Now this is a work in progress, and I want everyone's opinion on the three options below.
Right now, I'm almost guaranteeing I'll be going with Option #1 to begin.. and if enough people like Option #2, we'll see if the FA list improves come next off-season. If it doesn't, Option #2 is suddenly very realistic to happen.
Option 1: Superbowl Prize Pack:
For winning the Superbowl, you get ultimately screwed in the Draft and take a risk for any FA's being available. So to counter-act being a Champion and not having to pay by worsening your team..
we're going to allow 1 trade for anyone on your team 65 or above (your choice) in exchange for 1 cpu player that is 90 or under. (your choice)
Option 2: Equal Rights:
Instead of just the Superbowl winner being awarded, everyone is allowed to exchange one lesser player for one higher overall player.
The option here would be giving up a 70-75, in exchange for an 84-89. (So if you trade a 70, you get an 84. And trading a 75, for an 89.)
Option 3: Off-Season Shake-Up:
I can already see no one liking this idea based off never wanting to do it willingly. lol But I'm throwing it out there.
EVERYONE MUST CUT ONE PLAYER.. that is between 80-90 ovr. Then, you can sign someone with the Option 2 rules. (70-75, for an 84-89) The players that are cut will reboost our lacking FA core and more or less shake things up and move players between human players.