Xbox 360: Madden 2010: Franchise Sign-Up

TheOneBigWill said:
Alright, the FA pick list is as follows:

1. Jets
2. Redskins
3. Vikings
4. Patriots
5. Panthers
6. Cowboys
7. Cardinals
8. Saints
9. Jaguars

Okay, the 24 hour period has passed. (It technically passed at 6:24pm, central, tonight) The Patriots (Moon Knight) are now 'on the clock' as far as picking up a FA goes.

Since Moon Knight likely didn't know about the 24 hour time period being from 6:24pm-6:24pm, he has until Midnight (even) tomorrow, to make a selection.

Ty's Vikings didn't make a selection within the time limit he had. He can still sign ONE player at any time.

Mr. Baller said:
Will how long are we taking to advance the week since we are also doing free agency?

Week 1 is going to be the longest week we will ever wait. Big P does NOT have a system, currently. And LoveSongWrita is between updating his Gold account. LSW has told me he'll have a new card within 2 weeks, and Big P's system should be shipped off and returned by the end of the month. I KNOW from personal experience it will take upwards of 3 weeks, minimum.

I'm NOT going to sim a week knowing that someone has the red rings. Its an unfortunate issue, but one that is out of their control. The ONLY way I would sim is if an entire month has passed. Once again, "I" know from personal experience how long it takes to ship and get the game system back. It takes between 3-4 weeks. With it being the holidays, I wouldn't be surprised if it took until January 1st.
TheOneBigWill said:
Alright, the FA pick list is as follows:

1. Jets
2. Redskins
3. Vikings
4. Patriots
5. Panthers
6. Cowboys
7. Cardinals
8. Saints
9. Jaguars

The Cowboys (Simpsons_fanatic) are now 'on the clock'. They have until Midnight tomorrow (Monday late/Tuesday early morning) to make a pick.

I haven't yet made my selection, but will be making one before I log off tonight. And because I want this thing to move quicker, I'm just allowing the next person to go now.

Also, I'm seriously considering trading Julius Peppers (97 ovr, 8 yr pro, 30 yrs old) for a solid WR. Baller, I'm looking at Boldin the most if you're interested. But to be honest, I think you'd be getting more out of the deal since you don't use Boldin to begin with it seems.

I've also considered trading Peppers to a cpu controlled team for a lesser ovr WR, in exchange for a WR and a replacement for that end. (like an 80 ovr WR, and a 77-75, or less RE) But have yet to find a team with that type of duo I'd want.

IF ANYONE is interested in Julius Peppers let it be known now. He may already be dealt by this time, tomorrow.
TheOneBigWill said:
Alright, the FA pick list is as follows:

1. Jets
2. Redskins
3. Vikings
4. Patriots
5. Panthers
6. Cowboys
7. Cardinals
8. Saints
9. Jaguars

Alright, while I've yet to get on xbox live to check and see what the transactions look like.. as it stands, the 24 hour clock has expired. SO..

Now 'on the clock' are El Ratjar's Arizona Cardinals.

You can pick anyone, except Shagg Makino, as he's already taken by the Jets. You have until Midnight, tomorrow, (Tuesday late night/Wednesday early morning) to make your pick.
A quick update on my stupid Red Rings of Death repair:

My system arrived at the repair center (in Mesquite, Texas) yesterday, so hopefully they should be have it repaired by the end of the week (How long should it take, they have fixed this problem literally a few million times). Maybe (if I'm ridiculously lucky) I can have the system back by the middle of next week, but the end of the week (or even the very beggining of the next week) is more realistic. As soon as I get it, I will get my game in.

As of 3 seconds ago, it looks like Marquis Love Song Writer, and Ty need to play their games. If I am the only one who still needs to play his game, then I will not have a problem with will simming it, because I don't want to hold up everyone else. Of course, now that I say that, I will have a catastrophic injury (Sanchez or Revis) lol.
TheOneBigWill said:
Alright, the FA pick list is as follows:

1. Jets
2. Redskins
3. Vikings
4. Patriots
5. Panthers
6. Cowboys
7. Cardinals
8. Saints
9. Jaguars

Alright, while I've yet to get on xbox live to check and see what the transactions look like.. as it stands, the 24 hour clock has expired. SO..

Now 'on the clock' are Marquis' New Orleans Saints.

