'm not going to waste my time if you're going to just play like an asshole, its no fun and not worth the time or effort at all. Besides that I was dealin' with you fine.
We could just say Deangelo Williams and Adrian Peterson ended as Co MVP's :lmao:.

The Online Franchise recognizes 1 award (the only one that matters). That is the Lombardi Trophy, and Yours truly won that one :lmao:

I was up 27-14 in the 3rd driving on Brian, and he got mad that I kept running the same play so he quit out.

You were driving because of that stupid play. I'm not going to waste my time if you're going to just play like an asshole, its no fun and not worth the time or effort at all. Besides that I was dealin' with you fine.

Baller vs. Brian, round 1. Touch gloves and come out fighting.

Boxing and Celebrity Deathmatch ref Mills Lane said:
I want a good clean fight. LETS GET IT ON!
:rings a bell:

By the way, I will be back on my xbox tomorrow early evening, so if the free agency gets to me, I can do it then.
TheOneBigWill said:
And after the exclusive WZ Free Agency drawing.. the Pick Order is..

1. Minnesota Vikings
2. Jacksonville Jaguars
3. New Orleans Saints
4. Washington Redskins
5. Carolina Panthers
6. Dallas Cowboys
7. New York Jets
8. New England Patriots
9. Arizona Cardinals

Now 'On the Clock' are Marquis' New Orleans Saints. You have until 10p.m. (central time), Tuesday night, to make your selection.

How do we know who won the awards for last season, or does the online franchise not give out the end of the year awards?

I'm sure we could come up with something. Off the top of my head, I think it'd go..

MVP: DeAngelo Williams / Adrian Peterson
QB: Aaron Rodgers
RB: DeAngelo Williams (had record breaking season in yds)
WR: unsure
OL: unsure
DL: Everette Brown (had like 45 sacks, or over 50)
DB: unsure
K: unsure
Coach: New York Jets

I was up 27-14 in the 3rd driving on Brian, and he got mad that I kept running the same play so he quit out.

While I do NOT condone Brian's quitting and don't care if its due to childish behavior or otherwise.. Baller, I'm going to say this one time and one time only.

Start playing like everyone else and change it up, or else leave/be kicked from the league.

ALL of us are here to play for fun. While I'm sure everyone wants to win, and losing sucks, the fact is you're destroying stats and apparently its been determined you're doing it not by skill, but by some type of cheat-fluke like play you've discovered that is undefendable.

If your stats suddenly look outrageous to me one more time, against a human or a cpu.. I'll personally remove you from the league. PLAY FOR FUN.. not for spite.

I agree wholeheartedly with what Brian said. "I" wouldn't want to play with someone who's running ONE play over and over every down, cheating their way to victory. If I'm going to lose - I want to know its to someone who can beat me because of their own skills.. not because of a cheat.

Start playing fair, or else. No exceptions.
TheOneBigWill said:
And after the exclusive WZ Free Agency drawing.. the Pick Order is..

1. Minnesota Vikings
2. Jacksonville Jaguars
3. New Orleans Saints
4. Washington Redskins
5. Carolina Panthers
6. Dallas Cowboys
7. New York Jets
8. New England Patriots
9. Arizona Cardinals

Now 'On the Clock' are Brian's Washington Redskins. You have until 10p.m. (central time) on Tuesday night to make your selection.

Incase it hasn't been noticed, I'm cutting back on the 24 hour clock in selective cases, since the majority of us get on throughout the day. And if you miss a pick - you technically don't lose it.

FRANCHISE NEWS: Without meaning this harshly, do not make stupid trades. I do not mean any offense by this and hope none is taken - but if you seriously think a team is going to accept a pair of back-ups (one of which, being a punter), in exchange for a starting ROOKIE.. you're out of your mind.

I'm not stupid, and I don't believe any of you are, either. So think before you believe you can get away with bad trades. Thank you.