You can pick anyone, except Shagg Makino, as he's already taken by the Jets. You have until Midnight, tomorrow, (Wednesday late night/Thursday early morning) to make your pick.
Alright, while I've yet to get on xbox live to check and see what the transactions look like.. as it stands, the 24 hour clock has expired. SO..

Now 'on the clock' are Marquis' New Orleans Saints.

You can pick anyone, except Shagg Makino, as he's already taken by the Jets. You have until Midnight, tomorrow, (Wednesday late night/Thursday early morning) to make your pick.


Also, since apparently NO ONE except for like 3 of us even WANT FA's it seems.. once Big P comes back, I think I'm just going to let everyone pick who ever they want, and as many as they want.

HOWEVER, it will NOT be like that, until everyone has an equal opportunity to even do so. (Meaning, LSW & Big P have to be back before we do this)

So, in the mean time.. Marquis is on the clock.
TheOneBigWill said:
Alright, the FA pick list is as follows:

1. Jets
2. Redskins
3. Vikings
4. Patriots
5. Panthers
6. Cowboys
7. Cardinals
8. Saints
9. Jaguars

Okay once again, another 24 hours have passed and another member in our Franchise has seemingly disappeared off the face of the internet and gaming universe. Marquis has apparently just vanished and joined 90% of everyone else who have not made a FA pick.

With that being said..

'now on the clock' are LuvSongWrita's Jacksonville Jaquars.

You can pick anyone, except Shagg Makino, as he's already taken by the Jets. You have until Midnight, tomorrow, (Thursday late night/Friday early morning) to make your pick.

And on this note, I've been the only person to practically even post in this thread as of late. SO, I'm calling "roll-call". I want to know who of us are even still paying attention.
And on this note, I've been the only person to practically even post in this thread as of late. SO, I'm calling "roll-call". I want to know who of us are even still paying attention.

I'm still here, and they are still repairing my system. I can't for the life of me figure out why it takes 2 days for them to fix the problem, since it has happened to millions (AND MILLIONS) of systems.
Big P, I knew you & MK were definitely still here. You two, and Brian were the only ones to actually pick anyone thus far in Free Agency or even mention anything about the new season besides El Ratjar.

But since El Ratjar played his game, I haven't been able to get ahold of him. Marquis finally messaged me sometime last night, and Ty knows he has a game to play.. but beyond that, I guess I'm just unsure how many of us are still SOLIDLY in this thing.

Granted its not like everyone has to rush to FA, but it'd be nice to continue moving along if no one wants anyone, to know we can skip them at least.

Also, two final things.

1. It takes them longer to fix your system because (my guess) they have to test it, to make sure it isn't going to crash on you the moment you get it back. And they also determine whether or not they'll fix your current system, or just send you an alt. system.

2. I printed off a DeAngelo Williams - Madden 2010 cover (you can find alt. covers all over online) And as the Madden curse would have it, Williams missed last Sunday's game. And last night, my Madden disc somehow magically received a HUGE crack in the center of it - making the disc UNREADABLE! I'm getting a new disc today though, so no worries. I won't be listed as 'doubtful' for long. :lmao:
Don't worry Will I'm still here and I check the league and this thread almost everyday. I didn't sign a FA because I didn't see anyone that I wanted, but I should have said that in this thread, my bad.
1. It takes them longer to fix your system because (my guess) they have to test it, to make sure it isn't going to crash on you the moment you get it back. And they also determine whether or not they'll fix your current system, or just send you an alt. system.
I realize that, it's just that every day I go without Madden I die a little inside (lol). The one benefit to not having my 360 is that I got to play my Wii again. I had forgotten how incredible Super Mario Galaxy was.

2. I printed off a DeAngelo Williams - Madden 2010 cover (you can find alt. covers all over online) And as the Madden curse would have it, Williams missed last Sunday's game. And last night, my Madden disc somehow magically received a HUGE crack in the center of it - making the disc UNREADABLE! I'm getting a new disc today though, so no worries. I won't be listed as 'doubtful' for long. :lmao:

1. You should get a Jake Delhomme cover (lol).
2. Where did you get it? I may look into getting a Jets cover (to use once the season ends, to avoid bad karma), and can't find any Jets covers.
TheOneBigWill said:
Alright, the FA pick list is as follows:

1. Jets
2. Redskins
3. Vikings
4. Patriots
5. Panthers
6. Cowboys
7. Cardinals
8. Saints
9. Jaguars

Alright, another 24 hours down - another turn for the next in line. Or this case, restarting the chart.

Big P has already selected Shagg Makino with his first pick, albeit he can not pick him up until he gets his system back.

Big P is 'now on the clock' to make his 2nd selection in the FA pool.

Big P, without saying who it was.. I will let you know as far as I can tell the MLB you had in mind is still on the board. If you want him, I can begin announcing he and Shagg are taken. Otherwise, just let me know what position you're considering and I'll send you a list of players at that position.

You have until Midnight, tomorrow, (Friday late night/Saturday early morning) to make your pick.

And as a reminder.. anyone who has NOT made their 1st selection - CAN still make 1 selection.
TheOneBigWill said:
Alright, the FA pick list is as follows:

1. Jets
2. Redskins
3. Vikings
4. Patriots
5. Panthers
6. Cowboys
7. Cardinals
8. Saints
9. Jaguars

Alright, Big P never sent me a message. (I'm honestly unsure if he even ever got on to see it was his turn) But regardless, the 24 hour period has passed. Like everyone else who has yet to pick, Big P has 1 selection that he can still make at any time.

Brian's Washington Redskins are now 'on the clock'.

You have until Midnight, tomorrow, (Saturday late night/Sunday early morning) to make your pick.
I didn't even notice that it was my pick. My bad. I am gonna go with Middle Linebacker John Digiorgio (71 overall). Being in a 3-4, I need depth at MLB, and my 3rd MLB right now is the legendary Crosby Bumpers (the greatest name in the history of fake Madden players), a 51 overall last pick of the draft.

in order to get make room on my roster (I think I will need to do that), I will be cutting Tight End Jerame Tuman, 63 overall.
I didn't even notice that it was my pick. My bad. I am gonna go with Middle Linebacker John Digiorgio (71 overall). Being in a 3-4, I need depth at MLB, and my 3rd MLB right now is the legendary Crosby Bumpers (the greatest name in the history of fake Madden players), a 51 overall last pick of the draft.

in order to get make room on my roster (I think I will need to do that), I will be cutting Tight End Jerame Tuman, 63 overall.

Alright, this counts. So with his 2nd pick overall in the FA market, Big P's Jets take.. John DiGiorgio (MLB 71 ovr).

So, Shagg Makino & John DiGiorgio are no longer available for selection even though they will remain seeming that way until Big P can pick them up when his system returns.

Brian is still 'on the clock', currently.
Alright, the FA pick list is as follows:

1. Jets
2. Redskins
3. Vikings
4. Patriots
5. Panthers
6. Cowboys
7. Cardinals
8. Saints
9. Jaguars

Alright, I'm unsure if Brian ever made a selection or not, but 24 hours have passed. So, with that being said I've also just talked to Ty. He said he'd "get to it". lol And also that MK can go ahead as well.

So, with that being said Ty can make his selection whenever and currently..

Moon Knight's Patriots are 'on the clock'. You have until Midnight, tomorrow, (Sunday late night/Monday early morning) to make your pick.
TheOneBigWill said:
Alright, the FA pick list is as follows:

1. Jets
2. Redskins
3. Vikings
4. Patriots
5. Panthers
6. Cowboys
7. Cardinals
8. Saints
9. Jaguars

Alright, MK & Myself have both made our FA selections. So...

'Now on the clock' are Simpsons_fanatic's Dallas Cowboys.

You have until Monday, 4:30p.m. (central time) to make your selection.
Will, you MFer (not Mattitude Follower)! I was gonna take Josh Cribbs. Crap, now I think I'm gonna have to find another Kick Returner.

(sarcasm, smart move picking up Cribbs, just wish I got him first. I knew he was available, and was gonna take him in FA round 3, hoping people wouldn't notice him).
Dude...Cribbs was FA?!? THE FUCK?!?! How did I not see this?!?!

Ah well, I got a good RG out of the deal. 1 year, 77 OVR I think with a B potential. I need to rebuild my line.
Dude...Cribbs was FA?!? THE FUCK?!?! How did I not see this?!?!

Ah well, I got a good RG out of the deal. 1 year, 77 OVR I think with a B potential. I need to rebuild my line.

Before the Draft, I looked in the FA pool in order to help see what I could get in FA and what I needed to draft. I saw Cribbs, and figured nobody would sign him, because he was a 61 (I think) overall. Too bad I was wrong.

Anybody have a KR they want to trade me? go ahead and offer if you do.

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