P.S. - If you have a trade in mind, but question it.. send me a PM, or a message on xbox. I'll either approve or deny it. Also, if you need help, check page 1 of this thread. I've constantly been updating the very first post full of all the info you need to know.
While I do NOT condone Brian's quitting and don't care if its due to childish behavior or otherwise.. Baller, I'm going to say this one time and one time only.

Start playing like everyone else and change it up, or else leave/be kicked from the league.

ALL of us are here to play for fun. While I'm sure everyone wants to win, and losing sucks, the fact is you're destroying stats and apparently its been determined you're doing it not by skill, but by some type of cheat-fluke like play you've discovered that is undefendable.

If your stats suddenly look outrageous to me one more time, against a human or a cpu.. I'll personally remove you from the league. PLAY FOR FUN.. not for spite.

I agree wholeheartedly with what Brian said. "I" wouldn't want to play with someone who's running ONE play over and over every down, cheating their way to victory. If I'm going to lose - I want to know its to someone who can beat me because of their own skills.. not because of a cheat.

Start playing fair, or else. No exceptions.

I was playing fair, I did not run my play every single play. I did it every few plays, but that play is not undefendable. Will you have stopped that play when I played you, you just got to play the right defense.

And how are my stats looking outrageously? Can you please explain to me what that means?
I was playing fair, I did not run my play every single play. I did it every few plays, but that play is not undefendable. Will you have stopped that play when I played you, you just got to play the right defense.

And how are my stats looking outrageously? Can you please explain to me what that means?

Man, are you serious? Until the last few minutes of the second, you never ran that play then it was every 3 plays you'd run it because you couldn't get anything else. Sure, you'd get lucky every play or two but mostly I was holding you to 2 - 7 yards, then you'd run that bullshit play action and bam; 30 yards here, 27 yards here. I was rolling through coverages but even my zones wouldn't drop back into that pocket so I had to drop Orakpo back myself to cover you, and could only rush 3 computers and you had all day to just sit and wait.
I was playing fair, I did not run my play every single play. I did it every few plays, but that play is not undefendable. Will you have stopped that play when I played you, you just got to play the right defense.

And how are my stats looking outrageously? Can you please explain to me what that means?

"I did not run my play every single Play. I did it every few plays." If it's the play I'm thinking of, I may have stopped it too (once, with a pick-6), thanks to the best Corner in the NFL, Darelle Revis. Think about it, in football, if you run the same play every 3 plays, by the third or fourth time, the defense is ready for it and the play won't work. Why do you think NFL, College, and even some High School teams have a playbook the size of the state of Texas? They do because running the same play play in and play out doesn't work, you need to vary it up. That's why he is pissed, because we are all trying to play the game with some sense of realism, and that just flat-out throws realism out the window.

And your stats aren't outrageous. 71 catches and 1203 yards is pretty high for a season, but still perfectly acceptable........ Oh wait, it's been 3 f'n games. Dude, 71 catches for 1203 yards in 3 games is fucking outrageous, and to say it isn't is asinine. Look at the receiving stats for the other human players (I did), no one within 35 catches of you, and no one is all that close to you in yards. That's called finding a flaw in the AI and taking advantage of it.


The greatness of this Punt return died when the stupid connection to our Franchise dropped. But it will not die in vain. BEHOLD, GREATNESS!

A 91 yd Punt return, including a couple missed tackles along the way, for a TD!

Thats good, but the game never happened, and the game was probably already pretty 1-sided.

I will upload an even better punt return. It was for less yards, but that just means that the coverage team has less room to defend, and I had less room to run with. The aforementioned punt return was from last season in the Franchise, in OT after I came back from 17 down (tying the game at 0:00 in the 4th with a FG). I will have to edit the post to link it (because EA servers are acting up), but I will most likely just put it on the franchise site like I did with all the other clips I posted. And to think I traded the guy that did this...

EDIT: Click here for the best punt return ever.
And winning 110-7 that isn't outrageous. I mean Williams and Stewart combine for other 1000 rushing yards thats outrageous. I am not here to argue but I mean we all run it up on the computer.

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